Page 1: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?
Page 2: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?

The ocean covers 70% of the Earths surface. 70% of the worlds oxygen is also produced by the ocean. Without the ocean, nothing will survive, including plants, humans and animals.

In the ocean, there is 30 times more plastic than planktons. Every year, one million seabirds and one hundred thousand whales, seals and dolphins die from plastic in the ocean.

There are about 46,000 pieces of plastic per square mile in the ocean, covering a lot of the surface of the ocean. The dust from the plastic are eaten by worms and small fishes, causing them to eventually die. This will work its way up to the food chain, causing all the animals in the chain to suffer, and a good chance of marine animal extinction.


Page 3: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?

All our rubbish gets dumped under ground, sometimes even in the oceans. Unfortunately, 60% of our household waste is usually made up of recyclable materials. But since some of us do not recycle, they get left in the oceans. All those cans, paper, bottles and other recycled materials go to waste and harm the marine environment.

To prevent this from happening, we reuse them, turning them into plastic, aluminium and other helpful objects we use everyday. Not only does this benefit us, but also factories and industries as they don’t have to waste their time and money making new materials, when they can just turn the old recycled ones into useful objects.

Page 4: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?

• Provides more jobs for people.

• Businesses can make money out of it, whilst saving them at the same time too. Factories and recycling industries do not have to waste time making new material when they can easily use the old recycled ones.

• You can get tax deductions.

• You wont be contributing to the landfill.

• You could impact the lives of others in need.

Page 5: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?

• Saves trees and the forest, as well as saving some land animals’ habitat.

• Prevents debris building up in the oceans and harming marine animals, wildlife and their habitat.

• Helps reduce pollution on earth and protect our natural resources.

• Sometimes, reefs can be made out of recycled materials and placed in the ocean. This helps animals build it and provides a home for them too.

Page 6: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?

• Recycling creates jobs.

• Recycling helps businesses, other organizations and communities avoid disposal costs associated with landfills and incinerators.

• Recycling allows materials that would become waste to be used as valuable resources. The recyclables that you place in your bin or take to a drop-off centre end up on the market as valuable commodities that contribute significantly to the economy.

Page 7: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?

• If a country is an importer of aluminium, it will be better for the members of the country to recycle aluminium than buy more. This is because you keep your money in your economy, and provide recycling linked jobs to people.

• If the country is an exporter (sends good and services to another country for sale) it will be good to recycle so then the country will have more resources to sell.

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Page 9: Recycling Ocean Materials: Why?

America throws away approximately 35 billion plastic bottles every year.

Over one million bags are used every minute. Only half is recycled.

Over the last ten yeas, we have used and wasted more plastic bags in total than last century.

80% of trash in the ocean comes from land. 90% of trash in the ocean is recyclable materials. It takes a plastic bottle 450 years to decompose in

the ocean. It takes 400 to 1000 years for a plastic bag to

decompose in the ocean.

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