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St. Louis Section Officers & Directors 2010 – 2011  President Adam Spector St. Louis County Highways & Traffic 121 S. Meramec Ave. St. Louis, MO 63105 Pone: (314) 615‐8594 Fax: (314) 615‐8156 E‐mail: [email protected]  President‐Elect Elise Ibendahl CH2M‐Hill 1034 S. Brentwood Blvd. Suite 2300 St. Louis, MO 63117 Phone: (314) 335‐3022 Fax: (314) 421‐3927 E‐mail: [email protected]  Vice President Steve Randolph Horner & Shifrin, Inc. 5200 Oakland Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110 Phone: (314) 531‐4321 Fax: (314) 531‐6966 E‐mail: [email protected]  Secretary Marc Bacchetti David Mason & Associates 800 S. Vandeventer St. Louis, MO 63110 Phone: (314) 534‐1030 Fax: (314) 534‐1053 E‐mail: [email protected]  Treasurer Shawnna Erter SCI Engineering Inc. 130 Point West Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63301 Phone: (636) 949‐8269 Fax: (636) 447‐4181 E‐mail: [email protected]  Director of Professional Development Mike Buechter Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District 2350 Market St. St. Louis, MO 63103 Phone: (314) 768‐2772 Fax: (314) 768‐6342 E‐mail: [email protected]  Director of Technical Development Lyle Simonton  Past President Nielsen R. Palmer Nielsen Engineering, LLC 7338 Pershing Ave. St. Louis, MO 63130 Phone: (314) 727‐6484 E‐mail: [email protected]Ω  

May 2011 St. Louis Section Newsletter

   Please Join us ASCE May  Luncheon  

   Speaker:  United State Representative Russ Carnahan, Third    District of Missouri  Location:  The Engineers’ Club of St. Louis, 4359 Lindell    Blvd.  Date/Time:  Tuesday, May 10   11:30 Registration / 12:00 Lunch  Cost:  $15 per person, students $5,    unemployed members $5 (checks payable to ASCE)  Reservations:  Call Kurt at the Engineers’ Club for reservations by noon Friday,  May 6th: 314‐533‐9333, or fax: 314‐533‐9336, or email: [email protected].  ASCE is charged for all reserved lunches.  If you’ve signed up and can’t make it, please cancel with Kurt  by Friday before the meeting or we will have to charge you for the meal. 1/2 PDH will be awarded to attendees.  It is the engineers’ responsibility to ensure the subject is relevant for license renewal.  About the Speaker:  Russ Carnahan was born on July 10, 1958 and grew up in Rolla, Missouri. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Administration at the University of Missouri in Columbia. He earned his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Missouri‐Columbia School of Law, where where he met his wife Debra. After marrying in 1984, the Carnahans opened a small law firm together and began raising their two sons, Austin and Andrew. Prior  to  his  election  to  Congress  in  2004,  Carnahan  served  two  terms  in  the  Missouri  House  of Representatives where he was recognized as an outstanding state  lawmaker by the St. Louis RCGA, the Missouri Bar Association and the St. Louis Business Journal. Carnahan  sits  on  the House  Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs.   He  is  the  founding  co‐chair  of  the American Engagement Caucus, a bipartisan panel dedicated to promoting international cooperation as  a  way  to  further  our  national  interests.    Carnahan  has  also  called  for  strict  accounting  of  the rebuilding efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, to protect taxpayer funds and make sure our troops have the resources they need. As  a member of  the Transportation and  Infrastructure Committee,  Carnahan  is  a  champion  for cost‐effective ways to improve transportation. He has authored bipartisan legislation that will bolster economic growth by helping communities keep bus and train  lines running at no additional cost  to taxpayers; and he has spearheaded efforts  to  fund  improvement projects  that are  fixing dangerous roadways. In 2011, Carnahan joined the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.  Carnahan has led the effort to improve services at St. Louis' John Cochran VA Medical Facility, where patients and staff have raised concerns  about  poor  patient  satisfaction  ratings  and  sterilization  problems.  He  is  one  of  only  20 Members  of  Congress  to  receive  a  perfect  A+  rating  from  the  Iraq  and  Afghanistan  Veterans  of America Action Fund. Carnahan  is  the  founder  and  co‐chair  of  the  bi‐partisan  Congressional  High‐Performance  Building Caucus, which promotes policies that increase energy efficiency in buildings.  His bipartisan Federal Buildings  and  Personnel  Training  Act  –  signed  into  law  in  2010  –  will  save  taxpayer  money  and reduce the amount of energy used by the federal government. His Energy Innovation Hub legislation would  help  move  technological  breakthroughs  from  the  research  and  development  phase  to  the market.  


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Upcoming Events  May 4‐6 Practical Mine Ventilation Design and Control Short Course 

May 6 GeoMO Conference2011 


May 16‐20 Missouri Earthquake 2011 

May 23 APWA Golf Tournament 

May 24‐25 Ethica‐Combating Corruption in the Global Engineering and Construction Industry 

June 15‐17 Geotechnical Lab Testing 2011 

Sep 9 2011 ASCE/ASLA Golf Tournament 

Oct 19 Infrastructure Symposium at St. Louis University 


President’s Message By Adam Spector 

 Recently, I attended the ACECMo/MSPE Legislative Day in Jefferson City with our Government Relations Committee Chair, Dennis Boll.  As we met with various state legislators, we repeatedly heard that while there were no bills currently addressing infrastructure needs in Missouri, everyone agreed it was an important issue.  The most significant problem is that of funding.  Nobody seemed willing to even discuss 

infrastructure investment unless money could be cut from another program.  With the state budget as tight as it is, that means nobody was willing to champion an increase in infrastructure spending.  Nationally, the situation is similar.  SAFETEA‐LU expired in September 2009 and a replacement/reauthorization has not been seriously discussed because nobody is willing to champion an increase in infrastructure spending without finding cuts elsewhere in a tight budget.  Meanwhile, our infrastructure continues to crumble.  In the wake of recent storms, two St. Louis County highway overpasses were closed when concrete began falling on the interstates below.  In Poplar Bluff, residents have been evacuated due to levee failures leading to flooding.    Strong leadership and non‐conventional thinking are necessary to solve these problems.  Infrastructure needs a political champion – someone willing to stand up and make the hard choice to spend money to fix problems rather than more followers who simply agree that infrastructure is good, but not as good as spending and tax cuts.  We also need to think outside the box for ways to improve infrastructure.  New funding sources must be found.  Currently, roads and bridges are funded by a gas tax that has not seen an increase since the early 1990’s.  Gas taxes reward inefficient transportation systems and bad driving habits.  Necessary revenue is best generated by gas‐guzzling vehicles sitting in heavy traffic on crumbling pavement under this system.  As drivers are encouraged to drive more fuel efficient vehicles (or non‐gasoline dependent vehicles), the revenue to fix crumbling pavement will disappear.    Spending is the other side of the infrastructure equation.  As engineers, we must ensure that we are spending what little funding we have in the most effective method we can.  In order to garner support for adequate funding, it is important to ensure quality, sustainable design, not simply design as we’ve always done because it’s always worked.  We must strive to ensure we are utilizing state of the art materials and methods to create the best infrastructure with the resources available.  It is becoming increasingly obvious that we, the stewards of infrastructure, cannot continue to rely solely on others for solutions to our crumbling infrastructure.  We must think out of the box for solutions and champion our own causes.  Others will acknowledge the importance of the issues, but what is needed now is action.            Respectfully,           Adam Spector, P.E., M.ASCE  


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Government Relations  Would you like to become an ASCE key contact? It’s a great way to get informed on bills standing before Congress that could impact our profession.  It’s also an easy way to send e‐mails to your representative and senators.  And you won’t be inundated with e‐mails.  You receive a once‐a‐month update on key issues plus occasional alerts on bills that need your influence.  You can sign up for the key contact program at 

Younger Member Newsletter (National ASCE) — Winter Issue  The Committee on Younger Members is pleased to provide this issue which may be accessed at  If you should experience any problems accessing the newsletter, please feel free to contact Nancy Berson at [email protected] or at 703‐295‐6010.  

Take A Survey  We want to increase member interaction and have incorporated a survey.  Please use the link below to take this months survey and each months results will be posted in the next newsletter.  We’re keeping this survey up for a while longer.  Results will be posted when the survey question has changed. 

ASCE’s New Ethics Seminar Coming to St. Louis  Recognizing the importance of Ethics to civil engineers, ASCE is offering its members a discounted registration fee of $695 for a unique two‐day seminar on “Ethicana – Combating Corruption in Global Engineering and Construction Industry.”  Canon 6 in ASCE’s Code of Ethics states that “Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold the honor, integrity, and dignity of the engineering profession and shall act with zero tolerance for bribery, fraud, and corruption.  “ASCE’s unique two‐day seminar on “Ehicana – Combating Corruption in the Global Engineering and Construction Industry” will examine the key issues and strategies in combating bribery, fraud, and corruption and will assist you in your work and in upholding Canon 6 in ASCE’s Code of Ethics.  The dramatic film Ethicana will be viewed and discussed. More than 50 ethical issues in the procurement and production of projects are addressed in the film.  The seminar will feature an interactive discussion of more than 90 questions on the activities depicted in the film as well as materials on organizational rules, guidelines, and policies, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  This special registration fee provides $400 off the regular member registration fee.  This seminar will take place on May 24‐25 in St. Louis.  For additional information or to register, go to‐MGMT#9002011 and enter Promo Code ETHI400 to receive the $400 discount. 


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Honors and Awards

Dr. Philip Gould and Dr. Shamsher Prakash were elected to the grade of Distinguished Member by the ASCE Board of Direction.  In the 159 year history of the Society, 601 members have previously received this honor.  Only 14 members were elected this year.  Distinguished Members were previously referred to as Honorary Members, nine of whom were elected from the St. Louis Section.  The new honorees will be formally recognized in a ceremony at the 141st Annual Civil Engineering Conference on October 20, 2011 in Memphis, TN.  The St. Louis Section is proud to have two honoraries this year and congratulates them both. 


For developing innovative technology for the design and construction of large cooling tower shells, for applying finite element technology to the development of prosthetic heart valves, and for promoting earthquake hazard mitigation worldwide through research, teaching and professional leadership.   



SHAMSHER PRAKASH, PH.D., P.E., DIST.M.ASCE  For pioneering work on liquefaction of fine‐grained soils and seismic analysis of rigid retaining walls, revolutionizing use of geotechnical engineering case histories in professional practice and education, and authoring the first comprehensive text on soil 

Stantec’s Bob Campbell Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the Missouri Water Environment Association

ST. LOUIS, MO (April 11, 2011) NYSE, TSX: STN

Robert J. Campbell, PE, a principal in Stantec’s environmental management practice in St. Louis, Missouri has been recognized with the Golden Fleece Award, the highest recognition for service bestowed by the Missouri Water Environment Association (MWEA).

Campbell’s award recognizes his nearly 40-year career in managing water resources projects and leadership in the MWEA and other professional organizations. Prior to joining Stantec, Campbell served as the Executive Director for the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati. He has also served as Executive Director of the Little Blue Valley Sewer District in Jackson County, Missouri, and as Director of Planning for the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District. At Stantec, Campbell oversees an environmental team involved with design of water resource projects throughout Missouri.

His extensive involvement with the MWEA includes chairmanship of numerous committees as well as a term as President of the organization and service on the Executive Committee for more than eighteen years. At the national level, Campbell has served as a director of the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and is co-author and technical reviewer for manuals of practices addressing areas such as safety and health in wastewater systems and wastewater treatment plant operations. Campbell is also a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a diplomat in the American Academy of Environmental Engineers.

Stantec provides professional consulting services in planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, surveying, environmental sciences, project management, and project economics for infrastructure and facilities projects. We support public and private sector clients in a diverse range of markets in the infrastructure and facilities sector at every stage, from initial concept and financial feasibility to project completion and beyond. Our services are offered through approximately 10,500 employees operating out of more than 160 locations in North America. Stantec trades on the TSX and the NYSE under the symbol STN.


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Free Pizza….Your ASCE Membership is so Much More….. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in September 2010 that the average years of job tenure for workers was 4.4 years and 4.0 years for private sector workers in Professional and Technical services. Those numbers seemed low to me, particularly for an average. However, when I look at my own employment history, I am on my seventh job change since graduating high school and my third since graduating from college. In other words, my average tenure is 3.8 years; I fall below the average number of years of tenure - wow, enlightening! After reflecting on my own experience, I realized this is not so farfetched.

Why am I bringing this up? I had a discussion recently with a colleague and good friend of mine (who is on his fourth engineering job since I met him in 1992), who was debating the merits of renewing his ASCE membership. He chose not to and challenged me to convince him otherwise. Of course, I immediately recited the obvious benefits: ASCE is THE professional society for civil engineers, plus they offer wonderful publications; continuing education opportunities; great webinars; and deals on life insurance, car insurance, and car rental rates. I stopped and thought, while I do enjoy all these benefits, it really isn’t the reason that I renew my membership. It is so much more than that.

I explained to him that ASCE has been the one constant in my continually evolving engineering career - the “hometown” I always return to no matter where my career path takes me. I still have connections with many people I met while a student chapter member, enjoying free pizza at South Dakota State University, many I consider lifelong friends. These are the people whom I consult on professional and career issues; people outside my immediate circle who have experiences and environments slightly, or in some cases greatly, different from mine; and who can provide a fresh perspective. They live all over the country and in other parts of the world.

ASCE has provided me with leadership training since I was fresh out of college, initially through my participation in the Younger Member Group and through my involvement in various committees and officer positions in my local Section, as well as in my current role as a Regional 7 Governor. ASCE has fostered my awareness and participation in service projects. I met engineers who were leaders of their organizations while I was a staff engineer and would not have had that opportunity otherwise. Many people refer to this as “networking opportunities,” but that doesn’t accurately describe the benefit I received. For me, it is more like character and prosperity building opportunities.

So, my good friend said I gave him many things to think about. He called me back the next day and told me he renewed his membership. He said it was an easy decision when he considered all the benefits he received throughout his career through his involvement in ASCE. I was grateful. ASCE membership definitely provides a tangible value. For me, the real impact is imperceptible when looking through the lens of your first years of membership but are so obvious when looking through the lens of 21 years of membership. While my friend’s average tenure of 4.5 years is greater than the average, it still means that during his career, he could change jobs as many as 9 times. We all need a constant in our ever-changing engineering careers. ASCE has been my constant; it’s my professional hometown and sanctuary, the place I can always count on for my career development.



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MSPE/ASCE BBQ   Date: Tuesday, May 10th Location: Riverside Pavilion at Ellis-Porter Park Grant St. at Edwards St., Jefferson City, MO Agenda: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Tour of Command Web (a book printing facility) 7100 One Color Way, Jefferson City, MO

One Color Way is located off of Militia Dr. near the entrance to the National Guard.

• The tour will begin at 4:00pm (additional details will be forthcoming) • The tour will be limited to the first 15 people who RSVP

5:00pm – 6:00pm Happy Hour • Enjoy drinks donated by CMPS

6:00pm – 6:30pm Presentation • Newly elected Jefferson City Mayor Eric Struemph will give a presentation about his

vision for the upcoming years. 6:30pm – 8:00pm Dinner and Social Time Menu:

Barbequed/Grilled Hamburgers and Bratwurst

  Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Chips and Cookies  Any additional side or dessert is welcome

Cost: $10/adult and $3/child 12 and under (if you bring a side or dessert $2 will be taken off of your total cost) Spouses, children, and guests are welcome

Please RSVP by Sunday, May 8th with number attending and your intention to attend the tour of Command Web, to David Bange at [email protected] or




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Career Guidance Forum a Success! 

On March 30, the Younger Member Group (YMG) hosted a “Career Paths in Civil Engineering” discussion forum at the Engineers Club of St. Louis.  The crowd of more than 30 attendees consisted of young engineers, still “green” in their profession, and engineering students from Mizzou, MS&T, SLU, SIU, and SIUe.  The forum speakers were Brooks Brestal (Horner & Shifrin), Marie Collins (MSD), Marsia Geldert‐Murphey (Kaskaskia Engineering Group), and Jonathan Murray (Gonzalez Companies).  Many topics to prepare the students and young engineers were discussed, including emphasis on continued education, professional societies, project management, and public vs. private domain.  This was a great success for the Young Member Group.  Special thanks go to Jordan Pettibone and Todd Archer for organizing the event, and to our speakers and guests for a great night! 


The Committee on Younger Members is seeking nominations for the 2011 Younger Member Employer Recognition Award. Please publicize this announcement in your local newsletter, through your local e-mails, or on your web site so your Younger Members are informed of the program. The Employer Recognition Award was created to recognize employers who support young engineers and assist with their personal development. CYM also awards two Superior Employer Recognition Awards (one public, one private) to the nominees who best display exemplary support of young engineers in their organizations. A list of winning organizations will be submitted for inclusion in a Society publication and in the Younger Member Newsletter. Nominations must be postmarked by August 1, 2011. The nomination form, which describes the award in detail, is attached or available on the web site at 


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Missouri EARTHQUAKE 2011

The earth shakes violently, sandblows shoot sand and water hundreds of feet into the sky, buildings collapse, roads buckle, critical infrastructure is destroyed, over 4,000 people are dead, thousands more are homeless.  Is this Haiti or Japan?  No, it’s a fictional 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.  Coming on the 200‐year anniversary of the Great New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811‐1812, this scenario will be the foundation for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Level Exercise (NLE) 2011.  The exercise will take place from May 16 to May 20, 2011. 

  The exercise will test federal, state and local agencies’ abilities to communicate, coordinate, and execute an effective multi‐jurisdictional response to a national catastrophic event:  a major earthquake in the New Madrid seismic zone.  In addition to federal agencies, many state agencies including the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), MoDOT, the Highway Patrol, the Missouri National Guard, and the Department of Health and Senior Services will be joining local first responders during the 5‐day exercise. 

ASCE members who volunteer with SEMA’s Structural Assessment & Visual Evaluation (SAVE) Coalition will be participating in the NLE 2011.  SAVE consists of volunteer engineers, architects and building inspectors who are trained to evaluate damaged buildings following natural or manmade disasters.  The training consists of an 8‐hour class that describes how to evaluate the types of earthquake induced damage sustained by the most common types of building systems.  Following a Governor‐declared state of emergency, SAVE volunteers can be requested by local governments to inspect damaged structures, mechanical and electrical systems, and geotechnical hazards.  SAVE volunteers are reimbursed for their expenses by the local agency and are protected from liability by state law. 

As part of the NLE 2011, SAVE will test its volunteer activation procedures by performing a practice call down on May 16th.  Teams of SAVE inspectors will deploy to two of SEMA’s State Area Command Centers, one in the St. Louis Area and one in Poplar Bluff, on May 18th.  The teams will inspect simulated damaged buildings and report the results to the local incident commanders and the State Emergency Operations Center in Jefferson City. 

One of the primary goals of the SAVE coalition is to inspect residential structures to assure the inhabitants that the structure will survive a future aftershock and that the structure is safe to reoccupy. Following the Haitian earthquake, many residents were so fearful of aftershocks causing further building collapse that they slept in the streets.  The 1811 earthquakes took place during the Missouri winter.  Unlike on a Caribbean island, sleeping outside without shelter is not an option in a Missouri winter.   

The SAVE Coalition invites engineers from all disciplines to take the free 8‐hour training class and to volunteer with the SAVE Coalition to help our fellow Missourians for up to three days following a major disaster.  If you are interested in learning more about the SAVE Coalition and how you can be a part of it please contact Steve Besemer, SEMA Earthquake Program Manager, at 573‐526‐9232 or visit the SAVE website at . 




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American Public Works Association 3rd Annual Ken Yost Memorial Golf Tournament 

(4 Person Scramble) Monday, May 23, 2011 

Paradise Valley Golf Course 1055 Lochmoor Drive, St. Louis, MO 63049 

11:00 AM Registration and Lunch; 12:00 PM Shotgun Start __________________________________________________________________________ 

COST ‐ $380 per team Includes: • Lunch at the Course • Driving Range Balls • Green Fees/Cart • Beverages on the Course (Soda and Beer) • Closest to Pin and Longest Drive Prizes • Awards Dinner with Trophy Presentation and Attendance Prizes 

___________________________________________________________________________ Please RSVP No Later Than Monday, May 9th 

 Space will be limited to the first 36 teams / 144 golfers 

Last year was a sell‐out – get your payment in early to assure your spot in the event  

Make your check payable to APWA – St. Louis Metro Branch and mail along with this form to: Mike Busch, Oates Associates, 720 Olive, Suite 1660, St. Louis, MO 63101 

 Organization/Team Name _________________________                   Sponsorships & Donations:                                             Contact Person   _________________________________      Golf:  ___ players x $95 ea.  _________   Phone Number                         Mulligans:  $20 / team       _________  Email Address __________________________________      Skins:       $20 / team       _________  Names:    1._______________________________       Hole Sponsor:         $100      _________    

2._______________________________      Lunch Sponsor:       $250     _________           

3._______________________________       Beverage Sponsor:  $250    _________  

4._______________________________      Scholarship Donation:          _________                    TOTAL:      _________  

For further information please contact Mike Busch at 314‐588‐8381, ext. 13, [email protected] 


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2011 Conferences and Training Seminars Great opportunities to earn professional development hours 


June 15-17, 2011 Rolla, Missouri Web:   Improve your knowledge of consolidation, shear strength, and permeability testing principles through Geotechnical Lab Testing. You will also learn the principles and techniques of soils testing, such as proper soil specimen handling and preparation procedures, and the techniques that eliminate and reduce critical testing errors.  More Info 

  GeoMO 2011: Use of Waves for Soil Properties May 6, 2011 Rolla, Missouri Web:

This year’s GeoMO conference will cover stress and electromagnetic waves, and includes a session on professional ethics. Speaker Vincent Drnevich, Ph.D., P.E. of the faculty of Purdue University, is recognized internationally for his research on the engineering properties of soils and concrete, especially as measured by stress wave propagation and electromagnetic wave propagation. More info    

Missouri Concrete Conference April 26-27, 2011 Rolla, Missouri Web: Join us in April for the Missouri Concrete Conference. Our distinguished speakers will discuss numerous topics relevant to the concrete industry. Topics include concrete design, construction and maintenance, quality control and ready mix operations. There will also be a session on MoDOT updates and specification changes. Attendees include contractors, public agencies, consulting engineers, testing labs, aggregate producers, ready mix, cement and admixture suppliers and equipment technical representatives. More info


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Dear ASCE / ASLA Members and Friends,

It is golf tournament time again, and we want to start by saying thank you to those of you who helped make last years

ASCE / ASLA Golf Tournament a great success. We believe this partnership of the American Society of Civil Engineers and

the American Society of Landscape Architects is a natural partnership that has increased the benefits for all who participate,

and provide an enjoyable opportunity for our members and friends to interact outside the office. The change in starting time

initiated last year was a success and allowed attendees more time to complete their round and stay for dinner and socialize.

As a result this will be a permenant change to the tournament.

ASCE-St. Louis and ASLA St. Louis Chapter are committed to educating the youth of the St. Louis community about the

roles of engineers and landscape architects in our lives, and encourage students to pursue these professional careers. The

golf tournaments help support these programs and this will not change. The following is a brief summary of the programs

supported by this tournament for each chapter.

ASCE annually presents scholarships to members of the section student chapters at SIU-Edwardsville, SIU-Carbondale,

University of Missouri - Columbia, and Missouri University of Science and Technology. Section members also participate

in programs such as MATHCOUNTS, Zoom Into Engineering, Future Cities and Building Big as well as volunteering for

classroom visits and career fairs.

ASLA supports the The Jerry Loomis Scholarship in Landscape Architecture, sponsored by the American Society of

Landscape Architects St. Louis Chapter with a portion of the proceeds. Additional proceeds are used to support the chapter

and advance the profession and educate youth to the opportunities presented within landscape architecture.

We want to thank you for your participation and support, and look forward to seeing you at Crystal Springs Quarry Golf Club

on Friday September 9, 2011. A registration form with additional information regarding the tournament and involvement

opportunities is attached. Space is limited so we encourage you to ensure your spot in the tournament now!

If you have any questions please give us a call.


The 2011 Annual ASCE / ASLA Golf Tournament Organization Committee

Matt Harper, ASCE Chris Moon, ASLA Jay Wohlschlaeger, ASLA


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Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Cooperative Ph.D. in Engineering Science   Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE)   SIUE offers the M.S. degree in civil engineering and Ph.D. in engineering science in three focus areas: environmental, structural, and transportation engineering. The programs are designed to meet the educational needs of working engineers as well as traditional students who are interested in focused, advanced study in civil engineering to enhance their opportunities for professional advancement. Our full‐time faculty are supplemented as needed with practicing professional engineers to offer courses that are primarily scheduled in the late afternoon and evening to accommodate working professionals. For further information, please visit us online at or contact the Department of Civil Engineering office at (618) 650‐2533. 

Practical Mine Ventilation Design and Control Short Course Presented by the Western Mining Safety and Health and Translation Center in conjunction with Missouri 

University of Science and Technology May 4‐6, 2011 

 Missouri S&T announces Practical Mine Ventilation Design and Control Short course to be held on campus May 4‐6, 2011. This three‐day course will provide participants with a sufficient background to design and maintain an underground ventilation system. The materials taught apply to most underground situations, including coal, metal, and nonmetal mines, with the emphasis on practical applications. Who Should Attend  This course is designed for ventilation and planning engineers, safety engineers, production; technical and supervisory personnel who need to become proficient or need a refresher course in mine ventilation. For the computer simulation section, experience on the use of computers is helpful but not necessary. Course Director Dr. Jerry  C. Tien, P.E., Associate Professor in Mining Engineering, Missouri S&T Dr. Jerry Tien is a Registered Professional Engineer in Kentucky and has over 36 years of ventilation related work, research, and teaching experience. Before coming to Missouri S&T, Dr. Tien worked for the White Pine Copper Company for two years, Peabody Coal Company as a Ventilation Specialist for 10 years, and for Asian American Coal, Inc., Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, as V.P., Technical Service for 1.5 years. He has accumulated extensive practical experience in ventilation system design, pressure surveys and cost evaluation, for both metal, non‐metal and coal mines.  Fee and Registration  The fee of $995 covers program materials, three luncheons, coffee breaks, and all instructional costs and materials. Advance registration is encouraged. Missouri S&T reserves the right to cancel the course and return all registration fees if the minimum registration is not received. No course refund is payable for cancellation after April 27, 2011. Professional Development Hours (PDHs) Attendees completing this three‐day course will be awarded 24 PDHs. For conference program information please see, or contact Dr. Jerry Tien, Conference Director (573‐341‐4757; [email protected]) and for registration information contact Distance and Continuing Education, 216 Centennial Hall, Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO, 65409‐1560, (573‐341‐4278; [email protected]).  


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Saint Louis University Re‐starts its Civil Engineering Program!   

Dean Manoj Patankar announced in a presentation to the Saint Louis Section of ASCE  that Saint Louis University will resume its Civil Engineering program after almost a 35‐year hiatus! The idea of restarting the CE program came as a culmination of interests and support from multiple constituencies—first, the Institute of Technology alumni who really wanted to see their beloved CE program back on campus, second, the local CE community who wanted a hands‐on engineering program that catered to the local job market, and third, the new student enquiries. “There is a lot of excitement about this new program—administration, faculty, students, alumni, and industry friends—everyone is working hard to see this program succeed. It’s not very often that we get to start a new program like this,” said Dean Patankar. Together, it seems like the time is right for a new CE program for the St. Louis metro region. Of course, the St. Louis Section of the ASCE is delighted to support this program and has already begun discussions related to a student chapter of the ASCE as well as internships at local companies, and adjunct faculty appointments.  

In discussing the distinguishing characteristics of the new program, Dean Patankar said that the program would focus on building two specialties—transportation and green/smart structures. The transportation track would leverage the legendary strength of aerospace engineering and aviation programs at Saint Louis University. The green/smart structures track would engage other academic departments across the campus, including electrical and computer engineering (embedded sensor systems), environmental sciences, and urban planning.   The University plans to hire a dynamic new department chair to lead this program. As the program matures, the University will add faculty. So, whether you are interested in teaching (part‐time or fulltime), providing an internship, or making a donation to start a scholarship, contact the Dean’s Office at 314‐977‐8203. Of course, if you have a youngster interested in exploring a career in Civil Engineering, feel free to visit the campus! Additional information is available online at  

Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering SIU Carbondale (SIUC)  

Effective Spring 2010, practicing engineers or fresh graduates interested in obtaining a non‐research based Master’s degree now have an option to join Master of Engineering (ME) in Civil Engineering Program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The ME in Civil Engineering is a non‐thesis, course only, professional degree designed to provide advanced technical knowledge for professional practice and permits engineers to complete an advanced degree in one year (12 credit hours Fall, 12 credit hours Spring, 6 credit hours Summer). The program provides advanced study in the areas of structural engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, and water resources engineering.  

For graduation, ME students are required to complete thirty semester hours including a 3 credit hour Civil Engineering Project. For  more information, please contact Ms. Laura Anz in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at SIUC by calling (618) 536‐2368 or via email at [email protected]

Master of Science in Civil Engineering UM‐Rolla Engineering Education Center in St. Louis   The Missouri University of Science and Technology‐Engineering Education Center in St. Louis offers M.S. degrees in Aerospace, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Management, Engineering Mechanics and new Internet based M.S. and M.Eng. Degrees in Manufacturing Engineering to working engineers.  The Center started its operations in 1964. Over 2,500 engineers used this excellent opportunity to enhance their knowledge and status. All classes are offered in the evening.  10 classes are needed to acquire a M.S. degree that will affect your entire professional life.  For more information, call (314) 516‐5431 or visit the MST website:  


May Newsletter Page 14 of 14  


Missouri S & T—CE-435 Hydraulic Structures  Location: UMSL campus - EEC Date/Time: Meets Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 8:45 PM, Fall Semester begins August 24 2011 Instructor: Gary T Moore MS, P.E. This course is intended to provide graduate students an opportunity to study gravity, arch, multiple arch, and buttress dams including appurtenances such as spillways, penstocks and gates. Latter part of course is designed to apply design principals and applications to dams, levees, bridges, culverts, river, and harbor structures. Both hand calculations and computer methods for the response of hydraulic structures to design storms will be developed. In addition, it is anticipated that the Taum Sauk reservoir break will be discussed as part of the course. On completion of the course, students should be able to understand and determine the hydraulic functions of several hydraulic structures such as spillways for dams, sizing of culverts and bridge openings, and other river structures. The students should also be able to apply various techniques to design and solve hydraulic sizing of structures, dams, or appurtenances. Students will have a final design project for a hydraulic structure and present the information in a professional setting. Computer applications will employ the use of HEC-RAS for dam break modeling as part of the course work. Other computer or hand computations may be performed for hydrologic determinations for flow rates. For further information regarding enrolling in this or any other graduate courses at the MST Engineering Education Center at UMSL, visit MST's website at  Call (314) 516-5431 or mailto:[email protected] for more information

News Items  Please try to get all announcements for placement in the newsletter to the Newsletter Editor by the 15th of the month prior to publication.  Items may be sent (e‐mail preferred) to: Troy Turner, EIT, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, 2350 Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63103, (314) 335‐2086, [email protected].  Electronic files are preferred and MS Word files are the preferred file type.  Most news items will be available on the Section’s Web Page, which can be reached via the link on ASCE National Website ( Click on “Geographical and International Units” to link to the Section or go directly to our page at:  The Web Page Editor is Jeff Smith e‐mail: [email protected] or via feedback directly from our website. 

For details & updates see our Web Page: Http:// This newsletter will be sent to all Section members via e‐mail. 

Make sure you keep your register information up‐to‐date by contacting the National  ASCE at or call 800‐548‐ASCE (2723)!!! 

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