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Ramadan Kareem Greetings


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Allah revealed revelation to Muhammad during the month of Ramadan.

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.

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The day when Muhammad received the revelation is called Layat al-Qadr which usually falls during the last 10 days of the Ramadan, The night of Layat-al qadr is said to be Holy night.

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People send each other Ramadan Mubarak 2014 during this day.

The entire moth is a month for fasting and self-evaluation.

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Throughout the world, Ramadan month is very important month for all the Muslims.

This year Ramadan month starts on 28th June and ends on 27th June, in some country the start day may vary as it would depend on the sighting of the crescent moon.

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Information on Ramadan

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During the month of Ramadan, it is compulsory for each adult Muslim to fast. They fast from Dawn to Dusk.

During the day, while fasting they are not allowed to drink, eat, smoke, enjoy sex, or use any abusive language.

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You can also send them new greeting messages.

If anyone breaks the law by doing any of the above things mentioned then it is considered as crime.

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Travelers, pregnant women’s, breast feeding women’s, diabetic, female in her menses are exempted from fasting.

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Suhoor : Before starting the fast the before Dawn the meal they have is known as Suhoor.

Iftar : After the sunset Muslims break their fast and have the meal which is known as Iftar.

Dates are often used to break the fast, as Muhammad used 3 dates to break his fast.

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During the day in the month of Ramadan, prayers are offered more times and Quran is read more as well.

Many Muslims make a habit of reading the full Quran during the month of Ramadan.

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There are special prayers held in the Mosque which helps a Muslim to read the full Quran during the month.

The prayer is called Tarawih. During this prayer 1 section of Quran is read.

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All muslins fall under the law of Zakat. A fixed percentage of the total income is to be given to the poor person.

But during the month of Ramadan they can do voluntary charity aswell, which is known as Sadaqah.

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Muslims believe if they give food to the poor who is fasting to break his fast, you get rewarded for the same.

If they do more of Sadaqah then the rewards which they would get at the Judgment day will be more.

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If any person eats during the fasting time then it is considered as a crime.

Many countries have laws for the people who eat in public while fasting for example in Kuwait if any one fasting eats in public then he has to pay a fine of 100 Kuwait dollars or jail for up to 1 month.

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IN U.A.E if the person fasting eats in public place an breaks the law then it is considered as a minor offence for which the person has to do community service for up to 240 hrs.

So it is very important for a Muslim to observe fasting.

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End of Ramadan month

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The month ends when the new crescent moon is seen or 30 days from the fasting of the crescent moon is not seen due to weather conditions.

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The new lunar month after Ramadan is Shawwal.

On the first day of Shawwal Eid al Fitr festival is celebrated.

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Ramadan month has greater meaning for every Muslim around the word.

Most of the Muslim follow the moon to determine the start of the Ramadan month.

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In few countries Muslim follow scientific method to determine the full moon.

As Islamic calendar follow the lunar calendar, it is 7/10 days shorter than the Georgian calendar and thus Ramadan month covers all the season in 35 years.

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Ramadan month is a holy month, Month of good deeds, month of prayers, month of fasting, Moth of social gathering, Month of Charity, Month to help needy, Month to receive blessings from Allah.

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