Page 1: planning- media technologies

How media technologies were used in planning.

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Music Video

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Me and Rachel devised a video talking about the idea's we had for our music video. This was filmed around a few weeks before we had came up with our initial idea for the video therefore most of the idea's in this video will not have been progressed further.  This helped us get our idea's out to others which also lead to feedback from them as to whether the idea's we had were suitable or not.

For this video we used a Canon HD camera, one of the ones used in our filming. After we had filmed we uploaded the video to our computers and went to Premiere Pro to edit the bits out that weren't necessarily needed. After this it was then converted to YouTube and put publicly which enabled us to embed it to our blogs and other resources.

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Before we had chosen our track we had to listen through around 20 songs on SoundCloud, which is a music streaming website. This allows you to listen to which ever track you like for how long you want. This was useful as you could scroll past the songs you didn’t like allowing you to listen to the ones you wanted to. When we had chosen our track we embedded the link onto our blog’s to let people who read our blog know which track we had chosen.

We had then created a shooting schedule to prepare us for when we was going to film this allowed us to stick to this schedule so we knew we would get the filming completed before the deadline. We made the schedule on Microsoft Excel as it is easy to read and use. Once we had done that piece of filming we would tick it off allowing us to not get mixed up with what we have and haven’t done.

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When it came to planning our music video we had taken inspiration from other video’s which we then planned that we would attempt to film similar shots to these. To get the part of the video we wanted I went onto YouTube to find the clips then because I didn’t want the whole video I went on a website called TubeChop which allows you to cut the section of a music video you want.

We also had taken planning seriously that we downloaded the weather forecast from the internet for the days we were meant to go out and film. We thought by doing this it will help us to figure out what the weather will be like when we do actually film so we know what the video will look like.

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Blogger was a main part of planning as that is where I put most information as it was simple and if I was in a rush it would be easy for me to write up what I wanted and publish it. I used blogger to plan the equipment and location, and what our actors looked like. Even though I only mainly used blogger I still made it look effective and better to read rather than writing in big paragraphs.

Also on Microsoft Excel I devised up a risk assessment, telling us all the risks we had. when it came to actually filming. This allowed us to be aware of the dangers which may happen, also like before Excel is very clear to read therefore I thought that would be the best tool to use to explain the risks.

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To aid us with our filming and so we knew which shots to film and the angles of them we devised up a storyboard which we then later made into an anamatic. We drew our storyboard onto Post-It notes and the times that they would come up in the music video we then took picture using the DSLR camera as this camera makes the writing and images come up a lot clearer than the others. Once we had taken the photo’s for the storyboard we had to make an anamatic, which we did on MoviePlus, as this was before we had used Premiere Pro, and we had to put the images on the screen for as long as they lasted in the video. After we had completed that we had to upload it to YouTube to enable us to embed it to our blogs for others to see.

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For our website we used, we found this was a very popular website maker as well as easy. It took us a few attempts to pick the right template and format for our artist as we had to try and get it to be as similar as possible to the genre we was working with. Wix is a free site you can make your own websites on, this is one of many sites which is free therefore this is the one we decided to choose. Wix allows you to choose from a range of different templates and backgrounds, we had to try and choose the one which related well with our artist. As most other artists websites were in black and white we thought to continue with this theme and make ours black and white also. This narrowed it down a lot for us, making it easier for us to choose a template. We used to get across all information about our artist, including information about the video. We also used it for personal use of the artist which let the audience view pictures of the artist and read all about her.

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We planned our whole website on and microsoft word. We copy and pasted the text we had planned on word into text boxes on Wix, this way we knew that we had made no mistakes as we proofread if beforehand.

We also planned through filming video’s for the website. Instead of using lots of text we filmed video’s onto the DSLR, this helped with planning as things that were said on the camera we also wrote in text to make it more clearer and vice versa.

Each day we would plan what we would put onto our website via devising up another schedule on Microsoft Excel. This way it made it easier for us to understand what we have included and what we haven’t.

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Planning for the digipak we ensured that we knew what we wanted our digipak to look like by saving images of other artists digipaks to our H drive, for this we used Google, where we looked up artists in similar genres to ours. Again with planning our digipak I used blogger to write about what we was going to do before going ahead with our digipak.

To allow us to get on with our digipak we had to plan when we was going to do our photo shoot. We had to get a time which both us and the actor could do in the photography studio. To do this we used Facebook and texting to set a date and time which was appropriate for both. This media technology is useful as it allows you to easily communicate with people and helped us a lot when it came to planning.

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