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2016 Year of Organization for Change on Energy, Climate Change Agreement and the Sustainable

Development post-2015 Agenda

EDI Energy Business Management

7th September 2016- The Hague, Netherlands

Adriaan Kamp

Energy For One World

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Adriaan Kamp

2009- - Energy For One WorldA practice on Global Change, Energy and


Program Director Executive Energy (transition) & Leadership Education

20 years Industry/Shell International : Upstream ( 5 Countries and HQ).

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Contents of Session

1. Year 2015: Global Change, Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015

2. Year 2016: Organising ourselves for Change

3. Opportunities, Skills and our (Personal) Leadership

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2016 Year of Organization for Change on Energy, Climate Change Agreement and the Sustainable Development post-2015 Agenda

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Prof. Jeffrey Sachs- Earth Institute: The Age of Sustainable Development


Clickable Video Presentation

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NASA Latest -September 2016

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BP Energy Outlook 2035


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BP Energy Statistics 2016

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BRIC:It’s our time. Let us grow our Economies and take care of

our peopleYou’ll fix whatever you want to


The West:“If you do as I have done

it will be a mess.”

Let us all change- rapidlyLet’s secure our nation,

people and planet

Emerging:Will there be enough for

us?Can i afford it?

Who will deliver it to me?

The poor:When will we see electricity and get


Opec and GasPec:You need us!

We can deliver your needs!What is all that fuzz about

Availability and climate change?

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2014 2030-2050

7 Billion People

9 BillionPeople

90 trillion USD


180-210 trillion


225 million oil eq/day

500- 750 million

oil eq/day

400 ppm CO2 and Carbon Budget consumed for 2 degrees/ 21st century

??? ppm CO2 and Climate Change Effects

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2/1/2012 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved

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Geopolitical shifts and re-alignments

• Economic and finance system change and fundamentals

• A new technological era: 4th Industrial Revolution.

• Global production systems & the rise of new (multinational) corporations

• Social Changes (network economies), and the quest for wealth justice

• Planetary boundaries/ Resource Scarcities

• Demographic change and migration/ Changing labour markets

Global Change

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PwC 1400 CEO Global View

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Pope Francis and his Encyclical – on Poverty, Stewardship and the


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Living Planet Reports

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G7 and the next 100 years

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UN FCCC COP21 Paris (3) COP 21 Conclusion

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22 ratifications

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G20 Hangzhou

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71st UN GA and COP 22

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Year 2016 Agenda

How can we organize ourselves to support and achieve these

Three (3) Objectives?

1. Support the UN Sustainable Development Goals

2. Implement the Paris Agreement

3. Provide Energy to our Societies

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Contents of Session

1. Year 2015: Global Change, Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015

2. Year 2016: Organising ourselves for Change

3. Opportunities, Skills and our (Personal) Leadership

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UNRegional Blocks


CommunitiesCompanies and InstitutesCo-alitions of the Willing

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Sustainable Community Building

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The Rise of a new middle-class ( 3 Billion) – in MegaCitiesand more people live in Greater Tokyo (35m) than in all of Canada

The top 10 cities by population:

1. Tokyo, (34 million)

2. Seoul (24.4 million)

3. Guangzhou (24.2 million)

4. Mexico City (23.4 million)

5. Delhi (23.2 million)

6. Mumbai (22.8 million)

7. New York (22.2 million)

8. Sao Paolo (20.9 million)

9. Manila (19.6 million)

10. Shanghai (19.4 million)

All above fit comfortably into the list

Of Top-50 nations by population

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Click to Go To Website

Germany: An example how it works- in real

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New Possibility Thinking (1)Mission Innovation

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New Possibility Thinking (3)Largest Solar Farm (First Solar)

2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024

2 yr 4yr 6yr 8 yr 10 yr 12 yr 14 yr 16 yr 18yr 20 yr

5 yr 10 yr 15 yr 20 yr 25 yr 30 yr 35 yr 40 yr 45 yr 50 yr

3500 hectares160,000 homes1,5 Bn USD550 MW8 million panels

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New Possibility Thinking (4)Largest Offshore Wind Farm’s


2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024

2 yr 4yr 6yr 8 yr 10 yr 12 yr 14 yr 16 yr 18yr 20 yr

5 yr 10 yr 15 yr 20 yr 25 yr 30 yr 35 yr 40 yr 45 yr 50 yr

An offshore area of 100km2175 wind turbinesTwo offshore substationsNearly 450km of offshore cablingOne onshore substation630MW of electricityEnough power for nearly half a million homes

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New Possibility Thinking (6)Tesla and Solar City- A New Value Proposition

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New Possibility Thinking (5): New distributed utility

Largest Ore Wind Farm’s

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New Possibility Thinking (7)Car-manufacturer, Carlos Ghosn

Electric Vehicles sales are in direct correlation with the number and amount of charging stations installed in a city, region or nation.

It's a public-private partnership. It's a matter of trust. It's a matter of convenience. But it surely the way to go into our Future.

(Carlos doesnot believe in fuel-celled LPV's. He is truly committed to the electrification of self-driving and navigating new car concepts)

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Uber Google

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New Possibility Thinking(8)Smart Cities

The vision of “Smart Cities” is the urban center of the future, made safe, secure environmentally green, and efficient because all structures - whether for power, water, transportation, etc. are designed, constructed, and maintained making use of advanced, integrated materials, sensors, electronics, and networks which are interfaced with computerized systems comprised of databases, tracking, and decision-making algorithms. - U.S. Dept. of Energy, “The Vision of a Smart City”, 2000

Examples of New, Smart or Sustainable Cities:• C40 – Vancouver, Oslo, New York, etc. • Masdar, Abu Dhabi, • New Songho City, South Korea, • Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, India• King Abdullah + Economic CitIES, Saudi Arabia• e.g. China Tianjin Development••PM Modi’s 100 smart cities

•King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia

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New Possibility Thinking (9) Better Architecture- Zero, Zero-Plus and more


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New Possibility Thinking (10)RE-100 Group

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New Possibility Thinking (11)Energy Project Finance

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New Possibility Thinking (12)Finance, Banks and Insurers

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Plan China (1)

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Plan China (2)

• Deepen energy revolution by establishing a modern energy system that is clean, low-carbon and efficient.

• Build a coordinated and integrated energy network.

• Control carbon emissions, honor climate commitments and deeply participate into global climate governance.

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Plan China (3)

-- Quicken Belt and Road construction and expand win-win

cooperation to form a new comprehensive opening-up


-- Strengthen cooperation with international financial

institutions, push forward the Asian Infrastructure

Investment Bank and the BRICS New Development


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Plan China (4)

and properly operate the Silk Road Fund. -- Build China-Mongolia-

Russia, China-Central Asia-West Asia, China-Indochina Peninsula,

China-Pakistan and Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic

corridors, as well as the new Eurasian Land Bridge.

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Plan China (5)

• PEOPLE'S WELL-BEING -- Lift 50 million people out of poverty and build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.

• -- Fully implement two-child policy, with the total population reaching 1.42 billion.


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Plan California (1)

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Plan California (2)

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Plan California (3)

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Plan California (4)

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Plan California (1)

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The Dutch New Energy Delta Plan

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World Power Sector

(electricity only- ~30% world energy)- IEA, June 2015

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From WEF/ Accenture: The energy architecture is an integrated physical system of energy sources, carriers and demand sectors

shaped by government, industry and civil society.

The energy architecture on location is a reflection of the socio-political, economic, ecological and business philosophies,

leadership and interests exercised on location.

The energy architecture in a country, region or global community is (ideally) to serve (the rise of, establishment of) thriving sustainable societies- making energy available, affordable and sustainable to all: balancing economic

interests with that of society and nature. Here and there. Now and in the future.


Energy Architecture

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Re-inventing Strategies/Relationships: “X-Factor of Integration, Transition

and Transformation”


Energy Efficiency

Product Re-designs

Energy Architectures



1 2




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Levels of Maturity of ChangeIntegration- Transition- Transformation

• Level 1

• Level 2

• Level 3

• Level 4

• Change and No Change. Resistance to Change. Policy, Administrative and Derivative Change (CO2 tax, ETS, Accounting). Coal vs. Gas. Continued backroom lobbying

• Full Integration of Renewables (clean-tech, energy conservations, smartness, etc.) in the Energy Architecture - but not with a system change. Retained regulations, ownership , revenue, tax and capital control structures

• Transition to a New Energy Architecture and Newly shared socio-economic and corporate business models-also in international trade

• Transformation of Economies and Societies. Eco-modernity and New human consciousness

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“Every Energy Company and Every Energy Architecture in this world can be improved

upon in order to raise the availability, affordability and sustainability of energy to

all”.- Adriaan Kamp, 2015


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We are here- so mind the moment we are in!

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Roughly Equals


Oil & Gas Company


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Clean-Tech/ Renewables

Oil & Gas

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The Present Big Elephant in the Room:

Suffering in Oil-Resource Economies

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The Context We see Ourselves in

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A New Business Worthiness Pledge

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide a

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to end poverty, combat climate

change and fight injustice and inequality. By applying

innovation, resources and expertise, I will pursue the business

opportunities inherent in building greener, more equitable and

inclusive societies

I am a business leader who knows that business cannot

succeed in societies that fail. I will do my utmost to be

businessworthy in all my efforts, and true to my business to

support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. I

call on my peers to do the same.

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Country Categories

• OECD- USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia

• (Richer, Resource based) OPEC/ GasPec

• China Inc., India Inc.

• Developing (without Resources)

• Developing (with Resources)

• Least developed. Poor.

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Pathways for JobsEnergy & Non-Energy


• Governments (1)

• Energy Corporates and Incumbents (2)

• New Entrants/ Innovators/ Game-changers (3)

• Non-Energy Sectors/ Green Growth/ UN SDGs (4)

1+2+3+4 +5= Hybrid Eco-system Bottoms-up

• Community, Start-up Community (5)

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No Jobs Plans

Dubai Understanding our Ways

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New Jobs in Non-Energy Economy

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Prof. Kotter: Organize to Change

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197 countries need to change

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Building New Bridges onEnergy & Sustainability

Focus – Impact- Meaning- Results

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Contents of Session

1. Year 2015: Global Change, Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015

2. Year 2016: Organising ourselves for Change

3. Opportunities, Skills and our (Personal) Leadership

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One World. Many Needs. Many Views

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“In Leadership- we are all students for life”

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Leadership Levels

• Managing Yourself

• Managing Others

• Managing complex change &

• Managing multi-stakeholders

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Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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“Only good can come from good”

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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What happy people know

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Conquering the self

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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“Manage others as you would like to be managed yourself”

(golden rule)

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Organizing people


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Ram Charan- Execute

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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The art of Entrepreneurs & The art of Execution

Entrepreneurs are in essence Opportunity Seekers and Realizers.

Executors (Managers) are the people who can organize things. They are inspired to lead people in performance and serve and align stakeholders.•

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Good is the enemy of Great

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From Good to Great

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Here’s the essence of the gospel of Greenleaf. First and foremost, truly great managers want to serve the people they lead. They do this by supporting them rather than dictating to them, and by assigning top priority to employee well-being. Deceptively simple and deeply profound.

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

Servant Leadership : a simple but o-so-powerful idea

Turning you 180 degrees and making you available for growth

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Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

“Resistance to change falls when the benefits are clear”

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Kotter on Change and Organizations for Change

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Can We Change?

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Ernest Gundling...Understanding Cultures and Relationships. The way it works

Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Cultural Dimensions

Global People Skills



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Moderated Consumerism

Limits to Growth

Cradle-to-Cradle, Bio-Mimicry

Zero emissions

Nature First

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Away with traditional country and/or

corporate borders : City-Hubs.

Horizontal, cross-border


Cultural awareness and tolerance

A new world of sharing and

Power to the People

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Expansion of wealth, ownership and new growth

Continued Consumerism and Hedonistic life-styles.

Short-termism, Schumpeter, Ayn Rand, Resilience

A world of larger inequalities and divisions:

Rich and poor. Have’s and Have Not’s

Money First




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A world of Power , Principles and


Polarisation between Beliefs and/or

Power Blocks

The Geo-politics of Emotions

Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest

Power to the Strongest,



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The world of Prof. Michio Kaku and

Kurz Weill Singularity

Game-changers and Disruptive


A world of Smart Cities, New Surprises ,

Exponential Growth and Abundance

The Rule of Science &


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Conscious Capitalism

The rise of new (global and business)

leadership: Gandhi’s and Mandela’s

Neuroscience , psychology and spirituality

Gaia, Oneness and Global Mind-set.





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