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Recombinant DNA molecules are DNA

molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in biological organisms. Recombinant DNA is possible because DNA molecules from all organisms share the same chemical structure. They differ only in the nucleotide sequence within that identical overall structure.

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Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA, because they are usually made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera. Recombinant DNA differs from genetic recombination in that the former results from artificial methods in the test tube, while the latter is a normal biological process that results in the remixing of existing DNA sequences in essentially all organisms.

Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology is a field of molecular biology in which scientists "edit" DNA to form new synthetic molecules, which are often referred to as "chimeras".

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The idea of recombinant DNA was first proposed by Peter Lobban, a graduate student of Prof. Dale Kaiser in the Biochemistry Department at Stanford University Medical School.The first publications describing the successful production and intracellular replication of recombinant DNA appeared in 1972 and 1973. Stanford University applied for a US patent on recombinant DNA in 1974, listing the inventors as Stanley N. Cohen and Herbert W. Boyer; this patent was awarded in 1980. The first licensed drug generated using recombinant DNA technology was human insulin, developed by Genentech and Licensed by Eli Lilly and Company.

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Recombinant chymosinRecombinant human insulinRecombinant human growth hormoneRecombinant blood clotting factor VIII Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Diagnosis of infection with HIV

Recombinant chymosinRecombinant human insulinRecombinant human growth hormoneRecombinant blood clotting factor VIII Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Diagnosis of infection with HIV

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Recombinant human insulin

almost completely replaced insulin obtained from animal sources for the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes. A

variety of different recombinant insulin preparations are in

widespread use.Recombinant insulin is synthesized by

inserting the human insulin gene into E. coli, which then produces insulin for human


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Success story of Insulin

Insulin is the most important molecule both from human health care and recombinant DNA technology point of

view. It has a key role in regulation of glucose metabolism and thus is important for diabetes mellitus. Particularly for type 1 diabetes, which involves the loss of insulin producing cells in the pancreas, injection of insulin is the primary therapy. Ever since its discovery and introduction as drug almost 85 years ago, the lives

of millions of people with diabetes have been saved, prolonged and improved. Initially, ANIMAL insulin and human insulin extracted from whole body was used as

the source of insulin, but the scenario changed after the successful expression of human insulin in 1980 in

E .coli.

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Recent developements in the Recombinent DNA Technology have had a tremendous impact.Its contribution has some goods and some bads.

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•Improved Medicines•Improved Livestock •Improved Crops •Prevention of Genetic Diseases•Lowering the cost of medicines•Safer Medicines•Treatment for pre-existing conditions

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•Safety concerns

(viruses developing antibiotic resistance)

•Environmental concerns

( developing resistance to fungi)

•Ethical dilemmas over human treatment

(i.e. are we playing God?)

•Potential for Experimental abus

(doctors using patients as test subjects)

•Germline treatment going from treating

diseases to a method for picking the traits

you want in a child.

(i.e. specifying hair and eye color)

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