Page 1: Presenting your structures: the CCP4mg molecular-graphics ... · the substantially enhanced version 2 of the program, with a new underlying GUI toolkit, isdescribed. A built-in rendering

research papers

386 doi:10.1107/S0907444911007281 Acta Cryst. (2011). D67, 386–394

Acta Crystallographica Section D


ISSN 0907-4449

Presenting your structures: the CCP4mgmolecular-graphics software

S. McNicholas,a* E. Potterton,a

K. S. Wilsona and

M. E. M. Nobleb

aYork Structural Biology Laboratory, Department

of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington,

York YO10 5DD, England, and bDepartment of

Biochemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks

Road, Oxford OX1 3QU, England

Correspondence e-mail:

[email protected]

CCP4mg is a molecular-graphics program that is designed to

give rapid access to both straightforward and complex static

and dynamic representations of macromolecular structures. It

has recently been updated with a new interface that provides

more sophisticated atom-selection options and a wizard to

facilitate the generation of complex scenes. These scenes may

contain a mixture of coordinate-derived and abstract graphical

objects, including text objects, arbitrary vectors, geometric

objects and imported images, which can enhance a picture and

eliminate the need for subsequent editing. Scene descriptions

can be saved to file and transferred to other molecules. Here,

the substantially enhanced version 2 of the program, with a

new underlying GUI toolkit, is described. A built-in rendering

module produces publication-quality images.

Received 4 October 2010

Accepted 25 February 2011

1. Introduction

Interactive molecular-graphics programs are central to the

work performed by macromolecular crystallographers.

CCP4mg has been developed as an easy-to-use yet flexible

system for displaying the structure and structure-based

properties of macromolecules (Potterton et al., 2002, 2004). It

is not the aim of this paper to provide a comprehensive review

of the field of macromolecular graphics, but rather to describe

the main features of CCP4mg. For the history of molecular

graphics and the development of the many software packages,

readers are directed to the excellent review by Lesk et al.

(2008). However, a brief survey of other molecular graphics

helps to illustrate their broad utility in different areas of

biomolecular science.

CCP4mg builds upon the ideas for representing macro-

molecular structures encoded in programs such as MolScript

(Kraulis, 1991) and its extended variant BobScript (Esnouf,

1999a,b), which both use the renderer Raster3D (Merritt &

Bacon, 1997) to produce high-quality output. Further

inspiration for CCP4mg is drawn from programs such as

RIBBONS (Carson, 1997), SPOCK (Christopher et al., 1996),

DINO ( and INSIGHT (Dayringer et

al., 1986), all of which have contributed many ideas to how

large structures should be visualized. MIDAS (Ferrin et al.,

1988) has been a pioneering drug-design and molecular-

viewing program and its successor Chimera (Petterson et al.,

2004) remains one of the most popular and powerful programs

in the field. VMD (Humphrey et al., 1996) was created

to visualize molecular dynamics and has developed as an

extremely capable general display package for large struc-

tures. Swiss-PdbViewer (Guex & Peitsch, 1997) is a molecular-

graphics program designed to work with the SWISS-MODEL

Page 2: Presenting your structures: the CCP4mg molecular-graphics ... · the substantially enhanced version 2 of the program, with a new underlying GUI toolkit, isdescribed. A built-in rendering

server for comparative protein modelling. RasMol (Sayle &

Milner-White, 1995; Bernstein, 2000) employs efficient com-

putational methods to achieve excellent performance and its

command language was adopted by the popular viewer Jmol

(D. Gezelter; Chime (created by MDL

Systems, now part of Symyx;

downloadable/) and Protein Explorer (Martz, 2002) were

developed as variants of RasMol to perform interactive

molecular graphics within a web browser. AstexViewer

(Hartshorn, 2002) is another important example of a web-

browser-based viewer. Cn3D (

Structure/CN3D/cn3d.shtml) is particularly well suited to the

display of structural alignments of multiple proteins; it works

with the NCBI’s MMDB and VAST databases of structures

and alignments but not directly with PDB-format files. The

SGC’s iSee (Abagyan et al., 2006) program built upon

Molsoft’s ICM-Browser technology provides a means of

creating representations of chemical structure using a tight

coupling of interactive molecular graphics, hypertext, tables

etc. PyMOL (DeLano, 2002) is one of the most widely used

of the current generation of molecular-graphics systems, but

there are many others including Qmol (Gans & Shalloway,

2001), YASARA ( and CheVi (http://

The main aim of the CCP4mg project is to make available a

tool for the visualization of the static and dynamic features of

macromolecular structures. The program provides tools for

simply and rapidly creating complex single scenes and movies.

Such tools include the automatic generation of multiple

drawing styles to emphasize important structural information,

the highlighting of equivalent structural features of different

models by the use of structure-based and sequence-based

alignment and drawing molecular surfaces over a whole

structure or selected regions to focus on details of molecular-

recognition sites. The prediction and visualization of

quaternary structure and molecular interfaces is achieved

through the use of PISA (Krissinel & Henrick, 2005, 2007;

Krissinel, 2010). Electron density can be drawn in many styles

and over selected subsets of atoms to highlight areas of

interest. Other features include the drawing of textual labels

and geometric shapes and the overlaying of two-dimensional

images from files to further enhance scenes. Care has been

taken to make the creation of movies in which the view is

rotated, zoomed, panned etc. to show various aspects of the

model as intuitive as possible. Moreover, movies can be

generated from a series of coordinate files in order to highlight

changes in molecular structure. CCP4mg has a built-in

rendering module (the open-source RenderMan-compliant

Pixie engine; to produce high-

quality images for publication; the renderer may also be used

to create the individual frames of a movie.

CCP4mg is free software (LGPL;

licenses/lgpl.html) and can be downloaded from the website, where detailed documentation is

also provided. In addition, a set of tutorials providing a simple

guide for the new user is available at


2. Picture creation

2.1. Atomic model representation

CCP4mg can draw molecules in most commonly used styles,

including ball and stick, simple lines, cylinders, space-filling

spheres, ribbon cartoons for secondary structure and mole-

cular surfaces. Other properties, for example hydrogen bonds,

contacts and user-defined interatomic vectors, are depicted as

independently defined objects. Solid representations such as

surface and ribbons can be transparent, with user control of

the extent of transparency.

The user may colour the atoms by atom type, residue type,

chain, position in chain or molecule, various physical proper-

ties or by flexible customized selections. Structures can be

coloured by secondary-structure type or solvent accessibility;

these properties are calculated within the program.

Many different representations of many different selections

of molecules can be displayed simultaneously to create

complex scenes. The selections are not named in the same way

as in, for example, PyMOL (DeLano, 2002), but may be saved

and later restored or applied to other models. There are three

levels of selection.

2.1.1. Simple atom selections. The CCP4mg interface

consists of two windows (Fig. 1). The main window contains

the graphical display and a menu and toolbar for performing

the most common tasks, such as file input and output.

A second window provides the display table, which contains

information about all the currently loaded data items such as

PDB files and electron-density maps. For each data item there

is a menu corresponding to the various representations

derived from that item. Each display object in the table has

three menu buttons controlling its key properties. For the

molecular-display objects these properties are (i) the subset

of atoms used, (ii) the colour scheme applied and (iii) the

drawing style that has been chosen. Display objects can be

easily added or deleted or the selection and the colour and

drawing style can be edited to build scenes.

2.1.2. Advanced selection options. The next level in

sophistication is the ‘Selection browser’ widget which provides

more powerful tools for editing complex definitions of subsets

of atoms from the PDB files that have been loaded. Firstly,

there is a tree pane, which allows the user to see and select

from the molecular structure in terms of a tree of model

components (peptide, nucleic acid, monomers, solvent),

chains, residues and atoms. Secondly, additional widgets allow

selection by criteria such as contact distance and atom and

residue properties. As an example, the user can select all the

amino acids in chain A and then use the neighbourhood pane

to specify that only residues within 6 A are required and

finally use the residue-types pane to specify acidic residues.

Internal to CCP4mg all selections are maintained as a string

in a selection language; the user input to the various GUIs is

converted to this selection string. The selection browser has a

pane displaying the current selection command that the user

can edit. Expert users may prefer the speed and flexibility of

editing the selection string compared with changing the values

of menus or checkboxes.

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Page 3: Presenting your structures: the CCP4mg molecular-graphics ... · the substantially enhanced version 2 of the program, with a new underlying GUI toolkit, isdescribed. A built-in rendering

Complex scenes are created by the use of multiple repre-

sentations with different atom selections and drawing styles.

For example, one can draw some amino-acid residues as

cylinders and the rest as a ribbon, all ligands as cylinders,

metal atoms as spheres and

solvent, sulfates etc. as ball and

stick. The scene may be enhanced

by the addition of a particular set

of hydrogen bonds, such as those

in the vicinity of a binding site

and by a molecular surface over

some or all atoms.

2.1.3. The Picture wizard:automated picture styles. The

‘Picture wizard’ enables the

automatic creation of complex

sets of selections and styles

without user intervention. The

wizard styles have been devel-

oped based on user input to

generate informative representa-

tions relevant to the most

common usages of molecular

graphics. The view created may

subsequently be fine-tuned by

using the Selection browser and

controlling drawing-style prefer-

ences. The Picture wizard is

available in the file browser when

the molecule is loaded and can

subsequently be accessed from

the display table while using the program (Fig. 2). The avail-

able picture styles are grouped into general schemes that

include ‘bonds’, ‘ribbons’, ‘nucleic acid’, ‘ligand-binding site’,

‘interfaces’ and ‘surfaces’. A small cartoon illustrates each

picture style. The power of the wizard comes from its auto-

matic analysis of the composition of the structure so that

protein, nucleic acid, ligands, binding sites, interfaces and

solvent are identified heuristically and automatically and are

displayed in an appropriate style. This system is not as auto-

mated as the maximally informative initial views of, for

example, Chimera (Petterson et al., 2004) and iSee (Abagyan et

al., 2006), but may offer some an easier route into subsequent


2.2. Electron density

Electron-density maps are displayed as isosurfaces with line

chickenwire, cylinder chickenwire or solid surface styles; a

‘multi-chickenwire’ map display style has recently been added

that draws multiple contour values simultaneously to create an

enhanced solid appearance (Fig. 3). The map is represented

internally as a ‘continuous’ crystal: the centre of the contoured

volume adapts to always correspond to the centre of the

current view. Molecules related to the PDB coordinates by

crystallographic symmetry are generated on the fly by appli-

cation of the unit-cell and symmetry operators of the map. The

map may be clipped to a selected set of atoms to highlight

features of particular interest within the structure.

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Figure 2The Picture wizard. The selected style automatically created the sceneshown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1The CCP4mg main window and display table. Scene automatically created with Picture wizard style ‘ligandbinding site: site and broken ribbons’ for PDB entry 1snf (Chan et al., 2004).

Page 4: Presenting your structures: the CCP4mg molecular-graphics ... · the substantially enhanced version 2 of the program, with a new underlying GUI toolkit, isdescribed. A built-in rendering

Much of the code to draw solid surface representations of

electron density was donated by the Coot model-building

project (Emsley & Cowtan, 2004; Emsley et al., 2010).

2.3. Additional graphical objects: text annotations, overlaysand vectors

User-defined text annotations, which move with the struc-

ture as the view changes, can be attached to user-specified

atoms in much the same way as the ‘Annotation’ feature in

Cn3D (

In addition, a static text ‘Legend’ (any system font, bold,

underlined or italic, with subscripts and superscripts and a

choice of colour) can be added at a defined two-dimensional

screen coordinate (Fig. 4). The facility for high-quality text

minimizes the need to annotate images outside CCP4mg.

Coupled with the facility for saving and restoring scenes, this

makes editing images straightforward.

Images can be overlayed on a scene in any common bitmap

format or as a scalable vector graphic (SVG). In ‘Geometry’

mode clicking on atoms shows distances, angles and torsion

angles. The picture created can be enhanced by the addition of

‘vectors’ which connect either a user-specified pair of atoms or

user-specified Cartesian coordinates with a line or arrow and

an optional text label.

A recent feature allows the addition of arbitrary geometric

primitives to the scene (polygons, lines, cylinders etc.) and text

to enhance the information content of the structures.

3. Analysis tools: surfaces, structural and sequencealignments

3.1. Surfaces

Molecular surfaces (Lee & Richards, 1971; Connolly, 1983)

coloured by various physical properties, including electrostatic

potential, are displayed using the CXXSurface toolkit (Gruber

et al., 2007). These authors demonstrated the visualization of

sequence conservation and hydrophobicity as examples of the

importance of molecular surfaces in understanding the struc-

ture of biomolecules.

The electrostatic potential is calculated by solving the

Poisson–Boltzmann equation,

r½"ðrÞr’ðrÞ� þ 4��ðrÞ � �20’ðrÞ ¼ 0; ð1Þ

where "(r) is the relative permittivity at r, �(r) is the charge

density arising from diffusable charges at r and �0 is the

Debye–Huckel screening parameter. Gruber and coworkers

implemented an iterative finite-difference approach to solving

the problem, which uses a rapid FFT-based method to deter-

mine the protein interior; the charge distribution is smoothed

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Figure 3The electron-density styles possible inCCP4mg: (a) chickenwire, (b) chickenwirecylinders, (c) dots, (d) solid and (e) solid withtransparency.

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within the initial potential map. The values of the potential

at convergence are allocated to each of the vertices of the

graphical triangles that define the molecular surface. CCP4mg

displays surfaces in a range of styles: a solid surface with

optional transparency, a mesh representation or as dots.

Surfaces over complete models and subsets of atoms are


3.2. Structure alignment

CCP4mg provides three methods for structure super-

position: the secondary-structure matching (SSM) algorithm

(Krissinel & Hendrick, 2004), close-residue matching and

user-defined matching. The appropriate superposition trans-

formation matrices can be applied to any electron-density

maps associated with the superposed models.

3.2.1. SSM. SSM matches equivalent secondary-structure

elements (SSEs) in pairs of structures. The equivalencies are

determined to a first approximation by matching graphs built

on a vectorial representation of the secondary-structure

elements (Artymiuk et al., 1989). Equivalent SSEs are those

that have a close relative orientation and separation in

distance in both structures. This gives an approximate super-

position that is used to provide an initial base for matching

individual C� atoms. The match is then optimized using a

function that balances the r.m.s.d. and the number of matched

C� pairs. SSM is able to superpose both closely similar struc-

tures and those with more distant relations. SSM has been

incorporated into CCP4mg, thus allowing the user to select

the target molecules for multiple structure alignments and to

specify the regions of the structures to be superposed.

3.2.2. Close-residue matching. This enables locally opti-

mized superposition after a global superposition by SSM. For

example, the user can optimize the superposition of the resi-

dues forming a particular ligand-binding site.

3.2.3. User-defined matches.This allows the user to specify

equivalent individual residues or

atoms by hand. There is a tool

to automatically find equivalent

atoms in similar residues or

ligands. This is particularly useful

when trying to overlay the rele-

vant parts of non-identical


3.3. Sequence viewer

Recent releases contain a

protein-sequence viewer in which

the user can highlight sections of

the structure (Fig. 5). This can

be performed with multiple

sequences and the development

of more advanced alignment tools

is in hand which will provide

more extensive functionality. For

example, recent builds include

the ability to load sequences and

alignments in many formats,

including Clustal, FASTA, GCG/

MSF and PIR, and to generate a

sequence alignment using

the MUSCLE tool (Edgar, 2004).

Searching of databases for similar

sequences to download and

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390 McNicholas et al. � CCP4mg Acta Cryst. (2011). D67, 386–394

Figure 4The text-display capabilities of CCP4mg. Three atoms are labelled withthe default format: chain/residue number/atom name. The ligand has anannotation attached. All these rotate as the view is changed. In contrast,the ‘Legend’ is in a static user-defined screen position.

Figure 5Structure and sequence alignment. Chain A of PDB entry 1eu5 (brown; Gonzalez et al., 2001)superimposed on chain B of 2xce (pink; Garcıa-Nafrıa et al., 2010) using SSM. The nucleotide analoguedUpNpp bound to 2xce is drawn as cylinders. The sequences, aligned using MUSCLE, are displayed in the‘Sequence viewer’ window coloured by conservation. The residues highlighted in the sequence viewerappear as stick representations in the graphics window. This figure also demonstrates the new single-window appearance of CCP4mg, with the Sequence viewer, Display Table and Clip and Fog widgets dockedin the main window.

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display any corresponding structures is also possible using the

EBI/NCBI BLAST service (Johnson et al., 2008; McWilliam et

al., 2009). The sequence viewer is a work in progress and does

not yet provide the extensive functionalities of, for example,

Multialign Viewer in Chimera (Petterson et al., 2004).

3.4. PISA

PISA (Protein Interfaces, Surfaces and Assemblies service at

the European Bioinformatics Institute;

msd-srv/prot_int/pistart.html; Krissinel & Henrick, 2005,

2007; Krissinel, 2010) is a tool for the exploration of macro-

molecular (protein, DNA/RNA and ligand) interfaces, the

prediction of probable quaternary structures (assemblies)

and database searches for structurally similar interfaces and

assemblies, as well as searches on various assembly and PDB-

entry parameters.

PISA identifies the chemical monomers and the interfaces

between them, including those generated by applying

symmetry to the input coordinates. By evaluating the strength

of interaction between the neighbouring monomers in a

crystal, PISA predicts the most stable multimer likely to be the

functional biological unit.

PISA is available as an EBI web service and also as a

standalone program which has been incorporated into

CCP4mg to enable molecular-graphics visualization of the

results. The monomers present are listed and the user may

click on them to create display objects in the graphics window

and display table. Interfaces are listed and selecting one of

them causes a molecular-surface object to be generated

(Fig. 6); the user may, for example, choose to colour this by

electrostatic potential.

4. Publication- and presentation-quality images

4.1. Static views

CCP4mg offers two methods of outputting images. In the

first method the pixel contents of the main OpenGL window

are simply dumped to a bitmap file, while the second method

is to use the included rendering program Pixie (http://, which produces high-definition

output and can optionally be used to generate effects such as

shadows using ray tracing or ambient occlusion. The renderer

is the recommended way of producing publication-quality

images. The renderer input file, in Renderman Interface

Bytestream (RIB) format (

products/rispec/rispec_pdf/RISpec3_2.pdf), may be saved for

use with external rendering programs. Outputting the scene in

a format suitable for alternative external renderers or VRML,

as is performed in programs such as Ribbons (Carson, 1997)

and RasMol (Sayle & Milner-White, 1995; Bernstein, 2000), is

a potential future development.

Both the screen-dump and render methods allow the

creation of stereo pairs and images with transparent back-


4.2. Movies

To generate a movie, the user only needs to set up a few key

scenes that are saved as frames in the Movie editor panel

(Fig. 7). The program will interpolate between these frames

either to show a preview of the potential movie or to create

the movie. The user can choose the number of frames inserted

between each key frame to control the speed of the movie

and can specify the screen size, frame rate, movie format

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Acta Cryst. (2011). D67, 386–394 McNicholas et al. � CCP4mg 391

Figure 6Assembly prediction by PISA. (a) The original model (PDB entry 3hhz; Green & Luo, 2009). (b) The dimer predicted by PISA.

Page 7: Presenting your structures: the CCP4mg molecular-graphics ... · the substantially enhanced version 2 of the program, with a new underlying GUI toolkit, isdescribed. A built-in rendering

(animated GIF or MPEG) and quality. Very high quality

movies can be created using the renderer to generate each

frame. While the renderer is much slower than using simple

screen-pixel dumps, it offers substantially enhanced capabil-

ities, e.g. much finer interpolation between different opacities

of multiple objects.

CCP4mg can import the trajectory files from morphing or

trajectory calculations and the Movie editor will create movies

from this input. All of the usual CCP4mg display features (for

example, atom selections and surfaces) can be applied to the

trajectory coordinates to create sophisticated movies. Future

releases will enable the calculation of morphs internally and

will generate series of coordinates corresponding to a vibra-

tional normal-mode analysis.

5. New features in version 2

In addition to several features described above, the move to a

new programming toolkit (x6) has facilitated the development

of a number of new features.

5.1. Toolbar and program-status history

The program’s main window contains a toolbar upon which

the user is able to place an icon for any of CCP4mg’s main

actions. For instance, if the user is working on creating a movie

the ‘Open movie’ task may be placed onto the toolbar,

obviating the need to navigate through menus every time the

program is launched. The toolbar by default contains some

common actions, including clearing picked atom labels and

navigating backwards and forwards through the new ‘history’

feature. CCP4mg saves the program status every time a

significant change is made to the scene. This status specifies

which files are loaded, which atoms are selected with what

styles and colours, and the camera position and orientation.

The user may navigate freely backwards and forwards through

this status history.

5.2. Inbuilt help system

The CCP4mg website (http:// has exten-

sive HTML documentation and

tutorials with help buttons

throughout the program linking

to the appropriate documenta-

tion. Version 2 uses the Qt

Webkit tool to display help pages,

replacing an earlier HTML

browser that only worked in the

Linux version.

5.3. Automatic updates

Users can opt to have the

program update itself by down-

loading a patch with the changes

to the latest version. This

provides a much smaller and faster download than the whole

package and is very easy to use.

Nightly (complete) builds of CCP4mg are available from

5.4. Better usage of graphics hardware

In addition to the hardware stereo capabilities in version 1,

version 2 exploits the facilities of the Zalman ZM-220 series of

monitors and can display side-by-side stereo pairs. Full-scene

anti-aliasing is supported (and is the default) on all hardware

and operating systems that support it. This includes most

modern Macintosh, Microsoft Windows and Linux systems

with discrete graphics adapters.

The user can easily edit the lighting of the scene in a fully

flexible manner. Some simple presets are also offered. When

generating publication-quality images by rendering using ray

tracing to generate shadows, the program will warn if the

current lighting model is unlikely to create noticeable


Full control of the depth-cue and clipping planes is


5.5. Image rendering in batch mode

CCP4mg can run without a graphical display to render

images of a scene specified as a CCP4mg-format picture-

definition file, a language specification for which is available at

This, for example, allows CCP4mg to be placed at the end of a

computational pipeline to generate pictures of the results or

the rendering facility can be called from another molecular-

graphics program. This facility is also useful for testing the

non-GUI parts of the program. Such testing identified some

serious bottlenecks which have subsequently been eliminated.

The picture-definition language describes a single static

scene comprehensively, but is not a dynamic scripting inter-

face like those offered in Chime or RasMol (Sayle & Milner-

White, 1995; Bernstein, 2000).

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Figure 7The Movie editor dialogue. The above sequence rotates an expanded view of the molecule around the y axisfor 2 s, takes 2 s to zoom into a close-up view of a ligand and then rocks for 2 s with the ligand at the screencentre.

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At present, the program will simply follow the set of

commands specified on the command line and then exit.

Future versions are planned to sit as a server listening for


5.6. Remote control

CCP4mg can be controlled to a limited extent by other

programs. It is possible for other programs on either the local

or a remote machine to move and orient the view and send

files or request the opening of local files or to request the

viewing of a whole scene. Coot (Emsley & Cowtan, 2004;

Emsley et al., 2010) is able to communicate with CCP4mg

using the last of these methods. On systems with the appro-

priate software installed, CCP4mg may advertise its avail-

ability for such interaction using Zeroconf (http:// or an equivalent system.

The communication between programs is peformed with

sockets. CCP4mg will open a socket on user request and listen

for input in the background. Commands are sent as marked-

up strings from client programs connected to CCP4mg’s

socket. If these strings meet certain criteria then CCP4mg will

interpret them as commands. For those wishing to see how this

is achieved in detail, an example is distributed with the


5.7. Plug-in applications

It is possible to implement additional functionality in

CCP4mg in the form of plug-in applications. Since the main

portion of the program is written in Python, this is very

straightforward: one simply writes a Python program con-

taining the plug-in initialization function and places it in the

plug-ins directory. Although the entry point of the plug-in

must be a Python file, the major functionality can be written in

any programming language and can access the MMDB and

Clipper libraries for coordinate and experimental data hand-

ling, respectively. The plug-in interface offers the ability to

load custom data types and to declare methods for display-

object generation and manipulation. Several of the current

CCP4mg modules are implemented as such plug-ins; for

example, the PISA interface, the renderer, the edit-lighting

GUI, automatic updates, remote control, toolbar editing and

the font browser are all implemented as plug-ins. Most new

features of the program will be developed in this format.

Similar ideas have previously been implemented in molecular

graphics such as the core/extensions architecture of Chimera

(Petterson et al., 2004).

The application-programming interface (API) still needs

documentation, but the tools now exist for anyone to extend

the capability of CCP4mg.

5.8. Single-window interface

As of version 2.4.3, CCP4mg can operate within a single

window which incorporates the display table, the graphics

window and the sequence viewer (Fig. 5). This is not just to

create a more modern look, but also to significantly enhance

the program’s usability by not having multiple windows scat-

tered across the computer screen which can confuse the user.

This is an increasingly common feature of modern computer

programs such as ICM Browser, a molecular-graphics system

with an extremely clean single-windowed interface.

6. Design and implementation

6.1. The data-handling software libraries

The core of CCP4mg is written in a combination of C++

and Python. C++ libraries handle the data and provide the

computationally intensive tools for applications. Python is

used to provide high-level program control and to implement

the GUI; this area has undergone considerable change in

version 2 and will be discussed at length in the next section.

CCP4mg uses the MMDB library developed by Eugene

Krissinel for handling model data (Krissinel et al., 2004).

MMDB provides tools for handling PDB- and mmCIF-format

files: reading and writing data, orthogonal–fractional coordi-

nate transforms, generation of symmetry mates, editing the

molecular structure plus some other higher level tasks.

Crystallographic data are handled by the Clipper libraries

(Cowtan, 2003).

The Python layer of the program communicates with the

C++ libraries using the SWIG interface generator (http://

6.2. Program control and the GUI

CCP4mg version 2 retains the features of version 1 and has

many new features. The major change is the graphical user

interface based on the Qt Application Framework (http:// Qt creates widgets with the correct look and

feel for the underlying operating system, so the same program

code creates a somewhat different user interface on Windows,

Mac and Linux. Qt provides an extensive collection of C++

programming tools; besides the GUI tools, CCP4mg uses Qt

for displaying SVG files, spawning threads and various

graphical but non-UI tasks.

Lengthy processes that would otherwise stall the GUI

unacceptably (for example, downloading files and long

calculations) are performed in a separate thread.

Some GUI elements use the same definitions in Python as in

version 1, but are now parsed to generate Qt instead of Tk

widgets; other GUI elements have been written from scratch

in Qt. In both approaches, all of the final GUI definitions

are Python statements; thus, a Python-to-Qt (C++) bridge is

required and is currently provided by the PyQt (http:// bindings

package. The PySide bindings developed by Nokia will be

considered as a replacement as soon as a stable version is


7. Summary and future plans

We have created a much improved version of the CCP4

molecular-graphics program: CCP4mg now contains a com-

prehensive set of tools for both automatic and very specific

research papers

Acta Cryst. (2011). D67, 386–394 McNicholas et al. � CCP4mg 393

Page 9: Presenting your structures: the CCP4mg molecular-graphics ... · the substantially enhanced version 2 of the program, with a new underlying GUI toolkit, isdescribed. A built-in rendering

user-defined atom selections, the output image quality has

been improved by the incorporation of a rendering module,

interface and multimer analysis is possible using PISA and

work has begun on sequence alignment and exploration

features, and communication with the Coot model-building

program has improved and will continue to do so.

Future releases will include enhancements to the sequence

viewer, including the ability to specify weighting to parts of the

alignment, gap penalties etc. and the ability to change the style

of the structure displayed when the user highlights residues

in the sequence. Colouring the three-dimensional structure by

sequence conservation will be enabled. Work on normal-mode

visualization is in progress: a normal-mode program exists, a

GUI needs to be written and we plan to visualize by creating

animations for each mode and providing a ‘porcupine’ static

representation mode. Polysaccharide cartoons and multiple

bond displays (using information from the CCP4 monomer

library) will be implemented.

SM and EP are funded by the Science and Technology

Facilities Council through CCP4.


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