

Project Proposal


Water Resources Research Institute Program


Section 104, Water Resources Research Act of 1984

to the

Alabama Water Resources Research Institute

In support of the

Research Proposal





James A. Stoeckel

Principal Investigator

Associate Professor

School of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences

College of Agriculture

Auburn University

[email protected]

334 844 9249



A. Project Category: Category 2 ($20K max)

B. Project Number: _____________________________________




D. Focus Category: Conservation, Hydrology,Water Quality

E. Descriptors: Conservation, Hydrobiology, Dams, Base Flow, Streams, Shellfish, Water

Quality, Regulatory Permits.

F. Duration: March 1, 2015 – February 29, 2015

G. Fiscal Year 2015 Federal Funds. $20,000 $20,000 $NA

Total Direct Indirect

H. Non-Federal Funds Allocated. $40,000 30,400 $9,600

Total Direct Indirect

I. Name, University and city of principle investigator(s):

Jim Stoeckel, Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Cliff Webber, Auburn University, Auburn,

AL; Dennis Devries, Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Rusty Wright, Auburn University,

Auburn, AL

J. Congressional District of University performing the research: Third District

K. Identification and statement of the major regional water problem (2 paragraphs)

The southeastern United States is a worldwide epicenter of biodiversity for a range of aquatic

taxa including fish, crayfish, and mussels. Thermal and dissolved oxygen stressors resulting

from altered flow regimes below dams, and projected climate change, can have profound impacts

on aquatic organisms since most physiological processes related to growth and reproduction are

strongly dependent on temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. These two stressors are closely

intertwined because the ability of water to absorb and hold oxygen is temperature dependent.

There is a great need for information regarding effects of altered temperature and dissolved

oxygen regimes on the diverse aquatic taxa of the southeastern United States. The current

USEPA Nationally Recommended Water Quality Criteria

(, for DO thresholds are based

on research conducted prior to 1986. Research and analytical techniques have greatly advanced

since that period (i.e. Winkler titrations or early DO probes vs fiber optic respirometry systems;

graph paper and hand-drawn regressions vs analytical software packages). Furthermore,

recommendations for vertebrates are based on only a small number of fish species, while those


for invertebrates are based primarily on aquatic insects and don’t include threatened groups such

as freshwater mussels and crayfish.

There is strong interest from state and federal agencies, as well as private companies, to

understand thermal/dissolved oxygen tolerances of fish, crayfish, and mussels due to dam

relicensing requirements, minimum flow regulations, and planning for future climate change.

These agencies need updated studies that provide information on the impacts of altered

temperature and dissolved oxygen regimes on aquatic animal health. We have received seed

funding from the USFWS to begin updating our knowledge of thermal/DO tolerances of non-

game fish species, with potential for renewal in subsequent years. Alabama Power and the

Alabama Department of Natural resources have also expressed interest. We are meeting with

Alabama Power in December to discuss this further. Thus the potential for future funding from

State, Federal, and private agencies is high.

L. Statement of the results, benefits, and/or information (2 paragraphs)

For the current effort, we propose to conduct both standard, and proof-of-concept DO/thermal

tolerance assays, expanding our current program to include freshwater mussels. Specific goals

are as follows:

1) Standard Assays: Determine the relationship between oxygen requirements and temperature

for freshwater mussel species found in a Safe Harbor / Critical Habitat Unit subjected to

minimum flow regulations.

2) Proof of Concept Assays: Determine whether a non-lethal ETS thermal tolerance assay

developed for crayfish (Simcic et al. 2014) can also be applied to freshwater mussels.

Communication and funding: Information from the standard assays will be communicated to

the Water Board of the City of Auburn, along with water quality data collected by Cliff Weber as

part of a closely related project funded by the Board. This will help the Board determine

whether or not current minimum flow requirements required of the Lake Ogletree dam are

sufficient to protect mussel population from thermal and low oxygen stress in the Safe Harbor

reach of Chewacla Creek, a Critical Habitat Unit of Alabama streams. Results will also be

communicated to the USFWS, ADCNR, and Alabama Power as an important case study relating

minimum flow to freshwater mussel health. Demonstration of our ability to obtain relevant

information for freshwater mussels found in Critical Habitat Units is likely to lead to future

funding from these agencies.

The ETS assay may serve as a valuable, non-lethal tool to detect thermal stress (e.g.

Simcic et al. 2014) in aquatic organisms. We propose to use AWR funds to assess the

relationship between ETS enzyme activity and temperature for freshwater mussels under

laboratory and field conditions. Results will be used to predict the thermal tolerances of

representative mussel species and to develop external proposals to determine whether ETS

activity is strongly correlated to sublethal effects of thermal stress such as reduced scope-for-

growth (e.g. Simcic et al. 2014). An assay of this type would be extremely useful to an array of

state, private, and federal agencies. If verified, it would allow for rapid assessment of thermal

tolerance of the ~180 mussel species native to Alabama via non-lethal sampling of tissue from

field collected animals.


M. Nature, Scope, and Objectives of the research:

Due to global climate change, much of the southeastern United States is expected to face warmer

temperatures and increasingly frequent and lengthy droughts in the coming decades (Karl et al,

2009). Human demands for water also continue to grow, further exacerbating the effects of

drought on freshwater ecosystems (Peterson et al, 2011). The coupling of climate change and

increasing water demands for multiple uses (often requiring construction of dams and reservoirs)

is particularly problematic for conservation of our natural resources because the southeastern

United States harbors the highest species diversity of stream biota in North America (Benz and

Collins 2004), including fish, mussels, and crayfish

Increasing temperatures and decreased stream flow, can greatly influence life history strategies

(Doell & Zhang, 2010), health, and survivorship of aquatic organisms. Dams, common in

southeastern river systems, can alter temperature and DO of downstream reaches even in the

absence of drought, and these impacts would further exacerbated by increased temperatures and

decreased natural flow. When water is being stored behind dams, downstream flow is

diminished or even halted altogether. Temperature can increase and DO decline – particularly

during the hot summer months. Effects of altered discharge and DO on aquatic organisms play a

large role in determining regulations applied to dams with regards to minimum flow

requirements. Understanding the interrelationships between climate change, altered discharge

patterns, and aquatic community health is of increasing importance to state and federal

management agencies.

Effects of increasing temperatures and low DO fall into two general categories: lethal and

sublethal. Lethal effects involve the death of an organism but can be assessed relatively easily

via standard LC50 or LT50 assays (concentration or temperature at which 50% of organisms die

within a specified time period). Sublethal effects include a wide range of parameters such as

growth and reproductive output. Importantly, sublethal, rather than lethal effects, are typically

used for regulatory purposes because they are considered more sensitive and more protective of

populations than are regulations based on lethal effects (eg. USEPA 1986a).

Oxygen Demand and Tolerance.

Standard metabolic rate (SMR) is the minimum metabolic rate required for an organism

to survive in a rested and unfed state, and is quantified in terms of respiration rate (mg O2 / g / h).

Increases in temperature typically increase SMR while decreases in DO will eventually limit the

ability of an organism to extract sufficient oxygen from its environment to meet its SMR.

Because warm water holds less oxygen than cold water, warming temperatures combined with

declining DO will prove to be fatal at some point, but tolerance of warm temperatures and low

DO varies greatly amongst aquatic species. It is generally assumed that most organisms fit into

one of two broad metabolic groups, according to their ability to obtain oxygen from the

environment: 1) Oxygen regulators are able to maintain a constant oxygen consumption rate until

dissolved oxygen declines below a critical level, while 2) Oxygen conformers exhibit declining

oxygen consumption rates as dissolved oxygen decreases (Fig 1).


Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (mg/L)




n r





r) Critical O2


Constant respiration rate

Stress and death

Oxygen Regulator

100% saturation


Critical O2


Stress and death

100% saturation


Figure 1. Schematic of relationship between respiration rate and dissolved oxygen for oxygen

regulators (left) and oxygen conformers (right).

In both groups, the concentration below which respiration rate declines precipitously is called the

critical oxygen concentration (DOcrit), below which severe stress and death of the organism

ultimately occurs. SMR allows one to estimate the minimum energy intake required for survival

at various temperatures, and the dissolved oxygen thresholds below which an organism is no

longer able to maintain its SMR without switching to anaerobic resiration.

Thermal tolerance

Standard lethal tolerance assays (temperature at which X% of individuals die within a specified

time period) are relatively quick (usually ≤ 48 hrs) and easy, but require death of test organisms

and yield little information as to anything other than lethal effects. An innovative approach has

been recently proposed by Simcic et al (2014) that is relatively quick, but does not require death

of an organism. The electron transport system (ETS) assay originally proposed by Packard

(1971) has long been used as a proxy for in-situ respiration for marine (salt-water) organisms and

to a lesser extent for freshwater organisms (e.g. Madon et al. 1998, Elderkin et al. 1998). It

provides a quantitative measure of the potential oxygen consumption rate of an organism if all

enzymes function maximally (Fanslow et al. 2001, ref). Simcic et al (2014) showed that the

relationship between ETS enzyme activity and temperature could also be used as an indicator of

thermal tolerance for crayfish and is species specific. Thus it has potential as a screening tool to

distinguish between thermal tolerant and intolerant species.


Figure 2. Relationship between ETS activity and temperature for thermally tolerant (A) and intolerant

(B) species. Adapted from Simcic et al (2014)

If the relationship between ETS activity and temperature can truly be used as a simple, yet

accurate proxy do determine thermal tolerance ranges, it would revolutionize our ability to

quickly and efficiently assess lethal and sublethal effects of temperatures on the overwhelming

array of aquatic species in need of protection. For example, there are ~180 species of freshwater

mussel in Alabama alone.

The long term goals of our collaborative research group are as follows:

1) Determine whether current DO, thermal, and minimum discharge regulations are

adequate to protect the rich aquatic biodiversity of the southeastern United States in the

face of increasing water demands.

2) Apply up-to-date methodology to assess thermal and dissolved oxygen tolerances of a

range of non-game fish, mussel, and crayfish species for which tolerance data is lacking.

3) Test the utility of “up-and-coming” methodologies to improve our ability to assess

thermal and DO tolerances of aquatic organisms, and to quantify effects of altered

temperature and DO regimes associated with dam discharge.

For the current effort, we propose a combination of field and laboratory studies to investigate:

1) Whether the current minimum flow requirements in the Safe Harbor reach of Chewacla Creek

are sufficient to protect mussel populations from thermal and dissolved oxygen stress.

2) Whether the ETS thermal tolerance assay recently proposed by Simcic et al (2014) has

potential as a rapid screening tool for thermal tolerance of freshwater mussels.

Water temperature





l 02



cool hot

Too cold

Species B

Species Aoptimal



Study site and study species: Chewacla Creek is designated as a Critical Habitat Unit for

freshwater mussels within the Mobile River Basin (69 FR 40084; USFWS, Alabama Geological

Survey). The headwaters of Chewacla Creek originate in Opelika, Alabama. From Opelika,

Chewacla Creek meanders south

through the community of

Beauregard then west to Lake

Olgetree – a main-stem reservoir

of the creek and a major source of

drinking water for the city of

Auburn. Below the reservoir,

Chewacla Creek continues to flow

west, passing by the Martin

Marietta quarry. Minimum flow

requirements (7,571 m3 / day)

from Lake Olgetree have been in

effect since 2003 as part of a Safe

Harbor Agreement between the

federal government, the city of

Auburn Water Board, and Martin

Marietta. The Safe-Harbor reach

consists of two zones: an upper

zone extending for ~600 m below

the dam and a downstream zone

beginning 3 km below the dam

and extending to the western edge of Chewacla State Park (Fig 1). These two zones are

separated by approximately 1.5 km of unprotected stretch of Chewacla Creek. Stream widths in

the study reach range from 3 to 20 m and depths are generally <1.0m at mean summer base flow

conditions. The mussel community is dominated by Lampsilis teres, Villosa lienosa, V. vibex,

Utterbackia imbecillis, Toxolasma parvus, and Lampsilis straminea. It also includes a federally

threatened species – Hamiota altilis. Despite the minimum flow agreement, flow requirements

are sometimes not met due to various issues such as mechanical failure of the dam siphon, and

opening of new sinkholes which drain the creek into the Martin Marietta Quarry and can reduce

downstream flow. Base flow during the hot summer months can vary greatly from year to year

and can be quite low – raising the possibility of thermal and dissolved oxygen stress. We will

utilize three species in this study: Utterbackia imbecillis, expected to be relatively tolerant of low

DO (Hiestand 1938), Villosa lienosa, expected to be relatively intolerant of low DO (Johnson

2001), and Lampsilis teres, whose tolerance to low DO is unknown. All study mussels will be

collected from Chewacla Creek. Hamiota altilis will not be utilized because its rarity precludes

collection of sufficient numbers of study animals for the proposed experiments.

N. Methods, Procedures, and Facilities

DO requirements: We will utilize a state-of-the-art fiber optic respirometry system (Loligo, Inc)

to quantify the relationship between temperature (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 oC), DO, and

Figure 3. Map of proposed study reach. Numbers

show gaging station locations.


respiration rate for three mussel species. Mussels will be acclimated for at least one week to

appropriate treatment temperatures in 113-L tanks. During acclimation, mussels will be fed

commercial Shellfish Diet until 24- 48 h prior to initiation of experiments, allowing for complete

gut evacuation (Beamish 1964a). A 12L: 12D photoperiod will maintained throughout

acclimation and testing.

After the acclimation period, individual mussels will be placed in one of four appropriately sized

acrylic respirometry chambers submersed within a 400-L polyethylene tank. Chamber sizing is

based on the recommendations of Loligo Systems to reduce water volume while minimizing

stress on the test organisms. A control chamber (no mussels) of the same size will be used to

measure background oxygen change. Mussels will be allowed to acclimate undisturbed in the

chamber for 1 hour prior to measuring oxygen consumption.

At the end of the acclimation period, chambers will be closed to external flow, and each mussel

allowed to deplete the O2 in its chamber to < 1 mg·L-1

. At that point mussels will be removed

from chambers, measured (Shell length, nearest mm), and weighed (total wet mass, nearest g).

Ammonia concentrations (total ammonia-N) within each chamber will be measured (LaMotte

model 3304) at the end of each trial to assess accumulation of metabolic wastes.

Oxygen consumption rate will be calculated every 2-6 minutes using the formula:

MO2= (O2(i)-O2(f))V· T-1

· Bw-1

where MO2 is equivalent to SMR and defined as the oxygen consumption rate (mg O2·g-1



O2(i) is oxygen concentration in water at the start of the measurement period (mg·L-1

), O2(f) is the

O2 concentration at the end of the measurement period (mg·L-1

), V is the volume of the chamber

(L), T is the time elapsed during the measurement period, and Bw is the wet mass of the mussel

(Cech 1990). To determine the degree of oxygen conformation each species exhibits, and how

metabolic rate changes with decreasing DO at each given temperature, MO2 will be plotted

against ambient DO concentration. The relative ability of each species to regulate it’s oxygen

consumption with declining DO will be estimated as the ratio of K1/K2 where K1 is the intercept

of the regression of oxygen consumption/DO vs DO and K2 is the slope. The lower the ratio, the

greater the ability to regulate oxygen consumption, and presumably, the greater tolerance of

declining oxygen concentrations (Chen et al. 2001). Minimum DO requirement of each species

will be estimated as DOcrit (Chen et al. 2001)(see Fig. 2).

Evaluation of ETS thermal tolerance assay

Laboratory study: Mussels will be acclimated to the six experimental temperatures, and then held

without food for 24-48 hrs, in open glass aquaria. A tissue plug will be extracted from the foot

of each mussel, homogenized in liquid nitrogen with a pestle and mortar. ETS enzyme activity

of the homogenate will be measured using the same methodology described in Simcic et al.

(2014). Thermal tolerance will be assessed via the relationship between ETS activity and

temperature (see Fig. 1; Simcic et al, 2014). These relationships will be used to compare

theoretical thermal tolerances between the three mussel species.


Field study: To verify that the relationships between ETS activity and temperature from the

laboratory study are representative of natural conditions, we will PIT tag 18 mussels of the 3

study species and place them in a representative reach within the Safe Harbor reach of Chewacla

Creek. Temperature loggers will be placed along the Safe Harbor reach in representative pool,

riffle, and run habitats to record ambient water temperature every 30 minutes. Dissolved oxygen

(concentration and % saturation) will be measured at the site of each temperature logger on a

weekly basis throughout the study period. Every two weeks, from May through January,

mussels will be located via a waterproof PIT tag antennae. A tissue plug will be collected from

one mussel / species, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and returned to the lab (~18 samples

per species). Only one plug will be collected from a given mussel during the course of the study.

ETS activity of each tissue plug will be determined as previously described. ETS activity will

then be plotted against the average water temperature of the collection site during the 24 hour

period prior to collection of the plug. We will then graph ETS activity vs temperature for each

species to verify that the relationship is consistent between laboratory and field.

Putting it all together: Respirometry data will be used to assess the oxygen requirements of

three representative mussel species as previously described. Temperature and oxygen saturation

data will be used to model dissolved oxygen concentrations in the pool, riffle, and run habitats of

the Safe Harbor reach during baseline flow periods during the summer months when oxygen

stress is most likely. Model output will be used to estimate the likelihood of the three habitat

types to have DO concentrations above major stress thresholds for relatively “tolerant” and

“intolerant” mussel species. This in turn will allow us to assess the probability that minimum

flow requirements provided sufficient flow through the Safe Harbor reach to avoid major oxygen

stress to the mussel community.

Lab and field ETS assay data will be used to determine whether effects of temperature on ETS

enzyme activity measured in the laboratory are representative of effects in the natural

environment. If so, the potential to develop a field assay for thermal stress of mussels is very

promising and data will be used to leverage future funding to investigate this further.

Facilities: Respirometry and ETS experiments will be conducted in the Aquatic Respirometry

Lab at the North Auburn Fisheries Research Station. This lab has been developed by the PIs and

their graduate students over a period of several years with support and funding from the Alabama

Agricultural Experiment Station,USFWS, USDA/ HATCH Program, and ADCNR.


The lab is equipped with a state-of –the-art fiber optic respirometry system (see inset figures

above), custom made respirometry chambers for various sizes and species of aquatic organisms,

and holding/acclimation systems with temperature and photoperiod control. Total cost of

developing this system has exceeded $100,000.

O. Related Research

The southeastern United States has the richest aquatic biodiversity and highest degree of

endemism in North America; unfortunately, this region also has some of the highest imperilment

rates on the continent (Warren et al. 1997; MRBMRC 2010). In fact, over 40% of the federally

listed animals in the Southeast Region are freshwater mussels, snails, and fishes that occur in

Alabama. Protecting these imperiled animals at landscape scales requires knowledge regarding

how multiple uses of waterways impact the risk of imperilment or extinction. Large and small

dams are prevalent on the landscape, many of which impact water quality in terms of critical

levels of temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) (Pringle et al. 2000; Santucci et al. 2005).

According to a review of 300 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) project records,

more than 40% of projects had a specific requirement to maintain DO, 37% had monitoring

requirements, and 38 and 35% had mitigation recommendations or changes in project operations,

respectively (EPRI 1992). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requires information to inform

decision making relative to recovery actions, prioritization of stream and river reaches for

restoration or reintroduction efforts, and for assistance during permitting where imperiled fishes

and mussels are concerned (MRBMRC 2010).

Maintenance of minimum DO concentration is required for survival of most aquatic organisms.

This can be particularly important when stream flows are interrupted by a dam causing DO and

temperature fluctuations that sometimes exceed the tolerances of the organisms living below the

impoundment. Dams are often required to maintain a minimal level of dissolved oxygen in


discharged water, typically determined based on the temperature and oxygen requirements of a

small number of fish species (U.S. EPA 1986a,b, as cited by FERC in their 2012 Biological

Opinion for the Coosa River) and invertebrate species, that don’t include freshwater mussels.

While we know a great deal about the abiotic and biotic requirements of many sport fishes (e.g.,

Beamish 1964b; Redpath et al. 2010; Rice and Cochran 1984; Evans 1984), there is a surprising

lack of data regarding critical physiological limits of most freshwater mussel species (Haag et al.

2012). As such, threshold values determined for sport fishes may not adequately represent the

temperature and dissolved oxygen requirements of other ecologically important species. In

certain cases where the flow from impoundments is reduced, temperatures and DO may quickly

exceed the tolerance limits of less-studied species while remaining within accepted bounds based

on sport fishes and a small number of model invertebrate taxa. In one of the few studies

examining dissolved oxygen requirements of freshwater mussels, Chen et al. (2001) showed that

DO requirements vary widely between mussel species. Thus DO regulations to protect

freshwater mussels will need to be adjusted according to community composition of specific


In preliminary work (Hartline 2013), we quantified the influence of temperature and

dissolved oxygen on standard oxygen consumption rate and critical oxygen level (DOcrit) of five

non-game fish species- blackbanded darter (Percina nigrofasciata), bronze darter (P. palmaris),

greenbreast darter (Etheostoma jordani), blacktail shiner (Cyprinella venusta), and banded

sculpin (Cottus carolinae). Using a combination of intermittent flow and static respirometry, we

were able to measure oxygen consumption as a function of dissolved oxygen concentration, as

well as the MO2 and DOcrit, at three different temperatures. A low DOcrit is associated with

greater hypoxia tolerance presumably because of improved oxygen uptake and transport to

tissues at low water oxygen. Consequently, DOcrit has been employed routinely as an important

measure of hypoxia tolerance in aquatic organisms including fishes (Scott et al. 2008; Speers-

Roesch et al. 2012). Chen et al. (2001) concluded that examination of the ability of mussels to

regulate oxygen consumption, and quantificiation of DOcrit (see Fig. 2) is a valuable approach for

estimating DO water quality criteria for mussels, especially when related to increasing



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P. Progress Review: NA


Q. Investigators Qualifications

James A. Stoeckel, Ph.D. Department of

Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures Auburn

University, 203 Swingle Hall Auburn, AL


Professional Preparation Northern Kentucky University Biology B.S., 1988 Ohio State University Zoology M.S., 1994 Miami University Zoology Ph.D., 2007

Appointments Auburn University Associate Professor: 2013-present Assistant Professor: 2007 - 2013 Miami University Teaching/Research Assistant: 2002-2007 Illinois Natural History Survey Asst. Supportive / Tech. Scientist: 1993-2002 The Ohio State University: Teaching/Research Assistant: 1988-1993

Teaching Semester Title Level

Spring, EOY Fish 6970 Conservation of Aquatic Organisms (3 cr) Undergrad/Grad

Spring, EOY Fish 7270 Crustacean and Molluscan Aquaculture (4 cr) Graduate

On Demand Fish 4960 Directed Studies in Crustacean or Molluscan Ecology (2 cr)


2011, 2013 Aqua 303 Crustacean and Molluscan Aquaculture (3 cr) Can Tho University, Vietnam


Thesis/Dissertation Advisor Student Degree Year Current Employer D. Allen Pattillo M.S. 2010 Iowa State University Tyler Mosley M.S. 2012 Cabinet Maker Andrew Gascho Landis Ph.D. 2013 SUNY Cobbleskill Catlin Ames M.S. 2013 Missouri Department of Conservation Reuben Smit M.S. 2014 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation

Comm. cCcCommco Ian Palmer M.S. ABD 2014 Self employed Michael Hart M.S. 2014 Auburn University Rebekah Borgert M.S. in progress Kathryn Mitchell M.S. in progress


Recent External Funding

USFWS, SSP Program; Powell, J., E. Irwin, D. Devries, R. Wright, and J.A. Stoeckel.

Determination of species-specific dissolved oxygen and temperature requirements for non-

game riverine fishes. 01/01/2015 – 12/12/2015. $34,500

USDA Forest Service Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, Stoeckel, J.A.(PI), and

W.R. Haag (co-PI). Factors influencing freshwater mussel recruitment and survival.

07/01/2014 – 07/15/2019. $5,000

USFWS, Warm Springs, Georgia; PI: Stoeckel, J.A., G.Moyer. Cooperative Agreement: Development of eDNA detection for aquatic invasive species in the southeastern United States. 8/14/2012 –12/31/2017. $300,875.

Stratus Consulting/NOAA; PI: Stoeckel, J.A. Natural Resource Damage Assessment related to

the DWH Oil Spill. Confidential, work subject to litigation. April 2012 – Sept. 2013. $189,000.

USFWS, Panama City Field Office; PI: Stoeckel, J.A., and S. Sammons. Habitat Availability and Associations of Unionid Species in the Apalachicola River, Florida. Dec. 2011 – Dec. 2013. $85,039

USFWS Aquatic Invasive Species Region 4; PI: Stoeckel, J.A., W. Duncan, and E. Irwin.

Invasion risk of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) into the Mobile River Basin:

Assessment of veliger production and drift in the Tenn-Tom Waterway. June 2011 – May

2013. $19,695 National Science Foundation, Collaborative Proposal: Parasite or partner? Causes and

consequences of conditional outcomes in a cleaning symbiosis. 03/01/10 – 12/30/12. Auburn University subproject: Stoeckel, J.A. (PI) and Helms, B.S. (co-PI) $109,073; Appalachian State University subproject: Creed, R. (PI) $267,655; Clemson University subproject: Brown, B.L. (Clemson P.I., and overall project P.I.) $220,708. Total budget = $597,436.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Brantley, E. (PI), C. Anderson (co-PI), B. Helms (co-PI), G. Jennings (co-PI), J. Shaw (co-PI), and J. Stoeckel (co-PI). Eco-Morphological stream design and assessment tools for the Alabama Piedmont. 2010-2012; $300,061.

USDA Forest Service Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, Stoeckel, J.A. (PI), and W.R. Haag (co-PI). Joint Venture Agreement: Identification of host fishes for commercially harvested and large river mussel species. 10/01/09 – 07/15/13. $124,007

Selected Publications (*undergraduate, **graduate student)

Mosley**, T.L., W.R. Haag, and J.A. Stoeckel. 2014. Egg fertilization in a freshwater mussel:

effects of distance, flow and male density. Freshwater Biology. 59:2137-2149. Luo, Y**., C. Li**, A. Gascho Landis, G. Wang**, J. Stoeckel, and E. Peatman. 2014.

Transcriptomic profiling of differential responses to drought in two freshwater mussel species, the giant floater Pyganodon grandis and the pondhorn, Uniomerus tetralasmus. PLOS One. 9(2): 1-14.

Helms, B., W. Budnick*, P. Pecora*, J. Skipper*, E. Kosnicki, J. Feminella, and J. Stoeckel. 2013. The influence of soil type, congeneric cues, and floodplain connectivity on the


local distribution of the devil crayfish (Cambarus diogenes Girard). Freshwater Science. 32(4):1333-1344.

Gascho Landis, A.**, W.R. Haag, and J.A. Stoeckel. 2013. High suspended solids loads as a factor in reproductive failure of a freshwater mussel. Freshwater Science. 32(1):70-81.

Helms, B.S., C. Figiel, J. Rivera*, J.A. Stoeckel, G. Stanton, and T. Keller. 2013. Life history observations, environmental associations, and soil preferences of the Piedmont Blue Burrower (Cambarus (Depressicambarus) harti, Hobbs). Southeastern Naturalist. 12(1):143-160.

Gough, H.*, A. Gascho Landis**, and J.A. Stoeckel. 2012. Behaviour and physiology are linked in freshwater mussel responses to drought conditions. Freshwater Biology.57:2356-2366.

Gascho Landis**, A., W.R. Haag, and J.A. Stoeckel. 2012. Effects of temperature, photoperiod, and gravidity on lure display and glochidial release in a freshwater mussel. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 31(3):775-786.

Wang, R.**, C. Li**, J.A. Stoeckel, G. Moyer, Z. Liu, and E. Peatman. 2012. Rapid development of molecular resources for a freshwater mussel, Villosa lienosa (Bivalvia: Unionidae) using a RNA seq-based approach. Freshwater Science 31(3):695-708.

Stoeckel, J.A., J. Morris*, E. Ames*, M.J. Vanni, W. Renwick, and M.J. Gonzalez. 2012.

Exposure times to the spring herbicide flush along a stream-reservoir system. Journal of

the American Water Resources Association 48(3):616-634. Stoeckel, J.A., B.S. Helms, and E. Cash*. 2011. Evaluation of a crayfish burrowing chamber

design with simulated groundwater flow. Journal of Crustacean Biology 31(1):50-58. Elderkin**, C.L., J.A. Stoeckel, D.J. Berg, and P.L. Klerks. 2004. Heritability of heat

tolerance in zebra mussel veligers. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30(3): 360-366.

Elderkin, C.L.**, D. W. Schneider, J.A. Stoeckel, and D. K. Padilla. 1998. A method for

measuring in situ respiration rates of freshwater gastropods. Journal of the North American

Benthological Society 17(3):338-347.

Madon, S.P., D.W. Schneider, J.A. Stoeckel, and R.E. Sparks. 1998. Effects of

inorganic sediment and food concentrations on energetic processes of the zebra mussel,

Dreissena polymorpha: Implications for growth in turbid rivers.

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55(2):401-413

Madon, S.P., D. W. Schneider, and J. A. Stoeckel. 1998. In-situ estimation of zebra mussel

metabolic rates using the electron transport system (ETS) assay. Journal of Shellfish

Research 17(1):195-203.

Schneider, D. W., S. P. Madon, J. A. Stoeckel, and R. E. Sparks. 1998. Seston quality controls

zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) energetics in turbid rivers. Oecologia 117:331-341.


Curriculum Vitae- Dennis R. DeVries

Name and Title: Dennis R. DeVries, Professor

Address: Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures

Auburn University

Auburn, Alabama 36849

[email protected]

334/844-9322 (9208-FAX)


B.S. Purdue University 1982, Biological Sciences (minor in Mathematical Sciences)

M.S. The Ohio State University 1985, Zoology

Ph.D. The Ohio State University 1989, Zoology

Professional Experience:

1999- Professor, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University

1999-2012 Editor, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

1994-1999 Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn


1996-1999 Associate Editor, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

1990-1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn


1991-1994 Associate Editor, North American Journal of Fisheries Management

1987-1989 Graduate Research Associate, The Ohio Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research

Unit and Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University

1983-1987 Graduate Teaching and Research Associate, Department of Zoology, The Ohio

State University

1982-1983 University Graduate Fellow, Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University

1979-1982 Research Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University

Ten Most Recent Publications (out of 82 total peer reviewed publications):

DeVries, D.R., R.A. Wright, D.C. Glover, T.M. Farmer, M R. Lowe, A.J. Norris, and A.C. Peer.

in press. Largemouth Bass in coastal estuaries: A comprehensive study from the Mobile-

Tensaw River Delta, Alabama. In Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for

Conservation. American Fisheries Society Special Publication. (30 MS pages, 1 figure).

Nelson, T.R., D. Sutton, and D.R. DeVries. 2014. Summer movements of the Gulf killifish

(Fundulus grandis) in a northern Gulf of Mexico salt marsh. Estuaries and Coasts


Penaskovic, R., D.R. DeVries, and N.E. Chadwick. 2014. Teaching about sustainability: raising

consciousness and taking action. Pages 384-398 in K.D. Thomas and H.E. Muga, editors.

Cases on Pedagogical Innovations for Sustainable Development. IGI Global.


Purcell, T.R., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. The relationship between shoreline

development and resident fish communities in a Southeastern U.S. reservoir. Lake and

Reservoir Management 29:270-278.

Farmer, T.M, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright, and J.E. Gagnon. 2013. Using seasonal variation in

otolith microchemical composition to indicate Largemouth Bass and Southern Flounder

residency patterns across an estuarine salinity gradient. Transactions of the American

Fisheries Society 142: 1415-1429.

Glover, D.G., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. Growth of largemouth bass in a dynamic

estuarine environment: an evaluation of the relative effects of salinity, diet, and

temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:485-501.

Woodard, S.R., R.A. Wright, and D.R. DeVries. 2013. Growth and survival of largemouth bass

following supplemental feeding of bluegill in small impoundments. North American

Journal of Fisheries Management 33:170-177.

DeVries, D.R. 2013. A tale of two animals: the importance of aquatic habitat and flow. Pages

136-139 in Auburn Speaks: On Water. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.

Glover, D.G., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2012. Effects of temperature, salinity, and body

size on routine metabolism of coastal largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Journal of

Fish Biology 81:1463-1478.

Quist, M.C., M.A. Pegg, and D.R. DeVries. 2012. Age and Growth. Pages 677-731 in A.V.

Zale, D.L. Parrish, and T.M. Sutton, editors. Fisheries Techniques, 3rd


American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.


During the last 5 years I have made or been a co-author on a total of 39 presentations at

international, national, regional, and state meetings, including 3 invited presentations and

one best presentation award.

Funding History

I have been a PI on more than $1,600,000 in grants/contracts during the last 5 years.


FISH 7340- Fish Ecology

FISH 6970: various topics (I have taught a graduate discussion oriented seminar with Dr. Jack

Feminella in the Biology Department nearly every year for the past 20 years, offering topics such

as Classic Papers in Ecology, Ethics in Science, Disturbance, Introduced Species, Global Climate

Change, Ecological Conservation and Restoration)

HONR 1027- Sustainability and the Modern World

SUST 2000- Introduction to Sustainability

SUST 5000- Senior Capstone in Sustainability


Curriculum Vitae

Russell A. Wright

School of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences, 313 Swingle Hall,

Auburn University 36849

Phone:(334)844-9311, FAX:(334)844-9208

EMAIL [email protected]

Education 1993. Doctorate of Philosophy – Zoology, Minor - Statistics

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Thesis Advisor: Dr. James F. Kitchell

1989. Master of Science – Zoology, Minor - Statistics

North Carolina State University

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Larry B. Crowder

1983. Bachelor of Arts – Biology (Summa Cum Laude)

University of North Carolina - Asheville


2002-present. Associate Professor/Extension Specialist - School of Fisheries,

Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences , Auburn University.

1997-2002. Assistant Professor/Extension Specialist - Department of Fisheries and

Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University.

1993-1997 Post-doctoral Research Associate - The Ohio State University Fellowship,

Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, The Ohio State University

Spring 1992 Visiting Lecturer, Introductory Fisheries Science - Department of Wildlife

and Fisheries, School of Natural Resources, University of Vermont

Current Position Description

(Original appointment: 50% Extension, 25% Research, and 25% Teaching)

Courses Taught (not including special problems offerings) - Fisheries Biology &

Management, Small Impoundment Management

Research Interest - Bioenergetics of Fishes Aquatic Ecosystem

& Community Dynamics Recruitment Mechanisms, Simulation

and Statistical Modeling


Extension Program - Community Economic Development Using

Sport Fisheries, Aquatic Resource Stewardship, Recreational Pond

Management Youth Development

Professional Organizations

American Fisheries Society

Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals

Alabama Fisheries Association


Ollis, H.D., S. Diaz-Verson, L.N. Bell, J.O. Weese, C.I. Wei, and R.A. Wright. 2004

Biodegradable fishing lure and material. Patent # 6,753,004

Publications (Selected most relevant)

Glover, D.C.*, D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. Growth of largemouth bass in a dynamic

estuarine environment: an evaluation of the relative effects of salinity, diet, and

temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 485-501.

Farmer, T.M.*, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright, and J.E. Gagnon. 2013. Using seasonal variation in

otolith microchemical composition to indicate largemouth bass and southern flounder

residency patterns across an estuarine salinity gradient. Transactions of the American

Fisheries Society 142:1415-1429.

Patterson, J. T.*, S. D. Mims, and R. A. Wright. 2013. Effects of body mass and water

temperature on routine metabolism of American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. Journal

of Fish Biology 82:1269-1280.

Woodard, S.R.*, R.A. Wright, and D.R. DeVries. 2013. Growth and survival of largemouth bass

following supplemental feeding of bluegill in small impoundments. North American

Journal of Fisheries Management. 33:170-177.

Glover, D. C.*, D. R. DeVries and R. A. Wright. 2012. Effects of temperature, salinity and body

size on routine metabolism of coastal largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Journal of

Fish Biology 81:1463-1478.

Wright, R. A., and C. E. Kraft. 2012. Stocking strategies for recreational small impoundments.

Pages 155–180 in J.W. Neal and D.W.Willis, editors. Small impoundment management

in North America. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

Lowe, M.R.*, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright, S.A. Ludsin, and B.J. Fryer. 2011. Otolith

microchemistry reveals substantial use of freshwater by southern flounder in the Northern

Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 34:630-639.

Glover, D.C.*, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright and D.A. Davis. 2010. Sample preparation

techniques for determination of fish energy density via bomb calorimetry: an evaluation

using largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 139:671-675.

DeVries, D.R., J.E. Garvey, and R.A. Wright. 2009. Early life history and recruitment. In: S.J.


Cooke and D.P. Philipp, editors. Centrarchid Fishes: Diversity, Biology, and

Conservation. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex

Slaughter , J.E. IV*, R.A. Wright, and D.R. DeVries. 2008. Latitudinal Influence on First-Year

Growth and Survival of Largemouth Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries

Management. 28:993-1000.

Slaughter, J.E. IV*, R.A. Wright, and D.R. DeVries. 2004. The effects of age-0 body size on the

predictive ability of a largemouth bass bioenergetics model. Transactions of the

American Fisheries Society 133:279-291.

Micucci, S.M., J.E. Garvey, R.A. Wright, and R.A. Stein. 2003. Individual growth and foraging

responses of age-0 largemouth bass to mixed prey assemblages during winter.

Environmental Biology of Fishes 67:157-168.

Garvey J.E, D.R. Devries, R.A. Wright, J.G. Miner. 2003. Energetic adaptations along a broad

latitudinal gradient: implications for widely distributed assemblages. Bioscience 53 (2):


Garvey, J.E., R.A. Wright, R.A. Stein, and K.H. Ferry. 2000. Evaluating how local- and

regional-scale processes interact to regulate growth of age-0 largemouth bass.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 129:1044-1059.

Fullerton, A.H., James E. Garvey, R.A. Wright, and Roy A. Stein. 2000. Overwinter Growth and

Survival of Largemouth Bass: Interactions among Size, Food, and Winter Duration.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 129:1-12.

Wright, R.A., J.E. Garvey, A.H. Fullerton, and R.A. Stein. 1999. Predicting how winter affects

energetics of age-0 largemouth bass: how do current models fare?. Transactions of the

American Fisheries Society. 128:603-612.

Garvey, J.E., R.A. Wright, and R.A. Stein. 1998. Overwintering growth and survival of age-0

largemouth bass: revisiting the role of body size. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and

Aquatic Sciences. 55:2414-2424.

*Indicates a student author


Curriculum Vitae- Cliff Webber

Dr. E. Cliff Webber has a Continuing Appointment as a Research Fellow in Aquatic Ecology,

Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University.

Research Duties

1980-1998. Research on bioassessment methods in streams using fish and

macroinvertebrates; pesticide testing in pond mesocosms and littoral enclosures;

impacts of DDT on reservoir benthic communities;

1990-1995. Co-leader, Hatch Project No. 845, Adaptation of Bioindices to assess

impact of nonpoint source pollution in Alabama streams;

1991-1998. The effects of intensive forestry practices on stream biota;

1995-2004. Co-leader, Project No. Ala-09-019. Bioassessment of Alabama Streams

and Reservoirs.

2005-Present. Visiting Scientist-Project Leader monitoring Safe Harbor Agreement in

Chewacla Creek between Lake Ogletree and confluence with Moores Mill Creek.

Teaching Activities

General Limnology (FISH 6320) in spring.

Appointed to Graduate Faculty, 1996.

Contributions to teaching experience: member of committee for one Ph.D. student,

two Master’s students; currently directing two Master’s student.

Awarded teaching grant ($4,623) from Office Undergraduate Studies, 1996.

Authored Limnology Web site for use by students, 1997.

Extension and Outreach Activities

State: Consulting with industry, U. S. Army; Workshops with local city officials on

erosion and sedimentation; Alabama Water Watch Workshops.

National: Invited member task force on use of “pond mesocosms” to test ecosystem-

level effects of pesticides- US EPA, 1986; Member task force on use of “littoral

enclosures” for testing pesticides- US EPA-Duluth. 1987. Co-taught course on

Stream Restoration and Bioassessment, 2003.

International: Taught Aquatic Ecology for Aquaculture Training Program in Dept.

of Fisheries.

Service Activities (University, College, Department)

Department, Fisheries Mgt./Ecology Group 1996-04; Chair, Faculty Welfare

College, Library Committee, Chair 1994-96; Library Committee, 1996-98.

University, Library Committee, 1994-96.

Authored or co-authored:

7 Refereed Journal Articles 10 Papers at Professional Meetings


1 Published proceedings 1 AL Agric.Exp. Station Publ.

8 Invited Lectures 11 Published Abstracts

54 Technical Reports

Selected Publications:

Webber, E. C., D. R. Bayne and W. C. Seesock. 1989. Macroinvertebrate communities

In Wheeler Reservoir (Alabama) tributaries after prolonged exposure to DDT

contamination. Hydrobiologia 183: 141-155.

Webber, E. C., W. G. Deutsch, D. R. Bayne and W. C. Seesock 1992. Ecosystem-level

testing of a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide in aquatic mesocosms. Environ.

Toxicol. Chem. 11(1): 87-105.

Webber, E. C., D. R. Bayne and W. C. Seesock. 1989. DDT contamination of

benthic macroinvertebrates from tributaries of Wheeler Reservoir, Alabama.

Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 18:728-733.

McGregor, M. A., D. R. Bayne, J. G. Steeger, E. C. Webber and E. Reutebuch. 1996.

The potential for biological control of water primrose (Ludwigia grandiflora) by

the water primrose flea beetle (Lysanthia ludoviciana) in the southeastern United

States. J. Aquatic Plant Mgt. 34:74-76.

Michael, J. L., E. Cliff Webber Jr., D. R. Bayne, J. B. Fischer, H. L. Gibbs and W. C.

Seesock. 1999. Hexazinone dissipation in forest ecosystems and impacts on

aquatic communities. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29: 1-12.

Bennett, H. H., M. W. Mullen, P. M. Stewart, J. A. Sawyer and E. C. Webber. 2003.

Development of an Invertebrate Community Index for an Alabama Coastal Plain

Watershed. J. Am. Water Resources Association. In Press.

Grants and Contracts Received1

Total of 54 Projects; Total dollars in excess of $ 3 million over a 22 year career

including examples listed below.

1999-04. $17,000 grant from Troy State University for bioassessment of tributaries to

Choctawhatchee River

2001-03. $259,281 cooperative agreement with cities of Opelika, Auburn and West

Point Stevens for study of nutrient and sediment loading in Sougahatchee Creek

Watershed and effects on biota.

2003-04. $47,411 cooperative agreement with Auburn Water Board for stream

gaging studies on Chewacla Creek.

2004-2007. $257,497 US Environmental Protection Agency grant for stream

restoration of Parkerson Mill Creek on the AU campus. Research needed to restore

streams in Piedmont using appropriate data for meander width, riffle-pool ratio and

other aspects of stream morphology and function.

1 Contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements either written by Webber, or jointly with Dr.

David Bayne, Co-leader; or Webber directed the research.


R. Training Potential: This project will provide direct support for one Masters Student (9

months) and one undergraduate student (3 months at 10 hrs/week). The proposed project will

also be closely integrated with one externally funded project recently obtained by the PI’s, and

another proposed project (under review) that are examing thermal tolerances and oxygen

requirements of a range of fish and crayfish species. These additional projects are expected to

fund an additional two graduate students, and two undergraduate technicians. By closely working

together, graduate and undergraduate students will learn state of the art respirometry techniques

for fish, crayfish, and mussels as well as a new, non-lethal, thermal tolerance screening assay

that measures ETS enzyme activity. Students will also learn field techniques for collecting fish,

crayfish, and mussels, as well as basic water quality monitoring. Graduate students will gain

supervisory experience as they help supervise undergraduates in field and laboratory studies.

Undergraduate and graduate students will also be given the opportunity to present their findings

at Auburn University and professional research conferences, respectively. Graduate students

will also take a leading role in writing final reports associated with this project as well as

preparation of manuscripts to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals. Graduate student(s)

associated with this project are expected to graduate with M.S. degree(s) in May 2017.

Undergraduate(s) hired for the proposed study will be juniors and/or seniors and expected to

graduate with a B.S. in 2016 or 2017. All students will graduate with degrees from the School of

Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences.




FISCAL YEAR Proposed Starting Date: March 1, 2015

Proposed Completion Date: April 30, 2016




Principle Investigators: James Stoeckel, Cliff Webber, Dennis Devries, Rusty Wright, SFAAS

Cost Categories Estimated Costs

Federal Non-Federal Total

1. Salaries & Wages

Principal Investigator(s)

No. ___?__ Man Months $30,400 $30,400

Graduate Student(s)

No. _9____ Man Months 11,700

Undergraduate Students

No. _130___ man hours 1300


2. Fringe Benefits 456

3. Supplies 4874

4. Equipment

5. Subcontracts/Consultants

6. Travel 500

7. Other Direct Costs 1170

8. Total Direct Costs

9. Indirect Costs 9600 9600

10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $20,000 $20,000 $60,000


Budget Justification

We request the following federal funds through AWRI:

$4,874 for supplies including respirometry O2 sensor spots, respirometry chambers, ETS assay

reagents, liquid nitrogen, sample vials, cuvettes, glassware, general miscellaneous laboratory

supplies, and report preparation.

$500 in Travel funds for trips from May - February between North Auburn and sampling sites at

Chewacla Creek to collect and tag mussels, collect tissue samples, deploy and collect

temperature loggers, and monitor DO.

$1170 in Other Direct Costs for tuition reimbursement to Auburn University at a rate of 10% of

annual graduate stipend(s).

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