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In my opening sequence I have chosen to represent indie teenage girls. Films which are about teenage girls, people normally associate these types of films with rom-coms and chick-flicks, normally these types of films are about how a girl tries to get a guy, however I have chosen to make a film about an indie teenage girl, my film isn’t really about the problems normal teenage girls have, my film is about one teenagers struggles in life.

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You would define your average indie teenage girls in many different way such as; what they wear, what they act like, their interests, activities which they take part in. Indie teenage girls are normally in a group of other Indie teenage girls, are the way they talk, in a teenage girls mind, the only thing they want is to find a stereotypical ‘perfect boyfriend’ which they see on chick flicks such as the example on the previous slide. Indie teenage girls are also portrayed as the girls who put loads of makeup on, and wear fancy clothes so they look good, and also the clothes they wear are normally from high street shops such as Topshop and River Island so they know that they are wearing the latest trends. Normally indie teenage girls go out with their friends to each other’s houses to have sleepovers and they would talk about their current love affairs and other things such as talking about people they don’t like which is normally referred to as ‘bitching about someone’ which is what most other stereotypes think they teenage girls do.

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I have chosen to represent my character in a certain way so that she looks like a normal teenager, wearing what most indie teenagers wear (fashionable clothing) she also has a very trendy hair cut, which makes the audience think that she is a normal indie teenager, as she does have nice clothing and she looks quite smart.

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This shows my characters costume, as you can see, her hair is cut short, which is what is quite fashionable now, and also her costume is in fashion which is what most indie teenagers would consider wearing. Her outfit is mostly form high street shops such as Topshop and River Island, and her shoes are from urban outfitters, which shows that she is in fashion like most indie teenage girls. With her wearing fashionable clothing and looking like a normal teenage girl, she is trying to cover up the fact that she is also a mother to her little sister, because her mother is an alcoholic, so she would wear something like this because if she wore raggy clothing then the college would start to think things, and may get social services to ‘check up’ on her situation.

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The setting of my film was also a good way of showing what my character is like. I have chosen these settings because her house is in a nice area, which shows that they could have been a normal family, also her route to college isnt very different to what a lot of other college students would take, which shows her trying to cover up what is going wrong at home. Her house is on a nice street which is also good, and the reason why I have used this location is because the character wont be under the radar of the social services because it is in a nice area however if they lived in a ‘raggy’ area, then social services would probably get asked to check up on the family, and discover the truth. The location is also good because normal teenagers studying at college would normally live in these types of places because they want to get a good education and go to university, rather than being on a horrible estate where most people don’t even go to college.

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The voice over on my opening titles was chosen very carefully to represent that what has happened to my character can happen to anyone. The voice over is played by a girl from Richmond, so she naturally has quite a posh accent, which shows to the audience that anyone can have problems at home, as she does speak quite clearly, although she does have a slight stutter, it proves that no-one is perfect, even the people you don’t expect to have problems do. Also, what she says whilst the film opening sequence is happening is the background of her life, she is telling the audience so it will give the audience a realisation of what her life has been like for many years.

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‘Alternative Tribes are passionate about music, sharing an appreciation for live music, independent record shops and grass roots talents – it’s all about authenticity and being ‘real’. Unusually, Tribe members will buy music to support the artists they love and a dedicated merchandise and gig goers. Rather than rebelling against specific objectives, the Alternative segment is motivated by a need to be themselves, nothing more, nothing less…’

I have interpreted this by making my character look as though she is being a normal indie teenage girl, however, if she was to dress to be herself, then she would have a very mixed dress sense, as she would look like a mother, wearing motherly clothes, but she would also look like a teenager.

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