Page 1: QuickStarts: DXC Digital Application Accelerator …...Increase business value by modernizing and transforming your enterprise applications DXC Technology’s Digital Application Accelerator

Increase business value by modernizing and transforming your enterprise applicationsDXC Technology’s Digital Application Accelerator QuickStarts solution helps modernize and transform your enterprise applications running on IBM platforms. Customers can gain the benefits of DXC’s expertise across a wide range of digital transformation programs, combined with our knowledge of applying DevOps-enabling tools. The solution lets you tap into your valuable legacy assets to help you respond to changing business requirements and customer demands, while saving you time and money.

Today’s Business ChallengesFor enterprises today, digital transformations present both a challenge and an opportunity. Companies are facing disruption, and to stay competitive, they need to know how to react. There is an increasing need for speed in rapidly changing markets that is being driven by new competitors introducing new business models, some “born in the cloud.” Expectations of consumers are also changing drastically, in large part because they can interact with companies in a digital fashion.

A key challenge is to maximize IT by monetizing legacy systems and applications. At the same time, with the growing availability of utility computing

and operating expense-oriented options, there is tremendous pressure on companies to reduce the cost of IT. This means that IT leaders need to figure out the best ways to maximize the value of legacy assets such as mainframes and existing applications.

Optimize the Current and Build the NewDXC’s Digital Application Accelerator QuickStarts solution is designed to solve these business challenges. The trend toward business disruption requires organizations to execute digital transformation programs, and this solution fits perfectly into that requirement. We use the IBM ADDI (Application Discovery Delivery and

Compelling Events

The DXC Digital Application Accelerator QuickStarts solution addresses the following business trends:

Digital Disruption

Enterprises are facing disruption from nimble competitors that are taking advantage of emerging technologies, forcing established companies to adapt quickly.

Need for Speed

The rapidly changing marketplace means companies need to speed up innovation.

Rising Consumer Expectations

Armed with smartphones, apps and social media, consumers now expect more from companies.

Emergence of DevOps

DevOps addresses the entire life cycle of software-enabled business solutions, from planning through production and customer feedback. Companies are embracing a DevOps approach because it makes the application develop-ment process more efficient.

QuickStarts: DXC Digital Application Accelerator

Page 2: QuickStarts: DXC Digital Application Accelerator …...Increase business value by modernizing and transforming your enterprise applications DXC Technology’s Digital Application Accelerator

Accelerate Your Digital Journey with DXC QuickStarts, a Selection from Our Wider OfferingsQuickStarts facilitate transformation at the speed of change, enabling you to start now while simultaneously developing a roadmap for the future. Our QuickStarts solutions have been specifically selected from broader DXC offerings and packaged for rapid implementation. To learn more about the full-spectrum offering, or to explore how we can help build your roadmap to the future, visit

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Intelligence) analytical platform to analyze your legacy applications and find ways to make them more efficient and productive. Key highlights of the offering include:

• Development of a target architecture for initial high-priority applications

• Delivery of a transformation roadmap that includes goals and initiatives, with costs and business outcomes clearly defined

• An engagement model performed by a team of three to six people that includes a workshop

• A variable pricing model dependent on scope selected (small or medium)

• An optional POV (Point of View) Application Modernization solution designed to demonstrate value and benefits

The Benefits: Value Derived from Faster, More Efficient Application DevelopmentBy optimizing and modernizing your applications landscape, DXC’s Digital Application Accelerator solution enables you to quickly realize business benefits and reduce risks associated with undergoing a digital transformation. By providing an accelerated and cost-effective application transformation launch point, we help you align your application transformation programs with your business goals and objectives. The solution addresses specific pain points related to application and infrastructure performance and delivers the following benefits:

Accelerated Development. DXC Digital Application Accelerator will speed up your application development process by optimizing your existing applications, code and performance, while building innovative new solutions. The ADDI approach drives continuous integration, continuous delivery and developer transformation, making developers immediately more productive and the application development process immediately more effective.

Increased Revenue/Decreased Costs. The accelerated application development of innovative software-enabled business solutions increases business agility and creates new revenue streams. Costs are reduced through accelerated application development, more effective operations, and better alignment of costs with resource usage, while allowing you to shift form CAPEX to OPEX via a utility computing model.

Greater Market Share. Our solution allows you to respond more quickly and effectively to new and changing business requirements and customer demands through better-aligned IT infrastructure, including people, processes and technology. The ability to adapt more quickly from a business process and innovation perspective allows you to improve time-to-market for new products and gain market share.

Monetized Legacy Assets. The solution allows you to easily incorporate valuable legacy assets such as data and software-enabled business services into customer-facing mobile and web applications. We unlock the value of your applications in many ways, including giving them the flexibility to be integrated with more innovative cloud-based approaches.

Why DXC?

IBM Partnership

The DXC and IBM strategic partnership brings together two global IT services leaders. Through this partnership, DXC has access to a comprehensive and robust suite of IBM tools and technolo-gies that we have also adopted for our own industry solutions.

Deep Experience

DXC serves as a trusted advisor to clients across the globe that are engaged in digital transforma-tions and cloud initiatives. DXC has participated in a wide range of digital transformation journeys, in areas such as infrastructure, cloud enablement and moderniz-ing applications. And if you are a current DXC client, we already have a deep understanding of your core business and IBM platform-enabled applications.

Focus on Execution

DXC’s approach goes beyond building a roadmap or plan for transformation — we focus on helping our clients execute those plans. Our goal is to make sure your applications landscape is aligned with your business objectives and delivering value and agility to your organization.

Continuous Innovation

We see the DXC Digital Application Accelerator QuickStarts solution as a first step in a trusted advisory relationship with our clients. DXC’s vast resources and superior technical know-how enable us to develop, deploy, manage, source and partner with you to provide continuous innovation services.

QuickStarts: DXC Digital Application Accelerator

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