Page 1: Plymouth Motorcycle Club - Committee Guidelines

PLYMOUTH MOTORCYCLE CLUB-COMMITTEE GUIDELINES Rev.3 15 Nov-08 1. Duties of the President. 1.1 To personally represent the club on social occasions and in club business contacts. 1.2 In the absence of the President, their duties shall devolve upon on the Life / Vice-President(s) if one is present. 1.3 To ensure that the clubs aims, objectives and policies are maintained by the Executive committee and the members alike. 1.4 To assist at committee meetings in offering guidance and support to the committee for the business and activities of the club. 1.5 To discuss with the Chairman and vice Chairman and to end the tenure of office any committee member not carrying out their Committee role properly with the aims, objectives and policies in mind. 2. Duties of the Vice Life President(s). 2.1 To perform the duties of the club President in their absence. 2.2 To offer guidance and support to the President on issues regarding club aims, objectives and policies. 3. Duties of the Chairman. 3.1 To chair all General and Executive committee meetings of the club during the membership year. 3.2 In the absence of the Chairman, their duties shall devolve upon the Vice-Chairman. 3.3 To ensure that all General and committee meetings are held in a proper manner and focusing on club aims, objectives and policies. 4. Duties of the Vice-Chairman. 4.1 To perform the duties of the Chairman in their absence. 4.2 To offer guidance and support to the Chairman on issues regarding club business and policy issues. 5. Duties of the General Secretary. 5.1 To keep a true and correct record (minutes) of business at General and committee meetings. 5.2 To handle all official club business correspondence, under the guidance of the Executive committee. 5.3 To carry out all instructions of the General or committee meetings, and any other secretarial duties relating to their office. 5.4 To appoint another committee members to take minutes in their absence with the approval of the Executive committee. 6 Duties of the Treasurer 6.1 To keep a record of and oversee all financial transaction matters of the club. 6.2 To record and maintain a listing of all club assets purchased during their tenure of office. 6.3 To record and maintain a detailed account of all monies received and paid out during their tenure of office. 6.4 To prepare a detailed balance sheet of club financial accounts for ALL Executive committee and General Meetings. 6.5 Where possible to bank ALL monies into the club’s authorised bank accounts within ten (10) working days of receipt thereof. 7. Duties of the Products Officer. 7.1 To purchase and sell club merchandise to club members at the agreed item price set but the Executive committee 7.2 To present a club merchandise stock report at all Executive committee meetings and for listing club assets at General Meetings. 7.3 To ensure all receipts/invoices received in lieu of club merchandise are passed to the Treasurer within three (3) working days of receipt thereof. 7.4 To organise the regular club fund raising raffles, all money raised on the day to be passed to the Treasurer for receipt and banking. 8. Duties of the membership secretary. 8.1 To ensure all club members personal details are not released into the public domain. 8.2 To present a membership status report at all Executive committee and General Meetings. 8.3 To appoint two other regular club members to carry membership forms on ride-outs. 8.4 To issue a club membership card to all paid-up members, which states the date of membership renewal. 8.5 To record and maintain a membership register of all paid-up and life-members personal contact details during their tenure of office. 9. Duties of the Social Secretary. 9.1 To present a club social event status report on past and planned events at all Executive committee and General Meetings. 9.2 Shall be responsible for the calendar of all club Social events during the membership year. 9.3 To actively partake in all social events and to liaise with club charity organizers. 9.4 Shall be responsible for the setting up and dismantling of the club stall at all club and charity events. 9.5 Is empowered under the guidance of the Executive committee to delegate within the club membership for additional support and resources to assist with club/charity social events. 9.6 Shall be responsible for appointing other committee members to cover for their own absences. 10. Duties of the Ride-out Co-ordinator. 10.1 To ensure that all club and charity ride-outs meet a safe and legal standard. 10.2 To liaise with local road traffic controlling organisations and law enforcement bodies as required. 10.3 To be responsible for emailing ride-out routes to the club website and club forum. 10.4 To offer group riding and road craft training to members who are prepared to actively support club ride-outs as Marshals. 10.5 Shall be responsible for appointing other Committee members with good Rideout experience to cover for their own absences. 11. Duties of the Editor. 11.1 To ensue any matters of a controversial nature for publication have the approval of the Executive committee prior to publication. 11.2 To liaise with the club Social Secretary for the correctness and accuracy of the club newsletter content 11.3 To produce a regular (every month during summer and bi-monthly in winter) club newsletter for circulation to the paid up membership / club traders and official event advertising material with the purpose of promoting the club calendar of events. 12. Duties of Club Committee Members. 12.1 To actively participate in all club activities throughout the membership year thus ensuring feedback from club members is discussed at Executive Committee Meetings. 12.2 To bring to the attention at Executive Committee Meetings any issues that the General membership feels needs to be discussed. 12.3 To actively help other Committee members in their own Committee roles. Acceptance 2009 _________________ _____________________ ___________ Signed Print name Date

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