Page 1: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Year 10

Literature RevisionPack

Lessons10 - 15

Lessons15 - 20

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Page 2: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

complete your revision ofthe texts.

When you have donethis, attempt the

past papers.

Page 3: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make


Cont ent s:

Page 3: Overview of Literature paper 1 and Literature paper 2Paper 1 Page 4-7: A Christmas Carol Key Quotes Page 8: A Christmas Carol Introduction Page 9: A Christmas Carol Writing FramePage 10: A Christmas Carol Context and Writer’s Message

Paper 2

Page 18-21: Blood Brothers Key QuotesPage 22: Blood Brothers IntroductionPage 23: Blood Brothers Writing FramePage 24: Blood Brothers Context and Writer’s Message

Page 25-34: Top 5 Poetry Quotes

Page 4: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make


English Literature EXAMS- an



Section A:Modern Texts

‘Blood Brothers’

Page 5: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

A Christmas Carol Key QuotesOn the following two pages are all the key quotes you needto learn for A Christmas Carol.

Quotation Who says it? Where is it in the novella?

Language Features and Notes

“solitary as an oyster” This is how Scrooge is described at the beginning of the novella.

Simile. Shows Scrooge is closed off from the world but potentially has some good inside.

“hard and sharp as flint”

This is how Scrooge is described at the beginning of the book.

Simile. Shows how cold and unfeeling Scrooge is. Also, flintcan spark a fire, so it foreshadows that Scrooge has some hope of changing.

“The fog came pouring in at every chink and keyhole”

This describes the weather in London at the start of the book.

Pathetic fallacy. Represents Scrooge’s ignorance and his failure to see the problems in the world.“I wear the chains I

forged in life”This is what The Ghost of Jacob Marley says about the chains that is carrying around.

Metaphor. Represents how he is weighed down and trapped by his mistakes in life.

“decrease the surpluspopulation”

Scrooge says this about poorpeople to the charity workers.

Adjective “surplus”. Reflects Scrooge’s view that people living in poverty weigh society down andare unwanted.

“He spoke before the hour bell sounded, which it now did with a deep, dull, hollow, melancholy ONE”

This is where the church bells are chiming as Scrooge waitsfor the Ghost of Christmas Past to arrive.

List of adjectives. Creates a sense of foreboding – time is running out for Scrooge. Also creates a dark, depressing tone.

“little crutch” “iron frame”

This is when Tiny Tim is described.

Symbolism. Represents that Tiny Tim is trapped by the cycle of poverty.

“Another idol has displaced me”

This is what Belle says to Scrooge when she is breaking up with him.

Metaphor. His business and wealth has become more important to Scrooge than Belle. “idol” suggests that he now worships money.

“I’m quite a baby” This is what Scrooge says when he wakes up at then end and realises he has another chance.

Metaphor. Scrooge has been reborn and has a fresh start in life.

“I’m as light as afeather”

This is what Scrooge says when he wakes up at then end and realises he has another chance.

Simile. Scrooge is no longer weighed down by his misery and mistakes. He is free from his “chain”. He feels happy and free.

Page 6: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make


“Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die?”

The Ghost of Christmas Present says this to Scrooge when they are at the Cratchits’ house.

Rhetorical question. Ghost of Christmas Present reminds scrooge that he has no right to decide who deserves to live. He is no better than anyone else.

“churches ringingout”

The church bells are ringing out at the end of the book when Scrooge has changed.

Positive religious imagery. Represents Scrooge’s transformation and fresh start in life. The church is nowcelebrating him.

“meagre, scowling wolfish”

This describes Ignorance andWant at the end of Stave3.

Triple. Ignorance and want are a metaphor for society. This triple describes society in a negative way. “Meagre” makes it sound like its weak and dying, and “wolfish” makes it seem like a destructive animal tearing itself apart.“golden sunlight” This is how the weather

is described at the end of the novella.

Light imagery/ pathetic fallacy. Represents how Scrooge is now enlightened.

“all in a glow” This is how Fred is described when we first meet him.

Light imagery. Fred is a warm hearted person that spreads joy wherever he goes. Also reflects the fact that Fred is an enlightened, positive character.

“The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensiveocean of mybusiness”

Marley says this to Scrooge in Stave one when scrooge says that he had always been a good man ofbusiness.

Metaphor. Emphasises the regret Marley feels for placing so much importance on business. He wants Scrooge to realise that his true responsibility is to be charitable and help his fellow men.

Page 7: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

A Christmas Carol Key Quotes: Your TurnComplete the ‘Who says it?’ and ‘Language Features’ column.

Quotation Who says it? Where is it in the novella?

Language Features and Notes

“solitary as an oyster”

“hard and sharp asflint”

“The fog came pouring in at every chink and keyhole”

“I wear the chains Iforged in life”

“decrease the surpluspopulation”

“He spoke before the hour bell sounded, which it now did with a deep, dull, hollow, melancholy ONE”

“little crutch” “iron frame”

“Another idol has displaced me”

“I’m quite a baby”

Page 8: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

“I’m as light as afeather”


Page 9: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make


“Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die?”

“churches ringingout”

“meagre, scowling wolfish”

“golden sunlight”

“all in a glow”

“The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensiveocean of mybusiness”

Page 10: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make


A Christmas Carol IntroductionThroughout the novella, Dickens uses the theme/ character of to develop his social comment. Dickens believed in social responsibility and that weshould all be responsible for our fellow men. This may have been a reaction to the unfair capitalist Victorian society that he was a part of.

R e vi s ion M et h o d : Practise writing an

introduction for every character and theme that you can

think of!


- Throughout the novella, Dickens uses the theme of redemption to develop his social comment. Dickens believed in social responsibility and that we should all be responsible for our fellow men. This may have been a reaction to the unfair capitalist Victorian society that he was a part of.

- Throughout the novella, Dickens uses the Cratchits to develop his social comment. Dickens believed in social responsibility and that we should all be responsible for our fellow men. This may have been a reaction to the unfair capitalist Victorian society that he was a part of.

- Throughout the novella, Dickens uses the character of Scrooge to develop his social comment. Dickens believed in social responsibility and that we should all be responsible for our fellow men. This may have been a reaction to the unfair capitalist Victorian society that he was a part of.

Page 11: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make


A Christmas Carol Writing FrameOverall, your essay should follow this structure:


Paragraph 1: Talk about a quote from the extract and link to another quote.

Paragraph 2: Talk about a quote from the extract and link to another quote.

Paragraph 3: Talk about a quote from the extract and link to another quote.

Structure for the main paragraphs.:

Point Within the extract, Dickens uses … to…

Quote We are told that “(write your quote from the extract)”.

Explain This suggests…This allows the reader to see that…

Zoom The word…has connotations of…

Effect Dickens may have chosen the word... to…


This supports/ strengthens/ reinforces Dickens’ social comment as…

Link This idea is reinforced when… (link to another quote fromelsewhere in the play)

Explain This suggests…

Zoom The word… has connotations of…

Effect Dickens may have chosen the word… to…

Page 12: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Poor Law Before 1834, there was a Poor Law in Britain which meant that people living in poverty were given benefits (like today). The wealthy upper classes didn’t like this – as they didn’t want to have to share their wealth. In 1834, there was a Poor Law Amendment Act. It meant that poor people no longer got benefits. Instead, they could get clothes and food, but only if they worked in a workhouse. The conditions were awful, and these places didn’t help the poor at all. Many wealthy people were ignorant because they believed that funding this was their way of helping the poor,

In dustrial Revo lution

The Industrial Revolution began in 1750.This was where machinery developed. We had lots of factories. Transport was improved when the first ever trains were invented. Lots of people moved to the cities like London for work and cities became overcrowded. Poor people had very low paid and dangerous jobs. People said that the Industrial Revolution would‘set people free’ because we could make more money and travel to more places. In reality, it made people feel trapped. Poor people were stuck in dangerous low paid jobs and pollution was so bad that cities like London and Manchester would trapped in thick smoke and fog (smog).

Genre A Christmas Carol could be described in three ways.A Morality Tale - A story that teaches the reader a lesson/ right fromwrong.An Allegory - Something that looks like a simple story but is usually makinga comment on society. For example, Scrooge could represent all of the rich,selfish business people in the Victorian era.A Ghost Story (See below)

Spiri tualism During the Victorian era, many people stopped believing in conventional religion and started to believe in spiritualism (ghosts).

Page 13: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

This is why, when Dickens wanted to write a book to make his social comment, he chose to make it a ghost story! He knew that people would want to read a ghost storyso he would be able to spread his message to every reader! 10

Page 14: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, nor wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less opento entreaty. Foul weather didn't know where to have him. The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect. They often ‘came down’ handsomely, and Scrooge never did.Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, ‘My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?’ No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it was o’clock, no man or woman ever once in all his life inquired theway to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blindmen's dogs appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, would tug their owners into doorways and up courts; and then would wag their tails as though they said, ‘No eye at all is better than an evil eye, dark master!’But what did Scrooge care? It was the very thing he liked. To edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance, was what the knowing ones call ‘nuts’ to Scrooge.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge as an outsider to society?

Write about:

• how Dickens presents Scrooge in this extract

• how Dickens presents Scrooge as an outsider to society in the novel as awhole.

[30 marks]

Page 15: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

What else can I be,' returned the uncle, `when I live in such a world of fools as this? Merry Christmas! Out upon merry Christmas! What's Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, but not an hour richer; a time for balancing your books and having every item in 'em through a round dozen of months presented dead against you? If I could work my will,' said Scrooge indignantly, `every idiot who goes about with "Merry Christmas" on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!'`Uncle!' pleaded the nephew.`Nephew!' returned the uncle sternly, `keep Christmas in your own way,and let me keep it in mine.'`Keep it!' repeated Scrooge's nephew. `But you don't keep it.'`Let me leave it alone, then,' said Scrooge. `Much good may it do you!Much good it has ever done you!‘There are many things from which I might have derived good, by whichI have not profited, I dare say,' returned the nephew. `Christmas amongthe rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when ithas come round -- apart from the veneration due to its sacred nameand origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that -- as agood time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time Iknow of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seemby one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think ofpeople below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to thegrave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. Andtherefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in mypocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and Isay, God bless it!'

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens presentChristmas spirit in the


Write about:

• How Dickens presents Christmas spirit in this extract

• How Dickens presents Christmas spirit in the novella as a whole.

Christmas spirit= Socialresponsibility

Page 16: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

For again Scrooge saw himself. He was older now; a man in the prime of life. His face had not the harsh and rigid lines of later years; but it had begun to wear the signs of care and avarice. There was an eager, greedy, restless motion in the eye, which showed the passion that had taken root, and where the shadow of the growing tree would fall.He was not alone, but sat by the side of a fair young girl in a mourning-dress: in whose eyes there were tears, which sparkled in the light that shone out of the Ghost of Christmas Past."It matters little," she said, softly. "To you, very little. Another idol has displaced me; and if it can cheer and comfort you in time to come, as I would have tried to do, I have no just cause to grieve.""What Idol has displaced you?" he rejoined. "A golden one.""This is the even-handed dealing of the world!" he said. "There is nothing on which it is so hard as poverty; and there is nothing it professes to condemn with such severity as the pursuit of wealth!""You fear the world too much," she answered, gently. "All your other hopes have merged into the hope of being beyond the chance of its sordid reproach. I have seen your nobler aspirations fall off one by one, until the master-passion, Gain, engrosses you. Have I not?""What then?" he retorted. "Even if I have grown so much wiser, what then? I am not changed towards you."She shook her head. "Am I?""Our contract is an old one. It was made when we were both poor and content to be so, until, in good season, we could improve our worldly fortune by our patient industry. You are changed. When it was made, you were another man.""I was a boy," he said impatiently."Your own feeling tells you that you were not what you are," she returned. "I am.That which promised happiness when we were one in heart, is fraught with miserynow that we are two. How often and how keenly I have thought of this, I will not say.It is enough that I have thought of it, and can release you."

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present the theme of greed in the novella?

• How Dickens presents the theme of greed in this extract.

• How Dickens presents the theme of greed in the novella as a whole.

Page 17: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Yes! and the bedpost was his own. The bed was his own, the room was his own. Best and happiest of all, the Time before him was his own, to make amends in!`I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future.' Scrooge repeated, as he scrambled out of bed. `The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. Oh Jacob Marley. Heaven, and the Christmas Time be praised for this. I say it on my knees, old Jacob, on my knees.'He was so fluttered and so glowing with his good intentions, that his broken voice would scarcely answer to his call. He had been sobbing violently in his conflict with the Spirit, and his face was wet with tears.`They are not torn down.' cried Scrooge, folding one of his bed- curtains in his arms,' they are not torn down, rings and all. They are here -- I am here -- the shadows of the things that would havebeen, may be dispelled. They will be. I know they will.'His hands were busy with his garments all this time; turning theminside out, putting them on upside down, tearing them, mislayingthem, making them parties to every kind of extravagance.`I don't know what to do.' cried Scrooge, laughing and crying in thesame breath; and making a perfect Laocoon of himself with hisstockings. `I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I amas merry as a schoolboy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merryChristmas to everybody. A happy New Year to all the world. Hallohere. Whoop. Hallo.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge’stransformation?

Write about:

• How Dickens presents transformation in this extract

• How Dickens presents Scrooge's transformation in Scrooge in the novella as a whole.

Page 18: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Blood Brothers Key QuotesQuote Language Features“Silver trays to take meals on. A bike with both wheels on?”

Musical number- ‘My Child’Juxtaposition – Shows the stark contrast in the mothers’ expectationsand how different the twins’ lives will be due to class.Mrs Lyons – a declarative statement. She is certain about the futureof Eddie.Mrs Johnstone – question – shows the uncertainty of his childhood.

“Desultory” “Forthcoming”

“Desultory” Adjective suggests that Mickey is lacking in plan or purpose.“Forthcoming” Adjective suggests that Eddie is enthusiastic andraring to go.Juxtaposition shows the contrast between the boys even at the age ofseven due to class.

“Talk ofOxbridge”

“All boredomand futility”

Juxtaposition – shows the stark contrast in the education that the boys receive due to class.‘Oxbridge’ top university shows Eddie’s privilege.“All boredom and futility”- Abstract noun “futility” meanspointlessness. This suggests that Mickey’s education is pointless. Heis destined to end up in a factory anyway.

“blows Edwardapart”

“blowing Mickey away”

Stage directions symbolise the twins’ importance in society.

“Apart” –adverb. Suggests that Eddie is someone important in society.

“Away” –adverb. Suggests that Mickey is disposable/ unimportant.“Mickey”

“Edward”More formal mode of address used for Edward. This could symbolise that he is a more valuable person in society due to class.

“My Child” “My Friend” “That Guy”

The titles of each musical number reflect the twins growing further and further apart due to class. ‘That guy’ almost sounds like they are strangers to each other. Each song has the same melody, perhaps to remind the audience that the twins are genetically the same.“Then bring her

on and come judge for yourselves How she came to play this part”

Breaking the fourth wall and asking the audience to look more closely. This involves the audience in his social comment.Metaphor – refers to Mrs Johnstone as if she is an actor. Symbolises that her life script has already been written for her due to class. Imperative – forcing the audience to get involved and look more closely. Makes Mrs Johnstone sound vulnerable- like she isn’t in control.

“Give one to me”

Imperative – Shows Mrs Lyons’ dominance and the control she has overMrs Johnstone due to class.The word “one” suggests a possession rather than a person. She canbuy a good life. 15

Page 19: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

“Our Sammy burnt the school down But it’s very easily done”

Musical number/ Humour which juxtaposes with the futility of his education.

Shows Mrs Johnstone’s almost nonchalant attitude towards education because it is pointless and has no value to working class people.

“I’ll give you some more lessons when you’re home for half term”

Imperative: Symbolises the control she has over Edward’s education. Shows her proactive attitude towards education.‘Give’ – she is able to be a provider because she is middle class,

“I wish that I could be like, wear clean clothes, talk properly like, do sums and history like my friend”

Musical Number –’My Friend’.Verb “wish” shows that education is out of reach.List emphasises how much more Eddie has than Mickey dueto class. He has an abundance of opportunities.The adverb “properly” suggests that Mickey isn’t a fullperson. The way he speaks is incorrect compared to themiddle class.

“Mickey, it’s easy, I’ve read about it”

Dialogue shows how accessible education is to Edward.The adjective “easy” could symbolise his carefree life dueto class.If I was like

him, I’d know all the right words”

Dialogue. In this dialogue, Mickey can tell that Eddie is educated just from looking at him. It could symbolise that Mickey makes a subconscious connection between wealth and education. If you have money, you will be welleducated. Highlights the unfairness of society.“He could

swear like a soldier”

Simile. The simile emphasises how different and unusual Mickey’s lifestyle seems to Eddie. At the start of the play, their differences are a source of admiration and as they get older, these differences pull them apart.

Re v isi o n M eth o d : Make revision cards with a key quote on one side, and what

you would say about it on the other. Get

some family or friends to test you!

Ext r a Boo s t : For every quote you are shown, try to think of another

quote to juxtapose it with!


Page 20: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Blood Brothers Key Quotes: Your TurnlComplete the 'Language Features' section.

Quote Language Features

"Silver trays to take meals on. A bike with both wheels on?"



"Talk ofOxbridge"

"All boredom and futility"

"blows Edward apart"

"blowing Mickey away"



"My Child" "My Friend" "That Guy"

"Then bring her on and come judge for yourselves How she came to play this part"

Page 21: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

"Give one to me"


Page 22: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

“Our Sammy burnt the school down But it’s very easily done”

“I’ll give you some more lessons when you’re home for half term”

“I wish that I could be like, wear clean clothes, talk properly like, do sums and history like my friend”

“Mickey, it’s easy, I’ve read about it”

If I was like him, I’d know all the right words”

“He could swear like a soldier”


Page 23: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make


Blood Brothers IntroductionThroughout the play, Russell uses the theme/ character of… to develop his social comment. He believed that the class system in the late 20th Century was unfair. If you were born into a working class family you had very few opportunities and your future was predetermined.

Re v isi o n M eth o d : Practise writing an

introduction for every character and theme that you can

think of!

Ex amples:

Throughout the play, Russell uses the characters of Mickey and Eddie to develop his social comment. He believed that the class system in the late 20th Century was unfair. If you were born into a working class family you had very few opportunities and your future was predetermined.

Throughout the play, Russell uses the theme of superstition to develop his social comment. He believed that the class system in the late 20th Century was unfair. If you were born into a working class family you had very few opportunities and your future was predetermined.

Throughout the play, Russell uses the theme of education to develop his social comment. He believed that the class system in the late 20th Century was unfair. If you were born into a working class family you had very few opportunities and your future was predetermined.

Page 24: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Point Firstly, Russell presents… through his use of…

Quote We are told that “(write your quote)”. Try tointroduce it more if you can.

Explain This (technique) suggests/ highlights…

Zoom The word…has connotations of…

Effect Russell may have chosen the word... to allow/ forcethe audience to see that…Message This reinforces Russell’s social comment because…

Point Furthermore, Russell presents… through his use of…

Quote We are told that “(write your quote)”. Try tointroduce it more if you can.

Explain This (technique) suggests/ highlights…

Zoom The word…has connotations of…

Effect Russell may have chosen the word... to allow/ forcethe audience to see that…Message This reinforces Russell’s social comment because…

Point Lastly, Russell presents… through his use of…

Quote We are told that “(write your quote)”. Try tointroduce it more if you can.

Explain This (technique) suggests/ highlights…

Zoom The word…has connotations of…

Effect Russell may have chosen the word... to allow/ forcethe audience to see that…Message This reinforces Russell’s social comment because…


Blood Brothers Writing FrameA great structure for your Blood Brothers essay is to write your introduction, followed by three PQEZEM paragraphs that link to

the question. Each paragraph will focus on one key quote.

Paragraph about quote 1

Paragraph about quote 2

Paragraph about quote 3

Page 25: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

What was Russell’s message?He believed that the class system in the late 20th Century was unfair. If you were born into a working class family you had very few opportunities andyour future was predetermined.

How did he get his message across?Throughout the play, Russell shows us the stark contrast between the lives of the middle class and working class.

How were the lives of middle class and working class people different?

Middle Class(Cycle of wealth)

Working Class(Cycle of poverty)


Middle Class people had two choices:1. They can pay for

their education and go to PRIVATE SCHOOL.

2. They can get a tutor and pass their 11+ Exam.

They would receive a

Working class people had no choice. They will have to go to comprehensive school (state school). In the 1950s-1980s, state schools didn’t give you a good education.Most of the people that went to one would end up with no qualifications.


You have been to university to you can have a WHITE COLLAR job (more skilled). This could be something like working in finance or for the government.

You will have a blue collar job. This most likely means that you will work in a FACTORY.That’s ok though. At least youcan still provide for your family.

Page 26: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Unemployment and Crime

Unemployment and crime were not issues that often affected the middle classes.

In Liverpool, industry was declining. Instead of investing into these industries, Margaret Thatcher let them decline and then shut them down..This led to factories shutting down. The lack of coal meant there was less fuel and because there were no docks it was much more expensive to import materials to make things.This led to unemployment, whichled to poverty, which led tocrime.

Page 27: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Blo od Brothers Questio ns to answerRemember – you do not have anextract for questions about Blood

Brothers.Use the example to help you.

Choose three to answer1. How does Russell present some of the differences between social classes in Blood Brothers?2. How does Russell suggest that what happens to Mickey and Edward throughout the play is unavoidable?3. How does Russell use the difference between the Lyons and the Johnstones?

4. How does Russell present ideas about childhood and growing up in Blood Brothers?5. To what extent does Russell present Mickey as a character we should sympathise with?

Page 28: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

How does Russell explore the differences between social classes?

Write about:• how Russell presents some of these differences• how Russell explores differences between social classes in

the play

Throughout the play, Russell presents the differences between social classes to develop his social comment. He believed that the class system in the late twentieth century was unfair and if you were born into a working class family, you had fewer opportunities and your future was pre-determined.

Russell uses juxtaposition to present the differences between social classes. In the musical number ‘My Child’, when Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons are talking about the lives of the unborn twins, Mrs Lyons states that Eddie will have “silver trays to take meals on” whereas Mrs Johnstone questions whether Mickey will have “a bike with both wheels on?” This juxtaposition emphasises the stark contrast in the lives that the twins will lead due to class and this life is already mapped out even before they are born. The adjective “silver” has connotations of luxury and wealth. Russell may have chosen to use the word “silver” to allow the audience to see that Edward will live a life where he has everything he needs and more. The declarative statement symbolises the fact that his life will be full of certainty. The metaphor “bike with both wheels on” could symbolise that Mickey will never quite have what he needs to get by. The question emphasises the uncertainty that Mickey’s life will be filled with. This reinforces Russell’s social comment because we can see how unfair the class system is. Two boys genetically the same will lead such different lives all because of class.

Page 29: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

Another method employed by Russell to present the differences between social classes is his clever use of stage directions. When the twins are seven, the stage directions describe Eddie as “forthcoming” and Mickey as “desultory”. These stage directions highlight the difference between the boys, even though they should be the same, at such a young age. The word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make the audience recognise that Eddie’s life is going to exciting and full of chances, therefore, it is worth him being excited. The word “desultory” has connotations of something lacking in plan or purpose. Russell may have chosen this word to describe Mickey to force the audience to see that Mickey is not in control of his own life due to class. His future is pre-determined and he will end up in a factory. This reinforces Russell’s social comment as the audience startto question a society where your future is completely dictated by the class that you are part of.

Later in the play, Russell uses juxtaposition again to present the differences between social classes. During the school scenes, Edward’s teacher says to him that there is “Talk of Oxbridge”, however the stage directions describe Mickey’s classroom as “all boredom and futility”. This juxtaposition shows the shocking difference in the twins’ educations due to class. The word “Oxbridge” has connotations of prestige and excellence. Russell may have chosen to include the word “Oxbridge” to allow the audience to see that Edward has the best of everything, including education, because he is middle class. We see how much hope there is in his future. The abstract noun “futility” has connotations of pointlessness. Russell may have used the word “futility” to force the reader to see that Mickey’s future working in a factory and later losing his job is almost inevitable as he is working class. There is no point in him being educated as his future is already mapped out. The idea of a futile education is prevalent in a lot of Russell’s literature. This may have been due to Russell’s own negative experience of secondary education where he left school with only one O Level.

Page 30: PowerPoint Presentation  · Web viewThe word “forthcoming” has connotations of enthusiasm and someone raring to go. Dickens may have chosen the word “forthcoming” to make

At the end of the play, Russell uses stage directions topresent the differences between social classes. When thetwins are killed, the stage directions say that the shot “blowsEdward apart” and then describes Mickey’s death as“blowing Mickey away”. The use of these clever stagedirections enable the audience to see that even in death,Edward is above Mickey. The adverb “apart” suggests thatEddie is worth something to society. It makes him soundsignificant. The word “away” may have been chosen byRussell to symbolise the fact that Mickey’s life is insignificantto society. The fact that he is “blown away” makes himsound like unwanted dust. This reinforces Russell’s socialcomment and is manipulates the audience into feeling angryabout a society where two human beings with the samegenetic make-up can be treated and viewed in suchshockingly different ways.

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