  • Document Classification | Copyright © 2020 Tata Consultancy Services Limited

    Product age based demand forecast model for fashion retailRajesh Kumar Vashishtha, Vibhati Burman, Rajan Kumar, Srividhya Sethuraman, Abhinaya R Sekar, Sharadha Ramanan


    KDD 2020 Workshop, August 2020, San Diego, California-USA

    (r.vashishtha, vibhati.b, rajan.7, srividhya.sethuraman1, abhinayar.sekar, sharadha.ramanan)

    TCS Research and InnovationChennai, India

  • Document Classification | Copyright © 2020 Tata Consultancy Services LimitedTCS2


    Comparative Methods








    Problem Statement

    Problem Formulation


    Data Characterstics





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    1. Introduction 2. Contributions● Accurate forecasts are important and


    ● Important to ensure retailer’s profitability and to reduce environmental damage caused by disposal of unsold inventory

    ● Challenging because most products are new in a season with no historical data and have short life cycles, huge sales variations and long lead-times

    ● Leveraging age of a product in its demand forecasting

    ● Unique and significant feature engineering to achieve accurate demand forecasts

    ● Extending our approach to recommend product launch time for the next season

    ● Assortment optimization

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    Problem Statement and Problem formulation


    Accurate Demand Forecast for a fashion retailer for the upcoming season, 6 months in advance.



    ● Product Attribute data from previous year and current year● Historical Sales data of previous year’s products● Product pricing data for current year● Store capacity data

    ● Demand forecast for each store-article for the next season




    ● Demand forecasts at store-article level

    ● Demand forecast results at store-article-size level

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    Problem Statement and Problem formulation


    Ideal Time For Launch



    ● Demand Forecast models● I/p data with age shifted by 5 weeks

    ● Ideal time(phase) for launch of a product

    Assortment Optimization



    ● Demand forecast model output● Business Constraints

    ● List of articles that is to be kept in the store for each phase

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    Methodology – Demand Formulation


    Di , s=f (Ai , t , Age i , s , Pi , s , t , nholidayst , S . I .)

    In the age based model for demand forecasting of fashion items, the demand D of an article i in store s at time t, is formulated as:

    By using this formulation, we are collating the age, attribute values, temporal features and selling price of an article as demand estimators. This is done because the visual characteristics, selling price and the temporal features alone are insufficient to accurately predict the future demand.

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    Feature Engineering – Age


    Effect of translation from launch time to age

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    Feature Engineering – Color and Usage


    “We've combined the comfort of a t-shirt with the elegance of a midi dress to bring you one dreamy summer staple. Regular cut, with plenty of wiggle room through the body. Striped design, with round neckline, short sleeves and splits at the hem for easier movement ”

    1. Usage 2. Color

    Usage category: Summer

    Color name to equivalent RGB value

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    Methodology – Train and test flow diagram




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    Methodology – Size Profiling and Launch Date


    Size Profiling

    ● Estimate demand at size level, i.e. quantity of XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL

    ● Group previous year’s sales data at store-size level. Cluster similar stores based on the sales contribution by each size within a store

    ● Assumption : Customer size profile in a region is consistent year on year

    Product Launch date

    ● Four different launch times are considered in a season, i.e. the beginning of each phase

    ● We iteratively forecast demand for an article considering different launch times. We then select the best launch time for an article based on the criteria of maximizing revenue

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    Methodology – Fashion Assortment Optimization


    The objective is to obtain a list of articles to be kept in a store such that overall revenue is maximized and business constraints are satisfied. The assotment optimization is formulated as integer linear programming as follows:

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    Data Characterstics


    ● Multinational fashion retailer

    ● 300 B&M stores, 40 categories and around 35k items

    ● Product attributes, historical performance data, store size

    ● Two categories (owing to their high contribution to sales): - Dresses in Women's wear - Kids wear

    ● Analysis of 3 years data - 1 year = 2 seasons - A season = 6 months = 4 phases of 6-7 weeks

    ● Train: 1 January 2018 to 15 June 2018

    ● Test: 1 January 2019 to 15 June 2019

  • Document Classification

    Comparative Methods


    Average model:

    Average value of similar items from the previous season

    Baseline XGBoost model:

    All features except age, RGB encoded color and Usage

    Baseline DL model:

    All features except age, RGB encoded color and Usage

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    Experimental Setting – Age based Model


    Architechture of the age based DL model

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    Results - Kidswear


    Model Loss Function







    Store- Week


    Store- Phase



    MSE 3.56 10.55 39.27 3.07 7.25 28.8

    Baseline XGboost

    MSE 2.97 7.61 31.89 2.53 6.13 22.76

    Baseline DL MSE 2.84 7.63 30.23 2.61 6.11 21.31Age- based

    XGBoostMSE 1.65 4.92 15.38 1.21 2.83 7.12

    Age- based XGBoost

    Huber 1.64 4.96 15.43 1.19 2.68 6.93

    Age- based XGBoost

    logcosh 1.61 4.89 15.41 1.17 2.54 6.85

    Age-based DL MSE 1.54 4.32 13.04 1.15 2.41 6.53Age-based DL Huber 1.56 4.35 13.15 1.21 2.34 6.68Age-based DL logcosh 1.51 4.29 12.95 1.13 2.35 7.34

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    Results – Dresses in Women’s wear


    Model Loss Function








    MAE Article-




    MSE 6.83 13.62 39.20 3.54 8.09 26.80

    Baseline XGboost

    MSE 5.14 12.36 34.70 3.81 7.82 22.93

    Baseline DL MSE 5.21 11.93 32.12 2.99 7.53 21.38Age- based

    XGBoostMSE 1.98 9.89 22.34 1.61 5.71 12.13

    Age- based XGBoost

    Huber 4.23 10.36 23.71 2.48 7.95 12.13

    Age- based XGBoost

    logcosh 3.95 8.29 21.17 2.37 7.63 11.46

    Age-based DL MSE 2.86 9.67 22.79 2.71 6.84 15.67Age-based DL Huber 4.09 10.81 25.12 2.64 7.93 15.43Age-based DL logcosh 4.21 9.55 24.93 2.64 6.05 15.78

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    Results- Kidswear and Dresses in women’s wear


    Actuals vs predicted for kidswear

    Actuals vs predicted for dresses in women’s wear

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    Size profiling


    The different plot legends labelled 0, 1 and 2 represents three different size profiles across the stores. We observe that although the three size profiles have almost similar distribution, there is some variation in percentage share for each size.

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    Ideal time for launch of a product in a store


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    Robust performance of the age based forecast model - real world use case of a multinational fashion retailer

    Recommending the ideal time of launch for each new item in the next season

    List of items and number of units to be listed in a store for next season

    Average uplift of 41% in revenue when compared to the retailer’s plan.

    Future Work : Usage of trend, competitor data, Images, footfalls, and number of changing rooms

    Conclusion and Future Work

  • Document Classification21


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