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Dietary Practice and Physical Activity Questionnaire The purpose of this study is to determine if there are differences in food consumption and physical activity among different region university students. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Your answers will be kept confidential and only aggregated data will be used for the completion of a master degree dissertation.

Height: ______m. Weight: ______kg. BMI: ______ Gender: _____

College Name: ____________________________


Email id: _______________________ date: __/__/ 20__


Section I: This section of the survey will be asking you questions in regards to how you spend your time throughout the day in daily activities.

1. How much time do you spend watching T.V. a day ? < 1 hour 1 3 hours > 3 hours

2. Do you have computer? Yes NoIf yes, how many hour/day do you spend on them?< 1 hour 1 3 hours > 3 hours

3. Do you play video games or computer games/ internet? Yes NoIf yes, how many hour/day do you spend on them?< 1 hour 1 3 hours > 3 hours

4. How do you come to College often? Walking By bike By your car With driver

5. Do you drive a car/bike? Yes No

If yes, how many hour/day do you spend on driving? < 1 hour 1 3 hours > 3 hours

6. Do you do any physical activity? Yes NoIf yes, what type of physical activity do you do?:-

If yes, how many hour/day do you spend often?< 1 hour 1 3 hours > 3 hours

7. How many hours of sleep do you get on average each day? < 7 hours 7-8 hours > 8 hours

Section II: This section of the survey will be asking you questions inregards to meal time, type of foods you select, place where you have meal, frequency of consuming certain food, food allergies, and diseases related to food intake.

1. Do you eat breakfast before going to College? Yes No

2. Do you eat at College? Yes No

3. Do you eat at fast food restaurants? Yes No

If yes, how many times/week do you eat often? 1 3 times 4 6 times above

4. Do you consume soft drinks (pop, soda, cola)? Yes No

If yes, how many can/day do you drink often?1 3 times/week 4 6 times/week above

5. Do you consume energy drinks (Red bull, Horse power, Cloud 9, Electrol, Glucon-D etc)? Yes No

If yes, how many can/bottle/litter per day do you drink often? 1 3 times/week 4 6 times/week 7 or more times/week above

6. How often do you eat fruit? 1 3 times/week 4 6 times/week 7 or more times/week above

7. How often do you eat vegetables? 1 3 times/week 4 6 times/week 7 or more times/week above

8. How often do you consume milk or dairy products? 1 3 times/week 4 6 times/week 7 or more times/week above

9. How often do you consume protein foods ( non-veg. meats like mutton, beef, chicken, fish, pork or veg. like beans, lentils, nuts)? 1 3 times/week 4 6 times/week 7 or more times/week above

10. How often do you consume breads and cereals (rice, wheat,corn, oats) and its products? 1 3 times/week 4 6 times/week 7 or more times/week above

11. Do you eat snacks (ice cream, chocolate, biscuit, chips, cake )? Yes No

If yes, how many times/day do you often eat?1 3 times/day > 3 times/day

If yes, what kind of snacks do you eat?:-

12. Do you have any food allergies or food intolerances? Yes NoIf yes, what type of allergies or food intolerances do you have?

13. Do you have any genetic gland disorders such as enlarged thyroid oran inactive thyroid? Yes No

14. Do you have Diabetes Mellitus or have you been told that you need to watch your sugars? Yes No

15. Do you have any medical problems? Yes No

If yes, please explain: :-

24-Hours Food Recall Form

For Day: Date: / /20

List all foods and drinks you ate/drank.

For Meal Time:- please write: Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks,and Dinner.

List all the names of the ingredients in mixed dishes (ex: potato, beans, meat, green vegetable)

Use the following abbreviations: tbsp = tablespoon; tsp = teaspoon; c = cup; oz =ounce; lb = pound; sl = slice; p= piece


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