Download - Question 2


Q2: How effective is the combination of your product and ancillary texts?

• In this PowerPoint I will talk about how the three product I have created for is used as a package for marketing the product.

• I will be comparing already existing product as a whole package with my product.

• I will be looking how I used colour, font and picture to create links with all three product.

The eye effect

I added the eye effect to the poster because its linked with insomnia.

I also added this eye/circle effect to show that the person is being seen through an eye which is linked with the tile of the film as well as the poster.

There is also the eye effect in the trailer because it’s interlinked with the magazine cover and poster as well as th e title of the film.

The colour and font

The font style and colour are the same for both the poster and magazine cover because this allow the audience to see this as a package together rather than its two separate items.

Colour and font style in existing product

The same font style and colour is used in both the trailer and poster. The magazine cover followed the same colour scheme but a different font style.

The consistence of using the same font

After doing research I have discovered that all the posters and magazine covers for the same product is used to tell the audience that these are one product. Therefore I took that in consideration when I was creating my poster and magazine cover. So my audience can tell that these two are the same product.

The use of character in product

I used the same villain in the making of all three products. This shows the audience that there is a link in the whole package . I used long shot in the trailer but for the poster and magazine cover I used the mid shot of the villain. This creates mystery for the audience as they don’t know who the killer is so they will go into cinema and want to find out more about the film.

Consistency of the character in existing product

The same character is used in all three product.

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