  • Visual Faris

    FFully AAutomatic RRadioscopic IInspection SSystem

    Automatic Defect Recognition

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  • Objective

    Briefly describe ADR sequences, basic functions, and user-friendly interfaces

    Overview previous applications Overview the abilities/limitations of the


  • Sequence of Production EventsPartstransportationand manipulation

    X-ray exposure of inspection views

    Digitization of X-ray images intoADR computer

    Analysis of X-ray images on ADR computer

    Communication of inspection results to partsunloading system

  • What has Visual Faris been used on?


    Castings (iron, aluminum)Aluminum WheelsPistonsWelds


    Aluminum WheelsPistonsLDA

  • Views / Samples

    SAMPLE 1

    SAMPLE 2

    SAMPLE 3

    + processing data

    + processing data

    + processing data

  • Wheel Inspection

    View 1

    View 2

    View 3

    Sample 1

    Sample 2

    Sample 3

    8 Images

    4 Images

    4 Images

    This example shows a wheel with three areas to be inspected: Rim, spokes and hub.8 images are necessary to cover the wholecircumference of the rim; only 4 images for thespokes, as they are alike; another 4 images to Cover the whole circumference of the hub. At the end of the programming the following situation should conceptually be found:

  • Program Overview

  • Operators Screen

  • SecurityFour levels of user accessibility

    - Level 0: Access only to the operator screen and production counters

    - Level 1: Access to all programming functions- Level 2: Ability to terminate the Visual Faris

    session- Level 3: Ability to delete samples, Delete

    working programs, Change working directory, Reset production report, Add/Delete users, Enable actions traceability, Define acceptability standards

  • The Programming Screen

    Toolbar and menu of the main window

    Command toolbar of the sample image

    Sample in front is the active window

    The rest of the samples are in the background,Up to 48 samples can be opened simultaneously

  • Visual Faris Toolbar

  • Basic Programming Functions

  • Acquisition ControlsThese are the first items addressed with

    the captured image

    (Low Pass Filter)Faster than integration but degrades image quality

    Used with analog signals to identify and correct

    The flickering caused bythe two fields

    Indicates that every area with a grey level

    lower than the outlined area is a defect area

    Indicates that every area with a grey level

    Higher than the outlined area is a defect area

    Within the ROI

  • Region Of Interest

    Up to 255/images

    Multiple zones can be implemented in each ROI

    Each ROI contains a criteria class that can be user defined.

  • Image Alignment

    Roto-Transitional matching, Maximum variation from the sample image is 45

    Horizontal and vertical matching

    Rotational matching for wheels

    Field of search

    Reference Pattern

  • Remove Details

    Raised Metal

    Wheel Rim Equalize

    ID Box (this will eliminate detection abilities. However, they are typically placed in non critical areas).

    Mould Junctions

    Ref 46&47

  • Region Of Processing

    Up to 254 Regions can be defined per sample within the region of interest (affects processing time).

    Directional and Multidirectional search engines.

  • Foreign Material Processing

    Processing time

    Location of this search engine

    Areas containing edgesor high contrast featuresAnd cannot be analyzed

    with this view

  • Regions Of Magnification

    This functionality establishes a relation between pixels and distance.

    4 pixels= 1mm

  • Optional Custom Processing

  • Crack Hole

    Detects presence of aluminum residuals in the gallery due to a crack in the salt ring during casting.

  • Core Shift/ Gallery Misalignment

    This function checks the centering between the salt ring and the ring carrier. The two circles represent the internal and external borders of the gallery.

  • Salt Residuals

    This function searches for salt in the gallery that did not get flushed out during processing.

    Core shift identifies where to search for salt residuals.

  • Regions of Belonging

    This is an optional functionality developed to manage multiple parts inspections.

    Different parts can be simultaneously inspected with the same working program.

    Working program samples can contain different portions of different castings, each casting portion can be individually analyzed with proper processing parameters (ROP, ROM, ROI).

    The acceptability standard must be the same for all castings belonging to the same working program.

    Visual Faris can Analyze up to 15 castings per image.

  • Regions of Rejection Coding

    This is an optional functionality designed to automatically label found defects.

    Specific rejection codes and messages can be associated with user-definable sample areas.

    Whenever a non acceptable defect shows up in a particular sample area , the rejection code and message associated with the area where the defect lies can be eventually notified to the production line.

  • Post Processing

  • Close inner points- This will fill small spaces inside the defects that have not been identified as defects themselves.

    Steps of defects link- This connects close proximity defects to appear as one large defect. This is for code application where a combined length of defects is considered.

    Delete single spots- Ignores defects the size of one pixel or less

    Delete single lines- Ignores defects of one pixel or less that develop linearly.

  • Standards Definition

  • Results Interpretation

  • Defect Statistics

  • Image Formats Supported By Visual Faris

    .bmp .tiff .raw .jpeg .rid jpeg color

  • Inspection Stability

    Offline station can be used as a system backup Software includes a debug simulator Includes various Diagnostic tools Image quality Camera alignment Optical chain sensitivity Sample/actual image comparison Monitor test Contrast sensitivity

  • Simulated Defects

    Implemented in the software are defects mirroring ASTM E155 code defects for use of comparison and programming.

    Porosity Gas Hole Shrinkage Foreign Material (More Dense)

  • Porosity

    Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5

    Class 6 Class 7 Class 8

  • Gas Hole

    Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

    Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8

  • Shrinkage

    Class 1 Class 2

    Class 3 Class 4

    Class 5 Class 6 Class 7Class 8

  • Foreign Material (More Dense)

    Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

    Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8

  • Demonstration Video

  • Visual Faris Advantages

    Can do multiple part inspections Incorporates a virtual keyboard allowing only the need of a mouse to

    program and operate Progressive toolbar layout making the software user friendly Simple and comprehensive online inspection screen Inspection images can be saved to a flash drive without disrupting

    production Incorporates four levels of software access Possibility to store all information concerning inspected parts and all

    data collected about defects in a MS access database Includes a classification palette that color codes defects to its

    defects classification

  • Advantages Continued

    Built in timer that shows processing and cycle times Includes an offline station that allows review of inspection images

    and alterations of programming without halting production Optional multi-energy function where an image is taken at two

    energies and merged to one automatically at a fast rate Effective remote support Built in ASTM based artificial defects for image analysis, testing, and

    debugging Included simulator software. Allows user to simulate a production

    setting using collected images. This is useful for programming and training.

    Inspection system can be tailored to specific applications Industry standards can be implemented into the software (example


  • Disadvantages

    Part(s) must be within a window of alignment for proper inspection

    Cannot easily adapt to a laboratory setting and have cost efficiency

    The software is expensive

  • Imaging Devices That Have Been Used With Visual Faris

    Image intensifiers with either an analog camera or digital camera.

    Amorphous Silicon panels with 127 micron to 400 micron pixel pitch.

    Variety of different Linear Diode Arrays

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