



A thesis submitted to The University of Manchester for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences


Mariam Masaud Nuhu

School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of





LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………...7

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... 8

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. 17

DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... 18

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT .................................................................................................. 19

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 21

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 24

1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................................. 24

1.1.1 Driving force of Aggregation ............................................................................. 26

1.2 Thesis overview and objectives ................................................................................. 30

1.3 References ................................................................................................................. 33


2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 36

2.2 Proteins ...................................................................................................................... 36

2.3 Protein Stability ......................................................................................................... 38

2.4 Protein Aggregation .................................................................................................. 40

2.4.1 Structural factors ................................................................................................ 41

2.4.2 External factors .................................................................................................. 41

2.5 Protein-Protein Interactions ....................................................................................... 52

2.5.1 Osmotic Second Virial Coefficient .................................................................... 54

2.5.2 DLVO theory ..................................................................................................... 56



2.5.3 Limitations of DLVO ......................................................................................... 59

2.6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 62

2.7 References ................................................................................................................. 63

3 EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 74

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 74

3.2 Theoretical Descriptions ............................................................................................ 75

3.2.1 Static Light Scattering ........................................................................................ 75

3.2.2 Dynamic Light Scattering .................................................................................. 79

3.2.3 Intrinsic Fluorescence ........................................................................................ 82

3.2.4 Turbidity ............................................................................................................. 83

3.2.5 Electrophoretic Light Scattering ........................................................................ 85

3.3 Experimental methodology ....................................................................................... 88

3.3.1 miniDAWN Treos .............................................................................................. 88

3.3.2 Calypso ............................................................................................................... 90

3.3.3 Optim ................................................................................................................. 94

3.3.4 Zetasizer Nano system ....................................................................................... 96

3.3.5 DynaPro ............................................................................................................. 97

3.3.6 Turbidimetric titration ........................................................................................ 98

3.4 References ............................................................................................................... 100



4.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 105



4.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 106

4.3 Materials and Methods ............................................................................................ 111

4.4 Methods ................................................................................................................... 112

4.4.1 Static and Dynamic Light Scattering ............................................................... 112

4.4.2 Zeta Potential Measurements ........................................................................... 114

4.5 Results and Discussion ............................................................................................ 115

4.5.1 Effect of pH and ionic strength of protein-protein interactions ....................... 115

4.5.2 Specific ion or Hofmeister effects on protein-protein interactions .................. 117

4.5.3 Lysozyme Hofmeister effects: zeta potential and net charge........................... 124

4.6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 131

4.7 References ............................................................................................................... 133


AND IONIC STRENGTH-DEPENDENT MANNER .......................................................... 140

5.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 141

5.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 142

5.3 Materials and methods ............................................................................................. 148

5.4 Methods ................................................................................................................... 149

5.4.1 Turbidimetry .................................................................................................... 149

5.4.2 Dynamic and static light scattering at room temperature ................................. 150

5.4.3 Temperature-controlled experiments ............................................................... 151

5.5 Results ..................................................................................................................... 152

5.5.1 Effect of dialysis procedure on insulin preparation ......................................... 152



5.5.2 Effects of arginine and arginine mixtures on isoelectric precipitation of

insulin 152

5.5.3 Time-evolution of insulin aggregation ............................................................. 153

5.5.4 Effects of dipeptides on insulin aggregation state at room temperature .......... 154

5.5.5 Temperature accelerated aggregation studies of insulin .................................. 157

5.5.6 Fluorescence studies to probe dipeptide interactions with insulin ................... 159

5.6 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 162

5.6.1 Arginine neutralizes negatively charged groups of insulin .............................. 162

5.6.2 Mixtures of arginine and glutamate suppress hydrophobic interactions .......... 164

5.6.3 Dipeptides modulate hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions

between insulin molecules .............................................................................................. 165

5.7 References ............................................................................................................... 170


FORMULATION STUDIES ................................................................................................. 182

6.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 182

6.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 183

6.3 Monoclonal Antibodies ........................................................................................... 184

6.4 Materials and Methods ............................................................................................ 190

6.5 Methods ................................................................................................................... 192

6.5.1 Static light scattering ........................................................................................ 192

6.5.2 Dynamic light scattering .................................................................................. 193



6.5.3 Temperature-controlled light scattering and intrinsic fluorescence

experiments ..................................................................................................................... 195

6.6 Results ..................................................................................................................... 196

6.6.1 Effect of pH and ionic strength on intermolecular interactions of IgG4.......... 197

6.6.2 Effect of polyethyleneimine (PEI) on protein-protein interactions.................. 200

6.6.3 Influence of pH, ionic strength and polyethyleneimine on temperature -

induced aggregation of an IgG4 antibody....................................................................... 209

6.7 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 217

6.8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 219

6.9 References ............................................................................................................... 221


Final Word Count: 49,849




Table 2.1. List of some common protein instabilities .............................................................. 39

Table 3.1. Analytical techniques for characterising protein stability ...................................... 75

Table 6.1. Final additive concentrations (C2) prepared from initial stock

concentrations (C1) of each additive at different pH values .................................................. 191

Table 6.2. Experimentally calculated values for all measured parameters using light

scattering and fluorescence techniques. ................................................................................. 211




Figure 1.1. Schematic of physical protein aggregation pathways ............................................ 27

Figure 1.2. Role of conformational and colloidal stability in protein aggregation [13,

14]. An increase in ΔGunf favours increased conformational stability of the native

state to prevent formation of aggregation-prone species while decrease in ΔGunf

favours reduced conformational stability leading to the formation of structurally

altered or aggregation-prone species. A positive B22 indicates increased colloidal

stability which prevents further assembly reactions that can lead to aggregation

whereas a negative B22 increases agrgegation propensity due to attractive protein-

protein interactions. .................................................................................................................. 29

Figure 2.1. Interactions involved in stabilising the tertiary structure ...................................... 37

Figure 2.2. Schematic representation of Lumry-Eyring framework [6, 15]. Curved

lines represent kinetic energy barrier ....................................................................................... 42

Figure 2.3. Effect of preferential interactions and ΔGunf on folded and unfolded

states [27] ................................................................................................................................. 46

Figure 2.4. Cations and Anions ranking in Hofmeister series [43] .......................................... 49

Figure 3.1. Principle operation for Static Light Scattering System. Incident light I0

passes through the sample and the scattered light intensity, Iθ, is measured at angle θ

with the aid of a photodetector. ................................................................................................ 77

Figure 3.2. Schematic illustration of dynamic light scattering set up [10]. Laser beam

illuminates the sample and the detector placed at a fixed scattering angle is used to

measure the intensity of scattered light. A correlator is used to determine the

correlation function from the time variation of the scattered light intensity............................ 81

Figure 3.3. Turbidimetry techniques for determination of transmittance and

absorbance [14] ........................................................................................................................ 84



Figure 3.4. Visualization of electrical double layer and zeta potential of a negatively

charged particle [19] ................................................................................................................ 86

Figure 3.5. Experimental data for lysozyme in a solution of 100 mM KCl pH 7

obtained using the Treos detector. Stock protein samples are manually diluted with

buffer to generate 10 different protein concentrations. Measurements of detector

voltages for SLS, absorbance at 280 nm for UV, and count rates for DLS are shown. ........... 90

Figure 3.6. Pictorial representation of the Calypso System (CG-MALLS) ............................. 91

Figure 3.7. Schematic representation of Calypso II CG-MALS [26] ..................................... 92

Figure 3.8. Example of a composition-gradient method for lysozyme (black lines)

with a maximum concentration of 7 g/L. Measurements are made as a function of

salt concentration (red lines) ranging between 0.5 M and 3 M. Stock protein samples

prepared at 14 g/L are automatically diluted with buffer to generate different protein

concentrations at a fixed salt concentration. ............................................................................ 93

Figure 3.9. Schematic of Optim 1000 system configuration [27] ............................................ 95

Figure 3.10. Schematic diagram of a PC 950 probe colorimeter [33] ..................................... 98

Figure 4.1. (A) Static and (B) dynamic light scattering measurements of lysozyme in

potassium chloride solutions as a function of pH and ionic strength in terms of B22

and kD respectively. ................................................................................................................ 116

Figure 4.2. Measurements of (A) B22 and (B) kD of lysozyme at pH 4 in different

salts solutions (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN) represented by colour codes

between an ionic strength of 25 mM to 250 mM. .................................................................. 118

Figure 4.3. Measurements of (A) B22 and (B) kD of lysozyme at pH 5.5 in different

salts solutions (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN) represented by colour codes

between an ionic strength of 25 mM to 250 mM. .................................................................. 119



Figure 4.4. Measurements of (A) B22 and (B) kD of lysozyme at pH 7 in different

salts solutions (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN) represented by colour codes

between an ionic strength of 25 mM to 250 mM. .................................................................. 119

Figure 4.5. Correlation between kD and B22 measurements in lysozyme solutions at

25 mM to 250 mM ionic strength for the different salts (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3

and KSCN) at pH 4 ................................................................................................................ 123

Figure 4.6. Zeta potential of lysozyme as a function of pH and ionic strength in (A)

K2SO4, (B) KNO3, (C) KCl and (D) KSCN solutions. Error bars represent standard

deviations of 3 independent measurements............................................................................ 125

Figure 4.7. Zeta potential of lysozyme as a function of salt type and ionic strength at

pH 5.5. Error bars represent standard deviations of 3 independent measurements ............... 126

Figure 4.8. Effective charge (Zeff) of lysozyme at an ionic strength of 100 mM as a

function of pH and salt type. Error bars represent standard deviations of 3

independent measurements. ................................................................................................... 127

Figure 4.9. Effective charge (Zeff) of lysozyme in CaCl2 and KCl salt solutions at pH

7 as a function of ionic strength. Error bars represent standard deviations of 3

independent measurements. ................................................................................................... 129

Figure 5.1. Turbidimetric titration of 0.1 g/L insulin against 1M stock concentration

of additives in 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 5.5). 100uL volume of the additives

was added until transmittance values reached 100 % and are reported in terms of τ,

as 100-%T. The data represent the mean values of two individual experiments. Arg-

Glu corresponds to mixtures of Arg and Glu. ........................................................................ 153

Figure 5.2. (A) Effect of 100 mM additives on scattering intensity of 0.2 g/L Zn-free

insulin at 20mM phosphate buffer (pH 5.5). Scattering intensities are normalized

with respect to insulin at 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 5.5) in absence of NaCl. (B)



Effect of 100 mM additives on scattering intensity of 2 g/L Zn-free insulin in 20

mM acetate buffer (pH 3.7). Scattering intensities have been normalized with respect

to the scattering intensity of insulin. The derived count rates are calculated from the

mean count rates and attenuation factors corrected. Data represents an average of

triplicate independent runs ± the standard deviation indicated by the error bars.

Amino acids are represented by their three letter abbreviation. Arg-Glu corresponds

to mixtures of Arg and Glu ..................................................................................................... 156

Figure 5.3. Scattering intensities at 473 nm of 2 g/L insulin in 20 mM phosphate

buffer (pH 7.5) in the absence (A) and presence of 100 mM NaCl (B) respectively

with 20 mM additives. Results shown represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. Amino acids are represented by their three letter abbreviation. .................... 158

Figure 5.4.Shifted intrinsic fluorescence spectra for 20 mM phosphate solutions (pH

7.5) containing 2 g/L insulin with (A) Arg at concentrations of 0mM, 20 mM or 100

mM at 25 °C; (B) no additive, 20 mM diArg,20 mM GluArg, or 20 mM ArgGlu at

25 °C, (C) no additive at 25°C or 55°C. (D) no additive, 20 mM Arg or 20 mM

diArg at 55 °C. Results shown represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. ........................................................................................................................ 160

Figure 5.5. Unshifted intrinsic fluorescence spectra for 20 mM phosphate solutions

(pH 7.5) containing 2 g/L insulin with (A) Arg at concentrations of 0mM, 20 mM or

100 mM at 25 °C; (B) no additive, 20 mM diArg,20 mM GluArg, or 20 mM ArgGlu

at 25 °C, (C) no additive at 25°C or 55°C. (D) no additive, 20 mM Arg or 20 mM

diArg at 55 °C. Results shown represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. ........................................................................................................................ 161

Figure 6.1. Basic structure of an antibody or immunoglobulin Ig molecule. The

variable (Fab) domains located at the arm of the Y bind antigens in a lock- and –key



mechanism. The fragment constant (Fc) portion at the carboxyl terminus of the H-

chains responsible for biological activity [19] ....................................................................... 185

Figure 6.2. (A) Static light scattering measurements for determination of B22 values

and (B) dynamic light scattering measurements for determination of Rh,0 of an IgG4

antibody in 300 mM PD solutions at pH 5, 6 and 7. Virial coefficient values

decrease with increasing pH: -11.1 x 10-5

mL mol/g2 (pH 5), -11.8 x 10

-5 mL mol/g


(pH 6) and -13 x 10-5

mL mol/g2 (pH 7) and correspond to Mw,0 values of 166 kDa,

183 kDa and 194 kDa respectively. ....................................................................................... 199

Figure 6.3. (A) Static light scattering measurements for determination of B22 values

and (B) dynamic light scattering for determination of Rh,0 of an IgG4 antibody in 300

mM PD and 5 mg/mL PEI solutions (dark symbols) at pH 5, 6 and 7. Light symbols

corresponding to solutions without PEI. Virial coefficient values in presence of PEI

are greater compared to when there is no PEI and decrease with increasing pH: 5.2 x


mL-mol/g2 (pH 5), -4.3 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g

2 (pH 6) and -3.6 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g

2 (pH

7) and correspond to Mw,o values of 188 kDa, 207 kDa and 203 kDa respectively. .............. 202

Figure 6.4. (A) Static light scattering measurements for determination of B22 values

and (B) dynamic light scattering for determination of Rh,o of an IgG4 antibody in 150

mM NaCl and 5 mg/mL PEI solutions (dark symbols) at pH 5, 6 and 7. Virial

coefficient values are -7.3 x 10-5

mL-mol/g2 (pH 5) and -10.3 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g

2 (pH

6) and correspond to Mw,0 values of 169 kDa and 195 kDa respectively. .............................. 205

Figure 6.5. Dynamic light scattering measurements at 5 °C showing diffusion

interaction parameter (kD) as a function of temperature for various mAb formulations

at pH 5. kD values are on the order of -12.0 mL/g in PD, -11.4 mL/g in NaCl-PEI,

-7.5 mL/g in PD-PEI, and -1.2 mL/g in NaCl solutions. Error bars are calculated

from the linear regression calculated by averaging three independent measurements. ......... 208



Figure 6.6. Intrinsic fluorescence intensity as a function of temperature at pH 5 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. ........................................................................................................................ 213

Figure 6.7. Intrinsic fluorescence intensity as a function of temperature at pH 7 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. ........................................................................................................................ 214

Figure 6.8. Static light scattering intensities as a function of temperature at pH 5 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. ........................................................................................................................ 215

Figure 6.9. Static light scattering intensities as a function of temperature at pH 7 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. ........................................................................................................................ 216




Arg arginine

Asn asparagine

Asp aspartate

BCM barycentric mean

BSA bovine serum albumin

DLS dynamic light scattering

DLVO Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek

DS dextran sulphate

FDA Food and Drug Administration

Gln glutamine

His histidine

Ig immunoglobulin

Lys lysine

mAb monoclonal antibody

MALS multiangle light scattering

Met methionine

PCS photon correlation spectroscopy

PD 1, 2 -propanediol propylene glycol

PEI polyethyleneimine

pI isoelectric point

QELS quasi-elastic light scattering

rhGCSF recombinant human growth colony stimulating factor

RNase A ribonuclease A

SLS static light scattering

Trp tryptophan




ΔGunf free energy of unfolding

B22 osmotic second virial coefficient

B33 osmotic third virial coefficient

π osmotic pressure

γp activity coefficient

R universal or ideal gas constant

Mw molecular weight

c protein mass concentration

µ chemical potential

T absolute temperature

R intermolecular center-to-center distance

kB Boltzmann constant

NA Avogadro’s constant

Q net charge

e elemental charge

dp protein diameter

z valence charge

ε relative permittivity of water

ε0 dielectric permittivity of free space

κ inverse of Debye length

W(r) potential of mean force

Rθ excess Rayleigh ratio

RT Rayleigh ratio of toluene

IT reference (toluene) scattering intensity

n0 refractive indices of solvent



nT refractive indices of toluene

Acscc configuration specific calibration constant

Ainst instrument dependent constant

K optical constant

λ wavelength of incident light

dn/dc differential refractive index increment

Mw,app apparent mass-average molecular weight

Mw,0 infinite dilution molecular weight


(τ) intensity autocorrelation function

α instrument constant

β background term

DT translational diffusion coefficient

D0 infinite dilution of diffusion coefficient

Dz mean diffusion coefficient

q scattering vector length

θ scattering angle

Pd polydispersity

kD inter-particle interaction parameter

kf frictional coefficient

vsp partial specific volume

µE electrophoretic mobility

f(κRh) Henry’s function

ζ zeta potential

Tm melting temperature

Tagg aggregation temperature

η solution viscosity



Protein-Protein Interactions and Aggregation in Biotherapeutics

Mariam M. Nuhu, The University of Manchester, 2015

Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Protein aggregation is a frequently cited problem during the development of liquid

protein formulations, which is especially problematic since each protein exhibits

different aggregation behaviour. Aggregation can be controlled by judicious choice

of solution conditions, such as salt and buffer type and concentration, pH, and small

molecule additives. However, finding conditions is still a trial and error process. In

order to improve formulation development, a fundamental understanding of how

excipients impact upon protein aggregation would significantly contribute to the

development of stable protein therapeutics.

The underlying mechanisms that control effects of excipients on protein behaviour

are poorly understood. This dissertation is directed at understanding how excipients

alter the conformational and colloidal stability of proteins and the link to

aggregation. This knowledge can be used for finding novel ways of either predicting

or preventing/inhibiting protein aggregation.

Experiments using static and dynamic light scattering, intrinsic fluorescence,

turbidity and electrophoretic light scattering were conducted to study the effect of

solution conditions such as pH, salt type and concentration on protein aggregation

behaviour for three model systems: lysozyme, insulin and a monoclonal antibody.

Emphasis is placed on understanding the effects of solution additives on protein-

protein interactions and the link to aggregation. This understanding has allowed the

rational development of stable formulations with novel additives, such as arginine

containing dipeptides and polycations.




No portion of the work referred to in the thesis has been submitted in support of an

application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university or other

institute of learning.


Name of author: Mariam M. Nuhu

Date: 22-07-2015




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First of all, I am most grateful to the Almighty God all through the period of my

academic pursuit. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my doctoral

advisor Dr Robin Curtis. I am very grateful to have worked with him on this

challenging project. I also admire him for his extensive knowledge in the research

field, and excellent teaching skills.

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with Dr Dorota Roberts, Dr Abdullatif

Alfutimie, and Dr James Austerberry in different phases of this research work. I

would like to thank Dr Tom Jowith for facilitating research and access to the

Biomolecular analysis lab.

I am grateful to Prof Davor Kovacevic from the University of Zagreb for inviting me

to a one-month stay in his group, and for his scientific input in many discussions and

meetings. Special thanks also go to Dr Darija Jurasin for her excellent assistance in

performing zeta potential measurements, and to the whole team in Zagreb for the

nice and supportive atmosphere in the lab. Part of the research work was performed

in collaboration with Arecor Ltd and Genzyme. Here, I would like to thank Dr Jan

Jezek and Dr Barry Derham for providing the antibody samples and immeasurable

help and insight into experimental details and analyses.

I would also like to thank my group members Joe, James and Rose for all the group

discussions and lunches both inside and outside of the office or lab. I also thank my

friends, particularly Eddy, Efe, Petrus, Blessing, Godwin and Mala for making my

life so much more enjoyable at Manchester.

I would very much like to thank my family. Special gratitude goes to my parents,

Alhaji and Dr (Mrs) Nuhu, and my brothers, Habib and Masaud Jnr., for their

continuous love and support in all my decisions in life. I would also like to thank my



uncle Prof Abdulwaheed Olatinwo and his family, and my aunt Dr Ganiyat Oyeleke

for their prayers and support throughout my program. Last but not least, a big thank

you to my fiancé Lukman for his never-ending energy, optimism and support,

especially towards the finishing of my thesis.







This chapter outlines the motivation of the thesis and its structure. The main aim of

the work is to gain a better understanding of how excipients affect protein-protein

interactions and protein aggregation during the formulation of liquid protein

therapeutics. Although the knowledge on protein-protein interactions and

aggregation is increasing, a major challenge is optimising formulation conditions to

reduce protein aggregation and ensure 18-24 months shelf life. Information on how

solution conditions change protein-protein interactions can provide ways of

predicting aggregation during drug formulation and storage. This chapter starts with

a general overview on challenges faced during development and manufacture of

liquid formulations which serves as a build up to the motivation of the work

highlighted in section 1.1. Protein aggregation, a commonly encountered problem in

each step of development process is presented and its mitigation is discussed along

with the link to protein- protein interactions. Finally, the content of the remainder of

the report are outlined in section 1.2.

1.1 Motivation

Protein aggregation phenomenon is a major impediment to the production and

development of stable protein therapeutics. Aggregation has been observed at all

protein concentrations during various bioprocessing steps such as refolding,

fermentation, freeze-thawing, reconstitution and also during transport and storage of

the protein drugs[1]. For example, the presence of insoluble protein aggregates

during recombinant protein expression leads to the formation of inclusion bodies

which result in lower protein yields [2, 3]. Moreover, protein aggregation has been

implicated in a number of different diseases and disorders arising from changes to



the physical and/or chemical stabilities of proteins. In recent years, the

pharmaceutical industry has seen a significant shift towards the development of

protein-based therapeutics for the treatment of various diseases and disorders.

Subcutaneous or inter-muscular routes of administration are becomingly increasing

preferred due to limitations in protein half-life, increasing target coverage, as well as

patience convenience which necessitate the need for therapeutics to be formulated at

typically high concentrations exceeding 100 mg/mL [4-6]. Development of stable

high concentration liquid formulations poses several challenges particularly in

relation to solubility, viscosity, phase separation and protein aggregation arising

from protein self-interactions and self-association. At high protein concentrations,

the volume fraction occupied by the solute is greater than typically present under

dilute solution conditions. Deviation from an ideal solution behaviour due to

increased protein association can lead to opalescence or phase separation, high

viscosities and ultimately aggregation [7, 8]. The presence of aggregates in particular

is undesirable as the aggregates often lack bioactivity and may be immunogenic

within host patients upon administration thus reducing the safety and efficacy of the

protein therapeutic. Therefore, developing a better understanding of how solution

conditions change protein-protein interactions and protein aggregation is critical not

only in various manufacturing processes but also in the development of stable

protein formulations.

Although significant progress has been made to control or inhibit aggregation by

manipulating solution conditions, the results are not fully satisfactory for many

proteins. This is often due to lack of clear understanding of the process of protein

aggregation and underlying mechanisms. As a result this thesis intends to understand

how excipients change protein conformational and colloidal stability and the link to



aggregation. This is to be achieved by investigating the effect of the solvent

environment on protein-protein interactions which may partly be a pre-requisite to

protein aggregation. Detailed analysis and description of various analytical

techniques employed to provide in-depth characterisation of protein-protein

interactions is discussed later on in the thesis.

1.1.1 Driving force of Aggregation

For many years, protein aggregation has been extensively studied and has continued

to gain more light in many areas of scientific and technological research. There is no

consistent meaning for the term ‘aggregation’ as different working definitions are

often used. This thesis defines aggregation as the irreversible formation of high

molecular weight aggregates from natively folded proteins that have non-native

structures. Although native proteins have been found to self-associate and precipitate

even under physiological, non-denaturing conditions, this process is usually

reversible [9].

One of the greatest challenges to understanding and controlling protein aggregation

is that there is no single pathway to which aggregates form. Protein aggregates can

occur through a number of different mechanisms. Aggregation occurs through at

least a two step-process including (1) structural changes to the native state as the

native protein partially unfolds and (2) association with other protein molecules to

form reversible or irreversible higher-order species [1]. Step (1) is controlled by the

conformational stability or the protein’s ability to retain the native three-dimensional

structure. The second step is however dependent on the nature of protein-protein

interactions governed by a range of electrostatic and/or hydrophobic interactions [10]

termed colloidal stability (or the protein’s ability in solution to resist the formation of

aggregates). Figure 1.1 shows a schematic of the aggregation process whereby native



proteins (N) form reversible partially unfolded intermediates (I) which can lead to

totally unfolded (U) proteins or irreversible aggregates (A). This reflects different

aggregation pathways depending on the rate limiting step (k) to aggregation which

depends on solution conditions and temperature.

Figure 1.1. Schematic of physical protein aggregation pathways

In most cases, the rate limiting step of the aggregation process occurs through the

formation and association steps of the partially folded intermediates. Most methods

for inhibiting aggregation target this step by addition of appropriate excipients. For

example, arginine improves the refolding yield of some proteins by either stabilizing

the native state, solubilising folded intermediates or destabilising incorrectly folded

intermediates [11, 12]. The overall outcome of the aggregation process is in part

controlled by weak protein-protein interactions therefore, predicting the effect of

solution conditions (such as pH, temperature, salt type and concentration) requires

elucidating how the solvent environment changes protein-protein interactions.

A number of techniques are used for assessing the conformational and colloidal

stability of proteins which can be measured experimentally through the free energy



of unfolding (ΔGunf) and osmotic second virial coefficient (B22) respectively. ΔGunf is

defined as the difference in free energy between the native and denatured states as

protein stability increases under processes that favour increasing ΔGunf values. B22 is

a measure of protein-protein interactions in solution where negative B22 values

reflect attractive protein-protein interactions (or colloidally unstable proteins) while

positive values indicate repulsive protein-protein interactions. Figure 1.2 shows a

pictorial representation of how protein aggregation process described in Figure 1.1 is

controlled by conformational (structural) changes and/ or colloidal changes initiated

by assembly processes.

Aggregation proceeds due to structural changes of the native state to an intermediate

or transition state species (TS*), which can be characterized in terms of measured in

terms of ΔGunf [13]. Propensity to form further assembly reactions leading to non-

native aggregates can be related to values of B22. In another pathway, aggregation

occurs due to weak interactions between the native proteins leading to the formation

of an aggregation—competent intermediate. This species then undergoes assembly

reactions leading to the formation of large aggregates [13].



Figure 1.2. Role of conformational and colloidal stability in protein aggregation [13,

14]. An increase in ΔGunf favours increased conformational stability of the native

state to prevent formation of aggregation-prone species while decrease in ΔGunf

favours reduced conformational stability leading to the formation of structurally

altered or aggregation-prone species. A positive B22 indicates increased colloidal

stability which prevents further assembly reactions that can lead to aggregation

whereas a negative B22 increases agrgegation propensity due to attractive protein-

protein interactions.

It is important to recall that protein aggregation refers to formation of irreversible

non-native aggregates which proceeds via aggregation-competent intermediate

states. Hence when the sticky hydrophobic residues which are usually buried in the

native state become exposed, unfolded or partially unfolded states become prone to

aggregation. Thus the most dominant factor underlying protein aggregation is

thought to be ‘‘hydrophobic clustering’’. Therefore aggregation is thought to be



predominantly controlled by the initial unfolding of the protein. However,

aggregation upon storage is not always linked to conformational stability. Some

studies have shown that the colloidal stability or protein-protein interactions can be a

controlling factor where attractive protein-protein interactions can lead to

aggregation [10, 13]. This indicates that conformational stability is not the only rate

controlling step to aggregation. In addition, irreversible protein aggregation formed

between partially unfolded proteins is much stronger than the weak self-associations

formed between native proteins.

This work focuses on formulation development which is one of the most critical

steps in development of protein therapeutics. Realising that it is impossible to create

a formulation with perfect stability due to the complexity of the protein structure, the

most logical step is to develop predictive ability to control protein aggregation in

liquid formulations by understanding how protein aggregation is controlled by

protein-protein interactions. This could lead to improved methods for screening

solvent conditions against long term storage stability.

1.2 Thesis overview and objectives

This dissertation is presented in the alternative format, as allowed by The University

of Manchester thesis submission guidelines. Each of these chapters begins with a

providing a general overview of the chapter and has been clearly marked.

The research work was carried out to investigate the role of solvent and co-solvent

environment on protein-protein interactions and ultimately protein aggregation. A

key aspect is understanding the underlying molecular forces controlling protein

solution behaviour. Various analytical techniques were utilised for characterising



protein behaviour at relatively dilute protein concentrations. The thesis is organised

into 7 chapters.

Chapter 2 provides relevant background theory to protein stability, protein-protein

interactions and explains how link to protein aggregation.

In chapter 3, the analytical characterization methods used in carrying out

experiments for studying protein –protein interactions are described in detail.

Theoretical descriptions including relevant equations as well as experimental

methodology used are discussed.

In the first experimental study presented in Chapter 4, a combination of static and

dynamic light scattering and zeta potential analysis is used to investigate protein

intermolecular interactions. The main aim of this chapter is to elucidate specific ion

effects on protein-protein interactions. Here we examined protein-protein

interactions and protein-ion interactions using lysozyme as a model system.

Measurements are made for a range of ionic strength, pH values and salt types. In

addition, we implement a recently developed rapid screening method for measuring

protein-protein interactions. Zeta potential measurements were carried out in

collaboration with Professor Davor Kovacevic at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

A manuscript of this work is being prepared for journal publication.

In chapter 5, we establish the effectiveness of a novel set of additives containing

arginine (dipeptides) in controlling the association and aggregation behaviour of

insulin. The work presented in this chapter was published in the Biotechnology

Journal volume 10 (2015) pages 404-416 and titled ‘Arginine dipeptides affect

insulin aggregation in a pH- and ionic strength-dependent manner’. The study also

shows the applicability of using dipeptides as novel excipients which can be

extended to improving stability of other proteins.



Chapter 6 presents a study where a combination of static and dynamic light

scattering and intrinsic fluorescence measurements are used to assess the aggregation

behaviour and the stability characteristics of a monoclonal antibody (IgG4) under a

range of operating conditions in the presence of a novel cationic excipient. The work

was performed in collaboration with Arecor Ltd and Genzyme. Measurements are

made as a function of pH and ionic strength in order to understand the intermolecular

forces controlling the formulation stability.

Chapter 7 summarizes all of the research work carried out in this thesis and brings

together the main conclusions from each of the result chapters. Contributions to

relevant literature in the field of protein formulation and stability are included.

Finally, potential areas for future work are suggested.



1.3 References

[1] Wang, W., Protein aggregation and its inhibition in biopharmaceutics.

International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2005, 289, 1-30.

[2] Finke, J. M., Roy, M., Zimm, B. H., Jennings, P. A., Aggregation Events Occur

Prior to Stable Intermediate Formation during Refolding of Interleukin

1β†Biochemistry 1999, 39, 575-583.

[3] De Young, L. R., Fink, A. L., Dill, K. A., Aggregation of globular proteins.

Accounts of Chemical Research 1993, 26, 614-620.

[4] Shire, S. J., Shahrokh, Z., Liu, J., Challenges in the development of high protein

concentration formulations. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2004, 93, 1390-


[5] Vineet Kumara, N. D., Liqiang (Lisa) Zhou, Wolfgang Fraunhofer, Impact of

short range hydrophobic interactions and long range electrostatic forces on the

aggregation kinetics of a monoclonal antibody and a dual-variable domain

immunoglobulin at low and high concentrations. International Journal of

Pharmaceutics 2011, 421, 82-93.

[6] Samra, H. S., He, F., Advancements in High Throughput Biophysical

Technologies: Applications for Characterization and Screening during Early

Formulation Development of Monoclonal Antibodies. Molecular Pharmaceutics

2012, 9, 696-707.

[7] Hall, D., Minton, A. P., Macromolecular crowding: qualitative and

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(BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics 2003, 1649, 127-139.



[8] Saluja, A., Kalonia, D. S., Nature and consequences of protein–protein

interactions in high protein concentration solutions. International Journal of

Pharmaceutics 2008, 358, 1-15.

[9] Minton, A. P., Influence of macromolecular crowding upon the stability and state

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[10] Chi, E. Y., Krishnan, S., Kendrick, B. S., Chang, B. S., et al., Roles of

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human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Protein Science 2003, 12, 903-913.

[11] Arakawa, T., and Tsumoto, K., The effects of arginine on refolding of

aggregated proteins: not facilitate refolding, but suppress aggregation. Biochemical

and Biophysical Research Communications 2003, 304, 148-152.

[12] Tsumoto, K., Ejima, D., Kumagaia, I., Arakawa T., Practical considerations in

refolding proteins from inclusion bodies. Protein Expression and Purification 2003,

28, 1-8.

[13] Chi, E. Y., Krishnan, S., Randolph, T. W., Carpenter, J. F., Physical Stability of

Proteins in Aqueous Solution: Mechanism and Driving Forces in Nonnative Protein

Aggregation. Pharmaceutical Research 2003, 20, 1325-1336.

[14] Satish, S., BioProcess International European Summit, Czech Republic 2014.








2.1 Introduction

This chapter examines our current understanding of factors influencing protein

conformational and colloidal stability (i.e. protein-protein interactions) and the link

to protein aggregation. Firstly, we discuss how protein degradation leads to a loss in

physical and chemical stability (section 2.2-2.3). We focus on protein aggregation

which is a form of physical instability common to most therapeutic proteins and

discuss how temperature and solution conditions such as pH, salt type and

concentration may affect the aggregation process (section 2.4). Understanding the

link between aggregation and protein-protein interactions requires measuring

interaction parameters such as the osmotic second virial coefficient which is often a

reliable way of interpreting colloidal stability or aggregation propensity, and

accounts for exclude volume effects, electrostatic and short ranged interactions such

as van der Waal, and hydrophobic interactions (section 2.5).

2.2 Proteins

Proteins are complex macromolecules whose three-dimensional conformation is

determined by the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. The

primary structure is composed of about 20 amino acids (nonpolar, polar, acidic,

basic, or aromatic depending on its side chain), containing both amino and

carboxylic functional groups covalently linked through peptide bonds in the

polypeptide chain [1]. Specific pair residues between the amide protons (N-H) and

carbonyl groups (C=O) of the peptide bonds are responsible for the formation of



intra/inter-residue hydrogen bonding, which stabilises the secondary structure. The

secondary structure consists of alpha helix, beta sheet, beta turns, or unstructured

(random coil) conformations. The tertiary structure refers to the overall 3-

dimensional folding of the protein, which is stabilized by interactions between the

side chains of the residues located far apart in the linear amino acid sequence. The

folding of a protein is stabilised by interactions such as hydrogen bonds, ionic and

electrostatic interactions, van der Waals interactions, disulphide bonds, etc. as shown

in Figure 2.1. The quaternary structure refers to the association of two or more

polypeptide chains or subunits, and is mainly stabilized by weak interactions

between the polypeptides. Examples of proteins with quaternary structures include

multidomain proteins such as antibodies and haemoglobin. The overall

conformational structure of a protein is a critical factor for maintaining its biological

activity and long-term storage stability.

Figure 2.1. Interactions involved in stabilising the tertiary structure



2.3 Protein Stability

In the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industry, commercial production of

proteins is made possible through the advent of recombinant DNA technology. As

the number of protein therapeutics on the market increases, the relevance of protein

stability will continue to gain more light in the pharmaceutical field. Currently in the

United States alone, about 150 protein-based products have received FDA (Food and

Drug Administration) approval in addition to 20 antibody products [2]. However,

difficulties still exists in commercial viability of proteins due to various instabilities.

This poses a challenge during protein purification, separation/isolation, storage and

delivery within manufacturing and development. Achieving formulation stability is

particularly difficult; proteins are only marginally stable, but formulations need to

possess a shelf life of 18-24 months.

Protein degradation arises as a result of either chemical or physical instability which

both affects the solubility, immunogenicity and toxicity of the final protein drug.

Chemical instability involves processes that modify or alter the chemical structure of

proteins via covalent bond formation or cleavage, resulting in a new chemical entity.

Examples of reactions linked to chemical instability in therapeutic proteins include

asparagine (Asn) or glutamine (Gln) deamidation, aspartate (Asp) isomerisation,

methionine (Met) or tryptophan (Trp) oxidation, proteolysis and disulphide bond

formation/exchange as shown in Table 2.1. On the other hand, physical instabilities

do not involve covalent bond modification as the chemical composition is not

affected but the physical state of the proteins is altered. These changes occur as a

result of denaturation or protein unfolding, precipitation, aggregation and surface




Table 2.1. List of some common protein instabilities

Physical Chemical

Conformational (thermal, cold,

pressure, and chemical denaturation) Asp Isomerization

Colloidal (aggregation, self-

association) Asn or Gln Deamidation

Surface Adsorption Oxidation (metal-catalysed, photo-

oxidation or Met /Trp oxidation)

Disulphide bond formation/exchange


We focus on physical instabilities that occur in proteins often leading to aggregation,

which is a severe issue faced during the development of stable protein drug

formulation. Physical instability refers to any change in the physical state of proteins

in which the chemical composition is retained and not altered in any way. Examples

of physical instabilities include denaturation, precipitation and aggregation.

Denaturation corresponds to the loss of 3-dimesional structure of natively folded

globular proteins into a disordered state. Generally, proteins are stable at

temperatures that fall within their maximum free energy change of unfolding, ΔGunf

(8-20 kcal/mol). An increase or decrease outside this temperature range can

destabilise and denature proteins. Heat-induced denaturation could either be

reversible or irreversible. During reversible denaturation, unfolded proteins can

regain native state by lowering temperature after heating above the protein melting

temperature. Conversely, irreversible denaturation does not allow unfolded proteins

to regain their native structure when temperature is lowered. At temperatures below



freezing point of water, proteins have been reported to exhibit cold denaturation

[3].Chemical denaturation due to addition of chaotropes, such as urea and guanidine

hydrochloride (GdnHCl), also results in loss of protein globular structure.

Denaturants function by interacting with unfolded states, but investigations are on-

going to understand the intermolecular forces that occur between proteins and

denaturants [4, 5].

In this dissertation, aggregation corresponds to the formation of large molecular

weight aggregates usually made irreversible through protein conformational changes.

Precipitation, on the other hand, corresponds to the formation of an insoluble phase

or precipitate. The precipitate could either be reversibly formed as occurs when

native proteins self-associate leading to crystallization, or liquid-liquid phase

separation. Or alternatively, irreversible aggregation can also lead to the formation or

large precipitates.

2.4 Protein Aggregation

Aggregation is the most common manifestation of physical instability. The term

‘aggregation’ involves a number of different types of molecular assemblies, ranging

from physical association of native monomers to chemical aggregation resulting in

formation of a new chemical bond. Either of these mechanisms can produce soluble

or insoluble aggregates depending on environmental conditions and the stage of

aggregation process. For instance, insoluble aggregates are formed when the

hydrophobic residues of proteins become exposed as occurs in thermal denaturation.

Protein aggregation can be affected by external factors (temperature, and solution

conditions such as pH, ionic strength, buffer, excipients) or structural factors, which



may destabilize the native state, favour formation of intermediate or aggregate-

competent species or stabilise the unfolded states.

2.4.1 Structural factors

Protein aggregation may arise from non-covalent interactions (hydrogen bonding,

hydrophobic interactions, van der Waal forces, electrostatic interactions), or

interactions between covalently linked species (intrinsic or local /non-local peptide

interactions) [6]. The amino acid sequence of proteins is believed to ultimately

determine the aggregation propensity and is influenced by the environmental

conditions [7]. Calamai et al. [8] showed that the hydrophobicity of proteins

influences the likelihood of aggregation as a more hydrophobic protein has greater

tendency to aggregate. This view is shared with Fields et al. [9] where increasing the

non-polar component of the protein increased the aggregation propensity.

Aggregation arises from partially unfolded or structurally-altered proteins that have

exposed hydrophobic groups which form intermolecular associations with each

other. Further studies indicate that the secondary structures containing substantial

amount of β-sheet content are more likely to form aggregates than α-helices. There is

an observed transition from the α-helix to β-sheet conformation, followed by

aggregation as a result of intermolecular associations [10, 11].

2.4.2 External factors


Above certain temperatures, proteins unfold and irreversibly form aggregates when

the hydrophobic residues are exposed. The extent of reversibility is dependent on the

stage and size of protein aggregates. As the temperature is raised, the frequency of

protein diffusion and the strength of hydrophobic interactions are increased thus



affecting the rates of protein aggregation. A number of proteins have been found to

aggregate at temperatures slightly above room temperature, for example recombinant

human keratinocyte growth factor (rhKGF) at pH 7 [12], tubulin at pH 2.5 [13], and

bovine insulin [14]. The thermodynamic folding stability of proteins is characterised

by the free energy change of unfolding ΔGunf. High values of ΔGunf indicate a high

probability of the protein to be in their native state and vice versa. With increasing

temperature, the activation free energy or thermodynamic barrier between the native

state (N) and partially folded state is reduced leading to higher concentrations of

partially folded or unfolded proteins, which act as aggregation prone intermediates

(An) before forming irreversible aggregates (Am) as shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Schematic representation of Lumry-Eyring framework [6, 15]. Curved

lines represent kinetic energy barrier



Solution pH

The pH of a solution has been shown to affect the rate of aggregation of proteins. pH

determines the overall distribution and type of charges on protein surfaces, thus

influencing electrostatic interactions. A number of studies have reported the

influence of solution pH on aggregation of proteins such as ovalbumin at pH 4.0

[16], recombinant human growth colony stimulating factor (rhGCSF) [17], and

bovine serum albumin (BSA) [18]. At pH values far below or far above the

isoelectric point (pI), proteins possess highly positive or negative charges,

respectively. A large net charge increases nonspecific charge repulsion thereby

preventing aggregation. However, a large charge density on the protein causes a

lower folding stability as the intramolecular electrostatic repulsion is greater in the

compact folded state versus the extended unfolded state. Thus, extreme pH values

can also cause proteins to unfold and expose hydrophobic groups leading to

aggregation. At pH values close to pI, there is uneven or partial distribution of

positive and negative charges on the protein surface which reduces charge-charge

repulsion and can even lead to electrostatic association, which in turn, favors

aggregation.Giger et al. [19]studied the aggregation behaviour of insulin over a

range of pH where maximum aggregation was observed at pH 5.6 close to its pI of

5.5 in low ionic strength solutions.

Buffer Type

Due to the stability of proteins over a narrow range of pH, buffering agents are often

added to maintain an optimum pH of the solution. The aggregation behaviour of

proteins differ under various buffering conditions, for instance, Katayama et al. [20]

studied the effect of different buffer systems on the aggregation behaviour of

interferon-tau (IFN-tau) and found that phosphate buffers increased protein



aggregation rates when compared with tris or histidine buffers. Phosphate buffers

bind weakly to the native state and increases aggregation by reducing colloidal

stability arising from repulsive electrostatic forces between proteins.

Protein Concentration

Protein concentration is another factor that has been shown to affect protein

aggregation propensity. Protein denaturation depends weakly on protein

concentration. However, increasing protein concentration increases the tendency for

protein aggregation and precipitation as a result of greater intermolecular interactions

between proteins. Examples include aggregation/fibrillation of insulin [21],

apomyoglobin [22], and GCSF [23]. In some cases, aggregation occurs via formation

of an initial nucleus only when proteins exceed a critical concentration limit. Kanai

et al. [24] and Liu et al. [25] observed an increase in viscosity and self –association

with increasing the concentration of proteins.

Aggregation rates typically have a second or higher order dependence on protein

concentration. This rate behaviour is quite different from the transition from native

state (N) to molten globule (MG) and from MG to the unfolded state (U) in which

case the rate of reaction is first order in protein concentration [26]. The higher

reaction order of aggregation indicates that interactions between proteins in part

control the aggregation behaviour.

Excipients and additives

The aggregation behaviour of proteins is also influenced by the types of co-solvents

(often referred to as excipients or additives). Depending on their mechanism of

interaction, co-solvents can either stabilise proteins against aggregation or destabilise

proteins and promote aggregation. Examples of excipients/additives include salts,



sugars, polyols, amino acids, surfactants, polymers, preservatives and denaturants.

The thermodynamic effects of co-solvents on protein stabilisation and destabilisation

are determined by a protein- co-solvent preferential interaction parameter.

Preferential interaction parameters are equal to the excess or deficiency of the co-

solvent within the domain of the solute (protein) molecule relative to the bulk

solution, which is referred to as either preferential binding or preferential exclusion,

respectively. The stabilising effect of these excipients/additives corresponds with

their ability to increase the free energy of unfolding, which is related to the

preferential interaction parameter as demonstrated in Figure 2.3. An increase in free

energy of unfolding with increasing additive concentration implies that the free

energy of the native state is reduced relative to the unfolded state, which, for

instance, could result from preferential binding of co-solvent (such as certain

ligands) only to the native state (state A in Figure 2.3). Alternatively, the free energy

of the unfolded state relative to the folded state is increased through preferential

exclusion of co-solvents such as sugars (state B in Figure 2.3). The exclusion is

greater about the unfolded state than the folded state due to the larger solvent

exposed surface area of the unfolded state.



Figure 2.3. Effect of preferential interactions and ΔGunf on folded and unfolded

states [27]

Sugars and polyols have been found to stabilise proteins and inhibit aggregation

under different conditions [28-30]. For example, the aggregation propensities of

IgG1 antibodies at 40 °C were reduced in sucrose solutions by increasing

conformational stability of the proteins [28]. The mechanism of stabilisation is most

likely due to the exclusion of sucrose from the protein surface such that water

molecules are localised around the protein and increases the kinetic barrier between

native and aggregation-prone states. Ruzza et al. [31]demonstrated that the addition

of 10 mM trehalose stabilised α-synuclein against aggregation by shifting the native

state towards a more compact conformation.

Certain ligands such as metal ions can selectively bind to the native state of proteins

and confer net stabilization and minimize protein aggregation at high concentrations.

For instance, zinc ions are added to hexameric insulin to maintain the conformational

stability [32]. At the same time, ligands can cause protein destabilisation by

preferentially binding to the unfolded or denatured states of the proteins [2]. The



difference between the mechanism of stabilisation by excluded co-solvents such as

sugars and ligands is that co-solvent exclusion is non-specific and occurs with all

proteins, whereas ligand binding is protein specific [27]. Cimmperman et al. [33]

showed that ligands such as sulphonamide, 1,8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS)

and zinc ions can selectively bind to native or denatured states to confer either

stabilisation or destabilisation to different proteins.

In order to ensure sterility of protein formulations over their shelf life, antimicrobial

preservatives such as benzyl alcohol and m-cresol are often added. Effective

preservatives are however needed especially in multidose formulations where

microbial growth needs to be prevented after a dose has been removed from its vial.

Preservatives could be used in injection pens, topical applications and mini pumps.

Caution must be taken as the preservatives can induce protein aggregation as not all

proteins are compatible with preservatives. Studies suggest that the preservatives

bind to the unfolded protein states prone to aggregation, although the mechanism is

not well understood. Lam et al. [34] and Zhang et al. [35] reported that benzyl

alcohol induced aggregation of recombinant human interferon-γ (rhIFN-γ) by

populating aggregation-competent species without significant changes to the

secondary structure.

Amino acids such as alanine, proline, lysine, betaine and other amino acid

derivatives are often used as additives in inhibiting protein aggregation. Some of

these are found in organisms living in extreme environments whereby they stabilise

proteins by working as osmolytes or ‘compatible solutes’ in regions of high salinity

and extreme temperatures, and do not affect molecular structure and function of

proteins [36]. Unlike other stabilising amino acids which are preferentially excluded

from the protein surface, arginine preferentially binds to the surface of protein, but



does not destabilise proteins [37].The interactions between arginine and proteins are

weak, making arginine effective at high concentrations. Studies have suggested that

arginine prevents aggregation by suppressing intermolecular interactions between

aggregation –prone species [37, 38].

Salt type and concentration are important solution parameters affecting protein

aggregation. Increasing salt concentration weakens the repulsive intermolecular

interactions due to favourable interactions between the charges on the protein and

salt leading to enhanced protein-protein interactions which results in aggregation.

Sahin et al. [39] found that increasing ionic strength of the IgG1 solutions increased

aggregation propensity by lowering the repulsive intermolecular interactions. The

effect of salts on physical stability is complex as they can alter conformational

stability, solubility (salting-in/ out), and aggregate formation. Intramolecular charge-

charge interactions affect conformational stability while intermolecular electrostatic

interactions affect aggregation and solubility [15].

Protein-salt interactions can be explained in terms of surface tension effects,

electrostatic binding (non-specific and specific) and interactions with exposed polar

(peptide) groups. Cavity theory relates surface tension and co-solvent exclusion

whereby the stabilisation and association of protein molecules is a function of the

solvation free energy or work required to create large cavities in a solvent to

accommodate proteins. Preferential exclusion is often related to the ability of the co-

solvent to increase the surface tension of water indicating the co-solvent exclusion

about the protein surface is due to unfavourable interactions between the low

dielectric constant of the protein interior and the co-solvents [40]. The extent of

interactions between salts and proteins depends on the salt molal surface increment

of the salt [41] which is related to the ion position in an empirical series such as the



Hofmeister or lyotropic series. Hofmeister [42] proposed a series for ranking salts in

order of salting-out effectiveness for globular proteins now called the Hofmeister

series as depicted in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4. Cations and Anions ranking in Hofmeister series [43]

The Hofmeister series is similar to the lyotropic series, which ranks ions according to

their hydration. Exceptions occur for multivalent cations which are high on the

lyotropic series because divalent cations possess large hydration numbers, but low

on the Hofmeister series as divalent cations are weak salting-out ions [44]. For

anions, the molal surface tension increment decreases in the order of SO42-

> HPO42-

> F- > Cl

- > Br

- > I

- > SCN

- while for cations follow in the series of Ca

2+ > Mg

2+ >

Na+ > K

+ > NH3

+. Ions high on the series interact strongly with water as water

molecules are well structured around the ions relative to bulk water. These types of

ions are usually referred to kosmotropes, which are water-structure-makers or salting

out ions as they stabilise proteins and favour attractive intermolecular interactions,



while ions which interact weakly with water molecules tend to bind to and

destabilise proteins and are referred to as chaotropes or water-structure-breakers.

Recent studies have found that low concentration of chaotropes in acidic pH

solutions, which are preferentially accumulated at the protein surface, do not

destabilise proteins but rather salt out proteins more effectively than kosmotropes


Generally, ionic (electrostatic) screening interactions occur between the charged

groups on the protein surface and all salts, i.e. ionic screening is non-specific. The

screening effect depends on pH and ionic strength of the solution. At low ionic

strengths, the electrostatic interactions between ions and protein charged groups are

always favourable, but are reduced at high ionic strengths as the range of the

interaction becomes short-ranged. The electrostatic interactions depend on the sign

and number of charges on a protein, which is modulated by pH. Protein-salt

interactions are greatest when protein has largest net charge leading to large

favourable interactions and salting-in effects. This effect contributes to the low

solubility at isoelectric point where protein net charge is equal to zero. Specific

electrostatic interactions are dependent on the specific nature of the salt and are

usually dominant at high and low ionic strengths. For instance, Yamasaki et al. [48]

found that at low ionic strength (10-100 mM), chaotropic salts such as sodium

thiocyanate (NaSCN) and sodium perchlorate (NaClO4) stabilised bovine serum

albumin (BSA) against thermal unfolding due to specific ion binding to the charged

groups on the protein surface and destabilised BSA at high ionic strengths by

weakening hydrophobic forces. The latter is consistent with the finding that

chaotropes bind non-specifically to non-polar surfaces at high salt concentration,

which reduces protein thermodynamic stability of the proteins [49].



The specific binding of monovalent chaotropic anions to net positively charged

proteins has been found to follow the reverse Hofmeister trend at concentrations

below 200 mM [46, 47, 50]. The monovalent anions have a more pronounced effect

on weakening intermolecular interactions and salting out proteins. The strength of

interaction of protein-ion interactions can be explained by the Collin’s law of

matching water affinity or the electroselectivity series. Collins proposed that ions

may interact with proteins depending on the hydration properties, size and

polarizabilities of the ions and as a result, strong inner sphere ion pairs are formed

between ions of opposite signs and similar size having similar water affinities [51,

52]. Large polarizable anions such as thiocyanate (SCN-) which are weakly hydrated

have the strongest interactions with the positively charged side chains of arginine

(Arg), lysine (Lys) and histidine (His). The electroselectivity series ranks the affinity

of ions for charged groups on the protein surface where ions with higher valency

form stronger electrostatic interactions with protein charged groups. Gokarn et al.

[45] demonstrated that the binding of divalent sulphate ion (SO42-

) to positively

charged lysozyme is consistent with the electroselectivity series despite being

strongly hydrated. However for monovalent anions, protein-ion interactions are

consistent with Collins model. This was attributed to specific ion binding of SO42-


low salt concentrations resulting in more effective charge neutralisation than the

monovalent anions. Salt ions also interact with the large dipole moment of the

peptide backbone, which arises from presence of partial positive and negative

charges on the amino and carboxyl group of the backbone units respectively. This

suggests that cations bind to the negative group on the carbonyl oxygen while anions

bind to positive charges on the amino group [41, 53].



Processing conditions

Aggregates can occur in various processing steps such as fermentation, purification,

refolding, freeze-thaw process, shaking, lyophilization and during long-term storage.

During large-scale protein production, proteins often get expressed in inclusion

bodies as insoluble aggregates [54]. During refolding of proteins, aggregates could

be formed from high concentrations of misfolded proteins which tend to reduce

yields. Proteins stored in either a lyophilised state, liquid state, or solid state have

tendency to aggregate and factors such as protein concentration, pH and ionic

strength affect the rate of aggregation [55]. Other potential causes of aggregation

arise as a result of agitation encountered during processing as well as adsorption to

surfaces of containers [56].

2.5 Protein-Protein Interactions

Usually, controlling or inhibiting protein aggregation in biopharmaceutical

formulations requires manipulating or screening a wide range of solvent conditions

to alter the solution thermodynamics, which are controlled by protein-protein

interactions. Due to the complexity in physical and chemical properties of proteins,

understanding the nature of protein-protein interactions at a molecular level is yet an

unsolved problem. Solution variables that affect protein-protein interactions include

temperature and solution conditions such as ionic strength, salt type, and pH. Finding

an optimal combination of these variables that control solution properties of interest

such as stability, solubility, crystallisation and precipitation requires full

understanding of the origin of protein-protein interactions [57]. For instance,

knowledge of protein-protein interactions characterized in terms of the osmotic

second virial coefficient has been used to define a range of solution conditions that

favour crystallisation. Various experimental and theoretical studies have been used



to explain protein-protein interactions in different component systems and to link the

observed behaviour with solution properties of interest. Proteins can be described as

charged colloids using models such as Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek

(DLVO) theory, which can then be utilized for rationalizing colloidal phase diagrams

[58, 59]. DLVO theory provides useful starting point in understanding protein-

protein interactions. However, the use of this model is limited in that it does not

account for specific ion effects, solvation forces and geometric anisotropy, which

have been shown to be significant for protein solutions. This section reviews the

nature of protein-protein interactions and the link to protein solution behaviour, and

examines the effect of solution variables on protein-protein interactions.

One of the earliest measurements for measuring protein-protein interactions was

based on using an osmometer [60]. In dilute solutions, the protein activity is directly

determined by the actual concentration since the activity coefficient γp is

approximately 1. However, in concentrated solutions, the effective protein

concentration or thermodynamic activity deviates from ideality due to reducing the

average protein-protein separation distance and increasing the contribution of

protein-protein interactions [61]. This non-ideality can be measured in terms of the

difference in pressure (referred to as osmotic pressure, π) of a protein and salt in

solution versus the corresponding dialysate, that is the salt solution at the same

solvent chemical potentials as the protein solution, in the form of a virial expansion

(Equation 2.1)

where R is the universal or ideal gas constant, Mw is the molecular weight of the

protein, c is the protein mass concentration, µi is the chemical potential of

component i, where i equals w for water, and s for salt, T is the absolute temperature,

...,,,,1 2

3322 cTBcTBMcRT





B22 and B33 is the second and third osmotic virial coefficient, respectively. From

Equation 2.1, measuring osmotic pressure as a function of protein concentration

allows for direct measurement of B22. B22 reflects behaviour in a non-ideal solution

due to two-body protein interactions, where higher order contributions from multi-

body protein interactions are accounted for by higher order virial coefficients. When

non-idealities due to protein-protein interactions are negligible as occurs at low

protein concentration, then the osmotic pressure is given by the ideal van’t Hoff


(Equation 2.2)

The nature of molecular interactions between proteins can be rationalized in terms of

B22. A positive B22 reflects repulsive protein-protein interactions whereby the

osmotic pressure is greater than that of an ideal solution. A negative B22 reflects

attractive interactions between protein molecules as the osmotic pressure is less than

the ideal solution value [62].

2.5.1 Osmotic Second Virial Coefficient

The osmotic second virial coefficient B22 provides a measure of the nature and extent

of protein-protein interactions. B22 can be measured using techniques such as static

or dynamic light scattering [63, 64], self-interaction chromatography [65], size

exclusion chromatography [66], neutron scattering [67] and sedimentation

equilibrium [68]. The general phase behaviour of proteins is ultimately controlled by

the protein-protein potential of mean force (or value of B22) [69]. Knowledge of the

phase diagram has been used in determining optimal conditions for protein

crystallisation. George and co-workers observed a relation between B22 and the






conditions favourable for protein crystal growth [70, 71] where high quality crystals

are obtained when protein –protein interactions fall within a window of B22 values on

the phase diagram. The window corresponds a location on the protein phase diagram

near to a liquid-liquid equilibrium. B22 also provides valuable information on

formulation conditions that increase colloidal stability or favour attractive protein-

protein interactions.

Within the McMillan Mayer osmotic virial expansion, the second virial coefficient is

thermodynamically related to a protein pair potential of mean force. The potential of

mean force is related to an interaction averaged over the separation and orientation

of a pair of protein molecules in solution [57]. The potential of mean force W(r), is

defined as the work required to bring two protein molecules at infinite separation to a

fixed configuration [72]. B22 is related to the potential of mean force by

(Equation 2.3)

where r is the intermolecular center-to-center distance, kB is the Boltzmann constant

and NA is Avogadro’s constant.

Studies have shown that B22 values depend on conditions such as pH, salt type, and

salt concentration [73, 74]. Narayanan and Liu [67] experimentally measured the

B22 values of proteins at low and high salt concentrations. The authors found that at

low ionic strengths, B22 was positive indicating protein repulsion. However at higher

ionic strengths, protein-protein interactions became attractive as reflected by the

negative B22. The effect of ionic strength on B22 observed is consistent with studies

conducted by Lehermayr et al. [74] where the propensity of the protein to aggregate

increased as the virial coefficients dropped. The pH dependence on protein-protein





A B 2

0222 412




interactions of a monoclonal antibody was investigated by Roberts et al. [64]. The

authors found that the values of B22 decreased as the pH is increased indicating

attractive protein-protein interactions and was attributed to a reduction in the double

layer forces within the DLVO theory. The pH and ionic strength dependence on

protein-protein interactions can be predicted with respect to how the electric double-

layer forces changes within the DLVO theory [57].

2.5.2 DLVO theory

Most potential of mean force models use idealised shapes to describe proteins, and in

some cases, approaches account for surface roughness/anisotropy of the proteins.

The Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory is used to describe the

behaviour of proteins in dilute electrolyte solutions where the proteins are highly

hydrated and the closest distance of approach between protein molecules includes a

tightly bound layer of water molecules. In DLVO theory, proteins are treated as hard

spheres having uniformly charged surfaces with net charge given by Q, immersed in

a dielectric medium (water) ε, containing salt ions behaving as point charges [75].

The potential of mean force W(r) between two protein molecules is expressed as a

sum or contribution of three terms, (1) the excluded volume or protein hard sphere

term Wex, (2) the electrostatic or electric double layer repulsion Welec, and (3) the

dispersion potential of Hamaker Wdisp. Thus

(Equation 2.4)

Generally, the DLVO model is applicable to predict protein behaviour at low

electrolyte concentration (< 0.1 M) where long-ranged electrostatic forces dominate.

However at higher salt concentrations (> 0.1 M), the model does not accurately

rWrWrWrW dispelecex



describe protein behaviour [76]. It should be noted that ion specific effects are not

accounted for by DLVO theory.

Excluded Volume

The contribution of excluded volume to the osmotic second virial coefficient (non-

ideal protein solutions) is positive. This volume includes a layer of tightly bound

water of thickness δ, which controls the distance of closest approach between protein

molecules. Therefore, it is important to accurately estimate the range of δ as it affects

B22 values used to predict thermodynamic properties of proteins. Vilker et al. [77]

showed that using a spheroid approximation to describe the shape of proteins

compared to using a sphere provided better fit with experimental data for BSA where

difference in excluded volume between the two approximations was greater than


Van der Waals Interactions

Van der Waal forces are dispersion forces, which are dominant when the protein-

protein interaction is short-ranged. The strength of the dispersion force is determined

by the nature of solute and solvent as well as the geometry of the molecules [61].

The dispersion potential is proportional to the Hamaker constant AH, which is

determined by the dielectric properties of proteins and the solvent (water). Between

two similar bodies such as protein molecules, the Hamaker force is attractive.

Because most proteins tend to have similar composition and densities, they have

similar Hamaker constants [78]. Care must be taken when fitting the dispersion

potential to experimental data because the strength of dispersion attraction is very

sensitive to the distance of closest approach between proteins, which is controlled by

the parameter describing the hydration layer thickness about proteins, δ.



Electrostatic Interactions

Electrostatic interactions or charge-charge repulsions are greatest in dilute solutions

or at low ionic strength where the range of electrostatic forces is greatest; increasing

the salt concentration reduces the range of electrostatic interactions between protein

molecules. Electrostatic interactions between ions and the protein fixed charges

produce an electric double-layer, where the ion density about the protein differs from

the bulk solution over a distance given by the Debye length. Within DLVO theory,

the ion density is described by treating the salt as point charges within the Poisson-

Boltzmann equation. The double layer force arises when double-layers of different

proteins overlap with each other. Vilker et al. [77] gives an analytical expression of

the double layer force












(Equation 2.5)

where e is elemental charge, dp is protein diameter modelled as hard sphere, z is

valence charge, ε is relative permittivity of water and ε0 is dielectric permittivity of

free space, and κ is the inverse of the Debye length, which reflects the size of the

double layer or the range of the force.

DLVO theory assumes uniform charge distribution which is not always the case for

proteins. At ionic strengths greater than 0.1 M, the debye length is short (~ 1 nm)

and the equation is not valid as other short-ranged interactions become significant

and the assumptions used in the Poisson-Boltzmann equation are no longer value, i.e.

ions can no longer be treated as point charges. The equation can only be used at

lower ionic strengths (e.g. 0.01 M) where the debye length is larger ( ~ 3 nm) to

predict the behaviour of proteins in solution [41].



The influence of electrostatic interactions on protein-protein interactions can be

measured experimentally by observing the effects of pH and ionic strength. pH

affects the protonation states of the –carboxylic and –amino groups on protein

surfaces [79]. At low/acidic pH, proteins are positively charged as the –amino

terminal groups of lysine, histidine and arginine are protonated. The negatively

charged aspartate and glutamate –carboxylic group are protonated and neutralised

at acidic pH. Increasing the pH reduces the protein’s net charge as carboxylic (–

COOH) and amino residues (-NH3+) become deprotonated. Since the pH of solution

determines whether the protein is positively or negatively charged, changes in pH

would affect the nature of electrostatic interactions between protein molecules.

According to Eq. 2.5, the protein net charge is the main factor contributing to electric

double layer forces. At isoelectric point (pI), proteins have no net surface charge due

to equal number of positive and negative charges on the protein surface. Hence,

when the pH of the protein is far below or above the isoelectric point, the

interactions become repulsive due to presence of large net positive or negative

charges respectively. Neal et al. [80] reported that at low pH and ionic strength, the

virial coefficient of lysozyme becomes highly positive as a result of repulsive

interactions and moves from positive to negative B22 with increasing pH as the

isoelectric point is approached.

2.5.3 Limitations of DLVO

DLVO theory cannot explain many trends of intermolecular protein-protein

interactions. Below are given other types of forces that may be important in

controlling protein interactions but are not included in DLVO theory.



Specific Ion Effects

Within the DLVO theory, salt ions are treated as point charges and therefore do not

include the ion specific interactions that have been observed in a number of studies.

In addition, the double layer theory only accounts for electrostatic interactions

between ions and proteins, and as such ignores any nonelectrostatic ion-specific

interactions at low or high salt concentrations. Specific ion effects are controlled and

modulated by presence of salts where the role of salt in determining the extent and

magnitude of interactions is still not well understood. Although the Hofmeister or

lyotropic series which is based on the molal surface tension increment is often used

to explain the effectiveness of ions in salting in/out proteins, not all ions follow this

pattern [46, 81]. Within the salting out region, intermolecular interactions become

attractive as the salt concentration is raised and the protein solubility decreases

depending on the position of the ion in the Hofmeister series. The traditional salting

out behaviour is observed when the pH is above the pI. In this case, ions structure

surrounding water molecules and prevent them from hydrating the protein surface,

thus the proteins form intermolecular interactions with each other. The exact

molecular origin of the interaction is still being debated.

On the other hand, a reverse Hofmeister series is noticed at pH values below the pI

where chaotropic ions are more effective in salting out proteins than kosmotropes.

This anion-induced attraction has been observed especially at low salt concentrations

where electrostatic interactions are significant [46]. The order reverts back to the

traditional Hofmeister series at a salt concentration where electrostatic interactions

are screened. One explanation is that at low salt concentrations, the anions are

preferentially accumulated at the protein surface due to strong binding between the

anions and positively charged groups. The binding lowers the net positive charge



and neutralizes the double layer forces leading to attractive protein-protein

interactions. Specific anion binding increases in the descending order of lyotropic

series however divalent anions such as sulphate have been reported to show stronger

binding affinity to opposite charges on the proteins due to the higher number of

valence [45, 47].

The understanding of specific ion effects requires that contributions from

electrostatic interactions, dispersion forces and nonelectrostatic interactions

(hydrogen bonding, hydration etc.) are included in protein-protein interaction


Solvation Effects

Solvation forces are also not accounted for in DLVO theory. Depending on the

chemical nature of the interacting surfaces, solvation forces can either be attractive

(between non polar and hydrophobic groups) or repulsive (between polar charged

groups). The hydrophobic interaction is an attractive force which occurs when

solvent layers around nonpolar groups overlap each other [57]. Also when polar

groups approach each other, there is a repulsive solvation force (termed the

hydration force), which arises from the free energy required to dehydrate tightly

bound water molecules. Repulsive hydration forces play an important role in protein

interactions as the force is believed to be responsible for preventing aggregation.

These forces are also observed between protein surfaces with bound cations. As the

hydration number of the cation increases, the strength and range of the hydration

force also increases. This implies that binding of divalent cations such as Mg2+



to protein surfaces enhances protein-protein repulsion as they are strongly

hydrated [69, 82].



Anisotropic Effects

In solutions at high salt concentration, when the electric double-layer repulsion is

screened and protein-protein interactions are short-ranged, the nature of interactions

depends on the anisotropic distribution of protein surface groups and the shape of

the protein [57]. Anisotropic interactions correspond to the case when the protein-

protein interactions depend on the specific orientation of protein molecules [80, 83].

Protein-protein interactions are sensitive to surface properties as slight alterations

could result in large changes in B22 values. Neal and co-workers examined the effect

of protein surface roughness and shape on the contribution of excluded volume and

found it the actual excluded volume to be about 1.7 times greater than if the protein

molecule was modelled as a smooth surface [80, 84].

2.6 Conclusion

The issue of protein stability is particularly relevant in the field of biopharmaceutics

due to the continuous increase in development of therapeutic protein products.

Achieving stability is particularly difficult due to the marginal stability of proteins

and their susceptibility to degradation. Non-native protein aggregation is problematic

as it is encountered in different stages of the development process and is often

irreversible. Protein aggregation is controlled by conformational and/or colloidal

stability depending on solution conditions. Because proteins aggregate through

different mechanisms, it is important to understand how varying solution conditions

such as pH, temperature, salt type, salt concentration and other co-solvents affect

protein stability and protein-protein interactions and how these link to aggregation.

During formulation development, manipulating solution conditions to improve

structural stability and protein-protein interactions is commonly employed in rational

design of stable therapeutic protein formulations.



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3.1 Introduction

This chapter reviews the analytical methods used in this research work (Chapters 4,

5, and 6). Many of the commonly used methods for characterizing aggregation

propensity assess the conformational and/or colloidal stability of the protein. Current

available techniques range from basic techniques to high throughput methods. Some

of these techniques are either qualitative or quantitative, and differ in detection

principles as they possess unique analytical features [1]. Table 3.1 shows the

applications and measureable parameters for the methods used in this work. The

measurable properties are the parameters used to interpret the results derived from

each of the techniques after analysis of the raw data. For example, the osmotic

second virial coefficient obtained from static light scattering measurements is used to

assess the magnitude of colloidal stability or attractive /repulsive protein-protein

interactions under various solution conditions. In order to gain a better understanding

of the model systems used in this thesis, several complementary methods were

simultaneously used in conducting experiments. Brief theoretical descriptions of the

methodology and instrumentation are given in section 3.2 to 3.3.



Table 3.1. Analytical techniques for characterising protein stability

Analytical Technique Measurable property Application

Static light Scattering Molecular weight, osmotic

virial coefficient, aggregation

onset temperature

Colloidal stability,

aggregation propensity,



Dynamic Light


Hydrodynamic size, diffusion

coefficient, protein-protein

interaction parameter, particle

size distribution, viscosity

Colloidal stability,

aggregation propensity,


Intrinsic Fluorescence Melting temperature, protein

conformation and tertiary


Conformational and

thermal stability

Turbidity Sample turbidity Aggregation,


Electrophoretic Light


Electrophoretic mobility, zeta


Colloidal stability,

aggregation propensity,

ion binding

3.2 Theoretical Descriptions

3.2.1 Static Light Scattering

This technique allows for absolute determination of absolute molecular weight.

In a static light scattering (SLS) experiment, the fraction of incident light scattered

by a solution is measured. The intensity of scattered light is recorded and averaged

over a time scale. The property of interest is the excess scattered light which

corresponds to the difference in scattered light from the protein solution over that of

the solvent [2, 3]. Scattering intensity is collected at a single or multiple angles from

either a light (multiangle light scattering, MALS) or laser source (multiangle laser

light scattering, MALLS) [4]. This technique is also often referred to as static light

scattering (SLS).



Consider a sample volume which consists of solution with solute species in the

solvent. Once the sample is placed in the path of a light beam with wavelength λ, a

fraction of the light is scattered by the solution. Figure 3.1 below shows an

illustration of scattered light intensity monitored at a fixed angle by a detector. Light

is scattered isotropically and the angular dependence of scattering intensity is lost for

particles significantly smaller than 1/20th

the wavelength of incident light (658 nm).

In this case, scattering data is analysed mainly using the angle 90° as other detectors

are prone to multiple photon scattering or producing a smaller signal to noise ratio

from large impurities such as dust particles as forward scattering is more sensitive to

large particles.

The scattering is usually characterized in terms of the excess Rayleigh ratio of the

solution, Rθ, which is the difference between the scattering of the solute-containing

solution Iθ and scattering from the pure solvent Iθ, solvent









(Equation 3.1)

where IT is the reference (toluene) scattering intensity, RT is the Rayleigh ratio of

toluene and n0 and nT are the refractive indices of the solvent and toluene solution

respectively. To obtain accurate data, the concentration of the solute needs to be high

enough to produce a high signal to noise ratio.



Figure 3.1. Principle operation for Static Light Scattering System. Incident light I0

passes through the sample and the scattered light intensity, Iθ, is measured at angle θ

with the aid of a photodetector.

The light scattering detector measures voltages and not light intensities. The

proportionality between the detector voltage and light intensity can be expressed as







csc90 (Equation 3.2)

where Acscc is the configuration specific calibration constant, Vlaser and Vlaser,solvent are

laser monitor signal for the solute-containing solution and solvent respectively, and

V90 and V90,solvent are the detector signal voltage for the solute-containing solution and

solvent at 90° respectively. The value of Acscc depends on the instrument and solvent

properties, such as the refractive index of solvent. Thus, an instrument dependent

only constant Ainst is introduced to adjust for reflection and geometry corrections





2csc (Equation 3.3)



where ns and ng are the refractive index of solvent and glass respectively and Tsg and

Tga are the transmitted intensity between the glass-solvent and air-glass interfaces of

the sample cell. The transmitted intensity between the media 1 and 2 is expressed in

terms of the Fresnel equation,






(Equation 3.4)

Calibration is required to calculate the value for Acscc, which is done using toluene

with a Rayleigh ratio of 1.406 x 10-5


at a wavelength of 632.8 nm [5]. The basic

Rayleigh equation of the scattering intensity of a protein solution is given by the

Debye-Zimm relation [6],







(Equation 3.5)

where c is the protein concentration, Mw,0 is the infinite dilution molecular weight at

zero concentration, B22 is the osmotic second virial coefficient (slope) and K is an

optical constant given by






K (Equation 3.6)

where NA is the Avogadro’s constant (6.022 x 1023


), λ is the wavelength of the

incident light, n0 is the solvent refractive index, and dn/dc is the differential

refractive index increment of the solute which can be determined using a differential

refractometer. Equation 3.5 is only accurate up to moderate protein concentrations

below which contributions from higher order virial coefficients are negligible.

Equation 3.5 is used to analyse the light scattering data to determine the apparent

mass-average molecular weight (Mw,app) and the osmotic second virial coefficient

(B22). The Mw,app and B22 can be obtained directly from the y- intercept and slope of



the Zimm plot respectively when Kc/Rθ (y-axis) is graphed against the protein

concentration, c, on the x-axis.

3.2.2 Dynamic Light Scattering

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) also known as quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS)

or photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) is a well-established technique for

monitoring protein hydrodynamic properties in solution.

DLS is used to measure the time correlation function of fluctuations in scattered

intensity of molecules in solution. The decay is determined by the time scale for

particles undergoing Brownian motion. Large particles generate intensity

fluctuations, which decay slowly while smaller particles move more rapidly leading

to smaller time decays in correlations of light fluctuations. The fluctuations in

scattered intensity can be mathematically expressed in terms of an intensity

autocorrelation function g(2)

(τ) which reflects how quickly correlations in scattered

light decay.

22 gg (Equation 3.7)

where α is an instrument constant and β is a background term in the limit of large

delay time τ of a diffusional process.

For a monodispersed sample, the autocorrelation function can be fitted to a single

exponential function,

21 exp qDg T (Equation 3.8)

where DT is the translational diffusion coefficient and q is the scattering vector

length which depends on the scattering angle θ


0 2sin4

nq (Equation 3.9)



Most protein samples cannot be treated as monodispersed due to the presence of

small quantities of aggregates or dust. In this case, the autocorrelation function

cannot be represented by a single exponential function. Instead, the cumulants

method is used to fit the autocorrelation time to a population distribution of decay

rates characterized by a mean diffusion coefficient, Dz [7]



2ln Zz D


(Equation 3.10)

where z is the z-average of the property and (δD)z2 is the z-average of the

distribution width. A polydispersity Pd is defined as







(Equation 3.11)

Polydispersity provides information on the width of the particle distribution. A

general rule of thumb is that samples with % polydispersity greater than ~ 10 %

often indicate presence of higher-order oligomeric species while % Pd less than 10

% contain monodisperse samples. The sensitivity of the technique is limited for large

polydispersities and it becomes difficult to obtain accurate measures of the protein

size. This technique is used here to measure the hydrodynamic size distribution of

the species in solution in response to environmental changes such as pH, ionic

strength and temperature [8, 9]. Figure 3.2 shows the basic set up for dynamic light

scattering where a monochromatic light beam such as a laser passes through the cell

with the solution. The light scattered is detected by photomultiplier, which is then

processed to determine the intensity autocorrelation function.



Figure 3.2. Schematic illustration of dynamic light scattering set up [10]. Laser beam

illuminates the sample and the detector placed at a fixed scattering angle is used to

measure the intensity of scattered light. A correlator is used to determine the

correlation function from the time variation of the scattered light intensity.

Protein-protein interactions can be characterized from DLS measurements in terms

of an inter-particle interaction parameter (kD). kD is obtained from the slope of the

concentration dependence of the mutual or translational diffusion coefficient DT

[11] through

(Equation 3.12)

D0 is the infinite dilution of the diffusion coefficient at zero concentration c, which is

related to an intensity weighted average hydrodynamic radius, Rh,0, through the

Stokes-Einstein relationship

(Equation 3.13)

where kB is Boltzmann constant, η is solvent viscosity and T is absolute temperature.

ckDD DT 10


0,6 D





kD provides quantitative/qualitative information about protein-protein interactions

[12, 13] where larger positive kD values reflect repulsive interactions and negative kD

values reflect self-association. The interaction parameter can be related to the

osmotic second virial coefficient through

spfWD kBMk 22 22 (Equation 3.14)

where MwB22 and (kf + νsp) reflect the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic

components of kD respectively. kf is the coefficient of the linear term in the virial

expansion of the frictional coefficient and vsp is the partial specific volume of the

protein [8, 11].

3.2.3 Intrinsic Fluorescence

Intrinsic protein fluorescence is used to monitor changes in the tertiary structure of

proteins under different solution conditions. Aromatic amino acid residues

(tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine) contain chromophores which are usually

buried inside native folded proteins. When excited, their electrons absorb UV light at

lower wavelengths (blue shift) and jump into an unstable excited state, after which it

relaxes back due to some energy loss into an unexcited ground state hence, emitting

light at longer wavelengths (red shift) [1]. The excitation and emission profile of the

protein is dependent on the polarity of the solvent environment around the aromatic

residues. Upon unfolding, the solvent environment around the aromatic residues

changes as the buried hydrophobic cores becomes exposed. The fluorescent emission

changes leading to observable shifts in peak emission wavelength [3].

Fluorescence parameters such as peak emission wavelength, barycentric mean

(BCM) fluorescence, integrated fluorescence intensity and intensity ratio (at 350/330

nm where tryptophan fluoresces) are often used for characterizing protein structures.



The integrated fluorescence intensity is obtained by integrating the area under the

fluorescence curve for each spectrum, providing a measure of the total intensity (I)

given by

II (Equation 3.15)

The peak emission wavelength can be determined by finding the wavelength which

corresponds to the maximum intensity. The barycentric mean fluorescence (λ bcm) is

the most preferred method for monitoring unfolding as it is sensitive to changes in

the average wavelength of florescence emission and takes into account the whole

spectrum. λ bcm is defined by the summation of the intensity at a particular

wavelength multiplied by the value of the wavelength itself and divided by the

integrated fluorescence intensity given by



(Equation 3.16)

3.2.4 Turbidity

Turbidity can be used to detect the presence of large protein aggregates under

accelerated stress conditions such as pH, high protein concentration, excipients and

ionic strength [3] but is unable to provide information about protein shape, size and

distribution and should be used in combination with other tools which can detect

presence of small oligomeric aggregates [15].

Turbidity is the fraction of incident light that passes through the sample. The

reduction in light intensity is due to either light scattering or absorbance. The amount

of light scattered depends on the particle size as smaller particles with low turbidities

will scatter less light than large particles. The presence of precipitates, large

aggregates or particles gives rise to turbid or opalescent solutions which could lead



to multiple scattering and interfere with direct scattering [14]. In Figure 3.3, a

source of light beam passes through the sample cell and the scattered light is

monitored using a 90° detector while a transmitted light detector measures changes

in transmitted light intensity. The backscattering detector measures the amount of

light scattered in backward directions at an angle between 90° to 180°.

Figure 3.3. Turbidimetry techniques for determination of transmittance and

absorbance [14]

Turbidity depends on the path length of the cell, size and concentration of the protein

solutions and can be performed using standard UV spectrophotometers where the

optical density or absorbance values are recorded at wavelengths (mostly 350 nm to

450 nm) where proteins do not exhibit specific absorbance of visible light [16], or

using a colorimeter which provides a direct read out of the percent transmittance

(%T) of the solution [17]. Transmittance refers to the amount of light that passes

through a sample to the detector and is related to turbidity, τ, by

T%100 (Equation 3.17)



3.2.5 Electrophoretic Light Scattering

Electrophoretic light scattering is used to measure the rate of migration of charged

particles under the influence of an electric field. When an electric field is applied

across an electrolyte solution, charged particles move towards the electrodes of

opposite charge. This electrokinetic effect is referred to as electrophoresis [18]. At

steady-state, the particles migrate at a constant velocity depending on the dielectric

constant and viscosity of the medium, and strength of electric field. Once the

velocity and applied electric field is known, the electrophoretic mobility µE and zeta

potential can be calculated. The velocity v, is proportional to the electric field, E, by

Ev E (Equation 3.18)

A positive mobility implies that the surface of the particle is positively charged and

vice-versa. However the surface charge could be affected by a change in solution

conditions leading to a change in charge sign from positive to negative or negative to

positive. The presence of a net charge on the surface of a particle in solution affects

the distribution of ions surrounding the interfacial region thus, increasing the

concentration of counter ions close the particle surface [19]. The region surrounding

the particle consists of strongly bound ions referred to as the Stern layer and an outer

layer consisting of loosely associated ions known as the diffuse layer. The bound

counter ions in the stern layer and charged atmosphere of ions in the diffuse layer

make up what is called the electrical double layer. The electrical double layer is

formed to neutralise the surface charge.

When an electric field or voltage is applied, particles migrate with the surrounding

solvent layer. Somewhere within the diffuse layer, there exists an ‘imaginary

boundary’ beyond which solvent molecules will not move with the particles in



solution. This is called the slipping plane or hydrodynamic shear plane. The

electrostatic potential that exists at the slipping plane with respect to the bulk of the

solution is known as the zeta potential. Figure 3.4 shows the effect of counter ions

on the electrostatic potential of a charged particle. The surface potential drops as the

distance away from the particle surface increases, approaching zero as the densities

of co-ions and counter ions merge together.

Figure 3.4. Visualization of electrical double layer and zeta potential of a negatively

charged particle [19]

The value of the zeta (ζ) potential depends on the electrophoretic mobility and is

calculated in two classic limits: the Huckel and Smoluchowski equations. When the

particles radius Rh is larger than the debye length κ-1

i.e. κRh >> 1, the



Smoluchowski approximation is used and the relationship between ζ-potential and

mobility is


E (Equation 3.19)

where ε is relative permittivity of the fluid (water at 25 ° C = 78.3) and ε0 is electric

permittivity of vacuum (8.8547 x 10-12

C2/ Nm


The Henry- Huckel approximation is valid for particle radius smaller than the debye

length (κRh << 1) in which case the ζ-potential is obtained from mobility by





3 (Equation 3.20)

For the determination of Henry’s function f(κRh), two values are used as f(κRh) varies

from 1.0 for low κRh values to 1.5 as κRh approaches infinity. A simple analytical

expression for the Henry’s function derived using the electrostatic double-layer

theory is given by [20]









(Equation 3.21)

The Huckel equation is used in this thesis as measured zeta potential (ζ) values are

less than 50 mV indicating that the polarization of ions in the diffuse layer is

negligible [18]. The effect of specific ion binding on the surface potential of the

protein can be determined by estimating the effective net charge, Zeff from the

electrophoretic mobility µE, [21]





16 (Equation 3.22)



where e is the unit charge of the proton (1.602 x 10-19

C). The debye screening length


can be calculated from the equation







(Equation 3.23)

where NA is Avogadro constant, I is ionic strength, kB is Boltzmann constant (1.3806

x 10-23

J/K) and T is absolute temperature.

The electric double layer force between a pair of proteins is determined by the

potential at the beginning of the diffuse layer, which is often approximated by the

zeta-potential. As such the zeta-potential provides an indication about the colloidal

stability of biological molecules [22]. Zeta potential can be used as a screening tool

for selecting optimal solution conditions such as pH, salt type and ionic strength in

formulations [23]. For instance, as the concentration or valence of ions in solution is

increased, more counter ions will be available to neutralise the particle resulting in a

reduction in the double layer thickness. This compression of the double layer leads to

a drop in zeta potential resulting in reduced electrostatic repulsions or colloidal


3.3 Experimental methodology

3.3.1 miniDAWN Treos

Static (SLS) and dynamic (DLS) light scattering measurements were performed with

the DAWN TREOS light scattering detector. Light scattering measurements are

performed in batch-mode for a single protein concentration. Multiple concentration

measurements requiring serial dilutions from a stock solution are needed to perform

a Zimm analysis. In this approach, individual readings are obtained for each



concentration by manually replacing the protein solution in the syringe used for

delivering the sample into the detector. First, the pure solvent is pumped into the

Treos detector (Wyatt, Santa Barbara, US) until a stable baseline is obtained.

Subsequently, the dilutions made from the stock solution are passed through the

detector, starting usually with the most concentrated protein solution. Concentration

measurements are usually obtained by connecting an external UV/Vis absorption

detector or Optilab-rEX differential refractometer in series with the light scattering

flow-cell detector. The intensity of scattered light is collected at three different

angles in the detector with an instrument constant of 4.68 X 10-5

. For the

experiments conducted in this work, light scattering intensities were collected at

detector 2 corresponding to an angle of 90°. Typical raw UV and light scattering

data are shown in Figure 3.5. The SLS data are collected on the Wyatt Astra 6

software and exported to an Excel spreadsheet for determination of the virial

coefficient and molecular weight. The Wyatt software is used to process the

intensity auto-correlation functions using the cumulant analysis to determine the

hydrodynamic sizes and diffusion coefficients, which are then exported to excel to

determine the protein-protein interaction parameter.



Figure 3.5. Experimental data for lysozyme in a solution of 100 mM KCl pH 7

obtained using the Treos detector. Stock protein samples are manually diluted with

buffer to generate 10 different protein concentrations. Measurements of detector

voltages for SLS, absorbance at 280 nm for UV, and count rates for DLS are shown.

3.3.2 Calypso

The Calypso instrument provides an automated delivery system which uses

programmable syringe pumps to generate stepwise and well-defined concentration

gradients from stock solutions of the protein sample and solvent. Figure 3.6 provides

a pictorial detail of a typical light scattering arrangement utilizing the Calypso [24,

25]. A typical setup of the Calypso system consists of a multi-angle light scattering

detector (mini DAWN-Treos) and UV absorbance detector connected to a computer

installed with Calypso software which is used to control the flow rates and analyse

scattering data and concentration measurements. The Calypso system generates very

precise flowrates allowing for exact serial dilutions. The solutions are usually diluted

and injected into detectors by automated-control syringe pumps. The syringe pumps



are programmed to collect the exact aliquot of sample required for each injection

into the light scattering detector and UV detector flow cells. A series of

concentration gradients is generated as a result of the varying flow ratios of the

sample solution and solvent. At the end of each injection, the flow is stopped and

allowed to equilibrate for proper mixing. An added advantage to the system is the

presence of in-line filters as shown in Figure 3.6 before the mixing point which

removes dust contaminants or aggregates.

Figure 3.6. Pictorial representation of the Calypso System (CG-MALLS)



Figure 3.7. Schematic representation of Calypso II CG-MALS [26]

As shown by the schematic of the Calypso in Figure 3.7, each of the computer-

controlled syringe pumps is connected to a 3-port distribution valve. The input port

is connected to the sample reservoir from where the sample or solvent is taken up

into a 0.5 mL syringe. The output port takes the solution from the syringe to the

detectors through in-line filters, and a mixer. The wash port is connected to a central

reservoir containing wash fluid to flush syringes and detectors. The inlet tubes have

integrated holders which fit either 15 mL or 50 mL conical centrifuge tubes. Located

adjacent to each syringe pump is the degasser which removes dissolved gases or

bubbles that affect the quality of data. At the output port of each syringe pump,

pressure transducers are placed to prevent pumps from exceeding the maximum

permissible pressure.

Running an experiment in Calypso entails designing a method template in the

software, preparing the instrument for experiment and running the experimental



method. Details on preparations for running an experiment which includes pump

operations and method design can be found in the manual [26]. Because the Calypso

uses 3 pumps, experimental methods can be designed to measure multiple virial

coefficients as a function of co-solvent composition. Figure 3.8 shows a typical

template for running experiments. In one experiment, the gradient run for lysozyme

is generated by setting the flow rates of the 3 syringe pumps in such a way that the

flowrate of pump 1 (containing lysozyme solution) increases in steps as the sample

concentration gradually increases. Pump 2 contains the salt solution while pump 3

contains the buffer. For each virial coefficient of kD determination (with a maximum

protein concentration of 7 g/L), the salt concentration is fixed by setting the

flowrates of pump 2 and 3. In the method shown below, 6 B22 and kD values are

obtained in a single run.

Figure 3.8. Example of a composition-gradient method for lysozyme (black lines)

with a maximum concentration of 7 g/L. Measurements are made as a function of



salt concentration (red lines) ranging between 0.5 M and 3 M. Stock protein samples

prepared at 14 g/L are automatically diluted with buffer to generate different protein

concentrations at a fixed salt concentration.

The stock solution determines the maximum concentration of protein that can be

measured on the MALS and concentration detectors. The 7-step lysozyme

concentration gradient shown in Figure 3.8 is generated from a 14 mg/mL lysozyme

stock solution. The number of steps in the method corresponds to the number of data

points on a Zimm plot. The effect of salt concentration on B22 and kD was determined

by preparing a 6 M stock salt solution and running experiments within the same

method at 6 different salt concentrations (0.5 M to 3 M).

3.3.3 Optim

The Optim (Avacta Analytical) is a low-sample, high-throughput analytical

instrument that performs simultaneous measurements of conformational and

colloidal stability of proteins by observing changes in intrinsic protein fluorescence

and static light scattering respectively. This multi-modal tool is used during pre-

formulation, formulation and comparability studies to monitor the effect of different

formulations on protein aggregation and conformation [27, 28]. The thermal stability

of proteins under different formulations can be assessed by performing temperature-

controlled measurements from 15 °C to 95 °C. Under accelerated stress conditions

such as temperature, the onset of unfolding and aggregation is usually reported as

melting temperature (Tm) and aggregation temperature (Tagg) in fluorescence and

light scattering measurements respectively [29]. Information on both fluorescence

and light scattering measurements are usually obtained by scanning through the

entire spectra region i.e. between 200 nm to 500 nm [30]. In addition to being high



throughput, this technique is fully automated, requiring as little as 9 uL of sample for

each measurement. Samples are typically placed in specialised microcuvette arrays

making it possible to perform 48 measurements in a single experimental run. It is

also possible to perform isothermal measurements where samples are held at fixed

temperature to determine the rate of unfolding and aggregation, as well as to conduct

extrinsic fluorescent measurements in presence of fluorescent dyes.

Figure 3.9. Schematic of Optim 1000 system configuration [27]

The Optim uses two lasers at 266 nm and 473 nm for exciting intrinsic fluorescence

and light scattering measurements respectively [31]. Figure 3.9 shows an illustration

of how the two laser sources pass through the samples and are detected using a

Peltier cooled CCD detector over a range of wavelengths to generate a spectrum in a

single exposure. In light scattering, the 266 nm laser can be used for greater

sensitivity to smaller aggregates or low sample concentrations while the 473 nm

illumination is used to detect presence of large aggregates or high sample

concentration (greater than 100 mg/mL). For thermal denaturation and aggregation

studies, the sample is efficiently heated through a thermoelectrically-controlled



copper heating and cooling plate as the sample is exposed to the laser for a relatively

short period (≤ 1second). Measurements are generally taken at a fixed temperature

with increasing temperature steps of 1 °C and holding time of 30 seconds to allow

for proper sample equilibration.

3.3.4 Zetasizer Nano system

The Malvern Zetasizer Nano system equipped with a built-in Peltier temperature

control and an avalanche photodiode detector (Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK) was

used to carry out dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements. Both

measurements are performed at a fixed scattering angle of 173° and measurements

are usually fixed for a duration of time to allow for proper equilibration. For DLS

measurements, the Nano S series equipped with a 633 nm Helium-Neon (He-Ne) red

laser source was used. DLS samples are usually measured in a 45 low volume

quartz cuvette, DTS2145 (Hellma Analytics, Germany). Zeta potential

measurements were carried out the Nano ZS series by phase analysis light scattering

method (M3-PALS) which is equipped with a 532 nm green laser source. Samples

for zeta potential studies are usually measured with a universal dip cell (ZEN 1002)

suitable for high conductivity samples and the dip cell was used in conjunction with

a disposable 1 mL polystyrene cuvette (DTS0012).

Data acquisition and analysis for both measurements are carried out using the

Dispersion Technology Software (DTS) application (Malvern Instruments). In DLS

studies, the acquired correlogram is fitted to the correlation function using the

method of cumulants to determine a z-averaged or cumulant-averaged molecular

“size” (see Eq. 3.10). In zeta potential studies, the zeta potential is calculated through

the measured electrophoretic mobility (µE) (see Eq. 3.20). The instrument also has

the capability of performing simultaneous static light scattering measurements to



obtain derived count rates which are calculated from mean count rates and corrected

attenuation factors which provide a measure of the scattered light intensities. The

calculated scattered intensities can then be used to calculate Rθ (see Eq. 3.1).

3.3.5 DynaPro

The DynaPro plate reader II (Wyatt Technology) is a high-throughput temperature-

controlled plate reader used to perform DLS measurements. Measurements can be

made using 96, 384 or 1,536 well plates requiring sample volumes as low as 4 uL

[32]. This makes it possible to achieve rapid and timely detection and

characterisation of protein samples. The instrument uses a 830 nm wavelength

illumination from a GaAs laser and analyses scattered light at an angle of 158° by

using a non-invasive backscattering technique. The high reproducibility, productivity

and flexibility of the DynaPro makes it suitable for protein formulation development.

For example, thermal-induced aggregation experiments can be performed as a

function of time and/or temperature to examine the influence of colloidal and

thermal stability in proteins [9]. Thermal experiments can be performed within a

temperature range of 4 °C to 85 °C. Usually in these experiments, silicon oil is

applied on top of the samples to prevent evaporation. Before running experiments,

protein samples and buffer solutions are filtered to remove the presence of unwanted

particles which can affect the reliability of the data. The DYNAMICS 7.1.7 data

software performs the analysis needed to obtain the diffusion software from the

correlation function using the cumulants analysis. The processed results are then

exported into an excel spreadsheet to obtain the averaged apparent hydrodynamic

sizes and molecular weights, and for the calculation of kD.



3.3.6 Turbidimetric titration

The Brinkmann PC 950 probe colorimeter with a wavelength of 490 nm was used to

perform all turbidity measurements. The experimental set up is illustrated in Figure

3.10 below where a tungsten lamp provides light source which passes into the

solution through the fibre optics light path. Light scattered by the proteins in solution

is reflected back into the probe by an in-built mirror positioned 2cm away from the

end of the fibre optic rod. The light is then returned to the instrument through the

return light path where it strikes the photodiode detector which converts the light

into transmittance values.

Figure 3.10. Schematic diagram of a PC 950 probe colorimeter [33]

Turbidimetric titration is carried out through incremental or stepwise addition of the

additive solvent with a known concentration to a fixed volume of a protein with

known concentration. This allows for determination of the effect of the additive



concentration on protein solution turbidity. Before conducting experiments, the

reading is usually calibrated to 100% transmittance with a pure solvent like water.



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A manuscript of this work is already being prepared for Journal Submission. Part of

the experimental work (zeta potential measurement) was performed in collaboration

with Prof Davor Kovacevic and Dr Darija Jurasin.






4.1 Abstract

Although there has been much progress recently in elucidating the molecular details

of specific ion effects, the exact interaction mechanism between proteins and salts

remain unclear. A systematic study of specific ion effects on lysozyme solutions

using static, dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering was performed as a

function of pH and ionic strength for various salts with different anions spanning the

range of the Hofmeister series. Experiments reveal that ion binding at low ionic

strength can be explained in terms of charge neutralization as sulphate ions are more

effective at screening double layer forces. The binding of sulphate ions to positively

charged lysozyme through electrostatic interactions is consistent with the

electroselectivity theory. At intermediate ionic strength, thiocyanate and nitrate ions

are more effective than sulphate at inducing protein-protein attraction. This implies

that chaotropic anions induce short range attractive interactions between proteins of

non-electrostatic origin. Hence, the salting-out effects of chaotropic anions which

leads to the so-called reversal of the Hofmeister series cannot be only rationalized in

terms of electrostatic interactions and changes to the double layer potential. The

results provide the first estimate of the non-electrostatic contribution to protein-

protein attraction in chaotropic anion solutions.



4.2 Introduction

There has been renewed interest in understanding the phenomena in colloid science

involving electrolytes that exhibit pronounced ion specificity. Ion specific effects

play an important role in modulating many biological processes such as

precipitation, aggregation and phase transitions (such as gelation and crystallization)

which are partly controlled by protein-protein interactions [1-4]. Studies date back to

more than a decade ago where Franz Hofmeister showed a specific ion order

according to their ability to precipitate proteins. Hofmeister studied the behaviour of

ovalbumin in concentrated salt solutions and noted that the effectiveness of the salt

ions in precipitating the protein increases with the hydration size of the ion and was

ranked for both cations and anions in the Hofmeister series [5, 6].

Salts have long been used to control protein-protein interactions depending on the

pH, salt type and ionic strength of the solution however, the exact mechanism of how

salts alter protein-protein interactions remains unclear. Effects arising from

electrostatics, hydrophobic forces, van der Waals interactions and hydrogen bonding

may contribute to the overall protein-protein interaction, however the exact

contribution of each type of interaction is not easily quantifiable. Thus, a useful

starting point in understanding salt-mediated protein-protein interactions requires

examining the biophysical properties of the proteins (net charge, hydrophobicity)

and salt (size, valence, hydration, polarizability) [7]. Ion properties correlate with the

Hofmeister series, which was originally developed to characterize the salting-out

effectiveness of ions at relatively high concentrations (≥ 0.3 M). Ions to the left side

of the series salt-out proteins, and increase protein conformational stability when at

high salt concentrations. These ions referred to as kosmotropes are strongly

hydrated, which is linked to their ability to dehydrate protein surfaces and reduce



protein solubility. For anions, the order is given by SO42-

> F- > Cl

- > NO3

- > Br

- > I


> ClO4- > SCN

- and for cations NH4

+ > K

+ > Na

+ > Li

+ > Mg

2+ > Ca

2+ for cations.

Towards the right side of the series, the anions are chaotropic and weakly hydrated,

which is linked to their ability salt-in proteins or lower protein conformational

stability. The phenomenon of salting in and salting out have been explained in

details in Chapter 2 of this thesis. The effect of anions is more pronounced than

cations due to the strong binding affinities of multivalent cations for polar parts of

the protein surface, which counteracts their salting-out ability [5].

Measurements from zeta potential [8-10], differential scanning calorimetry [11],

cloud-point temperature [12-14], static and dynamic light scattering [15] have

revealed ion binding to opposite charged groups on the protein surface. Gokarn and

co-workers [8] used effective charge measurements (i.e. zeta potential

measurements) to probe specific ion interactions between lysozyme molecules in

concentrations up to 0.1 M salt solutions. In solutions below the protein isoelectric

point (pI), ion binding was found to follow the reverse Hofmeister series due to

preferential accumulation of weakly hydrated monovalent anions at the protein

surface. Ion binding here refers to the formation of ion pairs between oppositely

charged groups driven by electrostatic interactions [15]. Collins proposed that the

affinity for ion binding follows the law of matching water affinity where inner

sphere ion pairs are formed between opposite charged ions that have matching

absolute free energies of hydration [16, 17]. This implies that stronger ion pairs are

formed between kosmotropes or between chaotropes rather than between a

kosmotrope and chaotrope ion pair. Based on this model, the positively charged and

weakly hydrated amines and amide nitrogen on proteins will interact preferentially

with weakly hydrated (chaotropic) anions. Similarly, strongly hydrated cations have



strongest interactions with strongly hydrated and negatively charged carboxylates

and carbonyl backbones [16-18]. Contrary to Collins model, strongly hydrated

divalent cations have been reported to preferentially interact with weakly hydrated

anions [8].

Ion specific effects also arise due to interactions with uncharged protein groups. Ion

partitioning studies reveal ion specific salting in interactions due to ion binding

around the peptide backbone, while salting out of nonpolar groups on the protein

surface is linked to the ion specific surface-tension increment [2]. Depending on the

concentration of salt solutions, molecular simulations show that chaotropic anions

can display salting in or salting out effects by binding to amide moieties or by

increasing the surface tension of nonpolar hydrophobic groups, respectively [19].

The effect of salts on protein-protein interactions is controlled by either specific or

nonspecific interactions. With increasing salt concentration, protein-protein

interactions become less repulsive due to ionic screening of the double layer forces.

Screening is a non-specific effect that can be captured by treating ions as point

charges when calculating the repulsive double layer force within DLVO theory,

which has previously been used to capture protein behaviour at low salt

concentrations (≤ 0.1 M). DLVO theory is not able to account for ion specificity,

which can arise when ions bind to within the Stern layer on the protein surface.

Double layer forces are reduced due to ion binding as protein charged groups

become neutralized. For instance, chaotropes have been observed to salt out

positively charged proteins in the low salt concentration regime [13, 20], an effect

which has been attributed to neutralizing double layer forces through ion binding.

The binding affinity of monovalent anions to the protein generally increases with the

anion position in the descending order of the Hofmeister series. However,



multivalent anions such as sulphate, which are high on the series, exhibit strong

protein-ion binding as a result of stronger electrostatic interactions [21, 22] but are

not as effective at salting-out as chaotropic anions when at intermediate salt

concentration [23]. Thus, the effect of ion binding on protein-protein interactions can

not only be rationalized in terms of the impact on double layer forces.

Investigating the role of protein-salt interactions on protein-protein interaction

requires performing measurements as a function of salt type and ionic strength.

Zhang and Cremer [12] used cloud-point temperature measurements to determine the

effect of protein-salt interactions on protein-protein interactions and indirectly

probed the extent of anion binding in lysozyme solutions as a function of salt type

and concentration at pH 9.4. They found that lysozyme precipitation in salt solutions

followed 2 different Hofmeister trends with respect to the anion. At low salt

concentration (< ~ 0.2 M or 0.3 M), the anion salting-out effectiveness follows the

reverse Hofmeister series, whereas the order reverts back to the direct series as the

salt concentration is increased. Lysozyme is positively charged at this pH and as

such, electrostatic interactions (i.e. double layer forces) are sufficiently repulsive at

low ionic strength. Addition of chaotropic counter-ions causes the anions to associate

with the positively charged surface leading to electrostatic neutralisation of the

protein net charge, which is reflected by an increase in the cloud-point temperature.

The finding of a reverse Hofmeister effect on protein solubility at low ionic strength

is consistent for monovalent anions for other positively charged proteins such as

fusion proteins [24, 25], bovine serum albumin [9, 10, 26] and monoclonal

antibodies [23, 27, 28]. The experimental work has been supported by recent

computational studies that have linked the preferential adsorption of anions to the

protein surface with a reduction in double layer forces [29, 30]. At higher ionic



strengths, the order reverts to the direct Hofmeister series where the competing effect

of surface tension is more pronounced than ion binding and electrostatic interactions

become completely screened [12]. In that case, the contribution of protein-salt

interactions to protein-protein interactions arises from exclusion of ions about the

protein surface due to repulsive image forces [31].

Despite the progress in experimental and computational methods to understand the

effect of salts on protein-protein interactions, it remains difficult to establish the

physical origins of the ion specificity. Due to the heterogeneous nature of the protein

surface (comprising of polar, nonpolar and charged side groups), proteins can

interact with salt ions via different mechanisms [7, 29]. Recent studies have

suggested that effects of ion binding on protein-protein interactions can not only be

explained in terms of electrostatic interactions [32]. However, as yet, there have

been no systematic studies done where ion binding and protein-protein interactions

are measured under the same solution conditions (i.e. ionic strength, salt type, and

temperature). The aim of this research work is to perform a detailed study of protein-

protein interactions and ion-binding simultaneously using lysozyme as a model

protein. Lysozyme, a basic protein with pI of ~ 11 [33] has frequently been used as a

model system in understanding specific ion effects [4, 14, 34, 35]. Under acidic

conditions below the pI, lysozyme is net positively charged through histidine,

arginine and lysine residues. Specific ion effects are probed using static and dynamic

light scattering to characterise protein-protein interactions (in terms of the osmotic

second virial coefficient, B22 and an interaction parameter, kD). Zeta potential

measurements are used to characterise the extent of ion binding and also provide a

direct measure of the electrical double layer force between proteins. By measuring

the protein-protein interactions and protein-ion binding under the same solution



conditions and temperature, we are able to provide the first estimate of the non-

electrostatic contribution to protein-protein attraction in chaotropic anion solutions.

4.3 Materials and Methods

Hen-egg white lysozyme (molecular weight 14.4 kDa) was purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich and dissolved in about 30 mL of 10 mM potassium acetate (pH 4 or pH 5.5)

or 10 mM Tris (pH 7) buffer solution to a working concentration of 25 mg/mL. The

dissolved protein was dialyzed against 2 litres of the corresponding buffer for two

hours each to minimise the effects of contamination by small amounts of ions in the

lyophilised protein, which may influence protein interactions. Dialysis tubing with

molecular weight cut-off of 8 kDa was obtained from Fisher Scientific. The pH of

the stock buffers were adjusted with drops of either sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or

hydrochloric acid (HCl) where necessary. After dialysis, the protein solution was

filtered via a 0.22 um filter (Millipore, UK) and concentration was determined by

measuring absorbance at 280 nm with a UV spectrophotometer (VWR International)

and calculated using an extinction coefficient of 2.64 mL/mg cm [36] to yield a

buffer exchanged stock protein solution at ~ 20 mg/mL. Lysozyme solutions were

prepared a day before the experiment and stored at 4°C.

Stock salt solutions were prepared at a concentration of 500 mM by dissolving the

salt of interest in 50 mL of desired buffer and filtered using a 0.20 um membrane

filter (Millipore, UK). The pH of the solution was checked and adjusted if necessary.

Protein sample solutions were prepared by dilution of the stock salt solution with

stock lysozyme solution and/ or the corresponding buffer to a final volume of 10 mL.

This method allows for the protein solution to contain the same ionic strength as the

salt and prevents further dilution of the salts when preparing series of protein



concentrations. The total volume of salt solutions prepared at a fixed ionic strength

was 20 mL. In static light scattering each experiment, a series of protein samples

with concentrations ranging from 1 g/L to 10 g/L at fixed salt and buffer

concentration were then prepared by mass dilutions of the stock protein solution with

the corresponding salt solution.

For zeta potential measurements, only one lysozyme concentration prepared at 10

g/L was used since measurements were not conducted as a function of protein

concentration. Protein-salt dilutions for the different salt types were made to a final

volume of 5 mL.

All salts including potassium chloride (Fluka), potassium nitrate (Sigma-Aldrich),

Tris (Formedium) were of analytical grade. Other reagents such as potassium

sulphate, potassium thiocyanate, calcium chloride and potassium acetate were

purchased from Fischer Scientific.

4.4 Methods

4.4.1 Static and Dynamic Light Scattering

Static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS) measurements were

simultaneously carried out using a miniDAWN Treos instrument (Wyatt, Santa

Barbara, California) connected to an in-line UV concentration detector. The flow

rate for the syringe pump was set to 0.2 mL/ minute. For each salt type and ionic

strength, a series of samples with varying protein concentration were injected into

the instrument starting with the most concentrated sample at 10 g/L. Buffer only

samples containing the salts at a given ionic strength were used as a baseline control.

The raw light scattering data was extracted from the software and analysed using an



excel spread sheet to obtain the osmotic second virial coefficient (B22) and infinite

dilution molecular weight (Mw,0). The excess Rayleigh ratios measured at 90° (Rθ)

obtained from SLS readings were used to generate the Debye plots according to







(Equation 4.1)

where c is the protein concentration, and K is an optical constant given by






K (Equation 4.2)

where NA is the Avogadro’s constant (6.022 x 1023


), λ is the wavelength of the

incident light, n0 is the solvent refractive index, and dn/dc is the differential

refractive index increment.

For DLS data, ASTRA 6 software was used to determine the intensity auto-

correlation function where the diffusion coefficient was extracted using the cumulant

analysis method. The translational diffusion coefficient (DT) was plotted against

protein concentration (c) to obtain the diffusion interaction parameter (kD) derived

from the slope according to

ckDD DT 10 (Equation 4.3)

where D0 is the infinite dilution of the diffusion coefficient at zero concentration, D0

is related to an intensity weighted average hydrodynamic radius, Rh, through the

Stokes-Einstein relationship

06 D



(Equation 4.4)

where kB is Boltzmann constant, η is solvent viscosity and T is absolute temperature.



Errors were calculated based on the standard deviation obtained from linear

regression of Equation 4.1 and Equation 4.3.

4.4.2 Zeta Potential Measurements

The zeta potential of lysozyme was measured using the Zetasizer NanoZS instrument

by phase analysis light scattering method (M3-PALS) (Malvern Instruments Ltd.,

UK). The instrument is equipped with a 532 nm green laser source. Scattered light

intensities were detected at an angle of 173°. Samples were measured with a

universal dip cell (ZEN 1002) suitable for high conductivity samples so as to prevent

electrode or sample degradation. The dip cell was used in conjunction with a

disposable 1 mL polystyrene cuvette (DTS0012). Measurements were carried out at

a temperature of 25.0 ± 0.1 °C in automatic duration mode. For each sample, 10

measurements each of 10 seconds duration were taken and averaged for a single run.

The Dispersion Technology Software was used to calculate the zeta potentials (ζ) of

lysozyme through the electrophoretic mobility (µE) using the Henry equation





3 (Equation 4.5)

where Rh is particle radius, f(κRh) is Henry’s function equal to 1, η is solution

viscosity and ε is dielectric constant of water and εo is the permittivity of vacuum

(8.85 x 10-12

C2/ (Nm

2). The effective charge was calculated from electrophoretic

mobility through the relation





16 (Equation 4.6)

where e is unit charge (1.602 x 10-19

C), Zeff is effective number of unit charge and κ

is the inverse of the Debye Huckel screening length given by









(Equation 4.7)

where NA is Avogadro number, kB is Boltzmann constant (1.38 x 10-23

J/K), T is

temperature (in kelvin) and I is ionic strength.

Before running experiments, lysozyme solutions prepared at a final concentration of

10 g/L were filtered using a 0.22 um filter membrane to reduce the presence of small

particulates. Between measurements, the cell was thoroughly cleaned with distilled

water and gently sonicated for about 10 seconds in order to remove particles

adsorbed on the surface of the electrodes. All samples were run in triplicates and

error bars represent the standard deviation over three independent runs.

4.5 Results and Discussion

We have investigated the protein-protein interactions in terms of the osmotic second

virial coefficient (B22) from static light scattering and an interaction parameter (kD)

derived from dynamic light scattering. Protein-salt interactions have been

characterized from zeta potential measurements. The measurements have been

carried out for the salts CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN as a function of ionic

strength for pH values equal to 4, 5.5, and 7.

4.5.1 Effect of pH and ionic strength of protein-protein interactions

Figure 4.1 shows the effect of changes in pH and ionic strength on B22 and kD values

for lysozyme in potassium chloride solutions. Positive values of B22 (SLS) and kD

(DLS) reflect repulsive protein-protein interactions while negative values indicate

attractive interactions. B22 and kD follow the same qualitative trends with respect to

pH and ionic strength. The behaviour of proteins at low ionic strengths (< 100 mM)

can be described using the Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) theory of



colloidal interactions where interactions are controlled by long-range electrostatic

interactions [37]. At pH values below the pI, lysozyme is strongly positive charged

as the basic residues are ionised while the acidic residues are protonated. DLVO

theory can be used to explain the pH and ionic strength dependence of the averaged

protein-protein interactions for lysozyme in potassium chloride solutions. As the pH

increases at a fixed ionic strength, both interaction parameters decrease due to

weaker charge-charge repulsion as the pH is approaching the pI hence B22 and kD are

lowest at pH 7. For instance, interactions in 25 mM KCl solutions are less repulsive

at pH 7 (where B22 is ~ 4 x 10-4

mol mL/g2) compared to pH 4 and 5.5 with B22 on

the order of 15 x 10-4

mol mL/g2 and 16 x 10

-4 mol mL/g

2 respectively.

Figure 4.1. (A) Static and (B) dynamic light scattering measurements of lysozyme in

potassium chloride solutions as a function of pH and ionic strength in terms of B22

and kD respectively.



As the ionic strength increases, B22 and kD values decrease and change sign from

positive to negative. For instance, the value of kD between 25 mM to 250 mM

changes from approximately 26 mL/g to -6 mL/g for pH 4 and 5.5, and at pH 7

changes from 8 mL/g to -8 mL/g. Increasing ionic strength leads to charge

neutralisation and ionic screening which both reduce electrical double-layer

repulsion. The ionic screening effect is due to compression of the double layer,

where the size is given by the debye screening length (κ-1

), which is reduced from

3.04 nm to 0.96 nm in 10 mM and 100 mM salt solutions respectively. The values of

B22 and kD at pH 4, 5.5 and 7 in 250 mM KCl solutions are all negative indicating the

presence of significant short-range attractive (nonelectrostatic) interactions as the

double layer becomes compressed. A similar effect of pH and ionic strength on

lysozyme-lysozyme interactions have previously been observed by Neal et al. [38]

and indirectly through cloud point studies by Grigsby et al. [13] .

4.5.2 Specific ion or Hofmeister effects on protein-protein interactions

The specific salt type contributes significantly towards determining the net protein-

protein interactions. In this study, the anion in the salt was systematically changed

while the cation was fixed (potassium ion), and the cation was changed while the

anion was fixed (chloride ion). Figure 4.2 to 4.4 shows trends for lysozyme in

different salt solutions (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN) as a function of ionic

strength at pH 4, 5.5 and 7 respectively. The overall behaviour of lysozyme

molecules characterised from kD is consistent with B22 data. At all pH values, B22 and

kD decrease with increasing ionic strength irrespective of the nature of the salt with

the most attractive interactions occurring at pH 7. The magnitude of decrease

strongly depends on the specific ion type. Salt specific effects at low pH can be



explained in terms of anion binding, which is different from ionic screening caused

by a change in the ionic strength of the solution.

Figure 4.2. Measurements of (A) B22 and (B) kD of lysozyme at pH 4 in different

salts solutions (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN) represented by colour codes

between an ionic strength of 25 mM to 250 mM.



Figure 4.3. Measurements of (A) B22 and (B) kD of lysozyme at pH 5.5 in different

salts solutions (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN) represented by colour codes

between an ionic strength of 25 mM to 250 mM.

Figure 4.4. Measurements of (A) B22 and (B) kD of lysozyme at pH 7 in different

salts solutions (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN) represented by colour codes

between an ionic strength of 25 mM to 250 mM.



In low ionic strength solutions (< 50 mM), the main contributions to protein-protein

interactions are from electric double layer forces. Specific ion effects are apparent

when comparing protein-protein interactions at the same ionic strength such that the

effect of ionic screening is the same. The specific ion effects are attributable to

charge neutralization; ions with higher binding affinity are more effective at

reducing double layer forces. In low ionic strength solutions, protein-protein

interactions are most repulsive in Cl- solutions. Cl

- weakly binds to the protein at low

ionic strength compared to the other anions (SO42-

, NO3- and SCN

-). At low ionic

strength, sulphate ions (SO42-

) are the most effective at reducing the double layer

repulsion. This behaviour is consistent with the ion binding affinity of sulphate to

protein charged groups, which is greater than for any monovalent anions [8, 9, 19,

39]. It appears that the only effect of sulphate binding to the protein is to alter the

electrostatic interactions because the B22 values at high ionic strength are the same

for potassium chloride and for potassium sulphate solutions. This behaviour follows

what would be expected for a charge neutralization mechanism where the only effect

of ion binding is to alter the protein fixed charge distribution. Ramos and Baldwin

[22] studied the effect of sulphate and chloride ions on the stabilisation of

ribonuclease A (RNase A) and found that sulphate stabilised RNase A via specific

ion binding while chloride did not stabilise the protein at low ionic strength.

For monovalent anions, we find the ability of the anion to neutralize lysozyme

charge follows the order of the electroselectivity series, which is the inverse of the

Hofmeister series in the order SCN- > NO3

- > Cl

-. At low pH, the chaotropes form

strong ion pairs with the positively charge residues on the protein due to their large

size and smaller charge density [5, 18]. Thus, weak salting out agents can



preferentially interact with proteins and enhance protein attraction, possibly through

neutralizing double-layer forces.

The effect of cation on protein-protein interactions was investigated by substituting

potassium (K+) with calcium (Ca

2+) ions in chloride solutions. B22 and kD values are

higher in presence of Ca2+

indicating increased electrostatic repulsion between

lysozyme molecules. Binding of divalent Ca2+

to proteins has been reported in a

number of studies [15, 40] where increases in protein solubility arise from calcium

binding due to repulsive hydration forces. At low ionic strength, the binding of Ca2+

will also lead to increased electrostatic repulsion. Conversely, at pH far below the pI,

the divalent Ca2+

is excluded from around proteins compared to the K+.

Exclusion of

the cation will also lower anion binding to protein leading to an increase in

electrostatic repulsion [8].

An interesting cross-over effect is seen at intermediate ionic strengths (50 mM) at

pH 4 where protein-protein interactions become more attractive in solutions of SCN-

versus those containing SO42-

. As the ionic strength of the solution is raised further

to 250 mM, protein-protein interactions become more attractive in nitrate solutions

versus sulphate containing solutions. The reverse Hofmeister series dependence of

lysozyme solubility has been previously observed by some other authors [8, 10, 12,

28-30] where the effectiveness of the ions in salting out lysozyme follows the

reverse Hofmeister order of Cl- < SO4

2- < NO3

- < SCN

- for acidic pH values. Here,

75 mM KSCN solutions are seen to be most effective at salting out lysozyme at pH 7

compared to the other salts. Measurements were not conducted for KSCN at ionic

strengths greater than 100 mM due to sample turbidity resulting from lysozyme




It is not clear whether or not the cross-over effect can be rationalized in terms of ion

binding and charge neutralization. This would require that there are a larger number

of chaotropic anion binding sites versus sulphate binding sites, although, the former

would be at a weaker affinity. However, the protein-protein interactions in

chaotropic anion solutions are more attractive than in sulphate solutions even at

higher ionic strength (i.e. 250 mM) where electrostatic interactions are significantly

screened, so that the effect of neutralizing charge should be small. Thus, the results

suggest that non-electrostatic interactions between proteins are also altered by

chaotropic anions.

Link between B22 and kD

A few studies have demonstrated a monotonic correlation between B22 and kD for

proteins such as monoclonal antibodies [15, 32, 41-43]. The relationship between

B22 and kD has been described by Lehermayr et al. [43] where the correlation line of

the plot of B22 versus kD was used to derive an empirical equation (kD = 1.06B22M -

8.9) for eight different monoclonal antibodies. Connolly et al. [41] showed the linear

dependence of kD with B22 obtained in separate measurements where the

experimental slope is obtained from the equation kD = 1.33 B22M - 8.2. Figure 4.5

shows the qualitative rank correlation of B22 with kD for lysozyme solutions in

different salt solutions at pH 4. The results demonstrate that the values obtained

independently for B22 and kD have a strong linear dependence and can be described

by kD = 1.31 B22M - 1.9 supporting the hypothesis that kD and B22 are proportional

measures of protein-protein interactions.



Figure 4.5. Correlation between kD and B22 measurements in lysozyme solutions at

25 mM to 250 mM ionic strength for the different salts (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3

and KSCN) at pH 4

In summary, the strong dependence on Hofmeister series indicates DLVO theory

cannot be used only to describe the behaviour of lysozyme in very dilute salt

solutions. The results observed at ionic strengths above or below 100 mM solutions

seem to indicate that at least two different ion specific mechanisms are responsible

for controlling protein - protein interactions. At low ionic strength, the ability of the

ion to reduce protein-protein repulsion appears to be related to charge neutralization

from ion binding which is consistent with previous studies that have demonstrated

ion binding affinity follows the electroselectivity series, which agrees with the trends

observed at low ionic strength here. However, the strong attractive protein-protein

interactions observed in thiocyanate solutions, and to a lesser extent in nitrate

solutions, appears to indicate there is an additional effect of ion binding on protein-

protein attraction, which cannot be explained by charge neutralization. In order to



establish the link between protein-protein interactions and ion binding, we have

carried out zeta potential measurements in the next section, which provide a direct

measure of ion binding and the impact on electrostatic interactions between proteins.

4.5.3 Lysozyme Hofmeister effects: zeta potential and net charge

A series of zeta potential experiments were carried out under the same solvent

conditions as used for the B22 and kD measurements. The zeta potential (ζ-potential)

is the electrostatic potential at the slipping plane located outside the stern layer and

provides an estimate for the electrical diffuse layer potential, which in turn,

determines the magnitude of the double layer force between proteins. The zeta

potential reflects any specific ion binding within the Stern layer. In this study, the

measured potentials were less than 25 mV making it valid to use the Henry’s

equation to relate the zeta-potential to the electrophoretic mobility (see Equation

4.5). Figure 4.6 A to D shows the measured ζ- potentials calculated from

electrophoretic mobility (µE) for 10 g/L lysozyme solutions over a range of ionic

strength (10 mM to 100 mM) at pH 4, 5.5, and 7 for all salts (CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4,

KNO3 and KSCN).

At such low ionic strengths (10 mM to 100 mM), there were observable differences

in the zeta-potential depending on the type of salt. Generally, zeta potentials were

positive and slightly decreased as the pH is raised from 4 to 7 due to a reduction in

the net positive charges arising from ionisable protein groups.



Figure 4.6. Zeta potential of lysozyme as a function of pH and ionic strength in (A)

K2SO4, (B) KNO3, (C) KCl and (D) KSCN solutions. Error bars represent standard

deviations of 3 independent measurements.

With the exception of chloride ions, the ζ- potential decreased with increasing ionic

strength. Values of ζ- potential are seen to depend on the type of salt at a fixed pH

and ionic strength. Figure 4.7 shows the ζ- potential of lysozyme in different salt

solutions as a function of ionic strength at pH 5.5.



Figure 4.7. Zeta potential of lysozyme as a function of salt type and ionic strength at

pH 5.5. Error bars represent standard deviations of 3 independent measurements

Figure 4.8 shows the Zeff of lysozyme at pH 4, 5.5 and 7 for solutions at 100 mM

ionic strength containing CaCl2, KCl, K2SO4, KNO3 and KSCN salts. The

experimental values of Zeff calculated from the electrophoretic mobility are smaller

than that of theoretical calculations from derived pKa values or hydrogen-ion

titrations which do not account for charges arising from bound ions in the Stern layer

[44]. The finding that the effective charge calculated from zeta potential is less than

the theoretical values is consistent with many other studies on different monoclonal

antibodies [43, 45, 46]. Since the positively charged lysozyme has affinity for

negatively charged ions therefore it is likely that any reduction in Zeff is due to

protein-ion binding. It is also possible that approximations used in relating the

experimental Zeff to electrophoretic mobility are based on simplifying assumptions

that may not describe the true electrostatic potential of proteins. For example, the

exact boundary or hydrodynamic shear of plane between the stern layer and diffuse



layer where the zeta potential is measured is not experimentally clear. In addition,

Eq. 4.6 used to determine the experimental net charge is made on the assumption that

the Stokes-Einstein equation is valid at zero protein concentration and as such

assumes a constant diffusion coefficient irrespective of the ionic strength.

Figure 4.8. Effective charge (Zeff) of lysozyme at an ionic strength of 100 mM as a

function of pH and salt type. Error bars represent standard deviations of 3

independent measurements.

The differences in ζ- potentials at the same ionic strength can be attributed to anion

specific adsorption. The divalent anion SO42-

causes a greater reduction in zeta

potential compared to monovalent anions (Cl-, NO3

-, and SCN

-), which is consistent

with its higher binding affinity for protein charged groups [21]. As mentioned

previously, the enhanced binding is due to the greater number of valence on SO42-

and is consistent with the measured B22 values at low ionic strength providing

support that sulphate binding neutralizes double layer forces. For monovalent anions,

the zeta potentials of the ions behaved according to the reverse Hofmeister series



where highly polarisable SCN- adsorbs to the protein more strongly than Cl

- which is

less polarisable. In addition, it seems that Cl- behaves as a neutral salt and as such

does not exhibit changes in ζ-potential even as the ionic strength is increased.

Studies have demonstrated that ζ-potential of KCl is independent salt concentration

[9, 47, 48]. Thus, the strength of protein-ion binding at low pH in solution between

10 mM and 100 mM ionic strength follows the order SO42-

> SCN- > NO3

- > Cl


which is the same as the electroselectivity series, which was independently derived

to characterize ion binding affinity to protein surfaces [21]. Perhaps, more

significantly, no cross-over in the zeta-potential measurements is observed in the

ionic strength trends for sulphate versus thiocyanate.

It is interesting to see that the charge of lysozyme is greatest in presence of divalent


ions compared to the anions. The net charge of lysozyme is slightly higher for

CaCl2 solution compared to KCl as shown in Figure 4.9. It is likely that Ca2+


the strength of Cl- binding compared to K

+ because of its divalent nature thereby

reducing electrostatic attraction. Alternatively, if Ca2+

is excluded from the protein

surface, then it is possible that it would draw the chloride ions into the bulk solution.

Gokarn et al. [8] suggested that the cations do not interact with the protein surface as

there is no strong dependence of the cation identity on the chloride ion and as such,

protein–ion binding is restricted to anions.



Figure 4.9. Effective charge (Zeff) of lysozyme in CaCl2 and KCl salt solutions at pH

7 as a function of ionic strength. Error bars represent standard deviations of 3

independent measurements.

Relationship between B22 and net charge

Protein interaction measurements obtained from B22 and kD data reveal that SO42-

lowers the electrostatic repulsion of lysozyme compared to the other anions (SCN-,

NO3- and Cl

-) in solutions with ionic strengths ≤ 50 mM. This was confirmed by ζ-

potential measurements which showed that the divalent anions reduced the effective

net charge of lysozyme. The effectiveness of the salts in reducing protein net charge

and B22 at ionic strengths ≤ 50 mM follows the order CaCl2 < KCl < KNO3 < KSCN

< K2SO4, which is the same as the electroselectivity series, which quantifies the

anion binding affinity for positively charged resins. Thus, the specific ion effects at

low ionic strength (i.e. 25 mM) can be rationalized in terms of ion binding and

charge neutralization. Furthermore, the net charge as assessed by zeta-potential is in

good agreement with the colloidal stability assessed in terms of B22. This observation



is consistent with measurements performed by Lehermayr et al. [43] where at low

ionic strength, B22 increased with increasing net charge.

A cross-over is seen at ionic strengths ≥ 50 mM in B22 results where chaotropic SCN-

and NO3- are more effective in lowering electrostatic repulsion than SO4

2-. This

cross-over effect is not seen in zeta potential and charge measurements as SO42-


binds more strongly to the positively charged lysozyme and is more effective at

lowering the double layer potential or similarly the double layer force. For ionic

strengths greater than 50 mM, although the double layer force is lower in SO42-

solutions, protein-protein interactions are more attractive in SCN-. In this case, the

net charge does not correlate with the B22 values and the salting out effectiveness

exhibited by chaotropic anions at moderate ionic strength cannot be only attributed

to anion binding and neutralization of double layer forces. The salt-induced

attraction observed in thiocyanate solutions must arise from a non-DLVO type

interaction. We also find the cross-over effect in nitrate solutions occurs at higher

ionic strengths where electrostatic interactions are screened. This evidence suggests

that chaotropic anion induced attraction is not of an electrostatic nature, but more

likely related to changes in short-ranged protein-protein attraction. The molecular

origin of protein-protein interactions in moderately concentrated salt solutions is

poorly understood, so that it is difficult to interpret the exact mechanism for the

chaotropic-anion induced attraction. Curtis et al. [4] explained that upon anion

binding the surface chemistry of lysozyme is altered depending on the hydration of

the bound anion. Hence, the surface free energy is greater when SCN- (strongly

chaotropic) binds as the water layer becomes less structured, whereas when a

kosmotropic anion such as SO42-

(kosmotropic) binds, the water layer is more

structured possibly leading to so-called hydration forces. Another distinct possibility



is that, due to the chaotropic nature of thiocyanate, ion binding causes local protein

unfolding leading to exposure of sticky non-polar groups [32]. This hypothesis is

consistent with other studies that have found thiocyanate increases local protein

flexibility upon binding [11, 49].

4.6 Conclusion

The presented study has shown that the intermolecular interactions between

lysozyme molecules at low salt concentrations are controlled by specific ion effects.

Although a number of measurements have shown specific ion effects in the low

concentration regime, a detailed study on ion specificity has not been reported. With

this in mind, the focus of this study was to provide a complete picture of the

influence of different salt types on protein interactions in lieu of a better

understanding of the mechanisms controlling protein-protein interactions. The

combined use of static, dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering measurements

allowed for investigating the role of ion binding, debye screening and Hofmeister

effect in the pH range studied. The results in this chapter are among the most

extensive set of measurements describing the influence of salts on lysozyme


For each salt type, the measured parameters were found to decrease with increasing

ionic strength and pH. The magnitude of attractive or repulsive interactions was also

observed to be ion specific. Rationalizing ion specificity requires understanding the

effect of the different salt types at the same ionic strength. The origin of the ion

specificities seemed to depend on a number of factors such as size, valence and

hydration. From our results, we propose that the effectiveness of the salt to affect

protein-protein interactions follows two different mechanisms depending on the

anion type and ionic strength. First at relatively low ionic strengths where



interactions are of electrostatic origin, the effectiveness of the anion at reducing

protein-protein repulsion follows the electroselectivity series. In this scenario,

protein-protein interactions are controlled by charge neutralisation arising from ion

binding which lowers the electrical double layer. Divalent SO42-

is the most effective

because it displays stronger electrostatic interactions with the positively charged side

chains on the surface of the protein compared to the monovalent anions. On the other

hand, the cross-over effect observed where interactions are more attractive in

thiocyanate and nitrate versus sulphate containing solutions indicates charge

neutralization cannot be used to solely describe protein-protein attraction as there is

some additional short ranged contribution to the protein-protein attraction. Hence,

we observe that the effectiveness of the anions to induce protein-protein association

follow the reverse Hofmeister series. This shows that the complexity of specific ion

or Hofmeister effects requires better interpretation of ion binding which would

account not only for electrostatic theories but ionic dispersion forces.

We hypothesize that the additional protein-protein attraction found in thiocyanate

solutions, which cannot be explained by how ion binding alters electrostatic

interactions stems from the fact that chaotropic anions can cause proteins to unfold

by interacting with polar/non-polar side chains. Thus, the pH dependence appears to

indicate the chaotropic anion binding is modulated by the charge on the protein, but

when the anions bind, they could cause local protein unfolding and exposure of

sticky hydrophobic groups. Therefore the additional attraction could arise because

the protein has some local unfolding.



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This chapter has been submitted and published in the Biotechnology Journal.






Nuhu, M. M. and Curtis, R. (2015). Biotechnology Journal, volume 10 (3). pages


[School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Sciences, The University of

Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom]

Correspondence: [Dr Robin Curtis, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical

Sciences, The University of Manchester, Sackville Street, M13 9PL, Manchester,

United Kingdom].

E-mail: [[email protected]]

Keywords: [Arginine; dipeptides; excipients; insulin; protein aggregation]

Abbreviations: [ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase; Arg, arginine; ArgEE, L-arginine

ethyl ester; ArgME, L-arginine methyl ester; DLS, dynamic light scattering; Glu,

glutamate; Gly, glycine; Leu, leucine; MCA, micro-cuvette array; Phe,

phenylalanine; SLS, static light scattering; Val, valine]



5.1 Abstract

Solutions containing arginine or mixtures of arginine and other amino acids are

commonly used for protein liquid formulations to overcome problems such as high

viscosities, aggregation, and phase separation. The aim of this work is to examine

whether the stabilizing properties of arginine can be improved by incorporating the

amino acid into a dipeptide. A series of arginine-containing dipeptides have been

tested for their ability to suppress insulin aggregation over a range of pH and ionic

strength. The aggregation is monitored at room temperature using a combination of

turbidimetry and light scattering for solutions at pH 5.5 or 3.7, whereas thermal-

induced aggregation is measured at pH 7.5. In addition, intrinsic fluorescence has

been used to quantify additive binding to insulin. The dipeptide diArg is the most

effective additive in solutions at pH 5.5 and pH 3.7, whereas the dipeptide Arg-Phe

almost completely eliminates thermally-induced aggregation of insulin at pH 7.5 up

to temperature of 90 °C. Insulin has been chosen as a model system because the

molecular forces controlling its aggregation are well known. From this

understanding, we are able to provide a molecular basis for how the various

dipeptides affect insulin aggregation.



5.2 Introduction

There have been rapid advances in the upstream processing of protein therapeutics,

which have shifted the economic bottleneck to downstream purification and

formulation. Finding liquid formulations with shelf lives of up to two years is

increasingly difficult for some of the newer therapeutics, such as antibodies and

antibody fragments[1-3]. These proteins have been engineered for activity, but have

a high propensity for irreversible aggregation, which can become exaggerated at

higher protein concentrations (150 g/L) needed to meet required doses of

therapeutics. Overcoming this problem requires using additives or excipients, which

can function at low concentrations and are non-toxic [4, 5].

The effects of excipients on protein aggregation have been well studied for

applications in protein refolding. Commonly used additives or excipients to prevent

protein aggregation during protein renaturation steps can be classified into two

groups, refolding agents and solubility enhancers [4, 6-8]. Refolding agents, which

include sugars, polyols, and salts, function by a preferential exclusion mechanism,

which is reflected by their ability to raise the protein melting temperature. On the

other hand, solubility enhancers do not change the protein melting temperature, but

instead, selectively bind to proteins leading to an increase in solubility of partially

folded (aggregation-prone) intermediates [7, 9, 10]. Examples of solubility enhancers

include various polyelectrolytes, some amino acids, and surfactants [4, 11]. While

stabilization agents function at high concentrations, the effectiveness of solubility

enhancers is, in part, controlled by their affinity to the protein, which opens up

opportunities for engineering or improving excipient function through chemical




The problem of preventing aggregation in formulation is slightly different than in

refolding. Aggregation occurs on longer time scales, because the concentration of

aggregate precursors, or partially-folded proteins, is small relative to the native state

[12-14]. Nevertheless, a similar classification can be used; excipients either increase

the conformational stability (structure stabilizers) or the colloidal stability (solubility

enhancers) [15-19].

One of the most universally used excipients is arginine [10, 20], which was

originally developed to improve yields during refolding [6, 21, 22], but has since

been used as an aid in chromatography [7, 23-25], for reducing viscosity of

concentrated protein solutions [26], and for suppressing aggregation in liquid

formulations. In general, arginine has little effect on protein melting temperature [6,

10], and as such, is believed to function as a solubility enhancer. This is reflected by

its ability to suppress aggregation upon heating and cooling cycles [6, 27-29], or by

increasing the solubility of either partially folded protein states formed under mildly

denaturing or reducing conditions [30, 31], or chemically modified proteins that

cannot refold properly[32-35]. However, the effects of arginine are not universal to

all proteins. There are many cases, where arginine solutions have led to increased

aggregation propensities of protein solutions [11, 36-40]. In addition, the beneficial

effects usually occur over an additive concentration ranging from 100 mM up to 1

M. The use of arginine will be limited in many cases because liquid formulations

must be at a physiological osmolarity. As such, there is a need to find alternative

additives, especially those that are effective at micromolar concentrations.

A good understanding of the stabilizing mechanism of arginine against aggregation

is needed for further developing improved additives. Arginine forms preferential

interactions with either acidic or aromatic protein sidechains [9, 20, 27, 39, 41-43].



The interaction with acidic groups is stronger than an ordinary ion pair formation

due to the hydrogen bond capabilities between the guanidinium group of arginine

and the carboxylates of either glutamate or aspartate [39]. More attention has

focused on understanding the interaction with aromatic groups, which are believed to

control its effectiveness as an excipient. The preferential interactions formed with

aromatics has been inferred from the ability to increase solubility of aromatic amino

acids [7], the salting-in ability towards small aromatic compounds [41-43] from the

proximity of arginine to aromatic groups in protein crystal structures [9], and the

propensity of arginine-aromatic interactions to occur in protein-protein interfaces

[44, 45]. What is less clear is how arginine binding alters protein-protein interactions

thereby changing solubility. Arginine binding to proteins will alter the protein-

protein electrostatic interactions, an effect which can lead to increased aggregation

[38, 39]. Because this effect predominantly occurs with acidic proteins, the arginine

binding sites have been inferred to be negatively charged groups. Arginine binding

to aromatic groups will reduce sticky hydrophobic interactions leading to increased

solubility of partially folded states [7, 46]. However, the stabilization mechanism

has also been linked to the ability of arginine to self-associate through a head to tail

interaction between the guanidinium and carboxylate end group [46-48]. It has been

proposed that the self-association leads to cluster formation in bulk, which crowds

out the protein-protein interactions [46]. However, other studies have suggested that

arginine clusters around hydrophobic groups forming a polar mask pointing out

towards the solvent [39, 47]. The latter occurs even when at low pH where the

cluster formation does not occur in solution [49].

An improved molecular understanding can be gained from considering how chemical

alterations to arginine alter the effects on protein behaviour. Generating a library of



derivatives has the added benefits that more effective excipients can be discovered.

In a series of studies, the ability against preventing heat induced aggregation and

oxidative refolding was determined for a set of arginine derivatives, and other

molecules with similar functional groups [34, 35, 50-54]. Additives that aid in

oxidative refolding contain a guanidinium or ureido group, whereas functional

groups important for preventing heat-induced aggregation included amino groups, an

amino acid backbone, where amino acids with either esterified or amidated carboxyl

groups performed better. The thermoinactivation has since been linked to the ability

of the additive to prevent chemical modifications, which has led to a third class of

excipients being defined as inactivation suppressors under stress conditions [55]. For

oxidative refolding, arginine derivatives such as L-Arginine ethyl ester (ArgEE),

homo-arginine, and L-argininamide are more effective refolding aids than arginine,

whereas L-Arginine methyl ester (ArgME), performed worse [50, 51]. The

effectiveness was determined by two factors, the binding affinity for the protein

surface (enhanced binding occurs for derivatives with extra methyl sidegroups) and

the ability to form large clusters in solution. ArgEE and ArgME lack the carboxy

terminal group and formed smaller clusters due to stacking of the guanidinium

groups, whereas arginine and homo-arginine form clusters via a head to tail


In this work, we extend the studies of arginine derivatives by examining dipeptides

containing at least one arginine residue. The advantage is that dipeptides are non-

toxic and synthesis strategies are already well established. There have only been a

few studies examining the effects of dipeptides on protein aggregation in the context

of fibril formation, rather than preventing aggregation of biopharmaceuticals [56-

58]. The dipeptide Gly-Phe lowers the aggregation propensity of cytochrome C



through a specific binding interaction confirmed by molecular modelling and

consistent with the ineffectiveness of the dipeptide Phe-Gly [56]. However, more

recently, dipeptides have been found to exhibit non-specific effects on aggregation;

the dipeptide Arg-Phe accelerates the aggregation of acidic proteins at concentrations

as low as 0.5 mM but has no effect on the aggregation of basic proteins. However,

the same dipeptide inhibits the aggregation of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) when

under a mild heat shock (at temperatures between 38 to 42 °C). Our study is also

partly motivated by the finding that mixtures of arginine and glutamate at equimolar

proportions exhibit synergistic effects in increasing the solubility of hydrophobic

proteins [59] and inhibiting thermally-induced protein aggregation [60]. We have

examined a series of dipeptides containing arginine linked with hydrophobic (Leu,

Val), aromatic (Phe), acidic (Glu) and basic (Arg) groups. For selected dipeptides,

we have also examined the effect of reversing the sequence and of amidating the

carbonyl end-group.

This paper uses insulin, a therapeutic protein, as a model for probing the effects of

additives on aggregation. Insulin is a globular protein with molecular weight of 5800

Da made up of two polypeptide chains, the A-chain and B-chain (21 and 30 amino

acid residues respectively) held together by 2 disulphide bonds. In the most

common therapeutic formulations, insulin forms a hexamer, which is assembled

from three dimers in the presence of two zinc ions [61]. Patients also require a zinc-

free form of insulin which is faster acting in vivo, but is much more aggregation

prone [62].

There has been considerable debate over what association model best describes zinc-

free insulin solutions. Early studies suggested a similar model to zinc-containing

solutions [63-68], where the hexamer and/or tetramer are in equilibrium with the



dimer. However, oligomers greater than hexamer have been observed

experimentally, which has led to various isodesmic association models, where the

building block is either a dimer [69, 70], hexamer, or a monomer [71, 72], and either

in a head-to-tail [70-72] or head-to-head and tail-to-tail manner [73, 74]. The

conformation of the dimer in zinc-loaded insulin is similar to that in the zinc-free

oligomers [63, 64, 75]. The dimer contains a hydrophobic core formed by burying a

number of aromatic and aliphatic groups on the C-terminal end of the B chain, which

undergo significant conformational rearrangement. In alkaline solutions at pH values

above 7, insulin self-association is in part controlled by the electrostatic repulsion

between monomer units. The electrostatic interaction is weakened either by

reducing the net charge by lowering the pH or by ionic screening through increases

in salt concentration [72, 76]. Insulin self-association follows a similar pattern under

acidic conditions with pH below 3 [71, 73], in which case, the electrostatic repulsion

between insulin monomers depends only on the net charge, rather than the sign of

the charge [69, 72, 77]. In the pH range of 3 to 7, insulin net charge is reduced

leading to growth in oligomers and visible solution turbidity at low ionic strength

[69, 77-79]. Under these conditions, increasing salt concentration reduces the

turbidity reflecting a decrease in insulin aggregation. This behaviour has been

attributed to screening of attractive electrostatic interactions, which arise from

oppositely charged surfaces on insulin [77]. Insulin association occurs rapidly and

remains constant on a time scale of days in solutions with pH ranging from 3 to 10,

except for conditions near to the isoelectric point (pH 5.5) at ionic strength values

below 30 mM [77]. The latter makes insulin an ideal model for studying effects of

additives on protein aggregation by light scattering approaches. Recognizing that

additives are known to affect both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, we



have chosen to study insulin over a range of pH such that the charge is varied from

negative to neutral to positive, with and without sodium chloride to screen the

electrostatic interactions.

5.3 Materials and methods

Bovine Zn-insulin was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Dorset, UK). L-Glutamate,

sodium phosphate (monobasic and dibasic), sodium acetate and benzoylated dialysis

tubings were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Sodium chloride and acetic acid were

obtained from Fischer Scientific. L-Arginine was purchased from VWR International

(Poole, UK) while ultra-pure Tris base was gotten from Formedium Ltd (Norfolk,

UK). Desalted dipeptides were purchased from Biomatik (Canada) and used without

further purification. All chemicals and reagents were of analytical grade and used

without further purification. Buffer solutions were filtered using a Millex-GV filter

(sterile, 0.22 µm pore size/13 mm diameter) from Millipore. Buffer pH was adjusted

with few drops of NaOH or HCl. Deionised distilled water was purified through a

Millipore water-purification system with pore-size 0.22 µm before use.

Zn-free insulin was prepared by dissolving insulin powder in 2.5 mL of a 20 mM

sodium acetate buffer at pH 3 and stirred gently for 30 minutes at 4 °C. The solution

was transferred to dialysis membrane tubing with 2 kDa MWCO and dialysed four

times against 1 L of the 20 mM acetate buffer at 4 °C. Each dialysis step lasted at

least 3 hours while the fourth step was left to run overnight. The insulin solution was

removed from the dialysis tubing and pH was raised from 3 to 7.1 by adding sodium

hydroxide. The insulin solution was then transferred into newly prepared dialysis

tubing and exhaustively dialysed against 4 L of 5 mM Tris buffer at pH 7.1 using the

same dialysis procedure as described above. The solution was filtered through a 0.22



μm Millex filter and concentration determined by UV spectroscopy using an

extinction coefficient of 1.0 mL/ (g-cm) at 280 nm [80]. The solution was stored at 4

°C and used within a few days.

Stock solutions of the additives (dipeptides or amino acids) were prepared by

dissolving the additive in either a 20 mM sodium acetate buffer at pH 3.7, a 20 mM

sodium phosphate buffer at pH 5.5, or a 20 mM sodium phosphate at pH 7.5. The pH

of the solution was checked with a pH meter and readjusted using either

hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide. Stock solutions were then filtered with a

0.22 μm Millex filter and stored at -20 °C.

5.4 Methods

5.4.1 Turbidimetry

Turbidity measurements were performed using a 1 cm path length probe connected

to a Brinkmann PC 450 colorimeter. Before taking measurements, Milli-Q water was

used to set the transmittance ( ) values to 100%. Transmittance is related to turbidity

τ by

T%100 (Equation 5.1)

Filtered Zn-free insulin solution was diluted in 20 mM sodium phosphate buffer at

pH 5.5 to a final working concentration of 0.1 g/L in a volume of 20 mL.

Turbidimetric titrations were carried out at 25 °C by successive addition of 100 μL

of a pH 5.5 solution containing 1 M additive concentration dissolved in 20 mM

sodium phosphate buffer. The solution was stirred gently throughout the titration.

All titrations were carried out two times to check reproducibility.



5.4.2 Dynamic and static light scattering at room temperature

Dynamic and static light scattering (DLS and SLS) measurements were conducted at

a fixed scattering angle using a Malvern Zetasizer Nano-S system equipped with a

built-in Peltier temperature control and an avalanche photodiode detector (Malvern

Instruments Ltd., UK). Samples were measured in a 45 low volume quartz

cuvette, DTS2145 (Hellma Analytics, Germany). The Zetasizer Nano S uses a 633

nm Helium-Neon (He-Ne) red laser as a light source and analyses scattered light at

an angle of 173°. All measurements were carried out at a temperature of 25.0 ± 0.1

°C in automatic duration mode. For each sample, 11 measurements each of 10

seconds duration were taken and averaged. The measured autocorrelation function

was fit to either a regularization analysis or cumulant expansion using the DTS

application software (Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK). The results are reported in

terms of an averaged hydrodynamic size, dH which is related to the z-averaged

translational diffusion coefficient, through the Stokes-Einstein relation. The effect

of intermolecular interactions on measured value of dH is negligible for the protein

concentrations investigated here. For static light scattering experiments, the

scattering intensity of toluene (with a known Rayleigh ratio) was measured to

calculate the instrument dependent calibration constant. The intensities of the

samples were derived by using the mean count rates after adjusting by the

attenuation factors. The Rayleigh ratio was determined from the derived count rate

using the DTS software.

In each experiment, the Zn-free insulin solution at the desired pH was diluted

volumetrically by a factor of twenty with a stock solution of the additive and

immediately placed in the cuvette. The final insulin concentration was 0.2 g/L for

samples at pH 5.5 and 2 g/L for samples at pH 3.7. Between measurements the



cuvette was thoroughly cleaned with distilled water (nitric acid, ethanol and

surfactant solution) and wiped with lint-free wipes. All samples were run in

triplicates, where error bars represent the standard deviation over the three


5.4.3 Temperature-controlled experiments

Temperature-controlled intrinsic fluorescence and static light scattering experiments

were carried out using the Optim (Avacta Analytical Ltd, UK). The Optim contains

two lasers that emit light at wavelengths of 266 nm and 473 nm. The light scattering

data was recorded at the wavelength of 473 nm. The 266 nm laser source was used

for intrinsic fluorescence excitation. Fluorescence spectra were measured over the

wavelength interval of 290 to 320 nm using a slit width of 100 µm. The sample

temperature was increased from 20 °C to 90 °C at a rate of 2 °C per minute. Light

scattering and fluorescence readings were recorded at each temperature point.

Filtered insulin samples were diluted with stock concentrations of additives to a final

working concentration of 2 g/L at desired pH conditions. Aliquots of 9 µL of each

sample were carefully loaded into the compatible micro-cuvette arrays (MCAs). This

was done in such a way to prevent the generation of air bubbles, which could

potentially affect the light scattering results. Samples were then sealed at both ends

of the cuvette holder in which the wells were placed to avoid leakage at both sides

and placed within the instrument. Samples were measured in duplicates and control

samples consisting of buffer-only solutions were included.



5.5 Results

5.5.1 Effect of dialysis procedure on insulin preparation

In all experiments we followed the same procedure for preparing a stock solution of

insulin at a pH of 7.1 in a 5 mM Tris buffer. Dynamic light scattering measurements

on a freshly prepared 3 g/L insulin stock solution indicated two peaks corresponding

to a low molecular weight insulin oligomer and a small fraction of a high molecular

weight peak reflecting the presence of irreversibly formed aggregates [72]. The

small peak corresponding to 5.6 nm reflects an averaged oligomer size formed by the

reversible isodesmic self-association. The value is consistent with Kadima et al.

[72], which reported a range of 5 to 6 nm for the hydrodynamic diameter when

increasing the ionic strength of the solution from 10 to 100 mM at pH 7.5. The

insulin size at pH 7 is expected to be slightly greater than the value at pH 7.5 due to a

lower net charge of insulin when reducing pH.

5.5.2 Effects of arginine and arginine mixtures on isoelectric

precipitation of insulin

We initially examined the effects of using arginine or mixtures of arginine and

glutamate on reducing the isoelectric precipitation of insulin. In Figure 5.1 is shown

a representative plot of the turbidity versus additive concentration obtained by

titrating a solution containing an initial concentration of 0.1 g/L insulin and 20 mM

sodium phosphate buffer at pH 5.5. The initial transmittance of each solution

remained constant for 5 minutes before the initial titrant was added. The decrease in

turbidity with increasing additive concentration reflects a decrease in the average

size of insulin oligomers. The solutions containing arginine are more effective at

suppressing insulin association as the turbidity goes to 0 at an arginine concentration



of 60 mM, whereas the transmittance is 98.5 % for solutions containing sodium

chloride at a concentration of 100 mM. There is no additional benefit of using

mixtures of arginine and glutamate indicating glutamate behaves similar to chloride


Figure 5.1. Turbidimetric titration of 0.1 g/L insulin against 1M stock concentration

of additives in 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 5.5). 100uL volume of the additives

was added until transmittance values reached 100 % and are reported in terms of τ,

as 100-%T. The data represent the mean values of two individual experiments. Arg-

Glu corresponds to mixtures of Arg and Glu.

5.5.3 Time-evolution of insulin aggregation

Static and dynamic light scattering measurements were used to monitor the effects of

various additives on insulin aggregation. In each experiment, the freshly prepared

insulin stock solution was diluted volumetrically by a factor of 20 with the

corresponding additive solution. Initially, we monitored the time evolution of the



light scattering signal in solutions containing 2 g/L insulin with a pH 3.7 buffer

containing 20 mM sodium acetate and 100 mM sodium chloride or with 0.1 g/L

insulin in a pH 5.5 buffer solution with 20 mM sodium phosphate. In each case,

large oligomers with average sizes much greater than the hexamer are formed within

a minute after dilution. However, after the rapid equilibration, there were no

observable changes in the static light scattering signal for 60 minutes with either

solution. In solutions at pH 5.5, the measured value of Rθ equals 2.00 ± 0.3 x 10-3


. The error corresponds to the standard deviation over three measurements using

different freshly prepared insulin stock solutions. In solutions at pH 3.7 and 100 mM

NaCl, the measured value of Rθ equals 5.8 ± 0.4 x 10-3


. The results are

consistent with Giger et al [77] who found the turbidity readings remained constant

after 60 seconds for a 0.1 g/L insulin solution at pH 5.5 for solutions with an ionic

strength equal to or greater than 30 mM.

5.5.4 Effects of dipeptides on insulin aggregation state at room


We have examined the effects of various additives on insulin aggregation in

solutions at pH 5.5 with 20 mM sodium phosphate buffer (Figure 5.2A) or in

solutions at pH 3.7 containing 100 mM sodium chloride and 20 mM sodium acetate

buffer (Figure 5.2B). The light scattering readings are reported relative to the

corresponding value obtained for insulin in the corresponding additive free solution.

The error bars corresponds to the standard deviation over three measurements made

using the same insulin stock solution.

The effects of additives are much more pronounced at pH 3.7 than at pH 5.5. As

such, results are shown for solutions containing additives at concentrations of 20



mM for pH 3.7, versus 100 mM for pH 5.5. For the solutions at pH 3.7, there is a

clear grouping of the additives; diArg, mixtures of arginine and glutamate, or Arg-

Phe reduce insulin aggregation, whereas all the other additives shown exhibit little

effect. For the measurements at pH 5.5, the light scattering signal is reduced most

dramatically in solutions containing diArg relative to all other additives investigated.

For the remaining uncapped dipeptides, the effectiveness at reducing aggregation

follows the order Arg-Phe (Phe-Arg) > Leu-Arg > Val-Arg (Arg-Val), which

correlates roughly with the hydrophobicity of the dipeptide. The amidated

dipeptides cause greater light scattering when compared to all other dipeptides

except for those containing valine. Interestingly, the light scattering from solutions

containing arginine or mixtures of arginine and glutamate is only slightly less than

that of sodium chloride, although the amino acid solutions are clearly more effective

at reducing the turbidity for additive concentrations much lower than 100 mM (see

Figure 5.1). This discrepancy is likely attributable to some irreversible aggregation

of insulin that occurs in the solutions at pH 5.5 in the absence of sodium chloride.



Figure 5.2. (A) Effect of 100 mM additives on scattering intensity of 0.2 g/L Zn-free

insulin at 20mM phosphate buffer (pH 5.5). Scattering intensities are normalized

with respect to insulin at 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 5.5) in absence of NaCl. (B)

Effect of 100 mM additives on scattering intensity of 2 g/L Zn-free insulin in 20

mM acetate buffer (pH 3.7). Scattering intensities have been normalized with respect



to the scattering intensity of insulin. The derived count rates are calculated from the

mean count rates and attenuation factors corrected. Data represents an average of

triplicate independent runs ± the standard deviation indicated by the error bars.

Amino acids are represented by their three letter abbreviation. Arg-Glu corresponds

to mixtures of Arg and Glu

5.5.5 Temperature accelerated aggregation studies of insulin

In solutions at pH 7.5, we used the Optim to measure the effect of temperature on the

light scattering intensity for insulin in the presence of various additives. This

approach is commonly used for estimating an aggregation temperature, Tagg, which

corresponds to a rapid increase in the light scattering signal reflecting the onset of

aggregation [15, 18]. Temperature induced aggregation occurs when hydrophobic

groups are exposed in partially folded or unfolded states. The value of Tagg is used as

a surrogate for the colloidal stability of partially folded proteins. If conformational

stability (as characterized by protein melting temperature) remains constant, an

increase in Tagg reflects an increase in colloidal stability or reduced self-association.

The light scattering intensities are plotted as a function of temperature for solutions

containing 2 g/L insulin at pH 7.5 in the presence of 20 mM additives with and

without 100 mM sodium chloride in Figures 5.3A and 5.3B, respectively. The light

scattering intensity begins to increase around a temperature of 70 °C, which

corresponds to the melting temperature of Zn-free insulin measured at pH 7.4 [81].



Figure 5.3. Scattering intensities at 473 nm of 2 g/L insulin in 20 mM phosphate

buffer (pH 7.5) in the absence (A) and presence of 100 mM NaCl (B) respectively

with 20 mM additives. Results shown represent an average of two consecutive

measurements. Amino acids are represented by their three letter abbreviation.



Salt addition has a large effect on the measured light scattering intensity at high

temperatures. The aggregates grow to a much larger size in solutions containing 100

mM sodium chloride indicating electrostatic repulsion between monomer units in the

absence of sodium chloride is significant. The only exception occurs in solutions

containing the dipeptide diArg, where the light scattering signals are similar in the

presence and absence of salt. When electrostatic repulsion dominates, aggregates

grow by monomer addition leading to the formation of linear aggregates, whereas

aggregates grow by chain-chain associations leading to more condensed higher

molecular weight structures in the absence of an electrostatic barrier [47].

For the salt-free case, all additives except diArg increase the onset temperature and

reduce the high temperature light scattering relative to the additive-free solution. In

solutions containing 100 mM sodium chloride, the effects of the dipeptides become

more pronounced. The dipeptide Arg-Phe suppresses the aggregation significantly at

higher temperatures. All other additives except Arg and diArg appear to increase the

aggregation onset temperature relative to the additive-free solution.

At room temperature, there is an order of magnitude increase in the light scattering

obtained for the solution containing diArg versus any other additive or additive-free

solution. Because no visible haze formation occurred for these solutions, it is

unlikely that insoluble aggregates are formed at the temperature onset of

aggregation, which becomes detectable at light scattering readings similar to those

observed for the diArg solutions at room temperature.

5.5.6 Fluorescence studies to probe dipeptide interactions with insulin

In Figure 5.4A to 5.4D are shown fluorescence spectra for 2 g/L insulin solutions at

pH 7.5 using an excitation wavelength of 266 nm. Insulin does not contain any



tryptophan residues, so that the fluorescence arises from the tyrosine group with a

negligible contribution from phenylalanine or disulfide bonds [82, 83]. The spectra

have been shifted vertically such that the intensity at the peak maximum occurs in

the same position to emphasize the peak shift.

Figure 5.4.Shifted intrinsic fluorescence spectra for 20 mM phosphate solutions (pH

7.5) containing 2 g/L insulin with (A) Arg at concentrations of 0mM, 20 mM or 100

mM at 25 °C; (B) no additive, 20 mM diArg,20 mM GluArg, or 20 mM ArgGlu at

25 °C, (C) no additive at 25°C or 55°C. (D) no additive, 20 mM Arg or 20 mM

diArg at 55 °C. Results shown represent an average of two consecutive




The unshifted fluorescence spectra are shown in Figures 5.5A to 5.5D. The change in

the peak maximum is well-correlated with a concomitant change to the peak

intensity. In each case, a positive increase in the peak maximum corresponds to a

decrease in fluorescence intensity, except for in the presence of 100 mM arginine,

where a decrease in the peak maximum was reflected by a decrease in the

fluorescence intensity.

Figure 5.5. Unshifted intrinsic fluorescence spectra for 20 mM phosphate solutions

(pH 7.5) containing 2 g/L insulin with (A) Arg at concentrations of 0mM, 20 mM or

100 mM at 25 °C; (B) no additive, 20 mM diArg,20 mM GluArg, or 20 mM ArgGlu

at 25 °C, (C) no additive at 25°C or 55°C. (D) no additive, 20 mM Arg or 20 mM

diArg at 55 °C. Results shown represent an average of two consecutive




Figure 5.4A demonstrates that changes to the emission spectrum at 25 °C only occur

for insulin solutions at an arginine concentration of 100 mM, as curves

corresponding to 20 mM arginine and arginine-free solution overlay with each other.

This contrasts with solutions containing 20 mM dipeptides, where the largest shift is

found with diArg followed by Arg-Glu and Glu-Arg. The peak intensities for

solutions containing either diArg, Arg-Glu, or Glu-Arg are reduced relative to the

additive free solution by 24 %, 12 %, or 9 % respectively.

The emission spectrum properties are sensitive to the chemical environment

immediately surrounding the tyrosine groups. Changes to the spectrum could be due

to changing environment polarity upon exposing tyrosine groups to the solvent or to

alterations in the hydrogen bonding patterns from direct or indirect interactions with

the dipeptides. In Figure 5.4D is shown the spectra at 55 °C obtained for insulin

solutions in the presence and absence of 20 mM diArg. The light scattering

intensities shown in the inset to Figure 5.3A reflect a large decrease in insulin

aggregation when increasing temperature to 55 °C. Nevertheless, a similar change in

the emission spectrum occurs at 55 °C or 25 °C in the presence of diArg suggesting

that the intrinsic fluorescence signal is sensitive to additive binding by insulin rather

than changes to insulin association state.

5.6 Discussion

5.6.1 Arginine neutralizes negatively charged groups of insulin

There are clear effects of arginine in suppressing the isoelectric precipitation of

insulin in solutions at pH 5.5 (see Figure 5.1). The precipitation is driven by

attractive electrostatic interactions formed between patches of opposite charge on the

surface of insulin [77]. Increasing sodium chloride concentration screens the



electrostatic interactions and reduces insulin aggregation leading to the significant

decrease in turbidity. The effectiveness at screening electrostatic interactions is

determined by the screening length, which is proportional to the inverse square root

of ionic strength. Because the dominant charged state of arginine at pH 5.5 is close

to +1e, the ionic strength of an arginine chloride solution is equal to that of a sodium

chloride solution when compared at the same salt concentration. Thus, the effect of

arginine cannot only be rationalized in terms of ionic screening, otherwise arginine

would have the same effectiveness as sodium chloride.

Previous studies have established that arginine binds to acidic and aromatic groups

on protein surfaces [7, 27, 39, 41-43, 84], where the binding affinity for negatively

charged groups is stronger than for aromatics [39]. As such, more likely, arginine

binds to acidic insulin groups thereby neutralizing the negatively charged patches

and preventing their electrostatic association.

In solutions at pH 7.5 with 100 mM sodium chloride, adding 20 mM arginine

reduces the temperature at which insulin molecules aggregate providing evidence

that arginine promotes aggregation of the heat denatured states. Drawing this

conclusion also requires knowledge of how arginine alters the folding temperature or

conformational stability. Protein melting temperatures are generally not sensitive to

arginine especially when at such low additive concentration [6, 10]. Similarly, other

studies have found that arginine increases aggregation rates of thermally denatured

states for negatively charged proteins, such as bovine serum albumin, β-

lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, and alcohol dehydrogenase [38, 39]. The increased

rates are not observed for positively charged proteins, which have led to the

suggestion that arginine binds to negatively charged groups and lowers the

electrostatic repulsion barrier to protein-protein association. A similar mechanism



can be used to rationalize the data presented here for insulin. Increasing the net

negative charge on insulin by increasing pH reduces self-association reflecting the

effects of electrostatic repulsion in solutions at room temperature [72]. We expect

the same repulsive forces exist at higher temperatures as electrostatic interactions

between native proteins also occur between heat-denatured states when compared

under the same solvent conditions [12, 85]. Thus, arginine binding to acidic protein

groups at pH 7.5 is expected to neutralize repulsive electrostatic interactions leading

to enhanced insulin aggregation. This contrasts with what happens at pH 5.5, where

neutralization of acidic groups by arginine still occurs, but instead reduces the

electrostatic driven aggregation.

5.6.2 Mixtures of arginine and glutamate suppress hydrophobic


In solutions at pH 3.7 and 100 mM sodium chloride, mixtures of arginine and

glutamate are much more effective at suppressing aggregation than arginine chloride

at concentrations as low as 20 mM. The suppression effects are either due to

neutralization of attractive electrostatic interactions, or due to weakening the

isodesmic association. There are no synergistic effects of using Arg-Glu mixtures in

solutions at pH 5.5, where the electrostatic aggregation is most pronounced. As

such, the synergy between the amino acids is not due to impacting upon the

electrostatic properties of insulin, rather a more likely explanation is that the mixture

is more effective at reducing hydrophobic interactions as previously proposed for

other proteins [46, 59]. Hydrophobic forces are especially significant in stabilizing

the insulin dimer, which is a building block of insulin oligomers [63].



5.6.3 Dipeptides modulate hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions

between insulin molecules

diArg is the most effective dipeptide at suppressing aggregation in solution at low

and moderate pH, but enhances insulin association at pH 7.5. In solutions at pH 5.5,

additives alter the electrostatic-driven aggregation by neutralizing the charged

groups on insulin. Changes to insulin electrostatic properties will be much greater in

solutions containing diArg than those with arginine. Because diArg has a greater

positive charge than arginine, the electrostatic contribution to the binding affinity

with negatively charged groups is larger. In addition, binding to negatively charged

groups by diArg will lead to charge inversion, whereas arginine binding only

neutralizes the negative charge. It follows that the electrostatic attraction between

insulin molecules is suppressed because insulin acidic groups are masked much more

effectively in solutions containing diArg versus arginine.

The ability of diArg to alter electrostatic interactions is also reflected by the

behaviour at pH 7.5. In solutions without any sodium chloride, in the presence of

diArg, aggregation occurs at a lower temperature and aggregates grow to a much

larger size than in the additive free solution. Both these trends indicate diArg has

neutralized the negatively charged groups on insulin. With increasing the net charge

on the protein, the cross-over between these pathways occurs at a higher ionic

strength as greater screening is required to reduce the repulsive forces. For most of

the additive solutions, increasing sodium chloride concentration from 0 to 100 mM

leads to much larger light scattering at high temperatures, reflecting the change in

aggregation pathways brought about by screening the electrostatic repulsion. The

main exception is the solution containing diArg. The light scattering at 0 mM



sodium chloride is similar to or greater than any of the other additive solutions that

contain sodium chloride, indicating the electrostatic repulsion between insulin

molecules is significantly reduced in the presence of diArg. The increased light

scattering signal at lower temperatures in solutions without sodium chloride when

comparing diArg to any of the other additives also provides evidence for increased

insulin aggregation due to charge neutralization by additive binding [72].

The dipeptide Arg-Phe and to a lesser extent Phe-Arg prevents heat-induced

aggregation at pH 7.5. It is likely that these dipeptides will also affect the

aggregation of other proteins. A previous study found solutions of Arg-Phe

suppressed the heat-induced aggregation of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), but

interestingly, enhanced the aggregation at room temperature [58]. Arg-Phe also was

found to alter the aggregation of α–lactalbumin in a pH dependent manner, in which

case, aggregation was promoted when α–lactalbumin carried a significant negative

charge [57]. This finding was taken to indicate a key role of neutralizing acidic

groups leading to the enhanced aggregation rates. Because the heat-induced

aggregation occurs from partially folded states implies that the suppression

effectiveness of Phe-Arg arises from its ability to mask exposed hydrophobic groups.

Thus, as with arginine or diArg, Phe-Arg can behave as either an aggregation

suppressor or enhancer. The suppression effects are usually linked with additive

binding to mask interactions between aromatic or hydrophobic groups [20, 46]. On

the other hand, neutralization of protein charged groups by additive binding can

either enhance protein aggregation due to reducing protein net charge and lowering

the electrostatic repulsion barrier [38, 39], or as with the isoelectric precipitation of

insulin, reduce electrostatic driven association by masking charged groups [77].



A key question to address is whether or not the effects of dipeptides on insulin

association can be extrapolated to protein therapeutics such as antibodies or

antibody-derived proteins. In the latter case, aggregation occurs through a more

complicated pathway involving partial unfolding, association of partially folded

states, and conformational changes leading to irreversibly formed aggregates [13].

Previous studies have already shown that arginine alone or in mixtures with

glutamate is effective at suppressing aggregation of proteins [7,56]. The finding that

diArg, and to a lesser extent Arg-Phe, exhibits similar or stronger effects than either

of these additive mixtures at effecting electrostatic- or hydrophobic-driven

association of insulin provides an initial indication that the dipeptide will also

influence aggregation of therapeutic proteins. However, this will be highly

dependent on what are the rate controlling steps in the aggregation pathways as well

as on the properties of the aggregation prone regions in protein therapeutics.




The authors are grateful for useful scientific discussions with Alexander Golovanov

and Andrew Doig at the University of Manchester and Jan Jezek and Barry Derham

at Arecor. In addition, they thank Avacta for providing in-kind access to the Optim.

The project was supported by pump-priming funds from the University of

Manchester and a BBSRC-BRIC grant (number BB/I017194/1).



Conflict of interest

The authors declare no commercial or financial conflict of interest.



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This work was performed in collaboration with Arecor Ltd and Genzyme.





6.1 Abstract

The aggregation behaviour of an IgG4 antibody was characterised under a range of

solution conditions and in the presence of a novel cationic excipient. Conformational

and colloidal stability of the antibody were determined from temperature controlled

intrinsic fluorescence and light scattering studies. Dynamic and static light scattering

were used to measure protein-protein and protein-excipient interactions at room

temperature. Lower pH increased net repulsive protein-protein interactions and

decreased the thermal stability of the proteins. Fluorescence measurements showed

at least two unfolding transitions (or domains) with the lower temperature transition

domain as a key driver to the formation of aggregation prone states. Attractive

interactions were screened as the ionic strength is increased indicating increased

colloidal stability and the magnitude of screening increased with increasing pH.

Protein-polycation interactions led to the formation of complexes and are initiated

mainly through electrostatic interactions at pH 6 and pH 7. Protein interactions at pH

5 where the protein has more positive charges seem to suggest presence of other

short range interactions control protein-polycation behaviour. Both thermal induced

unfolding and colloidal interactions showed similar binding of the polycation to the

protein. Although changes in intrinsic fluorescence during thermal unfolding

suggests that the polycation reduces the conformational stability as aggregation

proceeds through partial unfolding, protein-protein interactions are repulsive. Here,

partial unfolding is not the rate limiting step to aggregation.



6.2 Introduction

Many important biological processes are modulated by protein-protein interactions

and as a result are of particular interest in the area of protein therapeutics

development. The main concern of protein therapeutics is the propensity of the

proteins to form aggregates during manufacture, transport, storage and delivery. The

commercial viability of protein therapeutics depends on its successful formulation

especially during long-term storage where attractive protein-protein interactions

could lead to reversible self-association and/or aggregation [1-6]. Aggregates which

are usually irreversible need to be controlled in order to maintain the stability of the

protein therapeutic and minimize the risk of immunogenic responses.

For liquid therapeutic formulations, achieving protein stabilisation requires the

addition of excipients (sometimes referred to as additives or co-solvents) such as

sugars [7, 8], polyols [9], salts [10], surfactants [11, 12], amino acids [13-16] and

other buffers [17]. These excipients interact with proteins thereby affecting protein

solubility and folding stability. Unfortunately due to the sheer complexity of

proteins, it is difficult to rationalise the exact mechanism through which excipients

stabilise proteins when exposed to various stress conditions such as pH, temperature,

salt type, ionic strength, and buffer composition.

Protein aggregation is controlled by either conformational or colloidal stability,

which in turn are governed by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Changes in

conformational stability lead to exposure of buried nonpolar residues on the protein

surface as the native protein unfolds. Colloidal stability depends on the balance

between attractive and repulsive intermolecular charge-charge interactions between

protein molecules. Thus, the role of conformational and colloidal stability is critical

to identifying optimal and stabilising protein formulations.



One of the largest and fastest growing classes of biopharmaceutical products on the

market includes antibodies and antibody-derived products. Like other protein

therapeutics, antibodies have the tendency to aggregate under a range of formulation

conditions. Therefore it is important to generate optimal solution conditions which

ultimately control the formulation of the protein drugs.

6.3 Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a rapidly growing class of protein therapeutics

used in the treatment of immune and cancer disorders [18]. So far, about 30 mAbs

have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

while over 200 other mAbs are in various stages of development pipeline. mAbs are

a highly specific class of immunoglobulins that make up the humoral branch of the

immune system. They are produced by the immune system in response to foreign

molecules in the body. The basic structures and functions of mAbs are well

established. They consist of two identical heavy (H) and two identical light (L)

polypeptide chains joined together by disulphide bridges. A schematic of a

monoclonal antibody is shown in Figure 6.1. The H-chains are covalently attached to

oligosaccharide groups while the L-chains are non-glycosylated. The two H-chains

are connected together at the flexible or hinge region of the H-chains. The four

polypeptide chains contain constant (C) and variable (V) regions located at the

carboxyl and amino terminal of the chains respectively. Both L- and H- chains

contain a single variable (VL and VH) region. The L-chain has one constant (CL)

region while the H- chain has three constant (CH1, CH2, CH3) regions. The variable

regions in both H and L chains join together to form two identical antigen binding

(Fab) sites. The constant (Fc) or fragment crystallisable region is responsible for



effector functions and binding such as placental transport. Most mAbs adopt a Y-

shaped configuration resulting from the folding of the polypeptide chains.

Figure 6.1. Basic structure of an antibody or immunoglobulin Ig molecule. The

variable (Fab) domains located at the arm of the Y bind antigens in a lock- and –key

mechanism. The fragment constant (Fc) portion at the carboxyl terminus of the H-

chains responsible for biological activity [19]

Antibodies are divided into 5 main classes based on their H-chain or C-regions; IgA

(α), IgD (δ), IgE (ε), IgM (µ), IgG (γ). They have an approximate molecular weight

of 150 kDa (with 50 kDa on the H-chains and 25 kDa on the L-chains) [20]. The IgG

class will be discussed in further details as it is the class of mAbs used to conduct



experiments in this chapter. There are four subclasses of the IgG molecule in humans

with heavy chains γ1, γ2, γ3 and γ4 giving rise to IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4

respectively. The differences arise due to structural differences in the number and

location of the disulphide bonds in the heavy chains and length of the hinge region


Like other therapeutic proteins, mAbs are relatively unstable and may have more

than one degradation pathway initiated by changes in pH, salt type and

concentration, and temperature. Hence it is not possible to generate a single optimal

formulation for all mAb-based therapeutics. Understanding antibody aggregation

behaviour under different conditions may allow us to understand effects of

formulation conditions on protein behaviour to enable predictive methods.

Protein-protein interactions have been strongly correlated to the aggregation

propensity of mAbs under various formulation conditions [14, 17, 21-25]. The

solution pH controls the ionization properties of charged residues on the surface of

proteins and thus, affects electrostatic interactions between protein molecules. Most

mAbs are formulated at slightly acidic pH (≤ 6.5) as formulations at neutral and

basic pH values enhance chemical instabilities such as deamidation and

isomerization [14, 26]. The effect of pH on mAb aggregation can affect either

charge-charge interactions and/or destabilisation. The stability of an IgG2 mAb was

shown to be sensitive to pH changes as protein-protein attractions increased from pH

4 to 9 due to reducing protein net charge and lowering protein-protein charge

repulsion [2]. In addition, pH-induced destabilisation has been observed at low pH

values resulting from partial unfolding of the protein which can lead to aggregation

even when there is high colloidal stability or increased protein repulsion [27].



Buffer composition also plays an important role in modulating and stabilising

protein-protein interactions. Histidine buffers are widely used in preparation of mAb

formulations due to their stabilising properties [28-30]. Histidine has a pKa of ~ 6

which makes it suitable for use at slightly acidic conditions. Usually, surfactants are

included in mAb formulations to stabilise and prevent proteins form adsorption to

interfaces or interfacial stress [31, 32]. Non-ionic surfactants, polysorbate 20 and 80

(Tween 20 and 80) are two most commonly used surfactants in mAb formulations

for stabilisation against surface-induced aggregation [11, 12, 33]. Surfactants are

surface active amphiphilic agents (containing polar head and hydrophobic tail) that

can also interact directly with proteins [26]. Other low molecular weight additives or

excipients are usually added to formulations to improve the conformational and

colloidal stability of mAbs.

The influence of salts on protein-protein interactions is dependent on a number of

factors such as ion hydration, valence, size, net charge, surface charge density and

polarizability [34-36]. Salts are known to have a concentration dependent effect on

protein-protein interactions according to Hofmeister series [10, 17, 37, 38]. In

chapter 4, we have discussed different mechanisms of protein-salt interactions in

detail by using lysozyme as a model protein.

Sugars and amino acids have been reported to improve stability of proteins and as

such are used in preparation of mAb formulations [7, 8, 14, 15, 39]. In a previous

study, we have shown that the use of amino acid derivatives in insulin formulations

could either act as an aggregation suppressor or enhancer depending on the solution

conditions and rate controlling step of protein-protein interactions [13].

Since there is no ‘universal excipient’ for the stabilisation of all mAbs against

aggregation, it is of paramount interest to develop other additives that exhibit



potential to be used as aggregation suppressors. With this in mind, we explored the

applicability of polyelectrolytes which have not been fully exploited as additives to

improve the solubility and stability of mAbs.

Polyelectrolytes (polyanions or polycations) have been used for modulating protein

aggregation behaviour as they bind to and interact with proteins via different

mechanisms depending on the pH and the ionic strength of the solution as well as the

chemical nature of the protein and polyelectrolyte [40-44]. Inhibition of insulin

aggregation by polyanion heparin was attributed to weakening of attractive

electrostatic interactions between insulin molecules when the polyanion binds to and

masks the exposed positively charged insulin surface [45].The effect of

polyelectrolytes on protein-protein interaction is pH dependent. BSA (bovine serum

albumin) aggregation was suppressed in presence of dextran sulphate (DS) at pH 5.1

and 6.2 but not at pH 7.5 [46]. Inhibition of association between denatured states was

prevented via strong electrostatic interactions between the denatured states of BSA

with dextran sulphate which led to formation of DS-BSA complexes. Conversely,

the formation of complexes between polyelectrolytes and proteins of opposite

charges has been observed to induce protein-protein association due to presence of

attractive electrostatic interactions. Goers et al. [42] found that polycations such as

polyethyleneimine formed strong complexes with negatively charged α-synuclein

through electrostatic interactions which masked charge-charge repulsion to increase

oligomerization and fibrillation of the protein. In another study, the addition of a

negatively charged polyelectrolyte (poly vinyl sulfonate) to a positively charged

protein (bovine pancreatic chymotrypsin) led to the formation of non-soluble

complexes which induced precipitation and aggregation [41]. Here in order to

understand the stabilizing mechanisms of a novel polycationic excipient, we have



investigated the aggregation behaviour of mixtures of a mAb with the excipient at

different pH values and ionic strengths.

The osmotic second virial coefficient (B22) and diffusion interaction parameter (kD)

can be used as indicators to assess protein solution behaviour under different

formulation conditions. B22 and kD measurements reflect the averaged protein-protein

interactions where an increase in protein-protein association has been linked to an

increase in propensity for aggregation suggesting that aggregation is controlled in

part by colloidal stability [2, 7, 17, 21-23, 25]. Conformational stability requires

measurements of the free energy of unfolding (ΔGunf) where excipients that increase

ΔGunf are known to stabilise against aggregation. Conformational stability is also

reflected by an increase in unfolding temperature (Tm) values. Because aggregation

is controlled by different mechanisms, it is difficult to determine the exact

contribution of colloidal and conformational stability and thus, may make

interpretation of results challenging.

In this work, we investigated the conformational and colloidal stability

characteristics of an IgG4 under different formulation conditions. Colloidal stability

was assessed in terms of the osmotic second virial coefficient (B22) from static light

scattering and a diffusion interaction parameter (kD) from dynamic light scattering.

Measurements were carried out as function of pH and ionic strength in the presence

of sodium chloride (NaCl) or 1, 2 propanediol propylene glycol (PD). The pH was

varied to investigate how changes in the protein net charge control electrostatic

interactions. The pH dependences of protein-protein interactions were correlated

with the aggregation propensity of the mAb using temperature ramped dynamic light

scattering and intrinsic fluorescence experiments. We then assessed complex

formation of a novel polycation additive (polyethyleneimine, PEI) with the protein



and the impact on the aggregation behaviour. Based on our findings, we were able to

establish the contribution of the polycation to colloidal and conformational stability

of the mAb under different formulation conditions.

6.4 Materials and Methods

Purified IgG4 (pI between 5 and 6) was provided by Genzyme with an initial protein

concentration of 8.13 mg/mL and stored in 24 mM sodium phosphate at pH 7.2 with

28 mM sodium chloride at -20°C.

Frozen samples (~3 mL) were thawed at room temperature and extensively dialyzed

(Spectra/Por Float-A-lyser dialysis tubing, molecular weight cut-off 3.5-5 kDa;

Spectrum Labs, Cal) against the desired buffer conditions at 4°C. Buffer conditions

were 5 mM L- Histidine (Sigma Aldrich) and ~ 0.01 % Tween-80/ litre (Sigma

Aldrich) at selected pH values (5, 6, and 7) unless otherwise stated. Buffer solutions

were prepared by dissolving histidine in 3 litres of distilled deionized water (ddH2O)

from a Millipore Milli-Q filtration system and titrating to the desired pH with drops

of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide. About 4 mL of 100 times diluted

Tween was added to the buffer and pH checked before making up the solution to 4

litres with ddH2O. Protein solutions were dialyzed against a given buffer condition

via two 1-L exchanges of 24 hours each after which protein concentration and

solution pH were verified. The concentration of protein was determined using an

extinction coefficient of 1.356 mL/mg at 280nm. About 500 mL of the second

dialysate was filtered using 0.2 µm cut-off sterile syringe filters (Millipore) and used

to prepare stock solutions as described below. Table 6.1 shows the final working

concentrations of each of the bulk additive solutions that were used in preparing the

various formulations. All experiments were carried out at different pH values, high

and low ionic strength, and with and without the polycation additive.



Table 6.1. Final additive concentrations (C2) prepared from initial stock

concentrations (C1) of each additive at different pH values

Conditions 1.2 M PD 600 mM


50% w/v PEI

(20 mg/ mL)


M1 0.3 M 5

M2 0.3 M 6

M3 0.3 M 7

M4 150 mM 5

M5 150 mM 6

M6 150 mM 7

M7 0.3 M 5 mg/mL 5

M8 0.3 M 5 mg/mL 6

M9 0.3 M 5 mg/mL 7

M10 150 mM 5 mg/mL 5

M11 150 mM 5 mg/mL 6

M12 150 mM 5 mg/mL 7

1, 2 -propanediol propylene glycol (PD) solution with a molarity of 13.1 M

purchased from Sigma Aldrich was diluted with histidine/tween buffer to obtain a

working stock concentration of 1.2 M at the desired pH. PD buffer solutions were

then diluted to a final concentration of 0.3 M by making a 4 times dilution of 1.2 M

PD buffer using the corresponding histidine/tween buffer. For sodium chloride

(NaCl) (Fischer Scientific) experiments, 0.6 M NaCl stock solutions were prepared

by dissolving the salt in the histidine/tween buffer at the desired pH. The stock salt



solutions were then diluted to a final concentration of 0.15 M NaCl in the

corresponding histidine/tween buffers. For polyethyleneimine (PEI, molecular

weight ~ 2000 Da, Sigma Aldrich) experiments, stock solutions of PD and PEI were

prepared at 1.2 M and 20 mg/mL respectively in desired histidine/tween buffers. The

PD/PEI buffer was gently stirred and diluted with the corresponding histidine/tween

buffers to a final concentration of 0.3 M PD and 5 mg/mL PEI. For NaCl/PEI

experiments, stock solutions of 0.6 M NaCl and 20 mg/mL PEI were prepared in

desired histidine/tween buffers. The sample was gently mixed before diluting with

corresponding histidine/tween buffers to obtain a final concentration of 0.15 M NaCl

and 5 mg/mL PEI.

The pH of all final formulation buffers were checked and adjusted where necessary

before filtering with 0.1 um syringe filters. The initial concentration (C1) of each

additive was prepared to a working volume of approximately 50 mL while the after

dilution, the final formulation buffers with concentration C2, was prepared to a

working volume of 40 mL. For both light scattering and fluorescence experiments,

protein samples were prepared by dilution of the dialysed protein solutions with

desired stock concentrations C1 to a final volume of 5 mL. This method allows for

the protein solution to contain the same concentration as the additive. Protein sample

solutions were degassed for 1 hour before filtering with 0.1 µm syringe filters


6.5 Methods

6.5.1 Static light scattering

Static light scattering (SLS) experiments were performed to obtain the osmotic

second virial coefficient (B22), and/or protein molecular weight values using the



miniDAWN Treos instrument for the various formulations. For each experiment,

stock samples (~ 5 g/L) of the mAb were systematically recycled and diluted with

the corresponding formulation buffer to generate a series of mAb concentrations in

order to conserve sample. The samples were injected into the detectors connected in-

line to a UV concentration detector. Buffer only samples were used as a baseline


The raw static light scattering data was extracted from the software and analysed

using an excel spread sheet. The excess Rayleigh ratios at 90° (Rθ) obtained from

SLS readings were used to generate the Debye plots according to

(Equation 6.1)

where c is protein concentration, K is an optical constant controlled by the solvent

properties, and Mw,0 is the protein infinite dilution molecular weight. Alternatively,

we can define an apparent molecular weight Mw,app by

(Equation 6.2)

where Mw,app accounts for attractive and/or repulsive protein-protein interactions.

Equation 6.2 is used when protein reversible association occurs at low protein

concentrations. When the debye equation was fitted to the light scattering data, the

plot of Kc/Rθ versus c yields a slope equal to B22 and the inverse of the y-intercept

equal to Mw,o. Errors were calculated based on the standard deviation obtained from

linear regression of Equation 6.1.

6.5.2 Dynamic light scattering

Dynamic light scattering measurements were conducted to determine the intensity

auto-correlation function and extract the diffusion coefficient DT using the cumulant











analysis method given in Chapter 3. The measured diffusion coefficient DT was

plotted against protein concentration c to obtain the diffusion coefficient at infinite

dilution D0, which was used in the calculation of the hydrodynamic radius Rh,0 using

the Stokes–Einstein relation

(Equation 6.3)

where kB is Boltzmann constant, η is solvent viscosity and T is absolute temperature.

A plot of DT/D0 against c can be used to obtain the interaction parameter kD or slope

to reflect the nature of protein-protein interactions.

(Equation 6.4)

Equation 6.4 indicates the measured DT depends on protein-protein interactions

through the kD parameter. We can also define an apparent hydrodynamic size Rh,app

using an analogy to the Stokes Einstein relation

(Equation 6.5)

The advantage of reporting an apparent size versus a diffusion coefficient is that the

effect of the solvent viscosity does not impact the hydrodynamic size. DLS at room

temperature were performed simultaneously with SLS measurements described

above using the miniDAWN Treos and the measured diffusion coefficients obtained

using the ASTRA 6 software (Wyatt, Santa Barbara, California) were exported to an

excel spread sheet for calculation of the hydrodynamic sizes. Errors were calculated

based on the standard deviation obtained from linear regression of Eq. 6.5.

Temperature-controlled DLS studies were carried out using the DynaPro Plate

Reader (Wyatt, Santa Barbara, USA) equipped with an 831nm laser. Auto-

attenuation was applied to control the signal and strength of the laser beam. The


0,6 D



ckDD DT 10








acquisition time was set to 5 seconds and 60 measurements were performed at each

temperature. Temperature was decreased or increased in 5° C increments.

mAb formulations at pH 5 were investigated at five different protein concentrations

between 2 and 14 g/L. 40 uL of the samples were added to a 384-well UV-Star Clear

Microplate (781801) (Greiner Bio-One GmbH, Germany) in triplicates for each

condition. The samples were capped with 20 uL of silicon oil to prevent solvent

evaporation. Silicon oil is insoluble in water and has no effect on the measurements.

The samples were gently centrifuged at 4000g for 1 minute and lint-free wipes were

used to clean the bottom of the plates. The measured diffusion coefficients were

analysed by DYNAMICS V6 software (Wyatt, Santa Barbara, USA) and exported to

an excel spread sheet for calculation of the interaction parameter and hydrodynamic

sizes. The diffusivity readings at the same protein concentration were averaged as

measurements were performed in triplicates. Errors were calculated based on the

standard deviation obtained from linear regression of Eq. 6.5.

6.5.3 Temperature-controlled light scattering and intrinsic fluorescence


The Optim (Avacta Analytical Ltd, UK) was utilised to perform temperature

controlled light scattering and intrinsic fluorescence studies in which the mAb was

exposed to temperature scans between 20 °C and 90 °C with a 266 nm laser source at

a scan rate of 2 °C per minute. mAb formulations were prepared at a final

concentration of 1 g/L and 10 g/L at pH 5 and 7. Protein and buffer solutions were

prepared as described above and degassed before running the experiments.

Degassing is needed to avoid the introduction of air bubbles which could potentially

affect the results. 9 uL of the samples were aliquoted into micro cuvettes and sealed



at the bottom to prevent any leakages. Measurements were performed in duplicates.

Colloidal stability was monitored by measuring the light scattering intensities as a

function of temperature to determine the aggregation temperature (Tagg), which

corresponds to the temperature on-set of a light scattering increase. Tagg is calculated

at the temperature where rate of change of the light scattering signal or differentiated

scattering intensity (dSI/dt) versus temperature reaches a threshold that is about 10%

of the change in signal. Structural stability was examined by recording the

fluorescence spectra of the specified temperatures over the wavelength interval of

200 to 500 nm using a slit width of 100 μm. Fluorescence readings were used to

determine the unfolding or melting temperature (Tm) of the protein. The Tm values

were calculated from a plot of the differentiated fluorescence intensity (dFI/dt)

versus temperature to give a peak maximum which corresponds to Tm.

6.6 Results

Static and dynamic light scattering were used to determine the colloidal stability in

terms of the osmotic second virial coefficient (B22) and diffusion interaction

parameter (kD), respectively, or alternatively, for strongly associating systems, in

terms of an apparent weight average molecular weight and hydrodynamic radius. In

addition, the infinite dilution values for the hydrodynamic size and weighted average

molecular weight were determined to provide information about protein self-

association or protein - polycation complexation. Intrinsic fluorescence was applied

to investigate the effect of protein-polycation complex formation on the structural

stability of the protein and determine whether the polycation inhibits aggregation

when bound to the protein. The aggregation temperatures (Tagg) were used as a

measure of the protein aggregation propensity.



6.6.1 Effect of pH and ionic strength on intermolecular interactions of


The effect of pH and ionic strength on protein-protein interactions was assessed for

the IgG4 antibody with a maximum concentration of 5 g/L at room temperature. In

Figure 6.2, values of the excess Rayleigh ratio (Rθ/Kc) was fit to the Debye equation

and plotted as a function of protein concentration for solutions containing 300 mM

PD at pH 5, 6, and 7. In addition Figure 6.2B is a plot of the apparent hydrodynamic

radius obtained from the dynamic light scattering experiments. An upward slope of

the static light scattering plot indicates net attractive interactions and a downward

slope indicates net repulsion. As the pH of the formulation is increased from 5 to 7,

the slope decreases reflecting attractive protein-protein interactions with B22 in the

order of -11.1 x 10-5

mL mol/g2 (pH 5), -11.8 x 10

-5 mL mol/g

2 (pH 6), and -13 x 10


5 mL mol/g

2 at pH 7. Increasing pH should favour attractive electrostatic interactions

or weaker repulsive electrostatics where the net charge of the protein reduces as it

approaches its isoelectric point. Sahin et al. [47] studied the aggregation behaviour of

four IgG1 antibodies at low ionic strength. They observed that protein-protein

interactions are more attractive as the pH is increased from 3.5 to 6.5 at a fixed ionic


However, the weak pH dependence observed is an indication that some other forces

are responsible for strong attractive protein-protein interactions. It is possible that the

self-attraction follows an oligomerization model, which is not captured with the

measured osmotic second virial coefficient. The molecular weight at infinite dilution

changes from 166 kDa to 194 kDa as the pH is increased from 5 to 7. This value is

greater than the monomer molecular weight of a mAb which is ~ 150 kDa [24]



indicating self-association is occurring at concentrations below the experimentally

studied concentration range. The molecular weight dependence on the pH reveals

that increased self-association occurs with increasing pH. The static light scattering

results are in qualitative agreement with the measured hydrodynamic sizes, which

are greatest at pH 7. In addition, a positive slope in the plot of Rh,app versus protein

concentration reflects the presence of attractive protein-protein interactions.



Figure 6.2. (A) Static light scattering measurements for determination of B22 values

and (B) dynamic light scattering measurements for determination of Rh,0 of an IgG4

antibody in 300 mM PD solutions at pH 5, 6 and 7. Virial coefficient values

decrease with increasing pH: -11.1 x 10-5

mL mol/g2 (pH 5), -11.8 x 10

-5 mL mol/g


(pH 6) and -13 x 10-5

mL mol/g2 (pH 7) and correspond to Mw,0 values of 166 kDa,

183 kDa and 194 kDa respectively.



The diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution was used to calculate the infinite

hydrodynamic sizes (Rh,0) of the protein. At infinite dilution, the Rh,0 values are 5.6

nm at pH 5 and 6, and 6.1 nm at pH 7. This value roughly corresponds to the size of

a mAb [48]. Rh,0 reflects self-association below experimental measurements which is

why the size at pH 7 is larger than at pH 6 or pH 5.

pH is an important parameter that affects the ionization properties of charges

residues on the protein surface and influences intermolecular interactions by altering

the electrostatic properties of proteins especially at low ionic strength [49]. However

as the ionic strength is increased, long-range electrostatic interactions are screened

and the effect of pH on protein-protein interactions is controlled by more subtle

mechanisms. Measurements of Rθ/Kc as a function of protein concentration for

solutions containing 150 mM NaCl at pH 5, 6, and 7 were carried out to reduce the

contribution from electrostatic interactions. However, for these experiments, the light

scattering data did not reach a steady-state value at low protein concentration. As a

consequence, the data is not reported here.

6.6.2 Effect of polyethyleneimine (PEI) on protein-protein interactions

The effect of PEI on the colloidal stability of the antibody was investigated in

formulations containing 300 mM PD and 150 mM NaCl. Polyethyleneimine, a low

molecular weight polymer is a highly branched and positively charged

polyelectrolyte (or a polycation) [50] and as a result is expected to bind and mask

exposed negative charges on the surface of the protein. It is important to note that

due to the sheer complexity/ multitude of interactions (hydrogen bonding, van der

Waals and electrostatic interactions, salt bridging and ion binding) which affect

protein – protein interactions, there may be more than one effect of the additive on



protein interactions. Figure 6.3 shows a plot of excess Rayleigh ratios (Rθ/Kc) and

Rh,app as a function of protein concentration for solutions containing 300 mM PD and

5 mg/mL PEI at pH 5, 6, and 7. The light scattering data was fit to the debye

equation to yield a straight line with a slope equal to the value of B22. There is an

observed pH dependence on B22 values as protein-protein interactions become more

attractive or less repulsive with increasing pH. B22 values are positive at pH 5 (5.2 x


mL-mol/g2) indicating repulsive protein- protein interactions and decrease to

negative values at pH 6 (-4.3 x 10-5

mL-mol/g2) and pH 7 (-3.6 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g


Addition of PEI makes protein-protein interactions more repulsive as B22 values are

higher than in corresponding solutions without PEI. The pH dependence of the

protein-protein interactions could be due to the impact of repulsive electrostatic

interactions (as interactions are more repulsive at pH 5 than at pH 7) or possibly due

to a pH dependence of the PEI binding to the protein.



Figure 6.3. (A) Static light scattering measurements for determination of B22 values

and (B) dynamic light scattering for determination of Rh,0 of an IgG4 antibody in 300

mM PD and 5 mg/mL PEI solutions (dark symbols) at pH 5, 6 and 7. Light symbols

corresponding to solutions without PEI. Virial coefficient values in presence of PEI

are greater compared to when there is no PEI and decrease with increasing pH: 5.2 x




mL-mol/g2 (pH 5), -4.3 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g

2 (pH 6) and -3.6 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g

2 (pH

7) and correspond to Mw,o values of 188 kDa, 207 kDa and 203 kDa respectively.

We observe that in the presence of PEI there is an increase in Mw,0 indicating

polycation binding to the protein as the measured Mw,0 is slightly higher than the

corresponding value measured in solutions without PEI at pH 5. Alternatively, the

high measured value of Mw,0 could be due to protein self-association at low protein

concentration. This cannot be the case, otherwise there would be an increase in

Mw,app at the experimentally measured concentrations as the association becomes

saturated. The strong evidence that polycation binding is occurring at pH 5 also

indicates binding is likely at pH 6 and pH 7 as the protein carries a lower positive

charge. This is consistent with the measured Mw,0 values without PEI, which are

smaller than the PEI values at the same pH. Furthermore, we notice that the Rh,0

values are also larger in solutions containing PEI (ranging between 6.3 nm to 6.6

nm) than when there is no PEI providing further evidence of polycation binding.

At pH 5, measured protein-protein interactions are more repulsive in the presence of

PEI, which must be due to polycation binding to the protein. However it is unclear

as to why the polycation binds to the protein. The observation of protein-polycation

binding at pH below the pI indicates presence of negative patches on the protein. In

addition to electrostatic interactions, other non-coulombic interactions (such as

hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding) have been implicated in enhancing attractive

interactions between proteins and polyelectrolytes. For instance, Sedlak and Antalik

[51] suggested that ferricytochrome c can interact with the charged and uncharged

part of a polyelectrolyte molecule to form complexes via coulombic and non-

coulombic interactions respectively. It is likely that PEI binding shields or masks



the opposite charged patches on the protein surface to further enhance protein

repulsion or inhibit electrostatic-driven self-association. Dubin and co-workers [44,

52, 53] showed that polycations can bind to proteins in solutions at pH values below

the pI i.e. to positively charged proteins that contain negative patches. As the pH

approaches the pI, the protein net charge is reduced and has less positive charge

hence protein-polycation electrostatic interactions become more attractive at pH 6

and pH 7. From our results, we see that as the pH is raised, PEI binding to the

protein increases as reflected by an increase in Mw,0. However, the measured values

of B22 indicate the interactions between the protein-polycations are more attractive at

the higher pH values.

Figure 6.4 shows a plot of excess Rayleigh ratios (Rθ/Kc) and Rh,app as a function of

protein concentration for solutions containing 150 mM NaCl and 5 mg/mL PEI at

pH 5, 6, and 7. For pH 5 and 6, the static light scattering data was fit to the debye

equation to yield a straight line with a slope equal to the value of B22 on the order of -

7.3 x 10-5

mL-mol/g2 (pH 5) and -10.3 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g

2 (pH 6) . As the pH was

raised, the slope decreases as B22 values are negative and protein-protein interactions

become more attractive. Light scattering data obtained at pH 7 had a lot of noise and

as such were not fit to the debye equation, nevertheless, the values still provide

approximate values for the average molecular weight of species in the solution.



Figure 6.4. (A) Static light scattering measurements for determination of B22 values

and (B) dynamic light scattering for determination of Rh,o of an IgG4 antibody in 150

mM NaCl and 5 mg/mL PEI solutions (dark symbols) at pH 5, 6 and 7. Virial

coefficient values are -7.3 x 10-5

mL-mol/g2 (pH 5) and -10.3 x 10

-5 mL-mol/g

2 (pH

6) and correspond to Mw,0 values of 169 kDa and 195 kDa respectively.



The infinite dilution molecular weight of the protein was higher at pH 6 (195 kDa)

than at pH 5 (169 kDa) and is consistent with a higher hydrodynamic radius at pH 6

(4.7 nm) as compared to pH 5 (4.4 nm). The increase in the infinite dilution

molecular weight over monomer value could be due to either polycation binding to

the protein or due to self-association occurring at low protein concentrations. At pH

5, Mw,0 values in PEI-NaCl solutions are less than PEI-PD solutions, and however are

slightly larger than the Mw,0 values obtained in solutions without NaCl and without

PEI. The latter experiment is expected to have the greatest self-association, so that

there is some evidence to suggest that PEI binding still occurs in NaCl solutions, but

to a lesser extent than in the absence of sodium chloride. Similarly, at pH 6, the

infinite dilution molecular weights observed with PEI and NaCl are between the

values observed with PEI and no NaCl, and for solutions without either additive, also

suggesting that PEI binding is occurring in the presence of NaCl. The protein-

polyion binding is in part driven by electrostatic interactions, which will be screened

by adding salt. The finding that some polyion-protein binding still occurs at higher

salt concentrations provides an indication that there are also non-electrostatic, short-

ranged interactions that drive the polycation-protein binding [45, 52]. This is

consistent with the binding occurring at low pH where non-electrostatic interactions

would also help overcome the unfavourable interaction between the positively

charged polycation and the net positive charge of the protein.

Interestingly, the hydrodynamic sizes measured at low protein concentration were

smaller than the average size of a mAb (i.e. less than 5 nm) indicating the presence

of other small colloidal species. Dynamic light scattering measurements on protein-

free solutions indicate PEI forms clusters or aggregates in the solution, which lowers

the apparent Rh,0 value measured from the protein-containing solutions. At low



protein concentration, the small PEI aggregates contribute more to the light

scattering signal and give an apparent average size less than the protein monomer.

Nevertheless the B22 and apparent molecular weight values will only reflect the

protein complexes since the contributions of small polycation clusters are accounted

for by subtracting out the baseline scattering.

Interaction Parameter Determination

The DynaPro plate reader was used to quantify the hydrodynamic properties of the

solutions as a function of temperature. At low temperature, measurements provide

insight into the sizes of the protein-polycation complexes as well as the interactions

between proteins or protein complexes. At higher temperatures, the dynamic light

scattering is also used to quantify any aggregation processes. The additional

advantage of the technique is that the sample has a much longer time to reach

equilibrium. Samples with sodium chloride did not reach equilibrium at low protein

concentrations on the flow through system used to generate the results in the

previous section.

Measurements are reported in terms of a diffusion interaction parameter (kD) for

various formulations at pH 5 as shown in Figure 6.5. Values of kD are derived from

fitting the diffusion coefficient to Eq. 6.4 where an increase in kD reflects net protein

repulsion and vice-versa.



Figure 6.5. Dynamic light scattering measurements at 5 °C showing diffusion

interaction parameter (kD) as a function of temperature for various mAb formulations

at pH 5. kD values are on the order of -12.0 mL/g in PD, -11.4 mL/g in NaCl-PEI,

-7.5 mL/g in PD-PEI, and -1.2 mL/g in NaCl solutions. Error bars are calculated

from the linear regression calculated by averaging three independent measurements.

At pH 5, solutions containing only 150 mM NaCl reduced protein-protein attraction

better than other formulations as reflected by the large kD values. The main effect of

adding NaCl is to reduce the contribution of electrostatic interactions by charge

shielding, which is linked to the increase in repulsive protein-protein interactions.

This implies that NaCl effectively screens any attractive electrostatic interactions

between the protein molecules. Unfortunately this was not established in the static

light scattering experiments since the measurements did not reach a steady value.



The apparent negative kD value obtained on addition of PEI in NaCl solutions

implies the PEI is promoting association between proteins. However, the results

need to be interpreted with care as the Rh,0 value in the presence of PEI is smaller

than the expected monomer value for the protein. As mentioned previously, PEI

forms clusters in solution which give rise to an apparent negative kD value as the

contribution from the clusters to the measured size decreases with increasing protein

concentration. However, SLS measurements show that protein-protein interactions

are quite attractive in NaCl-PEI solutions as B22 values are very negative and almost

similar to solutions where there is no NaCl or PEI.

kD values are observed to increase upon addition of PEI to solutions containing 300

mM PD. It is also possible that there are PEI clusters, which would complicate the

analysis further, thus the measured kD is a lower limit to the actual value; if clusters

did occur, the kD would be higher than the apparent value. The result is consistent

with the B22 measurements under the same condition where PEI improves the

colloidal stability of the protein in solutions containing PD. According to the kD

results, sodium chloride rather than PEI is more effective at screening the protein-

protein attraction. However, reaching a definitive conclusion is not possible due to

the possibility of PEI cluster formation complicating the interpretation of the

diffusion coefficient data in terms of kD.

6.6.3 Influence of pH, ionic strength and polyethyleneimine on

temperature - induced aggregation of an IgG4 antibody

Temperature ramped intrinsic fluorescence and static light scattering were used to

assess the conformational stability and the aggregation propensity for various

formulations at pH 5 and pH 7 in 1 g/L protein concentrations. The midpoint



temperature at which the protein starts to unfold or melt is reported as the melting

temperature or Tm where lower Tm values are indicative of lower conformational

stability and vice–versa.

The effect of temperature on the light scattering intensity of the protein formulations

is commonly used for estimating an aggregation temperature, Tagg. This reflects the

temperature onset of aggregation and corresponds to a sharp increase in the light

scattering signal. At such temperatures, aggregation is usually caused by

hydrophobic groups that are exposed in partially folded or unfolded states. Tagg

values can also be used as a surrogate to assess the colloidal stability of partially

folded proteins as higher Tagg values relative to the melting Tm reflect an increase in

colloidal stability or reduced self-association of partially folded states.

Figure 6.6 and 6.7 shows a plot of fluorescence intensity as a function of temperature

for formulations solutions containing 1 g/L protein at pH 5 and pH 7 respectively.

The protein is seen to have two transition temperatures corresponding to the

unfolding of different domains on the mAb. Differential scanning calorimetry

experiments for an IgG1 antibody revealed multiple unfolding transitions at low pH

where the unfolding of the CH2 domain of the Fc region occurs at a lower

temperature (Tm1) and the higher temperature transition (Tm2) is due to a combination

of unfolding of the Fab region and CH3 domain of the Fc [54]. This suggests that

CH2 domain is the least unstable region as it unfolds first with increasing

temperature as has been observed in other studies [55-57]. However, the transition

temperatures cannot be correlated based only on the Fab and Fc regions as the Fc

region is more sensitive to changes in pH [57, 58]. Brummitt et al. [59] showed that

at pH 4.5, the first transition temperature (Tm1) of an IgG was around 58.9 °C and the



second transition Tm2 was observed at around 66 °C. As the pH is raised to 5.5, the

conformational stability is increased as only one endotherm peak was observed as

the melting temperatures shifted to a higher value of 68 °C.

Fluorescence measurements conducted in this study reveal the presence of two

transition temperatures (Tm1 and Tm2) in solutions with only PD at pH 5

corresponding to 62 °C and 74 °C respectively as shown in Table 6.2. As the pH was

raised to 7, only one peak was observed as Tm1 values shifted to 67 °C but second

transition Tm2 was not detected. It is not clear whether Tm1 corresponds to only the

Fab domain or unfolding of both the Fc and the Fab regions at 67 °C.

Table 6.2. Experimentally calculated values for all measured parameters using light

scattering and fluorescence techniques.


e name pH








B22 ( x




Tm1 Tm2 Tagg

PD 5 5.6 -13.5 166 -11.1 62 74 63

PD 6 5.6 -19.9 183 -11.8

PD 7 6.1 -19 194 -13 67 56

NaCl 5 65 75 59

NaCl 6

NaCl 7 67 75 65

PD-PEI 5 6.4 19.5 188 5.2 52 64.5 61

PD-PEI 6 6.6 -3.6 207 -4.3

PD-PEI 7 6.3 -18.7 203 -3.6 57 68.9 63


PEI 5 4.4 -66 169 -7.3 55 70 59


PEI 6 4.7 -79 195 -10.3


PEI 7 5.6 225 61 66.9 65



At pH 5, increasing the ionic strength by addition of NaCl is seen to improve the

conformational stability of the protein when there is no PEI in the solution. Melting

temperatures increase from 62 °C and 74 °C in solutions of PD to 65 °C and 75 °C in

NaCl solutions. This implies that NaCl does not lower conformational stability.

However we observe a clear effect of PEI in lowering the conformational stability of

the protein as shown in Figure 6.6. The two melting transitions are lowered to 52 °C

and 65 °C from 62 °C and 74 °C when adding PEI to PD solutions, and reduced to

55 °C and 70 °C from 65 °C and 75 °C when adding PEI to NaCl solutions. From a

thermodynamic analysis, a lowering of conformational stability is due to preferential

adsorption of the additive (i.e. PEI) to the protein. This finding provides further

support that PEI binds to the protein at pH 5. Previous studies have indicated that

polyion binding can lower the conformational stability of proteins [51, 60]. The

ability of a polyion to denature proteins has been correlated with the mechanism of

binding. Proteins with denaturing ability are classified as strong binders as binding

occurs even at high ionic strength when electrostatic interactions are screened [51].

PEI appears to fall into this category as the light scattering studies found binding

also does occur in the presence of sodium chloride. It is likely that addition of PEI

enhances intramolecular electrostatic repulsions due to the higher charge density

upon binding. This leads to protein destabilisation because the charge density is

lowered when the protein unfolds.



Figure 6.6. Intrinsic fluorescence intensity as a function of temperature at pH 5 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive


At pH 7, although we observe two unfolding transitions, the effect of PEI is more

pronounced in solutions containing PD rather than those containing NaCl as shown

in Figure 6.7. From Table 6.2 above, a general trend is noticed where the melting

temperatures are higher at pH 7 than at pH 5 for all the various formulations. At pH

7 (pH > pI), the protein has more negative charges on its surface and as such should

be more susceptible to PEI binding. However the effect of PEI on the protein

conformational stability is greater in solutions at low pH, although, the binding to the

protein is stronger at high pH. This is in agreement with the general findings that

proteins are more stable at pH values close to their isoelectric points [57]. Despite

this, adding PEI to pH 7 solutions is seen to marginally lower the melting

temperature or conformational stability of the protein.



Figure 6.7. Intrinsic fluorescence intensity as a function of temperature at pH 7 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive


Simultaneous acquisition of SLS data was performed to assess the aggregation

propensity in terms of the aggregation onset temperatures (Tagg). Figure 6.8 and 6.9

shows the plot of the light scattering intensities as a function of temperature for

formulations containing 1 g/L of protein at pH 5 and pH 7 respectively. Values for

Tagg are reported in Table 6.2 above.

At pH 5, in solutions with only PD, the protein aggregates at temperatures (63 °C)

lower than the second transition temperature Tm2 (74 °C) values indicating that the

less stable is most likely the aggregation prone state. As the ionic strength is

increased, Tagg decreases while the low melting transition temperature increases. This

implies that addition of NaCl reduces the colloidal stability of the protein. On

addition of PEI, the protein starts to aggregate at lower temperatures with the effect



being greater in NaCl solutions versus in PD solutions. Tagg are lowered by 2°C

when adding PD to PEI solutions, while there is no effect on Tagg when adding PEI to

NaCl solutions. However in all solutions containing PEI, Tagg are higher than their

corresponding Tm1 values indicating the PEI does prevent the partially unfolded

proteins from aggregating.

Figure 6.8. Static light scattering intensities as a function of temperature at pH 5 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive




Figure 6.9. Static light scattering intensities as a function of temperature at pH 7 in 1

g/L protein formulations. Results represent an average of two consecutive


Figure 6.9 shows static light scattering measurements carried out at pH 7. At pH 7,

in solutions with only PD, the protein aggregates at a lower temperature at pH 5 than

at pH 7, although there is no corresponding decrease in the melting temperature,

indicating the colloidal stability decreases with increasing pH. As the ionic strength

is increased, Tagg increases to 65 °C while the melting temperature is unchanged

indicating NaCl is enhancing colloidal stability. This finding is consistent with the kD

measurements where NaCl reduces self-association.

There is a clear effect of PEI on colloidal stability in solutions at pH 7 as the protein

starts to aggregate at higher temperatures after PEI addition with the effect being

greater in NaCl solutions versus in PD solutions. In all solutions containing PEI, Tagg

are higher than their corresponding Tm1 values. This finding indicates the PEI

binding is protecting the partially unfolded protein from aggregation. In other words,



aggregation is controlled by the effect of PEI on the colloidal stability and the

increased colloidal stability can be attributed to the electrostatic binding of the

protein to PEI to induce formation of complexes, which prevents protein-protein

attractions. Hence, a decrease in Tm does not result in a decrease in Tagg.

6.7 Discussion

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of solution conditions such

as pH, ionic strength and a polycationic additive (polyethyleneimine) on the

aggregation behaviour of an IgG4 monoclonal antibody. Colloidal interactions were

assessed from B22 and kD measurements, while intrinsic fluorescence was used to

determine conformational stability. It has been observed that slight changes in

solution pH can affect the conformational and colloidal stability of proteins [61]. We

observe that the IgG4 shows strong protein-protein association at all pH and the

association become stronger with increasing pH to 7 as B22 and kD decrease. The

increased association at pH 7 is correlated with an increased aggregation propensity

in the absence of salt or the polycation under thermal ramp measurements. This

suggests that aggregation propensity (Tagg) is increased due to strong protein-protein

association as the pH is increased from 5 to 7 despite an increase in conformational

stability as the pH is raised. Similarly, an increase in colloidal stability was

observed at pH 7 when increasing NaCl concentration. The reduced aggregation

propensity measured at high temperatures with either decreasing pH or increasing

ionic strength is correlated with a reduction in self-association between natively

folded proteins measured at room temperature. This correlation implies the

interactions between the natively folded proteins have similar origin to the

interactions between partially folded proteins formed at temperatures needed to

induce aggregation.



Addition of PEI to the protein solutions revealed a complex relationship as a

function of pH between the conformational and colloidal stability of the protein.

Polyelectrolyte - protein interactions are mainly driven by electrostatic interactions

occurring between oppositely charged side chains leading to the formation of soluble

and/or insoluble complexes [62, 63]. Thus increasing the pH above the pI should

favour protein-polycation complex formation [64, 65]. Light scattering

measurements at room temperature reveal PEI binding as the molecular weights and

hydrodynamic sizes increase relative to when there is no PEI. In PD solutions,

addition of PEI improves the colloidal stability of proteins as B22 and kD are less

negative or more positive. Although the strength of PEI binding increases with

increasing pH, protein-protein attractions increase as the pH is raised from 5 to 7.

Even at pH 5, the polycation binds to the positively charged protein leading to

increased intermolecular electrostatic repulsion. Formation of complexes has also

been observed in cases where both the protein and polyelectrolyte bear the same

charge sign [52, 53, 63]. Xia et al. [53] found that complexes were formed when

BSA and a polyanion had similar net charge due to the heterogeneous nature of the

protein surface. In this case, it was postulated that the polyanion binds to positively

charged patches on the BSA surface. There is also the possibility that the weak

electrostatic repulsion existing between proteins and polyelectrolyte of the same

charge sign is overcome by hydrophobic forces [52]. Fluorescence measurements

show that PEI reduces the conformational stability of the protein and the effect is

greatest at pH 5. Although binding causes the proteins to partially unfold and

enhances destabilisation, the aggregation propensity of the proteins is significantly

improved at pH 7, but not at pH 5.



On the other hand, colloidal measurements reveal protein-protein interactions are

quite attractive on addition of PEI to NaCl solutions and the magnitude increases

with increasing pH. PEI is also seen to bind to the proteins even when electrostatic

interactions are screened on addition of salt as the apparent molecular weights are

greater than when there is no PEI. It is likely that in this case, PEI binding is driven

by hydrophobic interactions. We observe that addition of PEI to NaCl solutions also

lowers the conformational stability of the protein at pH 5 more than at pH 7 but does

not have any significant effect on the aggregation propensity of the protein at both

pH values. Previous studies [51, 60] found that polyions that bind through non-

electrostatic interactions, also reduce protein conformational stability, which is

consistent with the effect of PEI measured in this study.

6.8 Conclusion

From these results, we can see that conformational stability, colloidal interactions

and aggregation propensity are sensitive to changes in solution conditions such as

pH and ionic strength. PEI lowers the conformational stability of the protein

especially at low pH where the protein has a larger positive charge indicating that

binding is also driven by, not only electrostatic interactions, but also hydrophobic

interactions. At pH 5, protein-protein interactions are attractive as seen in B22

measurements and increases with increasing pH. Increasing the ionic strength by

addition of NaCl weakens the protein-protein attraction as seen in kD measurements

as attractive electrostatic interactions are screened. Under accelerated conditions (i.e.

at high temperatures), PEI increases the aggregation propensity of the protein at pH 5

as the protein aggregates at lower temperatures.



PEI binding lowers the conformational stability more so at pH 5, however, at both

pH vales aggregation temperatures are greater than the melting temperature

indicating the complexation of the polycation to the protein prevents the aggregation

of partially unfolded states. This effect is greatest at pH 7. The stabilizing effect on

the protein is also reflected by the decreased self-association probed from the

measurements of protein-protein interactions at room temperature. It is likely that at

pH 7 the proteins interact with the polycation via electrostatic interactions and

reduces the propensity to aggregate therefore aggregation occurs at higher


Hence, the overall effect of the polycation cannot be explained solely in terms of

electrostatic interactions between PEI and the protein as PEI-protein complex

formation occurs on the wrong side of the pI. The binding is driven by strong

hydrophobic interactions which also leads to decreased protein conformational

stability. Although, the protein conformation is changed, the complexes exhibit

reduced aggregation tendency. From the results, we hypothesize that the effect of

NaCl on increasing colloidal stability is greater than the polycation (PEI).

Furthermore, since NaCl does not alter the conformational stability of the mAb,

NaCl is a better aggregation suppressor than PEI.



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Previous researches have shown that in order to inhibit or control protein

aggregation, one would have to manipulate or screen a wide range of solvent

conditions to alter the solution thermodynamics. Understanding protein behaviour by

studying protein-protein interactions requires knowledge on how the solution

properties are influenced by solution variables such as ionic strength, salt or

excipient concentration and type, and pH. This knowledge would help towards

understanding how protein aggregation can be prevented or inhibited, which is

critical for the rational design of stable protein formulations.

In chapter 4, we investigated protein-protein interactions and protein-ion interactions

using lysozyme as a model system to provide insight into specific ion effects and

also discuss the role of electrostatic interactions on protein-protein interactions. It

was found that ion binding to positively charged proteins has a significant effect on

protein-protein interactions. At low ionic strength ≤ 50 mM, the primary effect of

anion binding is to alter the protein net charge and long-ranged double-layer forces

through electrostatic interactions, in which case, sulphate due to the divalent charge

is more effective than nitrate or thiocyanate at reducing protein-protein repulsion.

This behaviour is consistent with the electroselectivity theory. At intermediate ionic

strength, thiocyanate and nitrate ions are more effective than sulphate at inducing

protein-protein attraction as lysozyme precipitation follows the reverse Hofmeister

series. This implies that chaotropic anions induce short range attractive interactions

between proteins of non-electrostatic origin. Therefore, the salting out effect of

chaotropic ions or specific ion binding cannot be only rationalized in terms of

electrostatic interactions and changes to the double layer potential only. By



combining the measurements of protein-protein interactions with zeta-potential

studies under the same solution conditions, our study has provided the first estimate

of how chaotropic anions alter non-electrostatic interactions between proteins. This

knowledge will be useful for theoreticians and molecular simulation to identify the

molecular determinants at the origin of the reverse Hofmeister series effect on

protein solubility. For instance, it would be of great interest to rationalise the results

using theories that extend the conventional double layer theory to include ion

dispersion forces. In addition, performing detailed studies on a different set of

proteins above and below the pI at low salt concentrations will shed more light on

the propensity of ion specific interactions.

One possible experiment is to check whether or not bovine serum albumin (BSA)

follows the reverse Hofmeister series around the isoelectric point (pI) where it has a

net neutral charge. The pI of BSA is about 4.7 and is positively charge at low pH

(i.e. below 4.7). Therefore one can determine whether or not it is the net charge that

relates to chaotropic anion effects, since lysozyme has a large positive charge at pH

4.5. If reverse Hofmeister is observed for BSA then this would imply that ion-protein

interactions are short-ranged and insensitive to the net charge of the protein. Static

light scattering and zeta potential measurements can be used to probe protein-protein

and protein-ion interactions for BSA at various pH values, ionic strengths and salt

types. Results from these techniques can be reported in terms of the osmotic second

virial coefficient (B22) and zeta potential (ζ- potential).

At relatively low ionic strength, the effect of pH determines the extent of coulombic

attraction or repulsion between net charges on the protein surface. This effect can be

offset in the presence of anions when the anions bind and neutralise the positive

charges on the protein surface. To compare the trends in magnitude between B22



values for each anion type, the ionic strength is systematically varied over a wide

range of 10 mM to 2 M. In this proposed experiment, anions such as sulphate,

nitrate, thiocyanate, and chloride which span the Hofmeister series will be

investigated at both low and high ionic strengths. This is to ascertain whether the

reverse Hofmeister series which has been observed for lysozyme solutions follows

similar behaviour or correlates with results obtained in BSA solutions depending on

pH and ionic strength. Similarly, zeta potential measurements of BSA will be used to

determine the contribution of electrostatic interactions when anions bind or

accumulate at the protein surface at different ionic strengths. Results obtained from

lysozyme measurements performed in this thesis show that sulphate ions do not

follow Collins theory of matching water affinities hence, the proposed experiments

can show whether or not the effect of anions on BSA molecules can solely be

explained in terms of electrostatic /nonelectrostatic interactions or is protein specific.

It will also be interesting to see whether the cross-over effect observed for lysozyme

molecules between the different anion types follows similar pattern in BSA studies.

In chapter 5, the study aims to understand how dipeptides control the association

state of insulin. Previous studies have shown that additives such as amino acids have

the ability to suppress protein aggregation however; often the concentrations

required for stabilizing formulations are too high for use in formulation. Thus, there

is a need for novel additives that stabilize at much lower concentration. Here, we

have provided the first investigation into the effects of dipeptides on reducing

aggregation for therapeutically relevant proteins. We assess the aggregation

behaviour of monomeric or zinc-free insulin under conditions such that its net charge

varies from negative to neutral to positive, in the absence and presence of sodium

chloride to screen the electrostatic interactions. Turbidimetric titrations showed the



effectiveness of the additives in suppressing insulin aggregation. At the insulin

isoelectric pH 5.5, aggregation is greatest at low ionic strength due to strong

attractive electrostatic interactions. Increasing the ionic strength of the sample

reduces the aggregation due to screening the electrostatic interactions. Light

scattering measurements showed that the dipeptide diArg is the most effective at

suppressing aggregation in solutions at pH 3.7 and pH 5.5. We hypothesize that the

diArg is effective due to its ability to bind to insulin surface and alter the

electrostatic properties and interactions between insulin molecules. Most likely the

increased binding is due to greater synergistic effects derived when two free arginine

molecules are covalently linked together. Intrinsic fluorescence measurements reveal

that the dipeptide Arg-Phe reduces thermally-induced aggregation of insulin at pH

7.5 while diArg promotes aggregation of heat denatured states. In this case, the

dipeptides modulate hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between insulin

molecules to either inhibit or promote insulin aggregation depending on the rate

controlling step to aggregation.

It would be of great interest to extend this experimental study to other protein

therapeutics such as antibodies to study whether the different effects of the

dipeptides on insulin aggregation are also observed. Here, the effect of promising

dipeptides such as diArg, Arg-Phe, Phe-Arg and mixtures of arginine and glutamate

can be investigated on a monoclonal antibody (mAb) such as IgG1 in order to

develop a strategy for improving mAb formulations. Light scattering and

fluorescence techniques can be used to study the effect of the dipeptides on the

colloidal and conformational stability of the protein. B22 experiments will be

conducted as a function of pH and ionic strength to discriminate between the effects

of dipeptides on either the electrostatic or hydrophobic interactions between proteins



and the link to colloidal stability. In addition, aggregation propensity and

conformational studies will be assessed in terms of aggregation temperatures (Tagg)

and melting or unfolding temperatures (Tm) using the Optim as a function of

temperature, pH, ionic strength and in the absence and presence of the dipeptides.

The pH and ionic strength dependence of B22 can then be qualitatively correlated

with aggregation propensity of the mAb to check that any increase in aggregation

can be attributed to the effect of dipeptides on the colloidal stability. If positive B22

values correlate with lower aggregation propensity, this will provide an indication

the dipeptides stabilize proteins by inducing repulsive protein-protein interactions

while a correlation between negative B22 and increased aggregation propensity would

indicate dipeptides induced attractive protein-protein interactions.

Another extension of this study could be to systematically investigate whether the

combination of equimolar mixtures of two dipeptides work better relative to one

dipeptide mixture at suppressing insulin aggregation.

In chapter 6, the aggregation behaviour and the stability characteristics of a

monoclonal antibody (IgG4) under a range of operating conditions in the presence of

a novel cationic excipient was investigated. Results reveal that increasing pH from 5

to 7 increased protein-protein attraction while thermal stability was improved.

Increasing the ionic strength by adding of salt indicated attractive electrostatic

interactions promote the strong self-association of the IgG4. PEI binding to the IgG4

prevents charged patches on the protein surface from self-association. PEI binding

occurs in solutions containing NaCl even when electrostatic interactions are screened

implying that binding is driven by hydrophobic interactions. Strong polyion binding

to proteins leads to protein conformational destabilization as is also observed here

with PEI. Nevertheless, the aggregation onset temperature is greater than the protein



melting temperature indicating the PEI complexation protects the protein against

aggregation. The next step is to investigate the effectiveness of the polycation at

preventing aggregation at room temperature. This requires understanding how the

colloidal and conformational stability change with decreasing temperature.

Another question to address is the correlation between the binding affinity of the

polyion and its stabilizing effectiveness against aggregation. In the proposed study,

the fluorescence spectra at a fixed protein concentration is recorded at pH 5, 6 and 7

under the same solution conditions at an excitation wavelength of 266 nm. Since the

protein contains fluorescent aromatic groups, the effect of the polyion binding can be

probed from examining changes to the fluorescence emission spectrum (peak

intensity or peak maximum), which would reflect changes in the solvent

environment of the buried amino acids due to polycation binding.. Solution

conditions in which the polyion exhibits the largest shift will imply that the

effectiveness of PEI in stabilizing the protein is as a result of increased binding

affinity of PEI to the protein.

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