Page 1: Power Point Slides Teamwork

customizable courseware

Building Better Teams

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Page 2: Power Point Slides Teamwork

Agenda8:30-8:45 Session One: Introduction and Course Overview

8:45-9:00 Icebreaker: To Do List

9:00-9:30 Session Two: Defining Teams

9:30-10:15 Session Three: Establishing Team Norms

10:15-10:30 Break10:30-10:45 Session Four: Working as a Team

10:45-11:45 Session Five: Glenn Parker Team Survey

11:45-12:00 Morning Wrap-Up

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:15 Energizer: Group Pursuit

1:15-2:00 Session Six: Building Team Trust

2:00-2:15 Break

2:15-2:30 Session Seven: The Stages of Team Development2:30-3:30 Session Eight: Towers

3:30-4:00 Session Nine: Communication

4:00-4:15 Session Ten: Becoming a Good Team Player

4:15-4:30 Workshop Wrap-Up

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Session One: Course Overview

• Provide an opportunity for participants to get to know one another and share ideas for developing their teams

• Understand the value of working as a team• Recognize the critical role communication skills will

play in building and maintaining a team atmosphere• Explore your team player style and identify how it can

be used effectively with your own team• Identify ways that team members can be involved and

grow in a team setting

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Session Two: Defining Teams

• What is synergy?• What is a team?• What makes a team different from a group?

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Session Two: Defining Teams

The Five Types of Teams

• The Traditional Model• The Team Spirit Model• The Cutting Edge Model• The Task Force Model• The Cyber Team

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Session Three: Establishing Team Norms

• What are some advantages to working as a team?

• What are some disadvantages?• Why do teams fail?• What is the purpose of a team


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Session Four: Working as a Team

“I don’t want to stop anyone else, but I don’t want to be

involved in implementing it.”“I don’t like this,

but I don’t want to hold up the group.”“I can live with


“Basically, I like it.”“I want my disagreement noted

in writing, but I’ll support the decision.”

“I have no opinion.”

“I like it.”

“I veto this proposal.”

BlockFormal disagreement, with request to be absolved of implementing responsibility

Formal disagree-ment, willing to go w/majority

Stand aside

AbstainAgree w/ reserva-tions

Endorse w/minor point


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Session Five: Glenn Parker Team Survey

The Contributor This is the detailed person who keeps track of everything.

The Collaborator This is the visionary who is always looking to the future and a better way of doing things.

The Communicator This type is a people person. They don’t want to rock the boat; they just want to enjoy the boat ride.

The Challenger This person wears the hat of the Devil’s Advocate.

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Session Six: Building Team Trust

Trust is produced in a climate that includes four elements:

• Honesty: Integrity, no lies, no exaggerations • Openness: A willingness to share and receptivity to

information, perceptions, ideas• Consistency: Predictable behavior and responses • Treating people with dignity and fairness

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Session Six: Building Team Trust

Four themes emerge to help explain why a climate of trust fosters teamwork.

• Trust allows team members to stay problem-focused.

• Trust improves the quality of collaborative outcomes.

• Trust leads to compensating. • Trust promotes more efficient communication and

coordination. Not

For Trai


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Session Seven: The Stages of Team Development

• Forming• Storming• Norming• Performing

• What can you do to help your team through each stage?

• How do you think you can create a positive team environment?

• What environment do you like to work in? • How can we build team trust?

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Session Eight: Towers

• T is for Trust: interpersonal confidence and absence of fear.

• O is for Openness: free flow of information, ideas, perceptions and feelings.

• R is for Realization: self-determination, being role free, doing what you want to do.

• I is for Interdependence: reciprocal influence, shared responsibility and leadership.

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