  • 1.Can A Single Question Change the World?

2. 1 Billion Why Do Live In Poverty? Children 3. What Do I Have to Do to Make Eliminating Pediatric HIV/AIDS by 2015 Probable Rather Than Possible? 4. 1 in 7 People Why Do Go Hungry? 5. When 27.5 Million People How Can We Have Peace In The World Are Displaced From Their Home? 6. Will War End? 7. In the Domestic Affairs When is it Okay to Intervene of a Sovereign State? 8. Can A Single Question Change the World? 9. YES 10. Every Effort to Change the World Begins With Someone Asking 11. Why This Is So? 12. Raising Their Own Experience Up To The World 13. Engage the Power Brings the Power of Questions to Bear on the Major Issues of Our Time 14. WhoseQuestions? 15. WhoseQuestions? Everyones Especially Those At The Margins of Society 16. REINVENTING ECONOMICS AND EXPANDING OPPORTUNITY Questions about poverty and expanding health, education, opportunity and prosperity THE HUMAN FOOTPRINT Questions about energy, ecology, food and sustainable ways of life POLITICS OF VIOLENCE, RESISTANCE, AND PEACE Questions about conflict, war, and how to counteract them HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL INCLUSION Questions about human value, ethics, and social responsibility KNOWLEDGE SHARING AND INNOVATION ACCELERATION Questions about the role of technology and science on our learning, development and future THE EMERGING GLOBAL COMMUNITY Questions about Culture, Communication, Interconnection, and Collaboration UNDERSTANDING AND SHAPING POWER Questions about Freedom, Engagement, Leadership and Governance QuestionsAbout? 17. How? Engage The Power has pioneered the Question Campaign, as a unique, simple and powerful tool to support the diverse and complex global public to engage in dialogue, learning, and action for the social change it seeks. 18. Does Asking Questions Make A Difference? 19. DoesItMakeADifference? Bogota In 2011, Bogota Elected a New Mayor 20. DoesItMakeADifference? Bogota Qu consideras en Barranquilla debe cambiar de manera urgente? 21. DoesItMakeADifference? Bogota The Question Campaign Provided the First Opportunity for Citizens to Frame Questions for the Candidates. 22. DoesItMakeADifference? Bogota 23. DoesItMakeADifference? Bogota The Top Questions Are Now the Centerpiece of a Citizen Accountability Process Run by University Rosaria 24. DoesItMatter? Bogota 25. DoesItMakeADifference? Brazil In May 2012, Brazil held a National Conference on Government Transparency 26. DoesItMakeADifference? Brazil The Conference is the culmination of a Year Long National Dialogue on Transparency. 27. DoesItMakeADifference? Brazil The Question Campaign was Conducted to Include the Perspectives Question of Brazilians Living in the US in the Deliberations. 28. How Does A Question Campaign Work? 29. COMMIT to values that support the publics knowledge, voice and leadership IDENTIFY which public and what broad question will frame the campaign. DESIGN & PRODUCE social media to engage the public in the campaign. ASK members of the public to donate their questions & CONNECT them to each other. SELECT top public questions to focus on ENGAGE the public in addressing the top questions. 6StepsofaQuestionCampaign 30. Step1ofaQuestionCampaign Commit Sponsors of a Question Campaign Commit to These Principles. 1. Local Voice at the Table, 2. Inclusiveness, 3. Public Ownership, 4. Open Source, 5. Public Transparency and Accountability, 6. Integrity in the Context of Interdependence, 7. Sustainability, and 8. Non-Partisanship. 31. Step2ofaQuestionCampaign Identify Identify and invite the people, organizations, institutions and groups that represent the diversity of the public. This group Insures the campaign is designed to reach those at the margin Designs, plans and executes the question campaign. Frames the theme of the Campaign. 32. Step3ofaQuestionCampaign Design&Produce Create a communication strategy for their question campaign that is informed by the communication, networking, and meeting habits of the diverse public our partners want to engage. Create and distribute Question Ads and Question Video Ads that showcase questions for and from the public. These question ads and videos demonstrate the publics sense of purpose, intellectual power and voice. They also generate public engagement with the campaign. 33. Step3ofaQuestionCampaign Design&Produce Question Ads For each day of a Question Campaign, a Daily Question Ad is produced and distributed. Each ad matches a powerful still image with a question donated by a member of the public. The impact of these ads is visceral: they connect with people both mentally and emotionally. We showcase these question ads freely for others to use. 34. Step3ofaQuestionCampaign Design&Produce 35. Step3ofaQuestionCampaign Design&Produce 36. Step3ofaQuestionCampaign Design&Produce 37. Step3ofaQuestionCampaign Design&Produce Question Videos Our Question Videos capture the power inherent in a person speaking the question they believe is important for their neighborhood, city, region, nation or the world to address. Question Videos helps us understand the experiences that have led to someone to their question. 38. Step3ofaQuestionCampaign Design&Produce Question Videos Our Question Videos capture the power inherent in a person speaking the question they believe is important for their neighborhood, city, region, nation or the world to address. Question Videos helps us understand the experiences that have led to someone to their question. Roll over image to Play Movie 39. Step4ofaQuestionCampaign Ask&Connect Throughout the campaign members of the public are asked to donate their questions and connect to others with similar questions. A Question Campaign produces hundreds, if not thousands, of questions. These questions serve as the basis for supporting our partner to conduct a question selection process to identify a set of questions it will focus on and use to more deeply engage the public with its work. We also offer a public space on our website for people with common questions to come together and discuss why those questions are important to them. 40. Step4ofaQuestionCampaign Ask&Connect Donating Questions To insure that questions are donated from people of all walks of life, a variety of methods are used. Online Email , Web, FB Mobile Text and Voice Physical Write, Post Cards In Person 41. Step4ofaQuestionCampaign Ask&Connect Connecting People An important part of every Question Campaign is to connect people with similar questions together so they can share the experiences that lead them to their question, discover what is already known about the question, and plan for action. We create several forums for these gatherings. Online video conferencing Open public forums Closed forums Audio conferences 42. Step5ofaQuestionCampaign Select Once the question donation process ends, the public creates a ranked set of top questions to frame dialogue, knowledge exchange, and action in its work going forward. Once top questions are actually selected, eTp supports its partner to develop an implementation plan for engaging the public with these questions. It also helps its partner identify other potential partners who have a vested interest in the top questions and the capacity to bring people together to address them. 43. Step6ofaQuestionCampaign Engage The last step of the Question Campaign brings people together, on the ground and online, to engage in dialogue, knowledge exchange, and action to address the top questions. The Campaign sponsors and Engage the Power use their tools and network of human resources to help design and implement these activities, as well as periodically evaluate what difference these activities make in addressing the top questions, and discover where improvement is needed to strengthen performance, learning, innovation, and impact. 44. COMMIT to values that support the publics knowledge, voice and leadership IDENTIFY which public and what broad question will frame the campaign. DESIGN & PRODUCE social media to engage the public in the campaign. ASK members of the public to donate their questions & CONNECT them to each other. SELECT top public questions to focus on ENGAGE the public in addressing the top questions. 6StepsofaQuestionCampaign 45. We Believe Asking Questions Improves the World 46. HowToGetInvolved Visit or email us [email protected]

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