Page 1: Prof. Qurashi Mohamed ALI BSc, PhD, MBBS, MSc, FIAS, FRCPE

CV: Prof. Qurashi M. Ali


ملخص سيرة ذاتيةبجانب -التشخيصية والتشريح البشري.عمل أستاذاً لألشعة يو من العمر، الرابعة والستينبلغ ي محمد علي، يقرشهذا

تخرج من جامعة .ورئيس تنفيذي لشركة الوطنية لنظم التعليم المتقدم الوطنية بالسودان للجامعة كرئيس وظيفته، وبكالريوس الطب م4791الخرطوم بشهادتي بكالريوس )بكالريوس العلوم الطبية األساسية في التشريح في

(، وجامعة االسكندرية م4799جامعة لندن )دكتوراة التشريح البشري في في، ودرس (م4794والجراحة في أكتسب م(.2142م(، والكلية الملكية في إدنبرة )زمالة األطباء الملكية 4791لريوس األشعة التشخيصية في )بكا

واً في لجان عض بصفته–بداعية، وساهم ى انتشار مناهج التعليم الطبي اإلعل سمعة في المنطقة العربية في الحرص. وقد تقلد مواقع هامة مثل عميد الطب في بالمملكة العربية السعوديةمناهج ستة من كليات الطب السودانية وواحدة

. تركزت إهتماماته زعيم األزهريديراً لجامعة المجامعة أم درمان اإلسالمية، ووكيالً لوزارة الصحة اإلتحادية، والفحص األشعة خاصة تدريس التشريح البشري و تدريس وممارسة وث في( المهنية في التشخيص والبح)وخبراته

واألشعة المقطعية المحوسبة، وفي التعليم الطبي والصحي، وإدارة النظم الصحية. تحصل على الموجات الصوتيةبورقة ستينخمس وعية ألمريكا الشمالية. وقد نشر له أكثر من عضوية المجلس البريطاني لألشعة، والجمعية الشعا

المظاهر . وقد كانت أكثر االقتباسات العالمية من أبحاثه في خمس كتب علمية محكمة )ذات نسبة اقتباس عالية(، والتشخيصية للموجات الصوتية في البلهارسيا وأمراض مدارية أخرى، وفي األشعة المقطعية ثالثية األبعاد للجمجمة

عضو في هيئة التحرير ألربع مجالت طبية وهو .اباتفي جوانب التشريح السعاعي واإلص والعظم الصدغي -الراصد الطبي السوداني تحرير، ورئيس هيئة )تركيا( ومسودانية، والمجلة الطبية ألكاديمية العالم اإلسالمي للعل

.بترشحه بواحد من كتبه م4777على جائزة اتحاد األطباء العرب في ربع السنوية. و لعل أبرز انجازاته حصولهج والخطط بتوفير الموارد وإعداد البرام سابقاً )الجامعة الوطنية حالياً( نيةتحقيق فكرة الكلية الوطأهم من ذلك ما ربو

درجة البكالريوس في الطب، والصيدلة السريرية والصناعية، وطب وجراحة األسنان، إلنشائها وتسييرها لتمنحلمختبرات الطبية، والتمريض والقبالة، وتقنية األشعة وماتية الصحية، واوالعالج الطبيعي، والحاسوب والمعل

التشخيصية، والعلوم اإلدارية بأربعة تخصصات في إدارة األعمال، والمحاسبة، والتسويق، ونظم المعلومات ولى والوحيدة التي تحصل على شهادة مؤسسة التعليم العالي السوداني األدارية. وبهذا الجهد أصبحت الجامعة اإل

مجازة من وزارة التعليم العالي السودانية، ومعترف )من أول والجامعة جودة في النظم اإلدارية واألكاديمية.لاأليزو ويعمل ست جامعات( بها من المجلس الطبي السوداني، ومدرجة معتمدة في كل القوائم العالمية للكليات الطبية

المملكة المتحدة في -عضوا للكلية الملكية للطب الباطن بإدنبرة وقد تم اختياره .خريجوها في أوربا وأمريكا والخليج– أختير كذلك ممتحناً للجزء الثاني لزمالة الكلية الملكية البريطانية في تخصص الجراحة العامة م.2142يوليو

لم فقطفي ، ضمن مائة عازميالً بأكاديمية العالم اإلسالمي للعلوم 4777و اختير منذ .مركز امتحانات الخرطوم .الدول االسالمية

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Prof. Qurashi Mohamed ALI BSc, PhD, MBBS, MSc, FIAS, FRCPE

Page 2: Prof. Qurashi Mohamed ALI BSc, PhD, MBBS, MSc, FIAS, FRCPE

CV: Prof. Qurashi M. Ali


SUMMARY Qurashi M. Ali is a 46 -year-old professor of human anatomy and diagnostic radiologyو besides his position as President of the National University-Sudan, and CEO of National company for Advanced Educational Systems. He qualified at the University of Khartoum- Sudan (BSc human anatomy, MBBS), University of London -UK (PhD), University of Alexandria- Egypt (MMRD) and Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh (UK) FRCPE). He worked in Sudan and Gulf Countries’ universities. He earned a national and regional reputation for fierce devotion for innovative medical education, and lead the design committees of curricula in 7 medical colleges (6 in Sudan and one in Saudi Arabia). His latest public positions were dean of the Medical College- Omdurman Islamic University, undersecretary of health (MOH Sudan) and vice chancellor of Alzeim Alazhari University. He is interested (and has the experience) in teaching human anatomy, teaching and practicing in the diagnosis and research in ultrasound and CT, as well as medical and health sciences education and educational and health care management. He is a member of the British Institute of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America. He published over 65 papers (many with numerous citations), 5 books and recently a regular column, on popular science and medicine, in a daily newspaper. One of his books won the 1999 Association of Arab Doctors’ Prize. His major (and most cited) contributions were ultrasound phenotypic patterns in the genetic susceptibility studies for schistosomiasis mansoni, other tropical diseases, and three-dimensional CT of skull and temporal bone. He is on the editorial board of, four national and one international, journals and editor-in chief of the Sudan Medical Monitor. He pioneered the planning, availed finance and supervised the establishment of a non-profit private higher education institution, National University-Sudan (NUSU, [formerly: National College for Medical and Technical Studies, Sudan) offering bachelor’s degree in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, physiotherapy, radiography, laboratory technology, nursing and midwifery, health informatics, business administration, accountancy, marketing and business information systems. With these efforts NUSU became the first and only higher education institution, which is ISO-certified for quality of management of academic programs. It is recognized and accredited by Sudan Medical Council, and included in major international lists of medical colleges. Alumni are now working in reputable Sudanese, British, European, Americas and Gulf countries’ hospitals. In the last two years, he has been appointed as examiner by Royal College of Surgeons as examiner in General Surgery- Sudan Centre. He has been appointed as a Fellow of the Islamic World Academy of Science since 1999, one of only hundred scholars in Islamic countries.

Address: President and CEO, National University- Sudan,

P.O. Box 3783 Khartoum 11111, Sudan Telephone: +249 155772788 Fax: +249 155775788 Mobile: +249 912304985 and +249 990997700 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Nationality: Sudanese Date of Birth: 2/1/1951 Home address: House 258, Block 25, Manshiya, Khartoum, Sudan Social status: Married and father of 4 boys and 2 girls Languages: Arabic (mother tongue), English (excellent), French (beginner), German


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CV: Prof. Qurashi M. Ali


Computer: Word, PowerPoint and Excel (excellent), Photoshop (beginner)

B.Sc, (Bachelor of Science) Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan, from July 1970- October 1974, selected to do BSc from a batch of 180 students on the bases of excellence in 2nd MB examination, and for personal interest in human anatomy.

PhD, (Doctor of Philosophy) Human Anatomy and experimental morphology, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, UK, from December 1974- April 1978.

MB BS., (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery), Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan, from July 1978- April 1981.

MSc Master of Medical Radiological Diagnosis (MRD), Faculty of Medicine, University of Alexandria, Egypt, from May 1983- May 1985. I have been registered in June 1985 in the Sudan Medical Council, as “specialist” in radiology.

FRCPE Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, UK, qualified in May 2012. FIAS Fellowship of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences since 1999.

1. Imaging anatomy and diagnosis particularly 3D CT 2. Medical education mainly curriculum design 3. Human clinical anatomy 4. Ultrasound in tropical diseases

April 2005 – Present: President, National University, Khartoum, Sudan.

Responsibilities and achievements: This is the highest administrative and academic position, running the daily managerial activities, supervising curriculum plans, academic calendar, course design, timetables and students activities and conduct, assuring quality of educational processes, monitoring overall college achievements, ensuring local, regional and international visibility and reputability of the University, obtaining information on customers [students, parents and regulators] satisfaction, approving selection and employments of academic and administrative staff for all its programs [medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, physiotherapy, radiography, laboratory technology, nursing, health informatics, business administration, accountancy, marketing, business information systems]and supervising the establishments of premises and future plans.

I was the initiator, the first business owner and founding dean of this fairly young institution, which is currently one of the best in the country in terms of quality of premises, program and academic standard. It is the first and only higher education institution to be certified according to ISO-9001, 2008 standards in both managerial and academic quality in 6 of its programs [medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, physiotherapy, health informatics and imaging technology]. It is the first higher education institution in the Sudan to adopt innovative curriculum to address issues of professionalism in

III. Professional Experience

I. Academic Qualifications

II. Areas of Teaching and Research Interest

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CV: Prof. Qurashi M. Ali


pharmacy and dentistry. The National University has made a significant impact on higher education in the quality of its premises, facilities, commitment and the standard. It is the first medical college (public or private) to issue a refereed quarterly medical journal (Sudan Medical Monitor).

At the national level I am (1) Member of the National Council of Higher Education and Scientific Research, (2) President of the Medical Education Committee of the Sudan Medical Council, (3) on the Board of Consultants to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, (4) a member of the Consultancy Board of the Federal Minister of Health, (5) a member of the Accreditation Board of medical schools in the Sudan,, and President of one of the accreditation teams, and (6) Convenor of the Sudan Medical Council's Subcommittee on Professionalism.

September 2003- April 2005: Professor of radiology, Faculty of Medicine,

Qasseem University, Saudi Arabia.

Responsibilities and achievements: included the teaching of radiology to final medical students in King Fahad (Buraida) and King Saud (Unaiza) Hospitals, teaching imaging anatomy to all levels at the college main campus, contributing, as a tutor, to problem–based learning sessions to undergraduate medical students. I had a leading input into the design of the medical curriculum, actually I designed most of the course objectives, timetable and evaluation system of the clinical clerkships. I was the representative of the Faculty of Medicine in the Academic Council of the University.

Reasons for leaving job: I decided not to renew contract, because our application to establish the National College (later the National University) has been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education in Sudan, and I had to go back home to start the project.

June1998 – September 2003: Vice Chancellor, Alzaeim Alazhari

University (public university), and professor of human anatomy and


Responsibilities and achievements: The highest position in the university for the academic, administrative, and financial activities of all colleges which expanded (under my term) from 5 to 12 in four years, during which I increased the number of academic staff by 200% and students by 300%. I finalized the publication of University Curricula and Regulations and Introduced problem-based learning, and community orientation to the curriculum to the Faculty of Medicine. I secured Recognition and established links with Associations of African Universities, International Association of Universities, and Association of the Universities of the Islamic World, and the Association of Arab Universities. Elected a member of the Executive Board of the Association of Arab Universities and remained in office until 2003, representing Sudanese universities), I have established a 5-story Medical and Scientific Laboratories, Anatomy and Imaging Museums, satellite Health Centres and numerous departments in Teaching Hospitals of Khartoum State.

At the national level I was a member of the councils of a number of governmental and private universities in the Sudan, and of many national committees and boards, on the Advisory Committees to both Ministers of Health and Higher Education and Scientific Research. In addition I continued as consultant radiologist in government and private hospitals, reporting on routine x-ray films, CT and MRI scans, I contributed to the postgraduate training of radiography technologists and was a member of the Examination Committee in MD radiology in the Sudan Medical Specialization Board, Khartoum.

Reasons for leaving the job: at end of term, I decided not to renew, because I had to accept an offer to join Qasseem University, Saudi Arabia (see above position), a challenging responsibility to contribute in the design of the curriculum of this new medical school.

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June1996 – June 1998: Undersecretary, Federal Ministry of Health,


Responsibilities and achievements: The most senior executive in health in the Sudan, supervising the planning and implementation of health services all over the country at the federal level, issuing of the regulatory procedures of health delivery system, overseeing the implementation of national strategies of primary health care, vaccination, monitoring of epidemics, eradication and/or control of endemics and emerging infections and running the programs scheduled for each year, ensuring budget flow and distribution, representing the country in negotiations and collaboration with partners in health (e.g. WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA,World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, and NGOs) contributing to international forums involving these organizations. I attempted settling disputes of federal and state limits of responsibilities of each, helped in setting standards in the area.

Reasons for leaving the job: I had been appointed as vice chancellor (see above). I could not settle the federal-state issues of disputes because they are politically-laden, and, in addition I missed my practice in radiology, teaching and educational activities.

December 1994 – June1996: Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Omdurman

Islamic University, Omdurman, Sudan, and Professor of Radiology and


Responsibilities and achievements: I led the administrative and academic activities of the college, ranging from course design and implementation, seeking approval by the senate of the University on innovations in the curriculum, student and program evaluation, search and recruitment of academic and administrative staff, links with local and other colleges and hospitals for training of medical students and staff exchange. I was teaching anatomy, radiology and some issues on medical education.

Reasons for leaving the job: appointed as Undersecretary of Health (see above).

December 1988 – December1994: Associate professor of anatomy in the

Department of Human and Clinical Anatomy, College of Medicine, Sultan

Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman (on Secondment from the University

of Gezira in Sudan).

Responsibilities and achievements: these included teaching human anatomy and co-ordinating a number of courses, which included, along the years, respiratory, alimentary, urinary, nervous, anatomical skills and radiographic anatomy. I introduced strategies like integration, problem-based learning and community orientation to the initially purely traditional college, making use of my experience in the University of Gezira, Sudan. I established the radiologic part of the anatomy museum. I had regular 2-days’ presence on practising radiology and ultrasound at the Staff Clinic. I was a member of the committee on curriculum integration and field training in community medicine. I taught anatomy and radiology to candidates of FRCS, FDS and MRCP in Oman. During my stay in Oman I have been Honoured by medical students as the “Teacher of the Year” for two years 1992, and 1994, and promoted to the status of full Professor by the University of Gezira, Sudan, in 1992.

Reasons for leaving the job: end of contract with SQU and secondment from Sudan and a better offer to become the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Omdurman Islamic University.

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January 1988 – December1988: Assistant professor of human anatomy,

Department of Human Anatomy, College of Medicine, King Faisal

University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

Responsibilities: included teaching gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, histology and embryology to medical students. Designed anatomy courses for postgraduates in surgery, pharmacology, and obstetrics and gynecology Arab Board specialization. I practised radiology (one day/ week) and ultrasound clinic, (one-day/week), King Fahad (teaching) Hospital, Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

Reason for leaving the job: I resigned after being offered “associate professor position at Sultan Qaboos University.

March 1981- May 1983, and May 1985-August 1986, and August 1986-

January 1988: assistant and associate professor and head Department of

Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira.

Responsibilities and achievements: I was responsible for the administrative and academic functions of the Anatomy Department. I have contributed to the “genesis” of its innovative curriculum and designed the problem-based community-oriented anatomy courses in Gezira University, anatomist were known to be resistant to innovative curriculum change. Realizing the need for clinical specialization in integrated curricula, I was allowed a Scholarship to Egypt for Masters in Radiological Diagnosis during 1983-1985. I have been promoted to Assiociate Professor in June 1986. During 1985-1988, I have been practising and teaching, in addition to anatomy, radiology (as specialist) at Department of Radiology, Wad Medani Teachning Hospital. - Jan 1998, and contributed in the design of radiology courses for medical students, and residents.

Reason for leaving the job: every staff member has been allowed a secondment period if he/she could secure a position in Gulf region. My nucleus and extended families preferred this opportunity to improve on their conditions and buy a house.

April 1978 – Jan 1981: lecturer (part-time) in Human Anatomy

Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, and, at the same time, Medical Student in 4th,5th and 6th years for MB BS. I worked as part-time teacher of human anatomy in the Institutes of Radiography, Ophthalmic Optics, Physical Training, and Fine Arts in Khartoum, Sudan. Moved in March 1981 to University of Gezira

October 1974 – April 1978: teaching assistant, Department of Anatomy,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, on scholarship for PhD at Guy’s Hospital

Medical School, University of London.

The first and only student to be selected from intermediate level of medical school to do BSc human

anatomy, at the University of Khartoum, appointed as teaching assistant and accepted immediately at

the University of London to do PhD. The first Sudanese student who obtained a Ph.D. in human

anatomy and experimental morphology before the age of 28

Honored as "Lecturer of the Year" 1992, and 1994 by Sultan Qaboos Univrersity Medical Students.

IV. Awards and Elected Positions

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Honored as “Medical Doctor of the Year” by the Arab Doctor’s Union, and received the Algerian

President’s Prize of the year 1999, for the best published work in the Arab World “ A bilingual Textbook

of Human Functional Anatomy.

Honored by the “FIRST CLASS Republic Medal” – Sudan, June 2000, the highest medal offered to

medical academics, by the President of the Sudan, for the book on “Neurological Anatomy”.

Elected as “Fellow of the Islamic Academy of Science”(FIAS) October 2001, One of about 100 members

worldwide and the only physician only 3 Sudanese scientist.

Member of the Editorial Board, of the Medical Journal of IAS, (ISSN 10163360), sponsored by the

Organization of the Islamic Conference Standing Committee of Scientific and Technological Co-

operation (COMSTECH).

Member (appointed) of the Editorial Board (s), Sudan Medical Journal, Khartoum Medical Journal and

Gezira Medical Journal.

Editor-in-Chief, (appointed) Sudan Medical Monitor, ISSN 1858-5000..

Winner of the 2004 Prize of Martyr Zubair Trust, Sudan, for best published work- “Routine


Member (elected) of the Executive Board- representing Sudanese universities, Association of Arab

Universities, Jordan, 2000-2003.

External Examiner at Sultan Qaboos University, since 2012.

1. Human Clinical Anatomy: Review Questions, Vantage Press, New York, 1991 ISBN number 533-09390-2.

2. Neurological Anatomy: MacMillan (India), Delhi, 1992, ISBN 0333-92618-8.The second neuro-anatomy textbook (the first by A. Afifi in America) written in the Arab World, and internationally published. Now the official textbook of neuro-anatomy in all Sudanese universities), an updated edition has been published in 2006.

3. Routine Ultrasonography , Vantage Press, New York, 1993, ISBN 0-533-10260X . The first book on general ultrasound, written by a Sudanese, and published in the United States. Now the official textbook of ultrasound in the Faculties of Radiological Sciences, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Alzaeim Alazhari Univeristy, National College and Ribat National University

4. Human Functional Anatomy (Bilingual Arabic- English Textbook), with TO Ali, Published by Modern Technical Centre- Damascus 1997, Local 1-611, ISBN; 99942-841-2-6, 670 pages. This has been honored by the Arab Doctors’ Union, as the best published work in 1999, and won the prize offered by the Algerian President, in April 1999. Being the first Bilingual (Arabic-English) Anatomy Textbook in the world, It is now considered by the Ministry of Higher Education in the Sudan as the official textbook in medical and paramedical schools.

V. Publications- Books

VI. Publications- Papers

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1. Ali QM. Teaching patient management problems in basic sciences. The Learner (EMRO, WHO), 1986, 12: 9-12. One of the early articles in the Arab World to address this issue, when problem-based learning was not that common and known.

2. Ali QM. Fate of auricular cartilage autografts in the knee joint of rabbits. Tanta Medical Journal (Egypt). 1984 12: 526-538.

3. Ali QM. Repair of articular cartilage in rats and rabbits. Tanta Medical Journal(Egypt) 1984, 12: 396-412.

4. Nahhas, Ali QM, A. Guneid, M.A.El-Deeb. The radiological anatomy of the middle ear as displayed by conventional techniques. Alexandria Med. Bulletin, 1985 13: 574-585.

5. Ali QM. Evaluation of anatomy content in an integrated curriculum. Paper proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Education, PP 144-147. University Sains Malaysia, Kota Baharu, Klantan, Malaysia, 1986.

6. Ali QM, KardorFf R, Franke D. Ultrasound volumetry in Hemato-metrocolpos. J. Clinical Ultrasound, 1988, 17:257-259. The first article to predict preoperative measurement of blood trapped in the genital tract in hematometrocolpos.

7. Ali QM. Electron microscopy of autogenous auricular cartilagegrafts to osteochondral defects in the knee joint of rabbits. Journal of Anatomical Society of India. 1988, 37: 84-91.

8. Doehring E, Ali QM, I.M. Abdel Rahim, R. Kardorff, D. Franke,C. Kaiser, M. El-Sheikh, J HH Ehrich. Sonomorphological abnormalities in Sudanese children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: A proposed staging system for field diagnosis of periportal fibrosis. American J. Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1989,41: 63-69. Uncountable citations. The first publication to propose a staging system for the severity of disease in children.

9. El-Sheikh E. Doehring, C. Kaiser, I.M. Abdel Rahim, Ali QM, D. Franke, K, Porrath, R. Kardorff, J HH Ehrich. Renal function in Sudanese children with Schistosoma mansoni infection. Pediatr. Nephrol. 1989, 3: 259-264.

10. Seefeldt, B. O. Ahmed, A. E. Mustafa, M. M. Ali, Ali QM. The approach and major findings of the programme evaluation of the Gezira University Medical School Innovatioin. Tenth year.EMR (East Mediterranean) Health Service (WHO). J 1989, 6: 32-38.

11. Ali QM, M.E Baraka, A.Y. Hassan. The paratemporal segment of the maxillary sinus: A new sign for assessment of size. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy., 1990, 12: 65-67. A paper proposing a new sign in diagnostic radiology.

12. Doehring, I. M. Abdel Rahim, Ali QM, M. El-Sheikh, J. Schlake, R. Kardorff, D. Franke, C. Kaiser, J. H.H. Ehrich. Ultrasonographical investigation of periportal fibrosis in children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: Evaluation of morbidity.Am. J. Trop Med Hyg. 1990, 42: 581-586. Uncountable citations of this artile can be found in the literature.

13. Ali QM. I. Abdel Rahim, E. Doehring, D. Franke, R. Kardorff, M. El-Sheikh, J.H.H. Ehrich, Ultrasonographic evaluation of gallbladder function in patients with Schistosoma mansoni infection. Tropical Doctor, 1990, 20: 113-115. The first sonographic test of gallbladder function.

14. Richter J, Dengler A, Mohammed EE, Ali QM, Abdel Rahim I, Kaiser C, Doehring-Swertzfeger D. Results of echocardiographic examinations in a regional hospital of central Sudan. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1990, 84: 749-752..

15. Ali QM. Radiography of the auditory ossicles: A review. East African Medical J. 1990, 67: 798-800.

16. Ali QM, E. Doehring, I. Abdel Rahim, J. Schlake, R. Kardorff, D. Franke, Ch. Kaiser, M. Al-Sheikh, J.H.H.Ehrich. Ultrsonographic investigation of periportal fibrosis in children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: reversibility of morbidity 7 months after treatment with Praziquantel. Am. J Trop Med Hyg, 1990; 44: 444-451. Uncountable citations of this work. The first publication world-wide to detect reversibility of fibrosis, a concept denied by researchers for decades. Now generally acceptable, and the current research on interferon - gamma for protection against schistosomiasis is based on the finding of this paper.

17. Ali QM. Determination of fetal sex by ultrasound: state of the art. East African Medical Journal 1992; 69: 703-706.

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18. Doehring, I. Abdel Rahim, Ch. Kaiser, R. Kardorff, M. El-Sheikh, J. Schlake, Ali QM, Ultrasonographic investigation of periportal fibrosis in children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: Reversibility of Morbidity 23 months after treatment with praziquantel. Am J Trop Med hyg. 1992; 46: 409-415. The longest follow-up with ultrasound, at its time.

19. Abdel Wahab MF, Ali QM, Bergquist NR, Cai Wei-men, Cerri GG, Doehring E, Gharbi HA, Hatz Ch, Homeida MM, Jenkins JM, Lamothe F, Meudt R, Morrow RH, Mott KE, Murakami H, daRocha D, Tanner M, Qui Dong-chuan. The use of diagnostic ultrasound in schistosomiasis: standardization of methodology. Acta Tropica, 1992, 51: 45-63.

20. Hatz Ch, Jenkins J, Ali QM, Abdel Wahab MF, Cerri GG, Tanner M. A review of literature on the use of ultrasonography in schistosomiasis with special reference to its use in field studies: 2, Schistosoma mansoni. Acta Tropica 1992, 51: 15-28.

21. Doehring E, Franke D, Kardorf R, Ali QM, Abdel Rahim IM. Interobserver variance in ultrasonographic assessment of S.mansoni related morbidity in young school children. Acta Tropica 1992, 51: 85-88.

22. Richter J, Zwingenberger K, Ali QM, , Maura lima W, Dacal ARC, Doehring E, Vergetti Sequira G, Feldmeier H. Ultrasound findings in Brazilian and Sudanese patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Radiology 1992, 184: 711-716.

23. Ali QM. Determination of fetal sex by ultrasound: state of the art. East Afr Med J 1992, 69: 703-6.

24. Ali QM. Ultrasonography of abdominal lesions induced by schistosomiasis mansoni. Medical Newsletter of Oman, 1991, 8: 18-23.

25. Doehring E, Abdel Rahim I, Dittrich M, Ali QM, Franke D, Kardorff R, Richter J, Ehrich JHH. Ultrasonography as a diagnostic aid for a district hospital in the tropics. Am J Trop Med Hygiene 1992, 46(6): 727-731.

26. Ali QM, Becker H. Ulrich C. Three-dimentional CT of the middle ear and adjacent structures. Neuroradiology 1993; 35:238-241. The first article demonstrating the small structures in the walls of the middle ear using 3D CT technique.

27. Ali QM, O. Hamour, I. Abdel Rahim. Post-splenectomy abdominal ultrasound in Schisto-somiasis in Sudan,Tropical Doctor, 1992; 22: 167-169. The first definite sonographic indication of regression of vessels after this important surgical operation.

28. Doehring E,Kaiser Ch, Schlake J, Abdel Rahim IM, Ali QM, Franke D, Kardorff R, El Sheikh M, J. H. H. Ehrich. Ultrasound versus clinical examination as indication for Schistosoma mansoni associated morbidity in children. Tropical Med Parasitol, 1992; 43: 245-248.

29. Ali QM. Sonographic anatomy of the rectus sheath: indications for terminology and implications for rectus flaps. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 1993; 15: 1-5. A new anatomical and surgical approach to definition of rectus flaps.

30. Ali TO, Ali QM. Xenopus Laevis embryos: Is stage thirteen refractory to heat shock? J. Anat. Society of India, 1993; 42: 29-37.

31. Abdel-Rahim IM, Ali QM, Kardorff R, Franke D, Kaiser C, Ehrich JH, Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E. Sonographic morphometrical findings of the liver and spleen in Sudanese patients with Schistosoma mansoni induced periportal fibrosis. East Afr Med J 199;, 71: 311-3.

32. Ali QM, Dittrich Becker H. The pattern of skull base fracture:A three-dimentional CT study. Neuroradiology 1994; 36: 622-624. The first three dimensional study of skull base fractures.

33. Ali TO, Ali QM. Effects of heat treatmentt on the somite mesoderm of Xenopus laevis embryos. J. Anat. Society of India,1994

34. Ali QM, Al-Shafei KT. Echogenicity of foetal telencephalic choroid plexus as a developmental landmark. East Afr Med J 1994; 71:503-5

35. Abdel-Rahim IM, Ali QM, Kardorf R, Frank D, Kaiser C, Ehrich JHH, Doehring-Swerdtfeger E. Sonographical morphological findings of the liver and spleen in sudanese patients with Schistosoma mansoni induced periportal fibrosis. East African Medical Journal 1994; 71: 311-313

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36. Ali QM, El Shafie K, Ali TO. Echogenicity of the telencephalic choroid plexus as a developmental landmark. Clinical Anatomy 1995; 8: 29-32.

37. Arbab MAR, Idris MNA, Sokrab TEO, Saeed ES, Ali QM, Tariq MY, Ahmed AEM. Clinical presentation and CT scan finding in Mycetoma of the head. East African Medical J. 1998; 75: 264-266.

38. Ali QM, AA A/Hameed, NMA Alwali, A Mirghani, KE Elagib, OK Saeed, L Abel, MMA Majzoub, A Dessein. Susceptibility to periportal fibrosis in Sudanese population in an area endemic for Schistosoma mansoni. J. Infectious Dis 1999; 180; 1298-306. Numerous citations. The first article world-wide to predict a gene in control of schistosomiasis in studies using the proper phenotype of ultrasound staging.

39. Ali QM, Cost saving with ultrasonography in a developing country district hospital. East African Medical J., 1999; 76: 272-274.

40. Dessein A, Hillaire D., Elwali NMA, Marquet S, Ali QM, Mirghani A,Henri S, Abdelhamieed AA, Saeed OK, MMA Magzoub, Abel L. Severe hepatic fibrosis in Schistosoma mansoni infection, Is it controlled by a majhor locus that is closely linked to the interferone –gamma receptor gene. Am J Hum Genetics 1999; 65: 709-721. Numerous citations. The first article world-wide to identify a gene as a cause of morbidity, and to assume further developments along the line of experimenting with interferon-gamma.

41. Dessein AJ, Marquet S, Henri S, AlWali NMA, Hilaire, D, Rodrigues V, Prata A, QM Ali, Gharib B, DeReggi M, Magzoub MMA, Saeed, OK, Abdelhameed AA, Abel L. Infection and disease in human schistosomiasis mansoni are under distinct major gene control. Microbes and Infection 1999; 1: 561-567.

42. Pascal M, Abdalla OMS, Ali QM, Magzoub M, de Reggi M, Gharib B, Hyaluronate level and markers of oxidative stress in the serum of Sudanese subjects at rist of infection iwht Schistosoma mansoni. Trans. Roy Soc Med Hyg, 2000, 94: 66-70

43. Chevillard C, CE Moukoko, NEMA El Wali, JH Breama, B Kouriba, L Argiro, S Ruhoud, A Mirghani, S Henri, J Gaudart, Ali QM, HA Young, AJ Dessein. INF-γ polymorphism (INF-γ+2109 and INF-γ +3810) are associated with severe hepatic fibrosis in human hepatic schistosomiasis (Schistosoma mansoni), J Immnunol 2003, 171: 5596-5601.

44. Nasr Eldin MA Elwali, Ali QM, et al. Analysis of polymorphism in the a- chain of the interferon x receptor in subjects with advanced periportal fibrosis due to Schistosoma mansoni, submitted to Am J Hum Genetics.

45. Moukoko CE, N Alwali, OK Saeed, QM Ali, J Gaudart, AJ Dessein, and C Chevillard. No evidence for a major effect of TNF-alfa gene polymorphism in periportal fibrosis caused by Schistosoma mansoni infection. Infection and Immunity 2003; 71: 5456-60.

46. Rahoud S, Mergani A, Khamis OK, Ali QM, Dessein AJ, Elwali NE. Regression of liver fibrosis in Schistosoma mansoni infected Sudanese subjects after praziquantel treatment. Gezira J Health Sciences 2005, 1: 8-22.

47. Emboumbou C, Steghens T, Abdallahi OMS, Mirghani A, Gallian P, Kappel A, Qurashi Ali, Gharib B, Reggi M. Circulating markers of oxidative stress and liver fibrosis in Sudanese subjects at risk of schistosomiasis and hepatitis. Acta Tropica 2005; 94: 99-106.

48. QM Ali, The Jugular Foramen: a review of old and new imaging techniques and diagnoses. Sudan Medical Monitor, 2006; 1:4-12.

49. Osman K Saeed, Nasruddin MA El Wali, Alain J Dessein, Ahmed A Adeel, Mubarak MA Majzoub, Kamal E El Sammani, Yousif M Yousif, Q M Ali. Schisotsoma mansoni associated morbidity in Gezira: determined by clinical and ultrasound examination. Sudanese Journal of Public Health, 2006;1(1): 27-30.

50. Ali QM. Research oriented medical curricula. Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS),15th Scientific Conference, 7-10 November 2006, Shah Ankara, Turkey.

51. Khamis AH, Mergani A, Rahoud S, Elwali NE, Ali QM, Borodin PM, Kirichenko AV, Saeed OK, Idress AA, Magzoub MM, Axenovich TI. Segregation analysis of susceptibility/resistance to periportal fibrosis in Shistosoma mansoni infections in endemic area (Umzukra- Gezira State-Sudan), Sudan Medical Monitor 2007, 2: 17-23.

52. Ali QM. The frontiers of health sciences, services and research: what is relevant? Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS),16th Scientific Conference, 25-25 August, 2008, Kazan, Tatarstan.

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53. Ali QM, Sidahmed AO, Elhassan HM. Quality of education: how to assess customer satisfaction? How relevant is the ISO 9001-2008 to educational quality assessment. Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS),17th Scientific Conference, 14-17 December 2009, Shah Alam/Selangor, Malaysia

54. Ali QM, Gilani SA, Mustafa E. Sonographic presentation and differential diagnosis of mycetoma (Madura foot). Medical Ultrasonography, 2009; 2 (2): 5-9

55. Ali QM. Research oriented curricula, Sudan Medical Monitor, 2009; 4: 7-10.

56. Ali ZA, Ibrahim S, Ali QM. Congenital synostosis in a child in Gezira State: a case report. Sudan Medical Monitor 2009; 4:177-180.

57. Rahooud S, Mergani A, Khamis AH, Saeed OK, Ali QM, Dessein AJ, Elwali NE. Factors controlling the effect of praziquantel on liver fibrosis in Schistosoma mansoni infected patients. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 2010, 58: 106-112.

58. Ahmed BH, Awadelkarim RMAM, Sulieman AAM, Ali QM. The role of conventional and color Doppler sonography in predicting malignancy in thyroid nodules. Ribat J of Med Sciences, 2012; 1:15-19.

59. Idris SA, Ali QM, Hamza AA. Incidence and variation in the relationship between the recurrent laryngeal nerves to the inferior thyroid arteries in Sudanese subjects. Sch. J. App. Sci., 2013; 1(5): 575-580.

60. Idris SA, Ali QM, Hamza AA. Incidence of recurrent laryngeal nerves injury during thyroid surgery. Sch. J. App. Sci., 2013; 1(6): 673-676.

61. AE. Mokhtar, WM. Mustafa and QM. Ali. Fetal biometry of pregnant women in Khartoum State, Central Sudan Najran Univ. Col. of Med. and Natl. Univ. Fac. of Med. Experimental Biology: American Association of Anatomists. April 26-30, 2014 – San Diego Convention Center.

62. Elgeili A. A. Yousif, Bushra H. Ahmed , Alsafi A. Abdella Q M. Ali . Knee joint diseases diagnosed by ultrasound and MRI. Sudan Medical Monitor 2014; 8:[in print]

63. SA Idris, Ali QM, Hamza AA. Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury during thyroid surgery. Journal of Surgical Arts, 2014; 7(2): 80-83.

64. Yasir A Mohamed, Q M.Ali, Anas O.Ahmed. Sagittal diameter of the lumbosacral spinal canal in normal (asymptomatic) adult Sudanese population. Sudan Medical Monitor 2014; 8 (2):[in print].

65. Alghazali AbdulKhair, Haydar E Babiker, Q M Ali. Anomalies of the umbilical cord in 1000 Sudanese full-term deliveries. Sudan Medical Monitor, 2014; 8(3): ({in print}.

1. Ali QM. Sonographic characteristics of Schistosomiasis mansoni in adults. 2nd Oman International

Conference on Gastroentrology, March 1990.

2. Ali QM, I. M. Abdel Rahim, E. Doehring, D. Franke, R. Kardorff, M. El-Sheikh, J. H.H. Ehrich. Ultrasonographic evaluation of gallbladder function in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. 2nd Wold Congress of Ultrasound in Developing Countries.Kuala Lumpur, Nov 1989, P. 100.

3. Ali QM, E. Doehring, F. E. Showgi, I. M. Abdel Rahim, R.Kardorff, D. Franke, M. Dittrich, J. H. H. Ehrich. Ultrasonography under tropical conditions: The cost of alternative radiologic procedures. 2nd World Congress on Ultrasound in Developing Countries. Kuala Lumpur, Nov 1989. P.124.

4. Ali QM, A.Y. Hassan, M. E. Baraka. Radiographic anatomic variations in the maxillary sinus. Proceedings of the First Afro-Asia Oceania Congress of Anatomists. New Delhi, August 1988 P. 271.

5. Doehring, I. Abdel Rahim Ali QM, R. Kardroff, D. Franke, M.El-Sheikh, J.H.H. Ehrich. Morbidity of Schistosoma mansoni infection in childhood, assessed by ultrasonography. 12th International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria. Amsterdam, 1988, presented by Doehring.

VII. Conferences Attended and Presentations

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6. Seefelt, Ali QM, A.S, Mustafa, B. O, Ahmed. A community-based programmed evaluation of medical school programme at Gezira University. Proceeding of the Biennial Symposium of the Network of Community Oriented Educational Institutions for Health Sciences. Bangkok, Thailand, 1987.

7. El-Sheikh, I. Abdel Rahim, Ali QM, Ch. Kaiser, E. Doehring, J. H. H. Ehrich. Renal function in Sudanese schoolchildren with Schistosoma mansoni infections. Arabian Congress of Parasitology, Cairo 1988. P. 102.

8. Ali QM, Radiological anatomy of the temporal bone. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Sudan Society of Surgeons. Wad Medani, Feb. 1986.

9. Franke, E. Doehring, I. Abdel Rahim, Ali QM, Ch. Kaiser, M. El-Sheikh, J. H.H. Ehrich. Results of 859 sonographical examinations at a regional hospital under tropical conditions. Congress of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Washington, 1988, presented by Kaiser.

10. Kardorff, E. Doehring, I. Abdel Rahim, Ali QM, Ch. Kaiser, M. El-Sheikh, J.H.H. Ehrich. Ultrasonographic evaluation of Morbidity induced by Schistosoma mansoni infection in childhood. Congress of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Washington, 1988, presented by Kardorff.

11. Ali QM, Artifacts in obstetrical and gynecological ultrasonography. 10th Conference of the Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Sudan. Khartoum, March 1987.

12. AM Abdel Rahim, Ali QM, E. Doehring. Reversibility of lesions following treatment of Schistosoma mansoni as assessed by ultrasound. 12th Conference of Sudanese Physicians, Khartoum 1988.

13. Ali QM, I. Abdel Rahim. Ultrasound morphology and biometry in Sudanese adults with Schistosoma mansoni infection. 12th Conference of Sudanese Physicians, Khartoum, 1988, presented by Abdel Rahim.

14. Ali QM, Ali TO, Dissanyka A. Learning preferences of Sultan Qaboos Medical Students, relevance to educational philosophy. Presented at the International Symposium of Student Assessment, Penang, Malaysia, January 1993

15. Doehring E, Abdel Rahim IM, Ali QM, Schlake J, Franke D, Kardorff R, Ehrich JHH. Ultrasound versus clinical examination for Schistosoma mansoni morbidity in children. Presented at the XIIIth International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Thailand, November, 1992, presented by Doehring.

16. Ali QM, Diettrich B, Becker H. Clarity and patterns of skullbase fractures: a three-dimentional computed tomographic study.Presented at the First Radiological Update of Oman, Muscat, February 1993.

17. Dessein, A, QM Ali, et al. Genetic susceptibility/resistance to schistosomiasis, Conference Philippe Laudat 1999, Aix Les Bains, France 14-18 Nov., 1999.

18. QM Ali , The importance of accurate definition of clinical phenotype in genetic studies cocerning SM2, Marseille, INSERM UNIT 399, 21-23 Nov 1999.

19. Elwali NE, QM Ali, Abdelhameed AA, Mirghani A, Rahoud S, Saeed OK. Magzoub MMA, Desseub AJ. Genetic control of liver fibrosis in schistosomiasis mansoni infected patients. 2nd conference in Medical and biological Sciences, 24-26/4/2001, Zarga, Jordan,

20. QM Ali, et al. Genetic Susceptiblity to Schistosomiasis manoni, Studies in Sudan, Presented in : Schistosomiasis in Oman, Salalah, Sultanaste of Oman, 26/9-2/10/2002

21. Rahood, S, Ali, QM, et al., Factors controlling the reversibility of liver fibrosis in Schistosoma mansoni infected subjects after praziquantel treatment. Science Conference 2003, Seiyon, Yemen, 11-1 3 October 2003, presented by Rahood.

22. Rahoud S, Mirghani A, Elwali NE, Khamis A, Saeed OK, Dessein A, QM Ali. Application of molecular techniques to study factors controlling reversibility of hepatic fibrosis induced by Shistosoma mansoni infection in Central Sudan. Volkswagen Foundation Workshop “from African Bench to Patients and Populations” 18-22/4/2004, Accra, Ghana, Presented by S Rahoud

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23. Ebombou C, Elwali NE, Chevillard C , Bream GH, Henri S, Mirghani A, Argiro L, Magzoub MMA, Young HA,, QM Ali, Dessein A. IFH-gamma polymorphism are associated with server hepatic fibrosis in human hepatic schistosomiasis (Schistosoma mansoni). Medicine and Health in the Tropics Congress 11-15/9/2005, Marseille, France, presented by C Abombou

24. Ebombou C, Elwali NE, QM Ali, Gallian P, Rahoud S, Mirghani A, De Lamballerie X, chevillard C, De Micco P, Dessein A. Co-infecion of hepatitis C but not hepatitis B virus C aggravated hepatic periportal fibrosis, portal hypertension and splenomegaly in Sudanese population infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Medicine and Health in the Tropics Congress 11-15/9/2005, Marseille, France, Presented by NE Elwali

25. Islamic World Academy of Sciences meeting in 2006 (Turkey), 2008 (Tatarstan), 2009 (Selangor Malaysia) and 2011 (Doha, Qatar)

1. WHO Fellowship in Health Professionals Education, Center for Education Development, University of Illinois, Chicago, March -June 1982. Attended extra-courses on "programme Evaluation", and "Instructional Techniques".

2. International Societies Workshop on Medical Education, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, May 2-7, 1982.

3. Workshop for Reviewing Curriculum and Organizational Structure, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, Oct 11-15, 1982.

4. "Ultrasound Practice", Ahmed Mahir Teaching Hospital, Cairo, May-June 1984.

5. Organizer, Workshop on Curriculum Timetable and Evaluation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, Oct 17-18, 1985.

6. Organizer, Workshop on Evaluation of Students, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, June 23-24, 1986.

7. "State of the Art Lecture" on "Temporal Bone Radiography", King Fahad University Hospital, Al-Khobar, March 1988.

8. British Council Course 639 "Expanding Horizons of Diagnostic Ultrasound" London, Nov. 1986.

9. 3D-CT and MRI courses in Department of Neuroradiology, Medicinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany, 1995 and 1997, with Prof. H. Becker.

10. Echocardiography, course at Facultie de Medicine, Marseille, with Prof. Habib , Aug. 1996

11. Seggregation analysis, and genetics, Marseille, with prof. Alain Dessein, Aug 1997

12. International Breast Ultrasound Seminar, Berlin, Germany, June 30- July 2nd 2001.

13. International Ultrasound Seminar, Jefferson Ultrasound Research and Education Institute, Dubai, UAE, April5-11, 2003 .

14. International Ultrasound Seminar, Jefferson Ultrasound Research and Education Institute, Alzaeim Alazhari University, Sudan, July, 2 5-30, 2003 .

15. Electroni Theses and Desertation- Worldwide, Berlin- Germany 21-24, May 2003.

16. Speaker, Monthly Clinical Forum, Continuing Medical Education Committee, Royal Hospital, Sultanate of Oman, 1991-1994.

VIII Training Courses and Workshops Attended – Invited Presentations

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17. Guest speaker on pediatric radiology, to Pediatric Grand Round, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, 1995-2003.

18. Guest Speaker on neuro-radiology, to Sudan Centre for Neurosciences (SCNS), Khartoum, Sudan, 1995-2003

19. Current Trends in Medical Education, First Workshop on Medical Education, King Saud University, Riyadh 14 October 2003

1. Member, Faculty Board, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Sudan, Feb 1981-Jan 1988.

2. Member (Founding) Sudan National Medial Specialization Board, since 1997.

3. Member, Faculty Board, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Gezira, Nov 1986-Jan 1988.

4. Member, Postgraduate Curriculum Committee, University of Gezira, 1985-1988.

5. Member, Curriculum Design Committee, Faculty of Radiological Sciences, Sudan University, and Radiotherapy, Khartoum, 1988, and permanent advisor to postgraduate training in the Faculty

6. Convener, Programme Evaluation Committee, Faculty Medicine,University of Gezira, 1985-1988

7. Member, Curriculum committee, Institute of Hygiene and Environment, Khartoum, 1988.

8. Member, Fieldwork College Committee on Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University,Oman.1989

9. Member, College Board, College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, from 1991 to Jan. 1994.

10. Member, Curriculum Revision Committee, College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University, 1992/ 1993.

11. Chariman, Curriculum Committee for the establishment of Faculty of Health Sciences, African International University, Khartoum.

12. Chairman, Alzaeim Al Azhari University Senate, and of all senate committees, June 1998- September 2003.

13. Member, University Council, National Ribat University, Sudan since 2001-2003, and member of the Senate of the University 2002-2005.

14. Member of the Board of Trustees and College Council, Razi College of Medical Sciences, Khartroum, Sudan, since 2002.

15. Member Avisory Board to Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sudan, since 1998.

16. Member, Research Expert Committee, Fedral Ministry of Health, Sudan, since 2000..

17. Member, National Committee on Research Ethics, Fedral Ministry of Health, Sudan, since 2002.

18. Member, the Editorial Board, Juba Medical Journal, Sudan, Medical Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences, Jordan-Turkey, Sudan Medical Journal, Sudan, Khartoum Medical Journal, Sudan.

19. Editor-in Chief, Sudan Medical Monitor: ISSN: 1858-5000

IX. Boards and Committees on Medical Education

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20. Member, Arabization of Health Sciences Network (AHSN), EMRO, WHO.

21. President Scientific Council, National College for Medical and Technical Studies, Sudan, since 2005.

22. President: Medical Education Committee, Sudan Medical Council, since July 2009..

23. Member, Accreditation Board of Sudan Medical Council, and President of one of the accreditation teams, since July 2009.

1. Designed "Anatomy Curriculum" for the High Institute of Ophthalmic Optics, Khartoum, Sudan


2. Designed the "Anatomy and Physiology Curriculum”, High Institute of Physical Training, Khartoum, Sudan, 1978.

3. Co-ordinator and first designer of numerous courses (201,520,431,430), Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Sudan.

4. Designed "Anatomy Content Questionnaire" and "Problem-based learning of the Nervous System" at the Center for Education Development, Chicago, as proposals for curriculum content research, reported to sponsor (WHO-EMRO), in1982.

5. Site supervisor, MD graduation project "attitudes of students and teachers towards medical education in Gezira and Khartoum, Sudan" by C. Fromm and T. Svendsen, University of Lund, Malmo, Sweden, 1986.

6. Designed Postgraduate Course on Neuroanatomy, for Masters and Doctorate degrees in Pharmacology, College of Medicine and Medical Sciences, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, 1988.

7. Designed Course No. MD 401" Surface and Radiological Anatomy" and Course No MD 402 " Autonomic Nervous System" Electives, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, 1988.

8. Co-ordinated imaging anatomy and neuroanatomy, Department of Human and Clinical Anatomy, College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University. Oman.- Also co-oridnated courses on Alimentary system (1988/89), Urinary system (1989/90) and Respiratory system (1990/91/93), Central Nervous System 1989, 1990, 1992.

9. Designed, as a head of a curriculum committee, with Prof. Bashir Hamad and other experts, courses of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, African International University, Khartoum, Sudan (1996).

10. Designed, curriculum of Masters Degree in Human Anatomy, Alzaeim Al Azhari University, graduated two batches of 30 M Scs, each, still in operation.

11. Contributed to the design or revision of Medical curricula in the University of Khartoum, A, Gadarif University, Academy of Medical Sciences and Technology, Riabat National University (medical, nursing and radiography)- from 2005-2010..

12. Contributed to the design of the curriculum of the School of Dentistry, International University of Africa, Suda (2007).

13. Designed MSc Ultrasound curriculum, a joint venture with Jefferson Institute in Philadelphia, USA- Asia and Middle East Branch (2002)

14. Contributing to the design of the curriculum of the College of Medicine in Qassim, Saudi Arabia, with Prof. Bashir Hamad and other experts (2004).

X. Contributions to Curriculum Design and Revisions

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15. Reviewed the curriculum of Faculty of Medicine, West Kurdufan University, Sudan, as head of committee appointed by Ministry of Higher Education (2006).

16. Member of the Committee on Health Sciences, appointed by Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to recommend approval or disapproval of establishment or expansion of medical and health sciences colleges (2010).

17. Designd the detailed Curriculum and the abridged Prospectus of the National College for Medical and Technical Studies, Khartoum, Sudan.

1. WHO-TDR/CTD/RAD Workshop, Cairo, Assessment of Morbidity in Schistosomiasis using Ultrasound. 1-

4 Oct. 1990.Our working papers discussed during the workshop included: (a) sonography of lesions induced by Schistosoma mansoni, (b) association of laboratory and clinical findings with ultrasound in schistosomiasis in population surveys and in hospital, (c) possible confounders of Schistosoma mansoni in Africa, (See publications in Acta Tropica- below).

2. WHO-TDR/CTD/RAD Workshop, Niamey, Niger, 1996, on Ultrasonography in schistosomiasis.

3. Represented Sudan, as Undersecretary of Health, in World Assemblies WA50 and WA51, Geneva and in Regional Committee, 1997.

4. Visiting Consultant, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, Febraury –May 2002,

1. Member , the American Association of Clinical Anatomists (previously) 2. Member American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (previously) 3. Member of the Afro-Asia Oceania Association of Anatomists (AAOAA)- New Delhi, and member of the

International Committee. 4. Member, the Sudanese Society of Radiologists, Sudan. 5. Member of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences. 6. Member, Community-Oriented Medical Educational Institutions (Towards Unity for Health Education),

Maastricht, the Netherlands. 7. Member, The Radiological Society of North America 8. Member, The British Institute of Radiology



i. Masters Degree in Human Anatomy, University of Khartoum = 5 students ii. Masters Degree in Human anatomy, Al Zaeim Al Azhari University = 35 students. I initiated

the program at that university iii. Masters Degree in Human Anatomy- joint program of University of Gezira and National

college= 42 students. iv. MD in Clinical Radiology, University of Khartoum = 6 students. v. MD in Clinical Paediatrics, University of Khartoum = 2 students vi. MD in Clinical Medicine, Universtiy of Khartoum = 1 vii. Masters Degree in Diagnostic radiography, Sudan University of Science and Technology =

3 students.

XI. Consultancies

XII. Professional Affiliations

XIII. Contributions to Graduate Education

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viii. MSc in diagnostic ultrasound (for radiologists and imaging technologist)= 22 students. I initiated the program at Alzaeim Alazhari University.

ix. PhD degrees in diagnostic ultrasound, Color Doppler ultrasound, CT and MRI (imaging technologists)= 4 students at the Sudan University of Science and Technology.

ACTED AS EXTERNAL EXAMINER AT: i. Faculty of Medicne, University of Khartoum ii. Sudan Medical Specialization Board iii. Faculty of Radiological Sciences, Sudan University of Science and Technology

(1) Prof. Osman Taha OSMAN, FRCS

President, Sudan Medical Specialization Board

P.O.Box 12892

Khartoum, SUDAN

e-mail : [email protected]

Phone [office] : +249 (0) 183 777794, (mobile) +249 9 12322732

(2) Prof. Bakri Osman SAEED, FRCPath Vice Chancellor, Sudan International University

P.O.Box 12769 Khartoum

e-mail : [email protected]

Phone [office] +249 (0) 183 227441 [mobile]:+249 912151144

(3) Prof. Abdullah JABIR, FRCR Head Department of Radiology,

Faculty of Medicine, National Ribat University, Khartoum, Sudan

P.O. Box 55 Khartoum

e-mail: [email protected]

Phone [mobile]: 971-050-6743874

XIV. References

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