Page 1: Preparing resourceful, positive, service-oriented leaders · Preparing resourceful, positive, service-oriented leaders

Thomas C. Cario Middle School

The Comet’s Tale Preparing resourceful, positive, service-oriented leaders of tomorrow!

September 28, 2016 Volume 4, Number 1

Upcoming Important Dates and

Fine Arts Performances:

Scholastic Book Fair: Media Center September 28 - October 7: 8:00 - 3:30.

SEP 29: Drama Rehearsal -Leads 3:45- 5:00 pm

OCT 1 – 21: Park West Campus Education

Fundraiser: See

OCT 1: Orchestra Region Auditions - All Day

OCT 4: Drama Retirement Home Performance

@5:00 pm

OCT 4: Band Uniform Night at 4 pm

OCT 5: Band Uniform Night at 7 pm

OCT 6: Drama Rehearsal - Leads 3:45 - 5:00 pm

OCT 6: Band - 8th Grade Rehearsal 5:30 - 7:00 pm

OCT 7: All State Chorus - All Day

OCT 7: Band - 8th Grade Performance Wando

Stadium 5:30 - 8:00 pm

OCT 11: Drama Retirement Home Performance @

5:00 pm

OCT 13: Drama Rehearsal - Leads/Wildebeests

3:45 - 5:00 pm

OCT 17: End of First Quarter

OCT 18: Drama Retirement Home Performance @

5:00 pm

OCT 19: 8th Graders: PSAT/NMSQT Test

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

OCT 20: Chorus Fall Concert: Gym 7:00 p.m.

OCT 21: NORMAL School Day – Makeup for

missed school day in September

OCT 25: 1st Quarter Report Cards Distributed

OCT 26: Early Dismissal Day: Students leave at

1:30 p.m.

OCT 27: Halloween Orchestra Concert: Gym 7 pm

Cario Website:

Cario PTSO Website:


Park West Campus Education Fund Website:

3500 Thomas Cario Boulevard Mount Pleasant SC 29466

Phone: (843) 856-4595 Fax: (843) 856-45

Hello Cario Parents, Community, Faculty, and Students: The year has started at full speed with many exciting events, clubs, competitions, and

class lessons! Take a break, relax, and read through this edition that highlights some

of the activities our students, faculty, and staff have been enjoying.

On Thursday, 9/22, Cario's PTSO welcomed Jason Sandoval, Resident Agent in the

Charleston Drug Enforcement Agency who shared the "WAKEUP

Campaign,” a Drug Awareness presentation educating parents and the community

about drug addiction and how to prevent drug and opioid addiction. We will offer this

parent/community awareness presentation again in the spring.

NOTE: On Wednesday, November 16, Cario’s PTSO will be offering the Internet

Safety Parent Training again that was presented last spring. More information will be

coming out shortly on how to sign up to attend this informative event.

Remember that some Cario students are producing a student newspaper this year, and

are in the process of choosing the name for their publication. I will keep the Comet’s

Tale name for this newsletter that we put together every 4-6 weeks. As always, see

Cario’s website for more events and updates!

Thank you for your response to helping with Cario’s School Improvement Council

(SIC) meetings this year. Our first SIC meeting will be on Tuesday, October 11,

beginning at 4:00 p.m. in our Media Center. We welcome your ideas and vision for

where Cario is heading. Email me directly with your thoughts if you cannot attend

the SIC meeting on October 11.

The Park West Campus Education Fundraiser occurs during the month of October.

Any money raised for Cario will go toward purchasing Chromebook carts for our

students to use this school year or toward more recess area equipment. Please visit

this website for more information:

Thank you for your support of all we do!

Sharon Randall, Principal

Cario Comets’ News and Upcoming Events: Seventh grade students will participate in the SCORE South Carolina Oyster

Restoration and Enhancement program through DNR on September 23 and 30.

Students will be recycling oyster shells to provide an oyster reef habitat. The

oyster reef will be located at the Old Pitt Street Bridge and will be beneficial to

the local waters by providing habitat to marine animals, controlling erosion, and

filtering the water. More information may be located at:

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Grade Science Teacher, Mrs. Hart,

uses Chromebooks to teach her

students more about heat transfer:

Mrs. Yarborough, 7th

grade counselor, has been conducting mini-lessons during

pod meetings on tolerance and exhibiting tolerance: Tolerance = Patience +

Fairness + Respect. For the Inside/Outside activity, Mrs. Yarborough placed a

colored dot on the forehead of student volunteers. Then, while silent, the

students separated themselves into groups based on the color of the sticker

placed unseen on their forehead. One of the students had a colored dot which

did not match any of the other students. The group discussed how this

experience might be similar to what happens at lunch, at recess, during free-

seating, and when choosing group members for projects. After this activity, the

students discussed their own experiences being the person excluded, being part

of a group who has excluded another, or being the person who encourages the

exclusion of someone from a group. The lesson concluded with a discussion

about behaviors they can incorporate daily to facilitate tolerance. Students

were encouraged to sit with someone new during lunch, offer to work with

different partners when given the choice, choose someone new to be on their

team at recess, and other ideas.

The 730 Pod rewards students for being helpful, positive, and resourceful. Many

students have already received Cario Leadership Cards. The cards are given to

students, signed by parents, and returned for a prize raffle every Monday. The

730 pod spent time reviewing their interim reports and goal setting for the

remainder of the quarter. They are consciously working on being productive

citizens and students!

Students from the Gateway to Technology classes, taught by Mr. Carr

and Mrs. Passarello, went to Boeing on September 7 as part of the

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Seth Wilson, Jacelyn Porcher, Zane

Gillie, and Leah Galt:

The glowing pickle is a demonstration done in 8th grade science to review the parts of

scientific method. Students come up with a question based on their observations. When

the pickle is "plugged in," it glows! So a question is usually "Why does the pickle

glow?" Students do research by looking at the pickle jar ingredients and coming up with

their own hypothesis...If the food contains ______ (salt, vinegar, cucumber), then it will

glow. Students then test their hypothesis. They plug in different fruits and veggies

soaked in salt water or vinegar and plug in a plain cucumber. The data confirms...the

pickle glows due to the salt. All fruits and veggies soaked in salt glow.

Dreamlearners program. Mr. Hatten introduced students to careers and

opportunities at Boeing as students watched the process of airplane

construction in one of the largest Boeing facilities in the country. This is

a program only offered in the South Carolina Boeing facility and is a

unique opportunity for our students!

Mrs. Hart’s 6

th grade science students have been busy during a heat conduction

lab making observations and learning how heat transfers through contact :

Cario's Mock Trial has started! Our volunteer attorney coaches are from

Clawson and Staubes on Daniel Island. They are practicing to present their first

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Cario's daily morning show, CTV News, has

introduced two new regular segments -- a

health segment with PE teacher Deanna

Maguire and a sports segment with 7th-

grader Bella Ullo. In the health segment, Ms.

Maguire focuses on mental and physical

issues that middle school students in

particular grapple with on a regular basis.

Such issues include empathy, affirmations,

and peer pressure. Helping Ms. Maguire with

her segments are her sixth-grade students,

who model good and not-so-good behaviors

for the camera.

Bella, a Cario volleyball player and huge

sports enthusiast, compiles game video and

interviews from Cario athletic events during

the week to prepare for her segment, the

first of its kind on the show with real game

highlights. So far her segments have focused

mostly on football and volleyball, but she

aims to include other fall sports in the

coming weeks. Both Ms. Maguire's segment

and Bella's segment appear on Mondays.

CTV News, produced by 6th, 7th and 8th

graders in Mr. Lang's Video Production

classes, is broadcast to teacher's classrooms

via Cario's in-house computer network.

ever criminal court case for the regional competition in Georgetown

on Saturday, November 12th. Practices are on Wednesday and Friday mornings

in Room 815 at 7:30 am. If any student is interested in participating, please

make sure to come to a practice very soon.

School picture make-up day is October 19. Students who missed the

September picture day may have their picture taken on the make-up day. In

addition, those who purchased a picture package may have his or her picture re-

taken. HOWEVER, to do a retake, students MUST bring back the package to the

photographer on the make-up day.

Students in Mrs. Kutcher’s classes are learning how to communicate with their

teachers in a positive manner. In addition, they are learning how to initiate an

email interaction with their teachers in order to get personal responses to

inquires they might have regarding a lesson or grade. Also, students are

learning organizational and planning skills. They are required to write down

each daily assignment and have the subject area teacher initial the square. They

are also learning how to pre-study for upcoming tests and quizzes.

POD 640 students were introduced to their new Chromebooks and are focusing

on what makes up our digital footprint. Here is a snapshot of lessons that go

with the digital citizenship curriculum:

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620 pod science classes work with

pendulums to learn about

independent, dependent, and

control variables:

The 620 science classes use syringes

to discover the properties of air and


Mrs. Timmerman, Cario Art Teacher, would like to share some amazing works of

art from all skill levels of her Leadership Lions. Cario Visual Arts Students are

learning how to be “helpful" to the environment by up-cycling old worn items

such as newspaper and books. Art students are currently turning these items

into altered journals. In these journals students are given various entry

challenges using different types of art mediums. “Leadership Lions” was the first

entry in these up-cycled book. Students were challenged to be “resourceful” by

scavenging for old office supplies to make their lions. Elements of art

components such as line, shape, texture and space were emphasized in this

assignment. Student creativity was influenced by Printmaker David Moreno.

Many critiques were held during class discussions, and students learned how to

express their opinions with “positivity.” Works were eventually evaluated in

accordance to the Cario Visual Arts Rubric. After evaluation, students were

rewarded with incentives. One such incentive was the option to use traditional

art mediums to help finalize works for a chance to appear in the Cario hallway

art show. Congratulations to all students Reaching their goals & proving to be

Resourceful, Helpful and Positive Artists/Leaders in Cario Visual Arts!

Here are some wonderful examples of the results:


Grade Science has been learning about heat, temperature, and the transfer

of heat. Also, the Sixth Grade Teachers have seen their students successfully

make the big transition to middle school. Their students have adjusted to their

schedules, know which books to take to which classes, know in which direction

to head at class change, and have figured out the cafeteria. The Sixth Grade

Teachers are very proud of their accomplishments!!

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Even during attendance, sixth grader

Maya Glassberg likes getting into

science testing properties of balance

and physics:


Grade Science Teacher Mrs. Mayo reports that they have rolled out Chrome

books and are using Google Classroom in the 830 pod! They are using the

Chromebooks to log everyone on to PowerSchool to check on their own grades

and complete an exit ticket email to Mrs. Mayo about what grades are good,

not good, and plans for improvement. This is a great way for students to

understand and take ownership of their efforts!

The 810 Turtle Den is engaging students in discussions about the attributes of

the World Class Skills in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. For example,

for the word “positivity” students used resource books to find words that

described their positive nature. Students recorded their word, laminated

them, and decorated the outside of their locker. The 810 locker area is loaded

with words that emphasize positive thoughts, words, and deeds.

The 710 pod is doing Motivational Monday every Monday during BLT time.

They meet as a pod and "spotlight" one of the characteristics in the Profile of

the SC graduate. They go back to the classroom to watch a motivational video -

to show students what application can be made to their own lives. Teachers

then check students’ Comet Flight Plan and Tracker to ensure students are

checking their grades in PowerSchool and what progress they are making

towards their goals.

In the 8th

Grade ABL Intro. to Personal Fitness class, the PE Teachers are using

Bloom's Taxonomy to introduce critical and higher order thinking skills in a

fitness environment. Please see the attached poster:

The Cario Golf Team placed a close 2nd

recently at Stono Ferry on Johns Island. Teams

participating in the East Cooper Middle School Golf League include Daniel Island, Christ

our King, Palmetto Christian Academy, Laing, and Cario. They will have 6 more matches

over the next 6 weeks as they look to defend last year’s championship season. Pictured

on the final hole of Stono Ferry: Walker Felton of Cario on the far left with 3 golfers from

Daniel Island, PCA, and Laing.

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Students in First Lego

League/Robotics plan during their

initial meetings, getting ready to

start the season strong:

Repeat students:

TJ Sullivan (8th); Suny Nihalini (7th);

Parker Byrne (7th)

New this season:

DaQuan Singleton (6th); Devin

Dietrich (6th); Brady Setser (6th);

Jacob Rice (6th); Lukas Schou (6th);

Hunter Sheldon (7th); Aydem

Braswell (7th); Jack Pagel (6th); Sam

Mayo (6th); Jayshawn Jones (7th)

Shannon Murphy, one of Cario’s Leadership Class Teachers, has again organized

a voter registration process for all of our students. She uses students to run an

actual election, occurring this Friday in the cafeteria. This allows all of our

students to experience the components of a real election from start to finish.

Mrs. Murphy’s work encourages our students to become community leaders

and understand the importance of voting and educating oneself on current

issues to help determine which candidate deserves one’s vote. With 1220

students, this is a huge under-taking! 12 students are running for school-wide

offices. Results will be announced in early October.

Our PTSO Picture Day Volunteers graciously agreed to be part of this poster

highlighting some of the characteristics Cario is emphasizing this year:

NOTE: If you help with a club, class, sport, or have any other Cario-related

information to include in future Comet’s Tale Newsletters, email text AND/OR

pictures to: [email protected]

We would not want to leave out ANY Cario-related celebrations or information

– so THANK YOU for your help getting the information submitted!

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