Page 1: Prayer Flash from Tim and Tammy Aho Apr 2014

[email protected][email protected] • • 1A Conway Road • Shirley, Solihull B90 4RE• England•

Shirley, Solihull Issue #163 22 April 2014

Ministry Update It has been such a joy to come home to England! While we’re still experiencing the affects of extended travel fatigue – especially early in the morning – our internal clocks seem to have adjusted to the local time. Much of our time has been spent sorting through e-mails and paperwork that accumulated during our travels, prioritizing and catching up with activities that took place in our absence, and reconnecting with our English family. One of the greatest joys upon our return was to the baptism of two of our lovely thethirdplace family members, Karen and Dodie, on Easter Sunday. What a privilege for us to participate in their ongoing spiritual journeys! Prayer Dates: 22 April to 12th May Note: Unexpected travel plans (see Family Update) for Tammy may impinge on some of these activities. 23rd April Tammy participates in an NLT Implementation Team meeting (Fellowship of Churches of Christ). 25th thethirdplace gathers. 26th Tim participates in a DHVC Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 27th DHVC Messy Church; pray for new young families to be drawn to the church family and to Christ. 28th Tammy possibly traveling to Oregon; Tim returns to the Sea Cadet unit as chaplain after a three month absence. 30th DH Village Youth Club. 1st May T&T participate in Explore at Grace Academy 2nd DHVC launches a weekly Breastfeeding Café, support for new mums in DH Village with Tammy participating; thethirdplace meets in the evening. 3rd to 10th Tim away for a combined retreat / study break on Celtic Spirituality on the island of Lindisfarne (northeast England; see 4th DHVC morning worship service. 5th Tam’s mum moves from Eugene to Woodburn (Portland). Pray for Pat’s health and stress levels and to know the peace of Christ. 7th DHVC Youth Club resumes after the Easter holiday. 8th Tammy participates in a Family Support Centre monthly prayer and planning meeting. 9th thethirdplace gathers in the evening for Acts 2.42 time. 11th DHVC morning worship service; Tammy helps with Causeway (worship service for adults with learning disabilities). 12th Tim serves as chaplain for the local Sea Cadet unit.

Support Situation and Needs We are continuing to write letters and e-mails to raise the additional support we need for the next few years. Currently we have $245 of the $2000 monthly support committed; we have about $5300 of the $15,000 needed to replace our vehicle. You can go to to give online. Reminder Share our prayer requests with friends and church family, but please do not post them on the web or attempt to contact individuals via social media (such as Facebook) in any form.

Family Update We woke up this morning (22nd April) to the news that Tammy’s mom was in hospital again, this time for abdominal pain. She was released after investigation indicated no physical cause, but Tammy will likely need to make a trip to Oregon in the next few days to be with her as well as assist with packing and settling for her upcoming move. Please pray for peace and healing for Tammy’s mom, and energy and travel mercies for Tammy. During our time in America we weren’t able to connect with Andrew and Jess as often as we would have liked, but have talked to them since our return to England. Jess is both excited about her upcoming graduation (23rd May) and a bit stressed as she is now in the process of completing her first post-doctoral job applications. Andrew’s work hours vary from week to week, but we’re happy that he’s been able to arrange time off to travel to San Diego to be with Jess when she graduates. We are also grateful that our friends Ona, Ruth, Rachel, Jake and little Amelia will be there as ‘family’. Thanks for all your love and support!

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