





1. Demographic Data……………………………………………………………………………… (3)

A. History of present Illness

B. Chief Complaint

2. PATHOPHYSIOLGY TREE ………………………………………..………………………… (5)

Logical Flow

3. SYSTEMIC ASSESSMENT …………………………………………………………………..……(52)

A. Respiratory System(4)

B. Cardiovascular System (4)

C. Renal System (4)

D. Gastrointestinal System (4)

E. Neurologic System (4)

F. Integument & Immune system (4)

G. Nutrition & Metabolic System (4)

H. Pain & Comfort System (4)

I. Activity Mobility System (4)

J. Psychosocial/ Self Concept (4)

K. Teaching Learning Needs (3)

L. Discharge Planning (3)

M. Medication sheet (3)

N. Lab Data (3)

4. GOAL STATEMENTS ………………………………………………………………………...…… (9)

A. Derived from nursing diagnoses (3)

B. Goal/Outcome criteria measurable (3)

C. Time frame (3)

5. INTERVENTIONS …………………………………………………………………………………..(23)

A. Individualized/appropriate interventions (8)

B. Rationale for interventions (8)

C. Teaching Plan (5)

D. Reference for interventions/rationales (2)

6. EVALUATION ………………………………………………………………………………………(8)

A. Evaluates client’s response in relation to outcome criteria (4)

B. Overall statement in relation to goal (4)

GRADE NOTE: A grade of 75% or above is satisfactory.


Student’s Name: Date:

Patient Demographic Data

Age: Gender: Unit: Room/Bed:

Religious Preference: Marital Status: Ethnic Origin:

Date of Admission:

Admitting Diagnosis:

Secondary Diagnoses:

Chronic/Pre-existing Disorders:

Chief Complaint: Have the patient state in his/her own words why he/she came to the hospital.

History of present illness – from onset to present:

Referential sources must be cited – this includes but is not limited to drug books, care plan

books, lab books, other textbooks and any source you use to prepare this document.

Revised Fall 2010

Patient Health History

Asthma [ ] Angina [ ] Anemia [ ]

Emphysema [ ] MI [ ] Phlebitis [ ]

Bronchitis [ ] Hypertension [ ] Peripheral Vascular disease [ ]

Pneumonia [ ] Rheumatic Fever [ ] Blood dyscrasias [ ]

TB [ ] Congenital Heart Defects [ ] Blood loss [ ]

Pacemaker [ ] Stroke [ ]

Skin disease [ ] Bladder infections [ ] STD’s [ ]

Burns [ ] Kidney disease [ ] Alcoholism [ ]

Ulcer [ ] Diabetes [ ] Mental illness [ ]

Fractures [ ] Arthritis [ ] Depression [ ]

Dental problems [ ] Cancer [ ] Mental retardation [ ]


Surgeries (with dates and reason for surgery):

Home Medications




Vital Signs: BP L - R - lying - sitting* - standing* -

*if appropriate

Heart Rate: Respiratory Rate: Temperature: route:


Laboratory and Other Diagnostic Tests

Please complete using the most recent results available. Indicate abnormal results with a red arrow up (high) or

down (low) next to the value. Please include results from other tests (x-rays, EKG, CT, MRI, EGD, scopes, etc.) on

an additional piece of paper. Interpret abnormal values on this blank page – individualize to YOUR patient.


Hgb. 12-18 ______

Hct. 37-54% ______

RBC 4-6 ______

MCV 82-98 ______

MCHC 32-36 ______

PLT 150-400 ______

WBC 4-11 ______

Neut. 39-69% ______

Lymph 25-45% ______

Mono 0-10% ______

Eos. 0-5% ______

Baso. 0-1% ______

RDW-SD 37-55 ______

Sed. Rate 1-20 ______

Arterial Blood Gases

pH 7.35-7.45 ______

PaO2 80-100 ______

PaCO2 35-45 ______

HCO3 22-26 ______

O2 sat >95% ______



Liver Function Tests

Total Bili. 0.2-1.2 ______

Alk. Phos. 30-115 ______

T. Protein 6.0-8.0 ______

Albumin 3.5-4.8 ______

AST (SGOT)10-42 ______

ALT(SGPT) 10-55 ______

LDH 50-150 ______

Ammonia 30-70 ______

Blood Typing

Blood Group ______

Rh ______

Number of transfusions ______

CV Panel

Cholesterol 140-200 ______

HDL 37-88 ______

LDL <130 ______

Triglyc. 40-190 ______

Troponin <0.1 ______

CPK ______

CKMB <5% ______


Glucose 65-110 ______

CO2 24-31 ______

Sodium 135-148 ______

Potassium 3.5-5.0 ______

Chloride 101-110 ______

Calcium 8.7-10.7 ______

Mag. 1.5-2.5 ______

BUN 8-24 ______

Creatinine 0.5-1.5 ______

Uric Acid 2.5-7.5 ______

Inorg Phos 2.5-4.8 ______

Iron 60-160 ______

Thyroid Function Tests

TSH 0.4-6.9 ______

T3 110-230 ______

T4 4.0-12.0 ______

Prostate Screening PSA <4 ______

Female Reproductive Pregnancy (+/-) ______

PAP Smear ______

Cultures Organism

Sputum _______________

Blood _______________

Urine _______________

Stool _______________

Pancreas Tests

Lipase 0-160 ______

Amylase 0-130 ______

Clotting Factors

PT 11-14 ______

APTT 30-45 ______

PTT 60-70 ______

INR 2-3 ______

ACT 150-180 ______


Color Yellow ______

pH 5.5-8.5 ______

Specific Gravity

1.001-1.030 ______

Ketoses Neg. ______

Protein Neg. ______

Glucose Neg. ______

Blood Neg. ______

Bilirubin Neg. ______

Nitrite Neg. ______

Urobili. 0.2-1.0 ______

WBC 0.5 ______

RBC 0-2 ______

Casts None ______

Bacteria None ______

Epith. Cells 0-4 ______

Crystals None ______

Yeasts None ______

Therapeutic Drug Levels

Drug Peak Trough




Family Health History Key: M = mother; F = father; S = sibling; GP = grandparent; C = child

Asthma Angina Anemia

Emphysema MI Phlebitis

Bronchitis Peripheral vascular disease Hypertension

Pneumonia Rheumatic Fever Blood dyscrasias

TB Congenital Heart Defects Blood loss

Pacemaker Stroke

Skin disease Bladder infection STD’s

Burns Kidney disease Alcoholism

Ulcer Diabetes Mental illness

Fractures Arthritis Depression

Dental problems Cancer Mental retardation

Respiratory System

Subjective Objective

Does your patient report - Respiratory rate:

Dyspnea [ ] Depth:

Describe pain: Rhythm:

Restless [ ]

Shortness of breath: Use of accessory muscles [ ]

at rest [ ] on exertion [ ] Pursed lips [ ]

Cough [ ] Breath sounds (include differences in

non-productive [ ] location):

productive [ ]

Sputum [ ]

color: clarity: Oxygen delivery

amount: frequency: flow rate:

time of day: Chest tube [ ] location:

mode: cc to: (suction/gravity)

Ventilator settings:

Mode: FiO2: Rate:

Tidal Volume: PEEP: Pressure Support:


pH: PaCO2: HCO3: PaO2:

Respiratory Nursing Diagnosis:

Respiratory Medications:

Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular System

Subjective Objective

Blood Pressure R - L -

Does your patient report - Apical heart rate: Rhythm:

Cardiac pattern:

Claudication [ ] Murmur:

Edema [ ] S3 [ ] S4 [ ]

location: Extremities:

time of day: Pulses (include grade)

Numbness - radial: pedal:

location: posterior tibial:

precipitating event Capillary refill:

Edema(include grade)

location/grade/ description


Pale [ ] Jaundice [ ]

Central cyanosis [ ] Peripheral cyanosis [ ]

Hemodynamic Monitoring Clubbing [ ]

Location of PMI:

PA catheter [ ]



Arterial line [ ]


Cardiac Nursing Diagnosis:

Cardiac Medications:

Renal System

Subjective Objective

Does your patient report - Bladder

Distended [ ] Non-distended [ ]

Incontinence [ ] Intake for last 24 hours:

Stress Incontinence [ ] Output for last 24 hours:

When does it occur? Positive/negative balance:

Urgency [ ] Frequency [ ] Catheter [ ]

Retention [ ] Enuresis [ ] Type:

Pain / burning [ ] Urine color: clarity:

Urine color: Clarity: Continent [ ] Incontinent [ ]

Renal Nursing Diagnosis:

Renal Medication:

Gastrointestinal System

Subjective Objective

Does your patient report - Bowel sounds

Constipation [ ] frequency: Present [ ] Absent [ ]

Diarrhea [ ] frequency: Active [ ] Hyperactive [ ] Hypoactive [ ]

Flatulence [ ] Incontinence [ ] Abdomen

Hemorrhoids [ ] Bleeding [ ] Distended [ ] Non-distended [ ]

Pain [ ] Tender [ ] Guarding [ ] Soft [ ] Firm [ ]

Description: Occult blood [ ]

Ostomy [ ] Type:

Precipitating event: drainage color:


NG tube to drainage [ ] Setting:

Gastrointestinal Nursing Diagnosis

Gastrointestinal Medications:

Neurologic System / Cognition / Perception

Subjective Objective

Does your patient report - Orientation

Headaches [ ] Type: Time [ ] Place [ ] Person [ ]

Frequency: Level of consciousness

Precipitating event: Alert [] Drowsy [ ] Confused [ ]

Impaired vision [ ] Glasses [ ] Lethargic [ ] Glasgow coma scale:

Vertigo [ ] Syncope [ ] Memory: Recent [ ] Remote [ ]

Numbness [ ] Location: Pupils (size, symmetry) OD: OS:

Precipitating event: Communication

Tingling [ ] Location: Primary language:

Weakness [ ] Location: speaks [ ] reads [ ] writes [ ]

Paraplegia [ ] Cause: English:

Tetraplegia [ ] Cause: speaks [ ] reads [ ] writes [ ]

Speech impairment [ ]


Neurologic Nursing Diagnosis

Neurologic Medications:

Protective Function – Integument & Immune System

Subjective Objective


Does your patient report - Describe(location, color, size)___________

Pruritus [ ] ___________________________________


Lesions [ ] Wounds:

Describe(location, color, size): Describe(location, color, size):

Rash [ ] Pressure sores:

Describe(location, color, size): Describe(location, color, size):

Allergies [ ] Other lesions:

Describe (including reaction): Describe(location, color, size):

Mucous membranes:

Moist [ ] Dry [ ]

Pale [ ] Normal for patient [ ]

Body temperature:


Protective Function Nursing Diagnosis

Protective Function Medications:

Nutrition and Metabolic

Subjective Objective

Does the patient report - Current weight in pounds: kg:

Height ft. in.: cm.:

Appetite change [ ] Body build:

Increase [ ] Decrease [ ] Current diet:

Difficulty swallowing [ ] Tube feeding [ ] NG [ ] PEG [ ]

Difficulty chewing [ ] Other:

Nausea [ ] Vomiting [ ] Name of formula: rate:

Frequency: TPN [ ] rate:

Precipitating event: Is your patient getting adequate caloric

Heartburn [ ] Indigestion [ ] intake? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Frequency: Explain:

Precipitating event:

Recent unintentional weight loss [ ] gain [ ] Is your patient getting adequate nutritional

How much: substances (fiber, carbs, fats, etc.)?

Period of time: Yes [ ] No [ ]


Nutrition and Metabolic Function Nursing Diagnosis:

Nutrition and Metabolic Function Medications:

Pain and Comfort

Subjective Objective

Does your patient report - Facial grimacing Yes [ ] No [ ]

Pain Yes [ ] No [ ] Emotional response Yes [ ] No [ ]

Location: Does pain limit activities? Yes [ ] No [ ]


Intensity (0 – 10): Guarding Yes [ ] No [ ]

Descriptors: How often does the patient request or

receive pain medication?

Precipitating event:

Does the pain medication “hold”

Relieved by: patient’s pain until the next dose is due?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Pain and Comfort Nursing Diagnosis:

Pain and Comfort Medications:

Activity / Mobility

Subjective Objective

Does your patient report - Amputation Yes [ ] No [ ]

Fatigue [ ] Boredom [ ] Limb:

Irritability [ ] Insomnia [ ] Fractures Yes [ ] No [ ]

Needs assistance with: Location:

Bathing [ ] Dressing [ ]

Feeding [ ] Toileting [ ] Gait: good balance [ ] poor balance [ ]

Oral hygiene [ ] Turning [ ] bed rest [ ] limp [ ]

Ambulation [ ] Muscle strength (grade)

Sleep pattern: Legs R: L:

hours/night: Arms R: L:

# of times up to bathroom: Shoulders R: L:

daytime naps: Neck:

Other: Head:

ROM full [ ] limited [ ] weakness [ ]


Does your patient feel rested after a night’s

sleep? Yes [ ] No [ ] Current aids: Cane [ ] Crutches [ ] Brace [ ]

Sleep apnea? Yes [ ] No [ ] Walker [ ] Wheelchair [ ] Trapeze [ ]

Splint [ ] Prosthesis [ ]

Activity/ Mobility Nursing Diagnosis:

Activity/ Mobility Medications:

Psychosocial / Self-Concept

Subjective Objective

Does your patient report - Presenting appearance:

Smoker Yes [ ] No [ ]

How much (ppd):

How long (age began):

Want to stop Yes [ ] No [ ] Cues to self-concept:

Alcohol consumption Yes [ ] No [ ] Makes eye contact Yes [ ] No [ ]

How much: If no, does client belong to an ethnic group

How often: that considers eye contact inappropriate?

Recreational drugs Yes [ ] No [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ]

Drug(s) of choice: Repetitive actions (i.e. twisting hands)

How often: Other cues to self-concept:

Date of last use:

Cage-Aid Emotional status:

•Have you felt you ought to cut down on Calm [ ] Anxious [ ] Angry [ ]

your drinking or drug use? Fearful [ ] Withdrawn [ ] Irritable [ ]

•Have people annoyed you by criticizing Euphoric [ ] Depressed [ ]

your drinking or drug use? Give objective data to support this your

•Have you felt bad or guilty about your assessment of the patient’s emotional status:

drinking or drug use?

•Have you ever had a drink or used drugs

in the morning (eye-opener) to steady

your nerves, or get rid of a hangover,

or get the day started?

Recent stressors (subjective):

Job loss [ ] Job change [ ] Retirement [ ] Marriage [ ] Divorce/separation [ ]

Death of significant other [ ] Who?


How do you handle stress?

Who do you share your problems with?

Religious beliefs and practices that may effect health care:

Ethnic beliefs and practices that may effect health care:

Psychosocial Nursing Diagnosis:

Psychosocial Medications:

Teaching / Learning Needs

Knowledge / perception of current situation:

Expectations of treatment:

Factors affecting ability to learn - Age: Gender:

Highest level of education completed:

Developmental stage (i.e. Erickson):

How does your patient learn best? Audio [ ] Visual [ ] Kinesthetic [ ]

What type of experience has your patient had with learning/education (i.e. successful, frustrating,


Knowledge Deficit Diagnosi:

Discharge Planning

Anticipated date of discharge:

Type of work/employment prior to hospitalization:

Anticipated changes in ability to continue current type of work:

Financial considerations

Private insurance [ ] Public assistance [ ] Third party responsibility [ ]

Disability insurance [ ] Available sick leave [ ]

Financial resources available to client through referral:

Living/home considerations

Who does the patient currently live with?

Does the client have a multi-level home or apartment? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Will the client need assistance with any of the following upon discharge?

Food preparation [ ] Shopping [ ]

Ambulation [ ] Transportation [ ]

Medication [ ] Wound care [ ] Other treatments [ ]

Personal hygiene [ ]



Family or significant others who can stay with him/her or attend to him/her daily?

Resources for professional home health assistance:

Physical: Will the patient need home alterations (i.e. ramp, tub handle, etc.)?

Are resources available for these items?

Pathophysiology Tree of Major Health Problems

Include admitting medical diagnosis/diagnoses.


DRUG: Generic Trade

Route Dosage Time

Indications for use

Reason drug was prescribed for this client

Side effects

Nursing implications

Describe action in layman’s terms (client/family teaching)

DRUG: Generic Trade

Route Dosage Time

Indications for use

Reason drug was prescribed for this client

Side effects

Nursing implications

Describe action in layman’s terms (client/family teaching)












*Be sure to include problem, etiology, and manifestation. This is to be a PRIORITIZED list.

Nursing Diagnoses

Nursing Diagnosis Human Response R/T Etiology


Outcome Criteria

Interventions Specific & Individualized


with references

Evaluation Did the patient achieve the


Teaching Plan

Knowledge Based

Nursing Diagnosis

Teaching / Learning

Goals & Objectives

Content Method Evaluation Did the patient / s.o. achieve

the goals/objectives? How?

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