
Hamilton’s Municipality & Industry Cooperative Emergency Response

PlanOHAO Spring Symposium

March 26, 2008CHRIS ANDERSON

Manager, Loss Prevention(Fire Chief & Security Chief)

ArcelorMittal Dofasco & Chairman, Hamilton CAER


Emergency Response Planning CAER Hamilton’s Emergency Response Community/Company Response Tools ArcelorMittal Dofasco examples

What is emergency response planning? The process of developing an

emergency response program to: provide for the maximum possible

protection of all employees, visitors & public in the event of a major emergency.

Minimize property damage & losses.

What is emergency response planning? (cont’d) enable a rapid recovery. promote planning & establishment of

contingencies for foreseeable impacts from major emergencies.

coordinate the efforts of employees, departments for an effective response.

What is an Emergency?

M a jo rA cc ide n ts

C rise s D isa s te rs

M a jo r E m e rg e n c ies

Major Accidents:

An accident that has the potential for causing injury or significant property or environmental damages. Examples:

Gas or vapour release Major fire, explosion Multiple injury accident Major spill of toxic materials


Any threat to the organization or employees resulting directly from intentional actions by individuals or groups. Examples:

Bomb threats Kidnapping / hostage taking Extortion Riots


An overwhelming interruption of operations including disablement of emergency response capabilities and communications, normally the result of natural occurrences or very large scale accidents. Examples:

Earthquake, hurricane, tornado Plane crash on site

Historical examples????

Toronto 1954, Hurricane Hazel, 81 killed Mississauga 1979, 250,000 evacuated

for a week because of train derailment & chlorine leak

Central Ontario 1985, 12 killed by tornado

Dryden 1989, 24 killed in plane crash

Historical Examples????

Hagersville 1990, tire fire London 1991, hundreds evacuated as a

result of train derailment & chemical spill

Eastern Ontario 1998, Ice Storm Hamilton 1997, Plastimet Fire

Historical Examples????

911, Hamilton Airport Hamilton 2001/2002, 100 emergency

response calls on suspicious packages (“anthrax”)

Blackout, August 2003 Tornado, Nov 9, 2005

Components of an ER Plan:

Aim / Objectives / Policy Control Group and Emergency

Operations Center Emergency Site Management &

Response Team Roles & Responsibilities Declaration of an emergency

Components of ER Plan:(cont’d)

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Notification Systems Evacuation Procedures / Routes /

Assembly Areas Communications Crisis Communications Resources Directory

Components of ER Plan:(cont’d)

Emergency Public Information CISM Mutual Aid Agreements Annexes




Membership consists of: 20+ Companies/Industries Hamilton ER Services - Emergency

Coordinator, Fire, Ambulance & Police 6+ Private Engineering Firms/ER

Contract Services

CAER’s Mission:

Develop effective ER Plans Coordinate industrial ER Plans with

community & governmental ERP Communicate with community

From Mission to Reality:

Risk Assessment Planning Training Communications

Hamilton JECC Hazardous Substance Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability AssessmentCompanyHazard

Name AddressEmergency ContactName & Number Substance





or 2

Storage Quantity EmergencyScenario C








Dofasco Inc. P.O. Box 2460,1330Burlington St.East, Hamilton

Chris Anderson905-5487200 x316924hr cell# 905-570-3794


1 1 x 70,000 US Gal1 x 29,000 US Gal

Catastrophicfailure of storagevessel or processpiping

4 3 High

John Macnamara905-548-7200 x2120cell# 905-546-6088

Benzene 1 1 x 14,322 I Gal1 x 13,322 I Gal1 x 379,447 I Gal

Fire, failure ofstorage vessel orspill during truckloading.

3 3 Medium


1 6 x 75,000 US Gal9 x 50,000 US Gal

Tank rupture;uncontrollableleak

4 3 High


2 Piping network ofNatural Gas, CokeOven Gas, BlastFurnace Gas.

Perforated gasmains / leaks fromgas lines

4 3 High

Oxygen 2 Piping network Leak from gasline

4 1 Very low

Propane 2 Cylinders Fire & BLEVE 4 2 MediumGasoline 2 Fuel tanks located in

# of distributioncenters.

Spill during tankloading.

3 2 Low

Hamilton’s Emergency Preparedness Week Display


To sum up…

An emergency response plan and community awareness program are in everyone’s best interests. The objective of being prepared is to first, reduce the risk, and second, minimize the impact in the event of an emergency.


CAER is a community-based volunteer organization that has been established since 1980. Its members plan, proactive and co-ordinate activities to enhance safe operating practices and reduce the risk of emergency situations that could threaten the Hamilton Community.



Emergency Response Planning CAER Hamilton’s Emergency Response Community/Company Response Tools ArcelorMittal Dofasco examples

Hamilton’s Emergency Response Organization

M a yo rC ity M an a g erP o lice C h ie fF ire C h ie fM e d ica l O ffice r o f H e a lthG M , T O ED ire c to r, R o a d s & T ra fficD ire cto r, W a te r & W as te W a terG M , C o m m un ity S e rv icesG M , S o c ia l S e rv icesE m e rge n cy P u b lic In fo rm a tionE m e rg en cy M ea su re s C o -O rd in a to rH yd ro R e pre se n ta t ive

Em ergency Control Group

M u n ic ip a l C le rk & S u p p o rtL e g a l S e rv icesG M , F ina n c ia l S e rv icesD e p u ty F ire C h ie fD e p u ty P o lice C h ie fM a na g e r, A m b u la n ceT e le com m u n ica tio ns

CAERE m e rge n cy P u b lic In fo rm a tionD ire c to r, D e sig n & C o n s tru c t ionD ire c to r, T ra n s itD ire cto r, W a s te M an a g em e ntD ire c to r, P lan n ingD ire c to r, F le e t S e rv ices

Em ergency Support G roup

Hamilton’s Emergency Planning Organization

EMERGENCY PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator CAER Fire Harbour Commissioners Police Hydro Ambulance Deputy City Clerk Social & Public Health Services Insurance/Risk Management Telecommunications IT Services Public Info/Communications Financial & Corporate Services Superintendent, TO&E Legal Services Corp. Health/HR Planning & Development














City ofHamiltonEmergencyHealthServicesAdvisoryCommittee


Social &PublicHealthServicesEmergencyMeasuresOperations

Pandemic InfluenzaSteering Committee

City of Hamilton NBC Emergency Plan


Com m ittee



Health ServicesSPHS

Hospitals (ER)Com munity Physicians

City of Ham iltonCorporate

Com m unication

Am bulanceServices

Em ergency ResponsePolice Departm ent

Fire Departm entHAZMA T

Chem ical and Bioterrorism Steering Com m ittee

City of Ham iltonEm ergency Control G roup

Command Structures

Incident Command Unified Command Emergency Site Management

Incident Command

Unified Command

S e c to r O ff ic erS e c to r O ff ic erS e c to r O ff ic er

F ire O p e ra tio ns

S e c to r O ff ice rS e c to r O ff ice rS e c to r O ff ice r

P o lic e O p e ra tio ns

S e c to r O ff icerS e c to r O ff icerS e c to r O ff icer

M e d ica l O p era tio ns P u b lic In fo rm a tionO ffic er

C o m m a nd C e n treF ire P o lice M e d ica l

Unified Command

Com m and PostEm ergency Site Manager

Fire Chief/ Senior Fire OfficerSecurity Chief/Senior Sec. Officer

Facilities Information,Com m unications, Media

Relations, Safety andO ther Resources

TacticalDofasco O perations



CrowdControl, E tc.




AgenciesW ho w ould


TacticalO ther Agencies

Strategic LevelLevel Decision

UnifiedCom m ander

Fire Department Senior OfficersPlatoon/District Chief

Deputy Fire ChiefFire Chief

Emergency Site Management

D o fa sc o F ireH a m ilto n F ire

D e p t.

F ire O p e ra tio ns

D o fa sco S e cu rityH a m ilton P o lice

S e rv ic es

S e cu rity O p era tio ns

D o fa sc o M e d ica lH a m ilto n A m b u la n ce

M e d ica l O p era tio ns

O p e ra t io nsM a inte na n ceT e ch no lo gyS e rv ices

B u s in ess U n itO p e ra t io ns

P u b lic A ffa irs


Company Response Tools for Municipal Emergency Responders

Knowledgeable Contact Person Person with decision-making authority Site Plans/Floor Plans Emergency Response Plan List of chemicals & storage locations MSDS’s Location of evacuation staging areas(s)

Company Response Tools for Municipal Emergency Responders

Ingress & Egress routes Major vulnerabilities Fire detection & suppression system(s)

- equipment location Internal equipment resources

ArcelorMittal Dofasco

ArcelorMittal Dofasco

> 5 million tons steel production annually 6000 employees 700+ acres in Hamilton On-site hazardous chemicals (Anhydrous

Ammonia, Benzene, Hydrochloric Acid, Carbon Monoxide) under well controlled programs

ArcelorMittal Dofasco

Major Emergency Response Plan In-house Emergency Response Team

– Nurses - RN, BTLS, First Aid & CPR Certifications

– Fire Fighters - NFPA 600, HazMat Technician Level, BTLS, First Aid & CPR Certifications

– Security Guards - Bomb Threat, First Aid & CPR Certifications


OperationsResponse T eam

Hum an ResourcesResponse T eam

Public AffairsResponse T eam

Corporate IssuesResponse T eam

Em ergency Control Group

Emergency Site Manager

Site Response Team


On-Site Response Team

D o fa sc o F ireH a m ilto n F ire D e p t.

Fire Operations

D o fa sco S ecu rityH a m ilton P o lic e S e rv ice

Security Operations

D o fa sc o M e d ica lH a m ilton E M S / A m bu la n ce S e rv ice

Medical Operations

O p e ra tio nsM a in te na n ceT e ch n o lo gyS e rv ic es

Business Unit Operations Public Affa irs



SecurityFireMedicalHealth & Safety



Iron ProductionPrimary Materials HandlingCoke ProductionSteelmakingHot RollingCold Roll Products

UtilitiesCentral ShippingFinishing Materials HandlingHot Roll ProductsGalvanizeTinplating

“Blackout 2003” (Aug. 14th), #3 Coke PlantRef: Hamilton Spectator

#1 By-Products, old HCN Tower Demolition fire, Nov. 6, 2003

ArcelorMittal Dofasco

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