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Q5. How did you attract/address your target audience?

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Questionnaire Before creating my own magazine I decided to ask my target audience questions about magazines so that I would be able to get a idea as to what magazines they already buy so that I could look at them for inspiration. I asked 20 people to fill in my questionnaire so that I would be able to0 get the majority of answers.

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What was the purpose of my questionnaire? My questionnaire had several different purposes which would help me to create my magazine.

One of the questions which I asked was ‘how often do you buy a music magazine?’ the purpose of this question was so that I would be able to choose how often I should make my magazine come out so that it would suit my target audience. The results which I got for this question was that 6/20 people said that they but one monthly and this was the second largest answer, the most popular answer was ‘Never’ so when making my magazine I would have to try and make my magazine a little bit different than what is already available so that it attracts this audience too.

Another important question which I asked was ‘What is your favourite type of music?’ This was one of the most important questions for my whole magazine as it would define my chosen genre of music. The results from this question were that the 10/20 people said POP, this shows that it is the most popular genre and is also the reason why I picked it as my genre of magazine.

Another important question which I asked was ‘How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?’ This is a important question as it would be one the reasons why people would buy my magazine whether or not they think that the price is acceptable. The majority of the people asked said that the would pay £2-£2.50 so this is why I decided to have my magazine priced at £2.50.

Another important question was ‘What artists would you like to be in a music magazine?’ this would help me when creating my content for my magazine as it will let my know what they like and therefore what I should include. 10 people said boybands and 15 people said solo artists so this meant that these were the artists which I focused on.

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