Page 1: Protestant reformation

1509 CE – 1555 CE


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• Changes in intellectual thought set the stage for the Protestant Reformation. • Christian humanists such as Erasmus were critical of Church

corruption and said the Church had become involved in politics rather than matters of the spirit.

• The widespread selling of indulgences prompted a monk and professor in Germany named Martin Luther to issue his famous Ninety-Five Theses criticizing Church abuses. Luther also rejected some Catholic doctrines.

• Luther's movement sparked a religious revolution. Many German states became key allies for Luther as he broke with the Catholic Church and established a new religion which became known as Lutheranism.

• The emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was ultimately forced by the Peace of Augsburg to let German states choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism.

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Erasmus & Christian Humanism : Again, humanism is the concept that humans could reason and improve themselves.

Humanists believed that if people read the classics and basic works of Christianity, they would become more pious and change society.

Desiderius Erasmus was a famous humanist who started the “Philosophy of Christ” movement. Christianity should show people

how to live good lives on a daily basis rather than provide a system of beliefs that people have to practice to be saved.

External church practices were not important (pilgrimages, fasts & relics) He sought reform of the Catholic church, not to break away.


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Corruption in the Catholic church was rampant. Popes were too concerned with politics while the people wanted salvation. People thought that they could gain indulgences (release from punishment of sin) from relics.

Other people sought salvation through mystical movements such as Modern Devotion. Downplayed religious dogma, but stressed the teachings of Jesus.


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Martin Luther was a monk and professor at the University of Wittenberg, in Germany

The Catholic church taught that faith and good works were necessary to achieve salvation. Indulgences were granted as a favor or a privilege Indulgences were payments people made to have their sins

forgivenMartin Luther came to believe that humans are not saved

through good works but through their faith in God. He believed no one could do enough good works to earn salvation. He was against indulgences, which didn’t prove a person’s good

work or faith He believed “justification by faith alone” was the only way to

salvation – meaning that faith in God was the only method to achieve eternal salvation


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Luther was angered by the church practices of indulgences and other abuses

On October 31, 1517, he sent a list of 95 Theses (complaints) to his church superiors He attacked indulgences and priestly abuses, He attacked the use of sacraments, relics and

superstition The Catholic Church did not take Martin Luther

seriously By 1520, Luther had made a defi nite break

with the Catholic Church He asked the German princes to overthrow the

papacy and establish a German church Luther was excommunicated (kicked out) of the

Catholic Church in 1521 The Edict of Worms made Martin Luther an outlaw

within the Holy Roman Empire Luther was protected by Frederick of Saxony, who hid

and protected him


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Luther’s religious movement gained support throughout Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. The German princes who adopted Lutheranism took control of

Catholic churches in their territories and started forming state churches whose activities were supervised by the government

Luther set up religious services to replace the Catholic mass These included a worship service with Bible readings, prayer, and

songThe doctrine (ideas) preached by Luther came to be known

as Lutheranism , Lutheran churches were the fi rst Protestant faith

In June 1524 Luther faced a crisis when peasants revolted against German lords; Luther supported the lords and not the peasants Luther became dependent on the state to support his churches


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Charles V ruled the Holy Roman Empire, which was in confl ict with much of Germany because of the changing faith

Charles V had a rivalry with Francis I, the king of France They had disputed territories that led to over 20 years of

warfare between France and the Holy Roman Empire The pope backed the king of France The Ottoman Turks invaded the Holy Roman Empire German states supported Luther over Charles

Charles was unable to defeat all the forces working against him, and he signed the Peace of Ausburg in 1555, which formally accepted the division of Christianity in Germany; German rulers were able to freely choose between Lutheranism and Catholicism (it is important to note that individuals were not free to choose – they had to practice the religion chosen by the head of state).


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The significance of Gutenberg’s printing press caused the explosion of printed materials. By 1500, 40,000 titles printed and between 8-10 million copies• The impact of

movable-type printing presses: research and literacy

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As Lutheranism became more accepted throughout the German states, new versions of Protestantism appeared in Europe

Ulrich Zwingli was a priest in Zurich, Switzerland when the city council started introducing religious reforms Relics and images were abolished, all paintings and

decorations were removed from churches Zwingli’s movement spread to other cities in Switzerland,

and he sought an alliance with Luther and the German reformers, but they were unable to agree on the sacrament of Communion

War broke out between Catholics and Protestant Reformers in Switzerland in October 1531; Zwingli was killed in battle


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John Calvin fled Catholic France for Switzerland when he converted to Protestantism

He published Institutes of the Christian Religion , a summary of Protestant religious thought

Calvin was very similar to Luther in his beliefs, but he emphasized predestination, the idea that God determined in advance who would be saved (the elect) and who would be damned (the reprobate)

The belief in predestination gave Calvinists the conviction that they were doing God’s work on Earth

John Calvin began to reform Geneva, Switzerland, creating a church government and enforcing moral discipline using the Consistory, a special court to punish those living immoraly


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In England, King Henry VIII did not have a male heir to the throne; he was married to the Catholic Queen Catherine of Aragon Henry wanted to annul (end) his marriage so he could marry another woman The Pope refused to approve the annulment, so Henry VIII started the

Church of England He was assisted by the archbishop of Canterbury, who joined the new

Church of England, or the Anglican church In 1534 Parl iament passed the Act of Supremacy , which declared

the king the “only supreme head on earth of the Church of England” - taking power away from the Pope and granting it to the king

Henry dissolved the Catholic monasteries and convents and sold their land and possessions to wealthy landowners and merchants, fi ll ing his treasury and gaining supporters for his new order

Henry’s heir Mary (Catherine’s daughter) tried to convert the country back to Catholicism, punishing protestants and earning the name “Bloody Mary” for her cruelty

Henry’s daughter Elizabeth eventually usurped Mary and ruled England as a Protestant; she’s considered one of England’s greatest Queens


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Anabaptists were Protestants who did not want the state to have power over the church

The Anabaptists practiced adult baptism and served “reborn” ChristiansThey believed all believers were equalEach Anabaptist church chose its own ministerThey believed in a separation between church and state

They refused to hold office or bear arms


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Protestantism helped develop a new view of the family Special holiness associated with priests was eliminated Protestant preachers were often married, and the family

was placed as the center of human lifeReality did not change much for women, however, as

traditional roles still existed in Protestantism: Women were expected to obey their husbands Women were expected to handle the household Women had a duty to bear children, as part of the divine

planThe Protestant Reformation did not change women’s

subordinate place in society


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The Catholic Church had lost members in Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, France, the Netherlands, and England

The Catholic Church experienced a resurgence and revitalization in the 16 th century

The Catholic Reformation was supported by three pillars: The Jesuits, founded and led by Ignatius of Loyola, took

an oath of obedience to the pope; Jesuit missionaries were very successful in restoring Catholicism to parts of Germany and eastern Europe

Reform of the Papacy helped the reformation; Pope Paul III reformed the role of the Pope and tried to end corruption in the offi ce of pope.

The Council of Trent returned the church to traditional Catholic teachings, upholding the sacraments, good works, the view of the Eucharist, and indulgences


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John Calvin


Henry VIIIChurch ofEngland

Anabaptist IgnatiusOf Loyola


In Switzerland, Relics & images were abolished. Unable to agree with Luther on the meaning of Communion

Believed that God was big enough to determine our future, as an all powerful nature in God. Predestination. God said we were saved in advance.

King, wanted a divorce from his first wife (who was Catholic) to marry Ann Bolin. Didn’t want to wait for an annulment.

Voluntary community of adult believers who had undergone a spiritual rebirth and had then been baptized. Adult baptism (unlike child baptism of other faiths)

Part of the Catholic Reformation.Swore allegiance to the pope.

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