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Citation for published version: Grabel, Ilene. “Post-Crisis Experiments in Development Finance Architectures: A Hirschmanian Perspective On ‘Productive Incoherence’.” Review of Social Economy 73, no. 4 (2015): 388-414. DOI:‘PRODUCTIVEINCOHERENCE’IleneGrabel*ProfessorJosefKorbelSchoolofInternationalStudiesUniversityofDenverDenver,CO80208,USAEmail:Ilene.Grabel@du.eduAbstractTheAsianandespeciallytheglobalcrisisof2008havecatalyzeddecentralizationofthedevelopingworld’sfinancialgovernancearchitecture.Iunderstandthisstateofaffairsviatheconceptof“productiveincoherence”whichisapparentinadenser,multi-layereddevelopmentfinancialarchitecturethatisemergingasaconsequenceofheterogeneouspracticaladjustmentstochangingcircumstancesratherthanastheembodimentofacoherentdoctrine.DrawingonAlbertHirschman,Iarguethattheabsenceofanencompassingtheoreticalblueprintforaneweconomicsystem—i.e.,anew“ism”toreplaceneo-liberalism—isinfactavitallyimportantvirtue.Ifwecannotlivewithoutanew“ism,’Ipropose“HirschmanianPossibilism”asanewdoctrine—onethatrejectsanoverarchingtheoreticalframeworkfromwhichtodeducethesinglyappropriateinstitutionalstructureoftheeconomy.HirschmanianPossibilismassertsinsteadthevalueofproductiveincoherenceasaframeworkforpursuingdemocratic,ethicallyviabledevelopmentinstitutions.KeywordsAlbertHirschman;financialarchitecture;globalfinancialgovernance;regionalfinancialinstitutionsanddevelopment;BrettonWoodsinstitutionsJELcodesF33,F55,F63,O19-----*IthankGeorgeDeMartino,twoanonymousreferees,AurelieCharles,andparticipantsattheAssociationforSocialEconomicssessionon“Ethics,GlobalFinance,andtheGreatRecession”attheAlliedSocialSciencesAssociationconference(January2015)fortheirinvaluablecommentsonthispaper.IalsothankBrooksBourlandandAlexKnopesforexcellentresearchassistance.

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