
Quiz 4 QZ4

Endocrine, Lymphatic, Immune and Respiratory Systems


Which of the following is a parallel between the nervous and endocrine systems?

a. Both systems are primarily regulated by positive feedback mechanisms.

b. Both systems rely on hormones.

c. Both systems are primarily regulated by negative feedback mechanisms.

d. Both systems rely on neurotransmitters.

Which of the following is a parallel between the nervous and endocrine systems?

a. Both systems are primarily regulated by positive feedback mechanisms.

b. Both systems rely on hormones.

c. Both systems are primarily regulated by negative feedback mechanisms.

d. Both systems rely on neurotransmitters.


The hypothalamus secretes which of the following?

a. regulatory hormones

b. G proteins

c. hormone-receptor complexes

d. second-messenger hormones

The hypothalamus secretes which of the following?

a. regulatory hormones

b. G proteins

c. hormone-receptor complexes

d. second-messenger hormones


Which hormones cross the cell membrane before binding to receptors inside the cell?

a. ADH and oxytocin

b. steroid and thyroid hormones

c. growth hormones and melatonin

d. epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which hormones cross the cell membrane before binding to receptors inside the cell?

a. ADH and oxytocin

b. steroid and thyroid hormones

c. growth hormones and melatonin

d. epinephrine and norepinephrine


Which of the following is a posterior pituitary hormone?

a. follicle-stimulating hormone

b. luteinizing hormone

c. adrenocorticotropic hormone

d. antidiuretic hormone

Which of the following is a posterior pituitary hormone?

a. follicle-stimulating hormone

b. luteinizing hormone

c. adrenocorticotropic hormone

d. antidiuretic hormone


Which thyroid hormone molecule, derived from the amino acid tyrosine, has four atoms of iodine attached?

a. triiodothyronine

b. calcitonin

c. thyroxine

d. PTH

Which thyroid hormone molecule, derived from the amino acid tyrosine, has four atoms of iodine attached?

a. triiodothyronine

b. calcitonin

c. thyroxine

d. PTH


Increased synthesis and release of glucose from the liver are a result of the activation of which cells/organs?

a. beta cells of the pancreas

b. pineal gland

c. alpha cells of the pancreas

d. C cells of the pancreas

Increased synthesis and release of glucose from the liver are a result of the activation of which cells/organs?

a. beta cells of the pancreas

b. pineal gland

c. alpha cells of the pancreas

d. C cells of the pancreas


Which endocrine structure is correctly paired with the hormone it produces?

a. heart - erythropoietin

b. adipose tissue - leptin

c. hypothalamus - growth hormone

d. thyroid gland - thymosins

Which endocrine structure is correctly paired with the hormone it produces?

a. heart - erythropoietin

b. adipose tissue - leptin

c. hypothalamus - growth hormone

d. thyroid gland - thymosins


Which of the following structures collects lymph from the lower abdomen, pelvis, lower limbs, and the left half of the head, neck, and chest?

a. pelvic lymphatic trunk

b. left lymphatic capillary system

c. thoracic duct

d. right lymphatic duct

Which of the following structures collects lymph from the lower abdomen, pelvis, lower limbs, and the left half of the head, neck, and chest?

a. pelvic lymphatic trunk

b. left lymphatic capillary system

c. thoracic duct

d. right lymphatic duct


Which cells in the bone marrow produce lymphoid stem cells with two distinct fates?

a. T cells

b. hemocytoblasts

c. NK cells

d. B cells

Which cells in the bone marrow produce lymphoid stem cells with two distinct fates?

a. T cells

b. hemocytoblasts

c. NK cells

d. B cells


A small, ovoid lymphoid organ covered by a fibrous capsule is called which of the following?

a. lymph node

b. spleen

c. lymphoid nodule

d. tonsil

A small, ovoid lymphoid organ covered by a fibrous capsule is called which of the following?

a. lymph node

b. spleen

c. lymphoid nodule

d. tonsil


Which structure contains the largest collection of lymphoid tissue in the body?

a. thymus

b. appendix

c. tonsil

d. spleen

Which structure contains the largest collection of lymphoid tissue in the body?

a. thymus

b. appendix

c. tonsil

d. spleen


The fact that the immune response targets only the particular antigen that activates a particular defense mechanism is part of ____.

a. tolerance

b. memory

c. versatility

d. specificity

The fact that the immune response targets only the particular antigen that activates a particular defense mechanism is part of ____.

a. tolerance

b. memory

c. versatility

d. specificity


Inappropriate or excessive immune responses to antigens are called ____.

a. immunodeficiency diseases

b. allergies

c. autoimmune disorders

d. immunological incompetence

Inappropriate or excessive immune responses to antigens are called ____.

a. immunodeficiency diseases

b. allergies

c. autoimmune disorders

d. immunological incompetence


Which of the following disorders appear to be cases of “mistaken identity?”

a. autoimmune disorders

b. Type IV allergies (delayed hypersensitivity)

c. immunodeficiency diseases

d. Type III allergies (immune complex disorders)

Which of the following disorders appear to be cases of “mistaken identity?”

a. autoimmune disorders

b. Type IV allergies (delayed hypersensitivity)

c. immunodeficiency diseases

d. Type III allergies (immune complex disorders)


Where does the conducting portion of the respiratory system begin?

a. at the secondary bronchioles

b. at the entrance to the nasal cavity

c. at the nasopharynx

d. at the oropharynx

Where does the conducting portion of the respiratory system begin?

a. at the secondary bronchioles

b. at the entrance to the nasal cavity

c. at the nasopharynx

d. at the oropharynx


Which structures branch repeatedly in the lungs before supplying capillaries where gas exchange occurs?

a. coronary sinus

b. left and right pulmonary veins

c. left and right pulmonary arteries

d. superior thoracic arteries

Which structures branch repeatedly in the lungs before supplying capillaries where gas exchange occurs?

a. coronary sinus

b. left and right pulmonary veins

c. left and right pulmonary arteries

d. superior thoracic arteries


Which cells are known as dust cells?

a. septal cells

b. alveolar macrophages

c. squamous epithelial cells of the lungs

d. pleural cells

Which cells are known as dust cells?

a. septal cells

b. alveolar macrophages

c. squamous epithelial cells of the lungs

d. pleural cells


Tuberculosis, a major worldwide health problem, results from infection of lung structures by ____.

a. viruses

b. bacteria

c. richettsia

d. flagellated parasites

Tuberculosis, a major worldwide health problem, results from infection of lung structures by ____.

a. viruses

b. bacteria

c. richettsia

d. flagellated parasites


The number of breaths per minute is called (the) ____.

a. alveolar ventilation rate

b. respiratory rate

c. respiratory cycle

d. pulmonary ventilation cycle

The number of breaths per minute is called (the) ____.

a. alveolar ventilation rate

b. respiratory rate

c. respiratory cycle

d. pulmonary ventilation cycle


At which point does thoracic cavity volume decrease and pressure inside rise?

a. during forced inhalation

b. during exhalation

c. at rest

d. during quiet inhalation

At which point does thoracic cavity volume decrease and pressure inside rise?

a. during forced inhalation

b. during exhalation

c. at rest

d. during quiet inhalation


What happens to the majority of carbon dioxide molecules in plasma?

a. It is diffused out of erythrocytes.

b. It is absorbed by peripheral capillaries.

c. It is diffused into erythrocytes.

d. It is degraded by carbonic acid.

What happens to the majority of carbon dioxide molecules in plasma?

a. It is diffused out of erythrocytes.

b. It is absorbed by peripheral capillaries.

c. It is diffused into erythrocytes.

d. It is degraded by carbonic acid.


Which system transports carbon dioxide as bicarbonate ions, which helps the buffering capability of blood against pH changes?

a. cardiovascular system

b. digestive system

c. endocrine system

d. respiratory system

Which system transports carbon dioxide as bicarbonate ions, which helps the buffering capability of blood against pH changes?

a. cardiovascular system

b. digestive system

c. endocrine system

d. respiratory system


The major tissue type responsible for the production of glandular secretions is _________.

a. connective tissue

b. epithelial tissue

c. muscle tissue

d. nervous tissue

The major tissue type responsible for the production of glandular secretions is _________.

a. connective tissue

b. epithelial tissue

c. muscle tissue

d. nervous tissue



What is the study of tissues called?

a. gross anatomy

b. pathophysiology

c. cytology

d. histology

What is the study of tissues called?

a. gross anatomy

b. pathophysiology

c. cytology

d. histology


Structures that attach cells to extracellular structures, such as basement membrane protein fibers, are called which of the following?

a. hemidesmosomes

b. spot desmosomes

c. tight junctions

d. gap junctions

Structures that attach cells to extracellular structures, such as basement membrane protein fibers, are called which of the following?

a. hemidesmosomes

b. spot desmosomes

c. tight junctions

d. gap junctions


Endocrine secretions are produced in which of the following structures?

a. thyroid and mammary glands

b. pancreas and mammary glands

c. pituitary and thyroid glands

d. sebaceous and pituitary glands

Endocrine secretions are produced in which of the following structures?

a. thyroid and mammary glands

b. pancreas and mammary glands

c. pituitary and thyroid glands

d. sebaceous and pituitary glands


The bones that form the roof and superior walls of the cranium are the ____ bones.

a. temporal

b. maxillary

c. sphenoid

d. parietal

The bones that form the roof and superior walls of the cranium are the ____ bones.

a. temporal

b. maxillary

c. sphenoid

d. parietal


The right atrium receives blood from the ____ circuit through the ____.

a. systemic; great cardiac veins

b. pulmonary; pulmonary veins

c. systemic; superior and inferior vena cavae

d. pulmonary; superior and inferior vena cavae

The right atrium receives blood from the ____ circuit through the ____.

a. systemic; great cardiac veins

b. pulmonary; pulmonary veins

c. systemic; superior and inferior vena cavae

d. pulmonary; superior and inferior vena cavae


Which structure is found between the right atrium and right ventricle?

a. tricuspid valve

b. mitral valve

c. pulmonary semilunar valve

d. bicuspid valve

Which structure is found between the right atrium and right ventricle?

a. tricuspid valve

b. mitral valve

c. pulmonary semilunar valve

d. bicuspid valve


The layer of the wall of the heart, which contains cardiac muscle tissue, blood vessels, and nerves, is called which of the following?

a. epicardium

b. myocardium

c. pericardium

d. endocardium

The layer of the wall of the heart, which contains cardiac muscle tissue, blood vessels, and nerves, is called which of the following?

a. epicardium

b. myocardium

c. pericardium

d. endocardium

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