

Kit Burden


Technology Sourcing and Commercial Group

DLA Piper

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Outsourcing projects are complex and time consuming, both in terms of procurement and delivery

Inevitable then that there is scope for ambiguity, misunderstanding and simple mistakes

Less inevitable that there be mis-scoping, mis-pricing, misrepresentation…and yet there often is!

Focus today is to examine the reasons for this, some of the "usual suspects", and to offer suggestions for improvement

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Areas to Cover

Approach to Negotiations

The Due Diligence Process

Service Scope

Pricing Mechanisms

Assumptions and Dependencies

Customer Obligations

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Approach to Negotiations

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Approach to Negotiations

Outsourcing "just like M&A"…?

Point scoring lawyers and penny pinching procurement teams, say hello to evasive and risk averse supplier teams

The reality = an unbalanced deal is inherently fragile and suits no-one

Case Study #1:

Airline company has two large outsourcing agreements

Networks deal negotiated aggressively and in bad humour; characterised thereafter by escalations and formal contract notices

Desktop deal negotiated with openness and trust; supplier "cut some slack" when scope and pricing issues arose, and relationship is running smoothly

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Due Diligence Process

Reality check - available information is rarely complete!

Result? Too few customers are honest/up front about this

simple denial

wide clauses to require supplier to "satisfy itself" as to adequacy of DD, with waivers of any rights to claim relief thereafter

What happens next?

"your mess, for less" principle…problems will rarely go away

impacts on delivery, usually leading to (reluctant) renegotiation

Case Study #2:

customer provides information which is inaccurate re historic service level performance

supplier fails to perform (using inherited staff and infrastructure), but services still better than they used to be

supplier still characterised as having "failed….."

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Service Scope

Core premise = the perfect service description has never been written…and will never be written!

Protective forms of wording:

reasonably/necessarily implied services

services undertaken by transferring personnel

services undertaken within a transferred budget/business function

services undertaken by "displaced" contracts

Case Study #3:

overly brief service description (prepared by team who "knew what they meant")

change in personnel as services move into delivery phase

customer faces "death by change control"

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Pricing Mechanisms

Lots of ways in which outsourcing deals can be priced, but unitary/transaction based pricing is very much "best practice"

Pitfalls to watch for:

getting the baseline right

choosing representative units/transactions

eliminating one time costs

dealing with material change

Case Study #4:

"your current cost, less X%" basis of the deal

post contract DD to verify baseline, with auto variation to unit prices

supplier fails to reflect this in its supply chain arrangements

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Assumptions and Dependencies

Often buried deep in the detail of proposals and/or service descriptions

In practice, will frequently be one of the primary causes of cost creepage

Key = ascertaining the "what if…." impact of assumptions not being met, eg:

pre-set price adjustments?

complete exemptions from contractual responsibility?

simple escalation for discussion?

right to exit the agreement?

none of the above?!

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Customer Obligations

Frequently (and sometimes aggressively!) opposed by customer counsel

Is this the right approach….?

Linkages to the "Relief Event/Notice" concept

supplier obliged to provide written notification of customer defaults within reasonable period/set time period

supplier obliged to use "reasonable endeavours" to circumvent impact

relief is pre-conditional upon compliance with the process

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Surprising how often the "usual suspects" end up being the ones which create issues

These are matters which can be pre-empted, and largely (albeit not completely) addressed via the contract mechanisms

Three key requirements, however:




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Kit Burden

Partner and Co-Head of Global Technology,Sourcing and Commercial Group

[email protected]

(+44) 0207 796 6075


Kit Burden


Technology Sourcing and Commercial Group

DLA Piper

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