Page 2: Planning Ahead with a Retirement Income Calculator

Planning Ahead with a Retirement Income Calculator

Free retirement calculators abound on various financial sites such as banking and investing or money magazines on the internet. These retirement income calculators are a wonderful tool for individuals or couples to use in determining whether they are saving enough money in order to live comfortably in the future when they retire.

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Social security is not a dependable option for individuals or couples

Social security is not a dependable option for individuals or couples to rely on in retirement as the system is faltering while the age of individuals is rising each year as medicine gets better at curing ailments. In addition, the amount of money gained from social security is not much better than a teenager working his first job, allowing individuals to barely scrape by if they do not have a high mortgage and most other bills are kept at a minimum.

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Savings Plans

Retirement income calculators take into account the amount of money the individual or couple is currently making, the percent raise they get each year, the percent of inflation, and the age the person or couple plans on retiring from their job. In addition to this information, the amount of money that goes into the 401K for that person is also taken into account.

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Once the individual or couple's current rate of savings is taken into consideration

Once the individual or couple's current rate of savings is taken into consideration, the retirement income calculator also asks what the goal is for the income after retirement. The couple should very carefully consider this question, taking into account what the status of mortgages and car payments will be by that time, whether any children will still be in college, and any other large payment considerations that might still be in play by retirement age.

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