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May 2015

40p where sold

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Vicar: Revd. Sheila Coughtrey 237 576 or 237 251 Churchwardens: Liz Eccles-Williams 237 237

Richard Clarke 231 559

Messy Church: Lynne Zwink 231 256

Bell Tower Captains: Paul Reekie and Toby Carpenter

Sunday 3 May Fifth Sunday of Easter

8 am NO service

10 am Family Communion

Sunday 10 May Sixth Sunday of Easter 8 am Holy Communion (1662)

10 am NO service

Thursday 14 May Ascension Day

8 pm Holy Communion

Sunday 17 May Seventh Sunday of Easter

10am Sung Eucharist (Traditional)

Sunday 24 May Pentecost

10 am Sung Eucharist

1.30 pm Marriage Service for Hazel Kelly and Gary

Sunday 31 May Trinity Sunday

10 am Sung Eucharist

Monday 4th May Open Day at the Retreat House

Bank Holiday Monday, 10am - 4pm

10th-16th May Christian Aid Week

Do you need a prayer?

Each week we pray for local, national and worldwide events, and for

other needs. If you would like a special prayer for someone you know,

yourself or special events, please contact the Vicar or a Churchwarden.

Services at Holy Trinity Church, May 2015

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Editor and Essex Chronicle Local Correspondent: Mary Horsnell, “Skylarks” (the bungalow behind the Church),

Bury Road, Pleshey, CM3 1HB. tel: 237 283

Sub-Editor: Daniel Kenning, 8 Woolmers Mead, tel. 237 446

e-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer and subscriptions:

Ian Jarrett, 14 Woolmers Mead, CM3 1HH. tel. 237 432

Deadline! All copy must be delivered to the Editor or Sub-Editor no later than the 17th of the month prior to publication. Pleshey Parish News ensures that as far as possible information in the magazine is

correct. Nothing anonymous is published. We cannot accept responsibility for

material from third parties, nor do we endorse any advertised product or service.

Back issues may be obtained from the Church or from the Editor.

Brought to you by our steadfast distribution team: Debbie Grant, Mary Horsnell, Peter Horsnell, Anne Manning, Linda Murrell, Robin

North, Pat Reekie, Jean Sorrell, Ian Tubby, Lynne Zwink.

Cover: Magna Carta photo shoot of organisers on the Mount (Essex Chronicle)

From the archive: Pleshey 600, 1994. Photo after the celebration service.



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A Thought from the Vicar

Our thoughts and days this month will be full of the celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, and our very own rebel Baron, Geoffrey de Mandeville.

We can’t help but be made especially aware of the historical riches we are surrounded by in our locality. This really hit home when we entertained an American woman priest. She was awestruck by the houses, the mount and bridge – the landscape, architecture and history. She probably took at least 1,000 photos in a few days!

We have been reminded of the significance of Pleshey in the launch of the Magna Carta celebrations, the archaeologist showed us artefacts unearthed in the dig on the Mount, we were presented with a facsimile of the Magna Carta and reminded of the part played by the rebel barons and the parishes they were associated with. It all reminded us of Pleshey’s place in history and wider key moments in the life our nation. I expect, like me you have also been interested by the story and work surrounding the laying to rest of the remains of King Richard the Third in Leicester.

The stories which surround such events, places, objects and people fascinate and inspire us. Reflecting on these kinds of things force us to ask questions about our heritage, life as it is today and our future.

Our church is a place which historically has born witness to God’s love for the world and continues to do so. It is a place of historical significance in our village, but much more, it is a living, growing community of people who are discovering day by day, that the stories of our lives are caught up in the story of salvation. That is worth celebrating. And in the noise and busyness of the Magna Carta celebrations, we might take time to seek God in the tranquillity of our beautiful church, and find the peace, quiet, and serenity we need and long for.

Christian Aid Week 2015 – 10-16 May – Afraid, alone, in pain - be the answer to Loko’s prayer this Christian Aid Week. This Christian Aid Week, you can help transform the lives of women like Loko, who lives in a remote corner of Ethiopia

All good wishes Sheila

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Thank you to everyone in Pleshey for your tremendous support for our Medieval Weekend – we couldn’t stage such a spectacular event without you!

Please visit our Pleshey Magna Carta website at where you will find lots of information on the Medieval Weekend such as who will be there, what they will be doing, the history of our rebel baron, Geoffrey de Mandeville and of course, Magna Carta.

You can also keep up to date with our latest news and photos on facebook at It would help us to publicise the Medieval Weekend if you could ‘like’ and share this facebook page with your friends. Check out the pictures taken at the photo shoots arranged for local newspapers – they are amazing!

Call to those of you who are sewing bunting: Please return your bunting to Sharon at the Leather Bottle as soon as you have finished. Thank you!

Pleshey Magna Carta tankards: Don’t forget if you want a medieval-style, fully functional, hand-tooled leather Pleshey Magna Carta tankard (available in one pint size at £25 or half pint size at £20), let Kate or the Leather Bottle know before the Medieval Weekend.

Dress: Medieval – if you can! Prizes for best costume each day.

Rotas - If you are able to help on either or both days please let Kate know ASAP.

Photos - please send by 17th May for souvenir edition of the magazine.

Tickets are available from:- Kate on 01245-237549 email: [email protected] The Leather Bottle, Pleshey Cairnsworths, Little Waltham Little Waltham Primary School The Snug cafe, High Easter Walthambury Stores, Great Waltham

Daily Ticket prices: Adults:£10, Children (5-18 years):£5, Under 5s:free Family ticket (2 adults & 2 children): £25.

See you all there!

Magna Carta Medieval Weekend 9th & 10th May

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Jenny’s Jottings

Life is never dull living in Woolmers Mead. There's always something going on. One evening just at the end of March we were looking out of the window when we saw a few neighbours chatting, now that is not unusual, but they had mobiles / cameras etc. looking at a certain spot. It was then it was revealed to us. A wounded stag trotted down the Mead and holed himself up in a front garden. They pointed out the huge antlers which we could see above a hedge. It sat resting for a while before slipping off into the woodland, apparently all rested and hopefully well… POOR DEER.

Life is full of small surprises and delightful moments, treasure each and every one.

It was quite a musical Easter in Pleshey. As well as all of the other events going on. The music was good. I was able to listen to Mondays in my garden, it was very enjoyable. My goodness I sound like I am on the panel of that talent show on TV. It must have taken a lot of time and effort to organise all these things, so I hope that all that attended the events enjoyed themselves. The weather was reasonable as well so here’s a bit fo folklore for you…

He who doffs his coat on a winters day will gladly put it on in May.

I planted some sweet peas in the greenhouse over the holiday period. Rather than straight outside in the soil, as it is a job to predict the weather. I usually ask my gardening mate to make a wigwam for them near the kitchen door. They are nice to look out on while in the kitchen. The flower has improved through the years and one breeder, Henry Eckford, transformed the plant from a minor flower to a queen of annuals. Every July in Wem in Shropshire they host a Sweet Pea festival where a selection of old-fashioned varieties are on show including some of dear old Henry’s.

JUST A THOUGHT… he who plants a garden plants happiness.


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Wednesday 6th May 4-6pm in the Village Hall

Our theme will be Our Community and Pleshey’s very own rebel baron, Geoffrey de Mandeville and his castle, will get more than just a mention! So come along and enjoy, as well as making a sword to go with your costume for Pleshey’s Medieval Weekend three days later!

We are looking forward to seeing our regular Messy Churchers again and making new friends, and if you haven’t tried Messy Church before please come along and join in our fun and supper!


Our Community at Messy Church

Thank You! To everyone who brought lovely cards and gifts, and who visited to welcome and kiss the rosy cheeks of our lovely new baby Anna Kenning.

We have certainly all been very blessed. Thank you!

María José and Daniel, Clara, Adam and Anna

Thank You! To all our friends in the village

We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the lovely cards and gifts we received on the birth of our beautiful baby boy Oliver. We feel very humbled that so many of you took the time to think of us.

Many, Many thanks to you all.

Alison and Stuart May

May Birthdays

1st Sam Tubby

4th Dave Loudfoot

18th Charlotte Jee

26th David Kenning

27th Matthew Salmon

28th Geoff Pearson

30th Alec Letchfield

People celebrating their birthdays this month….

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Three games have been played since my last report the results of which are as follows;

Great Waltham away game Pleshey won 5-2 Broomfield away game Pleshey won 6-2 Braintree Catholics home game Pleshey lost 6-2

A disappointing result against Braintree however they must have some divine intervention on their side. Joking aside they are extremely professional in their approach to carpet bowls and all good players.


Pleshey Carpet Bowls Club

Thank you to all who came to the initial meeting of the Magna Carta Sewing Bee. The design for the Magna Carta Wallhanging was unveiled, methods and techniques discussed and how the project can be shared!

Anne Oates kindly offered to host the next gathering at her home. It will take place on Thursday 21st May 2015 from 10am. The stitching will be all hand done, so threads and fabrics will be provided. But please bring any favourite needles, thimbles, scissors etc, that you may have.

All are welcome, don't worry if you were unable to attend the first meeting. There is no time limit for the completion of the hanging. We are aiming for enjoyment, satisfaction, quality and pride!

Further details from Joan Clarke ([email protected] / 01245 231559)

We were saddened to learn of the death of Pat Bruce who was a member of Pleshey Ladies. She will be remembered for her lovely smile and wise words. We all have our memories of her but the one that I remember most is the hilarious evening she tried to teach Pleshey Ladies about yoga, one of us was very good, but some still have a way to go!

She will be greatly missed and our thoughts are with Ian and the family.

Wendy Driscoll

Pleshey Ladies

Magna Carta Wall Hanging—sewing bee

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Classes are every Monday from 09:45 - 10:30 in the Village Hall. All are welcome, I provide mats and equipment, classes cost £6.

Please contact me for further information: Natalie 07919141320 -

[email protected]

Pleshey Circle

Community Fire Prevention Officer Charlotte Stevens gave a most interesting presentation on safety in the home. As her title implies, prevention is the main issue, only afterwards came detection and escape.

Many fires are caused by microwaves (too high), hobs and toasters left on when a person is distracted. If a fire does occur do not use water or a tea towel, turn off the appliance and get out. At bed time everything switch everything off and close the doors. Names were taken for a free fire alarm and after Charlotte was thanked, birthday cards were distributed and the raffle took place, resulting in: 1-Violet Brinkley, 2 - Jane Smith, 3 - Mary Horsnell.

Before serving tea, Ann received congratulations on becoming a GREAT, GREAT GRANDMOTHER to twins.

The annual general meeting will be held on Monday 11th May at 2pm.

Circle members would like to thank those who serve the tea, wash up, arrange the raffle and to the Pilates group who put out chairs and tables.


The Pleshey Circle were well represented among the packed congregation at Holy Trinity church on 10th April for the funeral of Pat Bruce. She was a very popular member and her infectious

smile is already greatly missed.

Much sympathy is felt for Ian and the family.

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Farming around Pleshey

Rainfall for March : 23.5 (dry)

Being so dry in March has allowed field work to be done in good time. All the oats and peas are drilled and most have emerged very well. The oilseed rape is just starting to flower so the bees will soon be busy there. Time to put some supers on the hives for them to fill with rape honey, a very hard honey requiring quick extraction from the frames which usually need to be warmed to allow the honey to melt and therefore flow in the centrifugal extractor. Other insects which have woken up to spring include the pollen beetles in the rape flowers and thrips( more like a thunderbug) in the peas. Both these insects can cause problems in the emerging crops and some years they have to be chemically controlled. This is one of those years. On the flowering rape crop this should be done early morning or late evening when the bees and other insects are not on the crops.

A lot of nitrogen has been spread on the wheat and rape crops and every year conditions have an effect on when to apply this fertilizer. Ideally one would like to do it little and often but if there is no rain to wash the nutrient in to the soil it can just sit there with no effect on the crop. In dry springs like this the temptation is to put it all on to give it as much chance as possible of being washed into the soil and used by the crops.

The roadsides around the village have been filled with primroses this spring. There are also lovely displays in the woodlands and some field ditches but the Waltham Road and the Great Stone Road do seem to be lacking. A friend and I were wondering whether spray drift was affecting this but we considered that all roads are open to this. Then we wondered whether as these two roads are the busiest in and out of the village if traffic fumes could have something to do with it ?

Further two distressing stories have been in the press lately which about bird population. The Maltese Government is to allow the continuation of shooting of migrating birds for sport on a 49% - 51% referendum vote. Not much fun for the defenceless birds or for those of us who delight in their arrival here each summer. In the Rockies in the USA the new ‘sport’ for the ridiculously wealthy is shooting eagles from helicopters. How low can mankind go ? So if you love birds no holidays in those countries !!

Clive Matthews April 2015

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To Joan and Richard Clarke the proud grandparents of twins Oscar and Harry, born to Rachel and Andrew Clarke on 7th April


To Ann and Fred Manning, who have become proud great-grandparents to twins Zak (4lb 15oz) and Leo (5lb 6oz) , born on 1st February 2015.

Magna Carta Children’s Art Project

As part of the celebrations we will be running 4 art work sessions in the Village Hall, based around King John and Geoffrey de Mandeville. The finished items will be displayed in the Village Hall.

The art sessions during May half term are for Primary School children:

10.30 am to 12.00 midday Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th, Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th May.

Children are welcome to come every day, or just for the sessions they can make. The activities we have planned will be great fun for everyone ... you don’t need to be able to draw!! Children will need to come in suitable clothes as we will be using glue!

As we are buying materials please let us know if your child is coming by Friday 15th May.

Helenmary and David 237385 or [email protected]

Hatfield Broad Oak Flower Festival

Saturday 23, Sunday 24 and Monday 25 May, 2015, 10am-5pm St Mary the Virgin Church, Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex CM22 7HD Free entry, free parking. For details, visit

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Hundred Parishes Society

Easter saw the reopening of many of the area’s smaller attractions. If you haven’t been for a while, do try one of our super small museums at Ashdon, Great Dunmow or Much Hadham or the Fry Art Gallery in Saffron Walden. You will learn much about our heritage at each of them. Please check the Attractions page on our website for opening times or links to their websites.

Until a hundred years ago, there was an active mill in almost every parish – primarily grinding wheat from local fields into flour for the village baker. A few mills are sufficiently well-preserved to open to the public. May 9th - 10th is National Mills Weekend and some of our local mills will be manned by volunteers and welcoming visitors: the watermill at Hinxton and windmills at Ashdon, Finchingfield, Stansted Mountfitchet and Thaxted. For details, please see our website’s What’s On page. May 9 - 10 will also see the start of local Magna Carta anniversary celebrations with a medieval weekend at Pleshey Castle.

Now should be a good time to visit our bluebell woods, for example those at Much Hadham or Quendon & Rickling which have public footpath access.

Before you set off to one of these “attractions”, please review our parish introduction – it may encourage you to look around a little more and will give you ideas for where to eat.

We rely on funding from membership subscriptions to keep our website live and to be able to expand the services we provide. Membership costs only £10 a year for a household, a council or any other organisation. If you are not already a member, please consider joining – the easiest way is to go to our website and select the Membership option.

Ken McDonald Secretary

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Leather Bottle events

Magna Carta - Outside Bar 9th - 10th May We will have two outside bars and delicious

medieval food for the celebrations at the castle.

We’re taking bookings for our next Taster Evenings

May Taster Evening (our third!) 30th May

June Taster Evening 27th June

Please phone 237 291 or call in to talk to Sharon for more details.


The Pleshey Church Building Trust are pleased to present Ian Shaw

here in Pleshey Church on the evening of Friday 5th June.

"One of the contemporary scene’s class acts" The Guardian

Twice named ‘Best Jazz Vocalist’ at the BBC Jazz Awards

Tickets are priced at £17.50 and include a complimentary glass of wine

and canapés. Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start.

Please come and join us to enjoy a great evening of entertainment in our village. Given Ian Shaw’s reputation, tickets will sell fast, so please contact one of the Trustees below to secure yours. John Bloomer, Yew Tree Barn - 01245 231196, or Pam Bloomer,

Richard Clarke, Simon Eccles-Williams, Paul Reekie, or Roger Zwink

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Ride with us and support the High Easter ‘ALWAYS HOPE’

25 miles Charity Bike Ride - Sunday 14th June 2015, 10.00am

Starts and finishes at High Easter Village Hall Tea and cake at Village Hall until 2.30pm. The Chequers, Matching Green, will open at 11.00am for refreshments!

Entry Fee £10 - Cheques made payable to ‘Always Hope’

All money to ‘Always Hope’ Charity supporting Great Ormond Street

Hospital Renal Department

please contact [email protected] to take part

Good people of Pleshey! www.Magna Carta.On-Line !

Announcing the Pleshey medieval website and medieval facebook page!

The medieval website is at:

The medieval facebook page is

Please post help with sales of tickets. The inner bailey of Pleshey is so big we can fit at least 1000 people up there on each of the two days of

the Medieval Weekend – as it was at the Pleshey 600 festival in 1994!

Look out for next week’s Essex Chronicle and see amazing photos of Pleshey folks dressed in medieval costume on the facebook page. With many many thanks,

Lynne, on behalf of the Pleshey Celebrates Magna Carta committee

Little Waltham Gardening Club

The Spring Show this year was during the Easter weekend. Despite the dismal weather we had a good turnout with plenty of exhibits. A large number of villagers came into the hall to laugh at the silly section of photo’s, admire the flowers and enjoy the tea and home made cakes. The next event held by the Gardening Club will be on Wednesday 6th May and is entitled “Clematis: Planting, cultivation & Pruning” by Gerald and Pauline Greenway of Priors wood Clematis Nursery.

All are welcome at 7.30pm at Little Waltham Memorial Hall.

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Pleshey Celebrates

Magna Carta Medieval Weekend

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May

11am – 5pm

Pleshey Castle

To commemorate 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta and Pleshey’s very own rebel baron, Geoffrey de Mandeville, Pleshey is

staging two spectacular days full of history.

Come and witness living history with re-enactments of battle training and combat, experience village life in the 13th century and have a go at archery and building a wattle and daub wall! Laugh with the court jester, hear music from the minstrels and watch in awe at the

falconry display. Food and medieval craft stalls aplenty!

Find out more at

see us on

Tickets are available from:-

Daily Ticket prices: Adults:£10, Children (5-16 years):£5,

Under 5s:free Family ticket (2 adults & 2 children): £25

Tickets available in advance only. No entry on day without tickets

Sorry no dogs except assistance dogs

See you there...

Kate on 01245-237549

[email protected]

The Leather Bottle, Pleshey Cairnsworths, Little Waltham

Little Waltham Primary School

The Snug cafe, High Easter Walthambury Stores,

Gt Waltham

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Retreat House Open Day

4th May 2015

The House, Chapel and Grounds are open from 10:00am until 4:00pm

Sponsored by ‘Friends of Pleshey’

Ploughman’s lunches, light refreshments served all day organised by

the Friends’ of Pleshey.

Local crafts and produce including

cakes and puddings, jewellery, tote bags, meat produce and

many more.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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Lashes By Liz - Semi-permanent Lash Extensions Contact me to book an appointment. 07760414807 E-mail: [email protected]

07738 987 579

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Acreland Green, Pleshey, Essex, CM3 1HP

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Kate Holland MSc, RCST Cranio-sacral Therapist

Headaches? Back Pain? Injuries? Stressed? Unwell? Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a very gentle, yet powerful hands-on treat-

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speed up your own repair process. Please phone me to discuss the suitability of the treatment

for your situation. Evening/ weekend and home visits available.

Telephone: 01245 237549/ 07718 339875

A service designed to save your time and calm your stress on the journey to your big day.

Full Event Planning & Management or simply support sourcing suppliers or venue options

[email protected] Mob: 07760414807

Fizz Events

Page 26: Pleshey parish news 2015 05


Flowers 4 U To Give To Take To Keep

Bespoke flowers for all occasions

Weddings, Celebrations, Sympathy Email: [email protected]

01245 231277 07818 437752 Acreland Green, Pleshey, Essex, CM3 1HP

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Open seven days a week from 11 am to 11 pm

Food served every day:

Monday to Friday 12:00 - 3:00 and 6:00 -10:00 Saturday 12:00 - 3:30 and 6:00 -10:00 Sunday 12:00 - 6:00

Page 32: Pleshey parish news 2015 05

32 Printed by Copybest (Essex) Ltd, Tel 01371 856721

Thur 7th Apr Black + brown bins, food waste, paper + plastics sacks

Thur 14th Apr Black bin, food waste, green box, card sack

Thur 21st Apr Black + brown bins, food waste, paper + plastics sacks

Thur 28th Apr Black bin, food waste, green box, card sack

Recycling Collections: Please put materials out for collection by 7:00 am. If you can’t remember what goes where, look here:

Vicar: The Rev. Sheila Coughtrey: Tel: 01245 237 576

Parish Council: Clerk: Mr. C. Robertshaw: Tel: 01245 362 182 email: [email protected]

Tennis Courts: Phone Katherine for bookings: Tel: 01245 231 515

Village Hall: Phone Annette for bookings: Tel: 01245 237 530

Lt. Waltham Surgery: Tel: 01245 360 253

Broomfield Hospital: Tel: 01245 362 000 NHS non-emergency and out of hours help: Tel: 111

Community Agent (Rural Community Council for Essex): Sally Austin, 07540 720602 , Freephone: 0800 9775858, [email protected]

Police non-emergency number: Tel: 101

Neighbourhood Policing Team: Tel: 07817 454 525

Essex Watch Liaison Officer : Tel: 07970 599923

Mobile Library: at the bus stop by Woolmers Mead.

11:15 - 11:30: Thursday 7th and 21st May

Local Information

Weekdays 07:51 09:00 13:00 16:20 Saturdays 09:40 14:00

Weekdays 12:17 15:42 17:12 Saturdays 13:22 17:04

Departs Chelmsford, Bus Station (bay 9):

Bus Times: Service 52, by Regal Busways, Tel: 01245 249001

Departs Pleshey, Woolmers Mead:

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