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TurnSocial Data into Insights

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Every day, social media users produce approximately500 million tweets on Twitter, 4.5 billion more

“Likes” on Facebook, and share 55 million new photos onInstagram.

Even more social media data flows from Google+,You Tube, LinkedIn, and other social networks,

forums, and online media outlets.

Social Data Is Everywhere

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Everything About The Consumer

Has Changed

Social media = large, organic, & unbiasedfocus group.


have access to information

havea voice unlike any before

demandauthenticity and quality

expectus to know them (their profile) while we keep who

they are (as a person) private and secure

…And they’renot afraid to:


speak loudly and publicly

tell us when they don't getit

remindus frequently of our obligation to them

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What Is Social Intelligence?

Why Do Brands Need It?

Social Intelligenceis achieved when social media big data, is turned into insights, and action, and is shared openly

across departments, and systems. Social Intelligence is integrated into business process and ultimately business results.

● brand or product visibility

● mood around a product or service

● impact of marketing campaigns

● opportunities for engagement

● competitor activity and competitive comparison

● emerging crises (before they explode)

● evolving trends

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MovePast The Noise To

Actionable Insights

1 - Set objectivesfirst:Be clear about yourgoals.

2- Use sampling solutions:Prioritize what you analyze using the

influence of theverbatim.

3- Consider social media as asuper focusgroup.

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1- Data spikes:Determine an average threshold and get alerts.

2 - Large conversations with many comments:Pay attention

if more thanfivecomments.

3 - Set real time alertson sensitive keywords.

Detect And Manage Social Media Crises

Combine online and offline data, for a richer understanding of your customers’ experience through a ‘One Voice of the Customer’


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Drill down into your data and discover the most

influential social media users around your industry or


Identify influential:




Engage with your influencers and advocates and equip them to

help out.

Identify Brand Advocates And


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Influence Ranking Services Include

PostRank:Delivers objective, real-time data and analysis on topics, trend, or interests relevant to business.

KLOUT: Measures influence based on your ability to drive action. Every time you create content or engage, you have the capacity to

influence others.

Traackr’s:Identifies the most relevant online influencers for a topic or campaign.

Synthesio’sSynthesioRank:influence ranking system, simple scoreranking

0to 10: Reveals for each brand or topic the influential individuals onlineand

thevarious sites where they “live”.

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● Who- Identify and monitor Influencers - both advocates and detractors

● What- Are certain ideas getting traction or Share of Voice?

● When- Do social spikes correspond to campaigns or crises?

● Where- Are there sites/platforms where your audience likes to comment?

● Why- What motivates people to express opinions online?

How Do I Measure ROI?

Leverage a Social Intelligence Platform to measure stats around:

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Keep It Simple

● Don’t waste time tracking information that’s not important to


● One short-term goal associated with one KPI at a time =

measurable andscalable

● Communicate found insights across departments in order to

leverage Social Intelligence across the enterprise.

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Social Intelligence







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Enterprise Listening Platforms, 2014


“Synthesio is aleader in this study due to its superior global data

coverage,automated analysis built from human coding, and functional


Well-satisfiedcustomer references score the vendor highly forits

flexibility and the frequency with which it recommends new


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