Page 1: Preschool / Kindergarten
Page 2: Preschool / Kindergarten

Preschool / Kindergarten Teacher Guide

Fall Quarter, 2021

We Learn God Keeps HisChildren Secure

September 5 Noah Accepted God’s Will . . . . . . . 11

September 12 Job Accepted God’s Will . . . . . . . . 16

September 19 Gideon Accepted God’s Will . . . . . . . 21

September 26 Elijah Accepted God’s Will . . . . . . . 26

October 3 The Baby in the Basket . . . . . . . . . . 32

October 10 Moses and the Burning Bush . . . . . . 37

October 17 Moses Helps God’s People . . . . . . . 42

October 24 The Crosswalk in the Sea . . . . . . . 47

October 31 Food from the Sky . . . . . . . . . . . 52

November 7 David and the Giant . . . . . . . . . . 59

November 14 Three Friends in the Fire . . . . . . . . 64

November 21 Daniel and the Den of Lions . . . . . . 69

November 28 The Beautiful Queen . . . . . . . . . . 74

We LearnTo Accept God’s Will

We LearnAbout God’s


We Learn About Brave People Who Loved God

Quarterly Objective: The learner will experience learning about people in the Bible who depended upon God for their safety and well-being.

Volume 3, No. 1, Fall Quarter, 2021Writer: Lena Case

Editor in Chief: Kyle Elkins, [email protected]

Business Manager: Dean Grigsby, [email protected]

© 2021, Bogard Press, 4605 N. State Line Ave. Texarkana, TX; 1-800-264-2482

Page 3: Preschool / Kindergarten


Lesson Objective: Learners will participate in activities that teach how Noah obeyed God and trusted Him for safety during the flood.

Noah Works for GodGenesis 6—9

When Adam and Eve yielded to temptation in the Garden of Eden, sin entered into the world. People sinned more and more until the time of Noah. He and his family alone submitted to God. Then, God told Noah of plans to destroy the world. He promised safety for Noah and his family because Noah walked with God. He gave instructions for building an ark as a refuge. With the passengers safely inside the ark, God Himself closed the door. God’s protection kept them safe while all the people and animals outside the ark drowned in the floodwater.

Life Application: I learned that Noah believed God would keep his family safe. He obeyed God by building the ark for himself, his family and the animals. God kept Noah safe because Noah accepted God’s will.

I know God takes care of me all the time. I will accept His plans for me.

LESSON 1 • September 5, 2021

Noah Accepted God’s Will

Genesis 6—9

Bible Principle: God rewards His people for obedience and faithfulness. Noah and his family are examples of people committed to God’sdirection.

Memory Verse:

“Noah walked with God.” Genesis 6:9

Noah followed God’s instructions to build the ark.

Page 4: Preschool / Kindergarten

Vocabulary Wordsflood—rainwater that covered all the earthark—the huge boat in which Noah, his family and the animals

survived the floodobey—to do what another commands

Early Time Activities C h i l d r e n have such diverse personalities that teachers must not expect them

to act alike. Those who bounce into your room ready to tell you about the latest episode with their dog have no problem adjusting to classroom situations. More reserved children, however, may stand quietly beside the door waiting for someone to offer friendship and encourage participation. Do not assume that because a child has come to the department for several weeks or even months that he will promptly get involved on his own. A greeter needs to be there to meet every arrival with a cheery welcome, a friendly comment to put him at ease, a warm touch that says “I love you” and an invitation to do a specific activity. What a difference that will make in the life of a little child! Our time for serving the Lord is too short to ignore the needs of one of His little ones. For Jesus’ sake, take time for the shy ones. Provide name tag necklaces to identify new children. Cut an animal shape for each child. Punch a hole at the top and thread a 16'' length of

12 Noah Accepted God’s Will Lesson 1

Noah’s faithfulness stood out in stark contrast to the rampant wickedness of his world. His successful life-style of walking with God resulted in unexpected blessings when God chose him to preserve life on the earth. Look at the sinfulness in our own world to know something of what it was like in Noah’s day. Evil actions were a way of life. Violence was everywhere. People chose to ignore God’s will and followed the ungodly inclinations of the flesh. God had enough. He chose to destroy life on the earth. He called Noah to make an ark with specific dimensions and instructions for it. Noah’s family and a pair of each kind of all the animals would safely live through the flood to start life on earth again. Noah followed God’s instructions for building the ark. “Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he” (Genesis 6:22). His submissive will yielded to whatever God wanted for him. The story of the flood is probably very familiar to you, but read it again—Genesis 6—9:17. Read it thought-fully to discover something you overlooked before. God rewarded Noah’s faithfulness and obedience. Still today, He blesses people committed to doing His will. Through submission to God’s will we find the abundant life Christ came to provide. Saying, “Yes, Lord, yes” to His will and to His way is the surest way to enjoy God’s best in life.

Know God’s Word

Prepare Your Room Use Item 1 room decoration on the door or wall. Promotion Day may bring different children to your group. Help them enjoy the class by preparing your room in a most attractive way. The begin-ning of a new church year should be motivation to make the most of God’s time. The return of Jesus Christ is steadily approaching. Some day will be your last week to teach. Make every session the best you can do with God’s help. Young children remember more of what you teach when they can see the truths visualized. Prepare the bulletin board display on the unit introduction page to help them learn the biblical concept of accepting God’s will. The attendance chart, Item 3, has a different format this quarter. Place it on the wall at children’s eye level. Each week help them add miniature stickers in the space provided. There are so many supplemental teaching aids about Noah and the ark that you will have to choose which to use. Enlarge coloring book pictures of animals. Color and cut them out. Place them on the wall in pairs. The children will love them.

Materials Needed: Item 1 Item 3 Mini Happy Face

Stickers coloring book

pictures of animals

crayons scissors

Materials Needed: name tags hole punch play dough cardboard box poster board spray paint black permanent

marker wooden blocks

Page 5: Preschool / Kindergarten

yarn through it. Knot the ends and slip the special necklace over the child’s head.

Play Dough Animals—Play dough is standard for most young children’s classrooms. Children like to mold and shape it to their imaginations’ delight! Make a fresh batch of it with the easy-to-do recipe on page 7. Select a sturdy box about 12'' x 18''. Cut a fold-down door in the side also to use as a gangplank. Make a roof with a piece of poster board. Spray paint the box and roof brown. When dry, use a black permanent ink marker to add details as desired. Give some of the dough to each child to make animals to go into the cardboard box ark. As the children use the play dough, talk about the kinds of animals that came to Noah’s ark. God made them come; Noah did not have to go round them up. Let the children choose which pair of animals they want to make. When they finish shaping the animals, let them pretend the animals walk up the gangplank to find a spot inside the ark. Talk about how big the ark was to provide spaces for all the animals. Noah also took feed for them. Shape play dough to represent Noah or a member of his family. There should be eight figures of people in

the ark when you tell learners that God closed the door so that the people and animals would be safe during the flood. Fold the door up and set the ark aside while you have worship time.

Books—There are many books about Noah’s story. Use them for children who finish early with other activities. Wooden blocks for building an ark will provide meaningful involvement for learners also. A theme song to announce pick up time is a fun way to involve learners in putting away Early Time materials. The play dough animals may stay in the ark, but pick up and store any leftover dough. Quickly tidy the room so that it is ready for the rest of the session.

Lesson Set Provide pictures of animals which learners may tape to a large ark drawn on a grocery bag or other brown paper. Roll a piece of masking tape into a circle with the sticky side facing out. Place it on the back of the pictures for learners to attach them to the paper ark background. The children may make individual projects with seals attached to smaller size arks from brown paper. Animals stickers will work well.

Discussion: Today, we will learn how Noah obeyed God in building an ark. He depended on God for safety for his family and all the animals when lots of rain came.

Lesson 1 Noah Accepted God’s Will 13

When Trouble Comes—Psalm 50:15

(Show a portable telephone or a picture of a child talking on a phone.) Do you know how to use a telephone? What are ways you have used the phone? (Talking with family and friends, calling time service.) People often use the phone when they are in trouble. Your parents may call the emergency room when someone in the family gets very sick in the middle of the night. When a fire begins, someone calls the fire department. (Mention that 9-1-1 service is available for trouble emergencies.) The Bible tells us who can help us best when we have trouble. (Read Psalm 50:15 from your Bible.) How do we call on God? Do we need a telephone? No. Prayer is the way we talk to God. He always hears His people when they call out to Him. You do not need to know a special number to talk to God, but you do need to know God. You need to know God loved you enough to send Jesus to be your Savior. Jesus will help you anytime you have a problem. God the Father in Heaven invites us to call on Him when trouble comes. He has all power. He can help us with any kind of trouble. Do you have a problem now? (Pray and ask God to help with specific troubles which the children mention.)

Worship Time Devotional

Materials Needed: Bible portable telephone or cell phone

Materials Needed: pictures of animals brown paper sacks

for arks animals stickers

Page 6: Preschool / Kindergarten

Bible Story T a l k a b o u t N o a h ’ s faithfulness and obedience to God’s will. Use your open Bible and visual figures from the visuals. A suggested story presentation is in the visuals instruction booklet.

Stretch TimePeep Box—Make a peep box with a shoe box and animals stickers. Cut a 1'' peephole in the end of a shoe box. Spray paint the box brown for extra effectiveness. Cut out the animal stickers pictures with the backing attached rather than peeling them off. Attach the bottom of the pictures to the bottom of the box with transparent tape or Plasti-Tak. Arrange the pictures in an irregular pattern facing the hole, beginning about 3'' from the peephole end. Tape a single layer of white tissue wrapping paper over the top of the box. Peep through the hole to see the animals in Noah’s ark.

Noah’s Ark Charades—After everyone has a turn looking into the peep box, let a child peek in again and choose one of the animals. He should whisper the name of the animal to you. Then, he has thirty seconds to act like that animal while class members try to guess the animal. Alternate method: for each child, place a single picture of an animal pair on a paper ark shape. Put them on the floor in a circle. The teacher or a child is “Noah” and stands in the center of the circle. Sing “Noah Built a Great Big Boat” to “London Bridge” tune.

Noah built a great big boat,Great big boat, great big boat.Noah built a great big boat,Because God told him to.

The children march around the circle from ark to ark while singing. When the song ends, the children stop walking. Noah points to one child to imitate the animal on the ark before him. If other learners guess the animal correctly, the child becomes the new Noah and the game continues.

Memory Verse “Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). Ask learners to let their first and second fingers walk for Noah while repeating the words. Explain that walking with God is obeying and doing His will each day. We can accept God’s will by obeying His commands in the Bible. God likes to see His people trust Him. He likes to see children who walk with God by obeying parents, being kind to one another and loving God.

Bible Stories Leaflet

The Bible stories leaflet is a connecting link between church and home. For maximum benefit from the Bible stories leaflets, send one home with each child. The cover art illustrating the story will help learners remember it. The story summary on the back gives parents a read-aloud opportunity for family devotions or just a quiet time with the child. Related worksheet activities provide active learning experiences in applying the lesson theme to his life.

Make and Take

Let learners see a finished make and take project for Lesson 1. Guide them through the steps to complete their own story reminder. Instructions are in the book. Identifying each child’s work by writing his name on it prevents confusion when it is time to leave.

Saying Good-bye

The closing minutes of the class should be a calm time of singing, reviewing the memory verse or Bible story or physical relaxation with an action rhyme. Plan for each child who leaves to have a personal, cheery good-bye with happy anticipation for coming again. Meet parents at the door with a positive comment about their child. If a problem needs correcting, make a home visit to discuss it privately. Do you genuinely enjoy working with the little children in your church? If so, they will know it by your attitude and things you do. It shows.

14 Noah Accepted God’s Will Lesson 1

Materials Needed: shoe box tape or Plasti-tak animals stickers

Materials Needed: leaflets pencils

Materials Needed: Make and Take Project 1 scissors

Materials Needed: take-home papers stapler

Materials Needed: Lesson 1 visuals visuals instruction


Page 7: Preschool / Kindergarten

Lesson 1 Noah Accepted God’s Will 15

Supplemental Activities We Learn To Accept God’s Will is the theme for this unit. God’s will involves teaching children about the goodness of God in keeping His people safe. Choose songs and choruses about His love. Lead the boys and girls to praise God through prayer. Help them learn to listen as you read a verse of Scripture. Review details of the Bible story with a book or pictures from your resource file. A very large cardboard box cut to a 9" height on the sides becomes a wonderful ark. Pretend that eight learners are Noah and his family were kept safe by God during the flood. Other children may represent kinds of animals on the ark. Climb into the ark and sit down. Talk about God shutting the door Himself to keep everyone safe in the ark.

Then, it started raining. (Suggest learners use their fingers to pretend to be raindrops falling all around.) It rained and rained and rained. The earth became flooded. Then, the ark began to float. Higher and higher the waters rose. (Show with your hands how the water rose.) Everything outside the ark was completely under water. Because Noah accepted God’s will and walked with God, he and his family were safe. When the flood was over, Noah saw God’s rainbow in the sky. (Arch arms out from sides.) The rainbow reminds us that God keeps His promises. Sing “Noah Obeyed the Lord” to “The Farmer in the Dell.”

Noah obeyed the Lord,Noah obeyed the Lord,He did exactly as he was told,Noah obeyed the Lord.

I will obey the Lord,I will obey the Lord,I will trust in the Lord and do His will,I will obey the Lord.

Materials Needed: large cardboard box

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