
POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 1 -

Version 1.0

Panasonic Corporation

POVCAM Interface Specifications

Menu / Camera Operation

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 2 -

Change History

Date Description Version

September 11, 2017 Initial Release 1.0

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 3 -


[Total: 36 pages]

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4

2. Configuration outline ...................................................................................................... 4

3. Control using commands ............................................................................................... 5

3.1. Command Specifications (aw_ptz) .............................................................................................. 5

3.2. Command Specifications (aw_cam) ............................................................................................ 6

3.3. Scene File Control ....................................................................................................................... 8

Separate Table: Color Correction Settings ..................................................................... 10 3.3.1.

3.4. Switch Setting Control ............................................................................................................... 13

Separate Table: Shutter Modes / Step Values {OSK:08:[Data]} ..................................... 16 3.4.1.

Separate Table: Synchro Scan {OMS:[Data]} ................................................................. 16 3.4.2.

Separate Table: Auto Slow Shutter Limit {OSK:07:[Data]} ............................................. 20 3.4.3.

Separate Table: Auto Shutter Limit {OSD:BF:[Data]} ..................................................... 20 3.4.4.

Separate Table: VAR{OSD:B1:[Data]} ............................................................................ 20 3.4.5.

3.5. Direct Control ............................................................................................................................. 22

3.6. Other Camera Information ......................................................................................................... 23

Supplement: CamFormat{QSK:20} ................................................................................ 23 3.6.1.

3.7. Recording Settings .................................................................................................................... 24

3.8. Output Settings .......................................................................................................................... 24

3.9. Display Settings ......................................................................................................................... 24

3.10. Other Settings ............................................................................................................................ 24

3.11. Menu Control ............................................................................................................................. 25

4. Camera information update notification ....................................................................... 26

4.1. Procedure for receiving the update notifications ....................................................................... 27

4.2. Data format for update notifications ........................................................................................... 29

4.3. Setting change sequence .......................................................................................................... 30

Changing the settings from a terminal ............................................................................ 30 4.3.1.

Special sequences .......................................................................................................... 31 4.3.2.

5. Camera information batch acquisition ......................................................................... 33

6. Error return .................................................................................................................. 35

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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1. Introduction

This document describes the specifications for menu settings and camera operation when operating

a memory card portable recorder and special optional compact camera head via the network. For

details on general operation, see the instruction manual.

There is some compatibility with HD integrated cameras in terms of the command system.

A memory card portable recorder also supports external operation via the network for some functions.

Please substitute "camera" with "recorder" in such cases when reading this document.

Applicable models

・ AG-UCK20/AG-UMR20 series and AG-MDC20/AG-MDR25 series

2. Configuration outline

This manual has the following general configuration.

① Control using commands

Functions such as zoom and iris/focus can be controlled.

It is also possible to acquire the gain and other camera information by initiating queries.

The various functions are employed for the operations with the camera using HTTP which is the

host protocol of TCP.

② Camera information update notification

The local terminal is notified of the values of the gain and other settings which have been changed

at another terminal or other terminals so that it can acquire the camera information.

This feature is useful when one camera is controlled by a multiple number of terminals, and when

the setting for enabling update notifications to be received has been established, the information

which has been changed by other terminals can be acquired.

③ Camera information batch acquisition

The camera information can be acquired in batch form. Since there is no need to query each and

every camera information item when this feature is used, the feature is useful when all the camera

information is required such as at startup.

④ Error return

An error — whether ER1, ER2 or ER3 — is returned when an error has been generated by a

command in ① above or when the AWB result contains an error.

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 5 -

3. Control using commands

Command control using aw_ptz and command control using aw_cam are available. With the HD

Integrated Camera series, command control was divided into pan-tilt head control and camera control,

but with the POVCAM series, control is performed with aw_ptz for any control command beginning

with # and with aw_cam for any other command.

There are restrictions on the functions/commands that can be used depending on the state on the

POVCAM side. For details, see the instruction manual.

3.1. Command Specifications (aw_ptz)

The command specifications (aw_ptz) conform to the HTTP1.1 communication specifications. Their

format is given below.

[Command format]


http://[IP Address]/cgi-bin/aw_ptz?cmd=[Command]&res=[Type]

* IP Address ······· IP address of camera that is connection destination * Command ········ Details given in “Command” column in the command tables below * Type ················ Fixed to “1”


200 OK “Command” * Command ········ Response value of each command; set in the HTTP message body.

Example) Zoom (Tele side)



200 OK “zS65”

* Depending on the browser or middleware used, “#” may have to be converted to “%23” by ASCII conversion.

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 6 -

3.2. Command Specifications (aw_cam)

The camera control commands conform to the HTTP1.1 communication specifications. Their format

is given below.

[Command format]


http://[IP Address]/cgi-bin/aw_cam?cmd=[Command]&res=[Type]

* IP Address ······· IP address of camera at connection destination * Command ········ Details given in “Command” column in the command tables below * Type ················· Normally "1" (but “0” for the AWB[OWS] and ABB[OAS] commands)


200 OK “Command” * Command ········· Response value of each command; described in the HTTP message body.

Example: Focus setting = Manual


[Receive] The response is the HTTP response.

200 OK "OAF:0"

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Given below is the communication sequence which accords with the command format presented on

the previous page.


“PC1” is the control terminal in the sequence below.

Example) Zoom (Tele side)

Camera IP Address = Command = #Z65

Zoom operation control is performed from PC1. [200 OK “zS65”] is returned as the response from the


Figure 3.1-1 Command specifications (aw_ptz) sequence

The command specifications (aw_cam) also have the same sequence.

When issuing commands in succession, send the commands with a gap of 130 ms between each


PC1 (Client)

200 OK “zS65”

Start zooming


POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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3.3. Scene File Control

Some items in the [SCENE FILE] menu for scene files can be controlled externally when using the

AG-UCK20 or MDC20. For the MENU values in the Data value column, see the values enclosed in


Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value


[SELECT SCENE] XSF:[Data] XSF: [Data] QSF OSF:[Data] Control [XSF] 1h (F1:) 2h (F2:) 3h (F3:) 4h (AUTO) Query [QSF] 0h (F1:) 1h (F2:) 2h (F3:) 3h (AUTO)

Not supported

[DETAIL LEVEL] OSA:30:[Data] OSA:30:[Data] QSA:30 OSA:30:[Data] 76h(-10) ~ 80h(0) ~ 8Ah(+10)

Not supported

[V DETAIL LEVEL] OSD:16:[Data] OSD:16:[Data] QSD:16 OSD:16:[Data] 00h(-7) ~ 07h(0) ~ 0Eh(+7)

Not supported

[DETAIL CORING] OSK:01:[Data] OSK:01:[Data] QSK:01 OSK:01:[Data] 80h (0) ~ 94h (+20)

Not supported

[SKIN TONE DTL] OSE:32:[Data] OSE:32:[Data] QSE:32 OSE:32:[Data] 0(OFF) 1(LOW) 3(HIGH)

Not supported

[WB R GAIN] ORG:[Data] ORG:[Data] QGR OGR:[Data] 00h(-30) ~ 1Eh(0) ~ 3Ch(+30)

Not supported

[WB B GAIN] OBG:[Data] OBG:[Data] QGB OGB:[Data] 00h(-30) ~ 1Eh(0) ~ 3Ch(+30)

Not supported

[CHROMA LEVEL] OSK:02:[Data] OSK:02:[Data] QSK:02 OSK:02:[Data] 3Ah( -70 ) ~ 80h( 0 ) ~ 9Eh( +30 )

Not supported

[CHROMA PHASE] OSK:03:[Data] OSK:03:[Data] QSK:03 OSK:03:[Data] V1.00 62h( -31 ) ~ 80h( 0 ) ~ 9Fh( +31 )

Not supported

[MATRIX] OSE:31:[Data] OSE:31:[Data] QSE:31 OSE:31:[Data] 0h(NORM), 1h(CINE-LIKE), 2h(STILL-LIKE), 3h(SURGICAL LIGHT)*onlyMDC20

Not supported


- - - - * See the separate sheet.

Not supported

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Command name <POVCAM MENU>

Control command

Control response

Query command

Query response

Data value AG-UCK20/MDC20

Data value AG-UMR20/MDR25


OTD:[Data] OTD:[Data] QTD OTD:[Data] 0Fh(-15) ~ 1Eh(0) ~ 2Dh(+15)

Not supported

[GAMMA] OSE:72:[Data] OSE:72:[Data] QSE:72 OSE:72:[Data] 1h(HD NORM) 2h(CINE-LIKE D) 3h(STILL-LIKE)

Not supported

[BLACK GAMMA] OSK:04:[Data] OSK:04:[Data] QSK:04 OSK:04:[Data] 79h(-7) ~ 80h(0) ~ 87h(+7)

Not supported

[KNEE] OSA:2D:[Data] OSA:2D:[Data] QSA:2D OSA:2D:[Data] 2h(AUTO) 3h(LOW) 4h(MID) 5h(HIGH)

Not supported

[DRS] OSE:33:[Data] OSE:33:[Data] QSE:33 OSE:33:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(LOW) 2h(MID) 3h(HIGH)

Not supported

[NR CONTROL] OSK:05:[Data] OSK:05:[Data] QSK:05 OSK:05:[Data] 79h(-7) ~ 80h(0) ~ 87h(+7)

Not supported

Usage example:

・ Set [SELECT SCENE] for scene selection to "F1:".

[Control] PC → CAM

[Response] CAM → PC

200 OK “XSF:1”

・ Query about the [MATRIX] setting for the matrix.

[Query] PC → CAM

[Response] CAM → PC

200 OK “OSE:31:1” * When CINE-LIKE

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 10 -

Separate Table: Color Correction Settings 3.3.1.

Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value


Mg(SAT) OSD:82:[Data] OSD:82:[Data] QSD:82 OSD:82:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Mg(PHASE) OSD:83:[Data] OSD:83:[Data] QSD:83 OSD:83:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

Mg_R(SAT) OSD:84:[Data] OSD:84:[Data] QSD:84 OSD:84:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Mg_R(PHASE) OSD:85:[Data] OSD:85:[Data] QSD:85 OSD:85:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

R(SAT) OSD:86:[Data] OSD:86:[Data] QSD:86 OSD:86:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

R(PHASE) OSD:87:[Data] OSD:87:[Data] QSD:87 OSD:87:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

R_R_YI(SAT) OSD:9C:[Data] OSD:9C:[Data] QSD:9C OSD:9C:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

R_R_YI(PHASE) OSD:9D:[Data] OSD:9D:[Data] QSD:9D OSD:9D:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

R_Yl_Yl(SAT) OSD:9E:[Data] OSD:9E:[Data] QSD:9E OSD:9E:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

R_Yl_Yl(PHASE) OSD:9F:[Data] OSD:9F:[Data] QSD:9F OSD:9F:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

Yl(SAT) OSD:8A:[Data] OSD:8A:[Data] QSD:8A OSD:8A:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Yl(PHASE) OSD:8B:[Data] OSD:8B:[Data] QSD:8B OSD:8B:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

G(SAT) OSD:8E:[Data] OSD:8E:[Data] QSD:8E OSD:8E:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Command name <POVCAM MENU>

Control command

Control response

Query command

Query response

Data value AG-UCK20/MDC20

Data value AG-UMR20/MDR25

G(PHASE) OSD:8F:[Data] OSD:8F:[Data] QSD:8F OSD:8F:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

G_Cy(SAT) OSD:90:[Data] OSD:90:[Data] QSD:90 OSD:90:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

G_Cy(PHASE) OSD:91:[Data] OSD:91:[Data] QSD:91 OSD:91:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

Cy(SAT) OSD:92:[Data] OSD:92:[Data] QSD:92 OSD:92:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Cy(PHASE) OSD:93:[Data] OSD:93:[Data] QSD:93 OSD:93:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

B(SAT) OSD:96:[Data] OSD:96:[Data] QSD:96 OSD:96:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

B(PHASE) OSD:97:[Data] OSD:97:[Data] QSD:97 OSD:97:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

Cy_Cy_B(SAT) OSD:AA:[Data] OSD:AA:[Data] QSD:AA OSD:AA:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Cy_Cy_B(PHASE) OSD:AB:[Data] OSD:AB:[Data] QSD:AB OSD:AB:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

Cy_B_B(SAT) OSD:AC:[Data] OSD:AC:[Data] QSD:AC OSD:AC:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Cy_B_B(PHASE) OSD:AD:[Data] OSD:AD:[Data] QSD:AD OSD:AD:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

B_B_Mg(SAT) OSD:C0:[Data] OSD:C0:[Data] QSD:C0 OSD:C0:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

B_B_Mg(PHASE) OSD:C1:[Data] OSD:C1:[Data] QSD:C1 OSD:C1:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

B_Mg_Mg(SAT) OSD:C2:[Data] OSD:C2:[Data] QSD:C2 OSD:C2:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Command name <POVCAM MENU>

Control command

Control response

Query command

Query response

Data value AG-UCK20/MDC20

Data value AG-UMR20/MDR25

B_Mg_Mg(PHASE) OSD:C3:[Data] OSD:C3:[Data] QSD:C3 OSD:C3:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

Yl_Yl_G(SAT) OSD:C4:[Data] OSD:C4:[Data] QSD:C4 OSD:C4:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Yl_Yl_G(PHASE) OSD:C5:[Data] OSD:C5:[Data] QSD:C5 OSD:C5:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

Yl_G_G(SAT) OSD:C6:[Data] OSD:C6:[Data] QSD:C6 OSD:C6:[Data] 61h(-31) ~ 80h(0) ~ 9Fh(+31)

Not supported

Yl_G_G(PHASE) OSD:C7:[Data] OSD:C7:[Data] QSD:C7 OSD:C7:[Data] 41h(-63) ~ 80h(0) ~ BFh(+63)

Not supported

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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3.4. Switch Setting Control

Some items in the [SW SETUP] menu for switch settings can be controlled externally when using the

AG-UCK20 or MDC20. For the MENU values in the Data value column, see the values enclosed in


Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value



OSE:73:[Data] OSE:73:[Data] QSE:73 OSE:73:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(ON)

Not supported


OSK:09:[Data] OSK:09:[Data] QSK:09 OSK:09:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(ON)

Not supported

[ND FILTER] OFT:[Data] OFT:[Data] QFT OFT:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(1/4 ND) 2h(1/16 ND) 3h(1/64 ND)

Not supported

[IRIS MODE] ORS:[Data] ORS:[Data] QRS ORS:[Data] 0(Manual) 1(Auto)

Not supported


OGU:[Data] OGU:[Data] QGU OGU:[Data] V1.00 support only 08h( 0dB) 09h( 1dB) ~ 26h(30dB) 80h(AGC ON)

Not supported

[AGC LIMIT] OSK:11:[Data] OSK:11:[Data] QSK:11 OSK:11:[Data] 01h( 3dB) 02h( 6dB) 03h( 9dB) 04h(12dB) 05h(15dB) 06h(18dB) 07h(21dB) 08h(24dB) 09h(27dB) 0Ah(30dB)

Not supported

[SUPER GAIN] OSK:12:[Data] OSK:12:[Data] QSK:12 OSK:12:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(ON)

Not supported


OSK:13:[Data] OSK:13:[Data] QSK:13 OSK:13:[Data] 1h(33dB) 2h(36dB)

Not supported


OSK:08:[Data] OSK:08:[Data] QSK:08 OSK:08:[Data] 00h(Auto) FFh(SyncScan) 74h(1/2) 75h(1/3) ~ 8Dh(1/4000) 8Eh(1/8000) * See the separate sheet.

Not supported

[SYNCHRO SCAN] OMS:[Data] OMS:[Data] QMS OMS:[Data] * See the separate sheet.

Not supported

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Command name <POVCAM MENU>

Control command

Control response

Query command

Query response

Data value AG-UCK20/MDC20

Data value AG-UMR20/MDR25


OSK:07:[Data] OSK:07:[Data] QSK:07 OSK:07:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(1/30) 2h(1/25) 3h(1/24) 4h(1/15) 5h(1/12) 6h(1/8) 7h(1/6) * See the separate sheet.

Not supported


OSD:BF:[Data] OSD:BF:[Data] QSD:BF OSD:BF:[Data] * See the separate sheet.

Not supported

[AE LEVEL] OSD:48:[Data] OSD:48:[Data] QSD:48 OSD:48:[Data] 00h(-10) ~ 31h(-1) 32h(0) 33h(+1) ~ 64h(+10) *supports only 5 step

Not supported


OAW:[Data] OAW:[Data] QAW OAW:[Data] 0h(ATW) 1h(AWB A) 2h(AWB B) 4h(PRESET 3200K) 5h(PRESET 5600K) 9h(VAR) Eh(ATW_LOCK)

Not supported

[VAR] OSD:B1:[Data] OSD:B1:[Data] QSD:B1 OSD:B1:[Data] 000h(2000K) ~ 078h(15000K) * See the separate sheet.

Not supported

[i.ZOOM] OSD:B3:[Data] OSD:B3:[Data] QSD:B3 OSD:B3:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(ON)

Not supported

[D.ZOOM] ODE:[Data] ODE:[Data] QDE ODE:[Data] 0(OFF) 1(ON)

Not supported

[D.ZOOM RATIO] OSD:B8:[Data] OSD:B8:[Data] QSD:B8 OSD:B8:[Data] 0h(x1.4) 1h(x2.0) 2h(x4.0) 3h(x6.0) 4h(x8.0)

Not supported

[O.I.S.] OIS:[Data] OIS:[Data] QIS OIS:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(ON)

Not supported


OSK:15:[Data] OSK:15:[Data] QSK:15 OSK:15:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(ON)

Not supported


OSK:14:[Data] OSK:14:[Data] QSK:14 OSK:14:[Data] 0h (Standard) 1h (For fixed installation)

Not supported

[FOCUS] OAF:[Data] OAF:[Data] QAF OAF:[Data] 0h(Manual) 1h(AUTO)

Not supported


OSK:06:[Data] OSK:06:[Data] QSK:06 OSK:06:[Data] 1h(level1) 2h(level2) 3h(level3)

Not supported


#D6[Data] d6[Data] #D6 d6[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(ON)

Not supported

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Command name <POVCAM MENU>

Control command

Control response

Query command

Query response

Data value AG-UCK20/MDC20

Data value AG-UMR20/MDR25


OSK:16:[Data] OSK:16:[Data] QSK:16 OSK:16:[Data] 0h(White) 1h(Green)

Not supported


#INS[Data] iNS[Data] #INS iNS[Data] 0(OFF) 1(ON)

Not supported

Usage example:

・ Set [INFRARED REC] for infrared recording to ON.

[Control] PC → CAM

* The command begins with # so you need to use aw_ptz.

[Response] CAM → PC

200 OK “d61”

・ Set [IR REC COLOR] for the infrared recording color to white.

[Control] PC → CAM

* The command does not begin with # so you need to use aw_cam.

[Response] CAM → PC

200 OK “OSK:16:0”

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Separate Table: Shutter Modes / Step Values {OSK:08:[Data]} 3.4.1.

The settings differ depending on the value of CamFormat{OSK:20:[Data]}.


60P/60i 30P 24P 50P/50i/25P

00h:Auto 00h:Auto 00h:Auto 00h:Auto

FFh:SyncScan FFh:SyncScan FFh:SyncScan FFh:SyncScan

74h:1/2 74h:1/2 74h:1/2 74h:1/2

76h:1/4 76h:1/4 75h:1/3 75h:1/3

78h:1/8 78h:1/8 77h:1/6 77h:1/6

7Ah:1/15 7Ah:1/15 79h:1/12 79h:1/12

7Dh:1/30 7Dh:1/30 7Bh:1/24 7Ch:1/25

80h:1/60 7Fh:1/50 7Eh:1/48 7Fh:1/50

81h:1/100 80h:1/60 7Fh:1/50 80h:1/60

82h:1/120 81h:1/100 80h:1/60 81h:1/100

84h:1/180 82h:1/120 81h:1/100 83h:1/125

85h:1/250 84h:1/180 82h:1/120 84h:1/180

86h:1/350 85h:1/250 84h:1/180 85h:1/250

87h:1/500 86h:1/350 85h:1/250 86h:1/350

88h:1/750 87h:1/500 86h:1/350 87h:1/500

89h:1/1000 88h:1/750 87h:1/500 88h:1/750

8Ah:1/1500 89h:1/1000 88h:1/750 89h:1/1000

8Bh:1/2000 8Ah:1/1500 89h:1/1000 8Ah:1/1500

8Ch:1/3000 8Bh:1/2000 8Ah:1/1500 8Bh:1/2000

8Dh:1/4000 8Ch:1/3000 8Bh:1/2000 8Ch:1/3000

8Eh:1/8000 8Dh:1/4000 8Ch:1/3000 8Dh:1/4000

-- 8Eh:1/8000 8Dh:1/4000 8Eh:1/8000

-- -- 8Eh:1/8000 --

Separate Table: Synchro Scan {OMS:[Data]} 3.4.2.

The settings differ depending on the value of CamFormat{OSK:20:[Data]}.


Data 60P/60i 30P 24P 50P/50i 25P

001 1/60.0 1/30.0 1/24.0 1/50.0 1/25.0

002 1/60.1 1/30.0 1/24.1 1/50.1 1/25.1

003 1/60.3 1/30.1 1/24.2 1/50.3 1/25.2

004 1/60.5 1/30.2 1/24.3 1/50.4 1/25.3

005 1/60.6 1/30.3 1/24.4 1/50.6 1/25.4

006 1/60.8 1/30.4 1/24.4 1/50.7 1/25.5

007 1/61.0 1/30.5 1/24.5 1/50.9 1/25.6

008 1/61.2 1/30.6 1/24.6 1/51.1 1/25.7

009 1/61.4 1/30.8 1/24.7 1/51.2 1/25.7

00A 1/61.6 1/30.9 1/24.8 1/51.4 1/25.8

00B 1/61.8 1/31.0 1/24.9 1/51.5 1/25.9

00C 1/62.0 1/31.1 1/25.0 1/51.7 1/26.0

00D 1/62.2 1/31.2 1/25.1 1/51.9 1/26.1

00E 1/62.4 1/31.3 1/25.2 1/52.0 1/26.2

00F 1/62.6 1/31.4 1/25.3 1/52.2 1/26.3

010 1/62.8 1/31.5 1/25.4 1/52.3 1/26.4

011 1/63.0 1/31.6 1/25.5 1/52.5 1/26.5

012 1/63.2 1/31.7 1/25.6 1/52.7 1/26.6

013 1/63.4 1/31.9 1/25.7 1/52.8 1/26.7

014 1/63.6 1/32.0 1/25.8 1/53.0 1/26.8

015 1/63.9 1/32.1 1/25.9 1/53.2 1/26.9

016 1/64.1 1/32.2 1/26.0 1/53.3 1/27.0

017 1/64.3 1/32.3 1/26.1 1/53.5 1/27.1

018 1/64.5 1/32.4 1/26.2 1/53.7 1/27.2

019 1/64.7 1/32.6 1/26.3 1/53.9 1/27.3

01A 1/64.9 1/32.7 1/26.4 1/54.0 1/27.4

01B 1/65.2 1/32.8 1/26.5 1/54.2 1/27.5

01C 1/65.4 1/32.9 1/26.6 1/54.4 1/27.6

01D 1/65.6 1/33.0 1/26.7 1/54.6 1/27.7

01E 1/65.8 1/33.2 1/26.8 1/54.7 1/27.8

01F 1/66.0 1/33.3 1/26.9 1/54.9 1/28.0

020 1/66.3 1/33.4 1/27.0 1/55.1 1/28.1

021 1/66.5 1/33.5 1/27.1 1/55.3 1/28.2

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

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Data 60P/60i 30P 24P 50P/50i 25P

022 1/66.7 1/33.7 1/27.2 1/55.5 1/28.3

023 1/67.0 1/33.8 1/27.3 1/55.7 1/28.4

024 1/67.2 1/33.9 1/27.5 1/55.8 1/28.5

025 1/67.4 1/34.0 1/27.6 1/56.0 1/28.6

026 1/67.7 1/34.2 1/27.7 1/56.2 1/28.7

027 1/67.9 1/34.3 1/27.8 1/56.4 1/28.9

028 1/68.2 1/34.4 1/27.9 1/56.6 1/29.0

029 1/68.4 1/34.6 1/28.0 1/56.8 1/29.1

02A 1/68.6 1/34.7 1/28.2 1/57.0 1/29.2

02B 1/68.9 1/34.8 1/28.3 1/57.2 1/29.3

02C 1/69.1 1/35.0 1/28.4 1/57.4 1/29.5

02D 1/69.4 1/35.1 1/28.5 1/57.6 1/29.6

02E 1/69.6 1/35.3 1/28.6 1/57.8 1/29.7

02F 1/69.9 1/35.4 1/28.8 1/58.0 1/29.8

030 1/70.1 1/35.5 1/28.9 1/58.2 1/29.9

031 1/70.4 1/35.7 1/29.0 1/58.4 1/30.1

032 1/70.7 1/35.8 1/29.1 1/58.6 1/30.2

033 1/70.9 1/36.0 1/29.3 1/58.8 1/30.3

034 1/71.2 1/36.1 1/29.4 1/59.0 1/30.5

035 1/71.4 1/36.3 1/29.5 1/59.2 1/30.6

036 1/71.7 1/36.4 1/29.7 1/59.4 1/30.7

037 1/72.0 1/36.6 1/29.8 1/59.6 1/30.8

038 1/72.2 1/36.7 1/29.9 1/59.8 1/31.0

039 1/72.5 1/36.9 1/30.1 1/60.1 1/31.1

03A 1/72.8 1/37.0 1/30.2 1/60.3 1/31.3

03B 1/73.1 1/37.2 1/30.3 1/60.5 1/31.4

03C 1/73.3 1/37.3 1/30.5 1/60.7 1/31.5

03D 1/73.6 1/37.5 1/30.6 1/60.9 1/31.7

03E 1/73.9 1/37.6 1/30.7 1/61.2 1/31.8

03F 1/74.2 1/37.8 1/30.9 1/61.4 1/31.9

040 1/74.5 1/38.0 1/31.0 1/61.6 1/32.1

041 1/74.8 1/38.1 1/31.2 1/61.8 1/32.2

042 1/75.1 1/38.3 1/31.3 1/62.1 1/32.4

043 1/75.4 1/38.5 1/31.5 1/62.3 1/32.5

044 1/75.7 1/38.6 1/31.6 1/62.5 1/32.7

045 1/76.0 1/38.8 1/31.8 1/62.8 1/32.8

046 1/76.3 1/39.0 1/31.9 1/63.0 1/33.0

047 1/76.6 1/39.1 1/32.1 1/63.3 1/33.1

048 1/76.9 1/39.3 1/32.2 1/63.5 1/33.3

049 1/77.2 1/39.5 1/32.4 1/63.7 1/33.4

04A 1/77.5 1/39.7 1/32.5 1/64.0 1/33.6

04B 1/77.8 1/39.8 1/32.7 1/64.2 1/33.8

04C 1/78.1 1/40.0 1/32.9 1/64.5 1/33.9

04D 1/78.4 1/40.2 1/33.0 1/64.7 1/34.1

04E 1/78.7 1/40.4 1/33.2 1/65.0 1/34.2

04F 1/79.1 1/40.6 1/33.4 1/65.2 1/34.4

050 1/79.4 1/40.8 1/33.5 1/65.5 1/34.6

051 1/79.7 1/40.9 1/33.7 1/65.7 1/34.7

052 1/80.1 1/41.1 1/33.9 1/66.0 1/34.9

053 1/80.4 1/41.3 1/34.0 1/66.3 1/35.1

054 1/80.7 1/41.5 1/34.2 1/66.5 1/35.3

055 1/81.1 1/41.7 1/34.4 1/66.8 1/35.4

056 1/81.4 1/41.9 1/34.6 1/67.1 1/35.6

057 1/81.8 1/42.1 1/34.8 1/67.3 1/35.8

058 1/82.1 1/42.3 1/34.9 1/67.6 1/36.0

059 1/82.5 1/42.5 1/35.1 1/67.9 1/36.1

05A 1/82.8 1/42.7 1/35.3 1/68.2 1/36.3

05B 1/83.2 1/42.9 1/35.5 1/68.4 1/36.5

05C 1/83.5 1/43.1 1/35.7 1/68.7 1/36.7

05D 1/83.9 1/43.3 1/35.9 1/69.0 1/36.9

05E 1/84.3 1/43.5 1/36.1 1/69.3 1/37.1

05F 1/84.6 1/43.8 1/36.3 1/69.6 1/37.3

060 1/85.0 1/44.0 1/36.5 1/69.9 1/37.5

061 1/85.4 1/44.2 1/36.7 1/70.2 1/37.7

062 1/85.8 1/44.4 1/36.9 1/70.5 1/37.9

063 1/86.1 1/44.6 1/37.1 1/70.8 1/38.1

064 1/86.5 1/44.9 1/37.3 1/71.1 1/38.3

065 1/86.9 1/45.1 1/37.5 1/71.4 1/38.5

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 18 -


Data 60P/60i 30P 24P 50P/50i 25P

066 1/87.3 1/45.3 1/37.7 1/71.7 1/38.7

067 1/87.7 1/45.6 1/37.9 1/72.0 1/38.9

068 1/88.1 1/45.8 1/38.1 1/72.3 1/39.1

069 1/88.5 1/46.0 1/38.3 1/72.6 1/39.3

06A 1/88.9 1/46.3 1/38.6 1/72.9 1/39.5

06B 1/89.3 1/46.5 1/38.8 1/73.2 1/39.8

06C 1/89.8 1/46.8 1/39.0 1/73.6 1/40.0

06D 1/90.2 1/47.0 1/39.3 1/73.9 1/40.2

06E 1/90.6 1/47.3 1/39.5 1/74.2 1/40.4

06F 1/91.0 1/47.5 1/39.7 1/74.6 1/40.7

070 1/91.5 1/47.8 1/40.0 1/74.9 1/40.9

071 1/91.9 1/48.0 1/40.2 1/75.2 1/41.1

072 1/92.3 1/48.3 1/40.4 1/75.6 1/41.4

073 1/92.8 1/48.5 1/40.7 1/75.9 1/41.6

074 1/93.2 1/48.8 1/40.9 1/76.3 1/41.8

075 1/93.7 1/49.1 1/41.2 1/76.6 1/42.1

076 1/94.2 1/49.3 1/41.4 1/77.0 1/42.3

077 1/94.6 1/49.6 1/41.7 1/77.3 1/42.6

078 1/95.1 1/49.9 1/42.0 1/77.7 1/42.8

079 1/95.6 1/50.2 1/42.2 1/78.0 1/43.1

07A 1/96.0 1/50.5 1/42.5 1/78.4 1/43.4

07B 1/96.5 1/50.8 1/42.8 1/78.8 1/43.6

07C 1/97.0 1/51.0 1/43.1 1/79.2 1/43.9

07D 1/97.5 1/51.3 1/43.3 1/79.5 1/44.2

07E 1/98.0 1/51.6 1/43.6 1/79.9 1/44.4

07F 1/98.5 1/51.9 1/43.9 1/80.3 1/44.7

080 1/99.0 1/52.3 1/44.2 1/80.7 1/45.0

081 1/99.5 1/52.6 1/44.5 1/81.1 1/45.3

082 1/100.0 1/52.9 1/44.8 1/81.5 1/45.6

083 1/100.5 1/53.2 1/45.1 1/81.9 1/45.9

084 1/101.1 1/53.5 1/45.4 1/82.3 1/46.2

085 1/101.6 1/53.8 1/45.7 1/82.7 1/46.5

086 1/102.2 1/54.2 1/46.0 1/83.1 1/46.8

087 1/102.7 1/54.5 1/46.3 1/83.5 1/47.1

088 1/103.2 1/54.8 1/46.7 1/83.9 1/47.4

089 1/103.8 1/55.2 1/47.0 1/84.4 1/47.7

08A 1/104.4 1/55.5 1/47.3 1/84.8 1/48.0

08B 1/104.9 1/55.9 1/47.7 1/85.2 1/48.3

08C 1/105.5 1/56.2 1/48.0 1/85.7 1/48.7

08D 1/106.1 1/56.6 1/48.4 1/86.1 1/49.0

08E 1/106.7 1/56.9 1/48.7 1/86.5 1/49.3

08F 1/107.3 1/57.3 1/49.1 1/87.0 1/49.7

090 1/107.9 1/57.7 1/49.4 1/87.5 1/50.0

091 1/108.5 1/58.1 1/49.8 1/87.9 1/50.4

092 1/109.1 1/58.4 1/50.2 1/88.4 1/50.7

093 1/109.7 1/58.8 1/50.6 1/88.8 1/51.1

094 1/110.4 1/59.2 1/50.9 1/89.3 1/51.5

095 1/111.0 1/59.6 1/51.3 1/89.8 1/51.9

096 1/111.6 1/60.0 1/51.7 1/90.3 1/52.2

097 1/112.3 1/60.4 1/52.1 1/90.8 1/52.6

098 1/112.9 1/60.8 1/52.6 1/91.3 1/53.0

099 1/113.6 1/61.3 1/53.0 1/91.8 1/53.4

09A 1/114.3 1/61.7 1/53.4 1/92.3 1/53.8

09B 1/115.0 1/62.1 1/53.8 1/92.8 1/54.2

09C 1/115.7 1/62.5 1/54.3 1/93.3 1/54.6

09D 1/116.4 1/63.0 1/54.7 1/93.8 1/55.0

09E 1/117.1 1/63.4 1/55.2 1/94.4 1/55.5

09F 1/117.8 1/63.9 1/55.6 1/94.9 1/55.9

0A0 1/118.5 1/64.4 1/56.1 1/95.5 1/56.3

0A1 1/119.2 1/64.8 1/56.6 1/96.0 1/56.8

0A2 1/120.0 1/65.3 1/57.0 1/96.6 1/57.2

0A3 1/120.7 1/65.8 1/57.5 1/97.1 1/57.7

0A4 1/121.5 1/66.3 1/58.0 1/97.7 1/58.2

0A5 1/122.3 1/66.8 1/58.6 1/98.3 1/58.7

0A6 1/123.1 1/67.3 1/59.1 1/98.9 1/59.1

0A7 1/123.8 1/67.8 1/59.6 1/99.4 1/59.6

0A8 1/124.6 1/68.3 1/60.1 1/100.0 1/60.1

0A9 1/125.5 1/68.8 1/60.7 1/100.6 1/60.6

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 19 -


Data 60P/60i 30P 24P 50P/50i 25P

0AA 1/126.3 1/69.4 1/61.2 1/101.3 1/61.2

0AB 1/127.1 1/69.9 1/61.8 1/101.9 1/61.7

0AC 1/128.0 1/70.5 1/62.4 1/102.5 1/62.2

0AD 1/128.8 1/71.0 1/63.0 1/103.1 1/62.8

0AE 1/129.7 1/71.6 1/63.6 1/103.8 1/63.3

0AF 1/130.6 1/72.2 1/64.2 1/104.4 1/63.9

0B0 1/131.5 1/72.8 1/64.8 1/105.1 1/64.5

0B1 1/132.4 1/73.4 1/65.5 1/105.7 1/65.1

0B2 1/133.3 1/74.0 1/66.1 1/106.4 1/65.7

0B3 1/134.2 1/74.6 1/66.8 1/107.1 1/66.3

0B4 1/135.2 1/75.3 1/67.4 1/107.8 1/66.9

0B5 1/136.1 1/75.9 1/68.1 1/108.5 1/67.5

0B6 1/137.1 1/76.6 1/68.8 1/109.2 1/68.2

0B7 1/138.1 1/77.2 1/69.5 1/109.9 1/68.8

0B8 1/139.1 1/77.9 1/70.3 1/110.7 1/69.5

0B9 1/140.1 1/78.6 1/71.0 1/111.4 1/70.2

0BA 1/141.1 1/79.3 1/71.8 1/112.1 1/70.9

0BB 1/142.1 1/80.0 1/72.6 1/112.9 1/71.6

0BC 1/143.2 1/80.7 1/73.4 1/113.7 1/72.3

0BD 1/144.3 1/81.5 1/74.2 1/114.5 1/73.0

0BE 1/145.4 1/82.2 1/75.0 1/115.2 1/73.8

0BF 1/146.5 1/83.0 1/75.9 1/116.0 1/74.6

0C0 1/147.6 1/83.8 1/76.8 1/116.9 1/75.3

0C1 1/148.7 1/84.6 1/77.7 1/117.7 1/76.1

0C2 1/149.9 1/85.4 1/78.6 1/118.5 1/77.0

0C3 1/151.1 1/86.2 1/79.5 1/119.4 1/77.8

0C4 1/152.3 1/87.1 1/80.5 1/120.2 1/78.7

0C5 1/153.5 1/87.9 1/81.5 1/121.1 1/79.5

0C6 1/154.7 1/88.8 1/82.5 1/122.0 1/80.4

0C7 1/156.0 1/89.7 1/83.5 1/122.9 1/81.3

0C8 1/157.2 1/90.6 1/84.6 1/123.8 1/82.3

0C9 1/158.5 1/91.5 1/85.6 1/124.7 1/83.2

0CA 1/159.9 1/92.5 1/86.8 1/125.7 1/84.2

0CB 1/161.2 1/93.5 1/87.9 1/126.6 1/85.2

0CC 1/162.6 1/94.5 1/89.1 1/127.6 1/86.2

0CD 1/163.9 1/95.5 1/90.3 1/128.6 1/87.3

0CE 1/165.3 1/96.5 1/91.5 1/129.6 1/88.4

0CF 1/166.8 1/97.6 1/92.8 1/130.6 1/89.5

0D0 1/168.2 1/98.7 1/94.1 1/131.6 1/90.6

0D1 1/169.7 1/99.8 1/95.5 1/132.7 1/91.8

0D2 1/171.2 1/100.9 1/96.8 1/133.7 1/93.0

0D3 1/172.8 1/102.1 1/98.3 1/134.8 1/94.2

0D4 1/174.3 1/103.2 1/99.7 1/135.9 1/95.5

0D5 1/175.9 1/104.5 1/101.3 1/137.0 1/96.8

0D6 1/177.6 1/105.7 1/102.8 1/138.2 1/98.1

0D7 1/179.2 1/107.0 1/104.4 1/139.3 1/99.4

0D8 1/180.9 1/108.3 1/106.1 1/140.5 1/100.8

0D9 1/182.6 1/109.6 1/107.8 1/141.7 1/102.3

0DA 1/184.4 1/111.0 1/109.6 1/142.9 1/103.8

0DB 1/186.1 1/112.4 1/111.4 1/144.1 1/105.3

0DC 1/188.0 1/113.8 1/113.3 1/145.4 1/106.9

0DD 1/189.8 1/115.3 1/115.3 1/146.7 1/108.5

0DE 1/191.7 1/116.8 1/117.3 1/148.0 1/110.2

0DF 1/193.6 1/118.4 1/119.4 1/149.3 1/111.9

0E0 1/195.6 1/120.0 1/121.6 1/150.6 1/113.7

0E1 1/197.6 1/121.6 1/123.8 1/152.0 1/115.5

0E2 1/199.7 1/123.3 1/126.2 1/153.4 1/117.4

0E3 1/201.8 1/125.1 1/128.6 1/154.8 1/119.4

0E4 1/203.9 1/126.8 1/131.2 1/156.3 1/121.4

0E5 1/206.1 1/128.7 1/133.8 1/157.8 1/123.5

0E6 1/208.3 1/130.6 1/136.5 1/159.3 1/125.7

0E7 1/210.6 1/132.5 1/139.4 1/160.8 1/127.9

0E8 1/212.9 1/134.5 1/142.4 1/162.4 1/130.2

0E9 1/215.3 1/136.6 1/145.5 1/164.0 1/132.7

0EA 1/217.7 1/138.7 1/148.7 1/165.6 1/135.2

0EB 1/220.2 1/140.9 1/152.1 1/167.3 1/137.8

0EC 1/222.8 1/143.2 1/155.7 1/169.0 1/140.5

0ED 1/225.4 1/145.5 1/159.4 1/170.7 1/143.3

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 20 -


Data 60P/60i 30P 24P 50P/50i 25P

0EE 1/228.1 1/148.0 1/163.3 1/172.5 1/146.2

0EF 1/230.8 1/150.5 1/167.4 1/174.3 1/149.3

0F0 1/233.6 1/153.1 1/171.8 1/176.1 1/152.5

0F1 1/236.5 1/155.8 1/176.3 1/178.0 1/155.8

0F2 1/239.4 1/158.5 1/181.1 1/179.9 1/159.3

0F3 1/242.4 1/161.4 1/186.2 1/181.9 1/162.9

0F4 1/245.5 1/164.4 1/191.5 1/183.9 1/166.7

0F5 1/248.7 1/167.5 1/197.2 1/185.9 1/170.7

0F6 1/252.0 1/170.7 1/203.2 1/188.0 1/174.9

0F7 1/255.3 1/174.1 1/209.6 1/190.2 1/179.3

0F8 1/258.7 1/177.6 1/216.4 1/192.3 1/183.9

0F9 1/262.3 1/181.2 1/223.7 1/194.6 1/188.7

0FA 1/265.9 1/185.0 1/231.5 1/196.9 1/193.8

0FB 1/269.6 1/188.9 1/239.8 1/199.2 1/199.2

0FC 1/273.5 1/193.0 1/248.7 1/201.7 1/205.0

0FD 1/277.4 1/197.3 1/258.4 1/204.1 1/211.0

0FE 1/281.5 1/201.8 1/268.8 1/206.7 1/217.4

0FF 1/285.6 1/206.5 1/280.1 1/209.2 1/224.3

Separate Table: Auto Slow Shutter Limit {OSK:07:[Data]} 3.4.3.

The settings differ depending on the value of CamFormat{OSK:20:[Data]}.


60P/60i 30P 24P 50P/50i/25P

0h:1/60 0h:1/60 0h:1/48 0h:1/50

1h:1/30 1h:1/30 3h:1/24 2h:1/25

4h:1/15 4h:1/15 5h:1/12 5h:1/12

6h:1/8 6h:1/8 7h:1/6 7h:1/6

Separate Table: Auto Shutter Limit {OSD:BF:[Data]} 3.4.4.

The settings differ depending on the value of CamFormat{OSK:20:[Data]}.


60P/60i/30P/24P 50P/50i/25P

0h:Off 0h:Off

2h:1/100 2h:1/100

3h:1/120 3h:1/125

4h:1/250 4h:1/250

Separate Table: VAR{OSD:B1:[Data]} 3.4.5.

[Data] VAR value

[Data] VAR value

[Data] VAR value

[Data] VAR value

000h 2000

01Fh 2500

03Eh 3450

05Dh 5750

001h 2010

020h 2520

03Fh 3510

05Eh 5850

002h 2020

021h 2540

040h 3570

05Fh 6000

003h 2040

022h 2560

041h 3600

060h 6150

004h 2050

023h 2600

042h 3660

061h 6300

005h 2070

024h 2620

043h 3720

062h 6450

006h 2080

025h 2640

044h 3780

063h 6650

007h 2090

026h 2680

045h 3840

064h 6800

008h 2110

027h 2700

046h 3870

065h 7000

009h 2120

028h 2720

047h 3930

066h 7200

00Ah 2140

029h 2740

048h 3990

067h 7400

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 21 -

[Data] VAR value

[Data] VAR value

[Data] VAR value

[Data] VAR value

00Bh 2150

02Ah 2780

049h 4050

068h 7600

00Ch 2170

02Bh 2800

04Ah 4110

069h 7850

00Dh 2180

02Ch 2825

04Bh 4170

06Ah 8100

00Eh 2200

02Dh 2850

04Ch 4240

06Bh 8400

00Fh 2210

02Eh 2875

04Dh 4320

06Ch 8600

010h 2230

02Fh 2900

04Eh 4360

06Dh 8900

011h 2250

030h 2950

04Fh 4440

06Eh 9200

012h 2260

031h 2975

050h 4520

06Fh 9600

013h 2280

032h 3000

051h 4600

070h 10000

014h 2300

033h 3025

052h 4680

071h 10500

015h 2310

034h 3075

053h 4760

072h 11000

016h 2330

035h 3100

054h 4840

073h 11500

017h 2350

036h 3125

055h 4920

074h 12000

018h 2360

037h 3175

056h 5000

075h 12500

019h 2380

038h 3200

057h 5100

076h 13000

01Ah 2400

039h 3250

058h 5200

077h 14000

01Bh 2420

03Ah 3275

059h 5300

078h 15000

01Ch 2440

03Bh 3330

05Ah 5400

01Dh 2460

03Ch 3360

05Bh 5500

01Eh 2480

03Dh 3420

05Ch 5600

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3.5. Direct Control

The zoom, focus, iris, and white balance can be controlled externally when using the AG-UCK20 or


Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value


Zoom Speed #Z[Data] zS[Data] - - 01(Wide Max.) ~ 49(Wide Min.) 50(Stop 51(Tele Min.) ~ 99(Tele Max )

Not supported

Zoom(TELE) HZT HZT - - Move to tele Not supported

Zoom(WIDE) HZW HZW - - Move to wide Not supported

Zoom(STOP) HZS HZS - - Stop ZOOM Not supported

Zoom Speed LZS:[Data] LZS:[Data] - - 0(Slow) ~ 9(Fast)

Not supported

Zoom Position Control

#AXZ[Data] axz[Data] #AXZ axz[Data] 555h(Wide) ~ FFFh(Tele)

Not supported

[PUSH AUTO] OSE:69:[Data] OSE:69:[Data] - - 1h(Execute) Not supported

Focus Speed #F[Data] fS[Data] - - 01(Near Max.) ~ 49(Near Min.) 50(Stop) 51(Far Min.) ~ 99(Far Max.)

Not supported

Focus(FAR) HFF HFF - - Move to far Not supported

Focus(NEAR) HFN HFN - - Move to near Not supported

Focus(STOP) HFS HFS - - Stop FOCUS Not supported

Focus Speed LFS:[Data] LFS:[Data] - - 0(Slow) ~ 9(Fast)

Not supported

Focus Position Control

#AXF[Data] axf[Data] #AXF axf[Data] 555h(Near) ~ FFFh(Far)

Not supported

Iris Control #AXI[Data] axi[Data] #AXI axi[Data] 555h(Iris Close) ~ FFFh(Iris Open)

Not supported

IRIS(OPEN) LIO LIO - - Move to open Not supported

IRIS(CLOSE) LIC LIC - - Move to close Not supported

IRIS(STOP) LIT LIT - - Stop IRIS Not supported

IRIS(SPEED) LIS:[Data] LIS:[Data] - - 0(Slow) ~ 9(Fast)

Not supported

WB SET OWS OWS - - Execute Not supported

BB SET OAS OAS - - Execute Not supported

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3.6. Other Camera Information

Other camera information can be controlled externally when using the AG-UCK20 or MDC20.

Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value


CamFormat - - QSK:20 OSK:20:[Data] 01h(59.94p,59.94i) 02h(29.97p) 03h(23.98p) 04h(50p,50i) 05h(25p)

Not supported

[FREEZE FRAME] OSK:23:[Data] OSK:23:[Data] QSK:23 OSK:23:[Data] 0h(NORMAL) 1h(FREEZE FRAME)

Not supported

Lens Position Information Control

#LPC[Data] lPC[Data] #LPC lPC[Data] 0(OFF) 1(ON)

Not supported

PowerON, Standby #O[Data] p[Data] #O p[Data] 0h(Stand-by) 1h(Power ON) 4h(Power OFF) 5h(Reboot)

<Model number> - - QID OID:[Data] "AG-UCK20" or "AG-MDC20"

"AG-UMR20" or "AG-MDR25"


- - QSV OSV:[Data] “Ver.*****” ←

Supplement: CamFormat{QSK:20} 3.6.1.

This information is required in the control of the shutter speed and auto slow shutter limit in "3.4 Switch

Setting Control."

It is for reference.

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3.7. Recording Settings

Some items in the [RECORD SETUP] menu for recording settings can be controlled externally. Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value



OSE:77:[Data] OSE:77:[Data] QSE:77 OSE:77:[Data] 0h(59.94Hz) 1h(50.00Hz)

3.8. Output Settings

Some items in the [OUTPUT SETUP] menu for output settings can be controlled externally.

Command name <POVCAM MENU>

Control command

Control response

Query command

Query response

Data value AG-UCK20/MDC20

Data value AG-UMR20/MDR25


OSK:24:[Data] OSK:24:[Data] QSK:24 OSK:24:[Data] 0h(NORMAL) 1h(THROUGH)


OSK:18:[Data] OSK:18:[Data] QSK:18 OSK:18:[Data] 1h(HDMI) 2h(SDI) 3h(HDMI+SDI)


OSE:7B:[Data] OSE:7B:[Data] QSE:7B OSE:7B:[Data] 00h( CHAR OFF) 03h( CHAR ON)


OSK:19:[Data] OSK:19:[Data] QSK:19 OSK:19:[Data] 0h(OFF) 1h(Level1) 2h(Level2)

3.9. Display Settings

Some items in the [DISP SETUP] menu for display settings can be controlled externally. Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value



DCB:[Data] DCB:[Data] QBR OBR:[Data] 0(OFF) 1(ON)


OSD:BA:[Data] OSD:BA:[Data] QSD:BA OSD:BA:[Data] 0h(TYPE2) 1h(TYPE1)

3.10. Other Settings

Some items in the [OTHER FUNCTION] menu for other settings can be controlled externally. Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value



OSK:17:[Data] OSK:17:[Data] QSK:17 OSK:17:[Data] 0 (Touch) 1 (Text)

Not supported

[OSD STATUS] OSA:88:[Data] OSA:88:[Data] QSA:88 OSA:88:[Data] 0(OFF) 1(ON)

Not supported

<Initial settings (scene) + (user)>

INM INM - - Execute ←

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3.11. Menu Control

Menus can be opened and operated from an external device. This enables functions not available in the

commands to also be controlled from an external device.

Command name


command Control

response Query

command Query

response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value


MENU On/Off DUS:[Data] DUS:[Data] QUS OUS:[Data] 0h(OFF), 1h (ON as in menu settings) 2h (Force text) 3h (Force touch)

0h(OFF), 1h (ON as in menu settings) 3h (Force touch)

MENU Cancel DPG:[Data] DPG:[Data] - - 1h(Execute) ←

SET Botton DIT:[data] DIT:[data] - - 1h(Execute) ←

UP DUP:[Data] DUP:[Data] - - 1h(1Step) Ah(10Step)

DOWN DDW:[Data] DDW:[Data] - - 1h(1Step) Ah(10Step)

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4. Camera information update notification

The following restrictions apply to camera operations that are performed using HTTP communication

and that have been described in the previous chapters:

A) Even when a camera setting is changed by one terminal, the other terminals will not know

that the setting has been changed unless they send the query command to the camera.

B) In the case of a preset playback, AWB/ABB execution, or other control command that takes

time to be processed, it is necessary to wait until the processing is completed for the


By sending information autonomously from the camera to the terminals, it is possible to do the


A) When a camera setting is changed by one terminal, the other terminals are notified of the

setting change immediately.

B) With a control command that takes time to be processed, the HTTP response is returned as

soon as the command has been received, and separate notification of the processing result

is given as soon as the processing is completed.

These functions are referred to as the camera information update notification function.

This chapter uses the term “update notification” to refer to this function.

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4.1. Procedure for receiving the update notifications

An HTTP message is sent to the camera to start or stop the reception of the update notification from

the camera.

At a time like this, the number of the TCP port on the terminal for receiving the update notification

(having the update notification sent) is specified.

The “update notification receive start steps” and “update notification receive end steps” are each

described below.

Update notification receive start step

Example) When reception is to be started with “” used as the IP address of the


* my_port: Number of the TCP port on the terminal (fixed to 31004)

Given below is the sequence which is followed when receiving the update notifications is started.

[Update notification receive start sequence]

The update notification receive start command is sent from the terminal where the update

notifications are to be received.

“204 No Content” is returned from the camera which received the command.

Figure 4-1 Update notification receive start sequence


Proceed with the update notification receive start step when communication has been cut off

because the LAN cable has been disconnected, for example.

204 No Content

The port of PC1 where the update

notifications are received is registered

as port number 31004.

Camera PC1 (Client)

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Update notification receive end step

To close the application of the client, the update notification receive end step must be taken

without fail.

Example) When reception is to be ended with "" used as the IP address of the


* my_port: Number of the TCP port on the terminal (fixed to 31004)

Given below is the sequence which is followed when receiving the update notifications is to be


[Update notification receive end sequence]

The update notification receive end command is sent from the terminal which has received the

update notifications.

“204 No Content” is returned from the camera which received the command.

Figure 4-2 Update notification receive end sequence

204 No Content

The receiving of the update

notifications at PC1 is ended

PC1 (Client) Camera

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4.2. Data format for update notifications

The data received in the update notifications will be described next.

The update notification is given to the TCP port on the terminal whose number was specified using

the update notification start command by TCP protocol communication.

A breakdown of the data received is given below.

[Receive data]

Reserve (22 bytes)

Size (2 bytes)

Reserve (4 bytes)

Update notification information (Variable length: Max. 504 bytes)

Reserve (24 bytes)

Figure 4-3 Receive data format

The updated information is set in “Update notification information” of the receive data format.

The data received from the camera has a variable length.

The size of the update notification information is the value obtained by subtracting 8 bytes from the

“Size” area setting.

・ “Update notification information” data length = “Size” - 8 bytes

The updates of the camera are described in the update notification information. The format used for

the update notification information received from the camera is given below.

[Update notification information format]

[CR][LF][Command response format][CR][LF]

* [CR]: 0x0d, [LF]: 0x0a

Example 1) Power: On


Example 2) Color bar: On


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4.3. Setting change sequence

Update notifications are sent when the settings or statuses of the camera have been changed. Given

below is an example of the update notification sequence. It is assumed that the update notification

start command has been sent to all the terminals in the sequence and that the terminals can receive

the update notifications from the camera.

Changing the settings from a terminal 4.3.1.

[Changing the settings from the local terminal]

When the settings of the camera have been changed from the local terminal (PC1), the changes are

also posted by an update notification separately from the HTTP response to the command.

Figure 4-4 Changing the settings from the local terminal

[Changing the settings from another terminal]

When a camera setting has been changed from another terminal (PC2), the local terminal (PC1) is

also notified of the change.

In addition to the HTTP response to the command, the other terminal (PC2) is notified of the change

by an update notification as well.

Figure 4-5 Changing the settings from another terminal OGU:08 &res=1

[CR][LF] OGU:08 [CR][LF]

200 OK “OGU:08”


(Client) Camera

200 OK “OGU:08”

[CR][LF] OGU:08 [CR][LF]

[CR][LF] OGU:08 [CR][LF] OGU:08 &res=1


(Client) Camera

PC1 (Client)

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Special sequences 4.3.2.

Update notifications are sometimes sent at times other than when the settings or statuses of the

camera have been changed.

Some cases are presented below.

It is assumed that the update notification start command has been sent to all the terminals in the

sequence and that the terminals can receive the update notifications from the camera. Version information notification

The version information is posted in 60-second cycles.

The information posted is given below.

Table 4-6

Notification Version information

qSV3V*****L000 qSV3V**.**L000

Given below is the sequence which is followed when the version information is received.

[Sequence when the version information is received]

The camera sends the version information in 60-second cycles, and this information is received by

terminals PC1 and PC2.

Figure 4-6 Sequence when the version information is received

[CR][LF] qSV3V01.00L.002 [CR][LF]

Notification posted

in 60-second cycles

[CR][LF] qSV3V01.00L.002 [CR][LF]

PC1 (Client)

PC2 (Client) Camera

POVCAM Interface Specifications (Menu / Camera Operation)

© Panasonic Corporation 2017 All Rights Reserved. - 32 - LPI information (lens information)

Notification is sent in a 300 ms cycle when Lens Position Information Control has been set to ON and

a change has been made in the LPI information (lens information). The information notified is given


Table 4-7

Notification Lens information

lPI [ZZZ] [FFF] [III] ZZZ ····· Zoom position FFF ····· Focus position III ········ Iris position

Given below is the sequence which is followed when changes in the LPI (lens) information are


[Sequence when LPI information (lens information) is changed]

When the camera detects changes in the LPI (lens) information, the changed LPI (lens) information

is sent to the terminals, and terminals PC1 and PC2 receive this information.

Figure 4-8 Sequence when LPI information is changed

[CR][LF] lPI555555555 [CR][LF]

LPI information (lens

information) is changed

[CR][LF] lPI555555555 [CR][LF]

PC1 (Client)


(Client) Camera

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5. Camera information batch acquisition

All the information of the camera can be acquired together as a batch.

[Command format]


http://[IP Address]/live/camdata.html

* IP Address ······· IP address of camera at connection destination


200 OK "Camera information"

* Camera information ········· The information is given in the table below, and the separator of each information is a [CR][LF].

Camera information Response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value


PowerOn/Standby status (PowerOn/Standby)

p[data] 0 : Stanby 1 : PowerOn

Model name (Model name)

OID:[data] [AG-UCK20+AG-UMR20] AG-UCK20 [AG-MDC25+AG-MDR20] AG-MDC25


CGI send interval (Interval time for sending CGI)

CGI_TIME:[data] 0 (Fixed) ←

Output format (Format)

OSA:87:[data] [59.94Hz] 04h 1080/59.94i 01h 720/59.94p 12h 480/59.94p [50Hz] 05h 1080/50i 02h 720/50p 13h 576/50p

[59.94Hz] 04h 1080/59.94i 10h 1080/59.94p 07h 1080/29.97psF 14h 1080/29.97p 0Ah 1080/23.98psF 16h 1080/23.98p 01h 720/59.94p 12h 480/59.94p [50Hz] 05h 1080/50i 11h 1080/50p 08h 1080/25psF 15h 1080/25p 02h 720/50p 13h 576/50p

Camera name (Camera title)

TITLE:[data] Max. 20 half-size characters ←

<Series signal> OSK:22:[data] AG-POVCAM2 ←


OSE:77:[Data] See separate page ←

CamFormat OSK:20:[Data] See separate page No response


OSF:[data] See separate page No response


OSA:30:[data] See separate page No response


OSD:16:[Data] See separate page No response


OSK:01:[Data] See separate page No response

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Camera information Response Data value

AG-UCK20/MDC20 Data value



OSE:32:[Data] See separate page No response


ORG:[data] See separate page No response


OBG:[data] See separate page No response


OTD:[data] See separate page No response


OSA:2D:[Data] See separate page No response


OAW:[data] See separate page No response


OSD:B1:[Data] See separate page No response


OSK:08:[data] See separate page No response


ORS:[Data] See separate page No response

Auto/Manual setting of Iris (Iris Mode)

d3[data] 0 : Manual 1 : Auto

No response


OGU:[data] See separate page No response


OFT:[Data] See separate page No response


OIS:[Data] See separate page No response

iZoom OSD:B3:[Data] See separate page No response

Digital Zoom ODE:[Data] See separate page No response


d6[data] See separate page No response


iNS[data] See separate page No response

Zoom position (Zoom position)

axz[data] See separate page No response

Auto/Manual setting of focus (Focus mode)

d1[data] See separate page No response

Focus position (Focus position)

axf[data] See separate page No response

Iris position (Iris follow)

OSD:4F:[data] 00 : Close … FF : Open

No response


OBR:[data] See separate page ←


OSE:7B:[Data] See separate page ←

MENU On/Off OUS:[data] See separate page ←

Whether error notification (Error notice)

OER:[data] 0 : Normal 1 : Error

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6. Error return

The three errors ER1, ER2 and ER3 below are returned in response to control or query commands

by the camera.

ER1 (unsupported command)

This error is generated when a command which is not supported by the camera has been

received by the camera.

Example) When the non-existent “XF” command is executed for the camera

Figure 6 -1 Error (ER1)

ER2 (busy status)

This error is generated during Standby (Power Off) or at other times when the camera is in the

busy status.

Figure 6 -2 Error (ER2) XF &res=1

200 OK “ER1:XF”


(Client) Camera XSF:1 &res=1

200 OK “ER2:XSF”


(Client) Camera






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ER3 (outside acceptable range)

This error is generated when the data value of a command is outside the acceptable range.

Example) The “OGU (gain setting)” command was executed with a data value of “90” which is

outside the acceptable range.

Figure 6 -3 Error (ER3) OGU:90 &res=1

200 OK “ER3:OGU”


(Client) Camera

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