  • 1. Arrow keys for back and forth 1997

2. Foreign Branches Arrow keys for back and forth 3. Arrow keys for back and forth 4. Arrow keys for back and forth 5. Arrow keys for back and forth 6. Staff Arrow keys for back and forth 7. Plants Arrow keys for back and forth 8. Plants Arrow keys for back and forth GAS engines division BUS service division 9. Plants Arrow keys for back and forth 10. Test bench equipments Arrow keys for back and forth 11. Countries where our vehicles circulate Proyects in phase of definition Arrow keys for back and forth 12. From the beginning to now Arrow keys for back and forth 1947 2011 13. Arrow keys for back and forth Myanmar Myanmar 14. Arrow keys for back and forth Romania Bangladeh 15. Arrow keys for back and forth Colombia Pakistan 16. Arrow keys for back and forth Thailand Thailand 17. Arrow keys for back and forth Iran Iran 18. Arrow keys for back and forth Egypt India 19. Arrow keys for back and forth 20. Emission Arrow keys for back and forth 21. Performances Arrow keys for back and forth 22. Arrow keys for back and forth 23. ESC for exit

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