  • 8/14/2019 Ramseur Review Feb 2010






    FEBRUARY 2010 VOL. 1 ISSUE 6

    PAGE 1


    TrueLove=CrazyLoveAt the risk of being cliche, I felt like I shoulddeal with the topic of love as we celebrate

    Valentines Day this year. Ill admit, Im notalways in the buying candy and flowers mood.

    Maybe its because Ive never liked doing

    anything that Im told I need to do...justbecause its what everyone else does. Life is

    so busy that the holiday of love has probably

    snuck up on most of us (myself included) andyou think; uh oh! I need to do something for_______ or Im gonna catch it big time!

    Each year as Im making my plans andpurchases, I get more restless with the

    gestures of what Hallmark calls true love. Asmy walk with God has strengthened, Im

    reminded more and more that the worlds

    definition of things like love are most often acheap imitation to the real thing.

    Recently, our church dove head-first into a

    book called CrazyLove by Francis Chan. You

    may or may not have seen or read it, but I cantell you now - it has changed my whole idea of

    what love really is. While I dont agree 100%with everything Chan says, I would highly

    recommend this book to anyone. In it he

    highlights the wonderful and, for all intensivepurposes CRAZY love that God has for us.

    Whether you have a valentine or are all

    alone this Hallmark Holiday - God gives us theonly definition of love that well ever need.

    Thats because God IS love. The essence and

    embodiment of it; and only when you see howGod loves US can you really start to love

    OTHERS. Here are some ways we can break

    down how God loves us, so we can pass it on:

    First off, Gods love is a daddy love. Youmay have heard God being called Father, but

    the two words dont mean the same thing. Allthrough the Bible God wants us to call him

    Dad. Unfortunately, not everyone reading this

    has experienced love from their earthly father,but God is the perfect dad. Your father may

    have hurt you, but God is gentle. Your father

    may have sat back and let others hurt you, butHebrews 10 says God will avenge them.

    Secondly, Gods love is a passionate love.

    He tells us that before we were born He knewus (Jeremiah 1). The crazy part of that is, He

    knows how sorry and no good we were goingto be. All the mistakes and screw ups, but He

    loves us anyway! And Gods love lasts forever.

    He wont get tired of us like that high schoolsweetheart or college fling. Hebrews 13:5 says

    I will never His love alsorescues us. For some reason when we mess

    up we think God isnt there, but thats the bestopportunity for God to show love to us. (That

    means that Ive given him PLENTY of

    opportunities!) Even if your husband/wife/mom/dad/whoever left you, God never will.

    Finally, Gods love is a free love. WhenJesus died on that cross, it was paid in full! We

    cant earn or qualify for it, we can just accept it.We are His prize possessions. The only just

    reaction to Gods love is to embrace it and putHim first in our lives. To others it may seem

    stupid, senseless...CRAZY - and theyre right.

    It is. But I wouldnt have it any other way!

    -Ben Suggs (editor)

    with contributions from Francis Chan & Randy Hand

    Many of you may berelying on the CreativeFlorist to make yourValentines Day special.Find out more about theminside. (page 6)


    Town Ha llRamseur LibraryRamseur Diner

    Eastern Randolph High SchoolMajik Mushroom Coffe e Shop

    RBC BankBig Daddys Pizza

    Ramseur Barber ShopThe Quik Chek

    Loflin Funeral HomeSherrys RestaurantRamseur Pharmacy

    Carol ina Tack TradersCreative Florist & Gifts

    Lucks TVRamseur Fire Dept

    Eastern Randolph Medical

    Napa Auto PartsBP/McDonalds on 64


    Franklinville LibraryFranklinville Restaurant

    Town Hall O ffice


    Citgo Gas Station

    If you would like to have this pape r droppedoff at any other community locations,

    please email: [email protected]

    Get The Ramseur Review atthe following fine es tablishments:

    North Carolinas new lawbanning anyone smokingin restaurants has somelocals put out. Is thislegislation going too far?

    (page 2)

    We stop by one ofRamseur s classicdowntown shops for alittle Q&A with Mr.Randy Cox. (page 8)

    ADVERTISE WITH US!Phone: 622-0416

    [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Ramseur Review Feb 2010










  • 8/14/2019 Ramseur Review Feb 2010


    PAGE 2

    What do you think?We want to know!

    Letyour voice be heard!Dear Mr Edi tor,In section Your Health Smoking Ban, I do think this isgoing way to far for our American rights.

    I'm trying to be an x smoker but I do think there aremorethings to worry about in country that smoking.I personally think theNC State should worry a l ittlemore about our drinking problems. If you checkstatistics there are more lives taken for drunk driversthan smokers, and more families lost. I don't like to takemy family into a restaurants where there is drinking.To me is is repulsive, the smell of liquor makes me sick.

    Who wants to take their family to dinner and sit nextto someone drinking when they seem to get louder anddisgusting.

    I'm real ly tired as I know many are of this governmenttelling us how to live our lives, this is suppose to be afree country.

    Just what are they going to think of next. Why doesn't

    someone do something about drunks on our highwaysand drunks leaving the restaurants and Bars. Do youknow why?

    Because most ever yone in the senate drinks the re arecocktails parties, dinners wine and liquor and lots ofconversation about how they are going to raise ourtaxes, gas prices etc.

    So come on America lets get the drinking stopped in ourrestaurants and places where those of us who don't

    drink can enjoy a nice dinner with our families.If anyone was smart there would be bars for smokingand bars for non smoking and restaurants with nodrinking and those where you could drink..It's calledcompromise. - Mary Johnson of Ramseur




    [email protected]

    Who said that?Ive always considered Ramseur my home

    Really read the Review? Its time to be

    rewarded! See if you can find who said thefollowing quote somewhere in this issue:

    Know who it is? Email us: [email protected] or and send us a message! The first one toanswer correctly will win a gift certificate from a local business!

    Dont know? Find out who said it next month!

    ClearingtheaironthenewsmokingbanLast month we reported on the new lawbanning smoking in bars and restaurantsacross the state of North Carolina. While

    it was only a short write up, the topicgenerated this months Sound Offresponse from a reader (to the left),reminding me that this may be makingmore waves across the state that I firstthought. This legislation isnt the first toinspire passionate response from thosefor and against the new law.

    On one side, you have those whobelieve its their right to have a meal in a

    smoke-free environment. Not justbecause of their distaste for the fumes,but because of the health complicationsthat come with too much exposure tosecond-hand smoke. The World HealthOrganization (

    ) attribute over600,000 premature deaths per year tosecond-hand smoke exposure.

    While there are those that dispute

    those numbers, the opposing argumentmainly lies in the question Is thissomething we should legislate? If westart down this slippery slope, where doesit end? Especially in the state whereTobacco puts food on the tables ofthousands families, and considering thestate of our economy, limiting where andwhen you can consume a product maynot be any healthier for our country.

    The problem with a lot of politicalarguments is that both sides are so closeto the issues on one side or another, thatwe lose our objectivity. For once I foundmyself in the neutral zone on the facevalue issue of second-hand smoke. Imnot a smoker myself. I dont have any

    steak in the tobacco business. I also donthave a disease that would effect myability to function in a smoke-filled diner.

    What we need to do is cut down to thecore. The heart of this issue and theoutspoken reactions doesnt lie withwhether smoking is harmful to your health(second-hand or otherwise) or not. I dontthink any tobacco farmer or cigarettemaker WANTS anyone to develop healthissues from smoking. I also doubt thatthey want to force the effects of smokingon people who actively choose NOT to

    smoke. No one is taking non-smokers,chaining them in a window-less dungeonfilled with lit cigarettes and maliciouslylaughing as innocent non-smokers slowlysuccumb to a horrible death. (insertextended Dr. Evil laugh here)

    What has made America great is thefreedom we have to make day to daychoices. You have a choice to patronize a

    restaurant or bar, or not. The power lies inyour hand as a consumer to make orbreak a business. If they dont provideadequate separation between smokingand non-smoking haveevery right to never darken their doorstepagain. But when we make laws that playfavorites with a certain group, no realchange occurs. The divide only deepens.

    I asked a local smoker who was braving

    the cold for a cigarette what she thoughtof the law. Well I smoke less, get morework done, and save money. So yourehappy with it then? I asked. Heranswer...No. Confused? All I could thinkwas, heres one person who realizes wecant always put comfort above freedom.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Ramseur Review Feb 2010


    I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3)and have recently completed my collegedegree. The last class I had to take was

    Sociology. The teacher was absolutelyinspiring with the qualities that I wish everyhuman being had been graced with. Herlast project of the term was called, 'Smile..'The class was asked to go out and smileat three people and document theirreactions. I am a very friendly person andalways smile at everyone and say helloanyway. So, I thought this would be apiece of cake, literally. Soon after we were

    assigned the project, my husband,youngest son, and I went out toMcDonald's one crisp March morning. Itwas just our way of sharing specialplaytime with our son. We were standingin line, waiting to be served, when all of asudden everyone around us began toback away, and then even my husbanddid. I did not move an inch... anoverwhelming feeling of panic welled upinside of me as I turned to see why theyhad moved. As I turned around I smelled ahorrible 'dirty body' smell, and therestanding behind me were two poorhomeless men. As I looked down at theshort gentleman, close to me, he was'smiling' His beautiful sky blue eyes werefull of God's Light as he searched foracceptance... He said, 'Good day' as he

    counted the few coins he had beenclutching. The second man fumbled withhis hands as he stood behind his friend. Irealized the second man was mentallychallenged and the blue-eyed gentlemanwas his salvation.. I held my tears as Istood there with them. The young lady atthe counter asked him what they wanted..He said, 'Coffee is all Miss' because thatwas all they could afford. (If they wanted

    to sit in the restaurant and warm up, theyhad to buy something. He just wanted tobe warm). Then I really felt it - thecompulsion was so great I almost reachedout and embraced the little man with theblue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyesin the restaurant were set on me, judgingmy every action. I smiled and asked theyoung lady behind the counter to give me

    two more breakfast meals on a separate

    tray. I then walked around the corner tothe table that the men had chosen as aresting spot. I put the tray on the

    table and laid my hand on the blue-eyedgentleman's cold hand. He looked up atme, with tears in his eyes, and said,'Thank you.'

    I leaned over, began to pat his handand said, 'I did not do this for you. God ishere working through me to give youhope.' I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son... When I satdown my husband smiled at me and said,

    'That is why God gave you to me, Honey,to give me hope..' We held hands for amoment and at that time, we knew thatonly because of the Grace that we hadbeen given were we able to give. We arenot church goers, but we are believers.That day showed me the pure Light ofGod's sweet love. I returned to college, onthe last evening of class, with this story inhand.

    I turned in 'my project' and the instructorread it. Then she looked up at me andsaid, 'Can I share this?' I slowly nodded as

    she got the attention of the class. Shebegan to read and that is when I knew thatwe as human beings and being part ofGod share this need to heal people and tobe healed. In my own way I had touchedthe people at McDonald's, my son, theinstructor, and every soul that shared theclassroom on the last night I spent as acollege student. I graduated with one ofthe biggest lessons I would ever learn:

    UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE..Much love and compassion is sent to eachand every person who may read this andlearn how to LOVE PEOPLE AND USETHINGS - NOT LOVE THINGS AND USEPEOPLE.

    PAGE 3

    Ramseur Pharmacy

    6215-B US Hwy 64 E - Ramseur

    Beside Hodges Family Practice


    Open M-F 9a-6p

    Sat. 9a-1p

    Drive-Thru Available

    Fast & Friendly Service!

    Prescriptions filled in 10 minutes or less

    Most Insurance Plans AcceptedMedicare Part D & NC Medicare

    Lauren B. Hardin Pharmacist

    Breakfast at McDonaldsA story shared with Kevin

    Bowman of the Liberty Leader

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    Saddles - Bits

    Bridles - Blankets

    5973 HWY 64 Ramseur


    Open Mon - Sat 9-6

    Valentines Day means special plans& Creative Floristcan

    help Cupid perfect his aim.

    Call for your Valentine !


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    Randolph County SchWinners a

    ools 2d Alte

    10 Spellinnates


    School Winner Grade Alternate Grade



    4 HannahSouthern


    Archdale-Trinity Middle Alex Mebane 8 LaurenPavlacka 8


    B r i a n n aKlaver

    6 Paige Landry 6


    Emma Hiskett 5 Austin Parks 5



    4 NicholasGriffin




    5 Jenna Smith 5

    Grays ChapelElementary

    Eddy Tzintzun 4 T. J.Hammons



    Max Osborne 5 Melissa Young 4


    Isabella Forst 5 KatelynRodriguez


    Level CrossElementary


    4 Caleb Davis 5



    4 AlondraAlejo-


    New MarketElementary


    4 SavannahHogsed




    8 Curtis Blevins 8


    Axel Coy 4 SantiagoPerez




    4 Matt Harper 5



    7 LaurenStoltzfus



    Austin Atkins 4 AshleighWilliams


    RandolphCountySpalling..ImeanSpellingBeeinthebooksTwenty-four students took part in the Randolph County Schools 2010 Spelling Bee on Tuesday, February 9th at 7 p.m. in the RandlemanElementary School Auditorium. The event is a preliminary competition of the Scripps National Spelling Bee which is held in Washington, D.C.Participants were in grades 4 8 and were from all 24 county elementary and middle schools. The winner was Alex Mebane, an 8th grader fromArchdale-Trinity Middle School, who successfully spelled begonia. Hailey Delbridge, a 4th grader from Southmont Elementary, was runner-up.As the winner, Alex will receive a $25 check from the Courier Tribune, a championship trophy from Randolph Bank and a Merriam Webster/Thesaurus from Community One Bank. Alex will now compete in the Regional Spelling Bee to be held at the Lawrence Joel Veterans MemorialColiseum in Winston-Salem on March 14, 2010. Individual school winners and alternates were as follows:

    School Winner Grade Alternate Grade


    Paul Smith 8 BrandonHill




    4 LaurenTruesdell






    6 Ethan





    4 DelaneyCox




    4 BaileyTaylor




    5 Maddia Bibi 4



    8 JakeJohnson


    Congratulations To Everyone!

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    Need A Haul? Give Us A Call!


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    Richard Jones - Bill Craven

    Service Since 1904

    (Phone) 336-824-2386

    (Obituary Desk) 336-318-3585

    GetCreativethisValentinesDayOne Ramseur business that is full throttlethis month is Creative Florist, located onHighway 64 right next to Carolina Tackheading towards Franklinville. Creative is afull service florist operated by Erma Fieldsand Violet Burgess (pictured). These twoladies are up to their necks in stems andpedals, but took enough time to fill me inon the history of the shop.

    Erma, a former employee of Black &Decker, originally took Floral Design atRandolph Community College while stillworking. Once the company closed, shedecided to continue her education - this

    time in Interior Design. After graduatingwith a BA in Interior Design (which shefound works well with her Floral Designexperience) she began to work in Interiordesign while still smelling the roses offloral work. Designing is (basically)relating elements - whether they are similaror contrasting, and visually arranging aninteresting unity between them. Theelements are things we work with; theprinciples are what we do with them.

    Space, line, shape, form, color, value, andtexture are what we consider. The designprinciples of balance, movement,repetition, emphasis, contrast, and unityare key in making art thats pleasing andsatisfying to our customers. Erma alsosays that a good design is one in which allthe elements work together so that theeffect is unified

    Erma s partner Violet Burgesscompliments her artistic knowledge with 20years of business experience. Afterworking in the financial world, both Violetand Erma - lifelong friends already and

    both displaced from their previos jobs -decided i t was t ime to l ight theentreprenuial flame. So after muchresearch and deliberation, they choseRamseur to launch Creative Florists &Design. Going on their 6th year of being inbusiness, they are quick to thank theirhusbands.(Lynn Fields and DannyBurgess) We appreciate them so much!They have supported us and helped withanything we have needed so far.

    Depending on when you read this article,you may still have time to let these ladieshelp you express your love on ValentinesDay. If you are reading this too late...maybe, they can help you get off the couchor out of the dog house again! CreativeFlorist is located at 5967 US Hwy 64 E inRamseur next to Carolina Tact. You cancall them at 824-1234.

    (L to R) Erma and Violet work on an arrangement
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    Snapshot:Some local kids enjoy the snowfal l!

    Things that make you go


    Nothing says political activism like witty public defacement, but

    honestly, does plastering your message in an intrusive and lecturing

    manner really help your cause? Keep it real. How many lost souls

    have found Christ from Real Men Love Jesus bumper stickers?

    Exactly. I guess theres nothing wrong with this...but just admit that

    you are an activist more for show or to make yourself feel better

    than for the actual cause. Now, wheres my mink coat?!

    Photo courtesy of Eddie Lester Photography

    Appliance & Furniture7195 Jordan Rd. (Hwy 64) - Ramseur

    WaynesAvailable at

    CALL TODAY824-2258

    Zone Activ-Coil Innerspring Unitwith Foam Encased Edge Support

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    2 Layers of Extra Firm

    Support FoamProvides additional surface comfort.

    Firm Conforma FoamZoned to provide conforming support.

    Antimicrobial FibersReduces allergy triggers.

    Tempered CoilsCoils retain their original shape.

    When you lie on

    Spring Air, you feel:





  • 8/14/2019 Ramseur Review Feb 2010


    Ramseur Review: How long has your business been here?Randy Cox:I started part time in this shop in April of 2008.In August of 2009 I was able to quit my other jobs and be full time.

    RR: Where were you before here and what made you chosethis location for your business?

    RC: I was at Professional Styling in Asheboro for 2 years when thisbuilding came open. I was just getting remarried and I thought itwas a perfect time to change things up. I have always considered

    Ramseur my home, so it was nice to get back here.RR: Was is the history behind this building?

    RC: Its actually been a barber shop ever since it was built in 1964.One of my customers told me about every barber thats owned thisplace. From Arthur Ot Cox, Fred Beck, Jack Burgess, AlbertChilton, to Keith Farlow. This IS the barber shop in Ramseur.

    RR: What makes a good cut?

    RC: You have to give the customer what they want. Just listen tothem. They know how they want their hair to look.

    RR:Youve obviously done well enough to go full time, whatdo you think helps you keep enough business to stay afloat.

    RC:Besides just doing your job well, my location next to the dinerand post office really helps with foot traffic. Even though MainStreet has less traffic, being close to them drive people to me. Ihave put some road signs on 64 to attract traffic, but word ofmouth helps out the most. The locals tell each other about me andtheres a sense of community to it. Most people want to keepdowntown alive, so they make an effort to come here instead.

    RR: What do you think would help revive downtown?

    RC: Id like to see a focus on the business side of downtown. Weget people here for special events, but if we had more businessesand day to day activities that would help. Of course toaccommodate that we would need more parking. Sometimestheres no place to park in the evenings. We also could use some

    signs on 64 telling people there are things to do downtown still. Iwould love to be apart of a bustling downtown where I have to hirea few more barbers and make this place a social gathering pointlike the traditional barber shops have always been. I get a smalltaste of it when a crowd is in here. (laughs) Theres lots of goodconversation then. Lots of rumors; lots of rumors squashed!

    The Ramseur Barber Shop

    1520 Main Street - Ramseur



    Tues - Wed: 9a - 5p

    Thurs - Fri: 9a - 9p

    Saturday: 9a - 2p

    Sun - Mon: Closed

    PAGE 8


    Lucks TV Tips

    Ramseur Public Library

    1512 Main Street

    Preschool Storytime

    Thursdays @ 10:30am

    Fantastic February

    Feb. 11 - One, Two, Three Valentines DayFeb. 18 - Three Little Kittens

    Feb. 25 - Counting Birds

    March: Get Hoppin

    March 4 - Too Many Frogs

    March 11 - Snog the Frog

    DowntownProfile:TheRamseurBarberShopAll about downtown Ramseur

    Customer Kevin Brown gets a trim downtown






    If you own a flat-screen TV - resist the urge to mount it high on your wall or above yourmantle if you want it to last longer. Heat is a TVs #1 enemy, and heat rises. So putting aTV against a chimney or near a fireplace is a bad idea in the first place, and mounting it

    higher will just make it hotter.

    Lucks TV is located at 1526 Main St. Call 824-2737

  • 8/14/2019 Ramseur Review Feb 2010


    The Town of Ramseur will host an artexhibition entitled The Oil Paintings andPorcelain Dolls of Rosa Foushee from

    February 11 to March 4, 2010. The exhibitionwill feature original oil paintings and handcrafted porcelain dolls. Rosa Foushee is anative of Ramseur and attended school in theRandolph County Public School system.Upon graduation from high school, sheattended North Carolina Central Universitywhere she received a Bachelor of ScienceDegree in Business. Following college, Rosabegan her teaching career in New York City.

    She had a gift for art and successfullyincorporated it into her academic teachingmethods. Rosa earned a Master of ArtsDegree from Teachers College-ColumbiaUniversity and completed thirty post-graduatecredits at the University of North Carolina atGreensboro, Staten Island University in NewYork City, Bank Street College in New YorkCity, and Brooklyn College in New York City.In addition, she has completed six postgraduate credits in Israel and various trainingprograms in Daytona Beach, Florida and at

    New York University.

    After retiring from teaching Rosa ventured topainting and completed an Eclectic Group offourteen oil paintings, after which she enrolledin a training workshop for artists andcompleted three hundred hours in oil painting.Her typical paintings are 18x24 and painted

    on fine linen canvas. Using a special formulaof environmentally friendly paint, her paintings

    are guaranteed to retain their brilliant colorsindefinitely.

    Rosas contributions have been continuedand varied in each community in which shehas resided, including service with the

    American Red Cross and Guardian Ad-Litemand as an Educational Tour Leader toGermany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France,

    and Austria.She is a member of the American Federationof Teachers; American PsychologicalAssociation; Psi Chi Honor Society-ColumbiaUniversity; Whos Who of American Women2006-2007; and the NAACP. Rosas exhibit,on display at the Ramseur Town Hall buildinglocated at 724 Liberty Street in Ramseur. Formore information, please email the exhibitcoordinator at [email protected]

    or call Ramseur Town Hall at 336-824-8530.

    PAGE 9

    Your favorite creation could be thenext Recipe of the Month!

    Send in your own recipes:[email protected]

    Recipe of the Month

    Winter Games


    Ages 5-11Rockwall

    Sat. Feb. 20th1-3 pm @ The AmericanLegion Post 81 - Liberty





    and more!

    More Info: 336-260-4516


    Cranberry Salad


    -1 Can wholeberry Cranberry Sauce

    (use only wholeberry cranberry

    sauce, not the jellied kind)

    -1 Cup of boiling water

    -1 (3 oz.) package of strawberry jello

    -1 T of fresh lemon juice (or bottledreal lemon juice)

    -1/4 tsp salt

    -1/2 cup Mayonnaise (I use Hellmans)

    -1 Red Delicious apple, washed, not

    peeled. Dice up apple in medium

    pieces with skin on)

    -1 cup chopped peacans

    - 1/3 cup or more chopped celery


    Pour cran. sauce in med. pot on med.

    heat until it bubbles. Stir and mash

    berries a bit, turn heat off and

    remove. Add your lemon juice and

    salt stir and leave. In a small pot,

    empty pack of jello and boiling water

    over it. Stir to dissolve. Pour this inmed pot and mix with wholeberry

    sauce. Let set and when bottom is

    cool, refrigerate. Chop your celery,

    peacans, and lastly the apple. Pour all

    ingredients into pot from fridge and

    blend. Add mayo and blend until

    smooth. (if using mixer, but mayo

    first, then chopped ingredients) Pourin bowl wider than it is deep. Let it sit

    over night. Good luck! Denise Lowe

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Lawn Care FYI:

    Van Thornhi ll is the owner of The Mowing Man Lawn Care Send him yourlandscaping questions:[email protected] or call (336) 302-6837

    RandolphCommunityCollegeEmergencyServicesWeekendSchoolSetASHEBORO (January 22, 2010) - Randolph Community Collegehas scheduled its sixth annual Emergency Services WeekendSchool for March 5-7. Hundreds of emergency services workersfrom across the state have participated in the event for the pastfive years, according to Ken Fields, coordinator/instructor forEmergency Services at RCC. The Randolph County FireProtection Association cosponsors the event.

    Over 40 courses in firefighting, emergency care, rescue, safetyand leadership skills are planned. Classes will cover topics such asventilation, fire behavior, forcible entry, rescue boat operation,engine company operations, hazardous materials awareness,emergency vehicle driving, and agricultural rescue.

    Most of the classroom training will be held at the AsheboroCampus beginning Friday evening. Additional training will be heldat the Emergency Services Training Center on Old Cedar FallsRoad Saturday and Sunday. All students attending are required to

    pay a $25 registration fee. In-state students who are affiliated with

    a public safety provider are exempt from additional tuition fees.Additional information and registration forms are available Confirmations will be mailed to allregistrants if received by Friday, Feb. 12.

    For more information, call 336-633-0221.

    One of the most common lawn intrudersin this area is crabgrass. Crabgrass is abladed, creeping weed that looks similarin leaf to fescue. Once established for

    the season, this weed is very difficult tocontrol. With a little preventativemaintenance, however, you canneutralize the threat before it has theopportunity take hold on your lawn.

    One of the most notable characteristics ofthis plant is that it is an annual meaningthat it goes through its entire lifecycle inone season. Unlike fescue and otherturfgrasses which go dormant in thewinter and reemerge in the spring, thedried, brown crabgrass you see in yourlawn now is dead. The crabgrass yousee during the upcoming growing seasonwill be from seed germinated this springfrom the plants that grew last year. Thisis important in that no matter how much ofthe dead plant we clear now, we are in no

    way impacting the amount of crabgrasswe will encounter this year.

    The use of pre-emergent herbicide, alongwith maintaining your desirable turfgrassas thick and healthy as possible are theonly long term, effective ways to controlcrabgrass. A pre-emergent herbicide is a

    substance that prevents the seed fromgerminating, basically stopping the plantbefore it starts. Crabgrass seed begins togerminate when soil temperatures reach

    55-60 degrees. In order to preventinfestation, the pre-emergent must beused before this happens. Since itsimpossible to predict exactly when soiltemperatures will begin to rise, the oldrule of thumb is that pre-emergentsshould be applied between the time theforsythia bushes (also known as yellowbells or golden bells) stop blooming andthe lilac bushes begin blooming.

    When choosing a product, take intoconsideration what maintenance youvedone to your lawn to this point. If you didnot seed last fall, use of a product that willinhibit the crabgrass germination but notthat of desired turfgrasses along withseeding this spring will provide the bestresults. If you seeded and aerated last

    fall and have a solid stand of establishedgrass from your seeding, then you will beopen to use products that also inhibitemerging turfgrass. One additional optionis to use corn-gluten, a natural, organiccorn byproduct that acts as fertilizer andpre-emergent.


    Officials at Hospice of Randolph Countyannounced that there is a great need forvolunteers within the organization. There isan especially urgent need for patientvolunteers. Volunteers who work withpatients and families play a key role in thehospice experience. Kathy Wright, HRCsVolunteer Coordinator added, Our

    volunteers provide companionship,emotional support and an extra hand to thepatients and families we serve at Hospice ofRandolph County. The love and care theygive to these patients and families isindispensable. Volunteer opportunities alsoexist for those interested in helping withspecial events or office work.

    Volunteering are required to attend a

    special one-time training series in order tolearn more about the organization and theirrole. Volunteers must be at least 18 years ofage to work with patients. Volunteers cangive as many or few hours per month astheir schedules allow. Those interested inattending the training should contact KathyWright at (336) 672-9300 or by email [email protected]. Formore information about Hospice of

    R a n d o l p h C o u n t y , p l e a s e v i s i



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  • 8/14/2019 Ramseur Review Feb 2010


    At the center of the Village is a deep wello f l i fe -g iv ing wa te r where thetownspeople meet. As they draw watertheir voices blend in the culture, societyand wisdom that they share. Each monthmeet here at the well to hear thosevoices....We see her running toward us. We knowher. She is our neighbor. Her children goto school with our children. Somehowshe doesnt look like herself. She turnsher head for a quick look behind her asshe arrives. As she turns back to face us,we see a trickle of blood from her nose,and her lip is beginning to swell. Whathappened? we all ask at once, shocked.She hangs her head in shame and fearmakes her body rigid as she begins toexplain. As she speaks, her mouth twistsin a strange way due to the swelling lip.Tears flow as she cries for the truth andfreedom that she lost 11 years ago. Welearn that she lives with an angry,controlling man. These words are usuallysynonyms for abuse. We take her to oneof our houses to talk. This couple is ayoung couple with two children. Theyhave been married 11 years. She takesup the story. We had a wonderful,storybook courtship. He was the man of

    my dreams. Everyone liked him, and heloved me so much. We were made foreach other, and life couldnt have beenbetter. We always did things together.We liked all of the same things. We hada beautiful wedding and I saw ourpromising future. A few months after ourwedding or maybe a year afterward, itwas hard to tell just when things werentthe same. He began to need to go outalone and expected everything to beship-shape when he returned. Also,when I complained about how things arenow and how they used to be, he startedthrowing things. I began to just keepquiet to avoid the yelling, throwingtirades. I could do nothing to please himand he began to complain that I wasgaining weight. He spoke nastycomments about my family and friends.So I stopped having them come around.But , when he was ou t in theneighborhood or around my family, hewas Mr. Nice Guy. So everybody thoughtthat he was the neatest guy in the world.I had told everyone, when we met, thathe WAS this wonderful man. Nowandthe tears flowed over the swelled lip.These terrible changes in her life madeHER look crazy every time she tried to

    explain, so she had kept silent.Everybody thought that this was one ofthe most wonderful husbands andfathers in our town. He wont let mework or go out of the house for anyreason. He thinks that I am going to lookat a man or cheat. He yells in front of thechildren that I am a tramp and have beencheating on him. Then he beginsthrowing things again. I have to clean itup and it is always my things that hebreaks. He began physically hurting mea year ago. Every time I try to defendmyself and try to talk rationally, he hurtsme more. HE is the only one who candecide where we go or what we do.Sometimes, for a short time, he will benice to me. He will apologize and declarethat he has changed. He wants a cleanslate. He says he will swear that I havebeen the whole problem if I tell and try tomake him look bad. If I tell anyone thathe is not the nice guy they all think he is,he has threatened to take my kids or killme. I am being held captive in my ownhome and brutally beaten and evenrapedI cant believe I told anyone

    PAGE 11

    At The Wella guest column

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    Well to the author via our email:[email protected]

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    PAGE 12

    From the Editor

    -Ben Suggs

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    by March [email protected]

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    As another issue comes to an end, I realized something that I neededto change. When I began the paper back in October, one of my goals was to be an objective and unbiased reflection of the Ramseur/Coleridge/Franklinville area. While I still hope to mirror thecommunity as much as possible, I see now that I was holding back. Too

    many of my stories seemed to be straight forward or plain. At onepoint after hearing me read back a bit of writing, my wifecommented wow, thats aggressive. Finally I replied. This isnt aretraction. Im still quite proud of what the paper has been; but partof what brings a community to life is opinions and point-of-views. Iknow not everyone believes exactly what I do. Im not asking thatthey do. But it will be an outright lie to say that my faith, experience,and stances dont make a difference in the things I wr ite in this paper.

    I promise that I will always give ever y angle a shot and every opinionits day in the sun, but the Rol ling Stones and Newsweeks of the worldarent making any attempt to be unbiased. So I think a fe w opinionshere and there wont qualify as brain-washing. Besides, I like tooperate in the light of the truth, and Ill do my best to let it shine inthese pages. So if you dont agree, youve got a pen or a computer, thepages are wide open!

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    HELP WANTED:Piano player for church

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