Page 1: Please use the CONNECT Card Today’s...3 monthly food/treasure stall 25 NOV 2018 Today’s OT reading (2 Samuel 23:1-7), gives an insight to King David’s thinking as he nears the


Please take this CANDLE and pass it to your friends. Thank you!

W elcome! As we worship God together, we pray that God will minister to you through the Word and Sacrament. If you are a

communicant member of another Christian church, you are invited to share in the Eucharist in today’s combined service at 9.30AM. Sunday Club & Youth Group is in recess during the 9.30AM service. Please use the CONNECT Card if you have questions about the Christian faith & join us for refreshments in the church hall after today’s worship services. ☺

Christ the King Sunday &

Annual Meeting

this week! TODAY

9.30AM Family Communion with children’s church & Christmas Choir (after 9.30AM service) ANNUAL MEETING & VISION SUNDAY

26 November Monday

Playgroup [10AM to 12noon in the Church Hall]

28 November Wednesday

CARE Group [10AM - residence of John DeLosa]

29 November Thursday

Prayer Time [6.45PM] CARE Group [7.30PM - Vicarage]

30 November Friday

Church office open [10AM to 12 noon] Putting up Christmas Tree [from 4PM]

01 December Saturday

Parish Council Planning Day [10AM to 2PM Vicarage] Jumbunna Clergy gathering [3PM to 5PM - GWAC]


8AM Holy Communion (trad.) 10AM Family Communion with children’s church & P Council commissioning, Christmas Choir (after 10AM service) 3 monthly food/treasure stall

25 NOV 2018

Today’s OT reading (2 Samuel

23:1-7), gives an insight to King David’s thinking as he nears the end of his life. In the beginning of 2 Samuel 23,

David recalls who he is at many different levels. In order of sequence, he is a son of Jesse, he is a man exalted by God, he is a man anointed by the God of Jacob, and he is a poet (v1)! The fact that he recognises that he had been blessed by God in many ways is significant and commendable. It is a useful practice to regularly reflect on who we are as

individuals, as family and as a community. Irrespective of which scenario we consider, we should ideally recognise that we are disciples of Jesus Christ. This regular practice of self examination will enable us to realise whether we are on ‘track’ as God intended us to be or whether we have ‘drifted away’ from our primary purpose, i.e. being disciples of Jesus Christ. Have we become better disciples of Christ since the last

annual meeting, or have we declined in our levels of commitment? Are we a community that is fully committed to “renew, revive and reach-out?” Is our life here and beyond founded on our values of “Scripture, Worship, Prayer, Fellowship & Mission?” Are we a people who are fully committed to the mission of “bringing the gospel of Christ to the community and the world?” As we come together today for our annual meeting, what

words would we use to describe us as people of this community? As David continues in his reflection he writes “If my house

were not right with God, surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part; …” (v5). In this statement, David introduces the phrase “right with

God” to describe his house. It’s a very thought-provoking phrase to consider in our own context, especially as we continue in Parish Renewal. What differences would we see here when we are transformed to be people who are “being right with God?”

Soli Deo gloria. Santa ☺

PS–On Sunday, we will be farewelling the McKenry Family during our 9.30AM worship service. Please come to pray

Please check out our new website

and let others know. ☺

“being right with God”

for them & wish them well as they move to begin another chapter in ministry in a different place. Santa ☺

Page 2: Please use the CONNECT Card Today’s...3 monthly food/treasure stall 25 NOV 2018 Today’s OT reading (2 Samuel 23:1-7), gives an insight to King David’s thinking as he nears the


▪ Praying for our Diocese the worldwide Anglican Communion:- The Lusitanian Church, Portugal (Bp Jorge Pina Cabral); Diocese of Bunbury (Bp Ian Coutts, Clergy & People); Mission to Seafarers (Malcolm Reed, Chair; Onfré Punay, Chaplain); Chinese Mission of the Epiphany Melbourne (Richard Liu); episcopal/ pastoral visits: St Matthew’s Ashburton, St Paul’s Cathedral – multicultural service, Anglican Chinese Mission of the Epiphany (ACME), Melbourne, Altona—Laverton Parish, 130th Anniversary Service; the Archbishop, Bishops, clergy & lay people of Melbourne Diocese in their ministries. ▪ Praying for our link missionaries Chris, Grace

& Micah Adams: “Thank God for your continued support of us through CMS that enables us to continue gospel ministry in TL. Pray that God will continue to work in the hearts and minds of the students encountering God’s Word. Pray that Chris may be healed from the infections that has developed on his elbow and chest.” ▪ Pray for our world/Australia: Please pray for:

justice, peace & reconciliation in all countries affected by conflict, violence, & uncertainty (Middle East, etc), natural disasters; safety and freedom for Aasia Bibi as she continues to be imprisoned despite being found not guilty of blasphemy; new Victorian government. ▪ Pray for our annual meeting (TODAY): God

our Father, you judge your people with wisdom and rule us with love. Give a spirit of understanding to the people of this parish that we may make wise decisions that will give glory to you and be a blessing to your people. We praise You for all leaders who served faithfully last year and we pray for all You have called to lead this parish as a warden or parish councillor or incumbency committee member. May all who have responded to Your call remain faithful in discharging their responsibilities. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. (AAPB)

• Pray for our church & community: Everlasting

God, we praise Your glorious name as You are the Alpha and the Omega and the one who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty (Revelation 1.8). We thank You that once again we gather for our annual meeting and the many blessings You continue to shower upon your people here. As we enter into a year of “being right with God,” teach, guide and transform us. May Your Spirit move powerfully in the hearts and minds of every parishioner to unreservedly contribute our time, talents and treasure. Strengthen and encourage us all, including those who feel tired, so that we will in all unity continue in the path of Parish Renewal. We pray for your wisdom to overcome the challenges that we face as a parish confident that You are always faithful. Prepare us for the approaching Advent season where we begin a new church year and a new year in stewardship. We also pray safety as we undertake the annual Advent Prayer Walk. Prepare us to welcome all who will be returning to church during the Advent/Christmas time. Pour out Your wisdom on all the new wardens and parish councillors as they meet for the annual planning day this week. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. ▪ Faithful God, we praise You for your gifts of

healing, comfort & peace to all known to us including, Alin, Audrey, Cynthia, Dale, Esther, Grenville, Gladys, Harry, Jean, Jean, John, Michael, Ned, Noreen, Oscar, Patrick, Roger, Seelan, Yacoub, Yvonne, Varuni, Chandrani and all who we remember in our hearts. We thank You and rejoice with all who have heard positive news this week concerning their health. We pray for those travelling and those seeking suitable employment including Melville. We continue to pray for God’s comforting presence and peace on all who mourn. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Birthdays: 26 Nov - Brent Farnsworth, Olga Oliver

27 Nov - Yvonne Redlich

28 Nov - Irvine Abel

30 Nov - David Sgarbossa

Please join the parish council as we pray for this parish daily! Monday 3PM Vaughan Tuesday 7AM Prasantha Wednesday 1PM Elise Thursday 6.30AM Cleoni Friday 9AM Brian Saturday 4PM Santa Sunday 4PM Courtney a



h p








Cynthia [9704 9705]; Brian [9791 4496];

Vaughan & Noelle [9546 0353]

Do you have a passion and an undiscovered talent for children’s and/or young people’s ministries?

Our Sunday Club is in URGENT NEED for teachers and teacher assistants. As per parish policy, you will be required to complete a National Police Check, have a valid Working with Children Card and agree

to the Child Safety Code of Conduct. Please speak to Anne Oliver our Sunday Club coordinator.

Page 3: Please use the CONNECT Card Today’s...3 monthly food/treasure stall 25 NOV 2018 Today’s OT reading (2 Samuel 23:1-7), gives an insight to King David’s thinking as he nears the


Thanks to everyone involved at the Big Book Bonanza (17 & 18 November 2018). $500 was raised. Anglican Calendars are available for purchase

from Noelle/Vaughan @ $15 each. Please bring in your Mission Boxes in

November. Enquiries to Beryl/Jo. The Right Reverend Dr Paul Baker (Bishop of

the Jumbunna area & Assistant Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne), will be visiting us on 09 December (Advent 2 - combined service at 9.30AM). Please put this in your calendar and invite your friends to this worship service. Please bring a plate of food to share. New stewardship envelopes for the new

church year have arrived and are in the Narthex for collection. If you wish to have a

set of envelopes, please speak to Garry. Christmas gifts are being

collected for the families and young people (from ages 0-18 years) associated with the Asylum Seekers Dandenong . Please bring your gifts which could be toys, gift vouchers, and/or food items and place them in the box at the entry to the worship area (or under the Christmas Tree). Gifts/toys ideas for the young people could include, arts and crafts, board games, makeup, lego, bikes, perfume/after shave, sports equipment, baby toys/bottles, jewellery, musical instruments, etc. Please do not wrap these gifts.

TODAY’s Bible reading: 2 Samuel 23.1-7; Psalm 132.1-12; Revelation 1.4-8; John 18.33-37 Sentence: “If my house were not right with God, surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part; surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire. (2 Samuel 2.5 NIV) PRAYER for the day: Everlasting God, whose will is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, our Lord and King: grant that the people of earth, now divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his gentle and loving rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

How you can support & participate in our mission! • PRAY and, set aside time to share and use your talents here! • You can share your financial treasure. The easiest & preferred way is by direct

transfer via the ADF (at no cost to you or the church) or weekly envelopes. • Garry or Wardens will provide you with information concerning both systems. All

information provided is confidential. You can also transfer your donations directly to: “St Michael and St Luke Anglican Church: BSB 063249 a/c 10044425”

26 Nov Daniel 3-4; Psalm 81; Revelation 17 27 Nov Ezekiel 33-35; Revelation 18 28 Nov Ezekiel 36-37; Psalm 110; Revelation 19 29 Nov Ezekiel 38-39; Psalm 145; Revelation 20 30 Nov Ezekiel 40-41; Psalm 128; Revelation 21 01 Dec Ezekiel 42-44; Revelation 22 02 Dec Jeremiah 33.14-16; Psalm 25.1-10; 1Thessalonians 3.9-13; Luke 21.25-39

Looking ahead for your calendar! 04 Dec - Eucharist @ Estia Aged Care Dandenong 05 Dec - Mid-Week Eucharist [10AM] 09 Dec - Advent 2 Bishop Paul’s visit [9.30AM] 16 Dec - “What is God doing?” Sunday 16 Dec - Christmas Carols, Nativity & Jesus’ Birthday Party [7PM] 24 Dec - Christmas Eve service [11PM]

Reading the Bible together

During Advent, I encourage ALL of us to take the time to WALK & PRAY for all in our community. You can also pray as you work, drive or shop or even whilst sitting in a café having a coffee.

Please pray: ☺For doors to be opened to proclaim the gospel! ☺That we can proclaim the gospel clearly! ☺For divine wisdom as we approach our neighbours with

the gospel! ☺That we use every opportunity for the gospel!

ADVENT at St Michael & St Luke,

Dandenong — “WATCH, WAIT & ...

2 Dec (Advent … overflow with love!

9 Dec (Advent … pray with joy!

16 Dec (Advent … do not be anxious!

23 Dec (Advent … believe God’s promises!

24/25 Dec - Christmas “A Child is born, a Son is given!”

Advent Prayer Walk

Page 4: Please use the CONNECT Card Today’s...3 monthly food/treasure stall 25 NOV 2018 Today’s OT reading (2 Samuel 23:1-7), gives an insight to King David’s thinking as he nears the


useful contacts ... Ministers: All Parishioners! Vicar: Revd. Santa Packianathan 9792 4925; 9790 6533; 0438 509 669; [email protected] [Santa is out of office on Thursday] Sacristan: Brian Bird [9791 4496] Pastoral Care Coordinator: VACANT-Please call Santa Children’s Ministry: Anne Oliver [9791 3879] Youth Ministry: Elise McKenry [0404 461 517] Play Group: Nadia Abu [0407 050 515] Honorary Licensed Lay Ministers: Brian Bird, John De Losa, Garry Martin, Elise McKenry, Theo Rutgers, John Singh. Church Wardens:

Elise McKenry [0404 461 517]; Vaughan Smith (Warden & Parish CrimCheck Administrator) [9546 0353]; Prasantha Illesinghe [9764 4303]

Council Secretary & Child Safe Officer: Cleoni Loos [9755 7097] Treasurer: Courtney Farnsworth [0409 332 377] Stewardship: Garry Martin [9704 9705] Church Office: VACANT-Please call Santa Hall Hire: Anand Raj [0404 043 536]

who we are! The Anglican Parish of St Michael & St Luke is a part of the

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. We encourage one another to RENEW our relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, to partner with the LORD to REVIVE

God’s church and to REACH OUT to others as the Holy Spirit reveals.

Our Mission: “bring the gospel of Christ to the community and the world”

Our Values: Scripture, Worship, Prayer, Fellowship & Mission






If you would like prayer for any reason, please come to the front after



acknowledgment of traditional owners of the land: We gather on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri and Boonerwrung (or Bunurong) tribes of the Kulin Nation,

and we acknowledge them as the Traditional Owners. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present.

praying for the mission of Anglican parish of St Michael & St Luke: Living God, you have called us to be the Body of Christ. As we “renew, revive, reach out,” may our parish be a sign of hope in this community. May all we do, and all we are becoming, bring praise to your name and draw others to your love. We ask these things in the name of

Jesus, who came to serve and bring us the fullness of life. Amen

Child Protection: 1300 360 391 Kooyoora Ltd: 1800 135 246

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