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    Notes for


    Two weeks after the epilogue ofThe Final Battle, Jimmy and Nick realize that their fight

    is far from over. Barak, a human-sympathizing Yolkian, has come to Earth to warn themthat the new Yolkian King wishes to seek revenge on Earth for the murder of Goobot.

    Nick, Jimmy, Cindy, and their small team of specialists must travel back to Yolkus to end

    the Yolkian threat once and for all.


    Jimmy Neutron

    o Jimmy is happier than he has ever been. Goobot and Eustace are dead and are nolonger a threat, and he is finally together with Cindy. Yet when the Yolkian

    threat returns, he quickly resumes command of his friends and leads them on yet

    another adventure. He is brave, talented, and fully capable of the mission, yet he

    is haunted by the atrocities he committed against Goobot and Eustace.

    Cynthia Vortex

    o Cynthia is just getting out of her wheelchair when she joins Jimmy on his mission

    to save Earth yet again. She is the groups strongest melee fighter and a brilliant

    tactician. Her ego and occasional combativeness with her boyfriend cansometimes pose a minor threat to the mission.

    Nicolas Dean

    o Nicolas is suffering from PTSD when the story begins. He cant understand how

    everyone can so easily switch back into their everyday lives after what they have

    been through. He is more than willing to join forces with Jimmy once again. He

    is Jimmys confidante and has become one of his closest friends. Nicolas does

    not trust Barak, but does trust Jimmy. He is the best shot after Sheen and is

    somewhat capable in unarmed combat.

    Sheen Estevez

    o Sheens love for Ultralord is only beaten by the love he has for Libby. Wacky

    and energetic on Earth, he is able to switch to a calm and cool state during

    combat. He is the oldest of the group and the best shot. Despite his skills and

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    miraculous routing of Yolkian forces in The Final Battle, he is a follower, not a

    leader. He relies on Jimmy, Cindy, and Nick to tell him what to do.

    Barak Neroma

    o A young, idealistic Yolkian who wishes for nothing but peace between humanityand the Yolkians. He believes that Goobot and the Yolkian council are wrong for

    sacrificing sentient beings to Poultra, and holds no ill will against Jimmy and his

    fellow Earthlings. He tries to persuade the Council to leave Earth in peace, but he

    is given a choice by the new king; allow Earth to fall, or bring Jimmy and his

    compatriots to Yolkus for public execution. Barak hesitantly agrees to sacrifice

    Jimmy and his friends to save the rest of humanity. He lies to Jimmy and his

    friends and brings them to Yolkus under the guise of overthrowing King Verez.

    Liberty Folfax

    o Libby is Cindys best friend. She is Sheens girlfriend and a close friend of

    Jimmy. She is brave and a whiz with electronics. After having been forced to sit

    out the last fight with the Yolkians, she is eager to get into space and exact

    revenge on them for hurting Sheen.

    Carl Wheezer

    o Carl is overweight, asthmatic, and a coward. However, he has recently been

    reading self-help books and believes that he needs to fight this battle if he is ever

    going to become a man. He is a detriment to the mission, but Jimmy and Cindy

    cant bear to leave him behind. What he lacks for in combat skills he makes up

    for in heart. He considers Jimmy to be his brother and tries to form a friendship

    with Cindy since Jimmy and she are now dating.

    Betty Quinlan

    o Betty is the most beautiful school in Lindbergh Middle School.. She is Nicks

    casual girlfriend, Cindys rival, and Jimmys old crush. She is friendly and smart

    and wishes only to prove that shes more than pretty. She and Cindy shelve their

    past hostility to save Earth.

    Ike Brown

    o Ike is the biggest badass in school. He is a twelve year-old chain smoker with a

    painful past and is deeply religious. He is a good friend to Nick and, surprisingly,


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    Miranda Candor

    o Miranda is two years older than all of the kids except Sheen. She is a beautiful

    brunette and an incredibly skilled melee combatant. She accompanied everyone

    during The Final Battle, yet no one seems to know her. She is only slightly

    behind Cindy in terms of fighting skills and Ike in terms of badassery. Ike and

    Carl often discuss whether or not to ask her out.

    King Verez

    o King Verez inherited the Yolkian throne once Goobot died. He viewed Goobot as

    an idiot and wishes to prove to Earth exactly how powerful the Yolkians really

    are. He lied to Barak and aims to destroy all of Earth after publicly executing

    Jimmy and his friends.

    Karab Neroma

    o Karab is Baraks older brother, although the two havent spoken in years. He

    believes humans are nothing but animals and cannot understand Baraks

    obsession with them. He is a highly ranked member of the Council guard and is

    thus a highly skilled combatant. After Barak is betrayed by King Verez, Karab

    risks his life to save his brother, although he has serious reservations about freeing

    the humans.


    I. A+

    a. This chapter will be a summation ofThe Final Battle. It is a copy of the essay

    that Jimmy and Cindy wrote at the end ofThe Final Battle. It will also include

    the teachers comments and grade.

    II. Recollections

    a. This chapter begins with Nick and Jimmy landing on the moon. It is after school

    and Cindy is seeing a doctor to check if she can leave her wheelchair behind.Nick immediately hands Jimmy a gun, and Jimmy admonishes him for bringing

    them and asks how he even got them. They go for a walk through the battlefield

    and Jimmy explains that this is where he fought Eustace the night of the

    kidnappings. Nick explains to Jimmy that he is freaking out because he cant

    adjust to life back on Earth. He also is worried that the Yolkians will avenge their

    king. Jimmy is surprised that Nick has thought of this, not even Cindy has.

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    Jimmy admits that this is a very real possibility and he is also scared. He warns

    Nick not to mention their fears to anyone else for fear of causing a panic.

    Although Jimmy was initially overjoyed when they got back to Earth, he has been

    worried about a Yolkian attack ever since writing the essay with Cindy and

    thinking over Goobots murder. Nick tells Jimmy that no matter what happens,

    hell stand by his side.

    III. A Call to Arms

    a. This chapter takes place in the Council chamber on Yolkus. The council applauds

    the newly instated King Verez and is eager to hear his first official

    pronouncement. He angrily explains that Goobot was an idiot who deserved his

    death. This is a shock to the council, although many of them feel the same way.

    They accuse him of heresy, and Verez states that heresy holds no weight against

    the dead. He rallies the council and says that it is time to prove to both Yolkians

    and Earthlings the power of their empire. Verez calls for the fleet to be mobilizedand for Earth to be destroyed. Finally, Barak can no longer restrain himself and

    he disputes the kings remarks. Verez halts his guards and pompously asks to

    hear Baraks concerns. Barak explains to the council that he has been studying

    the humans since there were first encountered and believes it is wrong to kill

    them. He explains that they only fought in self defense and can be reasoned with,

    but Verez plays footage of Sheen and Jimmy mercilessly dispatching aliens. He

    asks the council if the humans appear civilized and reasonable. Barak begs for

    there to be a way to spare the planet. The king ponders this and says that perhaps

    there is.

    b. Later, Barak explains to his family that he must travel to Earth to protect the

    humans. When they ask if the king listened to reason, Barak hesitates and says

    that the king is a fool. He has no choice but to head to Earth.

    IV. Childhood Simplicity

    a. On Earth, Jimmy works in his lab later that night. He is working on an herbal

    concoction to help relieve some of Nicks stress. He briefly tweaks the monitor

    that keeps watch to let him know if anything strange is approaching Earth. Cindy

    unexpectedly walks in, and Jimmy is ecstatic to see that she is out of herwheelchair. They kiss, and she says its nice to be able to look down at him again.

    Jimmy tells her what hes working on, and she says she never thought Nick and

    Jimmy would ever be friends. Jimmy then says that no one ever thought they

    would be together. Sheen suddenly walks out of the labs bathroom and says that

    everyone was taking bets on their relationship for years. Jimmy reprimands him

    for being in his lab, and Sheen brings up that he saved the planet. Jimmy says

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    that he cant keep using that excuse forever. Cindy leaves the boys alone, and

    Sheen asks if Jimmys done what he promised. Jimmy shows him his newest

    invention, some sort of musical flower. He explains how they work to Sheen, but

    Sheen says Jimmy should come to help him tell Libby how to work them. Jimmy

    agrees and they walk out of the lab just as the monitor comes to life.

    V. Family

    a. The next day before school, Jimmy is hurrying through breakfast to get into his

    lab. He is interrupted outside by Cindy, who says that it was sweet that he helped

    Sheen make Libby those flowers, although she cant help but wonder why she

    didnt get anything. Jimmy goes on for a short time on how he and Libby have

    grown closer since The Final Battle, but then pulls out his hypercube and reveals

    that hes made Cindy a present as well. She says that she thought that the

    hypercube was destroyed, but Jimmy says he made another one. She is about to

    kiss him when Carl interrupts them. Sheen and Libby are right behind him. Theyhead the short distance to the bus stop just in time to catch their ride. Carl wants

    to talk to Jimmy. Carl says that he has to read a book a month for his English

    class, and wants to know how Jimmy feels about him reading self-help books to

    gain confidence. Jimmy tells Carl that hes fine the way he is, but Carl says he

    doesnt want to stay the same coward while everyone else is changing and going

    off having adventures. Jimmy says hell help Carl pick some books out in

    homeroom. After first period, Jimmy and Libby walk to their next class, which

    they share. Libby thanks Jimmy for helping Sheen with the flowers, and Jimmy

    says he probably shouldnt bother lying and saying that Sheen made them

    himself. Jimmy hears a meow, but Libby says its nothing. They continue

    talking, but Jimmy says he definitely heard something. He realizes that Libby is

    carrying around Chowder in her backpack. He tells her that this is horrible, but

    Libby says that hes had a fever and that she needs to be near him. She

    admonishes him for abandoning his cat, and Jimmy shouts that he has never had a

    cat. The day goes on, and Jimmy eventually meets up with Nick, who is still as

    shook-up as ever. Jimmy says hes been working on something that might help

    him and tells Nick to come to his lab after school. The gang meets up at Jimmys

    lab after school. Jimmy invites them in and are shocked to see Barak waiting in

    his lab holding what appears to be a plasma pistol.

    i. This is basically a chapter to show how everyone relates to each other.

    VI. Answers

    a. Nick immediately shoves Jimmy aside, whips out a pistol, and shoots Barak in the

    control panel. Everyone is shocked. Nick cant believe what hes done, and

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    Jimmy heavily berates him for bringing a gun to school. He tells Nick that it

    wont matter if he saved the town if the principal ever finds out about that. Nick

    yells that he knew this wasnt over. Barak comes to and interrupts their argument.

    Cindy snatches the gun from Nicks hand. She and Jimmy approach the fallen

    alien. Barak asks if hes wounded, and Jimmy coldly tells him only his shell is

    broken. He picks up the pistol and realizes its some sort of scanner. Barak

    explains that he was only examining his lab while he waited for Jimmy to return.

    Everyones confused, and Barak explains that he has come because the humans

    are in grave danger. He explains that the new king wishes to destroy Earth once

    and for all, and that the humans only hope is to hurry to Yolkus, kill King Verez,

    and show the Council that the only safe course for both worlds is for the Yolkians

    to leave them alone. The humans are skeptical of Barak, especially Nick. Jimmy

    ultimately decides to trust Barak, and Barak tells them they must leave now.

    Jimmy says he needs the night to prepare, and Barak agrees. He says that only

    those who have killed Yolkians should accompany them on their journey. Jimmyand the gang discuss who should come, and Nick recommends Ike, Betty, and

    Butch. Cindy and Jimmy refuse to bring Butch along, believing he could pose too

    severe a risk to the mission. Nick agrees to gather Ike and Betty for morning.

    VII. Reunion

    a. Jimmy wakes well before first light. He gives a heartfelt goodbye to Goddard and

    tells him to monitor the city for anything strange and to watch over his parents.

    He tells Goddard to run holograms of himself and the other kids and to try to fool

    the parents until theyre out of the solar system. Goddard starts to follow Jimmy

    out of the house, and Jimmy agrees that the dog can see him and his friends off.

    Barak, Cindy, Nick, Betty, and Ike are already outside his lab. Cindy and Betty

    exchange words, and Cindy says theyll get along fine as long as Betty admits

    Neutron is still hers. Betty sarcastically asks why Neutron fell for the girl who

    made his life hell, but admits shes more interested in Nick. For the moment.

    Jimmy welcomes Ike back into the fold as Ike lights up a cigarette. Ike says he

    wouldnt miss it for the world. Jimmy says his backpack seems light, and Ike

    says all he needs are his smokes and his bible. Jimmy gives a half smile as he

    sees Sheen, Libby, and Carl stroll up. Libby has one of the flowers that Sheen

    have her in her hair. Jimmy notices that Sheens posture and attitude seemdifferent. Sheen says he wont let Jimmy come as close to death as last time, and

    he hopes to atone for killing Dopsil by bringing peace between the two worlds.

    As Sheen mentions atonement, Jimmy remembers Eustace and Goobot. He spots

    the gun holstered on Nick and shivers, terrified of killing once more. He starts to

    say goodbye to Libby and Carl, but Libby says shes not sitting this fight out.

    Jimmy starts to protest, but Libby says theres no control team this time and

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    theres no crutches either. She wants to be in the fight with them and wants to

    avenge the pain that the Yolkians put Sheen through. Jimmy says hes glad to

    have her aboard. He goes to say goodbye to Carl, but he quickly says hes

    coming too. Everyone looks his way. Barak notices this and humorously turns as

    well. Carl says his self-help book says he should find someone he admires and do

    what they would do in various situations. Carl tells Jimmy hes looking up to him

    and doesnt want to be afraid anymore. Jimmy ultimately agrees to let him come,

    and Ike and Carl have a short conversation. Ike mentions they havent hung out

    since Cindy stole Jimmys heart. Carl is confused, but Ike reminds him of how

    they hung out in sixth grade when Cindy stole Jimmys heart sculpture for art

    class. Carl admits he hasnt thought of that in a while. Barak nervously says that

    Libby and Carl shouldnt come since they didnt kill any Yolkians before. Jimmy

    is confused, and Barak says they should only be bringing people with experience.

    Jimmy fights with Barak and says that they will be assets to the team. Barak

    sadly concedes and asks if they are ready. Jimmy agrees that everyone isassembled and they need only gather supplies. Suddenly, a girl jumps out of a

    tree and unsheaths a knife.

    VIII. A New Ally

    a. Miranda advances towards Jimmy. Cindy goes to stop her, but Miranda throws

    her to the ground with relative ease. Nick is next to help, but Miranda slides

    underneath his spread legs and pulls Jimmy down. She rolls on top of him,

    shakes the hair out of her eyes, pins the knife to his throat. Everyone is frozen in

    fear. Barak shouts for her not to harm Neutron, but Miranda leans down towards

    Jimmy and smiles. She says, Still want to leave me behind?

    Jimmy is confused, and Miranda slinks off of him and sheaths her knife. Cindy

    quickly punches her in the face, and Ike cant help but nod coolly while taking a

    drag from his cigarette. Miranda blocks Cindys next blow and warns her to back

    off. Jimmy tells Cindy to stand down, and she reluctantly agrees. Jimmy wants

    to know who Miranda is, and she explains that she was with them on the last

    mission. Nick says she seems too old to be one of the kids left behind, and

    Miranda reminds them that some of the people entering high school went with

    Jimmy. Miranda angrily says that no one ever seems to notice her. A quick flash

    in her mind shows her grabbing a Yolkians spear and disabling its shell with it.

    Ike says hes paying attention now. Miranda ignores him and says that theyve all

    seen what she can do and wants to know if she can come. Miranda glances at

    Sheen and says that he must be the one who saved them all. She gives a sly smile

    and says hes cuter than she pictured. Cindy looks to Jimmy, who gives a tiny

    smile. He apologizes for not noticing her before and says shes welcome aboard.

    Barak protests and asks if shes killed any Yolkians, and now Nick is wondering

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    what his problem is. He hesitates before allowing her to come. Jimmy says that

    unless Mirandas got any other friends in the trees, they need to get going before

    it gets light and their parents see what is going on. Miranda glares at this remark,

    and they all head into Jimmys lab. Miranda and Ike marvel at this place since

    its been weeks since theyve been there. Jimmy accesses a safe and pulls out a

    large sum of money. Nick is curious as to what its for, but Jimmy says he

    doesnt feel comfortable stealing their supplies. Ike wants to know where he got

    that money, and Jimmy explains how his inventions have made him rich. The

    gang packs up some supplies from Jimmys lab in his hypercube and heads to

    Wal-mart to acquire the recently restocked guns. Nick says he feels better than

    hes felt in weeks now that everyones slipping back into their old roles. Jimmy

    says that he just wants this all to be over with once and for all. Everyone follows

    Barak to the woods where he stashed his rocket. Jimmy says good-bye to

    Goddard once more, and Libby says goodbye to Chowder, who is still in her

    backpack. Jimmy says Goddard will bring the kitten home, and Libby promisesto come back safe. The gang boards the rocket, and Jimmy, Cindy, and Nick

    remember how different the goodbyes were last time. There is no one except for

    Goddard seeing them off now. As opposed to the rapid rocketing off they did

    before, they quietly rise off the ground now.

    IX. Ascension

    a. The gang rides in the ship as it travels quickly through space. Jimmy, Cindy,

    Nick, Sheen, and Libby are discussing battle strategies with Barak. Barak

    explains that the Council has sent him on a reconnaissance mission to scout

    Earths defenses. Barak will land them near the council chambers and make a

    distraction for the kids to split up and storm Verezs location. Barak talks a little

    about why he feels the need to betray his people and how he saved his brothers

    life as a child. Meanwhile Ike, Miranda, Betty, and Carl are hanging out in the

    back of the ship. Ike talks to Miranda and mentions its odd he never noticed her

    before. Miranda says that if hes trying to hit on her by saying that he cant

    remember her, then hes got a lot to learn. Ike tries to use his cigarette to impress

    her, Miranda only steals a drag and says it will take a lot more to impress her than

    that. Betty tries to strike up conversation with her, but Miranda wants to see what

    their tactics are. Jimmy and the gang finish talking to Barak and relay their basicplans to the rest of the kids. They explain the trip is going to take three days in

    Baraks hypercruiser. The kids settle in for bed.

    X. Miranda

    a. Miranda awakes from a rough nights sleep. She realizes the other children are

    still sleeping. She looks at them all curiously, sizing them up. She stares at Ike a

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    little longer and gives a somewhat amused huff. She heads to the ships cockpit

    and finds Jimmy at the controls. She asks if she can join, and he says its fine as

    long as she doesnt assault him. She sits and stares out at the stars as Jimmy

    pilots. She asks how hes doing, and he says fine. They stare at each other, and

    Jimmy notes a quietness in her eyes that he didnt expect. He says that he should

    have gotten to know everyone on their last mission because they were all brave to

    rescue their parents. Miranda says she didnt do it for her parents. Jimmy

    apologizes and asks if theyre dead (tactfully). Miranda says her mother is and

    her father might as well be. A flash comes through her mind: a door creaking

    open at night, a hand muffling her mouth, weeping in bed alone afterwards. She

    squeezes the grip of her knife, and Jimmy asks how she learned to fight. She says

    shes learned martial arts for years at the same place Cindy has. Hes surprised

    they dont know each other. Miranda admits she doesnt socialize much. Jimmy

    asks why she fought the Yolkians last time if she didnt care about her parents.

    She says just because her fathers an asshole doesnt mean everyone else deservesto have their parents die. She said that on that last mission, she thought shed

    change when she got back to Earth. After risking her life, shed try to make

    friends, to not let her shitty life control her. Yet nothing changed, and shes still

    alone. Jimmy says that doesnt seem to be the case, since shes talking to him.

    Miranda thinks about that and allows herself a tiny smile as she stares at the stars.

    She gets up and says that if Jimmy wasnt a little, very little kid, she might have

    an interest in him. Jimmy thanks her, but says one woman is more than enough

    for him to handle. She kisses him on the cheek for his kind words and walks out

    of the cockpit. She spots a furious Cindy who gets a quick punch in. Miranda

    evades the next blow and subdues her in a non-painful manner. She says theyreboth warriors and that she respects what Cindy and Jimmy have. She releases

    Cindy and says that she respects Cindy too. Cindy softens and says she can have

    a jealousy problem. Miranda says that Jimmy may be the first friend shes ever

    made, but that doesnt mean shes in love with him. She warns that if Cindy hits

    her one more time, shell kill her. Cindy thinks they may end up getting along

    after all.

    XI. Preparations

    a. Later that day, everyone is assembled around a conference table in the ship.Jimmy and Barak have refined their plans and wish to go over everything. Barak

    explains that once the guards are distracted, the humans will have to split up to

    avoid detection and converge at the kings quarters. Ike, Miranda, and Barak will

    provide reconnaissance from the shuttle control tower and try to prevent any air

    support from materializing. Theyll then hijack a shuttle which Barak will pilot to

    the meeting point. Cindy and Betty will take the right flank from the spaceport

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    and move through the lobby areas. Nick and Sheen will take the left flank and

    take the elevator to the Kings chambers. Jimmy and Carl will move through the

    center. Theyll meet at the kings quarters and assassinate him, then address the

    Yolkian people via his communications interface. Theyll then fly back to Earth.

    The operation will be quick and very risky. The specialists understand and agree

    to the fight.


    SCENES LEADING UP TO Veras chambers. Four team split fight will be epic.

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