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God is active within himself… and He invites you to abide in Him.

Read John 15.

‘From all eternity, God is not alone and solitary, but lives as Father, Son, and Spirit in a rich and glorious fellowship of utter oneness. There is no empti-ness in this circle, no depres-sion or fear or insecurity. The Trinitarian life is a great dance of unchained communion and intimacy, fired by passion-ate, self-giving, other-centred love and mutual delight… And this love, giving rise to such togetherness and fellowship and oneness, is the womb of the universe and of humanity within it. The stunning truth is that the Triune God, in amaz-ing and lavish love, determined to open the circle and share the Trinitarian life with others’ Baxter KrugerThe Shack Revisited

Welcome to PRAYERhouse

You’re here to be light, bring-ing out the God-colours in the world. Matthew 5:14

This year we invite you to use colour to align, act and abide with God.


God is active in your life…and He invites you to align your-self with His purposes.

Read Romans 12.

The ‘my one word’ challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make and instead pick one word that represents what you most hope God will do in you in the year ahead.

Take some time to decide what kind of person you want to be. This goes beyond simply being healthier and wealthier. What about the condition of your heart? What about the person that God Himself has created you to be?

Simply pick ONE WORD.We invite you to write your ONE WORD in glue on the board and throw confetti at it.

Pray: God, I choose to align myself with your purposes.


God is active in the world… and He invites you to act on His behalf.

Read Colossians 1.

The believing community, gathered around word and sacrament, must radiate beams of faith’s light into the realm of common grace - into education, art, science, poli-tics, business, economics and the marketplace. Abraham Kuyper

Think about where you can see God’s light and colour breaking out in the world.

Make a paint mark, thumb-print or splash on the map.

Pray; God’s blessing on churches, projects, people and organisations.

We are invited into the life of the trinity; to join the dynamic dance of Father, Son and Spirit; to live in God as He lives within us.

We invite you to lose yourself in the balls.

Run and rummage your hands through them or take off your shoes and walk or fully lie down, whatever feels most comfortable for you.

Pray; God, teach me to abide in you as you do in me.

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