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Powerful Squat Variations to Increase Your

Strength, Power AND Size!

I currently split my training time between the USC Gymnasium and a commercial

gym who’s name I wont mention. Every time I train at a commercial gym I seldom see

anyone squat, but you can’t count the people using the smith machine!!

The few people I do see squat only do back squats; I never see anybody do any squat

variations. Don’t get me wrong, the Back Squat is a great exercise. It is one of the

basics and should be in everyone’s training arsenal, but it should not be the whole


Using different squat variations will lead to better results because you keep your body

guessing. It will keep your training fresh and you won’t get bored of doing the same

squat workout again and again.

Here are some great squat variations that can be done with minimal equipment:

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Front Squats:

This is my favorite squat variation, by placing the bar in the “catch” position of a

clean you will get a completely different feel than a back squat. The front squat is far

more quad dominant than the back squat. The placement of the bar in the Front

Squat forces you to keep an upright torso, which is great because one of the most

common problems people have while squatting is that they tend to lean forward too

much. A couple of weeks of front squats will clear that right up. Another advantage of

the front squat is that it works on your elbow and wrist flexibility, which in most people is

almost non-existent. If you don’t believe me, try to put an empty bar in the “catch”

position. If you have poor flexibility it will hurt as your joints get the necessary flexibility,

but once they catch up you will be glad you put the work in as this is a great exercise!

Don’t want to work on your flexibility but want the other benefits of the front squat?

Try these variations;

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Cross handed front squat;

Simply walk up to the rack and place the bar on your shoulders, the bar will

almost be touching your collarbone. Then simply cross your hands on top and keep

your elbows high.

Strap front squats;

Loop the straps around the bar, pull them tight and you are ready to go!!! Again focus

on keeping your elbows high.

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Overhead Squat;

This is another great variation based on the Olympic lifts. To start, unrack the bar,

then jerk the bar overhead, or, if you are feeling up to it, Snatch the bar over head. This

is a great full body lift; if you have never done this variation you will feel it in your whole

body the next day. If you thought the front squat challenged your flexibility, wait until

you try this bad boy.

The overhead squat is the ultimate full body strength and flexibility challenge. Start

light. An empty bar will be challenging for most people as their flexibility in the

shoulders, hips, and upper back is challenged as well as their balance. Also remember

that the closer your hands are, the tougher it will be on your shoulders.

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Double kettlebell Squat;

I never used a kettlebell until I started working with Zach. I was amazed at

versatility of these things; the double kettlebell squat is one of my favorite movements

now. This movement feels great because your whole body has to stay tight in order to

keep the kettlebells in the rack position as you struggle to balance the weight that is in

front of you. This movement is great and better done for high reps.

Hopefully you will include some of these variations in your training on your way to

some crazy strength. As I wrap up the article, let me invite you to try one of my favorite

leg work outs; the best part is that it is really simple;

• Do a thorough warm up

• Start with the overhead squat, do a few sets and work to a heavy set of 5

• When you can’t Overhead squat the weight anymore, Front Squat it and start

working your way to a heavy set of 5 in the Front Squat.

• When you can’t Front Squat anymore, Olympic back Squat the weight and work

to a heavy set of five again. Finally, when you reach a good heavy weight,

move to a wider stance and power squat the weight to a heavy triple.

I don’t recommend doing this work-out everyday. This should be done when you

are feeling a little crazy and need a way to challenge yourself. Don’t try this until

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you have mastered the Overhead and Front Squat. For the brave few that will

attempt this, happy limping!!

Nelson “Necho” Puentes is a Strength Coach at The USC Gymnasium in Edison, NJ. To

contact Necho, stop by The USC Gymnasium and get your hands dirty by joining in on

some Underground training! Necho can also be reached through the Underground

forum, feel free to call him out!

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