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Planet Earth

Planet Earth

Our Home planetEarth is where we liveEarth is made up of water, land, and airIt is the only planet that humans are able to live on70% of the Earth is made of water

Rotation of the EarthThe Earth rotates around the sunIt also rotates on its own axisWe have four different seasons because of the slight angle Earth has on its axisOne orbit around the sun takes about 365 days (1 year)One rotation on Earth axis takes about 24 hours (1 day)

The Earths MoonEarth has its own MoonThe moon is not a planet; it is called a Satellite.The moon rotates around the earthThe moon is much smaller than earthIt takes about 27 days for the moon to complete an orbit around the Earth.The different shapes of the moon are called phases.

The size of EarthIf the sun was the size of your front door, The earth would be about the same size as a nickel.In the same case, Earths moon would be about the size of a green pea.Earth is the fifth largest plant and has a diameter that is about 7928 miles long

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