Page 1: Portland Public Safety Resources · 2019-04-24 · City of Portland's Crime Prevention Program Ask for the Crime Prevention Program Coordinator for your Portland Neighborhood at 503-823-4064

To organize and suwoftconnunity padne6hlps lo prcvent

cime and the fear of cime

4747 E. BurnsidePortland, Oregon 972'15

tel 503-823-4064fax 503-823-2909tty 503-823-6969

This document is available at theONlwebsite:

Si usted necesita los serviciosdel Programa De Prevenci6n Del

Crimen en espaffol, por favorllame al (503) 823-4000.

PortlandPublic Safety

ResourcesOfiice of Noighborhood hvolvementCime Prevenlion Prcg€m


Hotlines. Crisis Linos. lnformalion LinesEmergency police, fire, medical (24 hrs).......................................9-1-1Non-emergencypolice(24hrs).......................................503-823-3333City/Countylnformation&Referra|...................................503-8234000Mental Health Crisis Line (24 hrs)....................................503-988-4888Drug &Alcohol Helpline (24 hrs).........................800-923-HELP (4357)Child Abuse Hotline (irultnomah County) (24 hrs) .......... 503-731-3100Call to Safety (formerly Portland Women's Crisis Line) (24 hr)..503-235-5333

':lT::l '::1"o: :y: 'll"?il v 'ilil nlhilli

f i iil *1,?f3?i.3i3Health & Human Services referral .............2-1-1

.....211inlo.otgoregon Attorney General's Consumer Hot1ine................ 503-229-5576

; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;"; ;;""".**::Citv of Portland Crime Prevention Prooram provides community@n aroundcrimerssued:

Main Line .................. .................. 503-823*4064onicpa@pottlandoregon. gov .. . . . ... .. . .. ... . .. .. . Precinct area.........................823-5A52,823-4257,823-0540East Precinct area..............................823-3432, 823-5532, 823-3505North Precinct area... .........................423-4094,8234094,4234764Neighborhood Watch and Foot Patro|......... .........................823-2781TrainingandEducation....-..-....-...........................................823-3131Program Manager..... .........................823-2030Crime Prevention handotJi.s................

Includes secuity checklists, burylary, package and bik6 theft preventionPortland Police Bureau (PPB) Locks Program................ 503-823-0723

Free lockmith seNices tot low-incofie seniors and cime vtctimsPPB's Womenstrength and GirlStrength self-defense c|asses..............

.......... poilandoregon.govholice/womenstrengthFTC ldentityTheft prevention and Safety and Privacy ........................

@Emergency police, fire, medical (24 hrs)..................................... . 9-1-'1

Ca fot immediate threats to life or propedy, cimes ,h progress

Non-emergency police (24 hrs) ....................................... 503-823-3333Repoft suspicious aclivity that is not a cihe in progrcss, file a police repoft

Page 2: Portland Public Safety Resources · 2019-04-24 · City of Portland's Crime Prevention Program Ask for the Crime Prevention Program Coordinator for your Portland Neighborhood at 503-823-4064

Pu blic Safety Resou rcespage 2

Online Crime Report forthefr from publicly ac{€ssible spaces, vandalism(excluding graffiti), lost ptopetly ............... SmartphoneApp for 1Phone.....................................

App includes PPB news releases, crime maps and aledsPrecinct lnformation. Call orecincts for suoervisors. the Neiohborhood


Team and distritt officers:Central Precinct........ .................. 503-823-0097

West of tha iver, except for Linnton, and inner SE to 39thEast Precinct............. ......-.....-.....503-823-4800

East oFSE 39th, south of l-84, plus Madison SouthNorth Precinct........... .................. 503-823-5700

Nofth and NE Poftland nofth of l-84, plus LinntonDrug House Complaint 1ine............................. 503-823-DRUG (3784)Gang Enforcement Team [email protected]... 503-823-4100Copiesofpo1icereports...................................................503-823-0043Bike Thefr Task Force-submit tips to PPB ... ... [email protected]

Y:li::T:: :-"',"" ?* :: oll:',""v: oo*

::::::::::::::::::: ::3'g*?ji?3Portland Police Bureau websile...................... statistics and Stoppers-tips about crimes.......................503-823-HELP (4357)Text 823HELP + your tip to 274637 .... . .. . ..... . crimestoppersoforegon.comAlarm program.......... ..................... 503-823-0031For questions about home and comnercial alarma and prcventing false alarmsTrespass Enforcement Agreement Program

............ po ft I a ndoreg o n. gov/pol i ce/a ii cl e/5 4 3 49 IEligible businesses can authoize the Poftland Police Bureau to trespass on

thei behalf, but are aclvised to rcad the eliglbility citeia before applying

Neiqhborhood Safetv & Livability ServicesCity of Portland's GraffitiAbatement Programl

Graffiti Abatement and reporting 1ine................503-823-4TAG (4824)PDX Reporter Smartphone App........

Repoft graffili, abandoned autos, strcet lighting and ather Cily issuesGraffiti website .......... ...........................

City's Noise Control Office (excessive amplified sound)... NW neighborhood mediation ....................... 503-5954890

Free mediation for neighborlo-neighbor disputes

Y::::i::.:-""".i:lll|lllllll' .: :.'.:.:'.:. ;' : .:. . i?,?;Zli;1"?ii,Portland Parks security....................................................503-823-1637

i;6;i;;s;;:;;;;;;;;iiyc,;;i;i;iit;f .?'r,"ii[f:;"?#Campsite online reporting,/toolkit

Resources and information about honelessnessCode enforcement & neighborhood inspections..503-823-CODE (2633)

To repoft zoning cocle violations, dilapidated ot dangercus buildingconditions, tall grass, trash in yatu, cars parked on yard

Metro Regional lllegal Dumping Patro|............................ 503-234-3000NW Grocery Association Shopping Cart Retrieval .......... 888-552-2787

Page 3: Portland Public Safety Resources · 2019-04-24 · City of Portland's Crime Prevention Program Ask for the Crime Prevention Program Coordinator for your Portland Neighborhood at 503-823-4064

Vector control 503-988-3464To repoft rcdent intestations, nosquito breeding grounds

Traffic Safety & Livability Hot|ine.........................503-823-SAFE (7233)[email protected] .................

To rcpod locatbns with chrcnic tratfic salbly problemsOnline reporting and requests related to traf{ic, parking, walking andbiking........................... ........ vehicles on public property...........................503-823-7309Parking patrol (illegally parked vehicles).........................503-823-5195Street maintenance.. ..................... 503-823-1700Street Light Outage Hot|ine................................ 503-865-LAMP (5267)Towing lnformation... .....................503-823-0044Liouor license establishments information and complaints. For concernsabout existing liquor license establishments or pending applications fornew ones, contact the resources below:

City of Portland's Liquor License Notification Program..... Liquor Control Commission (OLCC)....................'s after-hours line for problem establishments ....503-872-5070

Medical Cannabis information and comolaints. For concerns aboutexistang medical cannabis dispensaries or pending applications for newlocations. contact both resources below:

City of Portland's Cannabis Policy Program................. 503-823-9333ca n n a bi s@poft I a ndorc g o n - qov...... potl I a n do regon. gov/on i/m a riju a n aOregon HeafthAuthority Medical Marijuana Program...... 855-22t4-9580nedml d6pen sarie s@slale or us . ........... ............... mmj. orcgon. gov

Recreational Cannabis information and complaints. For concerns aboutexisting recreational cannabis businesses or pending applications fornew locations. contact bolh resources below:

City of Portland's Cannabis Policy Program................. [email protected] .... Recreational Marijuana Program........ ........ .... 501872-6366manluana@oreqon.qov..................................m44u4na.orcqon.qov

Victim SorvicesOR Dept. ofJustice Crime Victim's Services ........ doj.state.or.us4iictims

lncludes information about vbtims' ights and cime victims compensationMultnomah County Viclim Services .. ... . .. .. mulrco . us/dcjfuictims-servicesDomestic violence services ........................ Alone: Together Against Sexua|4ssau|t......................

lnfo for suruivors of sexual assault on college campuseq tips on howbystanders can help pevent assault, dala, how friends can support sutvivors

Custody status of offenders......................... ....................... vinelink.comMultnomah County Sheriff's Online Booking

Neidhborhood lnvolvemenlCity's Office of Neighborhood lnvolvement ....... Night Out....

Neighbothood pudic salety evenl in Augusl lo get lo know your neqhbotsPortland Maps-property and neighborhood info....... Potllandmaps.comDistrict Coalition Offices support area volunteer-based neighborhoodassociations, community groups and individual community activists

Public Safely Resourcespage 3

Page 4: Portland Public Safety Resources · 2019-04-24 · City of Portland's Crime Prevention Program Ask for the Crime Prevention Program Coordinator for your Portland Neighborhood at 503-823-4064

Pu blic Safety Rosou rcespage 4

with transportation, land use, safety and other neighborhood issues:Central NorlheastNeiqhbors........................................503-823-3156

NE Pofttand neighbotioocls east of 42nd and west of l-205 plus SundelandEast Portland Neighborhood Office.............................. 503-8234550

Poftland neighbothoods east of 1205North Portland Neighborhood Services........................ 5$-4234524

Notlh Potlland neighbothoodsNortheast Coalition of Neighborhoods.......................... 503-388-5004

lnner NE Potlland neighborhoodsNeighborsWesUNorthwest...........................................503-823-4288

NW Poftland, Downtown, Old-Town China Town, Goose Hollow, AtlingtonHeights, Sylvan Highlands neighborhoods

Southeast Up1ift......... ..................503-232-0010SE Poiland neighbothoods south of l-84 and wast of SE 82nd Ave

Southwest Neighborhoods 1nc...................................... 503-8234592SW Potlland netghborhoods south ot US-26

Other Prevention and Safetv ResourcesPublicAlerts Registry for emergency alerts................... publicaletu.otglncludes boilwaler, chemical leakdangercus polb incidents in your area

CARES Nw-child abuse and safety resources ..caresnw.orglresourcesCity's Office of Youth Violence Prevention ...................... 503-823-4180'

i ;i; ; i;; i s ; ;: ; ;; ;: i;; ; ;; ;; ; ; ;' eH,T,l ff !!3 !"Yr", E!o"J,?llIStolen bike registries ........................ and

Proactively register your bike seial numbetto inprova chances of rccoveryCity's Bike Theft Prevention website .......... .................. endbiketheft.orgBetter Business Bureau's Scam Tracker.-.. -..--. bbb.orgy'scamtracker/us

Maps out scams repofted to BBB ahd includes prevention educalionState of Oregon Division of Financial Regulalion

Protects consunes and rcgulates insuance, depository institutions, ttustconpanies, secuities, and consuner financial producls and seryices

Sex offender info ...... ................... Uniform Crime Report............................ ................. ucrdatatool.govBureau of Justice Statistics ........................................................ bF.govBureau of Emergency Communications..........-poftlandoregon.govpl 1

Dispatchors fot police, nledical and frre

City's Landlord Training.......... c/ass offerod ,i, Sp ing and Fall that teaches landlords and ptopedy

managers how to maintain safe prcpefties and address problomsLandlord Forum ........ ..............................

Monthly prcsentation OctobeiMay by a landlod aftorneyPortland Fire Bureau's safety brochures.. .polt/andoregan.goufr re/44467Portland Bureau of Emergency Management... pottlandoregon.gou/pbem

Emergency Weparedness info and Neighbothood Emergency Team training

City of Portland's Crime Prevention ProgramAsk for the Crime Prevention Program Coordinator for

your Portland Neighborhood at 503-823-4064or [email protected]. gov/on i/cP

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