
roChester \

traclfclub -~ NEWSLETTER_

Rochester. New York November, 1990


- Photo by Ed Ctoos IN THE LEAD, Dennis Moriarty nears the 23-rnile mark in Hilton-GRTC ~arathon en route to his first marathon victory after many triathlon championship s.

Complete results details, photos

Freezeroo Schedule

Indoor Track

GRTC Board of Direc t ors

John Blanchard Lisa Bower Walt Check Ed Claos Mimi Decker Bob DiGiacco Bob Epstein Rick Guido Mark Harrison Jane Iaculli Katie Kehoe Juliann Nelson Bruce Quimby Ross Rider Paul Sadler Mike Scotney George Tillson Dick Withrow

Honorary Directors Bob Bradley Shirley Gesell Tim Hale Craig and Kare Holm Gene Osborn Pete Pfitzinger Pete Todd John Tuttle

Hall of fame Trent Jackson Ed Duncan Dick Ashley Dick Boddie John Coons Len Bagley Gene Osborne Norm Frank

Ezecutive Committee Co-Presidents

2nd Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary

Juli Nelson Mimi Decker Ross Rider John Blanchard Mike Scotney Bob DiGiacco

Committee Chairpersons Budget Iohn Blanchard

Paul Sadler Constitution F reezeroo Series Me mbership Membership Developme nt Newslet ter Road Race Coordinator Social Runs Summer Meets Timer TAC Numbers

1970 1970 1971 1972 1973 1981 1981 1981

Don McWilliams Pete Todd Don McNelly Paul Gesell Shirley Gesell Elroy Turner Paul Sadler Beryl Skelton

Mimi Decker, Dennis Moriarty Bob DiGiacco (328·5894) Juli Nelson Ed CIoos (244· 1149) Walt Check (865·8723) Katie Kehoe (288·4246) Lisa Bower Paul Richards (381 ·7978) lim Skelton (223·4927)

1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1985

Kare Cossaboon·Holm loe George Bill Quinlisk Dave Winn Dave Coyne Craig Holm Tim McAvinney Nedra Osborne

1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988

De~dline for ea ch month's newsletter is the 15th_

Race calendar information must be submitted to road race coordinator Walt Check, 74 Dunsmere Drive, Rochester NY 14615 by the deadline to be in the follOWing month 's Newsletter. There is no charge for calendar listing. If a race entry is to be published, a copy of the e ntry and a check for $50 must be sent to Check. Call 865·8723. Work number is 722·9586.

Entries may be published in two lorms: reduced from 8 L/2 by lI to fit our printed page (a proportional reduction), or inserted into the center section of the newsletter. Entries to be inserted must be preprinted, preferably on 8Y2 by 14 stock with enough space at top and bottom to trim 4/ I 0 inch. Deliver one copy to the race coordinator and 1,200 to our printer, East Ridge Quick Print. 1 124 E. Ridge Road . in Irondequoit. The $50 charge for publicat ion does NOT include printing of inserts. Arrangeme nts may be made to have the entries printed there , or they may be printed elsewhere and delivered by the 2 1st of the month.

Race entries 10 be published or inserted in the Newsletter must meet GRTC gUidelines and be approved by the road race coordinator. There are two main qualifications: 1, Conditions covering awards must be clearly stated (minimum 01 top 10 percent of each age group is recommended). 2. There must be no reference to a drawing for prizes or other drawing that might conflict with Postal Service regulations.

The GRTC booklet of revised and expanded Road Race Guidelines is available to road race directors for a nominal lee from the GRTC road race coordinator. It is a complete g uide to managing a road race.

Advertising from commercial sources will be accepted as a service 10 members at the rate of $50 per page; $25 per half-page. Business·card size ads will be accepted at the rate of $ 10 or $25 lor three consecutive insertions. Copy must be camera-ready, but it may be up to 81/2 by 11 original size and will be reduced 10 lit without charge. Submit to Ed Cloos, 364 Mulberry SI. , Rochester NY 14620. Payment must accompany order.

Race results, results of out-ol-town events and all editorial material to: Ed or Carol Cloos, 364 Mulberry St. , Rochester, NY 14620,244-1149. There is no charge for publication of results and they are actively solicited. Contributions of stories, race experiences or simply noles are always we lcome. as well as sto ry ideas and volunteer help.

The President's Column By Juli Nelson and Mi:mi Decker

Congratulations to Juli and Phil Nelson on the birth of their son, Zechery Robert born October 4th.

The 19th annua I Rochester Mara than renamed tile Hi llon/GRTC Morothon wos held on Sundoy October 21st in Hillon. Woll Check did on excellent job os roce director. Wolt credits the support from the town of Hilton os 0 mojor factor in the success of the event. When asked what was the best port of directing the morothon Wolt noted with greot relief "hoving it over". Thonks Wolt, the Boord joins me in appreciation of 011 your efforts. We would olso like to thonk Dick ond FOY Withrow, Augie Colobrese ond Bruce Quimby for volunteering their time on the finish line.

Look inside this month's newsletter for the 1990-91 Freezeroo Series opplication. Bruce Quimby is stepping down os director of the series. Bruce hos directed the series for II years and is taking 0 well deserved breok from the event. Assisting me os co-director of the series will be GRTC member ond 1990 Hilton/GRTC Morothon winner Dennis Moriority. We ore glad to hove Dennis involved with the event ond oppreciote his offer to help. This yeor's format will remoin the same os post yeors, with our first run on December 1st at Churchville Pork, registrotion will toke ploce ot the Churchville Legion (rt. 33 eost of the 4 corners in Churchville). Sign up early for the series ond sove $5.00. The runs ore fun ond you get to meet the winter runners, 0 breed unto themselves. I look forword to seeing you there.


Next Month is the annual combined December-January issue. Race directors are urged 10 get their dates in to the road race coordinator so that they' ll be on the calendar for reference as others p lan their dates. Resu lts, noles and entry forms for races up to early February should also be in. Again, there is no Newsletter in January.

Race Rodine 621-2275

GRTC offers recorded information on limes, loca­tions and anything else you need to know about each weekend's races.

TAC Hotline 1-886-3853

Recorded listing of sanctioned races, mostly in Buffalo area.

GRTC phone: 271-8733

Hilfon-GRTC Maratlaon

Moriarty takes conservative route Anne Myers ' intensified training pays off with Win By Ed Cloos

Triathon champion Dennis M oriarty is used to endurance events, but winning the inaugural Hil­ton-Greater Rochester Track Club marathon Oct. 21 was tougher than d triathlon , he said. even though he wasn't really pushed.

Leading nearly all the way, Moriarty won in 2:37:25, about d quarter of a mile ahead of Ric Perry, 41 , of Chili (2:39:09), the lirst masters linish­er. II was Perry's first time under 2:40 - he'd missed by eight seconds last year.

University 01 Rochester chemistry professor Anne Myers, 32, was Hrst woman in 3:07:53 . She finished 12th overall, more than 13 minutes - nearly two miles - ahead of runnerup Laura Francz, 29, 01 Rochester.

Bill Fuller, 51 , of Livonia ran a remarkable race 10 fin ish third (actually lied with training partner Dave Coyne, 39, of Avon) in 2:45:06_ Although Hilton is 20 miles from downtown Rochester, the race is considered the 19th annual version of the Roches­ter Marathon, so Fuller broke the 50-54 age group record set in 1 986 by Ed Stabler of Syracuse (2:47:35)_

The course was flat and last - despite a strong south wind - but the fie ld was small and lacked strength at the top level. Evidence of thai was the fifth-place finish of Mike Hornak, 37, of Rochester who ran as a training run to prepare for the Columbus (Ohio) Marathon in two weeks. He ran 2:50:24 but hoped to break 2:40 in Columbus_

The race combined a full 26_2·mile marathon and a four-person relay in which each team mem­ber ran a fourth of the full distance. The speedy Nautilus 01 Pittsford team gave hometowner Alan Mullan the opportunity to be first across the finish line in 2:26: 19, far ahead of Moriarty who normally beats all the relay teams in the Hamlin Beach Triathlon each August. As it was, MOriarty beat all the other teams.

There were 142 individual finishers and 27 relay teams.

How The Race Went Alt hough winning marglns were comfortable,

there were uncertain moments along the way. Mor­iarty and Perry shared the lead for five miles or so, then Moriarty moved to what seemed a comfortable lead. But John Luther of Hilton, runner-up three years ago, took a share of the lead a t 14 miles. He dropped out just past 16 miles with pain in his legs

-Photo by Ed Cloos Anne Myers, women's winner

gof serious alter Boston

and back. He said he'd trained just 10 weeks and wasn't really ready for a marathon.

"He told me he was hurting," Moriarty said, "so it didn' t really affect my race." Five miles later, Den­nis suffered a stitch in his side. "I had to walk a little and burp it out," he said.

Perry shared the lead with Moriarty lor much of the first live miles, then fell gradually back but ran generally along. In the late stages, however, Coyne moved up and the two shared the pacing job. "He really helped me break 2:40," Perry said_ Coyne had run under 2:36 last year, but wasn' t quite at that

level this time and dropped back. Kathy Brown, 43, of Fairport. also a former

runnerup, was the leader for more than half the race, well ahead of Myers. She dropped out at aboulthe same spot because she's preparing for the New York Marathon Nov. 4 and planned to run just 16 miles.

"I didn't know that she was going to do that, or even that it was Kathy," Myers said. "But I didn't come expecting to win, anyway. " Later she got word that Brown planned to stop and saw her when she did.

Course Was Good, but _ .. The country course generally got rave reviews

from runners, but the two loops Ihrough the heaM of the village resulted in some confusion over direc­tions and encountered heavy gOing-Io-church traf­fic.

Although the downtown section of Hilton is only one block long, runners had considerable difficulty getting across the street on their second trip through. O n the third and final time, so many were finishing the final five-mile loop while most of the field was just entering it that some followed the directions given to slower runners and headed down South Avenue for a second time. One of those was women's leader Myers.

"I'd iust gotten up the hill near 18 miles for the second time when someone came by in a pickup truck and asked me if I hadn 't been that way before," she recalled. " He said, 'you're going the wrong way, go back' so I turned around. I figure r ran about 27 miles."

"I really loved running in the country, " Perry said. He does much of his training around his job at Kodak where he is a photo·chemical planner.

Race director Walt Check, with support from village officials and up to ISO volunteers, moved the race from downtown Rochester in order to save it when costs got too high (over $25,000) and the main sIX'nsors pulled out.

Moriarty's Goals For MOriarty, it was the first open marathon in

seven years and a personal best. He ran the Iron Man in Hawaii in 1988, finishing with a 3:24 marathon.

He went to this year's race with two sets of splits written on his wrist: 5:43 pace to run under 2:30 and 5:58 pace to break 2:38 so he'd be safely under 6 minutes per mile. "I knew real soon, especially when I ran into the wind, that I'd better slick with the conservative set," he said. "The wind didn't actually bother me that much, but I didn't know how much it was taking out of me. "

He 's an e nthusiastic advocate of cross-training

-Photo by Ed Cloos Ric P erry. first :master

... broke 2:40 in 20th marathon

which has a growing following among recreational runners. "When I was only running, I ran more miles but 1 was doing 38-minute lOKs because il was hurl all the time," Moriarty said. "Now I seldom run ove r 40 miles in a week, and a long run is 10 miles, but I do two and a half hours of aerobic work

Marathon a day dnd never gel hurt."

He tra ined wilh a. heart Ta le monitor on a. number of occasions during the spring so thai he could gauge the effort level o f the various disciplines. " I found I was maintaining 160 beals a minute for extended periods, so I didn 't feel I had 10 run too much lor conditioning. That's important when you weigh 170 pounds."

To get all thai in. he starts as early as 5:30 or 6 a.m., before going 10 his job as a computer systems designer at Kodak Park. Running comes al lunch­time or laler with biking in the evening.

Although he does what most of us would consider a huge volume of work every day, he conscientious­ly follows a hard-easy routing "with two easy days for every hard one."

He had a g reallrialhlon season, winning Hamlin once again and finishing second in his 30·34 age group at the world c hampionship triathlon Sept. 15 in O rlando.

When Myers 'Got Serious' Myers has been a recreational runner all her

adult li fe but didn 't get serious about training until she fa iled to finish the Boston Marathon in April. From 25 miles a week, she gradually increased training to 55 to 70. She tries for at least one run a week of about 14 miles but had 22·, 25· and-26 mile runs in preparation for this race. She hopes to try to break three hours in the Houston Marathon in January (she ran 3:30 this year).

She gets help and encouragement in training runs with fellow U of R chemistry department runners Dave Whitten, chairman , a standout in the 50-54 age group and Josh Goodman, who ran 2:54:35 yesterday, winning the 30-34 age group and fin ishing two places ahead of Myers.

2 0 M a ra thons for Perry Breaking 2:40 meant a lot to Perry because he'd

been so close, Not so much thai he'd accept a break, however. You may re member the Newsletter head line on last fall's Buffa lo Marathon where he ran second in an official time of 2:39 and c hange. '" told the o llicialthat it wasn 'l right - it was a minute fast - but he said, 'I'm sorry, sir, thai's the lime we have you in.'" That d idn' t satisfy Rick.

There was no major change in his training, except lor a little more speed work. He didn 't even cui back in the week before the race. "I did 20 last SundclY and 60 for the week," he said. He uses the new Genesee River path lor speed work - "I hate the track and never run on it."

Fra nk Cutting Ba ck Norm Frank completed his 412th marathon, finish · ing in 4:43:46. ''I'm just surviving them now," he

Bill Fuller . third , " bedl old record for 50·54

said, "because the arthritis condition in my hip is pretty painful." He's admitted to himsell that he'll have to back off from weekly marathons to twice a month .

Not right away, however. " I' ve got a schedule in to the middle of November," he said, ' 'I'll have to wait un ti l after that to cui back."

The Amazing Bill Fuller Fuller's 2:45 was a remarkable run at 51, but he

gave the impression that it didn't rank with Iile 's great thrills. "I ran 2:31 at the Marine Corps Marathon in '86," he recalled. He ran 2:41 in Rochester that year when he aJso lied with Coyne.


Fuller raced only a few times last year , but he trained hard this year and had outstanding races in the Utica Boilermaker and the Philadelphia Dis· tance Run.

He and Dave train together, running the IS·mile loop around Conesus Lake on a typical Sunday. They also have a shorter course - a mere 14 miles or so - but very hilly.

Age. Group Competition The small women's field meant that nearly every

finisher was an age-group winner including Diana Dudley who arrived at the finish in 5:40:06, just in lime \0 pick up an award. The race cutoH was five hours, but the clock was kept going because quite a few runners were still on the course. Hele n Bueme's 4:21 :29 at age 60 was an outstanding time,

Belinda Connor led the 35-39 group in a good 3:46:2 1, but Laurie Lublin's 4:29:26 lor third was a PR by 40 minutes and she seemed as thrilled as if she had won the race.

Only the 24-29 group had more runners than \ prizes.

Among the men, no age division was really close. Times were fastest, of course, in the 24-29 group which Mark Cook led in 2:50:45_ Michael Gardella was next in 2:53: 17, just 10 seconds ahead of Donald Ball.

Hotshots at MCC race Some of the top marathoners in the area took the

option of running a 5K on marathon morning. Sure, that's the wimpy way, but it was for a gcxxi cause­the new MCC Child Care center for which ground was broken a few weeks ago.

C harlie McMullen , Rochester Marathon winner in 1987, outsped '88 winner Joe Kubek by 10 seconds to win the MCC Student Association 5K in 15:23.

- Photo by Ed Cloos MEET HANNAH COYNE, eight weeks old, with parents Ellen and Dave after Hilton· GRTC Marathon. They're sure Hannah will be fast because she was born so quickly, only 2 Y2 hours from the very start of labor. She was named after Dave's grandmother whose maiden name was Hannafin. And they like the sound of the old fashioned n ame. Morn is back running and Da d finished tied for third in the marathon.

C harlie's brother Tim was third in 15:48.


0'11(111: I. Charlie McMullen (Rochesler) 15:23; 2. Joe Kubek (Pit1slord) 15:33; 3. Tim McMu11&n (Churchville) 15:48; 4. Mike Sayers (BrockpGfl) 16:03; 5. Oan Rohnke (Websler) 16:34: 6. Fred Corpus {Slrowesville, Ohio) 16:44: 7. Paul Persia (East Pem· broke) 16:48; 8. Jim May (Will iamson) 17:01 ; 9. Tom Serafin (Pi llslordl 17:14: 10. Rick Smlth (Spencer­port! 17:33.

Ag. groups: 2!1,uncitr, Kubek: 30-34, Sayers: 35-39, T. McMullen; 40·« , Corpus: 45-49, Dave Winn (FaIrport) 17:40; 50·59, Don SoIllreli; (Easl Aochester) 18:60: SO-oVIt, Bob Ealy (Websler) 2{1;55.

Top MCC ,'ud. n' lini.htr: Ray Mann 18:54. Wom.n

O'llrt ll: 1. Renee Rombaul (Greece) 19:11; 2. Ann Dannahuer (Rochester) 19:52; 3. Mary Belh Hasen· auer (Shorlaville) 19:56 4. Belh Dwyef (Fal rporl) 20;03: 5. Marie White (Henrietta) 20: 16.

Ag. group.: 2t--undlt, Dannahuer; 3Q.39, Hasen· auer: 4Q..4I1, Mary Sha~ (Rochester) 21 :05: 50--0'1"' , Pat Schreiber (Roc:hesler) 25:07.

Top MCC Ilud. nl lini l h. r: Terri lye!an 28:20.


I, Doug Kurtis . Nor1tIVilie. Mich .• 2 hours. 19 min. Illes. 36 seconds.

2. Wataru Adachi. Taylor, Mich., 2:27:55. 3. Evan A. COOk. Canada, 2:30:16. 4. Gordon B.Aglor. Canada, 2:32:21. 5. Greg M.Glllson, Canada, 2:32:55.

21, Fr. " EmmltlJng, H, mburll , N.Y., 2:40:25. Worn. n

I, Barbara L. RemlT\efs. Brookline, Mass., 2:44:~. 2, B1lh Ann. OtCitnli., Roeh. ll. r, N.Y., 2:45:21. 3. Cynthia J .Barber·Keeler, Milan. Mich., 2:45:45. ~ , Laura Lynn. Canada. 2:53:05. 5, Sandra J . Gillis. Canada, 2:58:09.


Complete Results of Hilton-GRTC Marathon ,., HILTON·GRTC MARATHON a FOUR PERSON RELAY. Oct. 21, lllVO

The linlshers In the 1990 Hillen·Grealer Rochester Track Club Marathon and Four Person Rela~. wi lh runners place, homelown, age and lime (in the lour person relay. the time is 101201 for lour members each running one-lourlh of maralnon): Mo.

1. Dennis Moriarty (Webster) 2. Ric Perry (Chili) 3. Bill FuJI« (LivonIa) <t. Oavid Coyne (Avon) S. Mike Hornak (Rochester) 6. Mark Cook (Sodus) 7. Noel Vanier (Rocnesler) 8, Michael Gardella (Rochester) 9. Allen Mead (Aoches\&f)

10. Josh Goodman (Rochester) 11. Ken SwitnlCkl (Spencerport) 12. Thomas Rulalls (RocI'IesI81') 13. John OoebriCtl (Rocheslsr) '4. John Condon (liverpool) IS. Donald 8all (Syracuse) 16. Ben Meteal! (Rochester) 17. Bob Dyjac (Rochester) 18. Paul Wandel (Buffalo) 19. JaclI Brennan (Rochester) 20. Ken Keidel (NOI1h Tonawanda) 21. James Stockmasler (CorUand) 22. Thomu Cecere (BerQ8(l) 23. Duane Brown (Endicott) 24. Brad Svalberg (Penfi&ld) 25. Douglas Undke (Penfi&ldl 26. Gregory Rood (RoehMter) 21. Peter Frana (RochHter) 28. cart Peoets (Amherst) 29. John Van KerkhoVe (Bloomfield) 30. J8fome OIekSi (Seneca Falls) 31. Gerald Simpson (Elmhurst) 32. Paul Zempel (Victor) 33. DicIo: Moore (Sodus) 34. Gary PataiallO (Rochester) 35. David KnOK (RoclleSter) 36. David Reily (Rochester) 31. Don Bellort (Clay) 38. Don Grim (Rochester) 39. Brian Clemenls (Rochester) 40. John O'Malley (Montour Falls) H Kenneth Mullen (Batavia) 42. Don McWilliams (Canandaigua) 43. G9OfQ8 Lazor Jr. (Hamlin) 44. Manhew Holfman (Rochester) 45. Louis laClair (Grand Island) 46. Bud Patker (Fairport) 47. Daniel Antonetty (Rochester) 48. Kevin Robison (Lyndonville) 49. David Griggs (Hilton) 50. Daniel Eall (Rochester) 51. Bob Bohrer (Webster) 52. AlIet! Dise (Gorman) 53. Mark PiU (Rochesler) 54. Michael Reilsteck (Rushville) 55. Mike Mangan (Hilton) 56. Neale &lrkhardt (Rocllester) 57. John Robson (Newark) 58. Michael Oros (Penli&ld) 59. Douglass Ralph (Rochester) 60. Michael Jost (Butfalo) 61. Stephen Gilmore (Hillon) 62. Stave Pastore (RochHter) 63. Barry Watkins (Rochester) 64. Walt BoIIeeh (Rochester) 65. Michael Decker (Rochester) 66. Jack Perry (Linwood) 67. Tom Mura (Churchville) 68. Kenneth Andrews (Youngstown) 69. Pierre Akpo-Sanl (Rochester) 10. Richard Schoplnsky (Farmington) I t . Davld Mltropolous (Rochester) 12. Bob McElroy (Pillslord) 13. David Root (Victor) 14. John Starkweather (Rochester) 15. Gerald Rhoads (Rochester)

(33) 2:37:25 (41) 2:39:09 (51)2:45:06 (39) 2:45:06 (37) 2:SO;24 (25) 2:SO:45 (40) 2:51:08 (21) 2:53: 11 (24) 2:53:27 (34) 2:54:35 (30) 3:06:23 (28) 3:08:23 (46) 3: 10:05 (41) 3:11 :12 (3 t) 3: 13:33 (33) 3: 13:52 (38) 3: 14:38 (36) 3: 15:22 (33) 3: 16:58 (39) 3:11:06 (29) 3: 11: 10 (43)3:17 :11 (54) 3: 11:20 (39) 3:18:11 (33) 3:18:33 (36)3:19:12 (32) 3:21 :03 (51) 3:21 :20 (26) 3:2 1:52 (34) 3:21 :56 (36) 3:21 :59 (39) 3:21:59 (54) 2:23:36 (3 I) 3:23 : ~6 (44) 3:23:55 (31) 3:23:55 (33) 3:24:25 (55) 3:26:08 (31) 3:26:34 (31) 3:26:48 (38) 3:27:36 (66) 3:28:03 (32) 3:28:22 (26) 3:28:36 (54) 3:28:39 (41) 3:28:44 (32) 3:29:15 (37) 3:29:24 (34) 3:30:40 (27) 3:31 :18 (36) 3:31 :22 (31) 3:31:41 (33) 3:32:30 (36) 3:33:36 (36) 3:34:01 (42) 3:34:15 (32) 3:34:21 (31) 3:34:21 (351 3:34;56 (32) 3:34;57 (35) 3:36:16 (26) 3:38:11 (45) 3:38 :4~ (47) 3:38:45 (3 1) 3:39:56 (5 1) 3:40:04 (39) 3:40;35 (51) 3:43;33 (44) 3:44:31 (5 1) 3:4~ : SO (3 1) 3:45:18 (45) 3:45:46 (32) 3:46:15 (38) 3:46:38 (32) 3:50;41

76. James Roberts (Palmyra) 71. Robert James (Farmlrlgtonl 78. Len LfIger (East Rochester) 79. Bitl lveson (Hilton) 80. JeHery Kennell (Rochester) 81. Patrick Tydillg5 (Rochester) 82. Daniel DeFrank (Rochester) 83. Gary Smith (Henrietta) 84. Donald D. Phil! Jr. (Phelps) 85. Ron Breed (Hilton) 86. Jon Baldwin (Branchport) 87. Norman Congdon (Palmyra) 88. Richard Lewandowski {Roch.J 89. Edward T. Hessell (RocMster) 90. Paul Cariella (Fairport) 91 . Anthony Ul1oro (Rochester) 92. Joseph Gangl (LeRoy) 93. Ttlomas Mooney (Brochporl ) 94. Richatd Allen (Hilton) 95. Devin Gibson (Spencerport) 96. Gary J. Barone (RochMter) 97. Peter Monteteooa (E. SyrB(:Llse) 98. Bitl Ribble (Pentield) 99. Richard Maller (Fairport) 100. Terry Hicks (Rochester) 101. Michael Carney (Rochester) 102. Michael Albanese (RochHter) 103. Walter Young (Rochesler) 104. Anoet Garcia (Rochester) 105. Steven McCullough (W. Henr.) 106. James Hendy (Webster) 101. Stephen Presser (Rochester) 108. Joseph Lobozzo (Rochester) 109. Oavld Hawke (Kendall) 110. Paul C8lIauan (Rochest8f) 111. Domino Speca (Glen Mills, Pa.) 112. Peter Dunley (Fairporl) 113. Herb Wood (Rochester) 114. K.C. Johnson (Rochester) 115. Fred Roeck (Holley) 116. Norm Frank (Rochester) 117. Robert Pullman (Rochester) 118. Michael Leyernlekkers (BullaJo) 119. John Grantham (MI. Vernon) 120. Vincent Terzianl (Rochester) 121. Michael Gilbert (Rochester) 122. VlClor DePonceau (Rochester) 123. Tom Lyons (Rochester) 124. Donald Mcintyre (Rochester) 125. JamM Dunleavy tRochesler)

Wom.n 1. Anne Myers (Brighton) 2. Laur. Frana (Rochester) 3. Belinda Connor (Fairporl) 4. Mary White (Rochester) 5. Annette Johnson (Geneva) 6. Debra McKinney (Rochester) 1. Amy Lembo (Rochester) 8. Teri HOlt (Sta\" College, Pa.) 9. Patricia Longboal (Orchard Park)

10. Margate Phllllps (Bulfalo) 11. Jane Polter (Rochester) 12. Fransolse Vei ltard (RochHter) 13. Helen Bueme (Lackawanna) 14. Jenny Leger (East Rochester) 15. Laurie Lublin (Rochester) 16. Lois COllins (Rochester) 11. Diane Dudley (Albion)

HENRIEnA DI8TAHCE "UN (5 miles) ....

0 .. .,.11:: Lynn Bucnolr 26:21.

(42) 3: 5D : ~6

(42) 3:53:19 (49) 3:53:27 (SO) 3;5-4:20 (31) 3:54;56 (36) 3:55:40 (32) 3:51:46 (33) 3:58:25 (36) 4:00:06 (33) 4:00: 10 (44) 4:00:49 (46) 4:02:45 (46) 4:02:49 (3D) 4:03:31 (46) 4:04:49 (38) 4:05;13 (34) 4:05:13 (39) 4:05:38 (54) 4:07:0. (33) 4:08:27 (29) 4:09:34 (54) 4:09:48 (45) 4:10;15 (28) 4: 10:38 (44) 4:11:00 (32) 4:11:11 (34) 4:11:22 (59) 4: 12:58 (33) 4:13:13 (37) 4: 14:SO (41)4:14:5I.i (38) 4: 1 8:4~ (47) 4:19:30 (34) 4: 19:45 (25) 4:21 :02 (33) 4:21 :11 (46) 4:21 :30 (45) 4:22:31 (33) 4:26:25 (58) 4:32:11 (59) 4:43:36 IU) 4:47:07 (30) 4:58:41 (27) 5:04:02 (63) 5:0.:37 (20) 5:07:03 (30) 5:09:34 (43) 5;25:30 (41) 5:46:18 (SO) 5:57:15

(32) 3:07:53 (29) 3:21 :03 (38) 3:46:21 (27) 3:58:52 (53) 4:02:05 (33) 4:03:11 (26) 4:05: 19 (25) 4:05:37 (46) 4:06;39 (25) 4:09;32 (29) 4:12:29 (23) 4:21:16 (60) ~ : 21 : 29 (37) 4;22:59 (38) 4;29;26 (42) 4:46:53 (56) 5:40:06

Agi groul»: It-under, RlY Mlnn 31:02; 2(1..21, Larry O.rnett 30:38; 3~", John Lu· ther 26:48: 4(l-.t1, Tom Llmme 28:16; SO-SI, BiU SUst 32:43; 10 +, Rober1 Ealy 3H2. W~ ..

Ow ... aU: Peggy WlliberQ8f 32:34. Ag. gn:MIpt.: 2~21 , Sua iollner 34: 16; 3().

31, Lucie Oerac. 33:33; 40-41, Balbara PI'Ien­nlnger 40'05; 50-51, Jlln Young 44:36; 10+, Marshe Tillson 53:35.

film, U .. "·23: I. Nautrtusol PllIslord (Greg House. Dave Tresohtavy, Peter Glavin. Alan Mullan) 2:26: 19 2. Maplewood YMCA 3:30:13 2~·29: 1. Tarzan & Co. 2:38:00 2. AT&T 3:11 :53 3. Westside Stompers 3:16;15 4. ~HSEL Takes Trash 3:33;11 5. Team Specl ro 3:46: ~3 30-34: 1. Flash In the Pan 2:47:02 2. Westside 3:03:57 3. Jim Merkel's Team 3:06:27 4. U.S. Postal Service 3:12;26 35-31: I. Woods. Oviatt , Gitman, Groschadl 3:38:35 2. Monroe Masters 3:52: 15 3. NoName :: 1 4 : 1~ ; 12 40·44: 1. Smile 1\ Could Be Friday 3:12:09 2. Jeanne and The Boys 3:21: 19 3. East Ridge Printers 3;29:04 Womln 24-29: 1. Road Scholars 3:09: 13 2. TNT2 3:39:53 Mixed 24-21: I. Harris, Beach WilcoK 2;41;02 2. McWalters 3:31:11 3. TNT 3:52:26 30·34: 1. Peggy Nowak's Team 3:17:05 2. Law and Order 3: 13:07 CCTC TIme 01 the Essence 3:46:59 4. Good Shepard Parish 3;48:26 35-39: 1. Inlormation Associates Striders 3:06:58

Mullr, Min: Ric Perry. Woman: Annelle Johnson

Agi Group' Mo. 11-23: 1. Gerald Rhoads 24·21: t. Mark Cook 2. Michael Gardella 3. Allen Mead 30-34: I. Josh Goodman 2. Ken Switnkki 3. Donald Ball 35-3i: 1. Da~e Coyne 2. Mike Hornak 3. Bob Dy]ac. e44: Noel Vanier 2. John Condon 3. Tom Ce<:ere 4~9: 1. John Ooebrich 2. Barry Walkins 3. Walt BotIech

TRt-fED USA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHiPS AI La, Vag .. , Hlwad .. , Oct. 21 Mo.

50·54: t. Bill FuHer 2. Duane Brown 3. Dick Moore 55-59: 1. Carl P~s 2. Bob Grtm 3. Walt Young ISO-C ... r: 1. Don McWilliams. W~ 1'-23: Francoise Veilta,d 24-29: 1. Laura FratICZ 2. Mary White 3. Amy Lembo 1O-34: 1. Debra McKinney 35-39: 1. CooIlOf 2. Jenn~ Leger 3. Laufie Lubl in 40·44: 1. Lois Collins 45-4.: 1. Patricia Longboat 55·59: 1. Diane Oudley

ISO and oWlr: 1. Helen Bueme

0,.,. .. 11: Mike Pigg (Arcadia, Calli.) 1:56:06. Ar.allnl,l'IIrt: 40-44 aga group, 17. Mike Rowley

(Churchville) 2:29:59, 33. Bun Schild 2:36:33: 9 .. Rene Pic.calteto 2:59;03. 45--41, 10. Bob DalOIa 2:36:13 W"""

O .. .,all: Erin Baker (Boulder, Colo.) 2:09: 18.


Runner or Jogger - or Obsessed? By Lisa Bower

Dear Coach: Please help to settle an argument. I run about five miles, three times per week at a nine minute pace. Am I a runner or just a "jogger"? -A.R.

Dear A. R.: Contrary to what you may have heard or read elsewhere, being a runner is a state of mind, not a certain pace or distance which you travel by foot. To me, there are three levels of bipedal running movement and three types of people who run: joggers, runners, and obsessive­compulsives.

A jogger is someone who goes out only on nice days (no rain, snow, or wind, and ambient temperature somewhere between freezing and frying). A jogger goes out when it is convenient to his/her schedule. A jogger wears old sweats (usually grey) and any kind of sneakers (and calls them sneakers, not running shoes) • A jogger never times him/herself and doesn't own a runner's watch. A jogger often doesn't know how far she/he has traveled but can tell you who was out raking leaves or who has a new car. A jogger avoids hills and would rather have a finger lopped off than run on a track. A jogger bas probably never competed in a race but may aspire to a 10K someday. A jogger follows no particular diet plan. And a jogger doesn' t mind being called a "jogger".

A runner, on the other hand, will run in almost any kind of . weather not hazardous to health. This means no electrical, hail, or ice storms. and. no wind chill below zero degrees Fahrenheit. A runner manipulates his/her schedule to fit a run in since it is a priority activity. A runner sports the latest

functional running fashions -tights, high-tech shoes (at least one new pair per year), and a Gore-Tex suit for those inclement weather runs. A runner always times her / himself on a runner's watch or a stopwatch and knows within a quarter of a mile how far she/he has run. A runner will try to fit in track or hill workouts to help pace and l eg strength. A runner sets goals, for example , winning an age group award or not finishing last in a marathon. A runner welcomes the opportunity to race and always compares his / her time against past performance and against others in his/her age group (especially close f riends). A runner "carbo l oads " before races (and sometimes "beer loads" after races) and tries to follow a low fat, high carbohydrate diet in general. A runner gets cranky if she / he has missed a few days or is laid up with injury or illness. And a runner always refers to him/herself as a "runner" - and is insulted, at least inwardly, to be called a "jogger" •

An obsessive-compulsive (o-c for short) runs in any kind of weather. He or she will brag "1 haven't missed a day of running in the past 12 years, even after that lightning tickle in '82". An o-c wears the latest, highest-tech running gear available neon Teflon tights, new shoes every time a new model becomes available, and Gore-Tex unde rwear. An o-c times him/ herself, knows ·to the nearest tenth of ·a mile how far she/ he has gone, always enters the data into a training log, and has a watch with capacity for twelve splits underwater (to 90 meters) in every time zone. An o-c does weekly track and hill repeats. An o- c races every


Ho') 17(33t)10:00 aM Introduction to ilI' lenteerlng - 10K, froM Caluary Lodge, Medon Poods Park. Contoct: Tonv Greig at 272~7'i3. $5 Registration

fIou 18(Sun) 9:00 "" SOuthe3St yrlCA Turk.~ Trot, 5-J1ilel' ~ 1 Mile U8ik, fr"" Pittsford YI1CA. Contact: Lisa 11eckllng (716) 385-4665.

Nou 22(Thur)10:00 a,~ Hewark Tur'key Days, frOM Eligh Co",,,nity Center, Contoct: Joe ContariO (315)331-2'149.

Nov 24(3at)10:0\1 aM Greater Rochester Track C1I.rb R. T Turkey Run, fr"" rJendon Poods Park, Contact: 8111 Keha. (716)654-8991.

Dec 29(3at) 8:45 aM Post Christnas 8lues Run, 5-K fron C3nandaigJa Nethodist CI1Un:h, Contact: Uern Hecl,er (716)394-4075,


May 11(3;3t)10:00 aM HILLSIDE ~ KOllAr: 5, "RIm for the Kids" Road Race, frOM Cobb's Hill Park, Also One nils Fun Run. Call 244-HILL for inforMstiorl.


fiQI) 4(80n) 9:1)(1 a'l Marine COrp. Marathon - IlashiJ1gton, D.C. - P.O. Box 188, Quantico, U!'l 22134; (70'J )690-3431.

I~ov 11(Slin) ? ColurltJus Marathon, P,O. Box 26806, Colurous, OH 43226~686; (614)43'J-0095.

Coach's Corner chance he/she gets, wants to win every race - and will even plan a vacation around a racing opportunity. An o-c eats no fat ana has a body fat percentage approaching that of a gazelle. If an o-c does not get out for a daily run, he/she is impossible to live with. If an o-c is injured and can't run, get out of the way I An o-c hates to be called a "jogger" and will always correct anyone who does so - although few who know such a person would make that mistake.

Indoor Meets in Buffalo

So, are you a runner, a jogger, or an obsessive-compulsive? (I'm sure we all know some of each.) From the sound of your program, I would classify you as a runner. For whatever reasons, any runner may have to change his/her activity profile at different times of life. As long as you are flexible and sensible about limi tations, whatever works is fine with me.

If you have a question related to your running program. send it to GRTC COACH, P.O. Box 92123. Rochester. NY 14692.

--suffalo-Selles-and-Srawn is hosting three all-comers meets in the Buffalo State College Bubble this winter (weill tell you how to get there next issue).

Events include 55, 300, 800, 1600, 55 hurdles, long jump, high jump and shot put and age groups cover all ages from children through the oldest runners who show up. Cost is $2 per event. Doors open at 9 a.m. and events start at 9:30. The schedule:

Sunday Dec. 16 Sunday Jan. 20 Sunday March 3

£Treater. rochester ~~~~j tracH club



DECEMBER 30 . 1990 JANUARY 20. 1991 FEBRUARY 10. 1991

MARCH 3. 1991

3,00 TO 5,00 PM 3,00 TO 5,00 PM 3,00 TO 5,00 PM 3,00 TO 5,00 PM


( I> RegistratIon oegins 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet. (2) The regIstration desk can be fou~d as you enter the front entrance of the

Palestra: REGISTER BEFORE you come dO\Jn to the track . Each event you enter must Oe noted on a separate 3 x 5 card wIth your NAME. AGE GROUP, SEX. EVENT . ESTIMATED TIME OR DISTANCE <cl ub attll latlon. It any).

(3) Soccer games ull I precede our track meets this year : \.Ie must respect their games when ue ',Jarm up .

(4) There will be no regist r ation for any event after the start of the meet . The 3 x 5 card method ',JIll be used for seeding purposes. No athlete will be aole to compete in any e'/ent \.I!thout pre-registering before hancl.

(5) An entry fee of '3,00 per Inolvldlual Is for all events entered . (6) Ribbons \.1111 be given to the top 3 In each event per-age classification,

You can pick up your ribbons at the conclUsion of the meet, (7) Age groups of !O-'Iel r ~nt ervals \.1111 eAJS: !or eacn classification, CB) No t ooo or Orln~ can be brought into the fl e : ~ House, Please clean up, (9) The meet must oe over in 2 hours. <IOlAnyone can compete i n these meets as an OPE~1. HS. OR MASTERS athlete.

regardless of school or club affiliation, 7he meets are sanctioned \.11th the Niagara TAC,

(1lllf a relay te!m Is composed of runne rs from more than one age group. their age \.II I I be determined by the age of the runner ~hO Is closest to the 20-29 age group,

___________ ORDER OF EVENTS. ________ _

AI! events are timed finals: runners of different age groups or sexes may be combined to form flights or heats. out a\.lards ~I I I be given separately, In genera I. younger age groups go first. !nc ~omen be fore men ,

Decemoer 30 . 1990 3000 Meters <15 Meters BOO Meters 300 Meters 4 x 2 lap relay Shot Put. Long Jump & High Jump

January 20. 1991 3000 Meters 400 Meters 45 Meters 1000 Meters 4 ;..: 4 lap relay Shot Put. Long Jump ~ High Jump

february !O. 1991 3000 Meters 800 Meters 45 Meters 30e :1eters 4 x 2 l!p re ld '/ ShOt Put. :'ong Jump Z. H! gh Jump

Contact Person: Rick Gulae, 6 Tlmoer :" fairport, Ne'.J '(one: l-H50

(716; 425-3!16 (H) (;16) 350 -5257 (W)

March 3. 1991 3000 Meters 300 Meters 45 Meters lCeO Meters 4 :< 4 lap relay Shot ?ut. :'on9 Jump e H!gn Ju mp


"'I Dec. I (Sol.) 10:00 AM Churchville Pork, Churchville Legion - 10K "'2 Dec. 15 (Sot.) 10:00 AM Mendon Ponds Pork, Beoch Areo - 5 miles "'3 Jon. I (Tues.) 10:00 AM Mendon Ponds Pork, Beach Area - 7.5 mi les "'4 Jon. 20 (Sun.) 10:00 AM North Chili Community Center -10 K '«5 Feb. (TBA) TBA - see future newsletter "'6 Feb. (TBA) TBA - see future newsletter "7 Mar.2 (Sot.) 10:00 AM Mendon Ponds Pork, Beoch Areo - 5K "'6 ~Ior 31 (Sun.) 10:00 AM Churchville Pork, Churchville Legion - 15K

Pizzo porty ond owords ceremony ofter the roce

NOTE: EXTREME WEATHER conditions moy couse 0 roce concellotion. Coil the GRTC roce holilne 621-2275 for informotion roce morning.

RULES: A minimum of 5 roces ore needed to Quolify for series owords Tile best five finishes count Scoring - lowesllotol ploce of 5 best roce in oge group wins

You must run at leost 5 roces lo be scored KEEP YOUR RACE NUMBER FOR ENTIRE SERIES


Series oppl received before 11/2B/90 - $15.00 Series oppl received ofter 11/2B/90 - $20.00

Non-Seri es - per roce - $ 3.00

Losl doy to enler series is Jonuory 1 sl 1990


$16.00 $23.00

$ 4.00

AWARDS: Series only owords to top 10% in eoch oge group

AGE GROUPS: Women: 17 & under', 16-23,24-29,30-39, 40-49, 50 & over


Men: 17 & under, 16-23,24-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49,50-54,55-59,60 & over

Churchville Legion - Rt 33. eost of 4 corners In Churchville North Chili Commuily Center - North Chili exit off 490, north to Buffolo Rd.

4400 Buffolo Rd. neor Rl. 259 Mendon Ponds Beoch Areo - Rl.65 South, Left on Confield Rd. rt on Douglos Rd.

~j9g9I~_ ~~~_g~DjgI_Qlywp!£_ ~Ig§§=~9~D~IY_~~~~ The Niagara Association Junior Olympic Cross-Country meet will

be Sunday Nov. 11 at Community College of the Finger Lakes at Canandaigua. Competition is for individuals and teams from under 10 through 17 in five age groups. Distances are from 3000 to 5000 meters depending on age group.

Cost is $4 if postmarked by Nov. 2 (this newsletter will be too late for that) or $6 post. Entrants must be Niagara Association (that's us) TAC members or join on race day. Bring a copy of birth certificate.

For further information call Canandaigua Area Track Team, (716) 398-2157.

-------------------------Moi 1 Thi s Por·t ion Dnl y------------------------­

I know lIl~t running ~ Winter Ro~d R~ce is ~ h~z~rdous ~cliYity. I fully understond thotl or the person I om responsible for, will be SUbjected to harsh weather, including seyere cold, unseosonably high temperotures, snow, r~in ~nd/or freezing rain, slippery surfaces ond irresponsible driyers, os well os ony other condition thot Mon ond/or Mother Noture moy choose to proyide. I certify thot I or the person thot I om responsible for is strong of body ond spirit, ond truly copoble of the chollenge of this/these eyent(s). Therefore, I for myself or the person thot I om responsible for, releose The Greoter Rochester Trock Club, The Monroe County Porks Deportment, tile event orgonizers ond ony other person(s) invovled with this/these event(s), from ony liobility thot moy be incurred by myself, or the person thot I om responsible for, os 0 result of my/his/her porlicipolion in this/these event(s). I understond thot my entry fee is non-refundoble.

Signoture required: ___________________ _

Pleose Print: Nome: ___________________ _

Street: _________________ _

City: _________ Stote: __ Zip: ___ _

Phone: ________ _

Age: ___ Sex:_

Checks Poyoble to GRTC M~il entries to Greoter ROC/lester Track Club

P.O. Box 92608 Rochester, N.Y. 14692


(for officiol use only)


Where do they go? I'd really like to know So •••

By Roy Starr t.lhere do wsi tars go onca they fimll!lh their lIs i ting? Or fnnny ::Ion .... hen they 08098 hoving fun? ~lere do rnin clouds go nfter precipitating? Or our dreams when their visits oro dono?

Where does life go when it's scored out of your body? Or the fown when your beer heo gone flat? Where does the "hot'" go \lhon you ' ro drinking "cold"" toddy? Or that secret from under your hat?

Where do ideas go after being rojected? Or reinb ows right after a storm? Where do JudgeD go when they ' re not re-elected? Or the goose bumps once you got warm?

Hhere· do memories go Io'hen you can ' t remember? Or bubbles when they burst In the air? Whore does August go eoch and every September? Or dandruff once you lose all your hair?

~~ere does lightning go vhen it l s no lbnger flashing? Or a breeze after cooling us off? Where. do huge waves go after hours of thrashing? Or the colds uhen welre rid of our cough?

~~ere do the sounds eo when we atop being noisy? Or each day after serving it ls time? Where \.Iould the "No .... " go if there \lASnlt a IIJoisy"? Or I go for writing tha t rhyme?

Whore does confusion go once \Ie get specific? Or· the \.Iatness after \.Ielre dry? ~fuere do aches and pains go uhan we feel terrific? Or tears soon aftar 8 cr)~

Whore does the fog go after long hours of lifting? Or tho flames right after a firo? Whore does the \.load go uhen itl s no . longer drifting? Or the blou out that f lottenfo tire?

Whore do UFO ls go ri ght of t or each sighting? Or the rays ofter leaving the sun? Where do arguments go once people stop fighting? Or the "hieh u· \.10 hod from a l ong run?

Whoro does ton go ofter bocoming eleven? Or salesmon whon there ls nothing to solI? Whero do we go when ue don I t got to heuven? Or the others when they don ' t eo to hoI I?

Whore do poots go whon they 're dono with their rhyming? Or grllpofruits ofter ghine us juico? Hhoro do mountain climbor!) Co whon no long~r cl1mhli'ng? Or gl1ndors aftor cooking thoir goose?


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th


~llier o does knowlegge go after people s top l eorning? Or foolings you cannot expross? Where does "Gotto Hinute? u· go once this page starts turning? Forget it •.•• I 'll never confess .

So , whare ere the answors for these ques tions I ' m ci ting? Wi ll they ever appoer so I'll know? Or must I forover keep aski ng and wr iting? to/hcre do they go? WHERE QQ TilEY GO?'!?

COOL DOt~l : I would like to take a f ew moments right now, to acknowl edge· all the wonderful commonts ] 've received on "Gatta Ninute? " Be it pro or can , jus t to know t he t I am t ouching so many l i ves eoch month reolly makes my task much mor e r ewo rd i ng.

t·;y ori ginal idoes wor o to shoro my t houghts end opinions ond to motivato end exchango helpfUl hints on being a moro SUCCQs~rul mi ddle of the p~ck runner. Plus • • • ! try t o sprinkle 011 of tho ebove with my fovorito croHtivQ t ool •• • •• humor!

Bocause of you ond the marvelous, hord working 9toff of t his most worthy newslettor, 1 em now convinced that I 'm getti ng thru to most the \.lay I i ntended to in my first article of August, 1989. Thonk3 ogain for YOllr vorbal support esch time we meet st the r sces .

Lilac City 50K

Stoy healthy and sound see you oround.

The ninth running of the Lilac City 50 k was held at the West Irondequoit High School. The event started at 12 30p , in a steady driz z le which was to co ntinue for most o f the afterno on. The temperature was fairly const ant rangin g fr om 54 to 56, hu midity at 100 \ of course, very little wind. The c inder track was completely filled with water at the northeast curve, and did not drain away until near the end o f the race. The race was won by 33 year old George Hartell of nearby Niagra Fall s, who was trying his first Ultra in Rochester, beating out Don Grim closely followed by Robert Rodriguez on his first Ultra experience .

Nex t year will be the 10th run, and effo rts will b e made to draw as many o f the pa st pa rticipants as poss ible to this anniversary occasion. The tentati ve date is Sunday , October 13 , proba bly at the sam e location in West Irondequoit.

The Third Irondequoit 60k was taken by Neale Burkhardt 1n 6 43 01.

Ninth Lilac City 50k, Irondequoit, NY , October 13

George Hartell, 33 Niagra Falls 4 00 18 1110 TRI·FED BIATHLON Don Grim , 55 Rochester 4 07 56 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS

Robe rto Rod riguez, 41 Rochester 4 09 58 AI Richfield, Ohio, Sept. 30 (5 kilomllir run; 301l bike, 5k run)

Ne a le Burkh a rdt , 42 Irondequoit 5 20 03 "" Walter Young, 59 I ronde quo! t 5 51 07 OntlU: Mack Martin (Aspinwall, PAl 1:23:<19.

Norm Frank , 59 Rochester 6 15 22 Are. finilhlra: 15. Mike Grola(RATS) 1:30:41 (2nd

in 20·24 age group); 20. Mike Valletiano (RATS) Jim Ree ves , 48 Farmington, HI 6 52 22 1:32:16 (41h in 30-3. age group): 31. Ivan lennon

Don HcNelly, 69 Irondequoit 6 58 43 (RATS) 1:35:42: KnoJ. Robinson (Bullalo) 1:45:22 (2nd in 15· 19 age gloup). Wom.n

Ower.lI: Sally law (Smiltllon, Ill ) 1:35:57.

Third Irondequoit 60k, Irondequoit, NY, October 14 At .. Ilnl.hln: 5. Sue ZoUnf!r (RATS) 1:.(6:22 (2nd in 20·24 age group; qualilied for World Biathlon Championships. Nov. 21. Palm Springs Calil.~ 8.

Neale Burkhardt, 42 Irondequoit 6 43 01 Carolyn Krle.sen (RATS) 1:52:13 (1st in 45·49 age group: quaJlhed lor WOlk! Biattllon ChampionshipS).

Oshier beats Olyznpic tizne; DeCian tis close

Two of GRTC's top women runners turned in the best marathon limes of their lives during October with masters slar Nancy Oshier qualifying for the O lympic Trials and Beth DeCiantis missing by less than half a minu te .

Both c redited consistency of training. with alten­tion to areas they'd under-emphasized in the past, rather than any major change or increase in volume as the reason lor improved results. That and the positive altitude that they could do it.

Nancy, at 42 one of the lop women masters runners in the country and one 01 the leading money winners, qualified. for the trials with a 2:41 in the Twin Cities Marathon between Minneapolis dnd 5t. Paul Oct. 14 . She was 10th woman overall and second master. about two minutes behind Laurie Binder.

"{ was really just hoping to go under 2:45, and I was pretty sure I could do it," Nancy said. " I just started out to run 6-minute miles as long as I could. I did it for 16 miles or so, then dropped off a little."

She maintained about the same mileage as usual - 50 to 70 a week - but added longer runs of 20 to 23 miles to prepare lor the marathon. Regular speed work has always been part of her training . "I think part of it is that I've been real healthy for the past year and a half dnd have been able to build on the work I've done. "

Nancy set a single-year-age record for 30K last year and won the Mercedes Mile masters race in New York for the second year in a row, proof of her versatility, but she'd only run the marathon once before, a 3: 13 in the Lake Ontario Marathon five years ago.

Beth is best known as a marathoner - she won Rochester two years in a row - but her previous best was 2:58 before she cracked a 2:45:28 in Detroit Oct. 21 . "I was definitely trying for 2:45 (the O lympic qualifier cutoff), and I'm sure 1 can do it," she said . She's got a year and a half to try again, and may do it as soon as January, perhaps in Charlotte, N.C. AI 28 she doesn't feel she's close to her peak.

She ran 70-75 miles a week - sometimes 80 -as marathon preparation. running twice d d ay on many weekdays. "I did a lot more speed work then I ever did before because people told me improving my 10K (her best is 36:06) is the best way to run faster marathons," she said. Speed work met repeat miles (about 5:45 pace), 200s, 400s, and sometimes "Iodders" of 200, 400, 800 and down again .

She was second woman, behind Barbara Rem­mers of Brookline, Mass. , who ran 2:44:56, "but r never really saw her," she said. "People told me r

closed the gap in the last pari of the race . Maybe if I got contact lenses I could see further ahead in the race.

While Na.ncy is a.mong the leading money-win­ners in women 's running, the $1 ,000 for second is new 10 Beth, and she likes the idea.

Derek Frechette, with 2:37:29, a nd Dave Edney, with 3:29:55, also ran in Twin Cities.

N ieznczak just znisses in Chicago Marathon

Antoni NiemcZdk, who broke a siring of second­place fin ishes with a win this year, ran the fastest marathon of his life Chicago Oct. 28 but lost in d

lean at the tape to Mexican Martin Pitayo. The pair matched. stride-far-stride after they took

the lead at the 24-mile mark from Mexico's Dionicio Ceron, who was running his first marathon .

In the final 100 yards , Niemczak took a hall·step lead, bul Pilayo caught him , moved ahead and lunged forward at the finish line 10 win in 2 hours , 9 minutes, 41 seconds.

PHayo's lime bettered his previous personal best of 2: 10:27 in the 1984 Chicago Marathon.

NiemcZdk, who had the Sdme lime as the winner, also beat his previous personal best of 2:10:34.

Portugal's Aurora Cunha led all the way in winning the women's division in 2:30: II.

Wineglau Weekend Mike Fogel of Canandaigua was the

top area finisher in the Wineglass Marathon Oct. 14 between Hammondsport and Painted Post, running 2:56:03 , 20th overall. Dale Keenan of Selkirk (south of Albany) was the easy winner in 2:25 : 56.7

Vicki Ash of Boulder, Colo., was fir s t woman in 2:56:55.

Other area finishers: James Yorio, Rochester, 3 :07:43; Jim Owens, Fairpo rt, 3:07:50; Elmer Canfield, Penn Yan , 3:15:08; "lesley Powell, Penfield, 3 : 31:26; Bill Henry, 3:33:28 ; Martin Rogers, Fairport, 3:36:21; David LaVoie, Geneva, 3:37:03 ; Tim Youngs, Waterloo, 3:39:59; Brian Clements, Rochester, 3:41:49; Charles Cornwell, Rochester, 3:50:35; John Lynch, Geneva, 3:55:03; Howard Brayman, Pittsford, 3:56:15: Olie Olson, Livonia, 4:01:25; Walt Bollech, Ir ond equoit, 4:02:45; Peter Dunfey, Fairport, 4:09:17: Bob Titus, Penfield, 4:14:04; Peter Rath, Geneva, 4:15:15; Charles Osborne, Canandaigua, 4:16:18; Kenneth Schaffer , 4:17:57; David Hackett, Mt. Morris, 4:45:58.

Thi' ; y E'ilr ~ ::;rH ANNUAL V I E TNAM VET S 11·'1 · F.:/KE, Iw l d .,:.n Dct e,bE'r 7 th, o,./ ':Hi the bigg e~ t ilnd be s t yl~t o,./ith :::85 r,,-'gir, tr" ' pd r;;. Vou CC'l l l d n't 1I ",,"e .",~Ied ( eor it bctt p.r r"l a y _ Over $ : ,400 o,./ iH' r .:lised t c> benefIt the M(·C 11o:. lil.?d er S.: h e' l~r r.hip


Til '" t .:.p .:ove r al l nI<'Ilr> ':Ind ' ",mal £" b .: , t l l f P.; p ived • .., .... £' . ,1 P ll fl itt th ~ Oc l t ... Cludsa Ho.:. tp.l 1 11 roro.:,n t,;:. 0)1 ': '119 o,./ ilh !'II.II) .')O i n9 m·:· nE'Y . Ov C!r ~3 , ( I (U) i n pri;:p ~ rk •• I " t,..cJ by <lre.'l bu s ines'3cs o,./crc pas~ed out.

T o::, en,:o::,ur"!Jl:' runllE:'r '3 t.:, pi.:k Lip their 1'.),:"" p r.I .: I ·r.t '3 ':,n S a turda y , '..Ie h a d a sp e ':l a } d raWing o,./ it h " " E'l" $ 2(1«) in givE'.:I way!:>.

Overal l H a ir - St l ' ve Ti\ y J Qr Over')11 F em,'\ 1 C' - Anne Meyel's Top Vet - O.:ln (c·1 c

3 8 : 3 1 38 : l>7

We ~'\rl' al l· cad y p l ann ing ,.:.1' nt:' :..t ye,'\ rs r ~'\ o:: e ~'\ nd .:"I r J:' setting '"Ju r g,: ,al .:,n 4 (11) t ,;, ~ ·il"'t) r unners . Iolith lh£' I ,r. i p .:. r ":'\ 1' m,'l)or sp":,n!:><:,r !> : We s tland, F-::'LII' 50,)s;:,n s T.:Illning 5.:11 ':'11, C':": ·r!.i , and WCMF , thi s 9 <:,al s~ems p c:,':;s ible .

STH VIETNAM VETERANS lot( R ... CE "'1 a.lkirch Plrk. GfMCe. Oct. 7 ....

Oyerlll: Sieve Ta~or IClndnnali. Ohio) 32:26. "'01 Group'

II·uno.r. Ray Mann (Rochest8f) ~ 1:51 : 1"21, Joe Kubelc IPillslord) 33:21; JO..34, Lynn BtJckhoit (Wa· terloo) 3-4:02; 35-31, Tim McMullen IChurctrvjlle) 33:~3: 40-44, EShetu Setegn (RochMt&r) 35:32: 45-~'. Bill Kehoe (Rochest&!') 38:35: 50-5 • • Bill FuH&!' (Uvonla) 35:39; IO-up. Roberl Ealy (Websl&r) ~.:01 . W .....

OYerall: Anne Myers (Rochester) 38:31. Age Group'

II-under. Tina Ratulowskl (Bergen) ~8: 11 ; 1"21. Renee Rombau' (Greece) .0:47; 30-34, Cathy Hand· well·Duckell (Aubum).3:33; 35-31, Peggy Wiltberger (RocheSter) 38:51 : 40-48. Carole Lowe (Rochester) 52:30. Vllnam Etl V.t.ran

Ov.rall: 1. Dan Cole (Rochester) 38:07: 2. Greg Delonne (Roche$'er)38 : ~8 : 3. Tom Cecere (Bergen) 39:31

USAIT ... C NATIONAL M ... ·STERS CROSS COUNTRY CH ... MPlONSHIPS ... t FarIHavlll., N.Y •• Ocl 7 (5 kilorn.len) W .....

4Q..44 -e. group: 1. Kathy Brown (Fairport) 20:35. ~ 1. MarSha nllson (Shortsville) 36:53.

Moo IS.II • group: 2. Don McWilliams (Canandal·

gua) 23:30. JO..&4: George TiIiSOfl (ShOrtSville) 26: 10.

T .. m 5. CalS Athletic Club (Jim !.lar 18:21. 31s1 overall;

Joe Abernalhy 18:39. 39: Jim Boyle 18:59, 51: Oave Winn 19:00 54. Gary H8I'ber1 , 8;().(. 56).

BUO UGHT IRONMAN TRI ... THLON WORLD CH ... MPlONSHIPS AI Killua-Kona HI.all, Oct I (2 .• mila 1.lm; 112 mlM bik~ 2U mila Nn) -1. Mark Allen. CardiN. Cali!. , 8 hOlJrs. 28 mInutes. 17 seconds.

I.ouI Fimlh«: Hotia Neam,u(Rochesler) 11:3":00

McNelly, Wood run for POW-MIA cause

SPORTS PAGE TEAM CHAllENGE 'to ... , GanMM Vatier Plrk. Oct. • Moo

Onrlll: Tom Tuori (Rochestlll")I~:51 .91 : 2. Scot! Bagley (Mendon) '.:56.76; 3. Steve Taylor leindn· nail, Ohio) 15:06.37: 4. Charl ie McMullen (Rochester) 15:11 .25: 5. Marty Froelldt: (I thaca) 15:13.30: 6. Peter Glavin (Rochester) 15:16.67; 7. AI Mullan (RocOtsler) 15:24.15; 8. Tim McMullen (Rocnesler) 15:27.09; 9. Rick Cornelissen (London. Ont.) 15;3t 19; Sieve SteUwagon (Rochester) 15:47.30. W_"

ov.rall: 1. Anne Forbes (ROChester) 17:22; 2. Kathy Brown (Fairport) 18:59: 3. Karen SoMer (Rochester) 19:39; ~ . OIane Froerick (Ithaca) 19:.6: Nin Oaon­hauer (Rochester) 20:18; a. Patti Wlnn (Fairport) 2O:~: 9. Lori Reed (Fairport) 20:.3; 10. cathleen Duckett (Aubtlm) 21 :08. ...,, '. Sanlorl (3G-31)

ov.rall: Ch8111e McMullen (Rochester) 15:11.25: Marty Froelldt: (l1haca) 15: 13.30; 3. Tim McMullen (Rochester) 15:27.09; • . Rick Corneliuen (London. Ont) 15:34.19: 5. Ray Stemmer (Rochester) 16:0.. 11. Woman'. s.nlora (JO..31'

OYarail: 1. Anne Forbes (ROChester) 17:22; 2. Ka­reo Soetmer (Rochesl&r) 19:39; 3. Oiane Froetlck (Ithaca) 19 : ~6: • . Mary Beth Hasenbauer (ShortSvi lle) 20:03; 5. cathleen HanvelJ.Duckett (Auburn) 21:08. .... tera tNn (.w-over)

OHrall: 1. Greg Brooks (Rochester) 17:30:2. Tom C8lT (ROChestlll") 18: 11; 3. Don Sotarek (Rochester) 18:13: " . Bill Kehoe(Rocliestet) 18: .. 9; 5. Michael ReI ' IRocliester) 19:07. MulaD Woman ("!kIyer)

OVerall: I . Kathy Brown (Fairport) 18:59: 2. Mark Shaver (Rochesl&!') 21: 17; 3. Jeanne Salisbury (New. ark) 21:504. Tum R"ultl

Man', Opan: N.ulilus ot Pil1Slord .6:27 (Pete Glavin 25:16, AI Mullan 1 5:2~ . Sieve SlllIwagon 15:.7).

""". Seniora: Team McBrew .7:13 (Roches'et) (Charlie McMullen 15:11, Tim McMullen 15:27, ROOt' Messenger 16:35~

Man' ..... 1.,... Cats A.C. (Rochestlll")60:57 (Kathy Brown 18:59. Renee Rombaut 20:18, Palll Wlnn 20:.0).

Women'. s.ntofa: S. Harriers (New81k) 62:53 (Katen Sothnet 19:39. OIane luke 21:20, Jeanne Salisbury 21:54).

As they have for the past two years, Bob Wood and Don Mc Ne lly ran a relay with twelve Viet-Nam Vetera ns during the recent POW-MIA week. This year the group carried the Black Fl ag from the VFW Hall o n Norto n Street out Mt Hope, on Route 15 to Corning and thro ugh the Pennsylvania towns of Mansfield , Williamspo rt . Mahoney City, Easto n and on to Philadelphia. There the group participated in a ceremony at t h e local Vi et- Nam Memorial near the Liberty Bell.

HEATHER WHALEN X-C CHAMPION Heather Wha len o f Churc hvil l e , a

junio r at Canisius, succ e ssf ully defended her women's title in the Metro Atlantic Conference Cross Country Championships Oct. 21 at Van Cortlandt Park in New Xo rk City.

She r an 18:32.47 on the hilly SK course t o l ead her team t o its second consecutive champion ship with just 21 p o ints.

WBEN Ru n fo r your Li f e 20K Buffa l o, NY, sept . 1 6 Overall men: 1. David O 'Keefe (Orchard Park) 5 . Derck Frechette (Roc hester> Overall women: 1. Rebecca Buster (Buffalo) 2 . Kathy Brown (Fairport) 4. Marie Wh ite (Henrietta) 14 and unde r : Tina Ratulowski (Bergen) Masters winners:

Frechette (45) and Brown (42)

1,03,12 1,08,5 5

1 ,22,4 4 1, 23 ,0 3 1, 24,58

Mid-Town Tennis Club Mid-Town Nautilus

One of New York's finest fitness facilities featuring:

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Mid·Town Tennis/Nautilus 55 Gould Street

Rochester, New York 14610

If you run, you should belong . • • • Supporting GRTC supports road racing in Greater Rochester. Member­ship is your chance to be part of the running community, to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their sup­port. • This Newsletter. Our monthly magazine of articles on training, injury pre­vention and nutrition; extensive reporting on races; Entry forms for more than 50 races a year; the complete calendar of racing events. • Discounts. You'll save on entries for all GRTC-managed races (most of the major ones). Discounts at Dalberth's, Track' N Trail and other shops. • Track meets. Eight summer meets open only to GRTC members. Four winter track meets at the U of R. • Social events and runs, annual banquet, the chance to meet new friends and join training groups.

Greater Rochester Track Club Mem.bership Application

The Greater Rochester Track Club. Member of Niagara Association of TAe #03 1

Ndme ______________________________________ __ New ___ Renewal-

Address _____________________________________ Home Phone ___ _

Cily· _________________________________________ Sldle ___ Zip'--__ __

Mdle ___ F emdle ___ Birlhdale ___________ T AC /I -------:c--..,----.,---------(II you have one)

Occupation or School Of student} ______________________________________ _

For members under 18: Parent/Guardian Name ______________________________ _

Address ________________________________________ Phone ________ __

I'd li ke 10 he lp wilh: Newsleller' ___ Rdces..s _____ Youlh Progrdms..s _____ Anylhing __

Suggestions to club officers: _________________________________________ _

Membership Category:

___ Individual $15/year ___ ->$40/3 yedrs

---Siudeni $1 O/year ___ ~$25!3 yedrs

___ Fami ly $25/year ___ ~$60/3 yedrs

(List ndmes and birthdales)

_---"Sponsor $25

GRTC P.O . Box 92608 Rochester, NY 14692

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