  • 8/14/2019 queen-elizabeths-wizard.pdf


  • 8/14/2019 queen-elizabeths-wizard.pdf


    Queen Elizabeth's Wizard

    By K.G. McAbee

    Copyright K.G. McAbee 2013

    Smashwords Edition

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  • 8/14/2019 queen-elizabeths-wizard.pdf


    *"een E$i+abeth,s -i+ard

    K.G. McAbee

    own% down% down the stone steps worn sha$$ow by co"nt$ess #eet o)er the cent"ries. /eh"gged his $ong% )e$)et&$ined cape c$oser% g$ad o# the warmth against the dan! chi$$ seeping #rom

    the stone aro"nd and abo)e him. ows o# #$ic!ering torches $ined the way% casting o"tr shadows

    that seemed to watch him as he wa$!ed% whisper behind him as he passed.he bottom at $ast. he great door% banded in tarnished brass% its wood b$eached in the ages

    since it had $ast #e$t the hot rays o# the s"n "pon it. Arcane r"nes etched e)ery bit o# wood% d"g

    deep at their birth b"t now worn away% some near$y indecipherab$e.

    /e drew the great iron !ey #rom its $eather po"ch hanging #rom his be$t. he $eather was

    co)ered c$ose with r"nes as we$$% most sti$$ seeming as #resh as the day they,d been in!ed. ewmen wished to #ond$e% $et their hands $inger on s!in torn #rom a witch whi$e yet she breathed.

    -hen he had #irst been gi)en the !ey and to$d the history o# its po"ch% he had recoi$ed indisg"st. E)en now% a#ter ha)ing it #or so many years in his possession% he hated to to"ch it%

    thin!ing sometimes% he co"$d swear% that he co"$d hear the )ery screams o# the "n#ort"nate

    woman who had gi)en her $i#e% with what "nwi$$ingness he co"$d imagine% #or s"ch a re$ic.he great !ey s$id into the $oc!% and he t"rned it thrice widdershins. /e sei+ed the )ast

    copper ring which h"ng in the center and p"shed the massi)e door.

    or a heartbeat% as a$ways% the door seemed to resist his p"sh% a$most as i# it wished to !eep

    the secrets beyond intact% in)io$ate. hen the door ga)e way be#ore his gent$e ons$a"ght.r. ohn ee% wi+ard p$enipotentiary to her gracio"s ma(esty E$i+abeth% entered his sanct"m

    sanctor"m.he door% p"shed by no hand4no morta$ hand% at $east4sw"ng sh"t behind strode down the $ength o# the massi)e "ndergro"nd ca)ern towards the stone bench at

    the #ar end. As he wa$!ed% he ignored a$$ the parapherna$ia which bec!oned him% so"ght to

    distract him% moaned and whispered to him o# !now$edge both dar! and who$esome. A many atime in past days% he had been $"red by these so#t m"rm"rs% these gent$e ca$$s #rom boo!s and

    chests and )esse$s $ining the "n#inished wa$$s% t"c!ed into crac!s and cre)ices or imprisoned

    behind iron or si$)er bars.his night he had no time #or these things.

    his night he had a )ery di##erent tas!.

    his night% he m"st )isit the se)en basins o# #ort"ne and disco)er what de)ice wo"$d best

    sa)e 5"een and co"ntry #rom the great armada o# ships which -a$singham,s spies reported weremassing in Spain% Eng$and,s morta$ enemy.

    he #$ic!ering #airy $ights% si$)er and a+"re and b$ood red% that #i$$ed the ca)ern g$owed

    most$y bright$y at the "$timate termin"s% where sat the broad $ow stone bench car)ed #rom $i)ingstone.

    ee pa"sed be#ore the bench% care#"$ not to $et e)en the hem o# his cape to"ch it. /e had

    seen% once4and once was more% #ar more than eno"gh4what happened when #$esh came intocontact with the dar!% sti$$ water which #i$$ed the se)en sha$$ow basins set into the bench.

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    Each basin was a di##erent shape% #rom a sma$$ o)a$ to a $arge% per#ect ro"ndness. A$$ were

    #i$$ed to the )ery edge% yet they ne)er o)er#$owed% with water so dense$y b$ac!% it was $i!e

    peering into the space between the stars.he three indentions on the $e#t he ignored. hey showed past times and e)ents% #or those

    with the s!i$$s to decipher the images within. he center basin% $arger than the rest% disp$ayed

    #$ashing images #rom the present moment% a$ways changing% a$ways passing% ne)er pa"sing.he three remaining basins on the right were ee,s tr"e goa$ this midnight. or% ("st at the

    instant when one day died and the ne6t was born% a mage o# some power co"$d ma!e the b$ac!

    water within these three t"rn the co$or o# 5"ic!si$)er and co"$d see in the shimmering depthsthree images o# three possib$e% obtainab$e #"t"re de)ices.

    A bright de)ice.

    A dar! de)ice.

    And a de)ice so horrib$e% so destr"cti)e% that ear$ier mages who had samp$ed the !now$edgehad gone mad in an instant% or dropped dead #rom #right.

    And each stone basin% o# co"rse% ga)e to the obser)er the means to ac5"ire% to sei+e% to

    manip"$ate% or to create each partic"$ar de)ice.

    '# he had the co"rage% i# he dared "se it.onight% ee so"ght the e)i$ brightness o# the third basin% the $ast o# the se)en.

    /e had made a )ow% cost him what it might. /e wo"$d #ind a way% hideo"s tho"gh it maywe$$ be% to stop the Spaniard !ing,s great armada o# ships and sa)e the throne o# his 5"een.

    hree days $ater% in her ma(esty,s pri)ate co"nci$ chamber% ee paced ner)o"s$y as he andtwo others awaited their 5"een,s p$eas"re.

    78o" are s"re% doctor% that this mad idea o# yo"rs wi$$ wor!97 as!ed -i$$iam Ceci$% :ord

    B"rgh$ey% his stoc!y body bearing his great go$den sea$ o# o##ice on massi)e chain as tho"gh it

    weighed no more than a stopped his pacing and t"rned.

    7' am%7 he said and c"rsed the $ie as it escaped his $ips. 7he potion is a mighty power47

    74and a mighty power we m"st ha)e% gent$emen.7he co$d% high&pitched )oice t"rned a$$ heads and stopped a$$ tong"es.

    Ceci$ and Sir rancis -a$singham rose to their #eet% one with some e##ort% the other with the

    sinewy grace o# #o6 or wo$#.E$i+abeth% G$oriana% the S"n o# Eng$and% stood in the doorway% the (ewe$s on nec! and ear

    and chest and #ingers spar!$ing $i!e a do+en rainbows.

    7Ma(esty.7 -a$singham bowed and disp$ayed his shape$y $eg to the best ad)antage.

    G$oriana had a taste #or pretty men.:itt$e toady% ee tho"ght as he eyed the dandy be#ore dropping into his own% $ess e$egant


    7ise% gent$emen% ' pray yo"%7 said the 5"een. 7As my great #ather /arry was wont to say%,no ceremony when o"r rea$m is in danger;,7

    And when is it not% tho"ght ee as he eyed the tip o# his shoe% d"sty sti$$ #rom his many trips

    to obtain the ingredients #or the ghast$y potion b"bb$ing this instant in his secret $aboratory./e rose and stepped #orward to seat the 5"een.

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    against per#idio"s Spain97

    Do we?

    ee p"$$ed his chair o"t b"t did not sit.Or rather, dare we?

    7Sit% sir% and te$$ me what morta$ machinations yo" ha)e de)ised%7 commanded E$i+abeth.

    :ord B"rgh$ey sni##ed. ee !new #"$$ we$$ the chance$$or had $itt$e !now$edge o# powersbeyond the edge o# a b$ade or the $ies o# the co"rtier4and $ess #aith.

    7By yo"r ma(esty,s $ea)e%7 ee began% his hand on the bac! o# his chair.

    7Sit% ' pray yo"% sir%7 snapped the 5"een. 7' $i!e eyes on a $e)e$ when ' am s"rro"nded bywise co"nci$.7

    7';can on$y hope this is wisdom%7 ee said as he sett$ed into his chair.

    7'# it wi$$ protect "s #rom o"r enemies% how can it be otherwise97 -a$singham said.

    7B"t at what price97 ee shoo! his head. 7-e may we$$ "se this;weapon and destroy o"renemies. B"t what might we "n$eash "pon o"rse$)es in the process97

    78o" spea! o# a weapon% my good doctor% b"t s"re$y that is o"r goa$97 E$i+abeth raised one

    red&go$d eyebrow. he thic! white powder which co)ered her #ace #$a!ed away on her #orehead%

    re)ea$ing raw s!in as pa$e as a$abaster% as wrin!$ed as parchment.7A weapon% ma(esty% yes. B"t reca$$% i# ' might be so bo$d. A man,s sword may be wrenched

    #rom his hand and t"rned against him. /is dagger can be wrest$ed #rom him and "sed to s$it histhroat. /is pisto$47

    7Eno"gh=7 :ord B"rgh$ey raised his hand. 7-e ta!e yo"r point% wi+ard% tr"$y we do. B"t a

    new sort o# weapon% "n!nown to o"r enemies% s"re$y that can be b"t to o"r ad)antage97 /estro!ed his beard and attempted to $oo! wise.

    7'ndeed% sir%7 said her ma(esty. 7A mighty weapon% in the right hands% m"st needs stri!e a

    mighty b$ow. And a mighty b$ow% or yet some do+ens or h"ndreds o# them% we m"st ha)e% e$se

    we sha$$ a$$ be !issing the pope,s ring and ordering o"r a$e in Spanish ere the year ends.7E$i+abeth s$ammed her hand on the tab$e and each man in the room ("mped. 7>ow te$$ "s% octor

    ee% what yo" ha)e disco)ered in the dar! deepness o# other wor$ds and times;7

    he doc!s at -apping teemed with sai$ors and marines and so$diers. ?p ri)er at :imeho"se%

    e)en greater crowds o# 5"een,s men gathered. 'n both these ancient watersides o# :ondon% r.

    ee had ordered to be set "p stations in #ront o# p"bs% eating p$aces% ch"rches and bawdy ho"ses./"ndreds o# tiny stone )ia$s stoppered with wa6 #i$$ed b"she$ bas!ets in rows o"tside each

    b"i$ding. :ines o# sai$ors and so$diers stretched across $anes and into a$$eys as they awaited their


    By order and decree of her most glorious majesty Elizabeth, first of that name. Allour most beloved and gallant and valiant warriors shall arta!e of this otion,

    blessed by the Archbisho of "anterbury, for sa!e of their safety and security in

    the ucoming confrontation with our mortal enemy.

    So hera$ds sho"ted o"t as they marched thro"gh the teeming doc!$ands o# the city. Soposters screamed #rom doors and wa$$s. Any man who co"$d ma!e o"t the words sho"ted them to

    those many more who had not their $etters.

    ee sat at a tab$e inside he @rospect o# -hitby and watched in si$ence as man a#ter man%

    some tr"$y $itt$e more than chi$dren% eager$y grabbed a )ia$% p"nct"red the wa6 cap and drainedthe contents. Some gasped at the taste% others $a"ghed with re$ie#.

    A$ar"m be$$s rang o"t a brassy cari$$on.

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    7o the ships=7 someone sho"ted. 7he enemy has been sighted o## Gra)esend.7

    ee rose and stepped o"tside into the street. /e sei+ed hand#"$s o# )ia$s% tossing them into

    the crowd o# men h"rrying away.7han!ee% mate=7 sho"ted a bandy&$egged sai$or as he snatched two tiny )ia$s #rom the air%

    tossed them to #riends aro"nd him% and gather more #rom the gro"nd where a bas!et had been

    "pset.7Good $"c!=7 sho"ted ee in ret"rn as the streets magica$$y emptied and the sma$$ ships tied

    to the doc!s began to cast o##. 7:"c!%7 he repeated. 7B"t whether it be #air or #o"$% who can say97

    as he mo"nted his horse he$d ready and raced away to a better )antage point.

    ee stood at the highest point o# the -hite ower% his enchanted spyg$ass against his eye.

    -ith its assistance% he co"$d ma!e o"t the @oo$ o# :ondon% c$"ttered with sai$ing ships o# a$$

    si+es and dra#ts% #rom the great carrac!#enri $race a Dieuto cogs and cara)e$s and e)en tiny#erry boats.

    he time had been shorter than he,d hoped.

    /ow many doses o# his potion had been cons"med9

    -o"$d it wor!9id he tr"$y wish it to wor!9

    And i# it did;wo"$d he% wo"$d Eng$and% wo"$d the wor$d e)er be the same again9

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    ee had been appa$$ed. /e had arg"ed with the 5"een% hoping to pre)ent this abomination.

    /e tried to destroy the potion% b"t -a$singham had shown his "s"a$ c$e)erness and g"i$e.

    he spymaster,s men had sei+ed ee,s notes and the potion a man"#actory had at once beg"n toprod"ce more. ee had seen the men -a$singham had #ed the potion to and had t"rned his head

    and shame and despair.

    And now% tho"gh he wished with a$$ his heart and so"$ to be e$sewhere% he watched as hispotion began to wor!.

    At #irst% the great g"ns o# the Spanish ga$$eons were odd$y si$ent as the sma$$ Eng$ish ships

    tac!ed towards them. @erhaps% in their grandee arrogance% they did not deign to waste power andba$$ on s"ch sma$$ n"isances. B"t then the Eng$ish ships began to #ire% and the Spaniards were no

    $onger content to remain si$ent.

    he wind% as i# #ighting on the side o# Spain% chose that moment to #a$$ sti$$% a death$y

    sti$$ness as tho"gh God /imse$# he$d his breath.Cannon boomed. An Eng$ish s$oop was hit amidships% r"mb$ing across the dec! as a t"mb$e

    o# masts and $ines co$$apsed behind it.

    Another shot% $ower4the Spanish had #o"nd their range4sent great sp$inters o# wood

    (amming into so#t #$esh as oa! e6p$oded "nder its #orce.-ith his ensorce$$ed g$ass% ee watched as the end o# the wor$d began.

    Aboard her ma(esty,s s$oop%izard% the captain stood ca$m$y on the a#t dec! as chaos r"$ed

    abo"t him. A second shot #rom the great ga$$eon rang o"t% $ower than the $ast% which had ta!en

    down his masts and rigging. his one hit #"$$ against the oa! h"$$. Great sp$inters o# woode6p$oded o"tward% (amming into so#t #$esh. A yo"ng midshipman% bare$y thirteen% screamed as a

    si6&inch sp$inter pierced his right eye and (ammed downward into his throat.

    he boy screamed as he staggered abo"t the dec!% b$ood soa!ing him in an instant% pawing

    #"ti$e$y at the )icio"s wood.hen he #e$$% twitched once% and $ay sti$$.

    rom #ar "pri)er% ee watched% co"nting si$ent$y "nder his breath. 7ot at the destr"ction o# his ship.

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    he Spanish ships $owered sai$s in the sti$$ air% dropped anchors. Ba$$s #rom nine&po"nders%

    #rom eighteen&po"nders% and #rom the massi)e 32&po"nders% danced and s$iced across the water%p$aying ha)oc with the sma$$ ships be#ore them. Smo!e rose "p and b$an!eted the scene.

    hen the wind% as i# reca$$ing it was an Eng$ish wind% started "p #rom a di##erent 5"arter.

    Behind the Eng$ish ships.ri)ing them straight towards the stationary ga$$eons $ined side by side% anchored in the


    he smo!e b$ew away.rom the top o# the ower% r. ee watched as the sma$$er ships% their sai$s and r"dders

    "nattended in many cases% dro)e straight #or the high wooden sides o# their enemies.

    ee mo)ed his g$ass to )iew ship a#ter Eng$ish ship. >ot a$$ the men had dr"n! his potion% it

    was p$ain. hose who had not were the #irst )ictims% torn apart by their ra)eno"s shipmates.hen% as #ood ran $ow b"t h"nger sti$$ raged% the possessed men t"rned their d"$$% b$an! eyes on

    #resh prey.

    Spanish prey.

    Some #$"ng themse$)es into the water% stri!ing o"t #or the h"ge ships.

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    4o# both sides. A raging con#$agration rose% and soon nothing co"$d be heard b"t the crac!$e o#


    7here% now% octor ee%7 said the 5"een% nodding in satis#action. 7See how we tidy "pa#ter o"rse$)es9 And worry not a$$ the remainder o# yo"r potion has been destroyed. he ships

    and the diseased men wi$$ b"rn to ash. And ne)er% ne)er again wi$$ @hi$$ip o# Spain dare attac!

    "s. A good day,s wor!% yo" m"st agree97ee had no words to rep$y. /e bowed to his 5"een.

    he ne6t morning% not #ar be$ow :ondon Bridge% a gro"p o# m"d$ar!s waded in the thic!ree!ing mire o# the hames at $ow tide.

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