Page 1: Questions on the thorax





Dr. Noura El Tahawy

MD., Ph.D.,

Page 2: Questions on the thorax


(on lecture 1 Thoracic wall)

1. Account on the anatomy of superior thoracic aperture (thoracic outlet):

(boundaries, contents& clinical importance)

2. Account on thoracic outlet syndrome

3. Account on Cervical rib syndrome

4. Enumerate the posterior relations of the manubrium sterni

5. What are the relations of the body of the sternum

6. Mention the structures of the thoracic cavity that are located at the

level of T4/T5 vertebrae (at the level of the sternal angel)

Dr. Noura El Tahawy

Page 3: Questions on the thorax


on lecture 2 the thoracic wall & diaphragm

1. Enumerate the important muscles of normal respiration.

- Mention the action of each muscle & its role in changing the

diameters of the chest during respiration

2. Give short account on the anatomy of the internal thoracic artery

(origin, course, branches & termination)

3. Complete the following statements:

A. ---- The Internal mammary artery arises from

………………………………..……. …

Its branches include: 1. ……. 2………… 3……….. 4…… 5……

B ---- The anterior intercostal arteries arise from:



C -- The posterior intercostal arteries arise from:

1. …………………


D--- The posterior intercostal veins drain into ………….…& ……

veins. While the anterior intercostal veins drain into ……………. &

……………. veins

E -- A needle inserted into the pleural cavity at the anterior axillary

line will pass through the following structures:

1. ……….. 2……… 3………. 4………… 5. ……. 6…

7…….. 8 ……..

Dr. Noura El Tahawy

Page 4: Questions on the thorax

3. Complete the following statements:

F. Branches of the typical Intercostal nerve include:

1…….. 2……3……4….………5 ……

G----- Intercostal nerve block at the level of the second intercostal

space will result in:

1. ……………. & 2 ……………..

H…. The nerve supply of the diaphragm include:

1. ………………….. 2………………..

I. The vena caval opening of the diaphragm is locate at the level of

vertebra. The opening transmits the following structures

1….. ……… 2 ……

J.. The aortic opening of the diaphragm is located at the level of ….

Vertebra. The opening transmits the following structures:

1………… 2……….. 3…….

K. The esophageal opening of the diaphragm lies opposite …. vertebra.

It transmits 1…….. 2……….3…………….

L.. The diaphragm originated from …….., ……………, …………

& inserted into ……

M. The contraction of the diaphragm leads to …..………….. diameter

of chest during……… while its relaxation leads to …

…….diameter of the chest during ………..

Questions (cont.) Dr. Noura El Tahawy

Page 5: Questions on the thorax


(on lecture 3; lungs & pleura)

• Mention the surface anatomy of the lungs & pleura

• Give an account on the anatomy of broncho-pulmonary

segments& their clinical importance

• Give an account on the relations of the medial surface of the

Right lung

• Give an account on the relations of the medial surface of the

Left lung

• Complete the following statements;

--- Nerve supply of the parietal pleura is ………….…, while that

of pulmonary (visceral) pleura is ……….

----- The root of the lung lies opposite …, ….., ….... vertebrae.

---- The structures passing through the hilum of the lung are:

1 …………….... 2 ……………..3 ………….4 ……….

5 …………….6………..

-----The arterial supply of the lung is derived from

……………………artery, which is a branch from ………... …. In

the right lung & from …………………..…… in the left lung

----- The pulmonary veins drain into …………….. while the

bronchial veins drain into ……….

Dr. Noura El Tahawy

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