Page 1: Prevalence of diabetic complications in fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetic patients and type 2 diabetic patients: A cross-sectional comparative study

Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 18 (2004) 264–270

Prevalence of diabetic complications in fibrocalculous pancreatic

diabetic patients and type 2 diabetic patients

A cross-sectional comparative study

Karuna Kanta Barman, Mahesh Padmanabhan, Gopal Premalatha, Raj Deepa,Mohan Rema, Viswanathan Mohan*

Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, No. 4, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai 600 086, India

Received 17 January 2003; received in revised form 20 May 2003; accepted 17 June 2003


Objective: To determine the prevalence of diabetes-related complications in subjects with fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes (FCPD) and

compare them with subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus matched for age, sex, and duration of diabetes. Methods: The study group

comprised of 277 FCPD patients and 277 age, sex, and duration of diabetes-matched type 2 diabetic patients. All the study subjects

underwent a detailed clinical examination, and fasting blood samples were obtained for biochemical studies. Peripheral Doppler was used for

diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease (PVD). Vibratory perception threshold (VPT) was determined using biothesiometry for diagnosis of

neuropathy. Diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) was based on medical history and 12-lead resting ECG. Retinal photographs were

used for diagnosis of retinopathy using a modified version of Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grading system.

Results: FCPD patients had lower body mass index (BMI) (P < .001), systolic blood pressure (P< .0001), diastolic blood pressure

(P < .001), serum cholesterol (P< .001), serum triglyceride (P< .001), and serum creatinine (P < .01) but higher glycosylated hemoglobin

(P < .001) levels compared to patients with type 2 diabetes. Prevalence of CAD was significantly higher among type 2 diabetic patients

(11.9%) compared to FCPD patients (5.1%), P < .003. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of other diabetic complications

between the two study groups (type 2 diabetes vs. FCPD: retinopathy—37.2% vs. 30.1%, PVD—4.3% vs. 4.7%, Neuropathy—25.3% vs.

20.9%, Nephropathy—15.0% vs. 10.1%). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed the following risk factors for diabetes complications

among type 2 diabetic subjects—retinopathy: BMI (P= .028), duration of diabetes (P< .001), and glycosylated hemoglobin (P= .026);

nephropathy: diastolic blood pressure (P= .016) and glycosylated hemoglobin (P= .040); neuropathy: age (P < .001), duration of diabetes

(P= .003), and glycosylated hemoglobin (P= .001). Among subjects with FCPD, systolic blood pressure (P= .013), glycosylated

hemoglobin (P= .021), and duration of diabetes (P< .001) were associated with retinopathy; BMI (P= .057), glycosylated hemoglobin

(P= .010), and duration of diabetes (P= .024) with nephropathy and age (P= .011) and BMI (P= .010) with neuropathy. Conclusion: The

prevalence of retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and PVD was similar among FCPD patients and type 2 diabetic patients, but the

prevalence of CAD was lower among FCPD patients.

D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes; Type 2 diabetes; Diabetic retinopathy; Coronary artery disease; Peripheral vascular disease; Diabetic


1. Introduction

Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes (FCPD) earlier called

‘‘tropical pancreatic diabetes’’ is a unique form of diabetes

1056-8727/04/$ – see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-44-2835-9048; fax: +91-44-2835-


E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Mohan).


secondary to tropical chronic pancreatitis (TCP) (Balak-

rishnan, 1987; Mohan & Premalatha, 1997). TCP is a

nonalcoholic form of chronic pancreatitis predominantly

affecting young undernourished individuals in developing

countries (Geevarghese 1968; Mohan et al., 1985). Until the

1980s, it was believed that long-term diabetes-related com-

plications were uncommon in all secondary form of diabetes

including FCPD (Bank, Marks, & Vinik, 1975; Maekawa,

Ohneda, Kai, Saito, & Koseki, 1978; Sevel, Bristow, Bank,

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Marks, & Jackson, 1971) The basis for this belief was that

in most secondary forms of diabetes, the patients succumb

to the primary illness and do not live long enough to

develop the specific diabetes-related complications, which

typically set in after 10–15 years duration of diabetes.

In earlier studies, we showed that retinopathy, includ-

ing the sight-threatening forms, occurs among FCPD

patients (Rema et al., 1985). Neuropathy (Ramachandran

et al., 1986), left ventricular dysfunction (Ramachandran

et al., 1987), autonomic neuropathy (Mohan, Premalatha,

Padma, Chari, & Pitchumoni, 1996; Mohan, Sastry, &

Premalatha, 1996), and macrovascular disease (Mohan,

Ramachandran, & Viswanathan, 1989) were also observed

in these patients. However, the above studies were either

case reports or were based on small number of patients as

they were published 15–20 years ago (Mohan, Premalatha,

et al., 1996; Mohan et al., 1989; Mohan, Sastry, et al., 1996;

Ramachandran et al., 1986, 1987; Rema et al., 1985). FCPD

is an uncommon form of diabetes and constitutes only about

0.5–1% of all diabetic patients even at our centre, which is a

referral centre for diabetes in general and FCPD in particular

(Mohan & Alberti, 1991).

Furthermore, there is no data on the prevalence of

ischemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease (PVD),

or nephropathy in FCPD and virtually none comparing the

various complications in matched subjects with type 2

diabetes. In this paper, we report on a study of long-term

complications of diabetes in a large group of FCPD patients

and compare them with age-, sex-, and duration-matched

type 2 diabetic patients. To our knowledge, this is the first

comprehensive study of diabetes-related complications in

FCPD patients.

2. Methods and materials

The study group comprised of 277 consecutive FCPD

patients who were followed for a minimum period of 5

years at the M.V. Diabetes Specialities Centre, at Chennai

(formerly Madras) in southern India. An equal number of

type 2 diabetic patients matched for age, sex, and duration

of diabetes registered at our centre were included for

the study.

Diagnosis of FCPD was made based on the criteria

described earlier (Mohan & Alberti, 1991; Mohan & Pre-

malatha, 1997). Basically, patients classified as FCPD had

diabetes as defined by the World Health Organization

(WHO) consulting group criteria (WHO, 1999) and un-

equivocal evidence of chronic pancreatitis, including history

of recurrent abdominal pain, pancreatic calculi on plain

abdominal X-ray, ultrasound evidence of dilated pancreatic

ducts, and low fecal chymotrypsin levels (<5.8 units/g)

(Mohan, Ramachandran, et al., 1989; Mohan, Snehalatha,

et al., 1989).

Type 2 diabetes was diagnosed according to the WHO

consultation group criteria (WHO, 1999). Patients with type

2 diabetes (who constitute over 90% of all patients at our

centre) were selected from the diabetes electronic medical

record system at our centre to match the FCPD patients for

age, sex, and duration of diabetes. Selection and matching

were done by a nonmedical person to eliminate bias in

patient selection.

A detailed clinical history was taken in all patients

including age at onset, previous history of angina/infarc-

tion, and hospitalization. All patients underwent a thorough

clinical examination, which included recording of height

and weight, blood pressure measurement, and elicitation of

ankle and knee jerks. Height was measured with a tape to

the nearest centimeter. Subjects were requested to stand

upright without shoes with back against the wall, heels

together, and eyes directed forward. Weight was measured

with an electronic balance (ATCO, Chennai, India), which

was kept on a firm horizontal surface. The scale was

checked every day and calibration was done with

‘‘known’’ weights. Weight was recorded to the nearest

0.1 kg. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the

formula weight (kg)/height (m2). Blood pressure was

recorded in the sitting position in the right arm to the

nearest 2 mm Hg with a mercury sphygmomanometer

(Diamond, Pune, India).

Biochemical parameters included fasting plasma glucose

estimations, glycosylated hemoglobin, a complete lipid pro-

file, and serum creatinine. All biochemical studies were done

using Ciba Corning Express Plus autoanalyzer (Medfield,

USA). Plasma glucose (glucose oxidase method), serum

cholesterol (CHOD-PAP method), serum triglycerides

(GPO-PAP method), and serum creatinine (modified kinetic

method by Jaffe) were estimated using kits supplied by

Boehringer Mannheim (Germany). Glycosylated hemoglo-

bin (HbA1c) was estimated by the high-pressure liquid

chromatography (HPLC) method using the Variant machine

(BIORAD, California). Urine samples were collected after an

overnight fast. Spot urine protein was estimated using sulfo-

salicylic acid method, and protein/creatinine ratio was calcu-

lated as described earlier (Varley, Gowenlock, & Bell, 1980).

Microalbuminuria was estimated using commercially avail-

able immunoturbidometric assay kits from Randox (Randox,

UK) on Hitachi 912 Auto Analyser (Hitachi, Germany). The

urine sample was added to a buffer containing antibody

specific for human serum albumin. The absorbance of the

resulting turbid solution is proportional to the concentration

of albumin in the sample solution. By constructing a standard

curve from the absorbances of the standards, the albumin

concentration in the sample can be determined. The mean

inter- and intra-assay coefficients of variation were 3.4% and

2.4%, respectively. If microalbuminuria or proteinuria were

present, they were confirmed by another urine sample

obtained at least a month later. Only those with persistent

microalbuminuria or proteinuria on at least on two occasions

were considered to have this condition.

Peripheral Doppler studies were done using Vas Lab

Doppler machine (Kody Labs, Madras). The dorsalis pedis

Page 3: Prevalence of diabetic complications in fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetic patients and type 2 diabetic patients: A cross-sectional comparative study

Table 1

Clinical and biochemical characteristics of the study population


Type 2 diabetes

(n= 277)


(n= 277)

Males n (%) 197 (71%) 197 (71%)

K. Kanta Barman et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 18 (2004) 264–270266

(DP) and posterior tibial (PT) pressures were measured by

inflating the BP cuff just above the ankle on both lower

limbs. The average of DP and PT was taken as ankle

pressure, and similarly brachial pressure was measured in

both upper limbs. The ankle/brachial index (ABI) was

calculated from ankle and brachial pressures. A resting

12-lead Electrocardiogram was done in all patients.

Biothesiometry studies were performed by a single

observer in a standardized fashion using a Biothesiometer

(Biomedical Instrument, Newbury, OH, USA), by measur-

ing vibratory perception threshold (VPT) on the great toes.

Subjects were requested to remove their shoes and socks

and lie supine on a couch for at least 5 min before the

measurements were made. The foot was kept warm during

the measurement and as the room was air conditioned, the

temperature of the room was around 25 jC. The biothesi-

ometer tactor, which vibrates at 100 Hz with an amplitude

proportional to the square of the applied voltage, was

applied perpendicular to the test site with a constant and

firm pressure. Subjects were initially familiarized with the

sensation by holding the tactor against the distal palmar

surface. VPT was then measured at the distal plantar surface

of the right great toe. The voltage was slowly increased at

the rate of 1 V/s, and the VPT was defined as the moment

when the subject indicated they first felt the vibration. The

voltage at which this occurred was recorded. Three further

cycles of readings at each site were performed, recorded,

and the mean calculated.

A detailed retinal examination was done by a retinal

specialist after complete dilatation of eyes using both

phenylephrine (10%) and tropicamide (1%). Retinal exam-

ination included indirect and direct ophthalmoscopy. In

all study subjects, retinal photography was done as de-

scribed earlier (Rema, Ponnaiya, & Mohan, 1996). Using

a Topcon VT-50 camera of three fields in both eyes, 45jphotographs were taken. The three photographic fields

selected were (1) one stereo pair of the posterior pole

centered on the fovea to show the macula and optic disc,

(2) one temporal field whose nasal edge touched the

macula, and (3) the third field was centered as far as

possible nasally to the optic disc with the disc on the

edge of the field. The photographs were graded by MR

using a modified version of the Early Treatment Diabetic

Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grading system (ETDRS

Group, 1991). The study was approved by the institutional

ethics committee.

Age (years) 48F 10 47F 11

Duration of diabetes (years) 11F 7 11F10

BMI (kg/m2) 24.8F 3.7 19.0F 3.3*

Systolic BP (mm Hg) 135F 15 124F 17*

Diastolic BP (mm Hg) 83F 7 80F 8*

Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dl) 202F 97 211F 82

Glycosylated hemoglobin (%) 9.6F 2.2 10.7F 2.5*

Serum cholesterol (mg/dl) 209F 50 174F 44*

Serum triglycerides (mg/dl) 202F 140 123F 78*

HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 42F 10 42F 12

Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 0.98F 0.7 0.8F 0.3*

* P < .001 compared to type 2 diabetes.

3. Definitions

Nephropathy was defined as proteinuria z500 mg/day in

the absence of nondiabetic proteinuria. Nondiabetic protein-

uria was defined as proteinuria in the presence due to

urinary tract infection or in the absence of retinopathy

particularly in those with short duration of diabetes. Micro-

albuminuria was diagnosed if the albumin levels estimated

by the albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) method exceeded

30 mg/g of creatinine.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) was diagnosed if the

subject had either myocardial infarction or ischemia. Myo-

cardial infarction was diagnosed if the subject had any

previous hospital records documenting treatment for myo-

cardial infarction and presence of pathological Q waves on

ECG suggestive of recent or past myocardial infarction.

Myocardial ischemia was diagnosed if there was unequiv-

ocal ST/T changes in resting ECG suggestive of ischemia in

the presence of exertional angina.

PVD was diagnosed if the ABI was less than 0.9 (Pre-

malatha, Shanthirani, Deepa, Markowitz, & Mohan, 2000).

Neuropathy was diagnosed if ankle jerks were absent

and/or the vibration perception threshold (VPT) at the bony

prominence of the right big toe was greater than 25 (Young,

Breddy, Veves, & Boulton, 1994).

Retinopathy: The retinal photographs were assessed in

comparison to the ETDRS standard photographs for severity

of retinopathy as described earlier (ETDRS Group, 1991).

Briefly, level 10 represents no retinopathy, level 20 through

50 nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, and level 60 pro-

liferative retinopathy.

3.1. Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was done using the SPSS program

(version 4.0.1) on an IBM PC compatible computer. Stu-

dent’s t test was used to compare means between groups.

Chi-square test was used to compare proportions. P < .05

was considered to be statistically significant. Multiple

logistic regression analysis was carried out using diabetic

complications as the dependant variable, and age, systolic

BP, diastolic BP, BMI, duration of diabetes, glycosylated

hemoglobin, serum cholesterol, and serum triglycerides

were taken as the independent variables. Multiple logistic

regression analysis was not performed for PVD and

Page 4: Prevalence of diabetic complications in fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetic patients and type 2 diabetic patients: A cross-sectional comparative study

Table 2

Prevalence of diabetes complications among the study groups


Type 2


(n= 277)


(n= 277)




Infarction n (%) 15 (5.4%) 6 (2.2%) .08

Ischemia 18 (6.5%) 7 (2.5%) .04

Overall 33 (11.9%) 13 (5.1%) .003

PVD n (%) 12 (4.3%) 13 (4.7%) ns

Retinopathy n (%)

Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy 87 (31.4%) 90 (32.9%) ns

Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 16 (5.8%) 10 (3.6%)

Overall 103 (37.2%) 100 (36.1%)

Neuropathy n (%) 70 (25.3%) 58 (20.9%) ns

Nephropathy n (%) 42 (15.0%) 30 (10.1%) ns

Microalbuminuria n (%) 65 (23.5%) 73 (26.4%) ns

K. Kanta Barman et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 18 (2004) 264–270 267

CAD owing to small numbers of study subjects with

these complications.

4. Results

4.1. Clinical features of the study population

Table 1 shows the clinical and biochemical character-

istics of study population. Seventy-one percent of the study

population were males. The FCPD patients had lower BMI

(P < .001), systolic blood pressure (P < .001), diastolic

blood pressure (P < .001), serum cholesterol (P < .001),

serum triglyceride levels (P < .001), and serum creatinine

(P < .01) but higher glycosylated hemoglobin (P < .001)

levels compared to patients with type 2 diabetes. There

was no significant difference in fasting plasma glucose and

HDL cholesterol levels among the study groups.

Table 3

Prevalence of complications among subjects with DM secondary to chronic panc

References n Country Age

Duration of

diabetes HbA1c

Okuno et al.,


649 DM=296 Japan – < 10 years

in 80% of


Levitt et al.,


30 South


48F 1.9 8 (1–33) 10.4%


Gullo et al.,


40 Italy 49.2 + 7.9 7.9F 5.5 8.8F 1

Larsen et al.,


25 Denmark 39F 11 10F 6 7.4 + 1.

Briani et al.,


86 Italy 52F 9.9 12.4 + 6.8 7.3F 1



277 India 47F 11 11F10 10.7F 2

CAD—Coronary artery disease, PVD—peripheral vascular disease, CAP—chro

chronic pancreatitis, CP—chronic pancreatitis, FCPD—fibrocalculous pancreatic

4.2. Prevalence of macrovascular complications

The overall prevalence of CAD was significantly higher

among type 2 diabetic subjects compared to FCPD

patients (P < .003). The prevalence of PVD was low in

both type 2 diabetic subjects (4.3%) and FCPD (4.7%)

and there was no statistical difference between the two

groups (Table 2).

4.3. Prevalence of microvascular complications

There was no significant difference in the prevalence of

retinopathy (both nonproliferative and proliferative), neu-

ropathy, nephropathy, or microalbuminuria between the

FCPD and type 2 diabetic patients (Table 2).

Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed glycosy-

lated hemoglobin [odds ratio (OR) = 1.19, P= .026], dura-

tion of diabetes (OR = 1.20, P < .001), and BMI (OR = 0.90,

P= .028) to be associated with retinopathy in type 2 diabetic

patients. Among subjects with FCPD, in addition to dura-

tion of diabetes (OR = 1.21, P < .001) and glycosylated

hemoglobin (OR = 1.21, P= .021), systolic blood pressure

(OR = 1.04, P= .013) also showed a strong association.

The risk factors for nephropathy among type 2 diabetic

subjects were glycosylated hemoglobin (OR = 1.25,

P= .040) and diastolic blood pressure (OR = 1.07, P=

.016). In subjects with FCPD, glycosylated hemoglobin

(OR = 1.31, P= .010) and duration of diabetes (OR = 1.10,

P= .024) were the risk factors for nephropathy.

Age showed a strong association with neuropathy in both

FCPD (OR= 1.05, P= .011) and type 2 diabetic (OR = 1.08,

P < .001) subjects. In addition to age in type 2 diabetes,

duration of diabetes (OR= 1.10, P= .003) and glycosylated

hemoglobin (OR = 1.36, P= .001) were associated with

neuropathy. BMI (OR = 0.86, P= .010) showed a negative

association with neuropathy in FCPD patients.












Type of


33 21.0 36.3 – – CAP,




33.3 23 – – – CAP

.9 47.5 – – – – CP

2 20 – 18.5 – – Insulin



.2 37 23.8 – – – CP

.5 36.1 10.1 20.9 5.8 4.7 FCPD

nic alcoholic pancreatitis, CCP—chronic calcific pancreatitis, OCP—other


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K. Kanta Barman et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 18 (2004) 264–270268

Table 3 compares the prevalence of micro- and macro-

angiopathy among subjects with chronic pancreatitis in

different studies. The results reveal that the prevalence

of retinopathy is similar in all the studies, while the pre-

valence of nephropathy is lower in our patients compared

to other studies.

5. Discussion

This study reports on micro- and macrovascular compli-

cations in FCPD, a unique form of diabetes secondary to

TCP. There are few reports in the world literature, which

have looked at the diabetic complications in patients sec-

ondary to chronic pancreatitis (Briani et al., 1988; Gullo,

Parenti, Monti, Pezzilli, & Barbara, 1990; Larsen et al.,

1978; Levitt et al., 1995; Okuno, Oki, Kawakami, Doi, &

Baba, 1990) and none that have reported on all the compli-

cations in FCPD patients. TCP differs from temperate zone

pancreatitis in several aspects: The onset of the disease is at

younger age, alcoholism is absent by definition, and the

disease follows a more accelerated course to reach the end

points, namely, calculi formation, diabetes, and steatorrhoea

(Mohan & Alberti, 1991). In addition, higher prevalence of

pancreatic cancer in FCPD patients has been reported (Chari

et al., 1994).

Type 2 diabetic subjects are known to have 2–4 times

higher risk for CAD compared to nondiabetic subjects

(Haffner, 2000). It has been well documented that Asian

Indians have very high rates of premature CAD (McKeigue,

1992) and diabetes (King, Aubert, & Herman, 1998).

Recently in a population-based study, we reported the

prevalence of CAD among type 2 diabetic patients to be

21.4% (Mohan, Deepa, Rani, & Premalatha, 2001; Mohan,

Shanthirani et al., 2001). In the present study, the preva-

lence of CAD among type 2 diabetic patients (11.9%) was

significantly higher than FCPD patients (5.8%). The lower

prevalence of CAD among FCPD patients could be attrib-

uted to several factors: lower BMI, blood pressure, serum

cholesterol, and triglyceride levels (Sevel et al., 1971).

Moreover, type 2 diabetes is a component of the insulin

resistance syndrome that predisposes an individual to CAD

(Reaven, 1993), while FCPD being a secondary form of

diabetes has only hyperglycemia (Mohan & Alberti, 1991),

and other components of the insulin resistance syndrome

are absent.

We have earlier shown that in contrast to CAD, PVD is

less common among Indians (Premalatha et al., 2000). In

this study, the prevalence of PVD is low among both FCPD

and type 2 diabetic patients without any significant differ-

ence between the two groups. The reason for this so-called

‘‘Indian paradox’’ of having low rates of PVD despite high

rates of CAD (Mohan, Deepa, et al., 2001; Mohan, Pre-

malatha, & Sastry, 1995a, 1995b; Mohan, Shanthirani, et al.,

2001; Premalatha et al., 2000) is unclear but may be

explained by the difference in the risk factors predisposing

to CAD and PVD. It could also possibly be due to lower

smoking rates in our population (Mohan, Deepa, et al.,

2001; Mohan, Shanthirani, et al., 2001). It has been

reported that earlier Lp(a) levels are higher in Indians (Enas,

2001). This could also explain, at least partly, the higher

susceptibility to CAD in our type 2 diabetic patients

(Mohan et al., 1998).

Retinopathy is considered the most specific vascular

complication of diabetes. The prevalence of retinopathy in

FCPD patients (36.1%) was similar to that observed among

type 2 diabetic patients (37.2%). The results are in agree-

ment with earlier studies on type 2 diabetic subjects from

South India (Rema et al., 1996) and also studies on

pancreatic diabetes from Japan (Okuno et al., 1990), South

Africa (Levitt et al., 1995), and Italy (Briani et al., 1988;

Gullo et al., 1990). The risk factors for retinopathy in this

study population were the duration of diabetes and glyco-

sylated hemoglobin.

This study reports on the prevalence of nephropathy

among FCPD patients for the first time. The prevalence

was lower compared to type 2 diabetic patients (10.1% vs.

15.0%), but the difference did not reach statistical signifi-

cance. Occurrence of diabetic nephropathy has been

reported in earlier studies of secondary diabetes (Doyle,

Balcerzak, & Jeffrey, 1964; Duncan, MacFarlane, & Rob-

son, 1958; Ireland, Patnaik, & Duncan, 1967; Shapiro &

Smith, 1966) and in diabetes secondary to other forms of

chronic pancreatitis (Gullo et al., 1990; Levitt et al., 1995;

Okuno et al., 1990). An earlier study had reported diabetic

nephropathy to be one of the causes of death in FCPD

patients (Mohan, Premalatha, et al., 1996; Mohan, Sastry,

et al., 1996).

The prevalence of neuropathy varies based on the

criteria used for diagnosis and specifically on the method-

ology used to detect the neuropathy. The prevalence of

neuropathy varies from 10% to 90% in different studies,

with the highest prevalence rates being reported where

nerve conduction velocity is measured (Lehtinen, Uusi-

topa, Siitonen, & Pyorala, 1989; Maser et al., 1989;

Mohan, Premalatha, et al., 1996; Mohan, Sastry, et al.,

1996; Neil, Thompson, John, McCarthy, & Mann, 1989;

Young, Boulton, MacLeod, Williams, & Sonksen, 1993).

Biothesiometry is often used for screening of neuropathy

particularly in epidemiological studies because of its sim-

plicity, low cost, and its high specificity (Boulton, Knight,

Drury, & Ward, 1985). However, it only measures large

fiber neuropathy and has a low sensitivity. Using biothe-

siometry and ankle jerks, the prevalence of neuropathy in

FCPD patients was found to be 20.9% compared to 25.3%

among type 2 diabetic patients. In an earlier study, we

have reported that 22.5% of FCPD patients have autonom-

ic neuropathy compared to 35.7% of patients with type 2

diabetes (Mohan, Premalatha, et al., 1996; Mohan, Sastry,

et al., 1996). Another study on South Indian FCPD

patients reported that 21.7% had cardiac autonomic neu-

ropathy (Govindan & Das, 1996).

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It is difficult to compare the prevalence of various

complications among patients with different forms of chron-

ic pancreatitis because of the following: (i) differences in

sample sizes, (ii) varying definitions of chronic pancreatitis,

(iii) different definition of complications, and (iv) varying

durations of diabetes and severity of hyperglycemia in

different studies. Despite these differences, it is striking that

the overall prevalence of microvascular complications,

namely, retinopathy and nephropathy, seems to be similar

in most studies of diabetes secondary to chronic pancreatitis

of different etiologies, confirming that these two complica-

tions appear to be a consequence of hyperglycemia.

There are not many studies on the prevalence of macro-

angiopathy among diabetes secondary to chronic pancreati-

tis. The only study that showed a high prevalence of PVD

(25.3%) among chronic pancreatic diabetic subjects had

used segmental blood pressure assessment, which is prob-

ably more sensitive than ankle brachial index (ABI) (Ziegler

et al., 1994). We have also recently shown that the sensi-

tivity of the ABI is much lower than duplex Doppler

screening, which picks up silent plaques in the peripheral

arteries even in those with normal ABI (Premalatha, Rav-

ikumar, Sanjay, Deepa, & Mohan, 2002).

This study has several limitations. Firstly, it is clinic

based, and hence referral bias could have affected the

results. Secondly, it is a cross-sectional study, which has

its own limitations. Thirdly, the duration of diabetes is based

on the known duration. Both FCPD and type 2 diabetes

have an insidious onset, and hence patients in both groups

could have had a variable period of undiagnosed diabetes.

However, the careful matching for age, sex, and duration of

diabetes would have eliminated some of these differences.

In summary, diabetes-related complications do occur in

FCPD, and this underscores the need to screen for com-

plications right from the time of diagnosis of diabetes and

also to aim for good control of hyperglycemia in this group

of patients.


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