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Olympus Has FallenPromotion

E-Media: Facebook

Olympus Has Fallen is a 2013 American action thriller film. Directed by Antoine Fuqua, it stars Gerard Butler, and Morgan Freeman. The film depicts a North Korean – led guerrilla assault on the White House, and focuses on Secret Service agent Mike Banning’s efforts to stop them.

Electronic media – media that uses electronics or electromechanical energy for end user (audience) to access the content. Social Networking is a conventional form of electronic media, which allows a specified audience to access material targeted at them. On that account, Facebook is a perfect example that helped promote ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ to it’s target audience.

In setting up a Facebook page for the film, the film was able to connect with their audience like never before. Unlike billboard posters, the Facebook page gave fans the opportunity to reveal their interest in the film and openly express their excitement and overall viewpoint towards the film. The Facebook page gave the production company (Millennium Films) the opportunity to upload a variety of unseen images and video footage, which is free to upload.

Facebook The comments on Facebook provide the film with it’s own

type of promotion and advertising. As shown in the image on the right, comments include sensational feedback from fans including statements such as “Best movie I’ve ever seen. PERFECT !!!”, “best movie ever” and “two thumbs up. even my feet”. The image displayed below, exhibits the post of which the comments were later made. For that reason, it is evident that the Facebook page offers the audience and future consumers an insight into the film, as well as encouraging and informative feedback from other members of the audience. As well as posters, the Facebook page also provides their audience with unseen videos, photos and all the latest information/updates regarding the film.


As stated on the previous slide, the Facebook page allows the film to connect with it’s audience in a much more responsive method, in comparison to promotional strategies such as film posters, which are not open for discussion. Not only did the page reveal images, posters and videos of the film, but it also interacted with it’s audience by providing it’s users with games that relate entirely to the concept of the film. As shown in the screenshot on the right, the page formulated a post, which gave fans the opportunity to create their very own secret service badge. According to the question asked in the post, “Ever wanted to be part of the Secret Service? Now’s your chance to serve – create your badge today!” fans were given the opportunity to really engage with the film, by ultimately living the life of the main character (protagonist), who just happens to work for the Secret Service himself.

The Facebook page also incorporates several unseen videos, featuring the main stars of the film. The screenshot on the right presents a video of Gerard Butler (protagonist) explaining to viewers how much of a ‘badass’ he is within the film. Consequently, the viewers are able to connect with the main character and acknowledge his charming sense of humour. In addition to this, other videos present Gerard Butler teaching Aaron Eckhart ‘a lesson in presidential vocabulary terms… sort of’. The comical videos heighten the audience’s need to watch the film as the actors are shown in a different light to their characters, conveying their accomplished acting abilities. The final video invites the audience to become a member of the Secret Service. Yet again, the Facebook Page welcomes their audience into the lives of the characters in the film, making it as authentic and realistic as possible. By developing their audience’s knowledge (regarding the content of the film), the Facebook page enhances the audience’s desire to watch the film even more.

The Facebook page ensured that their audience was regularly updated with different news in regards to the film. As shown in the screen shots above, one post presents a variety of images exhibiting the Hollywood Premiere for the film. Additionally, the second post displays a number of images picturing the cast with a group of military men. The post informs viewers that the stars of the film “had the honor of screening the Olympus Has Fallen for a very special group of military men and women this past weekend”. It is apparent that the majority of these images would have been unseen for the film’s target audience. Therefore, Facebook has once again been very beneficial in keeping fans updated on a regular basis.


Not only does the Facebook Page give their viewers an insight into unseen footage such as images and videos – the Facebook Page also gives their audience a variation of opportunities to access all areas of the film, including the Director. The post states, “Have a question for Olympus Has Fallen director Antoine Fuqua? Tune in to the live web chat with Los Angeles Times today at 1:30PM PST.” It is evident that the Facebook Page takes their target audience into great consideration by offering them a variety of opportunities in regards to the film. For that reason, I believe the Facebook Page is a great way for the audience to access information and updates to do with the film.

Facebook As shown on the left, the poster

displays the same poster as the one presented below. However, there is one difference, since the first poster depicts text above the film title stating “NOW PLAYING”, whereas the second poster declares “IN THEATERS FRIDAY”. Even though they are the exact same posters, the producers have been able to change the text on the posters so that it cooperates

well with the timing in which it is posted. Unlike billboard posters, which cannot be changed – posters that are posted online are changed so that their audience are constantly updated with what’s new, benefiting their audience entirely.

Yet again, the Facebook Page promotes a variety of unseen posters, depicting key characters and locations that are present within the film. The poster on the right depicts the White House on fire, with a destroyed American Flag flying in front. The film title is presented in bold at the header of the poster, while the footer explains ‘IN THEATERS TODAY”. Once again the Facebook Page has updated it’s audience with current news. In combination with the poster, the post comments “Today we rise from the ashes. Olympus Has Fallen is now playing!” The Facebook Page is sure to keep their audience notified. In addition to this, the other two posters illustrate key characters in action. In one image, the president of the United States is staring directly at the terrorist trying to defeat him. The uncomfortable stare reflects the headline, which declares “I was on the edge of my seat the whole time”. As a result of this, the audience’s excitement heightens as tension is starting to arise. Furthermore, the image of Butler in action demonstrates the headline that states “When the enemy takes control the brave take action”. Immediately, the audience acknowledge that Butler is brave since he is pictured to be taking immediate action.

This poster, which has been posted on the Facebook page, places great emphasis on the Director of Olympus Has Fallen – Antoine Fuqua. In the very centre of the poster, the headline declares “FROM THE DIRECTOR OF TRAINING DAY”. Training Day is a 2001 American crime thriller film. The story follows two LAPD narcotics detectives over a 24-hour period in the gang ridden neighborhoods of the LAPD Rampart Division and South Central Los Angeles. The film was a box office success and so it is obvious that this poster has used the success of Fuqua’s previous film to attract it’s target audience. In addition to this, the Facebook post adds a comment for the poster as it states “When Antoine Fuqua directs a film, every day on set is (literally) a blast”. The image at the foot of the poster reflects this statement since it illustrates an explosion within the film. On that account, it is evident that each Facebook post identifies every aspect of the film, including the Director. It it worth noting that this is not an actual film poster for the film and has been created entirely for the purposes of the Facebook page. It is apparent that no film poster would depict the director of the film as it would only feature the content or characters of the film. For that reason, this Facebook post contributes to the success of the film, by promoting it’s Director also. As a result of this, the audience of the film are invited to enjoy and establish every detail of the film’s outcome.

This post informs viewers of a realistic fact in regards to the White House. Therefore, the Facebook Page constantly updates their audience with knowledge, particularly in regards to the content of the film (e,g, The White House).


After a great deal of research, I have come to the conclusion that Facebook is a very effective form of promotion, since it is both free and a responsive form of E-Media. As a result of this, the film builds a stronger relationship with it’s target audience, allowing consumers to attain unseen footage, whether that be new posters or videos, as well as giving their fans the opportunity to discuss the film as much as they wish . The final screenshot that I have displayed on the right exhibits positive feedback from fans. The post asks viewers ‘to describe Olympus Has Fallen in one word’. Three comments depicted on the right, state: “Epic”, “Excellent” and Spectacular”. If one was to read these comments, they would immediately want to see the film as it promotes Olympus Has Fallen in a very positive light. On that account, I believe the Facebook page allows fans to promote the film themselves and therefore gives their audience greater access to the entire production of the film.

Print: Posters Promotion takes into account Print, E-Media and Broadcasting. For that reason, I have also analyzed two-

film posters, which have all been created to advertise the film. The first film poster that I have analyzed denotes three of the main characters in the film at the header of the poster. By placing the characters above the image of the White House at the footer of the poster, it immediately demonstrates their power and sense of authority in the film. It is evident that this poster incorporates a variety of action from scenes within the film. The wide content, including helicopters in the air, the White House on fire, the American flag ripper apart, however still flying, the audience are introduced to the action genre of the film. For that reason, the film is identified as action packed and consequently entertaining right the way through. In addition to the above, the poster exhibits typical conventions of a film poster. At the very top of the poster, the names of the actors who are staring in the film are given. In this case, the poster reveals actors including, ‘Gerard Butler’, ‘Aaron Eckhart’ and ‘Morgan Freeman’. It is apparent that these actors are very well known actors and so the poster has made sure to present this at the very top of the poster. As a result of this, the target audience of the film is drawn in to watch the film due to the actors starring the film alone. The film title, ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ is displayed in bold to inform viewers of the film title. As well as the release date, the poster also uses a tag line to draw in viewers even further. This tag line states ‘From the director of training day’. By informing their audience that an established director has directed this film, the audience can not help but feel that this film will be a success.

In the same way that Neeson is represented as powerful in the Taken 3 Film poster, it is the same for Gerard Butler in the Olympus Has Fallen film poster. The background denotes the White House on fire, while the foreground denotes Butler holding a gun, while facing the terror that is still to come. The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. For that reason, it is globally recognized as one of the most powerful buildings in the world. Therefore, Butler's authority is identified immediately due to the content of the poster. He is shown to be bigger in size, in comparison to the White House, which exhibits his control and therefore emphasizes his command also.

Print Posters The film poster denotes Gerard Butler in character in Olympus Has Fallen. It is evident that Butler appears

much larger than the image of the White House in the background. As a result of this, Butler is immediately identified as powerful and strong. The image of Butler himself reflects his power since he is seen to be wearing a black shirt, which is similar to Neeson’s costume in the Taken 3 poster. Butler’s sleeves are rolled up, heightening his muscular arms and consequently reveals his strength evermore. The poster conforms to the typical conventions used in a film poster, however this poster in particular has placed greater emphasis on the image and the action presented in the poster. This is because conventions including the film title, director name, actor’s names and release date is all presented at the bottom of the film poster. As a result of this poster alignment, the poster suggests that the action in the film takes over every other aspect of the film. Butler seems to be looking down at the poster (low angle shot), which makes him appear larger than normal. Yet again, the camera angle enhances his command and control that is present within the film. Both of his hands are on his gun, which emphasizes his bravery and his need to survive in the film. One may argue that his survival guarantees the survival of America and the United States. Similarly to the first poster, the same colours have been used including black, red and blue – colours that represent the American flag also. By using consistent colours for each poster, the film promotes itself using a brand image and consequently makes itself identifiable to all.

The font used to declare "Olympus" on the poster, is bold, whereas the font used to declare "Has Fallen" is of normal font and therefore appears quite thin in comparison to the text stating "Olympus". That being the case, it is evident that the font used for the title of the film plays a key role in exhibiting Butler's strength even more. Olympus is the code name for the White House, which through the use of the font suggests that the White House is identified as bold and therefore employs those who are heroic and brave (relating to Butler in particular). As a result of the thin font stating "Has Fallen", the poster suggests that this will not last long since the White House is bold and therefore conquer the evil that comes in its way nonetheless. 

Broadcasting: Trailers Promotion takes into account Print, E-Media and Broadcasting. For that reason, the final aspect

of promotion that I have examined includes Broadcasting. In the next two slides, I examine two different trailers (teaser trailer and theatrical trailer) that manifest together the most thrilling scenes in Olympus Has Fallen.

A teaser trailer is specifically that – that which is meant to tease it’s audience. Therefore, a teaser trailer does not reveal any significant plot details and is only meant to give it’s audience a minor glimpse at what is to come. A theatrical trailer, on the other hand, is much more detailed. It will provide plenty of detail as to what the plot is about.

Teaser TrailerAs stated on the previous slide, the teaser trailer is produced to tease it’s audience. On that account, the teaser trailer gives it’s audience a minor glimpse at what is to come in the film (only 27 seconds long). The trailer opens, depicting guns firing directly at the White House. Immediately, the trailer is action packed as a result of the sharp, repetitive gun shots, which entices viewers right away. This scene is extremely quick and comes to a sudden end when the White House detonates. The director has produced these scenes using high angle shots, which enhances the vulnerability of the White House. The high angle shot makes the White House appear small and consequently endangered at the same time. The White House explodes, which triggers a black screen.

Nevertheless, the black screen does not last for long, as the scene changes swiftly into a new clip presenting an obvious leader on a TV screen. The camera angle has also changed, since the director pictures this scene using a low angle shot. As a result of this, the camera is now looking directly up at the TV, depicting Morgan Freeman in uniform. The use of a low angle shot reveals Freeman’s authority and ultimately uncovers his evident power and control. Both the general public and the camera are literally looking up at Freeman and so his command is made even more apparent. The camera moves closer into the TV as Freeman declares “As a nation we are never stronger than when we are tested”, which yet again heightens his drawing presence and perpetual strength. He is identified as fearless, even after the scenes that have just occurred. The teaser trailer, therefore portrays progressive stereotypes for both men and women since the male figure is immediately regarded as strong and forceful.

The next scene pictures Gerard Butler running swiftly across a busy road. As he does this, Butler yells “Get out of the way” to those who are in harms way. Yet again, male characters are seen to ‘protect’ and are therefore perceived as heroic right away. The forthcoming scenes depict the action that occurs within the film, including scenes such as car crashes, explosions and more and more gun shots. A soldier rescues a little boy, which concludes the male genders never-ending capability to protect those who cannot protect themselves. As these scenes emerge, a voice over is used to overpower the scenes that are being displayed. The voice over hears Freeman declare “Our government will remain united and strong”, despite the uncertainty that is depicted in the inhumane scenes featuring violence and warfare.

One of the final scenes depicted in the trailer (shown on the right) pictures Freeman walking towards the camera. His uneasy facial expression suggests that he is not content. Nevertheless, this scene in particular highlights male dominance over women. As displayed on the right, the woman is walking behind Freeman. On that account, Freeman is seen to literally be in front of the woman, identifying the woman as inferior to him.


Theatrical Trailer A prominent difference between a teaser trailer and a theatrical trailer is that the theatrical trailer is much

longer and as a result, offers the target audience a greater insight into the entire film. Immediately, the establishing shot sets the location of the film as the high angle shot used for this scene uncovers an extensive winter landscape, incorporating tall trees, which are completely covered in snow. This quick scene begins the trailer, setting the wintery atmosphere and therefore prepares the audience for the cold tone of 'Olympus Has Fallen'. In addition to this, one may argue that the tranquility of this scene may disguise the uncertainty that is to come. Nevertheless, the next scene contrasts profoundly with the above as the audience acknowledge that it is Christmas and so the atmosphere emerges into joyfulness and a sense of warmth in comparison to the cold atmosphere outdoors.

Similarly to the Taken 3 trailer, this trailer represents regressive representations for both men and women. Right away, women are recognized as the weaker gender since the disruption of the trailer arises as a result of the President's wife's death. In the same way, it is Mills' ex-wife who is murdered in the Taken 3 trailer and so it is obvious that it is a common feature for the women in an action thriller film to be portrayed as weak and vulnerable in comparison to that of men. In contrast to women, men are seen to obtain strong characteristics, creating a sense of dominance for the gender as a whole. The gender of the President’s bodyguards exemplifies this viewpoint since they are all male. On that account, it is evident that women are not identified as 'protectors' and are therefore inadequate for the job description of a bodyguard, in particular the President's bodyguards.

Overall, I believe each form of promotion is effective to an extent as each allows the audience to connect with the film and it’s characters before it is released. Nevertheless, in my opinion, I feel E-Media is the most productive form of promotion since it gives the target audience a greater insight into all aspects of the film, including the director. Unlike posters and trailers, E-Media gives the audience the option to respond openly.

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