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    Political and Economic History of Ethiopia

    Ethiopia is a nation with a long, venerable and complex history. Although located in

    the tropics its high altitudes give much of it a temperate climate.

    Although the ancient, aboriginal population of what is now Ethiopia were Cushitic

    language speakers, the culture that came to be identified with Ethiopia came from

    Arabia, probably as early as 1000 B.C. These Semitic language speakers adopted

    Christianity in the fourth century A.D. The particular version of Christianity

    adopted by the Ethiopians was called monophysite because it maintained that Jesus

    of Nazareth was of a single nature rather than of two natures, divine and human, as

    maintained by the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches. The other

    monophysite Christian organizations were the Coptic church of Egypt, the Syrian

    church and the Armenian church. Now the monophysite churches are accepted as

    orthodox but in the Middle Ages these theological issues were considered vitally


    With the advent of Islam there was a political upheaval as well as a religious one in

    the region. The Christians of Ethiopia initially had good relations with the converts

    to the new religion of Islam. A party of converts to Islam in Arabia fled persecution

    across the Red Sea. They sought and received refuge from the Ethiopian Christians.

    Jesus is a revered figure in Islam, having the status of a Prophet. The Koran

    mandates tolerance for the People of the Book; i.e., Jews, Christians and

    Zoroastrians. So initially there was no friction between the Muslims and the

    Christians. But later political rivalries manifested themselves as religious conflicts.

    (To be continued.)

    The Geography of Ethiopia

    The climate of Ethiopia is created by the moisture-laden winds from the southwest

    interacting with the mountains and high plateau. The lowlands to the east beyond

    the mountains get relatively little rainfall as shown in the map below.

    The Rainfall Pattern

    of Ethiopia and


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    The rainfall of the high plateau comes mainly in the summer from mid-June to mid-

    September. A secondary rainy period occurs in late spring in April and May. This

    rain comes from the winds of the northeast intersecting the winds from the

    southeast. These rains, known as the balq, are lighter than those of the main rainy

    season of the summer.

    Another seasonal phenomenon is the passage in January of high pressure systems

    from Asia over the Red Sea. This passage brings some moisture to the coastal

    lowlands but very little to the highlands of Ethiopia.

    A very important aspect of the climate of Ethiopia is the variability of the rainfall.

    The average rainfall level may allow a buildup of vegetation, cattle herds and the

    human population which is devastated when the rainfall falls below average. Thus

    the climate of Ethiopia leads to sporatic episodes of hardship and famines.

    Haile Selassie

    When one considers the extraordinary career of Ras Tafari, later known as Haile

    Selassie, one wonders whether a writer of fiction would dare to create a character

    who had such an improbable life. Ras Tafari (the Ras is an honorific roughly

    meaningprince) was the son of Ras Mekonen of the eastern city of Harer. His line

    was descended from a king of Shewa, the region around what is now the capital,

    Addis Ababa. Shewa was to the south of the traditional homeland of the ruling class,

    the Habesha, and many felt that the Shewa nobility were not pure Habesha but a

    mixture of Habesha and Oromo. This was a factor in the dynastic politics of


    The southern areas of what is now Ethiopia were conquered in the late 19th century

    by the Emperor Menelik II who created the new capital of Addis Ababa (new

    flower) in Shewa. This conquest brought non-Habesha people, primarily the Oromo,

    into the empire and created a distinction between the north and the south in terms

    of people and institutions.

    When Menelik II died in 1917 the line of succession was not clear. Menelik II did

    not have a son and the title of emperor was given to his nephew Lij Iyasu. Lij Iyasu

    was only thirteen at the time and the real power fell into the hands of Lij Iyasu's

    father, Ras Mikael. Ras Mikael was an Ormo who had converted from Islam to

    Christianity. When Lij Iyasu converted to Islam there was understandable concern

    that his father's conversion to Christianity had not been real. This ethnic/religious

    issue along with Ras Mikael's involvement of Ethiopia in the external power politics

    of the time led to the excommunication of Lij Iyasu and his loss of the throne.

    Menelik II's daughter, Zauditu, was declared empress, but many did not accept the

    leadership of Zauditu. Some generals of Menelik II claimed the right to lead

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    Ethiopia. In the power struggle Ras Tafari emerged as a leading contender for the

    throne. During the 1920's there was a period of dual leadership with Empress

    Zauditu, who was not powerful enough to suppress Ras Tafari, and Ras Tafari, who

    was not powerful to take the throne. To some extent there was cooperation between

    the two.

    Ethiopia applied for membership in the League of Nations in 1919 but was initially

    denied because of the survival of slavery in Ethiopia. After Empress Zauditu and

    Ras Tafari issued proclamations making slave trading a capital offense the League

    of Nations immediately (1919) accepted Ethiopia as a member. The sanctions

    against slave trading did not abolish slavery but it was a significant step in that

    direction. In 1924 slavery itself was abolished by edict in Ethiopia.

    During the 1920's Ras Tafari established schools and promoted education. He was

    clearly the major policy innovator for Ethiopia during that time. But the power in

    Ethiopia did not reside in the monarchy in Addis Ababa but instead was held by thetraditional nobility in the countryside. Throughout his career Ras Tafari tried to the

    break the power of regional and local gentry and consolidate and centralize

    Ethiopian power. He wanted to modernize Ethiopia but only if that could be done

    without limiting his personal power. It was difficult to determine whether his quest

    for power was personal or for the Ethiopian state. Ras Tafari probably identified

    himself and the Ethiopian state as one so there was no distinction between the two in

    his mind.

    In 1924 Britain and Italy tried to define spheres of interest in the region of the Horn

    of Africa that put Ethiopia in the Italian sphere. Ras Tafari took the matter to theLeague of Nations and under the threat of a public airing of the British-Italian

    division of that part of Africa both Britain and Italy issued statements that they

    never intended to impinge upon the sovereignty of Ethiopia. Ras Tafari was

    achieving a status of an international statesman.

    In 1928 Ras Tafari had himself declared negus, a higher level of nobility than ras. In

    1930 a few months after the death of Empress Zauditu Ras Tafari assumed the title

    name ofHaile Selassie and the title ofConquering Lion of Judah, Elect of God, and

    King of Kings of Ethiopia, in effect,Emperor. In 1931 Haile Selassie promoted a

    constitution which made Ethiopia a constitutional monarchy.

    In the 1930's Ethiopia once again confronted an aggressive Italy. In the late 19th

    century Italy acquired control of the territories of Eritrea on the Red Sea coast and

    Somali on the Indian Ocean. The Red Sea coastal area had been under the control

    of Ethiopia but it was Islamic and not strongly tied to the highland kingdom of

    Ethiopia so it was relatively easy for Italy to acquire control. In the 1890's Italy tried

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    to link its Eritrean and Somalian territories by conquering Ethiopia but the Italian

    invasion was defeated by Menelik II's forces at Adian. Italian pride never forgot

    that defeat and under Mussolini in 1935 the Italians invaded Ethiopia once again.

    The war lasted seven months despite a one-sided advantage of the Italians in terms

    of military technology and training. Haile Helassie went into exile rather than lead a

    resistance to the bitter end. He had had hopes that the League of Nations would

    counter the Italian invasion but the League was a rather ineffectual organization

    that had little but rhetoric in its arsenal.

    During the Italian occupation there was significant elements of modernization

    undertaken in terms of transportation. But the occupation was terrible for the

    people of Ethiopia in other ways. When in 1937 there was an attempted

    assassination of the Italian military commander in Ethiopia the Italian army carried

    out a campaign of reprisals that left 30,000 young Ethiopian men executed.

    The end of the Italian occupation came after Mussolini joined Hitler in the invasionof France and brought Italy into conflict with Britain. Britain organized the

    liberation of Ethiopia from Khartoum in the Sudan using British Empire troops

    from Africa (South African primarily). Haile Selassie journeyed to Khartoum to

    join in the British effort and coordinate the Ethiopian resistance forces with the

    British forces. With liberation effective control of Ethiopian internal affairs was

    with Haile Selassie with the British forces controling actions concerning the war.

    But Haile Selassie was able with his diplomacy to maintain a facade of Ethiopian

    sovereignity. For example, Haile Selassie was able to get the British to label their

    decrees asPublic Notices while his were labeled Proclamations.

    After the end ofWorld War II Ethiopia returned to full sovereignty but with a

    dependence upon American economic aid. Haile Selassie continued his lifelong

    struggle with the regional and local aristocracies for centralization of power, a

    struggle that ultimately he lost. But internationally Haile Selassie was a revered

    figure of courage and shrewdness. As new African leaders such as Kwame Nkrumah

    of Ghana began to speak for Africa Haile Selassie did so as well.

    Probably the strangest episode in Haile Selassie's life was the emergence of a

    religious movement of the RasTafarians in Jamaica that was named for him and

    made him as a descendent of Solomon the representative of God on Earth.

    Within Ethiopia however there were those who were impatient with his lack of

    success in breaking the power of the local gentry and his inadequate efforts at

    modernization. This led to the revolution of 1974 in which he lost power and in

    August of 1975 Haile Selassie, Lion of Judah, Elect of God and King of Kings of

    Ethiopia died powerless and was buried secretly. Some Ethiopians believe that

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    Mengistu buried Haile Selassie in his (Mengistu's) own house. Haile Selassie's death

    was the end of an era of not only Ethiopian history but also of world history.

    Land Rights

    The institutional structure of the northern areas which have been under Amharaand Tygrean occupation and control for millenia is quite different from those of the

    south which was conquered only in the late nineteenth century. In the south there

    was an Oromo population under the control of Amhara administrators.

    In the North

    Amhara and Tygrean farmers in the north held ristrights to land. This means that a

    farm family had a right to a share of family clan parcel of land. At some distance a

    man was given the rights to some portion of land by the emperor or one of his

    hierarchy. The descendants of that man inherited not a specific parcel of land but

    instead a right to an allocation of original parcel. The allocation was administered

    by the clan elders.

    Along with the ristrights there weregultrights which meant that the ristright

    holders had to pay a tax, often a portion of the produce, to those who held


    In the South

    The southern areas of Ethiopia are areas inhabited by Oromo people which were

    conquered in the late nineteenth century. The Oromo farmers did not

    have ristrights to the land and largely became tenant farmers. As such they had to

    pay the Amharan and Tygrean owners of the land a rent or a share of their crops

    and also pay a tax to those who held thegultrights to the land. This led to a more

    pervasive demand for land reform in the south than there was in the north.

    The Rolling, Roiling Revolution in Ethiopia, 1974-

    There was an attempted coup d'etatin 1960 while Haile Selassie was out of the

    country on a trip, but it failed. The fourteen years from 1960 to 1974 achieved little

    in the way of reform despite the good intentions of Haile Selassie's regime. In

    January of 1974 army units in the south mutinied in protest of the inadequacy of the

    food and water rations. At the same time the government was raising fuel prices,

    lowering the pay of government employees and reducing support for education. The

    groups adversely affected by the government changes in policy took to the streets in

    protest. With significant elements of the military and the police joining in the

    demand for higher pay there was a great danger of a complete breakdown in public

    order. The Airborne Corps commander, Colonel Alem Zewd, formed a

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    Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, the Police and the Territorial Army

    to maintain order. However the Committee soon started arresting some military

    officers and members of the former government. Strikes were forbidden by the

    Committee. Elements of the old government tried to secure the release of people

    arrested at the orders of the Committee. This led to a confrontation and the

    formation of a new Committee at the end of June 1974 under the leadership of

    Majors Mengistu Haile Mariam and Atnafu Abate. Mengistu was of non-Habesha

    origins, some said he was the descendent of slaves. In a society as caste-conscious as

    Ethiopia this was a significant accusation. But Mengistu as a young officer had the

    cunning and resourcefulness to survive and dominate the revolutionary upheavals.

    Lieutenant Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam in July


    The Committee was commonly called the Derg, meaning the Committee. Mengistuwas chairman and Atnafu vice chairman. Prime ministers continued to be appointed

    but the real power resided in the Derg.

    By July the Derg was in complete control. The original organizer of the Committee,

    Colonel Zewd, fled. By September the Derg formally deposed Haile Selassie and

    placed him under arrest. On September 15th a new council, the Provisional Military

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    Administrative Council (PMAC) was formed with General Aman as chairman.

    General Aman was an Eritrean and major commander of Ethiopian forces during

    the war against Somalia. Aman tried to block the issuance by the Derg of new laws

    mandating capital punishment for political offenses against the Derg.

    Some students and members of the labor union confederation protested the rule ofEthiopia by the military. On October 7th the PMAC arrested its members who

    supported the protesters as well as the protesters themselves. On November 15th

    General Aman and two other members left the PMAC and sought refuge in his own

    home. On November 28th the PMAC killed Aman and his two supporters in a

    shootout at his home. Aman and his supporters were not the only ones to die

    November 28th. Two former prime ministers and Colonel Zewd along with over

    fifty other political prisoners were executed that day, afterwards known as Bloody

    Saturday. Also on that day, Bloody Saturday, a new chairman of the Derg was

    elected, Brigadier General Teferi Banti. Majors Mengistu and Atnafu retained

    power as the first and second vice chairmen of the Derg. As First Vice Chairman,

    Mengistu functioned as the prime minister of the government.

    Less than a month later, on December 20th, the Derg issued a proclamation of

    Ethiopian Socialism. On January 1, 1975 all banks and insurance companies in

    Ethiopia were nationalized. On February 3rd 72 major industrial and commercial

    enterprises were nationalized. The government took majority ownership of 29 other

    enterprises. The government did not take control of retail and wholesale trade nor

    the import and export industries.

    Although there was not necessarily wide support for socialismper se there wasgeneral acknowledgement of a need for land reform. The global experience with

    land reform is that the results are usually disappointing as far as achieving the

    intended results. Nevertheless the Derg on March 4, 1975 declared:

    y The nationalization of all rural landy The abolishment of tenancyy The maximum family farm was to be ten hectares (25 acres)y No one could employ farm labory Peasant cooperatives of 800 hectares would be organizedy The peasants would be in charge of enforcement of the land reform

    The nationalization of rural land was extended to urban land in July of 1975. At the

    same time all apartments and rentable houses were also nationalized. Urban

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    dwellers were to be organized into cooperatives called kebeles The government

    intended these kebeles to have extensive administrative powers but not much came

    of them except that they served the government as execution squads. The kebles

    adopted the practice of other Marxist regimes of making the families of the executed

    pay for the cost of the bullets used in the execution.

    In south there was support for the Derg's land reform because it was the local

    Oromo people who were to benefit from it at the expense of the landlords who were

    largely Amharans and Tigrans from the north. In the north there was much less

    support for land reform and organized resistance broke out.

    In the heartland of the Habesha, the provinces of Gonder, Tigray, Gojam and Welo,

    a grandson of a former emperor organized the Ethiopian Democratic Union.

    The Derg was already experiencing armed opposition in the peripheral territories of

    Eritrea and Ogaden. Eritrea had developed a separate culture from the highlands ofEthiopia in centuries past because it had become predominantly Muslim. Also in the

    nineteenth century Eritrea had come under Italian control. The name Eritrea

    derives from the Latin name for the Red Sea. The people in Eritrea accepted Italian

    control as a lesser evil than control by the highland Christians.

    After living under Italian control for decades before the defeat of Italy in World

    War II the United Nations accepted Haile Helassie's contention that Eritrea was an

    integral part of Ethiopia but specified that the political assimilation of Eritrea into

    Ethiopia was to be a federal union. In practice however the administrators

    appointed from Addis Ababa were Hebesha Christians. The language ofadministration in Eritrea became Amharic rather than Arabic.

    Eventually insurrection broke out under the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF). This

    organization was largely nationalistic although the people in the organization being

    tribalistic in mentality looked upon socialism favorably. Over time as Christian

    leftists joined the ELF the socialist stance became stronger. However the socialism

    of the ELF was not strong enough for some and a separate force called the Eritrean

    People's Liberation Front (EPLF) was formed. The armed struggle against political

    control from Addis Ababa commenced in the early 1960's and by the late 1960's

    major military engagements were occurring. The revolution of 1974 simplyenhanced the sentiment for political separation.

    The southeast area of Ethiopia, the regions known as Ogaden and the Haud, were

    acquired by conquest under the Emperor Menelik II in the late nineteenth century.

    The occupants of those areas are largely Muslim Somalis. When British and Italian

    Somalilands were incorporated into an independent Somaliland in 1960 there was

    immediately disputes with Ethiopia over control and access to those regions. The

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    disputes developed into guerrilla movements within Ethiopia and an outright war

    between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

    Within Ethiopia even among the Marxists there developed opposition to the PMAC

    regime of Mengistu. Some Marxists felt that it was not proper for the military to be

    running the country even if it called itself Marxist-Leninist. In 1975 these anti-Mengistu Marxists formed the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP) and

    in 1976 began opposing the PMAC with urban terrorism.

    With secessionist rebellions in the north and south, a war with Somaliland, and

    urban terror the prospects for Mengistu's PMAC might not have looked promising.

    Mengistu called in the aid of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union provided military

    equipment and directed Castro in Cuba to supply military personnel for the

    fighting. The fact that the Soviet Union had been supporting Somaliland in its

    disputes with Ethiopia did not cause much of a problem in the world of

    international power politics. Ethiopia was a much more valuable plum of a clientstate for the Soviet Union than Somaliland was so its support was transferred to the

    other side. The Soviet and Cuban support then brought military success for

    Mengistu's government.

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    The Chairman of the Derg

    Mengistu Haile Mariam

    When Soviet and Cuban support was withdrawn the internal forces defeated

    Mengistu's regime in 1991. The withdrawal of Soviet military aid was part of the

    same process that led to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

    The core of the effective military opposition to Mengistu's regime was two separatist

    movements. One was the Eritrea separatist movement consisting of the ELF and

    EPLF mentioned previously. The other was the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front

    (TPLF). This separatist movement grew out of the Marxist-Leninist League of

    Tigray headed by Meles Zenawi. There has been an ancient resentment of the

    political domination of Ethiopia by the people of the Shewa Province whichsurrounds Addis Ababa. Tigray had its ethnic origin in an Arabic migration that

    was separate from the one that established Axum. The language of Tigray was

    Semitic but somewhat different from the Amharic language. The Tigrayans

    accepted the Amharic speakers of the north as Habesha but harbored a lingering

    sentiment that Tigrayans had a superior lineage. But the Amharic speakers of the

    Shewa Province were resented as upstarts who were not really pure Habeshan,

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    being mixed with the Oromo. So there was a real nationalistic support in Tigray for

    separation. When the TPLF achieved military successes its leadership encouraged

    the formation of similar regional-ethnic party organizations such as the Oromo

    People's Democratic Front, the Amhara National Democratic Movement, and the

    Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Front. It then created a coalition

    organization for these regional-ethnic party organizations called the Ethiopian

    People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) but the real power remained

    with the TPLF and Meles Zenawi.

    During this era the Derg attempted to counter the insurgency in the north by a

    program of forced resettlement to the south. The public justification for this

    resettlement was to remove agriculturalists from the drought-stricken, land-short

    north to the more amply watered land to the south. The real reason for this

    resettlement was to deprive the rebels in the north of support from the farm

    families. The resettlement was however haphazard and uncoordinated. Sometimes

    the resettlees were simply people the army conscripted from the market places.

    Women would be taken from the market place and sent south without even the

    opportunity to say goodbye to their children. In the south the resettlement camps

    were poorly organized and the resettlees left without the necessary resources to


    When the rebel forces of the EPLF and TPLF surrounded Addis Ababa in 1991 the

    Ethiopian army collapsed as a military force. Mengistu fled to Zimbabwe, one of the

    few countries which would grant him asylum, with a considerable fortune.

    True to the conditions for the cooperation of the EPLF the leadership of the newregime of the EPRDF in Addis Ababa allowed Eritrea to become independent in

    1993. But the defeat of Mengistu's Marxist-Leninist government did not mean

    Ethiopia had abandoned socialism. The EPRDF was ideologically committed to

    Marxist-Leninist socialism but it was desperately in need of foreign aid and the aid-

    givers said, "No democracy, no aid." Meles and the Tigrayan core of the new regime

    moderated their Marxist-Leninism but from time to time it breaks out again. For

    the election of 1995 the regime banned regional-ethnic parties which were not part

    of the EPRDF coalition. In April of 2001 when university students demonstrated for

    academic freedom the regime shot about one hundred.

    When Eritrea achieved de jure independence in 1993 (It had been de

    facto independent for years) the precise border line was not specified. The area of

    western Badme which is ethnically mixed became the bone of contention. As the

    dispute festered Ethiopia expelled Eritreans from Ethiopia and Eritrea expelled

    Ethiopians from Eritrea. About three hundred thousand people from each country

    were displaced with all the entailing hardships of that displacement. Thus the old

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    allies , the independent Eritrean government and the Ethiopian government of

    Meles, fought a war over a sliver of land. Each impoverished government managed

    to find hundreds of millions of dollars to finance armament purchases, tanks from

    Bulgaria and fighter bombers from Russia and the Ukraine.

    The hostilities commenced in February of 1999 and ended only in December of 2000.The United Nations and the Organization of African Unity, among others, did what

    they could to facilitate a ceasefire and peace treaty. When members of the inner

    core of the regime in Addis Ababa objected to the agreement that ended the war

    they were expelled from the regime by Meles, showing where the real power of the

    regime was strongest.

    The Economy of Ethiopia

    During the period of the revolution it is remarkable that Ethiopia had any economy.

    The basic economy was agricultural. Upwards of eighty percent of the population isdirectly or indirectly dependent upon agriculture for their livelihood. Although an

    overwhelming proportion of the population are engaged in agriculture, agricultural

    production accounts for only about 50 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

    Most of the farming (two thirds to three quarters) is for the subsistence of the rural

    population and consists primarily of subsistence crops such as grains and pulses.

    The 1976-77 productions were:


    millions of tons


    Teff* 1.12

    Corn (maize) 0.99

    Barley 0.82

    Sorghum 0.67

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    Wheat 0.56

    Millet 0.20


    Horsebeans 0.33

    Chick-peas 0.11

    Field peas 0.10

    Lentils 0.05

    Haricot beans 0.03

    Other Crops

    Sugarcane 1.12

    Coffee 0.19

    Cotton 0.12

    *Teff is grain native to Ethiopia used in

    making the pancake-like injera

    Teff, wheat and barley are cultivated in the high altitude areas and corn (maize),

    millet and sorghum in the lower altitude areas. Pulses are the primary source of

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    protein in the diet of the rural Ethiopians. In addition to the crops shown above

    there were about 50 thousand tons of various oil seeds grown. Their consumption is

    important for the times when religious observances prohibit the consumption of

    animal fats. Thefalse banana is another crop that provides substantial amounts of

    starches for the Ethiopian diet. The plant does not produce edible bananas but its

    roots provide large amounts of starch.

    A small portion of agricultural production is for export and almost all of this comes

    from the small commercial farms. The most important export crop is coffee. Coffee-

    growing probably originated in Ethiopia. Production levels in the 1970's were in the

    range of 150 to 200 thousand tons per year but only about one half was exported.

    Just as Ethiopian farming is at the mercy of the rainfall so the Ethiopian export

    economy is at the mercy of the international market price of coffee.

    Ethiopia also grows a substantial amount (100 thousand tons per year in the 1970's)

    of cotton and processes it into fabric for clothing.

    Sugarcane production on a commercial scale was developed by Dutch business

    interests after they lost production sites in the formation of Indonesia. Production

    rose to the level of 1.1 million tons per year before the revolution of 1974. The cane

    fields were nationalized after the revolution and the future of the sugarcane

    industry in Ethiopia has been in doubt since then.

    Ethiopia has the largest numbers of livestock of any country in Africa. There are

    large numbers of zebu cattle (26 million in the late 1970's) which are used for draft

    animals in the highlands and provide milk and blood for the sustenance of lowlandnomads. Very little Ethiopian cattle meat is marketed but hides are second only to

    coffee in value for exports. Sheep and goats are the primary source of meat in the

    rural areas. In 1976 there were 40 million of them, primarily in the highlands. At

    that time there were almost seven million horses, donkeys and mules. These were

    used primarily for transportation. Also there were one million camels which were

    also primarily used for transportation.

    Ethiopia has the potential for vastly increased agricultural production but at

    present a relatively small portion of the area of Ethiopia is developed for crop

    production. The distribution of land use is as follows:

    Land Use Category Proportion

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    including fallow12%

    Pasture 60%


    and woodlands8%

    Swamps 5%

    Desertsand wasteland


    In the 1970's irrigated land constituted about 5 percent of total cultivated land and

    less than one percent of the total land area.

    While Ethiopia has approximately 8.8 million hectares (22 million acres) of land

    that is classified as forested most of this, 5.0 million hectares (12.5 million acres) is

    scrub woodland of the drier areas of the plateaus and margins of the deserts.

    Nevertheless the 3.0 million hectares (7.5 million acres) of broadleaf evergreen

    forest of the mid-altitudes and the 0.8 million hectares (2.0 million acres) of higher

    altitude evergreeen coniferous forest are a substantial potential economic resource

    for Ethiopia. Before the revolution of 1974 about half of the forest land was in

    private ownership and the other half owned by the government.

    The potential for development is shown by the high productivity of the eucalyptus

    plantations that were established in the late nineteenth century in the vicinity of

    cities to provide raw material for poles, furniture, tools, fibreboard and particle

    board. These uses are supplied from the relatively small acreage of about 150

    thousand (50 thousand hectares).

    Ethiopia also has some historical interesting forest products such as gum arabic,

    frankincense and myrrh. Gum arabic is still a commercial product in world's

    markets. Frankincense and myrrh were in great demand in ancient times for

    incense in religious ceremonies and as medicines. The forests are also the source of

    fuel for much of the rural population, although cattle dung is an alternate source.

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    Mining of precious metals in Ethiopia is now a relatively small industry, perhaps

    because the deposits were worked out over the century. Gold production is less than

    a ton per year and platinum an insignificant 15 pounds per year. The mining of rock

    Salt in the Denakil Depression in the north coastal area is an important local mining

    operation. Production is on the order of 100,000 tons per year. There are some iron

    ore deposits which could be developed. The governments of Ethiopia over the years

    tried to get foreign companies to develop these ore deposits but the political

    instability of Ethiopia has interfered.

    The effect of the political turmoil of Ethiopia on the functioning of the economy can

    be read in the statistics below on the value of exports in 1978 as compared with

    1974. There was catastrophic declines in the value of exports for most commodities.

    Coffee production did increase substantially and, fortunately for the Ethiopian

    people, the price of coffee went up so much that it offset the collapse of the rest of

    the economy.

    The Value of the Principal Exports of Ethiopia, 1978

    CommodityValue in 1974

    (millions of Birr)

    Value in 1978

    (millions of Birr)

    Coffee 151.9 502.9

    Pulses 101.9 17.3

    Oilseeds 95.9 12.2

    Hides & Skins 47.1 66.3

    Incense 22.7 2.8

    Canned & Frozen Meat 14.6 0.7

  • 8/3/2019 Political and Economic History of Ethiopia


    Live Animals 13.3 1.0

    Fruits & Vegetables 11.8 3.3

    Oilseed cakes 8.6 3.9

    Chat* 5.5 5.8

    Sugar 4.5 0.0

    Spices 3.2 1.9

    Beeswax 2.9 5.3

    Others 60.8 8.1

    Re-exports 8.9 1.3

    *Plant leaves containing a mild stimulant

    similar in effect to caffeine

    Manufacturing plays little role in the economy of Ethiopia.What little

    manufacturing there is is for the domestic market and was largely a result of foreign

    investment. Ethiopians with capital to invest put it into the real estate market. The

    Ethiopian government under the various regimes tried to create manufacturingthrough state enterprises but had the usual lack of success of socialist ventures. The

    Mengistu regime nationalized the major enterprises in 1975 thus converting a weak

    manufacturing sector into a moribund one.


  • 8/3/2019 Political and Economic History of Ethiopia


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