Page 1: R, Zeta,athian, BASE , by· music by the male quartel1, whlcb re!lpourlcd 10 a. !Derited enl

'land Prt'Izcls (hand

~k;ry. rroprletor.

nt)cra. 13 "'" Inul"n ·t.

lactorJ' are alld .eta • the yean 10 by.

cost. V, ST •• 'HICAOO.

VOL. 29.




'rhe nomination for the olll ce r of the A~bletlc Ullion hav already been annou nced through the e c{)lumns The m 'etlDg ((If tho regular electioo of uitlcer', a pre~crl bed by the cou ti tuLlOD, will tllke place ttl-morrow evenln!!' at Close Hall at 7:30 o'clock. Tbe member hlp I)f th ~ Onion has grown con idera bly sl nce the la t OleeLiug, and at pre ent tbe Indica­tion polDt toward a lar~e r incr~ase

at Lhe nllxt Ollll, consequen~ly an en­thu la tic election i an Lici pated. A numberoftheYQungladie of the Un l­ver ity bave signified their intention of jolulng tbe 0 Ilion. Thi I a nQ vel­ty In atble''\es, and one that Is indi­caUve of better time. Everyone of the.tudents is p~clall y InVited, even urged, to be pre 'ent. -fbe greater the memuersbip tbe more ucct'ssrul the Union will be. Lack of time or pre g.

ure of work Is uot regarded as a valid excu e for keepl ng anyone it t hOllle. There is not a tudent, In the whole University who cannot aftord to gi ve aD bour or hi or ber time to thl meeting. Let everyone wbo IS DOW a member, bring some one wltb blm who Is not, but who will become a member.

Erodelphlan, North Hall could not bold all who

wIshed to entt-r It doors Ill. t atur­day n!gbt wben the valentine pro­gram wa being carried out by the Erodelphlan society.

After tbe openlog number, a plea -Ing plano solo by M iss Green, Mi s Wlckersbam gave a peech on '''fh~ Origin of Valentine .',

The first chapter of an original story en~ltled "TheValentine Spoon," was read by MI s Hatch . If tbe chap­ters that lire to foll ow equal this one In merit, the story proml es to lie a moet intere tl ng one.

Arter a piano duet by Mi es Graft and Owen, Mi e Finch and Ba et for the affirmative, and M I e Gabri­el and Elena MacFarland tor tbe negative, debated the que tion: "Re­.f!Olved, that women hould propo e." Much of the Intel'est of t be evening was centered in thi debate, and the speakers were se ' eral time interrupt­ed by applause. The judges awarded tbe victory to the negatl ve.

"A Bunch ot Valentine ," by MIs Lytle, brought to notice again some of the sweetest of the old ver e .

The declamatioo, " My bip ," by MIss Blum, was very well reudered. The speaker's voice was excellent.

The closIng number, and one most heartily apprecIated by Lbo e stand­ing out.8lde tbe doors a well as those Wltbio tbe hall, was a violin and zitb­e.r duet by "he MIs es KrleChbaum and Taylnr. In response to an encore the young ladie rendered "Annie Laurie," whicb is ever a favorite.

HawkeJe '96. The JunIor Aonual '00, Is now on

tile at Hobenschub &r Wieneke's and the book aOOres. Fifty cents buys 4De of these wonderful books.


Zeta,athian, The progra m was very pleasi nlll y

opened by· music by the male quartel1, whlcb re!lpourlcd 10 a. !Derited enl

con'. The literary pI'oKram WII op oed

by an or~tlUn by P. J . Klinker, biJ sul.Jj ect oting " Mob Law." Alrhflugll Mr. Klinker" proctuctleu was more of the nature of a speecb than oration it was Wtlll deli vered.

.\,r. M. Clark then declaimed "The' American Indiao" in a way well ult­ed to Lhat wt'11 knuwn production.

The debate or tbe eveni ng wa on tbequesL!o n, "Resolved, tilat strike are justiHable." Al11rmative, G. Ii:. Lovell,R. II Crolle; negati ve, W. H. Reever, O. B. Church ilL

The queslion was well discussed pro and con, lJut more earoestness in delivery would add to the etl'ect, of



ALMO~'r TIJl~lTY OA,NDID.AT.E. J . '1' tJ)

ap~a!n 'l'homas is f~elin~ gre~tl ellcouraged uve r 1 he prU8p~ct~ fur.a winning team. 'I here are now Lwenty­eight caodidatrs and ' the puzzj~ Is bow to work tbem all in the ctam ped pace of tbe gymna ium. \ But Ix

mell men can work at a time, and they not wi th tbe best re ults. It wili be necessary eilhllr to limit too mucb uf the time of each man 01' to divid e the furce into squads and work tbeol on allel'uate days. Captain Thomas tblnks Lhe laltel' advisable. Last year but fuul' or Ove worked jo t he gymnasium, and tbis problem gave no trouble.

Tbe candidate are: all tbe speakers. • Catcb- U'Connor, L. '9 ,A k, L. '!l8,

"The ~keletuo in the Clo et" was , Yates, . '00 tbe su uject of a declamation by J . F. Pitcb-Soleman, C. '9, Reinfl'ied, Ogdeo. The electIon was pa beti c D '99, Hend rick, C, Me l\ eil, L. '9 ,

Bolas, U. '00. and well suited to Mr. Ogdim's style FIrst BaSil-Haines, L. '97, Bose, M. of delivery. econd Base- QUinn, L. '97, McCul-

'fhe literary program was closed by W. B. Brush, who delirered a wt'll luff, C. '99, King bury, L. '97, Watt, writteu oration on "John ~mith in L. '9 . Aluerican History." hort Stop-Brown, L. '97.

The program was closed by a plano Third Ba e-Rey nolds, C. '00, Mc-010 by Mi s Hess. GUire, L. '9 , Mack, L. '97:

Hammond Law Senate. Friday evenigg, Eeb. 12, brought

out a large number to the meeting of tbe Hammond Law' enate. 'fhe first number upon tbe program was an addrtls upun "ArbltratiQnh by ~ena­

tor Ewing. IIi views or the subject evldtlntly met the approbation or the audience, as he wa ' gll'en clostl atten­tion.

'enator BII ven el , tertalned the au­dience wi tb a deClamation. Ao ol'a­tion by enator Erlck~{)n followed, up­on "Uamlet," and was well received.

John Mar~hall, tt.e fOUDdll1' in a great mea ure of our Federal juris­prudence, was vividly portrayed in 11 biograpby by enator Colburu.

'1 htl bill before tbe Senate wa as follows: "That the ijtatute of frauds of the everal states hould be abol­ished." 'fhe bill was defended by &maOOr HeriDg and Graham, and op­po ed by enators Watson and Corri­gan, and lust by a vote of 7 for and 16 against.

At the business meetloj.{ sevel'al ap­plications for memberbhlp were acted upon.

Notice, All candidate for the Track Team

must meet at the gymna ium at 2:30 p. m. daily tor training.

J. e. PIU.LL, Capt.

Notice. Tbe Hawheye wlll be on sale FrIday

and SaturdlLY In tke vacant store room on Iowa Avenue, oppo Ite tbe po t oltlce. Sub oribers are reque ted to get their books On tbese days.

Left Field-Meg~er , C.'OO, Ricb, U. '00, Eu tiS, C. '98.

Cootel' Field - Eideistei n, L. '97, Wright, C. '00, Lane, U. '00.

Right Field-Weed, C. '9, Mitchell, ' C. '00, Dickens, L. '98

The team will neces arily be mostly of new material, Brown and 'fhnma being tbe ooly ooes of Ill. t year's team wbo are now in the Uuiversity. Tbl i probably one reasu"n (or Lb e large number of candidates. 'fhere sbould be more candidate tor Brown's po i­tion . CompetitIon is wbat makes strong men In any positIon, athletic or otherwise.

The forum. A bort but intere tiog program

wa rendered by members of tbe For­um Friday night.

A story by Younker regarding a nIght's experience with "troubh,," was well told .

An extemporaneous discus Ion up­on tbe subject "Resol ved, that women bould have tbe privilege or tbe bal­

lot," was ably di cu sed by Lyncb for tbe affirmati ve and Warner for the negative. Tbe judge rendered their deci Ion In favor of the negative.

The regular debate followed: "Re· 01 ved, that tbe extra session of the

legislature s\lOuld not have been called," wa. affirmed by harp, de nied by Bowd, n and HilsInger. Mr. Sharp had some good points whloh he dl cussed In a forcible manner, and bis clOSing speech of three mlnntes influenced the judges to decIde In the altlrmative.

Glenn S. Warner, of Buffalo, will Tbe report of the Oarll Ie Indian coach the Cornell root ball team tor

School for tbe Ilist year contains the the season of 1 97. Warner Is a gradu­following Interesting note: "Our popu- ate or the Cornell College of Law, and latlon came from sixty-one dilIerent was captaIn of tbe '94 eJ'even.-Ex. tribes, and the average attendance Warner wlll be re'membered as the tor the year was 722, at a per capita ' coach of the Ames team tb'e X;llst two cost to the government of 8141. seasontl.-Soarlet and Blaok.

NO 53

. IrviDI· 'fhe '(r1illtllry barl did not prevent a , . I

good ly numher uf people from repair-ing to tbe orth Hall last Friday evt' ning, aod the pr(lgram tbtlre pre-enteddid 'notdisapPQjn~ Ihem ,evfn It

tbe.f were expecting something un­usufl Jly good,

A fter a piano 010 by Mis Hes , Ben S" ishllr gave tb e "Speech of Rob­I'splerre" IHI a declamation, and was followed hy W. J. Bailey, who dis­cus~ed tbe new A oglo - American treaty of arbitration, showing that It depends upon our lIvinK up to thIs treaty wbether or not otber nations lollow our example.

"Resol ved, tbat tbe present growth of corporatioos is pn1judkial to the best Interes s of. society,' was tbe propo i Lion support.ed by Burt and Loui , and denied by l!.vans and Peter berger.

Mr, Burt charged corporations with a laclr of moral re ponsibiJity and sbowed the impogsibiliLy of control­ing their actioos by law.

M r Evans argued t hat corporations are a natural uutgrowth of the con. stitutiOllal rigbt or tbe acquisition of private property, and an indispe!lsi­ble means of carrying on great under­takings.

The affirmative, in the person of Mr. LouiS, attaCked corpol'ations as i nsLrument of hribery lind political co rruption, unjustifiable from an eco­nomic standpoint, aod "hereTore pre­judicial to the' best interests of s\>­ciety.

Closing for tbe nt'gatlve,Mr. Peters­berger bowed tbat Inasmuch as the law can control corporation, de­fectl! in thei r organization or corrup­tion in tbeir managemeot may be re medied by law. It Is the non-en­forcement of law that Is injurIng so­ciety, not the corporations.

Mr. Louis spoke In rebuttal for tbe affirmative.

'fhe debate was cbaracterlzed througbout by flash es of wit and strokes Jf sati re. '1'he judges declar­ed the negative winner.

A great deal of information about artesian wells was imparted by Roy Mosnat I n a well dell vered and enter­taining peecb.

The II tel'ary program was clo cd by Bund, wbo gave 110 humorous deClama­tion, "The Book 4gent Beats the Bllndlt." Tbe male quartet furnIsh· ing clo iog music.

Notice. All person wbo are seiling Atbletic

Onion membership tickets must re~

port beforll the meeting Wednesday. J . DON KISER.

'rbe cIa of '96 of.Mlchlgan voted a ca t, of the "Arch of 'fraJau ' as their class memorial. r.rhe ca t has been completed In Italy and Is In shIpment tu this country. Tbl arch I consider­ed one of the finest examples Qf Ho­man architecture.

The }j'aculty of tbe UniversIty of Cblcago bas recently pa bed a rule that no student who bas faIled to pass In a'IY study sball represent tbe insti­tution In any way whatever. Sev~ral

prominent mombers of the athletlo teams and glee clubs have been dis· qualified tbereby.

Page 2: R, Zeta,athian, BASE , by· music by the male quartel1, whlcb re!lpourlcd 10 a. !Derited enl


.. IIH'I .... Til. It.HIlHII 0, .. ,. W.,i/.rloft 'tr .. t ••• "

Toutn, TIIUIlIJllY liD IlTOIlDlY ~"tlllr til. 0«1.".,. , .... t t ..

Utll .. rell, .,1111'" &i1ln-i,,·C4,,/.

F. W. Br.CIUIAH. M/VIDII", Btl",..,.

Coal. DOR U. lePra. ON DIIIU D nnlON . l . R. 1'.1.11

A.l«urI, Bd,/MJ. BlaTHA 81. JI. W... MIl'HIT. Lot"" 80 CHI, 1' . P. IIop,,,, N. CHAI. 0 (llal. 1.8 L l' Tlta,

.lu:. O. LOR&NZo JO/l C. PRALL, A141t/~ Edl41~.

.0"".11,.,..1 Rd.1IiJrt " Pn •• "aOIR. lAw D~ 11,.,..,. M. H. TBlILIN, I,d 1[),pa11.,.I. II . A T A 1'LOII, II, flaill .. .0'1'411,.,.., .

• W. A01 .. "P".,.",auwtwl D, rl .. ,.I. . p. WILL • UOIIa/ o"".rl,.,III,

B""1fU1 AlfIMIn7. W . T, I"AMI. H . E. TI.1'LO ••

T ... "'., P r, ar. • • • - • • " Dot paId ~tore JIOU ry 1. 1 7 •• 810,1 COPY. -. • • •

ftkt at lh Repuhllcan'Pr\oUo, C mpen)" 1011 W hlnKton Itffet.

T h I>I~ will bt' nt to old u'-crlbt'ra ootll rd I'ped and amrarq paid.

Copl for.l and ubllc.'rlpUona tak 0 at tbe book t(lree and at Wlen Ire',.

Add! all communlcaU ml to Till "DITTI. IlIPOtlTltl .

I ••• CIlY. 10 •••

pit'. no lion, ;Hne III . Verily c"n~1 t m·y I Ju l'l or grt'al. (lrieo and dlDleult att11nm nt,


or Tru . ot Mltblgan, h . glveo that

actlno hi ani lal ancLlon. But a "n Ci\1. In 1 hlOk a' a kloS," do w , 10

our knowledll d "mloorlty" aod In· IIKnlflcanc, clai m the pdvll g or

v n crlt.lcl 109 t.h con II uUoo of tb "Ulg I<'our" d baling I KlI

I I. will be at rvod thllt ra h prlt

amounting to I !!OO ar to be If" n 10 til. Thl I a n 'I(

po'rr ct and model organization. It,

will u!' r 'plll'd t.,at moo Y [lrlz have alwIl1 \)("n I(l\'I'n 10 lh Oratorical 'onl t. Wlthllut dl u Ing th point

dll~' hllIty 'v n b r , there . The

We go by the Calender, not by the Weather •

e~ Latest

Shapes. G;,-


'3 Latest


~~ Our Spring Blocks in Hats are Here.

Coast & Easley.

C2arter School of ~ratory. Located in Close Hatt.

We teach Elocution, Oratory and Dra malic Art According to the new school of Expre sion.

Special Work in Ph, ical Culture if d es ired. Our l otto, "By Art, conceal Ar!,' For in form ation. terms, etc, address,

E. A. CARTER, Principal and Proprietor. r. O. BOI, 1721 . IOWA CITY, IOWA,

The C20ntinental Restaurant ~AND LUNCH ROOM. -C<-

lleadquartel1J for tudent~, Bl\Dquet~ and Parties Promptly Family Trade a pectalty ... taken care of. • >

• • • FITZPATRICK & FRISBY, Managers, • • •

conJp,·tIIlK orator' ar' und r Ii COD'

Id!'rabi per onal l' peo e ror cia· A Position ............ -..,

morro , el'

COOllccl:d wit.h their COlit tj

th d 'hat r IIr und rnop ronal x· t 11.

. ao I lU 0\ In collegl· o v r t, for I'XI lIog

th .. r - the jnt. of pror, 100 Ii m

When the Inducement. for exc Ilent C<.\~h l,rlt·, rather tban ao

tbe bool y ar of I ''l.,1 L Int r' It In, nd a love for th t work, m t.ln ' Indlcath" or th Iml)Ctu th tn vi bl r ',ult i d If n r' tlon tbat b beeo Ilivpn to In lh .. h'o m n b paid 00 hundred dot. I t two w k L It mak I u

ForulU, b

L W lIate to a joint deba.te, and the

cbanco e b 0 ace pi. d. Tbl i

a mav In tbe rj bl. dlr Uon, od on

tb VlD&TrE-REI'OUT1i:R h 100 ad· DCal d. We be I ave to cungr!:tu·

late th wbole La

lat tor hi liP ·ech. that. man Is a pro· nd Imple. Whl'n

Iclory, the cholc nf r pr 'enLatlv tor lh 111 d p nd largely

not and

oon r tbl faclt I r c· t.

Deafless Calnot ~e Cl red

a La tollow.

by localappllcaU the, cannot rexh the d ued porion of tbe e..r. There Is 001, one _ w cure d"afn and thl' Is by c n itu.

o 10inal rcmedl Deaf II aUlled by.n In' damed conditIon of the mucous linIng of the eustaChian lObe. When Ihl tube ell lo~ \lamed you have a rumbllojl' sound or hOPer· feet hearto If and hen It la ellti~ly cl d deatnt i5 the r lilt, lod unl the Inllam. m 'on can be: laken out and thi lube r lor .. d to i normal condition hurlnlf owtU be de­stroyed torever; nil.e c: out of teD are ca br catanh .".hicb Is nothing but an \n. tlamed coollltion of tbe IUUCOUJI turlaces

ue h of Prof

be n con umm tcd, we may p rbaps be pcrmlt~ftJ t{) examine tbe league' coo titutloo, 0 (ar a It b been

made publtc. or <:ou r a

We Wlllg-i.-e One Hundred Dollars for any ~ f Deifn (au, b1 CaUrrb) tbat can· not be cun:<! by Hall', Catarrb Cu~. Seod tor CIn:uJars. free.

F. J .CB1;:, EY &: CO .• Toledo. O. Id by Druggi ,'71Se..

Hall', Family Pills are the best.

CaD be Recured wltb Rand, McNally & Co. that will bring- good returDS to tudeDt8 for this work during vacation We wish rep­resentatives 00 our A tl&s, Maps aod otbBr publications.

All About the Baby. By ROBERT N. TOOKER, M D., of Chicago Medica! Uo\1ege, jUlt

I ued, III tbe bo"k tor medical student.s, Catalog-ue aDd clrculan &ent on application.

Special Representatives. We want a few special representatives in tbe College. For tb ll position, experiencec book men should write us at once, statlDg pa L experience.

Qand, MeN al~y ~ Co., Chicago.


Hack and 8us Line. Haclra furnished at all bours. Leave orders at Hohenscbuh & W ieneke's.


Telephone •. A. J. HANLEY~ Mtmager. 28·25 Capitol St.


rae Ctlhry DHb\e· rM 'mtai. Pn.

Tbe ChNT URY II made of the best materials throughout, is filed .... Ith a l6RT Gold Pen Iridium.Polnted. and should last a lIMlme. For sale atlOBENStlUB • WIINEKE'S.

LJ\TE8T STY LE H J\TS J\Nk> FURNI8HIN<9 <900JJ8 t\T BLOO}t\ & f\t\Y ER'8.

oyete" Sc

'fbI . Re

OptD Day and ' ani door E of P .

Page 3: R, Zeta,athian, BASE , by· music by the male quartel1, whlcb re!lpourlcd 10 a. !Derited enl

ory. e new school

conceal Art, ,

• •

brinK good wisb rep-

Uollege, jU8' nd circuli'"

For tbla statlog



Oysten Se~ed in all stYles'l COO ver 11th. Haw~ee8 & CO. Naw Livery Siable

At 2l~ South Dubuque Street you can get the b4;pt Turn-outs. ::ilngle and Double Rigs. of any Barn In the city.


<rolIege of music. Restaurant.

{)ptn Day and Night Board '8.00 per week InldoorK of P. O. J. J RIITENMEYER. P,.p

~nl~ Eigbt bours. ' '-.¥From Cbicago.~

Guntbcr's famous ctanl!R II constantly received fresh by Express and is IOId at Chicago prices at Cresct'nt Pharmacy.

W. W. MORRISON . Propr. No. 117 College Street.

WANTED-FAITHFUL MEN OR WO­llEN to travel fflr res onslble established

bOIllt In Iowa. Salary $780 lind expenses. Pootlon permanpn~ Ref~rt'nce . Enc'lose self Iddrr!led stamped envelope. Tbe National. Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago.

••••••••••••• R'SE BILL Supplies. Spald-1\ tl Inll Leagll~ Ball.

Mits. Masks. etc Mana~erd8hould send for samples. and peclaJ rate. livery requisite forTennis. Golf. Cricket. Tr. ckaocl Field. (jymnaslum Equlpmentsand Outfits. Complete Catalogue of priDg and ummer Sports free "The Name the Guarantee

!. ,. SPALDING' BROS .• New York. Cbicago. Philadelphia: ............ Bthletic Exercise.

&iJda up Strength and Creates Health. It btlpsthe man to grow. To make our bu Ines . frow we must exercise fair trea ment toward customers. give them g(lod hone;t work and tbo~ Induce thrm to come again.

TIE IlD tElIHBlE C. O. D. laO.DU, 211-213 Iowa Ave.

KENYON & HAMM. Propr eton. {Successors to A. T. Calkl1ls.

Tel. 107. Sign of the Big Collar.

WI. b a;raff,

~barmacist, ~o. 9 IDubuque St.

i)rugs, • IDehicines,

AND ~erfu mes.

THos. C. CARSON. Pre5l. WM. A. ERV. Cashier. S. L. L&nvu, v. Pres~ Gao. L FALK.Asst Casb.

Johnson County

SAVINGS BANK. CAPITAL; '/26.000. SURPLUS. ,,0,000.

Tbos. C. Carso~:"{,cr:t'e'evre, J. C. Coch­ran, Ed Tudor. Sam'l Sharpless. L. B. Patter­lOn. H. Strobm. C. F. Lovelace. Max Mayer.




Have moved to

18~ Clinton St We Invite comparison. Get our Prices on

Groups and remember that we nave the best ight in the city for GrouP. of which we make

a specialty. Second Floor.

Nothing is good enough if there is -Something Better.

Well don't go on and be content with the work dODe by otber I~und­ries and console yourself with the idea tbat it Is good enougb. Wedo the best worK and It does not cnst you any more Why dont YOU brlnll your work to us and get the beg!? Try us-drop a card or ring us up (telephone 85) and we will call for and deliver rourwork promptly.

Hawkeye Laundry, 218 ::i. Clinton St.

Open at all huu!'!!. Gentle horses for Ladles to drive. Rates reasonable.


1814. lilr. mOOn, 1807.

Consultstlon Rooms. ~round floor. first door west of CrrSCt'nt Pharmacy

In Crescent Block.

R esidence and Office. Telepbone No. 58.

Peter A. Dey. Pres. G . W. Ball. Vice Pre_. Lovell Swisher. Casb. Jobn Lashek. As'tCash.

First National Bank IOWA CITY. IOWl.


Peter A . Dey, J.1'. Turner. E. Bradway. C.::i. Welch A. N. Currier. Geo. W. Ball.

$tu~entet _ When In need of a LIVERY cat I on

murpb~ & lReba. Cab Orders for Partl~s and Dances a specialty.

Entrance at 114 Washington SI.

I ~~ mCFDBLBJU CHOP HOUSE. lorna d Its to bar Improved metbods un it- The only hOllse in town th ' t makes a specialty

fng tbe~r~ and practke. The 8ehool of practice of SHOI{T ORDERSt LUNCHES. AND Is the leadlnll feature. Evening aessions of MEALS. ::ierved at all nours. teD bours a week for each class. Students can 0 tiE at 1e be self supporting while studYing. Forcata- ye ere n very y • logues address. M. D. EWELL, DeaD. Give me a cali. l16 WaShington Street. ~~ Open all nlgbt. A.G.McFARLAND.

· .. S. V. I." · ··WHITE ROSE" ~

HSWEET ROSE BUD." CIC~RS Are the Best in tbe City.

Dubuque ~'t"8t. IOWA vITY. Fred Zimmerli.



• Ground Floor. 22 Clinton St.


Vocal Rnd Instrumentsll\luslc. Harmony an. and Musical Theory and Normal MethodS.

Course arranged proj1ressively leadin/!, to graduation when diplomas are conferred.

Especial attention given to University stu­dents.

Please call at office for terms and full particu­lars.

J. W. RUGiGiI..ES, ""ESIDI!'!,T

10 CENTS (sliver or slamps) pays for a compl~te $500.00 prize story

a true lov(' story 01 college days. and otiler in­teresting matter. Tbe rel\'ular price of the book Is 20 ·CIS. Our Lusineds IS t(l s~cure positlonl for trachers in schools and colleges. We have a few vacancies in offices. alsn. Address

Soutilern Teacilers' BlIreau. Lealnllie. 11.

- Smolte tbe -ba\?ana "<tuban lRoee," flllel! "bawke\?e," an~ atgats. "~rinceee. " Mrd by Konvalinka ~ Stoddard, 2"7 la. Arc

" ...... ... .. The Old Rdiablt I i Calkins 4.

Steom •

Loundry. i Cor. la. Ave. and Linn St. t First Class work Guaranteed. i Gr ods Called for

:'.;;;;;~Jt BUSINESS MEN.

You CHn stcure Stellllgraphers. Buy TlP~writillg Macblll~8.

..r.. Relit Typewriting Machines and ~ bavtl Cupylllg dOlle to order at

., Mi~s Jnsh's ::;Chool ot "'.

Shorthand~Typewritit1g Lette.s lind reporls wrlLten and Tbeses COplf.l.

131 College. ::it Cor. Col. Hnd J)l!buque.

See the values we are offeriog io all fact and !tumor.

~barmac~. _ Corner Wasblngton and Dubuque Streets.

Come and s~e our line of PERFUMES. BRUSHES, COMBS AND

CIGARS We keep everything In the DR UG LINE

and soliCit your patronage.

J. W. BREENE & CO ',

Locals. Tbe report of tht! treasurer of the

Brown Uolvel' Ity Alhletlc Associa­tion bow that abuut $500 was clear­ed 0 tbe fOOL ball sea 00. Thia is ooly tbe econd year tbat foot ball bas been eIr-supportiog at Browl!.

Get a '96 Hawkeye. 5Oc.

Fictor' bakery forcaodies.

Reduced prices 00 all wloter goods. -Coast & Easley.

See our oew ta.os and oxblood sbades n the IlICest IInll of sboes ever brougbt to tbl market. Prices lower tbao ever. TEW ART & ON.

"Our fte,lment" will be rendered by tbe taleuted singers of t. Mary's Lyceum oext week, 00 Mooday, Tues­day aull WedneSday eveolngs. Ad­mi ion a5 ct. This eotertainmeot Is of a bigh order, aod those attendiog will be sure to be plea ed.

For tloe confecllonaries go Lo Fic­tor' bakery.

Get a '96 Hawkeye, 50c. We are showiog our oew priug

stock of tbe latest style io footweur. Come in and see tbem.

STEWART & ·ON. Aoewlloe of ~prlog goods atJos.

Slavata' .

wuol overcoats from $700 to $10.00.-(oast Easley. EDITORS - Bertba Blum, F. P. HM-

Haod , tbe most uccessful watcb mano. repairer.

f. J. rrlce & (0. for every thin, In the jewelry line and watch repalrln,. 106 Clinton St.

Aavll your watch cleaoed by Jobo Haod , 22 (J]lntoo street.

Si oce tl tOes a re so close you all waot tbe best at lowe t prices, so by goingtotbe t. Jam!' Arcade Cigar Store you wilJ get a cigar for 5 reo t that will suit you; try them. ley.

Buy your IIweaters of Bloom & Mayer.

Sa ve money by buying a. wioter 8U i of Bloom & Mayer; 20 per cent off tbi month.

See that haoll-palnted Rudalstadt china at .Joho [lands'. It is the finest thing io tbat Iioe ever brought '0 Iowa City.

JOB. lavatl\ has moved to 106 Clio ton treet, aod i now better prepared tban ever to furnl h toe tloe L grade of tailor made It It.

laundry Work. Mrs. T. J. Jennings, or 411 Daven­

port Street, will be tbaokful for any washing studl!ltts may I ave. Goods called for and dr\lverecl Itpon lloLice NoLit.Y by postal carel fir leave order with the Jaoitor of the Y. M. C. A.

We lire makln~ IIberHI reductions on all wintl'r goods.-Clla t Ea ley.

Bloom & Mayer are giving 20 per cent dl count on all overcoats aod ulsters.

Atbletic meeting to-morrow olgbt~ Hetzel, '00, pent 'unday io Wilton. Ag'ne atley,' 99, peot Sunday at

ber borne 10 'ripton. Williams, L. '97, is very slc~ with

typboid poeullonia.

Dou't forget the atbletlc meetlog at 7:30 to-morrow oigbt.

Glee Olub Concert at the Opela Bouse aturday oigbt·

Tbe enior Laws atteoded Erodel­phtao io a body ~aturday eve~ ng.

Roy Dean, C. '99, speot Sunday wltb his parents io Mu catine.

Wallace L. Cook, C. '00, spent. Sun­day with bl pareot~ in Davenpo t.

Mabel Foster Informally Elntertaln­ed a ftlw friends at will t la t olgbt.

Ivy Laoer were entertained ut tbe bomtl of MI 8 Rutb Hobby last even­ing.

'fhe p ycbolugy ctas e uoder Dr. Gilbert are to have examinations next F,·lday.

Cbl! . Bloom, O. '97, returned yes­terday morning from a vi it t.o Rock i sland.

H n. We t, Junior MeJlc, Is con­fined to hiM room by seveI'll att.ack ot Itt grippe.

Miss Emma Eaton enjoyed IL visit from all old frlelJd from ber home at Ore ' 00, ~unday.

The c{)0 lmenc9Ulent ext' rei e of tbe. lJeo tul DupartlOe' t will be beld March 16tb, In tead or the 18th, 0.8

ao notlnced III the catalogue: •

Page 4: R, Zeta,athian, BASE , by· music by the male quartel1, whlcb re!lpourlcd 10 a. !Derited enl


-I <.too\,er's I IlRestaurantt

l21 laNA AVE:.

RICHMOND JDtntn(}~ooltl1arge ant)1tgbt 01 J3est Service tn tbe (tit)]. nil S traig h t Cut No. 1ocatton (tonventent ...

1 Cigarettes. II J3oart), $2.50 per 1Illleeh .•

ALLEN" GINTER, Th~ Amukan T Company,

n e r. • •• ru t.rer, ... HMOND. VIRGIN.,l.


OpBra NOllSB ijBstaurant BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK.

F b 1'1 • Cakt • Cookl anel Pr 'II'I (band made) &lW'YI (.n hanll at the

eity Bakery. c. A. SCHMIDT. froprletor.

lintun ·Ir· I. ----------- --------GET YOUR


Graudratb Bros.

c. HURl..E"f, Practical Plumber,

Steam lind GIIS fIUln,s. Office 210 '. linton 't.


till R ad)' ....• To cater f r stud 'nt trade. We can &I 'ays fumiJb you witb

\tbe 1ktrltwoo~, (IF l OWA CITY.

F. P. BUUlE, Prop.

30bn .E. (tuber, ~rop • Hot and cold bath.. Iowa CltV. Iowa. lOtI /oM/a. hI. 1 t/()()r I ttlt of fl. O.


fur 'Repatrtng,

<taps ant> mtttens.


D.F.Rosencrans 10 '. Clinton St.



Office on Burlinglon Stret't. Opposite Burlinglon D~pot.

Ale CaQf~~~I~!~~~~!,~~~!~lter ~. Startsman, Oy lertl ' rved In All lylee.

Nrs. N. B. III It. Il, 115 ItnI14 At~ltl<e.



'WIatcbes, Cloclls, 'e",eltV Sliver anO ~lateO 1lIIlare. Spectacles a Speclaltv.

708 W.~Jolnvtan at. 10llla Cltr, Iowa.

,Lunches at al1 hours. Oysters In Every Style.

• Board $3.00 per week.

2l General11ne of

(1;tocedes Co~~;~ lv~. at ~oblet' s.

GlrOet (tOtO 1l1li000 from

• THE NEW-~.r. JA¥ES' I Flrsi·CI~,s Hotel,)

Up to date In all litHer. Il!Ipl'Ove.elta. Ea lOI CampUM,- PO t o ffi c .. Building.

W LTER 1..1TTL[. l'rop.

Stut>entst • -~

~orcb & $qn fl llvl! tbe Ol! t ~qu pp..-d

Give them a call. '1f 1' "'ern J Hi Capitol ·tr..-~t ..I&; V t. ,


Call and see my RAZORS AND POCKET UIVI lilt! bt!sllhat lIIun",' c " uuy.

GUNS TO RENT BRA TEB. 110 !:i. Dubuqllt! Sir ..... !.

. ~~

MJn~~t~t !*tt&~. uit s ma (' 10 ordrr. l 1~ n Inll And repal rln.

neatly dont!. 110 DlIuuqul' 'tr~el, up SIl<ir!.

Ito Kome Ja Really Complete Without a new 189'1 Model

Washburn Oultar, MandollD, Banjo or Zither.

Price.. hnve heen senled dO 'VD as d result 01 llot \\' IIShburn's enormous popularity SO that now)'01l <II buy A genuine W uhburn 01 Ihe very I.test desl",

Prom $15.00 Upward. The new 'Va.hburn Mandolin I. a mdle. 1 dePlltu"

lrom lonner st yles. It Is t he neatest, dalnU<5\ ,04 Ug h lest 1Ilaodolln lm"lIinable and Its 10lle . pprnatbol very lIear to tbat of a fille old Cremon. VIolin. I\'l!b· burn. nre sold At fixed and "nllarm prices by all finI·

cl~J:hu~~,~s·~r~the:~%k~~';~ged staDdard 01 the world. T hey are Uqed exciU6lvel¥ by the I...,i,. A rti ts, 'Teache,." and Glee Clubs. Our De., W ... II· burn catalogl'o containing portrnits ol o\·.r lOOArtlJtJ nnd lu ll inlormation, prices. endorsements, etc., will'" sent Iree on receipt of application. If y~our loeal dtII« cannot supply you we wllll!end W ashburn. C. O. D. with privilege of examination. direct from tile IICIoI1.

A WL§hburn Imllroves ... Ith .IIe .nd .at ... Ollt that Increvel ln value 81 the y ....... b,. it Is really ... orth many timeslu cost.


It is Good Form to ride the Columbia bicycle-the ackDow~ edged standard of bicycle excellence--com­bining in the highest degree every esstntial quality of design nnd construction. The old· est riders, the best riders, the intelligent, wbed­men of the country ride

$100 Stend.rd of til ••• rI. t •• 11 .Ilk.

Hortford ale,el •• , second only to Co1-umbias, ns, '.0, SIO,~. Staoog, handsome, serviceable and lit prices witbiD rellch of everyone.

POPE MF6. CO., Hartford, c.. C~a~t Bicycle F.ctorie. in the World. BIUCh_

or de. ler in almost e.ery city and <0 .....

SeDd one .«nt l tamp lor handsomest bicyclecaulope ner issued. Free by callinr aD any Colulllhia deoItr.

J. I. 'Rtttenme~et. Wanted-An Idea ~::= Leave ordellat Wieneke" Cigar Store with th.e ~~::: =rl~~m ~~n:

City Wood Measurer ... or It Number ..,.,WulllalWa. D. o~ror tb • ., 11,110 PdIe ... 680 Cburcb ;,treet. ulllll& of '.0 IalllldncllDvatloU .. .u.., .


VOL. a9.

encores, W

lng's tID

numbers on tbe Clubs, }jes.~r •. bam . -111 Glee Club

ter of next sented,

Tn Tbe man

Wonld SUbm Capt.alu F

dates to dal 81um from are In all at of tbese me tbe use of lIIemberahll \Ion. 'fhe , elation will 125.00.

Tbe Dua Saturday, : ,,11\ be bell May 28lb, I

eurs June 4

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