Page 1: Questionnaire Result Analysis

Here are the results of my questionnaire on my first digipack design. I asked predominantly people who were in my target audience (13-24 year old males and females), to answer my questionnaire, as these are the people who will give the most helpful feedback as I am aiming the digipack to them. However I also asked people outside my target audience to do the questionnaire, as it may not just be people in my target audience who will buy the digipack but also people who aren’t in it. I thought it would be a good idea to get feedback from them as well to see what they thought of the digipack, so it would appeal to a wider audience

1) Looking at image number 1, do you like the album artwork on the front cover of the digipack?

Results – Yes = 2 people No = 6 people Slightly = 2 people


The above pie chart shows the results I obtain from question 1 of my survey monkey questionnaire. The results show that the majority of the people did not like the album artwork on the front cover of the digipack. Liking the album artwork on the front cover of a digipack is a very important aspect as this is what the audience will see when it is in the shops and could contribute towards them buying it or not. As the audience feedback shows that the majority of people do not like the album artwork, I have decided already that this is not the digipack cover that I will be using.

Page 2: Questionnaire Result Analysis

2) If your previous answer was "No" or "Slightly" please state what you didn't like about the Digipack cover below


As you can see from the comments above the trending negativity of the digipack cover comes down to it being to plain. One of the ideas behind the construction of this digipack cover was simplicity, but the audience feedback I have received suggests that this may not be the way forward for my digipack. One person has commented, “What’s with the Chinese writing? It doesn’t have anything to do with the song or the guys name.” This is an interesting piece of feedback as it shows the audience does not like the background and the theme of the digipack. Both the background and the theme are very important aspects of the digipack cover and so if they don’t like these features then it would be a bad idea to pursue with this digipack idea. Another interesting comment states that they think it is “Unsuitable for the genre”. This digipack cover is quite simple and lacks information and clues as to what genre the music is. This has made me think that perhaps I should maybe include a picture of the artist.

Page 3: Questionnaire Result Analysis

3) Again, looking at image number 1 do you like the font I have used? Please expand on your answer in the comment box below.

Results – Yes = 6 people No = 4 people

AnalysisThe results I obtained from this question shows that the majority of the people who answered my questionnaire liked the font I used. The font I used is was a basic Times New Romans font to go with the theme of simplicity. It is bold, so stands out even against the quite busy background, which is important. I may continue to use this font in my final digipack, as it seems that a simple, bold font is popular.

4) Do you like the colour I have chosen for the font?

Results: - Yes – 7 No – 3

AnalysisThe results show that the majority of people who answered my questionnaire liked the colour I had used for the font. The colour of the font was red which I think would be an appropriate colour to use on my album cover. Red connotes thoughts of romance, which represents the theme of love in my chosen artist’s song. As the majority of people liked the colour I had chosen I have decided that in my final digipack I will have the font in the colour red.

Page 4: Questionnaire Result Analysis

6. If you could change certain aspects of the Digipack cover what would it be?


The first answer states that the text “Upstream” should be bigger. This has made me think that perhaps it would look good running across the bottom of the digipack cover, this way it is bigger, which would please the target audience, and would also be an interesting design. Another response states that a picture of the singer would be a good idea. Including a picture of Lewis would give a small indication to the audience of what style of music the single is, based on his appearance. For example if a artist was dressed in black with long black hair and eye make up, the audience may assume it is a Heavy Metal single. Including a picture of Lewis playing the acoustic guitar for example would suggest to the audience that the music genre is acoustic. An alternative approach to the digipack cover could me to compose some actual artwork or logo that could become recognisable as The Next Forever’s. This would also be good in terms of merchandise as you could continue the theme of the artwork or logo on t-shirts and hoodies etc. Another comment “Erm… everything”, suggests that they did not like the digipack cover at all. This makes me think that I should not use this particular digipack as my final design as it has not proved very popular with some members of my target audience.

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7. Looking at image 2, what are your views on the structure of the Digipack? The final product will be the form of a box with the CD slot at the base of the box

Analysis This question was based on the box structure of the digipack. I received

general positive comments about the idea, however several comments mention that logistically it could be hard to pull off. Problems of the structure of the digipack included: shelf storage, production cost, quality and sturdiness of it. This has made me think that although a unique and interesting idea it would be an unpractical idea, so have decided to stick to a more simple, conventional digipack structure.

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